-,M DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 100H. KflKfl THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Ii. IIOPKR, Ed. and Prop. Independent Novvxpopcr Devoted to American Principle itud the Pnwuss and Dovclopemotit of All Oregon. PutilUliO'l livery livening Kxcopt Sunday, Salem, Oru. SUIISCIUPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advance.) Dallr, by r-lor, per jcar 86.00 Tcr month We Dally, by mall, per year. 4.U0 I'cr month 33o Weekly, by mall, per vcar. . 1.00 Six months We i IfElaA&i VW itve. ClJ7IC-ii H ttSt'MrV.'Sr'C V r-nu.iwkj r5 " fc'CT'SJW.N unionObel PORTLAND LEADERS BANQUET DUNIWAV (STAYS BV PRINCIPLE Portland, Nov. 1G. (Special.) Tho Tnft bnnquet pulled off lioro by thu county Republican cunrnl com niltteu wiih not wall attended. Of tho 350 places not over 12G woro oc cupied at tho lovo fount, and with M. C. Gcurgo In tho chair, tho most prominent speakers, Geo. II, Wil liams, Homy 10. McGinn, Judgo Northrup, Harvoy Scott, Prof. Hobln Bon nnd "Hon. A. G. IlushllKht" who ovor that Is, woro couhpIcuouh by tholr absonco. Souutor Fulton inndo tho principal speech, which was a ploa for n return to tho convention system of making nominations, and for tho election of somo ono olso than Chamberlain to tho United Stntos tonato. The Ronator made tho host of a difficult position, and tho mu clilno politicians present made near ly all the noise. Tho surprise of tho ovoniiiK ciiinu when the second speaker, Hon. Willis Dunlway, warn ed tho Republican!! to ko slow in tainperliiK with the direct primary law or putting tho part In tho atti tude of broakliiK pledges r opposing tho election of senators by tho direct voto of tho people. Dunlway farther made thhiKs chluy by i-opentlng sev oral times that It wiih tho duty of Republicans after conventions and primaries had been bold to support tho nominees. Fulton's refusal to take the stump for Cnko was not mentioned by mime but It mlht as woll have boon. PRESENTED CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TO LARGE CROWD OF HEARERS FORAKER'S EXPIRING STATEMENT MAN DITGHID BY HEARST Ceneral Debility Day In nnd day out thero Is that fccllnp. of weakness that makes a burden ef Itself. Food docs not strengthen. Sleep does not refresh. It is hard to do, hard to bnr, what should be easy, vltnllty Is on tho ubb, ami tho whole system suffers. For this condition tako Hood's SarsapariHa It vitalizes tho "blood nnd plvcs vigor nnd tono to nil tho organs nnd functions. In usunl liquid form or in cbocohtcd tablets known as Snrsntnbo, 100dorefl How to Trait n Spi'nln. SpraliiH, swolllngv and lamonosa nro promptly rolloved by Chniubor Inln's Llnlmont. This liniment ro diicos Inllammatlon nnd roronosa so that a sprain may bo curod In about ono-thlrd tho tlmo roqulrod by tho Aisunl treatment. 25 and 50 conts slzo for snlo nt Dr. Stono's drill? Btoro. o Road Completed Puf?h & Uorron, tho contractors, state tholr pleeo of road building on North Winter Btroot will bo com plotod on Monday noxt. This Is ii ttno Btrlp of highway bailing to tho fair KromiilH and will bo greatly appro olatod tho coming fair as woll as for nil tlmo. KHtniy Notice. Notlco la horoby given that I hnw tnkon- up and Impoundod tho follow ing doaorlbod nnlmal, found roaming at lnrgo In tho city of Snlem: .Ono bay pony, 10 or 11 yours old, whlto Bpot In forohond, loft oyo out, shod nil nround, wolght 900 pounds. Tho ownor of snld nnlmal can hnvo tho snmo by proving property nnd pitying tho lognl chnrgos nnd oxpons oh of taking up nnd kooplng, etc., nnd In dofnult thoroof for llvo days I will procaod to soil silld animal at public miction, ns provldod in ordl nanco No. 420 of the aforesaid city d. w. amsox, City Marshal. Salem, Orogon, N'ovoinbor II 1908. Il-14-t3 Pww ti j? ,ha K,a1 1 "a Wws Bought THE comforts of home can never be fully realized by !!;& renter. You can own your own home Si you start a savings account and de posit regularly a part of your earnings. Thousands have gained a home by this means that otherwise would have nothing. It pays te save Tho Chrlst'nn Sclenco lecture Sun day afternoon nt tho Grand opera hotiBO by Dlls3 Knann of Boston. drew a largo and Intolllgont audi ence. Many Scientists woro present from Albany, Corvnllls, Sllvorton, Dallas, Independence and Portland. Tho lecturer was Introduced by ox-Mnyor Frank W. Wntoro, who compared tho present confession and divergence of religious views with tho times of tho towor of Ilabol. Christian Sclenco had como to bring ponco nnd order into human nffnlrs. H5w this viib brought nbout would bo set forth by Dllis Knnpp, a mom bor of tho Christian Science board of lectureship. Report of Clio Lecture. Mr. Knnpp Bpoko of tho vast fol lowing yjilch tliis system of religious thinking and honllng had socurod In tho 10 years s'neo Its discovery nnd proinulgntlon by Mnry Hakor G. Kddy. Ho claimed that this truth iiKitut Hfo and healing for humanity. Ho claimed tiiat this was tho distin guishing fonturo of all Christianity. Wlmt hnd nmdo Christian. Sclenco practiced and demonstrable? What constituted tho "works" or Christ Lr.it his healings nnd reformations. Moro space wa-i devoted to honl Ing In tho Illblo than to any ono subject. Wlirt was this powor which Jesus employed? Ho had hoard that dlvlno power doscrlbod In Cal ifornia as hypnotism. Hut his heal ings were mental, a spiritual eonsoiouMiOBi or powor. Whnt was God but Divine Mind? It wns ovory whoro avn liable and opon to uso by ovorybody this divine principle Ho traoMl the development of this Idea through Ahrphnur? Isaac, Jacob, Mosos, until they domonstrntod Its absolute truthfulness nnd reliabil ity on all occasions. Next enmo tho rovolatlon by Joans of N'aznroth of the Immnniiel. Josus po'nU John to his works of honllng and reforma tion. Th teaching that God Is lovo till further unf-.ldod tho dlvlno tuys tory nnd established tho fulfillment of tho h'W. How could ono fonr In finite lovo? The old tonchlug of n Jealous nnd angry God win rorolgn to Christ's teachings. Divine, lovo was tho bonlgn power that healed and savod. Christian Sclnoco pro seutod this dlvlno law In nil Its unity nnd nrdor nnd systom. This demons trable dlvlno law wai Immnuuol or God, with us. it wns tho only sign of truth mudo manifest to this ago. Jesus taught this spiritual under standing to his dimples by "opon Ing their understanding." Sclontlllc right ren-on wan tho only lino of proxrowt by which to unfold tho In dividual Into hlghor spiritual solt hood. Josus began with ontly un derstood parables, then with ad vancing IMustrntluns until ho do at roved evil nnd honied tho sick with their hlghor (understanding of spirit ual coniclousnoe. Finally thoy tin derrtood spiritual things In spirit ual terms. Hypnotism was abso lut ly the opposite of Christian Sci ence. We showed how the mind nffeetod repiratlon, circulation, digestion nnd 11 tho functions of tho organs constituting llfo us understood oven f'om n mate'lal standpoint. Win the Individual governed by the carn nl or tho spiritual mind? The carnal mind means dUoaco and death. Tho spiritual inlud produces harmony ."'. health lu the individual. do monutrste happhiMs and freodom. Tit. lecturer hd the most profOAind attention of a vory Intelligent nudl-euco, (United Press Leased Wire) Cincinnati, O., Nov. 1C The final stntoment of Senator J. D. Foraker preliminary to his fight for. the sen n torlal toga will b? rorwnrded today to the members of tho legislature who will voto for or against him Foraker specifies, however, that the statement Is not Intended to conve the Impression Hint ho will devote no moro of his nltontlon to tho cam paign, but that ho docs not Intend to engage In an unseemly scramble. Tho statement consisted of n let ter from Virgil P. Ollna of Cllvelnnd purporting to show tho exnet nallire of Foraker's employmont by the Stnndard Oil compnny. Fornker de clared that tho statcm nt should "sntlsry any fair minded mnn." In closing, Fornker snld: "Whotever mny bo the result, I shall always bo profoundly grntefu' for tho ninny distinguished honors t hnvo enjoyed at tho hands of til people of Ohio, and shall nlwny hnvo the satisfaction of knowing whether nnyhody else does or not that I have under nil clmimstnnces striven to serv my stnto and tm conntrr faithfully and efflclentl nnd, whether right or wrong, novei more so than In rotrnrd to those quos tlons in connection with hnvo been criticized." which 1 O ( O O O O O O O PERSONAL MENTION SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank V iVeiiUlU' Wrench of tho foal or nnk'o may produce n vory sariSus sprain. A sprain Is moro painful than n bronlc. In all si'i-nlns. cuts, burns nnd scalds Bal lard's Snow Llnlmont Is the best thlngto uso. TioltoveH' tho pain In stnntly, roducos swelling, Is a per fect nntlsontlc nnd bonis rapidly. Price 2fic, 50c nnd $1.00. For sale use of this syrup. Thh remedy la for sale nt Dr. Stone's drug store. , o Lucky Peterson "Lucky" Jack Potorson can now ngnln bo soon with n bran now nuto on tho streets of Salem. Tho new car Is a magnificent rod monster, nnd Jack Is highly ploased with It. OJL. OeaMtU IVOR.XA. mt mm! rou ttata kifim Bench1 CgoAxj OOOOOOOOOO Mrs. C. L. Durk rourncd HiIh morning from Eugene whero she visited with friends nnd relatives for u number of days. Attornoy S. T. Richardson wns In Portland yostordny. Stnto Prlntor W. S. Dunlway was In Portlnnd Sunday. Mlsy Mlunottn Mngors Is In Port lnnd visiting for n fow days, Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson has re turned from Portland whoro thoy visited for n fow dnys. Miss Altliou Moore Is lu Porlnud visiting for u short tlmo. Chnrloy Doit, tho painter, has gouo to Portland where he will look after business muttors and -visit for u few dnys. Manager W. II. Dmioy, of the Pn ellle States Tolophono Co. huro, Is lu Portlnnd lotting uftor business for n fow dnys. Miss Curmel Hollo has loft for Portland whore sho will spend tho wlntor with hor aunt, .Mrs. Illnlr. Tlno Frnzlor of Corvnllls was visit ing with friends horo yostordny. ! Mrs. Arond Young Is In Portlnnd visiting for a fow days with frlonds nnd relatives. Mrs. C. n. Sholdon wns in Port land yesterday visiting. Kltnn Hansom nnd Miss Luln Ran som started on their return to their homo in Ostrandor, Wash., yosorday after sovoral weeks' visit with their aunt, Mrs. Nancy Itnnsom, of this elty. Clay Durkhurt wont to Portlnnd yestordny whore he will be employod In tho futuro with tho Asher Whole sale Co. C. C. McDonald loft yestordny for Phoonlx( Ariz., wl.ero he will re main a fow months for hl health, jdlss Nollle D. Cowles wna In Woodburn yosterday spending the day. Attornoy Walter Keyee Is in Port laud visiting and transacting busi ness for n few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Roj.:l are In Albany for n few days. A. A. Danzig roturnod to Portland u yestordny nfter si)ondlng ,tho dny vls lttng old Snlom friends. Miss Mnry Clipper of Forest Grove Isln tho city visiting with friends nnd rolatlves for u fow dnys. Hurry Lovell wont to Portland e'8tcrday to look nfter business mut ters for n coui)lo of days. Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Sears of Dal las hns roturnod to their homo In that city after a short visit horo. Mrs. Clarsla Hock has returned to hor homo In Spokuno after a weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Patton, hero. Adam Frohmador ,6f 911 North Front street haj been confined to his house for tho past two weeks with n Eovero enso of rhoiimntlsin, but is improving nt tho present time. dipt. Jns. P. Patrick, a capitalist from Dea Moines, Iowa, Is visiting his nieces Mrs. 12. Hofer nnd Miss McKlnnlo. P. N. Lnthrop bus gono to tho gov ernment qunrry In Washlngon, whoro his throo sons nnd son-ln-Iaw aro em ployed and ho hns n position. Mrs. Paul Monarch and lltlo dnught-r Paulino, left this morning for Portland whoro thov will vhit with friends nnd relatives for a fow days. A L. Trnc went to Port'nnd to dny to look aftor buslnesi Interests for a short time nnd nlso visit wjth friends. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Calburn re turned to their home In Portlnnd this morning aftor several days' vis it with frlonds horo nnd In Dallas. Mlm Hubv Whiting returned this morning from un ovor-Sundny visit with Albany friends. Tho Mlsso" Freda and Almn Jor- gonson returned to tlulr homo In Woodburn Mi's morning afte it plons nn visit with rolatlvos and frlonds here. Knute Durbln of Dallas was In tho city todny trnn noting business nnd vHtlng old frlonds. Hobort Ashby nnd wlf loft thli morning for Spokane wlior- thoy will snend t Ii remainder of the wlntor w'th thlr imronts. Mrs. I oulf Williams has gono to Portlnnd whore she will visit tor u short time with friends and rola-tlve. Mis- Dn'sy Loogo wns a nnssngorl mis morning rrcr Portlnnd to visit 'or brother. Hurry Looso, tor n couple or dnys. , ii Cold' kikI Croup in t'hllrire'n. "My MttV girl h subject to coHV boy hns been provontod ninny times rrom hnvlng tho croup by the tlmoly nys Mrs. Win, H. Serlg, No. 11 Firth Ureot, Wheeling, W. Vn. "Last win ter sho hnd a severe spell and n ter rible cough, but I cured her with Chomhorlnln's Cough Remedy with out tho aid of a doctor, nnd my little bv aM donlora. THE BEST KOAST OPIIB PAMIIA' EVEIt 1IA1) Can bo obtained from our prlmr tendor nnd Juicy beef, mutton o pork. All our montB nro Bolected from tho choicest, nnd prepared ro, tho tnblo to suit tho demands or tin fastidious. Our prices aro lower tot duality than you can find nt nny place la Salem. E. O. CROSS, Phono 201. 870 Btato St rino ami v. .r m cm Kffccti;ft ; r ' onoiU' U)08. -"""!, AU , No.xi's:r"Mh i " "H. .. -. ' Vn io Bl'r' VU'Utt'5 enifn ,4B P' " press. -Rotti), "is P' m.. Portia., U Tor,U,or(Inn TORRID ZONE FUNARCE Tho nbovo cut represent on brick lined Torrid Zouo Furnace Guaranteed gns, smoke and du' roof. Economical and durnblo. A. L. FRASER 2rtH BTATK STItKET. Entimtitui turntsned on heating i ; ; Flowers aid Bulbs? ;: CAHL V. Itt'KK, 371 Stnto st . Snlom, Oro. Frull lino or Tulips, Hyn- .. ','. clnths, Nnrclssus nndjtll kinds '.', ; ; or spring bulbs. Tlmo to plnnt ; ; '' them is now. 19-19-lmo '.' I 111 I I I lHH 1 I 1 i 81 1 M I I A BAPTIST ELDER Restored to Health by Vinol "I was run down anoyweak trom in dlgttilon end K'i?rnl dublltty, ftlao suf fered from ertlgo. 1 saw a cod liver preparation caileel Vinol ndvertlsed and deolded to glo It a trial, aud the ro sulU wore most gratifying. After tak lug two bottles I regained my strength and, nm now fooling unusually woll." Henry CtmiUnghnm, Elder Bap. tlst Chirch, Kingston, N. C. Vinol Is not a patent tnodiclne but n prepaiatlon compotod of the medicinal elements or cods' livers, combined wl h a tonic Iron nnd wine. Vinol creates a hearty appetite, tones up the organs or digestion nnd makes rich, red blood. In this natural manner, Vinol creates strength tor the run-down, over worked aud debilitated, and for deli cate children nnd old people. For chronic couehs, colds and bronchitis Vinol Is unexcelled. All such persons In this vicinity are asked to try Vinol on our offer to re fund their money If It falls to give sat isfaction. G. W. PUTNAM CO. IHTTERNUT ttREAI). It Is worth more than nny oth 'read yet tho prlco n no higher 'or a'i at your erne' OAMFORmA BAKKRV, ThoninH & Cooley, Props. O C T. Co. Steamora Pomona aud Oregonu loavo for Portland dally o'ccopt Sun day at G a. m. M. P. nALDVLV, Agent. Gold Dust Flow M..l by THE SYDNEY POW EP COMPANY, Sidney, Oro go. . .Made for futility use. AMc your gtorer for It, Ilran nnd shorts nhvays on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. $? vr.ai HICKORY BARK Cough Remedy AliOUTHV rvi --. lo,.iimiAL'.i Coughs, Colds CROUP - E&3Zf Whoupinf Couth lotrirnts Dronchiiin SORE THROAT TIIHOATandlt NCS tk44 tH- k tifi un BnaiHO. ... iMtM emfN t s. . Kjt ftL lw Mtt( (U ihiiwrn tt fnTmiT Great Chlnesi Doctor Ii. M. H U M Mas medlclno which, will cure ar.) known dHenso. Ho makes a special ty of, nud guarantees to euro Catarrh Asthma, Luug, Thront, Rhoumntlsm Doblllty, Stumnch, Liver, Kidney Troublos; also nny blnckeued oi swollen Burenoss, brokon limbs; Smallpox; Epidemic; nil kinds o Dolls, Lost Manhood, Fomalo Wonk ness, Hernis TroAibles and Paralysis Consultation freo. Caro or YIck 8o Totig Co., Chinese drugB and herbs 153 High St., upstairs, Salem. Or. OOOOOOOOO CANDIDATES' CARDS. o o OOOOOOOOO Tho undersigned horoby an nounces hlmsoir ns nn indepondont candldnto for the office or City Mnr shnl nt tho coming olectlon. J. L. SKIPTOV a mil b4 Sk mpM u&v&zty i kiii - in .r. ii. l .MASON MO CO. 247 Miller St., South Salem, raanu (acturor or all kinds of boxes, crates and fruit dryer accessories. Phon. 308. tt SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water service apply at office Dills payable monthly lu advanco. Si rl ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK ams AS tow AS unit HISSES N'o 222.5:0 77' n5- ' '"1 Mo. 17 a. s . pnengor. P'm-CoKK N'o. lrio.R ? ...,. ,uu p- n-CallwU Nn 10 n.. co oxpro'ca. ' Sia fnyL iw aid San rvn.i. No.. 221.-2 Mn3,c.Wl frolgltt. " 'ortiiy (Ml l,!f:riv i-...JT- Jr - Si 3S?L"W Fer: ---.m Porllnmt nn.l li. wj : " "MU 'uiermedUt, Local I,ortland-lllsboro"a'n'd, " termcdlnte, Local , I'ortlnnd nnd IntcrmeJi Locnl ' ... ih, 1'ortland and Intermediate Local j Portlnnd-Tiinlntln and Ilnu uoro, Limited .. Portlnnd-lllllsboro and It- Pnrllnn.1 .l I... "'' " '" u imcrnutiutt, ""ww I'l.l . uiiiiiiiu mm intcrmedlitt . '"' ll,i i-roin; Portland nnd Intermedin " Local ... Mill rortintid-lllllflboro and I lenuedinte, iical 1 H tl roriiand, Illllslxiro u m in . . .. minium, Limited 1 mV Portland and Intcrmedlit. 'ocai H)j I'oriiiinii-iilllsboro and la- wiiiieiiinip, Local t Hu l'orimiid nnd Intermedin Local ...... s ft , J Portland nnd Intermedial-, Local J Portland nnd Intermediate, Locnl '(() Now is the lime to visit California When summer hi pa&ijd In these tcra ern states, the tsi u only mild under U bright blue tiles ci Southern Callforil This Is one of aitart'i happy proTiiioa etornal summer to tboso who cannot d-ro a more ww climate. California has !' called the "Meca ci j the winter tcarltf i Its hotels and itty j ping places are tt ' varied ns those of 3 s well regulated eltif Visitors can ! tlnd suitable i- -modatlons, conjettsl companions and nf -led, pleasing na tions, i SOUTHERN PACIflCCa win hL- clad toJUP?! very attracts 'ItenliJ describing in WU " many dehgbts o( iW'; CalUomla u The rate from Salem U Angeles and return U l Limit s'x monlht. rtg- tioa. si"'""' -, , to.nl l w in effect to - 1 ' points. . .. .,m)llon. $& For tun au.--- - j rPWrvat!on and ", t, r write Wf' l nf .;.fif., I'ortlanoOrj . xl ,. n II v oooooom 0 nSS r"- O . ,.,. Ml1 n Teacher or r .--, fl m 0 Ensemble Clei 0 ber 1. m UU,"'B O vand sbudieL ' o WrstXotl081 jakl1 I! .JUI ncsidence s"T"ia. " . v Street ooo oo