Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 18, 1908, FIRST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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I " k.1 1 i I I I . I
- 1 flJUUUULy .,.
(United Press Leaded Wire.)
Bclllnghnm, Wnsh., Nov. 18.
Rising nt the rnto of ono foot nn
hour, tho Skagit river, nlrendy out
of Its banks, 1ms flooded tho snmll
city of Sodro-Wooloy nnd reports
received hero today say thnt Fir
nnd Sknglt cities nre under-water.
TIiodo two places nre sltunted be
low Mount Vomon, tho county Boat,
whore men nro working like Tro
jans to keep that city from being
swept by tho floods. All tho rlvor
valleys of northwest Washington nro
threatened nnd 35,000 persons live
there. If tho river keeps rising nl
tho present rnto, tho whole Skngit
valley from Scdro-Wooley to the sen,
will soon bo under wnter. The Noon
sneket river In Whatcom county, Is
rising nt nn alarming rate and
spreading ncross the bottom landfe.
The floods oro duo to a warm gale
melting tho snow In the mountains
nnd only freezing wcntlier can stop
Interest in tho Joint mooting of tho
NorthweHt Fruit Growers' ussac'.utkm
is universal throughout this pnit of
tho United Stntes nnd Drltleh Colum
bia. Tho Btato Association holds u
convention in Portland, Tuesdny,
Decombor 1 this Is followed by two
ilayB meeting of tho Northwest Asso
ciation. Convention nnd exhibit will
occupy two floors of tho Woodmon'H
hall, Eleventh nnd Alder Btreotx. A
night BCHBlon will bo hold In tho con
vention room on Tuesday, and a ro
eeptlon will bo tendered to the dele
gates to both conventions on Thurs
day evening, Decombor it, by tho
Pnrllnnd ("Vimmorrlnl Club from S to
11 o'clock. Tho prizes for Mils nhov n,1),os
nro very much the moHt valuable ever
. offered mid nn enormous attondum-o
Ih untlulpated.
Tho Oregon Stato Dnl.'y Associa
tion has been rocogulzod h; tho Agrl
milturul Department at Washington,
D. V., and assurance ts given thnt
govnrumont experts will partlclp.-te
In tlio ((invoutlou nn. Di!i!('!iilui' lOlh
and 11th at Snlom. A rnto of u fnro1 n"n" l'llos
and n third for tho round trip has
bean made from all points In this
In lino with tho general railroad
dovolopmont of this Ninbwiwiorn
country was tho complotloii of the
railroad from Elgin to IQntorprlHo,
which affords nn oasy market for the
Wallowa valley. Tho dual tormlnuH
will bo Jnsoph.
Tho Oregon-Idaho Development
Congress will bo hold nt Vnlo, Mnl
hour county, Dee. 17, IS, 19 nnd tho
most prominent booaton for Oiogon
will bo presont.
CJrcat Portland Apple Show.
Following is promlum list and
rules of tho Orogon Stnlo Hortloul
tuml Socloty show Portlnud, Oregon,
December 1-5, 1908:
Tho Oi-ogon Stato Horticultural
Socloty nnd tho Northwost Fruit
Glowers' Association will hold tholr
annual mooting in Portland, Ducom
bor 1 to 5, Inclusive. Tho rules of
tho Northwost Fruit Growora' Ahso
olatlon prohibit It from giving pre
miums of value ul exhibitions of
fruit hold undor its dlroatlon. Tho
following list of promlums and n:ov
apply thoroforo to tho fruit show of
the Oregon State Horticultural So
ciety, but unlosH spoolal porniltwlon
1o romovo Is obtained, all fruit enter
ed for competition In tho Stato So
oloty will bo hold for ohlbltlou until
tho eloho of tho mooting of tho
Js'ortlnvoHt Fruit Growors' AsfocIii
tlon. This will bo tho greatest hor
ticultural ovont In tho history of tho
Htato, and no fruit-growing district
iu tho etato can nfford to nogleot tho
opportunity. Please road tho rules
cnrofully nnd mako no delay In get
ting ready. Tho value of tho prlzos
to bo awurdod approximate $G00.
Preinliinm Awarded.
No. 1 For best ttvo boxes of np
plos. not less than threo vnrlotlos.
Cash 50,
No. 2 For host flvo boxes of Spit
zonborg npples. Cup'valued nt $G0.
No. 3 For best flvo boxes of Yel
low Newton npples. Cup vnluo $50.
No. 4 For best six boxes npplos,
less thnn four vnrlotlos. SterlingOC
not less thnn four varieties. Sterling
silver, gold lined cup, bonrlng engrav
ing of nn npple, vnluo $50.
No. 5 For best flvo boxes npples
grown in Willamette valley. Mer
chandise value $25.
No. C For best threo boxes of
Dnldwiu npples. Cup, vnluo $25.
No. 7 For best box of Spltzenbcrg
apples, 9Cs or largor. Cup, value
No. 8 For best three boxes of
Northern Spy npples. Cup, value $20.
No. 9. For best box of Spltzon
borg apples smaller than 90s. Cup,
vnluo $20.
No. 10. For best box of Yollow
Newton npples, 88s- or lnrger. Cnp
vnluo $20.
No. 11 For best threo boxen of
Don Davis nnd Dnldwin npplen gioun
In tho Wlllnmotto vnlloy. Cup, vnluo
No. 12 For best box of Arkansas
niack apples. Cup, 'value $20.
No. 13 For best box of Yollow
Newton apples smallor than RSb but
not smallor than 128s. Ono Hurdle
bnrrol sprayer or other morchnndlso,
vnluo $25.
No. 1 1 For best box of Unldwln
Ono Acme hnrrow or ono
sprny pump, vnluo $15.
No. 15 For best box Northorn
Spy apples. Ono goldonwood rocking
chnlr, vnluo $15.
No. 1C For boat box of Ortley np
plos. Cup, vnluo $11 G.
No. 17 For host box of Hod
Cheok apples. Cup, vnluo $15.
No. 18 For host box of W'lntor
Carrlago roba, vnluo
No. 19 For host Winter Nolls
pours. Cup, valuo $15.
No. 20 For Jjost box Conilco
poars. Cup. valuo $15,
No. 21 For best Dos D'AnJou
ponrs. Ono Morris chair, valuo $15.
No. 22 For host bos lien Dals
1 MrrMJk SrVffSSSIH--
c7 tPKV
Hnve you ever considered tho Btorllng worth of a Globo-Wc'rnlcke
"Elntjtlc" Uook case ns being n pnrtloulnrly npproprlnte gift for Thanks
giving. Such a gift represents n compllmont 4o the Intelligence of the
recipient besides being evidence of good Judgment on tho part of the
Tho poislblllty of varied nnd tnsteful nrrnngement of those book units
for bpnutlfylng the home are prnctlcnlly unlimited.
Ono enn mnko u selection In nny flnl h to hnrmonlzo with the furni
ture selected for the hull, tho llbhary or tho don.
These sections enn b: obtained with plain glass, lended glass, or bev
el plnte glnBB doors.
Yo enn nlso purchnse desk, cupbonrd, drawer nnd music
built on -the Bntno G-W "Elnstlc" plan of construction.
Ask for cntalog No. 109 W, or write for Bnmo, Illustrating Hbarry,
den nnd living-room Interiors. Do It now.
npplos. Cup, valuo $10.
No. 23 For best dUpluy of dried
fruit in quart glass jnr., not loss I ban
threo kinds of fruit. (Juu, vnluo $10.
No. 21 For bust ctlapln Oregon
grown unblonchod flnglhm (Persian)
wnlnuts, not loss thnn 10 pounds.
Cup donntod by Oregon Niifiory Co.,
vnluo $25,
No. 25 For best ton ghifis pnrs of
ennnod fruit, to inolndo :il lonat four
kinds of fruit, opon only to tlio wives
or daughtorH of growers. Ono Fair
banks No. 0 Wolglitrluh nlntMim
and scoop Bcnlo, viiJua $15.
No. 2C -For borft two-uuait glass
Jar of dried tniinn unprocessed
prunes. Cup, vnluo' JlO.
No. 27 For host Imv .Iminll.An .,.
pies. Cup, valuo ?lu.
Each prlzo wlnimr will rouelvo two'
ono-qunrt cans of Avuuarliis C'.ubo
(Contiunied from pngo 1.)
satlonal nnnouncemont. Honi who,
was presont smiled with dollght.
When Doni's suit against Prlncoss
Anna to obtain the cusfod of their Iron Is paramount. Two of tho boys t.a sln,e ,,0stirely that tte
immiiu nun i-,tiiru, uniuc ;nuui l Ill V III mill UIIIIUIO 10 gO tO HOIlOOl, contemplated
tsiamuiiuuiiii, uiimiivi ui nm (u ui.'iiim , wuilO 1110 01(1081 IS BO UIOKOU (lOWIl
nppearod ns hor Httorney. Clemen- norvoiiBly that ho drops to sleop at
conn askod the court for time In tho dinner table.
which to familiarize himself and
loam all tho facts but tlio court over-
I ruled his motion for dolay and set tho sponsible for
"Tho unfortunato rroral ntmos
phoro of their mother's homo Is ro-
dlvorc ft
Ii.h' week.
"I have n letter toa UtM
in ntteiulnnco on ho Klti
which ho snjs that he bufetfJ
bidden to acquaint their lifoM
The goodness of everj
thing- else at breakfast de
pends on the coffee.
Your grocer returns jrour money If you don't
like Schllllug's Hot. w pr hlia.
Fow nro entirely free from H.
It may dovelop bo slowly ns to cause
Jittlo if nnydisturbanco during tho wholo
period of .childhood.
It may then produce dyspepsia, cn
farrh, and nmrkel tendency to con
sumption, beforo causing eruptions,
eoroa or Bwellings,
To net entirely rid of it take tho great
In uiusl liquid form or In chocolated tablets t
known as Sartatftbs. 100 dosci fl.
Thoro is n warm tight going on bo
tweon tho frlonds of Chlof of Police
Gibson nnd W. h. Sklpton for cltj
marshal. The Prohibition elements
nro understood to bo lining up for
In tho third ward not much oppo
sition is Bhowing against Stolz for
ro-oiocuon. Ho is considered a
champion of improvemens.
In the fifth ward n hot fight is
waging between Hill, tho Ropubllcnn
nominoo nnd Mlnton. tho Poniin'n.
Soclnllst cnndldnto.
Col. Stockton is running In the sec
ond wnrd ns n business man's candl-
umu on mo peopio's ticket against
Col. Kunoy.
; Standing i
j Offer
! case for trial next Wednesday.
In opposing tho motion, Mnitre
Donnet told of Princess Anna's do
mestic troubles. Ho said:
"I can understand Clomonceau's
tholr condllton and if tj10r trii condition
this case Is adjourned temporarily,
it Is Imporativo thnt tho children bo
ontrustod temporarily to tholr grand
mother. "I shall not enter Into tho details
intorost, but tho Interest of tho chll- In this argument at this tlmo, but I
Evidence to support the ttt
of llonnet Is awaited eijerl;
Paris. Tho statement! tiuei
sntlon In tho court roonuiun
wero on Donl who beiEN I
pliant l
Tlio Finest .Monts
That iUQiioy can buy at Farrlnn
ton's, tho Qrocor m& Marketman.
Dr. Stono's Drug Sttre will
soli nny nrtlclo, any meJIcine, nay
bottle of patent medic ne, any box
or pills or enko of soap, for 2
cents less than any cut-rate, ad
vertised by any drug store In Sa
lem as a Special Monday Sale
This proposition applies to any
special cut rate sale by nny drug
etoro for any day or time.
Our Prices
B corviti&HT bt THI alums
The fact that our-stock is made up of the m
specimens of
iu i . uniin in Urtti V08 W
snuuiu oe SHiiicieiu auiatnuu ivvbi- .
withtmt Muv in nninf of stvle. materials, p
oring and- finish Bishop's fine clottte J
seennri to iinnein fact it efllials the prolW
the exclusive custom tailor in every detail.
Suits $10 to
Overcoats $8 to
Raincoats $12.50 to