rim MEITKK FREIGHT rfc DEPOT FOU SALEM Monday afternoon tno uauroaa llOnail , , tn. amission nu.u .a- "W..V - -; alOIl IS 11BWIIK M to """ , rnlnt tic Improving of tho Rght slpd3 and dopo t .oft he South- I'flClUC 'ui"i""vi ......... k j nr.i innuenuuiu. iu uuuri fTradi an- the comnlnlnnntB nnd making me nni- i1"" it the mater win uu Biiuaiuuiuin- led and mm mu iuuiuuu u- .i.nn.lv linil iilnna 1rnffnil hy nave iu-""j """ ' " a new in.- Kin. uw'y rhe Southern Pnelflc company e a ninrcit on uw iuuiiuuu jum- "SlOll M UU1IU1HB uuuiwuuui uui- 5in!,,ipri on the!" ""llur trnck run- e to tht penltent'nry, and, when mp waH called for henrliiR this tiling, notified the commission it the le irea improvement nuu in made nnd mm uiu-e are now lllitles for loaiiinB live cirs nt n k0 In tcad or iour ns neruioiorc. rhe new inn ne doukb uemiiuueu ;n,o rmnmerclal Travelers' nsso- tlon, whlih contnln 2000 coupons, h good for n nine, iuiu which is for a flat rate of $50, wore put .iIp hv the railroads today In nc- dance with the order of the com- nlon These new uooks uo away ih tho objectionable rebntn fea- p IIIBJ H fc""u " mu ouiuir Pacific, O. it. tc w., uorvnuis & (rn. and on tne uroeon, wnsn- kton and Idaho railroad. How Is Your IVIpcsUon. Mrs. Mary Dowllng of No. 288, 8th San Francisco, rocommonda a nedy for stomnch trouble Sho ft', "uraiiiuue inr ihu wujiuurim M of Electric miters in a caso or ate Indigestion, prompts this testl- fcnlal. I am fully convinced thnt stomach nnd Uvor troubles Elec- : n tiers Is the best romedy on tno fcrket todny." This grent tonic nnd eratlvo mcdlcino invigorates tno item, purifies tho blood nnd is 09pe- llly helpful In nil forms of fomnlo aknesfc. boc nt J. u. rerrya urug re. o miti:k.v-yeah.old girl was kidnaped Medford, Or., Nov 10. Cleo hrjt. n H-ycnr-old 'girl of this was kldnnped on Friday ovon DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 10O. i ,t - ' "I fcA 1 u iu,-xir" virvy EU i l H h mmwmmStZ-' ?,, DO YOU GET TJP WITH A lyAM BACK 7 Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure" to know of the wonderfu. cures made by Dr, i Kilmer's Swamp i Rout, the unnt kid L ney. liver and blml j- der remedy. $. ItistheKrcntmed icnl trituuph of tht iiinetceiitli century J cNg of scientific research uy Dr. Kilmer, the Ctlllllctlt kitlncv mm blndder specialist, ami is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the blndder and Uright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's SvampUoot is not rec ommended for everything but if vou havs kidney, live or bla'dder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It hn9 been tested in so maiiv wnvs. in liosultnl work and in jirivnte practice, nnd has proved so successful ill every case that o special arrangement has been made by which nil readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle scut free by mail, nNoa bock tell ing more nbout Swamp-Itoot.nud how to liiidouttt you Have kidney or bltuldcr trou ble. When writing mention reading this goiicrous offer i u this paper and scud your address to Dr. Kilmer frff"!, & Co., Illughnmtou, BpJlW!i.'S&l N. Y. The regular IS&lWflFiC fifty-cent nnd one-5ajI!sB dollar size bottles arc Home of sunrRoot. sold bv all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Koot, and the address, Illtigliiiuitoii, N Y.. or Bverv IwMle fU J? THE MARKETS onlng to vinit n neighbor, Sho was seized and thrown Into a carriage. Sho remembered nothing more until eho nwokc today in her bod whoro physicians wore working over her. So far tho police aro baffled for a clue na to who her ussallants were. Cold; and Croup In Children. "My Mttlo girl Is subject to coldi " boy has beon provonted ninny times from hnvlng tho croup by tho timely and was returned to hor homo nt ,snys Mrs. Wm. II. Sorlg, No. 41 Fifth 'clock this morning, after all .street, Wheoling, W. Va. "Last wln- rch for her had beon In vain. Tho tor she had a sovoro spoil, and a tor Is In a precarious condition, hnv- rlblo cough, but I cured hor with 1 left liome whoro bIio resides out tho nld of a doctor, and my little . uroJv,"S' '" Ih her grandmother on Friday ov- bv nM rteninrq Oats No. 1, w SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. Slu FranclBco, Cnl., Nov. -14. Wheat No. 1 California chib, per cental, $1.67 1.70; California white milling, $1.75 1.80; north ern bluestem, $1.72 1.77 W; off grades wheat, $1.50 1. CO; Red?, fl.62&QM.67V6. uariey Feed bnrloy, $1.401.4 j i common to fair, $1.30 01.35; brew Ing at San Franchco, nominal .t $1.45 01.55; Chevalier, $1.50.? 1.G0, according to quality. Eggs Per dozen, California fresh. Including ca-cs, extras, 54c; firsts 50 conti; sccomh, 40c; thirds, 28c; storage, California, oxtrn, 34c; flrU', 32c; seconds, 20c; Eastern storage, extra, 27 ViC, firsts.- 27c; seconds, 25c. Butter Per pound, California fresh, oxtrns, 32c; firsts, 27V6c; seconds, 23c; thirds, 20c; eastern ox trns, 27c; ladles, , oxtras, 22c; firsts, 21c; pickled, No. 1, 23; storage California extra, 2G! packing No. 1, 21c. Now cheese Por pound, California flats, fancy, 13; firsts, 12; sec onds 11; Cnllfornl aYoung Amor Now York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Oro gon flats, fancy, 13 c; do. Youtm Amorlcn, fancy, 15c; Cnllfornla lean, fancy, lCc; firsts, 15c; Eastern ntorngo, fancy, flnts 12c; Orogon flats, fancy, 13 c. Potatoes Por contal, Rlvor whlto$ (sack3) fancy, 70085c; poor, &0 C5c; Snllnns Ilurbnnks, $1.40(0)1. GO; GCc; Salines Durbanks, $1.40 01.55; Bwcot potatoes, per pounl, 10 lc. Onions Per sack, 50000c. Oranges Por box, Valonclna, $3.0004.00; nnvols, $2.5003. WOMAN'S BACKACHE I fri mi mi i m 'I Jk I m!w .aiBTJi fe-i - PORTLAND MARKETS Grain, Plour Feed, Etc. Portland. Or.. Nov. 17. Whont- Club, 01c por bu.; 40-fold, 91cj Flfo, 90c; bluostom, 95 c; valley, 91c; Red Russian, 88c. Bnrloy Feed, $20.00 por ton; F. A. KURTZ CASH MARKET 277 N .Commercial Street. WILLAMETTE VALLEY MEAT COMPANY 379 Court Street. OUR MOTTO; Good weight, hone.st prices and courte- ious treatment. HPKCIAL. fancy It. It. of Boof ... .10llo mry porterhouse stonk 1 1 0 1 2 Fancy Sirloin atonic lie Sound steak, tondor, Juley ..10c Shoulder steak ....3 lbs for 25c Hamburg steak, 10c, 3 lbs for 25c rot roast of hoof Gc 7c, 8c Rolling beef 5c, Gc, 7o nup bones nnd soup moats al most nt your own price. SAUSAGE. fVelner sausage 12" W'Ogna sausage 10. 3 lbs for 25c Ilorn made sausage ,.lO012c " r r snucngo ,.lO012c ancy Kriblock Wurst 124c pmburger 10c FANCl COUNTRY KIIiLKi) l'- PORK, TKNDKR HWKHT AXI) JUIOl'. tork hnms 12 c Pork shoulder roast ..lO012c Pork stoak .fancy 12 Pork chops 12 015c Fresh sldo pork 12 c Loin pork ronst 12 015c FANCY OREGON MUTTON Log of mutton 12015c Loin mutton chops ,.12015o Rib chops 12 015c Shouldor chops lO012c Shouldor roast -mutton ...,10c Mutton stow Gc, 7c, 8c ?AXCV FISH AND POULTRY TODAY. REMEMUER THE EARLI- EST CUSTOMKllS GET THE CHOICE. MX BKKP A SPECIAITY, PRICES H 7 S u THAT CANT I1E BEAT, We Undersell Regular Markets cm IUIE WING SANG COMPANY BIG STOCK OF GOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICES e make tin all kin, in iv.nnn .n.i T.ri.n,i,.u Wniuiu iviiito ruifnear. i-.... i., -..- . t...h., i.-.....i ..... . ' Sllks nn'l Dress Goods, Trunks, Matting, China Ware, Etc. N'.ehtwns, salo $1.5 H:;ii v , ... v uppers, sal. $1.25 .. Fancv l rsklrts 92.00 "' w.iuts .?f. rc -1js, tiU r r a v m - ii'i iiiiHrv iik o g' ni . r ,,58nuai., ,; $1.00 10c ibuldery Oi lO 85b .92.7 50c a yard Dress Goods Salo 30c per yard 15c a yard Flannel, salo ,. 10c n yurtl 50c Silk Handkarchlofs sale 155c $2.00 Comforts, sale $1.25 $3.25 Klmonns. salo $2.25 $4.50 Children's Coats salo, $2.75 $1.75 Panta, sale 81.23 $9.50 Overcoats, sale . . ?.oo $6.00 Wool Blannets. wle 81-00 hlto, $300 $31 por ton; gray, $29.00030.00. MIllRtuffs Dran, $20.50 por ton; middlings, $33; ehortn, country $30; city, $30; U. S. mill chop, $22. liny Timothy, Wlllnmotto vnlloy $14 per ton; WHlamotto vallpy, ordi nary, $11; oastern Orogon, $10.50; 017.50; mixed, $13; clovor, $9; nl- raira, $14; airaira meal, $19. VogotnlilcH nnd Frulf. Fresh fruit Apples, now G5c0$.'' box; peaches, 85c0$l.OO por box; pears, $101.25 por box; grapes, $1.40 01. G5 pr crato; local Concords 12 015c por half baskot; castorn Concords, 35c por half baskot; cran berries, $10.50012.50 por bnrrol; sveet potatoes, 19i02c pound; potntoo-, 9Oc0$l.OO por cwt. Dairy nnd Country Produce. nutter City croamory, oxtrn, 35 030c por pound; fancy, 32 0 35c; storo, 17 020c. Eggs Orogon soleot, 37 c EnBtorn, 27032 c por dor. Poultry lions 12 013c spring 1212 c; ducks, old 12 013of young, 14 015c; geoso, old, 100 10c; turkoys, 20021c, Cheeso Fnncy cream twins, 16c por pound; full cream triplets, 15c; full cream young America, lGc. I Veal Extra, 8 09c por pound, i ordinary, 7 07c; heavy, 5. 1 Pork Fnncy, 7c por pound; largo, 5 00c. Mlsoellancy. Hops Orogon, 1908, cholco, 80 8c por lb.; 1907, 304c; 1900, 1 01V4c. Wool Eastorn Oregon, average best, 10014c per Hi,, nccordlng to hrlnkago; valley, l5 01Gc. Mohair Choice, 18c per lb. Hides Dry hldcB, No. 1, 13015c por lb.; dry kip. No, 1, 13c lb.; drv calfskins, lGc lb.; salted hide, 60 8c lb.; salted calfskins, 12013c lb ; green, lc less. Portland HecvlptH. 2 cars, cranborrles 1 car. berries 4 bx. grapes 224 crat, pears 94 bx, ! Vegetables Cabbago 13 crt, pr-' tatoes 228 sx, potatow 1 car, pota toes sweet 2 cars, onions 1 car, turn ips 22sx, vegetables 4 sx. . Dairy Produce Ilutter 51 cs, ' cheese 180 cs, eggi 39 c. rream 3583 gal, MPk 910 gal. ' Fish Clams 30 bx, crnos 11 ox, crabs, 2 hrls, crawfish 2 bx, flh 34 bx. oysters 4 x. Poultry and Drosied Meat - -Chlckons 33opB, ducks 1 cp. turkf-ys 4 cps, dressed poultry 479 pounds, hogs dressed 18, veal drosied 22 Hay and Grain Whoat 48 cur barley 7 cars, oats 2 oars, hay cars, flour 50 sx. Miscellaneous Walnuts I car, to matoes I car, rice 3 cars, flax 2 cars, dates 1 car. i. M II t-, . Lft fli'fw, ... . -1"- , rrices snp, $1.25, $1,53. js.uo, a i io j pu CHhNEE AND JAPANESE BAZAAR Try Kodol today on our guarantee. Take It for a little while, as that all vou will need to take. Kodol di gests what you oat and makes th stomech sweet. Sold by- all druggists. Tho back is tho mninspring o woman's orxnulsm. It quiclcly calls attention to troublo by achintr. It toiLs, uith other sytniitoms, such na norvomncas, hcadncho, pnins in tho loins, -weight in tho lower part ol tho body, t'int a woman's fominino organism no ds immediate attention. In such cases tho ono bukj remedy which speedily romovea tho cause, mm restores ino icmmino organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIAE.PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 0 Columbia Ave., Rockland, Mo., says: u I was troubled for nlong time vrith dreadful backaohca nnd & na!n In rav side, and was mlserablo In every way. x uoctorcu uiuu jl was uiscourngoa nnu thought I would never got well. I read what Lydla E. Plnkhnm'a Vcgetablo Compound had done for others and decided to try tt after taking three bottles I can truly say that I norer felt so well In my life." Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "I had very noveru backaches, and prcsfdng-down pains. I could not sloop, and had no appctlto. Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound cured mo nnd made me feel like a now woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydla E. Pink ham's Vcgetablo Compound, niado from roots and horbs, has boon tho Btandard romedy for fomalo ills, and lias positively cured thousands ol womon who have licon troubled with displacements, iiiiinmmation. ulcora. tioii, flbraid tumors, irregularities, ponouic pains, imcKiicno, titnt bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indigos. tion,diz7.iness,oniorvouiJ prostration t SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. IF YOU WANT A HAROAIN CALIi ON UK; 23c OFF ON EVERY PAIR OF LA DIES SHOES. HE SURE AND SEE MK REFORK YOU HUT ELSEWHERE. I! JACOB VOGT, 345 State Street j j KSffrfet-rtSfrt-fct-ft-foOBH i -!-f-M;-)-OfC--4M .Vn JEWELERS BARR'S WORTHY WATCAES Did It ovor occur to you that wo seldom ndvortlso watches? And yot wo havo tho most worthy lino of thorn you ovor saw. A Dan Wntch croatos an ond Inss chain of customers, becauso of our peculiar wntch system 'Vnd what Is thlB system? Wo unveil tho socrotb of the watch world. Wo stnnd between tho un known and tho known. Wo verify tho truths of tho years. Wo soil you only that which is unqualifiedly tho best for your own particular needs, regard loaa of name or make. orwr?5 ' j'VJ THE ELECTRIC MOTOR HEATS EM ALL when motive power Is undor con sldorntlon boats thorn In conven ience, economy, snfoty nnd all 'round satlstnctlon. As n matter of buslnoss wisdom you hould consult uo whon you need powor It makes no dlf ferenco how much or llttlo. "Every thing olcctrlcnl" nnd tho best wares nnd work at the lowest fair price are tho motlvo powor of our business. Estlmatos on n hint from you that you'ro In tho innrkot. HYDE IIHOS. ELECTRIO CO., 1'lioiro 1512 IolI. 181 N. Llborty Strwi. READY TASLORCD CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. I, t At Ml"' frn0vr W'f price: 2D TO RANGE $40 THE 11EAUTY OF MUSIO doponds lnrgoly on tho character of tho Instruinont which producos It. Trninod muslolnus nlways como hero for tholr Instrumontb becauso they know thnt ovon our most Inoxpon bIvo lmvo n sweotnoss nnd mellow noss of tone thnt only good InBtnu montB possess. If you play or aro learning you can do no hotter than follow tholr oxnmplo. Ask about our music nhool. It. V. SAVAGE, 217 OomiiivrclHl Ktrect, flnlom. Or. a 9 JEWELERS 2 POUNDS ofenb SELF RISING PAN CAKE FLOUR COMPOUND TKIIUIO FREE Ono full hIeo pnekngo. Bend iin 10 or our different ailn., clipped from (IiIh paper nnd rocelvo onK-r for one full Hlzod fck ago five. Don't inlsH this opportunity. ALLEN'S B. B. FLOUR CO. SAN JOSE, CAL. WIRE FENCING, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINT AND OIL HM Salem Hardware Co. 120 COMMERCIAL ST. PHONE 172 Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wlrr Fencing, Poultry Nottlng, Pickets. Gate. Malthold Rooting, P. & D. Read; Roofing, Screen Doors and Ad Justable Wlt-dow Screens. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN Saccsor. WALTER MORLEY. MSO Court St. 8lem. r ummmmmmmmMmmmmmm Governor- oloct Cosgrove of Wash Ington. has arrived for treatment at the Paso Robles Hot Springs In Call-i fornla. ' CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. fin M Yeu Have Always Bougfcl Ifl FRENCH FUH1LE PILLS. A Bui, Cuu "i tutu fcl Sc-rruwuw llimuim. milllBIIT0fAll.'l,,H, K.IU. ffjM ilal. tf lttUUtMUltlWMHMhf lliiinH UtrpfUl riM. I JM 4ra4(bl dMW4 k.l. IWW toA IMHtol I O. 'J UHIT(D MZOICJkLCO., .OIT4, Uc.Tt. fA. 3mmMmmmmmmmmamkmm i lf in Silem bv dt. 5. C S- CHICHESTER S PILLS i Wc Launder Ladies' Shirt Waists and White Skirts Just Right. We guarantee to. All of our shirtwaists are care fully washed with a special neutral soap, starched Jmt where they should bo starched and Ironed by expert who havo made shirtwaist Ironing a special study, We are pleasing; the most careful drossero In the city with our shirtwaist work uud are sure wu can pieu ou. Muy we Umvo u trial. r SALEM Tel. 26 LAUNDRY COMPANY IS 6-1 tf 6 S, Liberty Of ftepu-M yeoof ftofto See. JanftjiVfta jxl - - aMaa i wwMk m wmiw jk7 work. Tl dovelotwwni 4 Mrtiiwt vr4 t?t& miIm U