AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, gALKH, OBKOOff, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1008. " ' -'' K j. l. Out Our portieres Closing At all time our prices c.aft be found lower and our ciuailites dependable. Several cus tomers have told us durine the oast week that our regular prices were lower than the other store's sale prices, I his is no surprise to us, as we know full well that our eco nomical methods of conducting business and our svstem of buvins for cash direct from the manufacturer enables us to undersell the ordinary merchant, Closing Out Portieres High grndo "Art Loom" Por tieres In now lmttorns. 15.76 vnlucH for ' .$I.BO 7 60 values for -5"5.0 $15 00 vnlui'S for J? 11.00 1G CO values for anil n few $1S curtains for $10 n pair. Herald Square Umbrellas A now shipment rcncliod ub Saurd They have tho now ittli liin'l -, tipped with Btcr ltis ' l . CUM. .ken s OIIIUKIjIjAK. , I iiji'iit of fancy han r dle! ' y CMIgl ITOOK8. I Ho T.lo, Ml.oo nun i.-. itoruH for tho Princess Do E.ignn form Anna uouiil, ciony hat slu want-, a dlvorco. (1 f I'd d. fondant In a Lolpslc, I if: in ui i in. i wtiionlay sliol and idled 11k (li'iK i.ud wounded tho wilding judge Pleaan', sure, easy, saf little (Ivor Vi are De Wllfj Littlo Burly Risers For pale all druggists. n General Manager O'Brlon of the uibVrn P.i.Iflc wm srrostod yo - rdav i'i r rt'and for vIolntliiE a iv c-liimn, by allowing cars to Itand on a street crossing. o How to Trent u Sprain. Sprang, swellings and lameness re prompt y relieved by Chnmbor- mg Liniment. This llnlmont ro- Pes Inflammation nnd soreness bo oat a sprain may be cured In nbout "mini tne time required by tho ua" treatment 25 nnd 50 cents s for Fnlo at Dr. Stono'B drug Kore. Pope Plug V wim iTor.torl hv 70.. 10 peopl- Merdny in commemorn- ru oi it i.eing his 50th nnnlvoranry pwe ne jolt ed tho prlosthood. DeWltt's L.ttlo EnrlT nisors. the fflOUS IPt'e liver nlltB. Rnl,l hv mII Fr0Jglt8 "4rr K niiV. n Kiilnnnmnn wn.i !-! tn hh saloon ln'Port- d l Ha" Dalv. his lnrteniUr. O y ueWlUB Kldnev nnrl Tllnrtdnr 'His are mnnaalod In cases of weuit A- backarhp, inflamatlon of tho ""der, rhputnatlc pains, Antiseptic act prompt'y. Sold by all dru?- mi. -o- "tCailge 111. llnlnto.l n tnnr,tln - folOUS I W li liuurmnn.lni. ., n.w.l- n and ., t..,i.ii. ... . iiii-j . '.ioii Huuuiu were I'lieq b) ft n,ob ftt nnn.nninm,in erda A Hroken Ttnrl.- Thaf nnlr. in .,.. .. . .... o tl!r'Xn mU C,eB or a 8tra,n ,b Wi snoi'T J!L A"1 r,a 0I: UJU Rrt o nd stiff muscles '- kaldi 5,u,nB' futs, burns bruises, kit l ilw,'1 Rches ai,d palnB. You ' dealm, n yoMr houso- So,rt KS JlZm:,n0- hS"8"J Londc uuranc ! daiw dr8r ,:," """ oyed oy ine nnem- PDaWllC ' Carootlred Witch 1 8a1. It la hooKnn Mntlitf. aTZXSSZ" c A " tCu - TLiTiT" tr"ir"m l. JlS89 M 1111 ) HMMiaHHnMIHniHHHMMaW STOCKTON THE WHITE CORNER Ladies' Neckwear Another lot cnnic Saturday. Our 25c specials arc equal to or dinary GOc values and our 15c specials are equal to 2Cc values. NECK ItLTRS, j?.no t( s7.n0 Read's Rainproof SUITINGS Mnde by t Ii Old Quaker Weav er, who makes Landsdowne and Jtltrj- goods of merit. $1.50 and jj 1.715 vnlttos reduced to 81.U0. Head's name stamped on tho goods Is a guarantee of quality. Head will not sell tho use of his trade-mark to other mills. HNMHBHNH SAMttl MARKET. Loonl Wholesale Market. Eggs 1 1c. Ilutter Creamery, 30c lions 10c: young chlckons, 10c I Local wheat S7c. Oats -42c. Rarloy $20.00. Flour Hard wheat. $5; valloy, J4.25. Cheat. $l2;-olover, $10 par ten: timothy. $15; grain hay, $ia. Onlou- $1.25 cwt. Hops 1' 7 crop, STCc. Cason.-.i IU.-K 2 MffZc. Molmli lb. Hcliill Mnrkei. Oats $1.50. $1.05 Eggs 40c. Huttor Country, 35c; croamcry, 40c. Flour 7ally. $1.25 per sack: hnrd wheat, $1.45, Bran 95c per sack, $31 per ton; ehort8, $1.35 per. sack. Livestock, Stoek hogs--M.50. Steors 3'i.t. Voal 5 IS 7 c. Cows $33.50. Tropical Fruits. Dannnns $6.00. Oranges $4.00. TEA Why isn't everything moneyb.ick? Everything: isn't good enough. Your ttottt returni jrntir moner II jou den'l Uk Scbilllm; i Utti. par tilm. Tho State Assoclafon of Wool Men Is convening at Heppner today. Kennedy's Laxative Uough Syrup moves tho bowels gently. Contains VoMfn. It I, nleasant , take ana cniiaren eBpcciauy imu i o, so nearly like maple sugar. Sold b- H druggi-u HAIR DRESSING, FACIAL MASSAGE SHAMPOO AND MANICURE ELM M. COUHI, Professional. My proce83es are acleutlflc and sat isfaction guaranteed. My creams and hair tonics are tested ana inea uy time ana expcricnwv u.v . ,. Room 15, Eldrldge Hotel. Phone P t . B II ' IH Sale of Rainproof Dress Goods 'vQUt' Great Reduction in Suits We offor our ontlro stock at surprising prices, which rnngo from ?.".()( to sin.oo. Some nro reduced three-fourths, some ono-half and somo ono- fourth, etc., etc. MB! ! HERMAN BILLIK AGAIN l SENTENCED TO HANG Chicago, Nov. 17. Herman Hlllllc. convicted of murder for (be allogo.1 polnsonlng of the Vrzal family, made n final appeal for his llfo when pioiouted bofore Judgo Hnrnos to bo sontoncdd tadnv. I '' Tho court nskod tho prlsohor If ho do.lrod to make n tntomont and the famous nocromoncer and Voo.lo doctor tom, nnd almost sorenmoil; "I swoar boforo God that I am Innocont! 1 have tho right to a new trlnl bccaniBo I havo been perjured against! "May God havo mercy on your soul If you nentoncrf :no, nn Innocent man, to dlo on the gallows!" Tho Judgo's face turned whlto as nilllk shouted at Mi. He made no display of feeling, however, nnd pro nounced tho sontenco llxlng Decem ber 11 bb tho day for Dllllk's execu tion. Tho prisoner wna ovorcomo whon he heard ho sentenco and was helped from tho room, being unable to walk. IHUlk will bo lmngod at the same time that a negro murdor or 1b oxt-cuted. A Standing Offer Dr. Stone's Drog Storo will sell any article, anv nioJIclne. any bottle of patent medicine, any box of pills or cako of soap, for 2 cents less than any cut-rate, ad vertlsod by any drug store Jn Sa lem a a Special Monday 8alo. Thla proposition appllea to any special cut rate sale by any drug Etore for any day or time. Compare Our Prices W2JIfflif AIR CURRENTS ; DELAY BALLOON - (United Press Lensed Wire.) Los Angeles, Nov. 17. Drifting Bllontly through a cloudless Bky, the balloon United States, Bccond to start In Dick Ferris transcontinent al race, Is hovering ovor Etlwandn, 45 miles east of here, today await ing a favorable air current to carry It through Cajon Pass,botwcon "the San Bernardino and . Sierra Mndre mountain rangoB, Into the Mojavd desert and thenco eastward toward tho Atlantic seaboard. Aeronauts' Jlcssngc. The following message written by the aeronautB at 9 o'clock this morn ing, was picked up ut'Dloamtngton "Wo have pnsocd around tho valloy In a circle of about 120 miles, four times during tho night. Wb hnvc been 10,000 foot hlghnnd can get nothing but a wind blowing us north ' We cooked breakfast at 7:30 o'clock and feel fine. "Wo nro keeping low to got an eagerly drift. "Wo havo 12 sacks of sand left. "Our present altitude Is 1000 feet. "Signed.) WILD & LEHOYXKZ." CATHOLIC PRIEST ATTACKS SOCIALISM (United Press Leased Wire.) Chicago, .Nov. 17. In n sonsatlon al address boforo tho Catholic Mis sionary congress today, Rev. James Curry mndo an attack on Socialism nnd declared that tho "Bottlement workor" Is largely ro?ponBlb1o for tho social unrcRt of tho present ago bQcaiiRO of his teaching of tho poor. "Ono of tho causes of Uio spread of Socialism today is tho teachings of tho social settlements," d eel a re 1 Hev. Cilrry. "Tho modorn Pharisee Is exompllflod In tho soclnl settle ment of the present dny. Tho first message sent to Hoavcn by tho Phar Isso Was a llbol on his countrymen. Tli Id Ih the platform of tho settle ment workor. "IbiH It wonderful 'that thoso sot tlumentB nro always established In the neighborhood of tenements, omitting cntlroly the rich districts? "Our nottlomcnts sholtor a danger ous typo. Ho Is a natural product of tho socialism of tho Bcttlomout which Ih n rollgton of soclillstlc Bclonce, fellowship nnd nnturallsm into which God Is taken only ns a side Issue. It Is from Ills brother hood tlint the shaggy headed annr chlst and platitudinous roclnllst Is evolved bundles of Incarnate, mis guided theories nnd energies as di rectly harmful as the bombs they manufacture. i n 1 1 n i m i n-nii ii 1 1 ii i DO t v yout powet meds. it I wir 1l -s tr r. H1IHHtH Free Catarrh Bad Bueativ K'Hawfciag and Spitting Quickly Cured Fill Oat Coupon, Below for Large Trial Pack age Mailed Free. Tho almvo llliistratloii plulny Nhows Vflwt n few ilys use of Gauss Ca tarrh HoinCily will do for any Biifferor Catarrh Is not only dnngorous, but It causes bad breath, ulceration, death and decay of bones, loss of thinking nnd reasoning power, kills ambition and onorgy, often onuses loss of nppotllo, tndlgostlon, dyspep sia, raw throat and consumption. It needs nttontlon at onco. Curo It with GniiBB' Catarrh Curo. It is quick, radical, purmnnont cmro, bo cntiso It rids tho system of tho poison ous germs tlint causo catarrh. . In order to provo to nil who nro suffering from this dangerous nnd loathsome dlscaso that Gauss' Ca tarrh Curo will actually curo any enso of catarrh quickly, no mattor how long standing or how bad, I will sond a trlnl pnekago by mall free of all cost. Send us your namo and ad ii 1 1 mi i.i nn mn 1 1 1 n mini mi i mi i li i ii 1 1 1 1 1 nut YOU USE POWER? The Capital Flouting Mills use electric powei They have just ceased to usz ihztt steam plants Better see ts about Portland Raf Lig' Powe m - y. Cute dress today, nnd tho trcntmont will bo sont you by rctmrn mail. Try It! It will positively euro bo that you will bo welcomed Instead of shunned by your friends. C. E. GAUSS, Mar shall, Mich, Fill out coupon bolow. FREE. This coupon Is good for ono trial packago of Causa Comblnod Catarrh Curo, mallod frco in. plain pnekago. Simply (111 in your namo nnd nddroBs on dotted Aos below nnd mall to $. O. K. OAUSS, 1121-1 MAIN Street, Maralinll, Mich. tv 4 si :1 L&7Y?7t-7, 11 W. "" -vi iCWK