Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 13, 1908, FIRST EDITION, Image 4

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Salem High school football team;
Avon new laurels nt Portland Thurs-j
day, although defeated on a close
gnmo. A Portlnnd press roport1
The East Portland High school
football team defeated the Snlom
High school town yesterday because
tho ladB coached by Itov Paul finder
played tho bettor defensive galne.
Tho locals also took advantngo of a
fumbled catch of a punt on the vis
itors' five-yard line, which resulted
In a touchdown, malting tho scoro
of tho gamo 5 to 0 In favor of tho
home team.
Tho Salem team proved the
stronger aggregation In tho matter
of ynrdngo gained, yet tho East Side
team outclassed them completely In
running In punts as well ns In get
ting dow ntlio Hold on kicks. Tho
gnmo wns spectacular to n largo de
gree, for tho players of each team
worked Into many ntnr plnys.
Tho first half wai tnnrkod by fre
quent punting, at both teams wore
untiblo to mnko ynrdngo steadily. In
this half Jones, of, the East Sldo
team, excelled tho Snlom lad In kick
ing, but tho visitors had tho ndvnn
tngo In ground gaining on straight
football. They frequently resorted
to tho use of tho forward pass, in
numerous liistniiccsfor good gains.
On ono or two occasions thoy lost
tho ball on fumbles after tho piibb
had boon caught, but this d'sad
vnntngo was overcome by fiimhlcn on
tho part of tho East Sldo playors.
In tho second half tho Salem ladt,
tried their rugnilnr plays, .and for n
tlmo worked thorn successfully, but
tho Enst Sldo lads tlunlly hold
them for downs and .Tnnos kicked
to safety. A fumbled forward pass
gnvo tho Knit Sldo tho ball on Sa
lem's 10-yard lino, and nftor two
UUHIU-CCH'fUl lllicks JOIIOH pillllod 1 1 r
kicked to Sn'om's 10-yard Ilnr, whore
the lnil). wan fumbled nml Everest,
of the EaNt Side, rocovorod tho bull
on Hi Salem live-yard line.
Snlum put up n dotormluod resis
tance, and It wan only by means of
three hard buck t hat tho Portland
boys manngod to got tho bnll ovor
tho lino. Whon tho third down w,
mndo and the touchdown wnB an
nounced by roforoo Ulnnchnrd, coach
of tho Whltmnn collego team, the
East Portland onthus'asts wont wild
with delight. Tho goal wns missed
nnd tho score stood Enst Sldo 5, Sn
lom 0,
Salem Makes IUr Gains,
Afto" this score hnd boon regis
tered tho Snlom boys aeouicd pos'os-
filoil nt tho linll nml l.i. tl. ..
" ' " win muu (11
forward "'
. u aoinvp'd nnsins mndo
toalOilni gains. Thoy rooii had tho
bnll on tho East Sldo Ovo-ynrd lino,
but tho local team displayed Its roV
strength liy holding tho visitors tor
downs. This play wob repented three
t'mos. nnd oaoh tlmo Snlom lost tho
ball on downs with but five ynrd
between thorn and tho gonl. .Tone,
on each occuMon, klckd out to tho
15-yard lino.
Captain Cornell piovod it boat in
lilmself, for the llttlo follow wns
overywhoio. nnd In running In punts,
far oxcollod the Snlom lad. The
Loader hoya.Kollogg. Jones, Kvoroet
nnd Stnnnnrd also p'nyod splondldly
for tho East Side, while tho honors
of tho Salem team wore shiuod 1
Holllngsworth, Kay, KrobB, Pardons
nnd lUolinrdson.
Tho toams llned-up as follews:
K. s. Position Snlom
Barzeo .LEU. .Krobi, Smith
Elinor Leader.. I.. TR Holllngsworth
Flaherty LQR Savldgo
Koroland C -Eyre
Houck ROL Hofer
Ed Leader. ... R T L. . . . Bellinger
Cnson REI Kay
Cornell Q Palmor
Evorost LHR Parsons
jon03 R H L. . Richardson
Stannnrd, P F. . ..Hunt, Krobi
? ' ,.,, h
l XXI C lALflUIUV 1lkfUfZC" Um" ,U,y Bl,n,,nr Production. Thli bo Improved upon, nnd n rolo that Simmons nj Tim McGee latoar
111 111 IlirlllRlY II Hill yenr tho cast Is up to tho imml rould easily be mado offonslvo In poor and ns good as crer. ft
MI JLL 1JJI I! 1.11 I 0J IfLiJ standard as most of tho principals ..,.,. . ,. Rpp,inm . .. I ..Tho ... ml
Ihn .. 1,. ...m. . .... i... "- " v .. -v.v..... u, wv ...au- "o-m.i. vwauirj
rAJICFC TAMCTAlVIT MiDTU par nro fltm wlth th0 company, nor ,u w,,,c:i Koo8h nots ,l- Tho 'Llttlo Johnny JonM,' vkkk h-jl
1 Jrll JilJ 4.1 1 )1 111 I rill I I Villi III w,1,l c,,n,ey Brown, who plays the oulor principals niso pinyeu tnoir(u"" "'k "u wniMiea t, n,
t lKy-.xy Vl V7 I ' l 1 I I III ilt0 r0l0( j fur 8j)0rior n 0vcry parts voll. Ada Glfford, as Flora- often, woro enthusiastically reedtrf,
resect to nay comcdlnn who hnB belle Ely, tho newspaper corrospon-
e myed tho jmrt nlnco Uobby Bnny dent, beenme a prime favorite short-
nnd tho entire Bhow went ltk tit
usual Cohanesquo whirl. Tb m
.... . ... .. . . .. .. 1
4a liiiyo .lonniiy no.poB- ib to me American incnicr, aim judging npjienrod at the Columbia. , ly after hor entrnncu nnd hor pop- effects nro imrtlculnrly iileattf, ll
ajipoar at tho Grand oporn limine on by the vociferous reception accorded "As iimml, William KcOugh w.ic ularity Increased during tho courso prettiest being the denatturt J ik
next Salurdny night, It will be In- Qoorge M. Cohan's whirlwind music- tho real hit of tho sr-ow. In the role of the evening. Sho Is chic, dainty, utcntucr Hiirrnh, shoeing tbeihlpttj
terest'ng to know what is thought al comedy, there will not bo ninny of 'The Unknown' ttolH clover rhnrnc and, abovo all, handsome Amy sen by moonlight with JohDorJotol
of the prosent company in tho turgor vncnnt Honti during tho balance of ter actor noer fallwj to carry his Mortimer shouldn't lio glvon tho ov- standing on tho pier witchlij fori
ciuos. tho following is n cupping the engagciiiont, which will como to point nnd 110 nnd the spectators In oriook in passing out tho bouqiiotH-'tho rocket to nppear There ii!l
from tho San Francisco "Examiner" a closo next Saturday night. ThlJ a constant ntnto of mirth from the for being pretty nnd wlnsomo nnd n n spoclnl election day mitlnw ti
of Novombor 'i last: Is easily tho bebt play that tho til-' time ho reeled on tho stage until lie tho snmo t'mo versatile. As nbovo moirow and arrangementi hare bft
" 'l.ltilo in' nnv Jones' lonewod mlniitivo plnywrlgbt linn ovor ponnoJ mndo hi- exit. His Inlmltnblo work stntcd, Charioy Ilrown makes an ex- mndo to ipc le the election relarsij
old ncqualutitiKOHhlt! yesterday at and stniids the test of time bottor as the. lnobrlnted detoctlvo couldn't cojlont Johnny Jones, while Dan which will be rend from the itajeM
Tho pilzo winners at the Albany what this alloy can produco In tho
Apple Bhow nro to hi brcight to Sn- wny of world-bentoni In the pomo-
loni and placod on exhibition In tho logical lino.
Huron & Hnmlllon show windows op Whon It Is rentomberod that ono
Couit stroot. Thoro woro R2 boxes box of those npplos was sold at Al
ia tho Marlon nnd Polk county ox- bnny for $10 cph, tho whole exhibit
hlblts, nnd nonrly as mtuiy moro In will bo worth nbout $1000. It will
tho Linn county oxhlblt nnd an ef- attract tho aUontion of thousniids
fort will bo mndo to bring thoin all to hnvo tho three oxlilbltB brought to
to Salem and show our own peop'o Snlem, and each box Bold at auction
('o. tlnuo.1 From I'nge I 1
St. Potoisburg. N'ov. 13. The
hopos for ponco or tho chancos of
war In the Ilnlknn loglon dopond on
tho toxt of 11 nolo that is expected
hoio today fiom Vloiina. Tho itia
tlonH between Auatro-HuiiKury and
Sorvla liavo bocunio ho strained Hint
Franz Josef hui asked Russia,
France and Great Uritain to attonijit
Tho strained situation betweon
Sorvla nud Austro-Hungary cannot;
hixl Itinu, say diplomats. Unlepfl
souiotJilnK bo dono very soon, thei'o
will o war and tlils-wnr will prrjb
ably drng other powdi-s Into the dlb
ptito. Fmnsi Josof fears that Ruesln
will attempt to aid Sen in in her
quart el nnd it l stated that If neces
llevod that ho is running ngaluet
L- wis In letllatlon for I.owh' action
In t lying to oust him from tho sec
ond vlce-presldoncy of tho folorn-
tio-.iper and s supposed to have ,n- ''ow'8 wanta Mitchell out of
been acting as tho spokesman of ,ho executive council and looks to
tho labor leador and the executive ieod him ns second vlco-presldent
council whon ho mndo his nddro of tho 'odorntion.
today. He ndvlsod tho dolegntet to ' S'noa Mitchell retired from the
I got toROthnr nnd forniulnto a polltl- prosldoncy of tho United Mlno Work-
fill policy and atny with It. They ors of Amorlcn nevornl months ngo,
shpuld docldo whnt thoy wnnt to do, theorBanlzatlon hns boon torn with
he snld, nnd stay with it to the bitter Intornnl strlfo and It Is holloved Hint
odd. . , Lewis will be dofoated for ro-oloc-
' War between John Mitchell and tlon.
Thomas Lewis, . president of tho 1 The fight botweon tho (wo factions
United M'ne Workers of Amorlcn, H of tho Eloctrlcnl Workers of tho
still In progross. (World Is expected to bo finished to-L,R BftWa nml nr0 operating oalj UlJ
lllnlmll nnniMinniul Iniln.i Hint l.n llllV TllO SIIKolnl rnmlnltln finnnlnleil ... ..iiil.J
.u.ic.... ...... W....WVU , - -. . v..':'." nlnlnora now. Tho Bin ' r"
Is a cnndldnto for tho presidency or to pass upon tno morns or um argu-, nealnneati
monts or tno conionaing rncuon' is v , --i.
expected to nuike Its report thliifa
t t noon Tn 1 ammltte wit la km
blmi lfnt II 'ene: after mldolsh mi
morning nt t lio Albany hotel idi
tho propoiu'iits of both ildMtotfce
dlipute iiiad' their last stand
Toronto. St Louis and Rockittr
nre oontentan'R for the eoans-j
tlon. Hack tltv is backed by if
ntrong contlnwnt nnd It Utc
tain which one will be hanorri
Mill Makes Itcpnlrv
Tho Spauldlng mills In thli W
have closed down some of their 0
chlnory for repairing purpose oatoj
tho Mine Workers' Union. It is be-
- -
A couch euro that can bo given to
chlldrK without chanco of harm
Komp's Balsam, tho beat cough cur
It does not contain poisons or harm
ful drugs. Druggists sell It.
Use DsWUt'i Carbollsed Witch
Ilacel Salvo It li heallngr, cooling-
nd cleaning. It Is especially goqd
mediation at Ilolgrade. Tho oxaet Miry Kal or wyiholm will come to
pnaltlon o f tho dual, mouaichy with the aid of Aiistrln.
regard to tho nnnyisatlon gf nosnln I The attitude of Servia and 11 inte
rnal llerjogovlim and Just how far nogro toward tlfw annexation b Aii
tho powoi'H mny go In attempting to tria of Huknla and Hoizego.nu and
pacify the bolllgoreiit Servians, Is their nppoal to Riibsln for aid has
what the expected note contains ompllcated tho situation
We make up all kind, of Wrappers and Kimonas, WnNts, White
I'liderneiir. Wo keep u Iilg btock of Gent's nnd Imdles' Furnishing
Goods, Silks nnd Dress Goods, Trunks, Matting, Chtim Ware, Etc.
$2 Fancy NlghtgowiiB, salo $1,515
4 75 Dress Skirts, salo.. . .$.:
$1.75 Heavy Wrappers, sal. $1.25
$3,25 Fancy Underskirts J
Salo tSU.00'
$1.75 Waists, snlo $1,00
20c Hoso, sn lo 10c
17c per yard Embroidery e
$1.50 Silk Gloves, sale 85c
50c a yard Dress Goods
Salo . . . 30c per ynrd
15c a yard Flannel,
sale ............. lOe u yard
50c Silk Handkerchiefs salo. :25c
$2.00 Comforts, sale $1.25
$3.25 Kimonas, salo $2 25
$4.50 Children's Conts salo, $2.75
$1.75 Pants, Bate 8125
$9.50 Overcoats, salo . $0.00
$6.00 Wool ninoKots, sale S1.00
$4.75 Silk Waists, salo $2.75
All Kinds of Wrappers, Prices nfic, $1.25, $1.59, $2 00. $3.75 to $0 P0
326 N. Com'l St, first Store on fl. F. Side. Salem, Ore
ortaHT o iv TM niiui or
UICMAKk.3, BttUN 4 CO.
oeHiTi. m, .
The fact that our stock is made up rof Hie ftesl
specimens of
. .... . . ni ln Ur'tuff VflU fa
snouia oe sumcieni aurauiuii iu v
without delay. In point of style, mat erials, i w
onng ann nnisu dishuh a - . ,
second to nonein fact it equals the pro1
the exclusive custom tailor in every detail.
Suits $10 to $35
' . Overcoats $8 to $30
Raincoats $12.50 to $