fry ''y "W"K WF"' A!y OAPirAWOUHKAL, SALEM, OREGON, VKl)XlvSI)AY, NQVEMBKR IB, 1008. posing ut Our orti s J ! ""MHBlw ff 1 STOCKTON THE WHITE CORNER Sale of Rainproof Dress Goods i .1 - ahh rtnnnp nan nfl fmtrA Iaihai .J t . ... It a times, uui miuoo u.. wo .uu.m .uwei ctnu our auamtes deuendabe. Sfwpm mis- omers have told us during the oast week that our regular prices were lower than the I .l nnln nflnoc' Til IP IP fn oiU'ro-ii.. i .. I i. ... ithei swie b aic miiuuo o io iiu ouiunbu io us, as we Know tull well that our eco- omical methods of conducting business and our system of buving for cash dirant fmm he ninufacturer enables us to undersell the ordinary merchant, m li-Vr.-tJ r- J--f7 g i I' J$ffiTl - tJ L y vJl iw '-Vr;aia& ', " IWA-Alf I ..! fc.. -SA'-' k u Ilosing Out Portieres High grade "Art Loom" Por- illcrcs In now patterns. 5.75 values for 91.50 IT 50 values for ijkj.uu 15 00 values for $11.00 116 50 values for $u.r) land a few $18 curtnlnB for $10 pair. Herald Square Umbrellas A new shipment reached tie ISaur' "iluy have tlio now t!lo lundi's, tipped with ster ling dh (till, RLVS UMBRELLAS. , i ; litpniiit of fnncy hnn- 1(1! s W mg t crooks. I He 7.V, .SI. mm $1 .::. Ladies' Neckwear Another lot enmo Saturday. Our 25c specials are equal to or 'Ihmry 50c valuoa and our 15c specials aie equal to 25c values. NECK Itl'ITS, Jyil.ol) tc THE MARKETS iamitmim iiifiiimmM-iiim Read's Rainproof SUITINGS Made by the Old Quaker Weav er, who makes Landsdowno nnd vher poods of merit. $1.50 nnd $1.75 values rcducod to .SI. 'JO. Road's name stamped on tlio goods Is a gunranteo of quality. Read will not sell tlio use of Ills trade-mark to other mills. c02HIul llifw fink Jf Great Reduction in Suits at ran go Wo offer our ontlro stock surprising prices, which from t".00 to !?!.".()(. Some nre reduced throe-fourths, some one-halt and somo ono fourth, etc , etc. that only the facts directed to the JJCE O'NEILL SAYS IContluut'J From Page 1.) I lIAL charge In the complaint upon which Ruef is being tried can lit consldcre! 'in determining the qtiefttlou of the1 to b t ! ,ud In tho court room K"1U or Innonconco of the defendant I tli t Hi . Is to Hi no limit iiliiiHid "nK """ G"MShor. loader of tlio on ih i. i 1 r except the capacity U00HI"K Biiporvlsoni took tho aland fiho. i Attornoy H ham for crose-examlnatlon. Ho had nl- hnson w nnd the court to stlplate rw,u ,u,u ulv wm" hlorj ol Knm Jn It h i. t of Ruafs frloflds "" ri oxmmimuou oy neney nld n((i I the trial buttho court fused to do so", M hn ' -.inning of tho trial, dge Law In- admonished tho Jury it no a n"j was to ho paid to SPOOKS SCARED HER Boston, Maw. Nov. IS.- Nance O'Neill, the California tragedienne In preparing today to leave her mag nificent country home at Tyngbero near here because alio saya Its hall ways and moms are Inhahltod h a famll) of Hwokni. The actrew doolareti emphntlcally 1 he flrRt niinxtlon iiKliml liv Hi nrv Ach wn. at to whothor Gallagher had tl,"t t,,,olr "; '' !" talked with tho now attorney for V"1?, Ul nt,r 'ol " "' tin Moiciillun. Gallagher said that ' "" Ucm so frightened that he hid attended a conforonco of tlQ "h" 1"oW th' ,,,acq' , 01 ,. , .,. .. .., Tho purchasors are tho Slatora of Incident of Friday aftomoon. ,,.,,,".,, , , , , ,,, ;The Norlo Damo noadumy who are ib- ,., ,, ., , , . . . that they had glvon him n copy ofh 8' . . , ,, .., . , Iran- iT-i" he declared Is on- . ' , ,. . . . . , .ported to have paid $15,000 for the T outsUh Mir Issuos In thla trlnl no attempt Is to ho mado hy tho In the c to fix the reflponslhll-! 'for tho ihootlnc of IT&nnv. The I thi: vifiuitrc. se told the Jury that Honoy was ,1nv To) j,m.h Vixt yUxy 0 Saft.,y ft by a nnn named Hans who hnH taken his own life In the coun- flail and that Honey Is out or dun. The Judre admonished tho Jury arrs JEWELERS Signet Rings nng Hug E ODJj s W fee'm 1 1 ' 's vindication in 1 ' - ts Indication In 1 d reason that f ''fara lookot. Tho S Ft! 'itlipnt fhnt hnvoi-o nd a flnr , m ,.po n. ,,, ItS tnifSf 0tr(.Bfilnn Ir. l.o ring hen we pii .. t.,t , ' the best assortment of signet U meana . ..... ttt"ul dn,. . , '""" : et prlres Heduoxl at Home. "Oh, that thU too, too solid flosh would melt!" cry the ladle nowa days n& thoy try to squirm Into a princess frock. How-muoh would tho too genoroiiBly proportlone' dame not glvo up for four Inches less In the walstllno as she compnrM hor.olf with the more fortunate one h u ml rod and twenty-five pound sis ter, ostnte which Is valued at $75,000. Tho house has twonty rooms nnd live bath rooms, and is surroundod hy 250 acres of woodland. OX1-; WKAK SPOT. Most Sal'in People Huve a Weak Part and Too Often ItV the lhuk. Evoryone has n weak spot. Too ofton it's a had ha6k. Twlngee follow every suddeu ; twist. Dull aohlng koops up, day and night. , , Tells you the kldngys need help. I Pu Uanlfaph Ik raallv W 111 Ilf-t Various devlcw are suggtsMl acj, SAN FKANCTSOO MAUIOPrS. San Francisco, Cnl., Nov. 18 Wheat No. 1 California club, per cental, $1.67 1.70; California whlto milling, $1.75 1.80; north- urn Diuestam, $1.72 tt 1.77 M of! S grades wheat, $1.50 1. GO; Reds, l.2Hi.G7tt. Barley Feed barley, $1.40 1.45 common to fnlr, $1.30 01.35; brow ing at San Francisco, nominal at $1.45 1.55; Chevalier, $1.50 1.C0, according to quality. Hggs Por dozen, California fresh, Including casos, extras, 54c; firsts 50 coats; Boconds, 40o; thirds, 28c; storage, California oxtra, 35c; flrstst, 32 c; seconds, 2Gc; East ern storage, oxtra, 28 c; firsts, 27c; seconds, 25c. Butter Por pound, California fresh, extiBj, 32c; firsts, 27Ac; seconus, zac; thirds. 20c; eastern ox tras, 27c: ladles, , extras, 22c; firsts, 21c, pickled, No. 1, 23 &; Btorago, California oxtra, 2G&; packing No. 1, 2114c. Now cheese Per pound, Callforn a Hats, fancy, 13; firsts. 12; sec onds, 11; California Yomng Amer ican, fancy. lGc: firsts. 15c: Eastern Now York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Oro gon flats, fancy, 13 c; do. Youtm America, fancy, 15c; California storago, fancy, flats, 12c; Oregon iinis, rnncy, 43 c. G5c; Salinas Uurhanks, $1.40 1.55; Oregon Uurhanks, $1.15 1.30; sweet potatoes, per pound, 1 lttc. Onions Per sack, 60 00c. Oranges Por box, Valonclns, $3 4; new crop, navolo, $2 3; Tangerines, crates, $1.25. A kiday cure Is what you need Dona's Kidney Pills cure slek kid- great variety. high quality. r ." u this snr in Qii... h?,Z " .K - -" tuiiement. il'.m. hut there are objeotlons tp all of tho 0. Exercising is lian' work and takes up preeiDus time: dieting is distasteful and a real pun Ishmont. and most of the patent rem od'os are dangorous to health. The very host thing for the over fat, whether male or female. Is a simple home receipt: 14 oz. Marmo- la, oz. Fluid Extract Ca cara Aro-j matlc, 3 oz. Peppermint Water, which can he obtained of any drug gist at small cost. will be both sneedy nnd certain This is a harmleis mixture that can POKTLAND MARKETS Grain, Flour Feed, Etc. Portland, Or., Nov. 18. Wheat Club, 91c por bu.; 40-fold, 91c; Flfo, 90c; bluostcm, 95 c; valley, 91c; Red Russian, 88c. narloy Feed, $20.00 por ton; brewing, $27.00. Oats No. 1, whlto, $30 $31 por ton; gray, $29.00 030.00. Mlllstuffs Ilran, $26.50 por ton; middlings, $33; shorts, country $30: city, $30; U. 8. mill chop, $22. Hay Timothy, Wlllamctto valloy $14 per ton; Willamette valloy, ordi nary, $11; castom Orogon, $10.50; 17 50; mixed, $13; clover, $12.50: al'alfa. $14; nlfalma meal, $19. Vegetables and Fruit. ' Fresii fntlt Applos, now G5c$? box; pcachoo, 85c $1.00 por box; pears, $1 ft 1.25 por box; grapes, $1.40 A 1.05 pr crato; local Concords 12 15c pur lxilf hnskot; cntcrji ConcordB,.35c per half baLkot; cran berrlea, $ 1 0.50 (?r 12.50 por barrel; swoot potatoes, l-Vit72ViO pound; potntoo, U0c(i$1.00 por cwt. Dnlrj- and Country Produce. Hutter City croamory. oxtra, 35 h 30c por pound; fancy, 32 35c; atoro, 17 20c. Eggs Orogon icloot, 37 c Eastern. 2732c par dor. Poultry Hons 1213c; spring, 12 13; ducks, old 14 15c; goose, old, 1112o; turkuya. 1718c. Chocso Fancy oronm twins, 15c por pound; full cream triplets, 15c; full cream young Amorlcn, lGc. Veal Extra, 89o por pound, ordinary, 77c; heavy, 5. Pork Fancy, 7c por pound, largo. 5 Gc. Mlscellnncy. Hops Oregon, 1908, choice, 8 8c per lb.; 1907, 34c; 1900, 1 lc. Wool Eastern Orogon, nvcroga boat, 1014c por Hi., according to hrlnkngo; vnlloy, 15lGc. Mohair Choice. 18c per lb. Hides Dry hides, No. 1, 13 15c por lb,; dry kip, No. 1, 13c lb.; dry calfskins, lGc lb.; snltod hldos. G 8c lb.; salted calfskins, 12 13c lb ; L'roun. In loss Portland Itccelptx. Portland. Or.. Nov. 18. Apphm. 1181 bx.; borrioe, 12 bx.: grape. 3GG ert.; melons. 2 crt : rv fruit. 28 orU; lomons. 117 bx.: orahgea. 205 hx.; ornngwi, 1 car, peraliumorm. 10 ibx.; iiomgranates. 10 bx.: pineapples. 23 orU; Tangerlnea, 20 bx. Vegetables Cabbago, 37 ort.: col to nrroet the flesh producing tonden-j oy and keop tho figure trim, Includ-1 Inn avarnlclni. wnllrltlf nml fllAtlfiff ...b .... v..u...n, ........ ..r ""- ... -. py as woll as numerous patontod rente-1 c Uookjloh9 ,, lirInary ,, Salow people rosommewd the rera-jory( t art,; Hrtlchokoe. 21 bx.; cocoa edy- 'iiiiUi, 8 ax.; onrrotH. fO x.; onions, E. B. Gilliam, proprietor of liveo l53 . I)Qtnto(Mi. 002 ax.; potatoes, and feod itable, 832 Water street. j wr; peBBrs, is bx.; potatooa. Salem. Ore., says: "Years of almost 1 8W09l 3 mrg. tomatoea. 80 crt.; vog constant driving aad a fall I had Btablck. 55 ax. vaKotuhlua. 33 drums eral yeart ago affoetod my kidney jumj j,, and I suffered from backache and ( )ry product) Hutter. 51 cs.; lamuioss. o badly at tlmoe that I 8gg8 CH . buttor nn,i eggs, I Car could hardly straighten. Sharp (r)aBiGrnjt choose. 151 os.; cream, pains caughe mo when I arose after -. , .)k .,c , 'sittlntr nnd none of the ramodlos li imi. fiin. 11 i. . .i,. 11 This should ho' . . ... 00(1 A 8hort,lV. ,,, , ,,",,, ." nr 'nui, R 't, . x. a .,.. I . Hmo nftui . ". vn.Mo, uu,., u.u... ...... - ., uiKBii a iOVuU..... ni " -. Ume aK0 , was ndl,Ced to got uoaas flgh g? , . u meals and at bedtime, and results jKdney Pins nt pr. Stpne's drug- 2 ,,; . fr08VeRg, 1 store and I soon obtainea greai re lief. I know of nolghbon wno nave shrimps. &tt s JEWELERS not bring on any stomach troubles. . rinfln' Kldnev Pills and they nor cause the drled-up wrinkled aP-alJ Bak nf tnen, a8 the hen kld- pearanco or ino& wu 9'c take "patent rfducera" to get thin. On the contrary, although It open takes the. fat off at the rate of a pound nday. It Is really very bene ficial to the svstem. cleansing the blood nnd causing the complexion to b cpms fair and beautiful The cot of the three Ingredients Is a mere bngateile, and one may. If tbey p-e-fer gel tr-em tenarately and mix. thsmtog'-ther at home ney medicine thoy h'avo ever used " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doan's and take no other. utcrs, 80 sx bx. Poultry and dressed meats Chick ens, 131 ops.; ducks, 5 ops.; geeso, 5 ops.; turkeys, 10bx.; dressed poultry, 475 lbs.; hogs, dresuod, 10G lbs.; veal, dressed, 48 lbs.; mutton, dress ed, 15 tbs.; meat 2 cars; cpttollne, 1 car. ' Hay and Grain Wheat. 43 gprs: barley, 24 oars; oats, 6 cqrsj hay. 25 cars: bran. 3 cara; ulfalfameal, 2 cars; flour, 8000 ax GJk. EUantl ITORXA.I. .1U Kiod u Kin WfliJ seagM sr& ' . 8" (&ytAWZZ& SAMtM MAKKKT. Loral Wbolowk Market. Eggs 24c, Table Linens For Thanksgiving Owing to a decline In factory prices tho now TAI1LE DAMASK WITH NAPKIN'S TO MATCH, which wo hnvo Just oponod, Is much hotter vnluo than has boon shown slnco Unons advanced In prlco years ago. Your Thanksgiving dinner won't ho comploto without ono of thoso now patterns wo'ro showing. It will pny you to buy your Uncus nt n storo whoro prices are figured on the spot cash basis. Broken Lines in Men's Odd Pants Reduced 20 to 40 Per Cent to closo them out quickly. Wo ncod tho room for our Holiday Goods, which will bo on display about Do cimbor 1. 208 Boys' Knee Pant Suits Just placed on our Bargain Tables nt 20 to 30 por cont reduction; 187 Young Men's Long Pants Suits on our Bargain Tables nt 20 to 50 por cont reduction. 112 Men's Suits On our Ilargaln Tables at 20 to 30 por cont reduction. Don't ovor look these specials if you need anything In tho clothing lino. t jQ Z? . S Cfo ts-& a r &SrSl&4s IQO&S& (2.&Z&arsseJ'. SJ&'ci'.' ?se i WE l NDKUSK'IJ HIMl'liAlt NTOHHS We close every evening except Saurda at 5.30. t)l-il8lllllllll8a4-4---r-r-H-t-rHl Hutter Croamory, 3Gc Hoiib 10c; young chlckous, 10c. Local whoat 87c. Oata 42c. Ilarloy $20.00. Flour Hard wheat, $5; valloy, $4.25. Hay Cheat, $12; olovor, $10 por ton; timothy, $15; grain hay, tU, Onions $1.25 cwt. Hops 1907 crop, 5 6c. Cascara Hark 2 3c. Mohair 1 80. Retail Market. Outn-Ml.50. Wlu.nt $1.05 Eggs 10c. Buttor Country, 35c; creamery, 40c. Flour Valloy, $1.25 por saqk; hard wheat, $1.45. 11 ran 95c per enck, $31 per ton; chorts, $1.35 por sack. Llveto( k. Stock hogs.-J4.5Q, Clcersi 3 VI u Vn Ir- 5 7 v. v Cows $3 3.50. HEAVIEST RAIN FALL OF YEAR Thp precipitation In this limned! ato viol 11 1 ty last ovenlng was .01, ho lug tho heaviest rain fall continuous ly' for tho present fall of tho yar. Tho Willamette rlvor haH not boon affoetod hy tho shower yet, buo th upper valley rains will no doubt, hnvo a tendency to raise It a few Inches, Tropical Fruit. Rannnas $6.00. ' Orangos $4.00. Illlllllllll MtH-rlH I till' MAnniED INO-SAVAOE At tho homo of tho hrldo's father, li'iorxo 0. HiivaKe, on South t'ottao air-itit, Salm Oregon, Tuesday ovenlng. Norem bor 17, Mlaa Fa Hifte mum uni ted In mnrrlago o .Mr. Art Inn J. Lang of Kan Franrlvco, Itev. P. 8. Knight performluK tho coromony. nl.u U..1..W. Ir. .... itn II. Kit train fur Sau Knuiolsco, whoro they will rualdo. Mr. faiiUjC U lu tho em- VINOL CURES CHRONIC COUGHS, Jiry of th0 D,u,0",, HuhHr c,m COLDS AND BRONCHITIS ' ! . Aftor Othor Rtimodiog Fail "J have liPon troubled with a chronic cold and bionclililH (or a long time and huQ tried maiy ruiiudU's without flnuing rohc. Through the kind sug gestion of a frlbiiu 1 tried Vlnol, and ufter taking four boitUs, am ontiroly cured." A" H. Wll ,e, 733 8th Avenuo, lllimeapoila, Mlun B. McDonald, 147 W. Congress 8t. Paul, Mlnnv writes: "I con traded a eovcro cold last winter and thought I would never gel rid of It. I tried Vlnol an a last resort, and it h&s completely curpd me." Vlnol combines two world-famed tonics, the healing, medicinal proper- T ties of cod liver oil ana tenlc iron, do- laiously palatable and agreeable to (he weakest stomach. For this reason, X V'i.ol is unexreVed as a strength- t Ijilder ViT old peor, delicate eh 1- 2 areu, weak and run-down persons, af- t ter sicklier and for Chronic Coufihs. Colds tr.d lironuiitls. O. W. PUTNAM CO. O 4ritU TCIIIX. UVMu'.MizntKi:i X Graber Bros. S PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will glvo prompt attention ; ; to all orders, guuranteo our work to glvo satisfaction and1 '. ', to be up to the sanitary stend-; ard. WE WILL HE PLEA8KT) TO OIVK KSTIMATKtl ;; ON CONTRACTS Call at our shop on Liberty ! '. street, hack of Darr's Jewelry Storo, Phome 650. ninintmm-t-r-H i