DAtfiY OAPIT AL JOURNAL, SALBM, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1008, rs- x1 1 Does not Color the Hair tops Falling Hair AYER'F hat?? VIGOR ! him HHfjw BQYS ROLLED WHEEL THROUGH MANS HOUSE (United 1'rcsn Lonscd Wire) Spoknne, Nov. 1C. Tho homo of W. Hafl In Pullman, Wnah., today appears as though n cyclone- had struck It as tho result of a pocullnr accident that occurred yostorday whon small boys got busy with a big wagon whodl on tho top of a-steop hill Just abovo tho house. Tho youngstors released It and a fow moments lntor It crashed through thrco fonco3, bounded through tho ond of tho Hall homo Into tho dining room, upso( tho tabic thnt had boon sot for dinner, and was stopped by tho kltbhon Btovo which was partial ly wrecked. Tho mlBclovonis boys nro bolng sought and tho slightly dam aged wheel Is awaiting an owner. ROMPING BOY UNCONSGIOUS OF FATHER'S DEATH (United Press Leased Wire.) Victoria, B. 0., Nov. 1C. Uncons cious of tho fact that his father was doad In an adjoining room, WIUlo Haines, six years old, romped about his homo for four days and did not know ultll today, whon his mother roturnod from a visit, that ho had been In tho prosonco of death. Shortly after Mrs. Haines left i her homo In tho northern part of this province to visit her mother, nor husband swam to tho middle of a cold stream to recover a row boat. Upon returning homo ho immediate ly went to bM, Instructing his son not to disturb him. Tho obodiont boy ato tho food propared by his fathor and did not know thnt hlo parent had died until his body' wns found by Mrs. Haines. Seven Years of Proof. "I have had sovon yonis of proof that Dr. King's Now DlBcovory Is tho best medlclno to tako for coughs and colds and for ovory diseased condition of throat, chest ro lungs," snys W. V. Honry, of Panama, Mo. Tho world has had 38 years of proof that Dr, King's Now Discovery U the best remedy for coughs, colds, la grlppo. HDthmaj hay fovor, bronchitis, hom orrhago of tho lungs, and tho early stages of consumption. Its timely ubo nlways provonts tho development of pnoumonla. Sold under guarantee nt J. C Perry's drug otoro. 50c nnd $1.00. Trial bottlo froo. -o-. ' How Is Your IVIgcstlon. Mrs. Mary Dowllng of No. 288, 8th Ave, San Francisco, recommends a remedy for ntomnch trouble Sho says: "Oratltudo for tho wonderful effect of Electric Dlltors In a enso of ncuto Indigestion, prompts this testi monial. I nm fully convinced dint for stomach and liver troubles Elec tric DIttors Is tho best romedy on tho market todny." This great tonic nnd I aitorauvo mouicmo invigorates tho system, purifies tho blood nnd Is ospo dally helpful In" all forms of fomnlo weakness. COc at J. C. Perry's drug toro. I YOUNG MAN ASSAULTED BY ROBBERS Frank Guild, a young man who lms quarters on tho second floor of tho Barnes Cash Store, Was assaulted by two unknown men Sunday morn ing about 2 o'clock who afterward mndo good their escape from tho po lice. Guild wns not nwaro of tho In truders until ho first opened his ejoa, and thon ho wns given no opportun ity of acting furthor In his own tlo f onso, as a vicious blow upou the forehend by what ho supposod to bT a slug shot, stunned him. Aftor ho enmo too, ho nt onco notified Mr, Bnrnes nnd together thoy returns! to tho storo whoro tho night oflleors were searching for tho burglars, but no sign of thorn could bo found by tho oincors In tho storo. As far ns can bo learned nothing has been missed from tho storo, nnd it is sup posed that tho holdups became frlghtoncd after committing their cowardly deed upon young Guild, and fled without finishing their In tended robbery. The poltco nro under tho Impres slon tho two men woro In tho storo In hiding whon tho establishment was closed for tho night, nnd whon nil was qulot, began their work. A long piece of Iron used on freight cars for tho purpose of hold ing brake blocks In place, wns found In tho bed whoro Guild was attacked, but from tho slight presence of blood upon It, It could not bo prob nblo that tho dangerous looking piece of stool was used on the victim as tho menns to knock him senseless. As yot tho police hnvo no clow leading to tho guilty parties, they having loft tho premisoi completely covering up any Information likely to load to tholr Identity DoWltt's Llttlo Early Risors, the famous llttlo llvor pills. Sold by all druggists. SECOND 5RIDGE ACCIDENT TEAM GOES THRO' DEATH TRAP. As n result of tho 'issy parting Inst night, n team bolonglng to the Low stables took fright on South Commercial street and ran through tho South Commercial street bridge, cutting and bruising them up consid erably. A man by tho name of Meyers was driving tho team at tho time, nnd wns descending tho hill about two blocks from tho bridge, whon In some unknown manner, tho reach which holds tho running gonrs of tho rig togothor, camo looso, lotting tho back portion of tho buggy to, to tho ground with tho occupants In It. Tho team, which are very gontlo or dlnnrily, bocamo frightened nt tho sudden falling of tho parted rig, and ran down tho strcot on the onst sldo and coming to the guard for keeping tennis off this portion of brldgo, managed to got over it and foil Into tho largo holes whoro plank has boon romoved. Thoy did not go completely through the brldgo, but hung up on tho Jolco from which plnco sovoral pcoplo who arrived Bhorly, removed thorn nftor consider able labor. Tho lady and her daughter who woro In tho rig woro thrown out In tho mud but not badly hurt. This Is the second tonm to go through that brldgo. VHHHMHBHNHkMMHMHHMNMNHHHH Ple'asant, sure, easy, safo little llvor Pills, aro Do Wilt's Llttlo Early Risors. For sale all druggists. ffho Kind. Ycr Have Always Bought, nnd wl,u 1 Id. uso for over 30 years, lms tornn 4 W Wi a . UU Mimtnl ' sirr v nntt,lma bcc,nuonnd'lu I All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-ns-S nU- 1 juxporiuiciius umo irnio witn niiaciidnnenriiJi. . " Infants and ChUuxou-Expcricueo ngnliist K What is CASTORIA Castovla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil u 1 cnrlc. lroi)8 nnd Soothlncr Svruns. Tt i .. ' V coultilii'l neither Opium, Morphine nor others! J 1 u1tn'icct Us nrro la Its cunrnnton. it ,i. .1 "i mill all.iys Feverishncss. It cures Dlarrhrea and S - uonr. u relieves xootiung Troubles, cures Constln.Hu i nu:l riftt.Ucnev. It assimilates tho Food, rc3S f Stiuuaru :nil Dowels, giving hcuUliyund imturahC I, ano uiuiif'.'irH x'anncca xno JJlotuors Prlcnd - OBNUIKB CASTORIA ALWMJ! Boi.r, tho Signature of fTi&i The KiM You Have AIwajsBi: In Use For Over 30 Years. TMK OtMTHUN COMPANY, T UUHPmutT. HtffVOMtm. 31 THE WANT ADS ARE READ BY EVERYBOD CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Tlirco Lines, Three Insertions, 25c. FOll SALE 5-Acre Tracts In 12 mllo of Port land. Flno fruit hind and closo to now electric lino und county road. $750, $50 cash and $10 por month HomosoolcorB Information Bureau. 222 N. Commorclnl St., Salem. Or. 10-0-tf For Snlc A flrst-clnss 1& horso powor Mltcholl gusulino engine, with auto sparkor, both In good condition. A!nr H hnrmi tinwir wntor motor. Enqulro nt Journal UIIILI! Illllllt'UIUlUI, II yilll WISH U bargain. 10-20-tf For Sale Savon-room house, nil mo lorn couvonloucot, ouo-hnlf block Jnnd. For furthor particu lars call on mo mornings at my rosl'Jonco, end of enr lino, south, Airs. Goo. II. Jones Phone 1181. 10-27-tf. HEAL ESTATE Throo cliolco lots closo In, $750, $850 and $050. Good lot on Court stroot, $900. Lots cast front 19th street, $325 and $375. Two lots corner ISth nnd Trade, $000 for tho two. Half block on 21st strcot, $525. Good driving tenm, 000 pound. $150. Good work tenm, 1100 pounds, $IS0 E. M'PTON 107 Stato Slrcet. 11-3-tf. MISCELLANEOUS Por Sale Ton aharos of Hickory Bark proforrod stock. Addrovs JJrawor 518, Salem, Oregon. i 0-25-tf Iterrles I havo ono of tho host and largest varlotlos of any grown on tho const and enn furnish you good stock and truo to namo. Send for cntnlog. Geo, L. Alien, Leba non, Or. 10-23-lmo. For Hale Two good milch cows Jorsoy. Ono good brood mnro; nlso now wagon and harnoss. Call at Depot hotol. 1-10-lw BARGAINS IN HEAL ESTATE. 15 acros, good 7-room plnstorod and paporod houso, barn, outbulll IngB, fruit, otc. good home, Inside corporation, only $3000. G acres, good house, barn, fruits, otc , In good location on good road, for a fow days, $1750, Good G-room plnstored houso, bnrn, 2 acres, all In fruit, just out of S.i lom. This Is good land, good home Only $1300. Alio sonio of tho beat lots on Stnto street. 19 acres, nno mllo of good town nnd school, on good rond, gqod 7-room houso, bnrn, outbuildings, nil kinds of fruits, otc, good water, good houso, only $2-100. Ilousoi to rent. etc. , If you aro looking for farms, or houses, aoo A. O. SMITH CO., Room 9, ovor United States Nation nnnk, Salem, Oregon. nvv xow. Now Is the tlmo to buy ronl ostnto on tho rho of tnnrkot. Got In on tho ground lloor. Wo havo mndo money for others and can do tho same for yi. Wo are experts on tltlos, so you are snfo in gottlug n elonr title to your proporty. If you wldh to sell or oxchnnige your property satlafactorlly, list with us; wo enn do It quick. 11J2CHTHL & MIN'TON. Houso nnd lots $G00 nnd up. FW11.MS. Honutlful 5-aore tract woll improved, Insldo city llmlta. for only $1700; woll worth $2500. 30 acres, Improved; snap; $1S00. 2G noro, closo In. Vory best of soil; prlco only $90 por aero. For Bargains Soo BEOIITEL & MINTON. 811 Stto st. Iiayno Hldg. For Sale Six good hogs nonrly fat, weight from 100 to 125 pounds Call on Goo. Rnmmlon, 1 mllfts on Ponltontlnry rond cast. Phono, Mnln 141. ll-I3-3t. For Snle Six lots, with now 5-room houso, bnrn, woodshed, fruit, flno soil, $1000. Corner ThW-teonth nnd Rurnl nvonuo. Address an swer to "II. K." uaro Journal. ll-ll-3t FOll HALE 101-acro farm, 1 miles from Salem; 105 in uultlvaion, balance tlmbor nnd pasturo, flno G year old or chard, good G-room house, good barn, good lion houso, plonty of fruit on plnco, good well, running water on plnco, flno garden, near Hohool houso on good road. Price $U5 por noro. 300 acros, best farm 'In tho county, 250 In cultivation, snmo tlmbor and pasture, good largo houso, 2 barns, good family orchard. Prlco $15 por aero. Good 80 nores, nonr Snlom, good rond 10 ncras in oullvatlon, good fruit land. Prlco $G5 por ncro. 3 ton-noro tracts northof Snlom, good hoiiROs and barns, from $1G00 to $2000. 5 noros, good houso and barn, or chard, good plaoe. $1G00. 30 aoros, all tlmbor and pasturo, wat er on placo. Prlco $1500. Good 7-room houso, Reed bnrn, 2 nores of land, $3800. Good G-room houso nnd bnrn, good woll ,1 ncro of hind, $1500. Good houso with G rooms, tollot, bath, basement, two largo lots, plonty of fruit. Prlco $2G00. Plonty of olty proporty In nil pnrts of city. J. C. S0HUL7. CO. 100 State St. L1VEHY AND FEED STAULES Cement Work Concroto walks, sep tic tnnks, comont floors nnd foun dations. Estimates furnished and all work guaranteed. J. P. Vetch, 328 Marlon strcot. Phono G08. 0-10-tf Help Fiit'iiMied Free of Charge Hy Liithnm Land Compony. -ITS State Htreet, phono No. 149. Parties wnntlng hoi. plenBC call nt offlco or phone uo. Also havo cows for sale LODGES Carpenter,) Union .v. jo5 Local Union No. 1005 of Carpontors ano Joiners of Amorlcti moot over Snt urday evening nt 7:30 p. m. In Henrst hall, 420 Stato Stroot A. W. Dennis, Rcc. Sec. Foresters or America Court Shor wood, ForcBtora, No. 19. Moot3 Sttturdny night In llclman hnll, Stnto street, Goo. F. Pnttorson, C. 1 It.; J. C. Perry, flnnnclnl secretary Concrete Work Got my pr'ccs on sidewalk, curbs, spotle tanks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first class. M. Ward, 2378 Mnplo Avo Highland. Phono 5G9. July24-tf Vogot, Lumber and Fuel Co. Linn, bor, shlugtoa, building materia!, wood nnd coal. Low prlcos and prompt dollverles. Ono block on) of S. P. pnsHongcr dopot. Phone 198. 7-2-tf. Huttn & Wmdcrotli Flno wlnos, liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle tho eolcbrnted Kellog nnd CnsTla whlsklos. Cool and rofroshlng boer constantly on draught. Soutn Commorclnl itroet. 9-3-lyr. Mr. Adolpli M. Glas Toucher of lauguagos, Gorman, French; pri vate lossons; grammar, convorsn tlou, lltoraturo, commorclnl class ot. Kvenig class nt Y. M. C. A. Call upon Goo. A. Forboa, gon'l socrotary Y. M. C. A. or leave word at Board of Trado ofllco. 11-15-lm. Iliing Your Magazine- Subscript Ions To Elslo Goodhue, 1500 Farry St, Snlom. I tako subscription for all magazines. Every ordor will ro colvo prompt attontlon. Phono 7GS. ll-141nio. Livery ami Fotnl Stables Old Po.it ottlco Stnblos, at 254 Forry stroot, botwoon Commercial and Front streets. Tolophonu 188. Some of tho finest llvorles In tho city can bo found horo. Wostacott & John son tt PLUMHEHS Tlieo. M. nrr Plumbing, hot watar and steam heating and tlnmlng; 164 Commorclnl street. Phone Main 193. 0-1 -lyr M. JiTetMl Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox 4 Mr.pby, 226 Commercial stroot Phose M!& 17, New and Sccoiul-lland Guods Couches, quilts, enrpots, cook and heating stoves, cooking utonstls, otc. C Dlllmnn, 4 17 Stnto St. ll-14-3t OUH MONEY MAKERS. $G000 G7 aoros, 45 ncros under cultivation, 1G acros boaverdam land, somo tlmbor fir nnd oak Largo barn, six-room houso, Im provements good, five miles from Salem, good rock road all the way. A bargain. $5500 40 acres all In cultivation, first-class improvements, black rich loam, closo to school; two acres mixed fruit. Woll fonced; throo and a half mllo3 from town of Salem, A snnp. $1700 17 ncros; 9 ncros under cul tivation; now houso with 7 rooms, bnrn 2Sx3G, now wood shod, good well; otie mllo from school. One nnd one-fourth mlfes from town. Must bo seen to bo appreciated. City lots at $125 to $1600 in all parts of tho city. A grocery store, contrally located w'.th good trade. FERGUSON & FISHER. Central Lodge No. 1H, K. of P. Cntlo hnll In Holmnn block, cor ner Stnto and L'berty streets. Tuosdny of each week at 7.30 p. in. Oscar John on, C. C; B. B Anderson. K. of R. nnd S. .Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 52IC. Meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holmnn hnll. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, clork. REAL ESTATE FOR BALK Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holmnn hall. B: Lupton, C, C; I . Frnaler, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union Sick, acci dent and ponslon Insurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid. Good agfnts wanted. J. H. C. Montgomery, supremo orgnnlzer, Dox 432 Snlom, Orogon. R. R, Rynn secretary, 546- State street. WANTED Salesmen Wanted To soil our lino to tho trado. Ltboral tonus. L. IL BeaLf & Son Co. Walp MfgV. WostfloM, Mass. 11-11-lw Wanted By studenta at Willamette, omploymont for 2 or 3 hours In nftornooa and all day Saturday. Address H. II., caro Journal. 11-7-tf. Ynnted Placo on farm or ranch, a man with good rofornnces for handling fnrm, stock or fruit. Una wife nnd children. Address "A. II. S.," caro Journal, 11-11-lw NOTE f THESE 100 aero j, flvo miles from Snlom, good ten-room houso, bnrn 40 xGO, straw shed, 140x20, n splendid place, Prlco, $100 per ncro. 5 acres, good six-room plnstored house, 350 bearing pruno trees, 50 bonrlng npplo trees, 20 poar troos,ln bearing. This placo o closo In nnd cheap nt $2100. Now G-room houso, close in bath, throo lots, good bnrn, $1600. , City lots for salt chonp. Small amounts down, bnlnnce l'i monthly Installments, no- Inter est. OLMSTED LAND CO. ma STATE STREET. For Salo Farm of 47 acros, 4 miles west of Salem, good houso and bain, smnll orchard, good woll nnd running wntor on plnco. Good houso nnd lob on Chcmekota strcot, closo In. Houso nnd two lots, lGth strcot. $700. Proporty for salo In all parts of tho city, also farms of all kinds. JOHN ICX1GHT, Heal Estate. Tho Murphy Blk. cor. Com. nnd Stato IK'TKLS AND IU3TArRlYN White House Resfaom For n Regular 25c Dinner at 2fc They enn't be boat McGilciirist & k , Proprietor!. MEALS 15c Call nnd try then. Mfa'J lit Board per week IM5, i' t n Is lied rooms rcry mMW AT THE Salem Restaurant !M0 COUUT STREET. I II I I M 1 1 1 HftrHWtii DRAYMEN Wnntod By young Gorman womua position ns housekeeper or any good work. Address A. L., caro Journal. ll-ll-3t Wimtcd To rent two furnished houookooplng rooms and barn for tenm; call at 21 G North Commer cial, or phono 918. ll-13-3t Wanted $1100 for from ono to uiree years. i-ir3t-ciass real es tato security. See Dorby & Wil son. ll-13-3t Cummins Brow. Transfer Company All kinds of trnnsfor work done Furniture and plnno3 boxed ready for shipment. Prompt service l our motto. Stand and ofllco nt 253 South Coaimorclal street Phono 210. Resldonco Pkone Wenger & Clierrlngton Pianos and organs sold on ensy torms; tole phono 1187; 247 Commercial Street, Salem, Orogon. tf ii i i i ii i " MM PfiATZ? &? 223 S. COMMfRCIAI Sr HOTEL ORM ! ; Comer Scrrnth bi! BWt K :: Porlland's New aJ " :: Hotel. Rales$lptf :: up. European plan, frecw. :: WRIGIIT-WCKLVSOMIIOm :: Proorlelors 'jjljj.HH TTTTTT1 --- l-nuo. H3I.I. H1.NH" C, W. YANNKE Hiop'loi 'I THP FASHION SHI f-nba aDd Livery, all B Rubber TW I5X1R RENT l'r Rent Modern S-room houso, comer Thirteenth and Hlnes sts. Seo T. McBrldo at Twelfth and Market streets. ll-13-3t 1IR FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. X tUn, Cutiix Biuir for Sirruaus Uiimio. KIVE8 KNOWN TO TAIL S.f. I Sral Bs4H ('i fetilou uiiilMa at Uoatf lUfunJt-1. Wl prrMil for l.00 rcr has. Will kuJ tlumva liitl.ta l wi tot iluartutl. 8uopK.Vr. HjriSir4raUldJ w bt tWm md4 your 9t&cn to tt JNITCO MCOICALCO..BOXT4. LCT. FA. tW in Salem bv Be. S. C 5' .--;..: Voa to r.ui m -b,NrA I.: . - i-sn r" ' " r'ik i Choice Rooms to Unit Splendidly equipped, bath and tollot on seeond floor, electric lights in all rooms with switch by dor. All nicely furnished rooms. References ex changed; call in afternoon nt 715 Center street. 11-ll-lwk .fiilTr. HKAT. ".( 12000-A good hone v-i Electric, aout M gM vir-r?artwjs Vk'X nVnie Island ?'& good mot no"'e' ,U1 o m t m -.- . . -. .a M i .x.i ill HIUV. RMV'J CHICHESTER S PILLS .W&rKw Wv the juAHeNB.MKANV A I rmod timber. " roDrt5 "J ' .? u-,. rath m--. m your PorpeJSS' li 'statesman nu" W VrV r a Kdlel Atlifmr Vnt fl eki Hoc l m? Chl.ckr,A BlAlnottJKr 11IU in Ktd U4 UolTmM bain, icalcd lth Dlua Kit TaLe ns ulher. Mr I' 7r UIAHuNi HKAND I'lLlJV " TcMkutiaBeit.Srt.AbilKcUaM SOiD EV 1RUG0STS EVtR.lMICRE