t -kJtl$ EIRST EDITION 3 P.M.V '. ?, ? i t u; i I faurad VOL. XVIII SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 100B. NO. 18. (Tl)C Dai In 4few(n JiWWyMJJIMJjlElL Plia RIUlllflMnsr Jr 11 MEN ENTOOMBED IN BURNING MINE RAINS TO RUN TO PORTLAND IN HOUR AND FORTY MINUTES ON. BEN F. JONES ANSWERS H. ' W. SCOTT iffflDS THE STATEMENTS). I LEGISLA TORS AGAINSTfflE OREGONIAN If any Republican lender In Oregon, had cnuso for porsonal or pollt .CIiftmbjrUl..jtipSia bo -Hon. B. tntomont No.: J. Republican.' F. Icil grievance against Governor Jonei of Polk and Lincoln, it Stntomont Joaei has twlco hnJ pot bills vetoed by the -Domocrnllc govornor. ibtt like tin honest roprcsontntlvo, Inya aside his porsonal feelings and ftilei his fjtand for law and for principle Rend his mastorly reply to lElfor Scott.) ;.;itor Cafiltnl Jeurnnl: IkllevlDR In tho doctrine of frcb h, and n frop press, I grant the Drtsontin the jlght to curso mid rlllfjr Statement No. 1 Ropubllcnn ttmlxrs of the loglslnturo to hla wm'i content. For the paBt six contbj n largo portion of hto odltoj I page of that pnper hns, In nenrly rwlsiue, been devotod to nbuso 6f iii poor devils, and knowing that tho i of so much spneo in a grout JfHH More for I your money all (he time at the Chicago Store metropolitan pnpor Is vory groat, I cannot- concolvo how thnt paper can afford, to wasto so much on us Stnfo inont'No. 1 mombors whom ho has already rondout of tho Republican party, unless somo ono wljo aspires to tho position of United Slntos son- ator Is behind tho scpno with n sack'. Doing a fro-born American citi zen I" do not llko to Ho down "Llko 'Continued on. saw seven). WORK OF RESCUE BLOCKED EXPLOSION CAUSES CAVE-IN (United Press Leased Wlro.) Hnmm, Westphalia, Gormany", Nov. 12. Thrco hundred and twenty-two mon aro bollovod to bo olthor doad or doomed In tho burning Bnd bod coal m I no near horo. An ex plosion of fire damp shattered tho workings last night and tho fire quickly followed. Rcscuors today aro blocked by tho wrcckago, flames and fumes',' nnd aro unablo to roach tho chambers whoro tho men aro Im prisoned. Tho local Anzelgor,' n!tof a careful Investigation, estimate tho number (Continued on Pngo 5.) MARION COUNTY WINNER AT, ALBANY'S BIG W8f i-CIll9.'SIf -WIW fW-liam tji 4tbi,te$ ISAXVAA MOlMST Salem's Fastest Growing Store 'APPLE SHOW Salem's thrco hundred boostors loft on tho Salem Apple train special with a unlformod military band of 20 men led by Director Stoudon moyor. Tho commlttod of locnl rustlors who got up the excursion woro F. W. StouslofT, Jos, Albort, G. P. Ulshop, D. C. Dlnsmoro, D. J. Fry, I. Groenbnum, D. II. James, J. J. Roberts, Thoo. Roth, Soymour Skiff, Hnrloy Whlto. Marlon Got the Plzt. News was received this morning that Mnrlou county was awardod first przo nt,ptho Albany Applo ,fajr ovor all bounties In' tho. aYator with Pollc Becond. Tho Judges of tho exhibits of ap ples nro Professor' 15. R, Luko of tho O. A. C, Charles V. Galloway of Sn lom, H. M. Williamson of Porland. II. M, Williamson, delivered an -ad- LIMITED ELECTRIC JRAINS f ROM PORTLAND TO SALEM Doglnnlng Sunday, November 7 5, tho Oregon Electric will opernto lim ited electric trains botweon Portland and Salem, making but two s'.ops and running through, Including stops, In ono hour nnd forty minutes Thoro will bo eight trnlns a day ach way Instead of sovon as nt present. Tho limited trains wll Portlnnd dally at 9 : 1 G a. in. and ar rive at Salem at 10:G0. itoturnlng tho limited will leave Salem at :l:05 p. m. and arrive at Portland at A' 16 p. m. Close connections will lm iiindo by tho llmltod for Hlllsboro, Forest Oroyo nnd tho Ynnililll dlvUlou. 11) this arrangement passengers can lonvo Nowherg at S:4G and reach Salem nt 10:GQ, via Tualatin. AImi ImUv Train Sertitv. On tho new schedule a Inter train THIRTY ARE INJURED ON PASSENGER 9 BY EXPLODING OF POWDER MILL New Line JMLerchandise arid Low. Prices Ibt keeps tho Chicago Storo always hramlug..1 Our rocord of soiling, tho hlgfies.t..claBs "merchandise X M W lowest prJco in Salem Is to woll known and any infringement on thi8,(ecpYd'ly competitors will X ltt frith a tleoper cut- - i II v t'l ' IVoraeiTs Codtr and Suits t Sftlom'8 Suit and Cloak. Storo ls,.out afealn for anothor W$ok-of Record Uroaklng Prices In-Goat and Suits'. It keeps our buyers busy In Now York sanding thorn by express. Soolng, iu( boIlQYlng, If- you wnuMha best values in this part of tho world In Upto-Pn(o -Coats nnd Suits como to tho CHICAGO STORE. Ladies' Cqats.50, $5.90, &90 $8.51), $9.W and up Ladies' Suits$6;90,. $8.50; '$9.90, $12.50, $14.50 V and up 5,flnar4s IMPORTED DRESS GOODS AND SILKS r-m rr- Mm I g m p o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 .90000 00 000000000 0 o 'o' SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS.- . Giildod by a premonition, Arvtlla Horgaitsori', (40-yoar-old Blrl O (United Prosa Leased Wlro.) Kansas City, Ma., Nov. 12. Thir ty passongors on n Kansas City Souhorn train woro Injured, sovoral probnbly fatally, whon n powder mill oxploded at Holmes Park, south of horo today as tho train was passing, Tho explosion destroyed thrco houses and shattered buildings for a Qiinrtor of a milo In ovory direction, It Is roportod that sovoral poruoim woro killed In throd houses which wero totally wrecked. Tho train wiib near tho powder house and tho forco of tho oxploaloif Tilmosf blow If off" nnTFrack". Tho windows weio shnttorod and part of thir conches woro blown off. Tim bers nnd Atones wero hurled through tho train. Tho Injurod woro brought horo and taken to hospltnls. 0 yeserdny went-' to n spot on tho John. Detford arm nCnr" Mnrongo, () O Ills., and dug" up tho brfdy of hor brotlior. Other mur'dored men O O and women; It Is oxpeCtod will hd found dn tills second 'murdor O O fnrm.'1 .,'' ' , O O Toniiy 'Innes, a .dospe'rAdo nt Dillon, Mont,, by his bravado In O O placing tho gun of an arresting constable iti- his. mouth and trying O O to selzo the weapon, wns Bhot nnd Instantly killed. . , O O Mrsv-JoBof Osborne, for years-itho louder of--fnsjiloniiblq dress- O 0 mtlfcer fn New York city Is dead. ' ... O O ' vttnrry W. W'ntterson, 'lawyer and son of Ifonry Wnttorson, yes O O'tordh- was killed by falling from tho 10th stpry of tho building 0, O at 37 Wall streot, Now York city, ' O O Secrotary Root Is drawing up a now Amorlcnn-Jupnnese trbnty. O 0 A returning American sklppor roporta nt Copenhagen thnt he O O found tho gravo of Exlporor A. A. Andro, who snllod for tho north O O polo in a balloon In a gravo, under n cross boarlnghls name, on O O the const of Lnbrador. 0000000000 OOOOOOOOOOO O Pullman nitclicdi Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 12. Thrco Pullman couches attached to tho Twentieth Contury' Llmltod, tho Now Y6rk Conoral'R-. Now York-Chicago flyor, woro ditbhod eastof thla. city nt 3 o'clock this morning. Tho occupnntH wire thrown front their berths. but nsldo' (Vom bruluoH none w'ero Injured. Tho train waa runnlg slowly at tho tlnio. Tho pns sengors woronrnsforod-.to tho un injured coachoa nnd tnkon to Syra cuse 'Whoro additional coaches were In reiMllnossi- --n . , i 0 Hit Llltnat Tlvnoo f!nn,lu nnl CllVrn nnn. nn i-nln T .... n fill I'm.n ,!. n ...... Qp . , --..-w. .'. vwa .4VWV0 uu. Ulina null V. oc.IV. ,, V VM ... JUU Ul UU1 Ull illj - "i n iss uoods and Silks yqu may nsk for either in foreign or domestic .goods class, kind Special prices. J 25c, 35c, 49c-, 69c, 75c and up to any price,. WONDERFUL IN UUiUES Girls' .Coats Wo show assortment .! Glrj's, tho createst of . .. Children's Coats In Sa, lui. Tho Cqntji aro thQ newest ad thu prices lowest. (jlREAT VALUES IX Dress ikirts dress on yApple Culture In tho Wil lamette Valley." Among tho individual prize wln nors woro L. T. Reynolds, who took first prize on his Baldwins and seq ond for the best five boxes of throo or more varieties. Charles A. Park took first on Spitz enborgs. The Albany Applo fair is the big gest display of this fruit ever hld in tho Willamette valley aud ostub llshos thq supremacy of this scatlnn as tho applo producing region of Oregon. 390 Beautiful 4 , Dress Skirts New now on i. n . h an:'-iz3iiKaub ta-sSBfww sale In'alJ- the latest shades ajxd materials. Wu adlc, amijll prices , ., . v ysj i . w if ' M Up "I "ffen f I ! f J , Ji x mil TtfiL.f I; lm m JfyrmrA'P I vi I r M 1 "' rw mMf M I I K Wt -f'ffl'rW 5 f! I lX -O . S. r n-ftmniilltit)iMiiilititiiif iaiifiitti DROWNED TRYING TO SMUGGLE INTO V. (United Press Leased Wire.) Buffalo. N. Y.. Nov. 12. Six Ch?- no3e -were swept to death over tho American falls of tke Niagara river near lero today whllo they were at- temntlnc to evnda thn frwloml nt. curs and enter tho United "States. Four other Chinese werij saved from the Tlvor and the' clutches of th upper rapids by pursuing offi cers. Tho rescued celeitlals wore brought .hereunder -arrests nd will boT deportwlt Vj. l Tve Chne -were eroiilngthe riv er Jn two V'oa 'Wheln 'pwbndf QYO th.am o& the rocltsthroing thgce letol.'fpr the Ttej,,, ? . 4.v... will leave Portland fr Salem at 8:40 p. ni. and nrrlvo hero at 10 40 p. m. and a Into train will loavo Sa eom at 8:46 p. m. and nrrlvo at Port land at 10:40 p. m. Tho now train sorvlw h duo to the growing business of 11k Qrogo.n Electric' nnd the desire of tint com pany to do all In their power to ac comodate tho peoplo wflh tho Ijeht possible means of travel U in-d from t,ho Capital City. Omaha Neb ' Nov" hogs, 5000; catle, 6000, 12 Receipt 3000; sheep PLANS RIG DOCK SYSTE.M San Francisco, Nov. 12. News, mado public horo today (hat tho Vandorbtlt nnd Law Interests on the water front west of Fort Mason and extending to the Presidio reserva tion have beon pooled nnd that the submorgod land will be drained and an Immense doc kystom will be coa-, structod, has created considerable In terest" in financial and shipping clr oleai Articles of. Incorporation of the Roalty Improvement & Dock com pany were filed In Albany, N. Y , Tifesday and Investigation proved that hll th valuable water front property onco owned by tho Fair ee tate has been pooled Jn tho new com pany. Tho proporjy was ownod by Mrs. Wt K. Vanderbllt and Herbert E.fcLawV , ' ' -. 'Law- waa ocwtly in New Yorii apd- 'A was Jearnod that he secured lj Rnnncla?ald pf the Vaftderblltsj Jor the coHtemplAted.. system at docks that will be tho most valuable holdings on the water front. ' hi 1 i , 7 WKSTKItNKItS JHAV GET ' ' " IN NEW CAR! NET "Washington D:C. NoV. 12. Tho chances of two western mon for places in tho cabinet of Prosldent Taft is bolng dfscusod by polltlclanii here, today. Richard A.' Ilalllngor of Seattle, who had mndo an onvlnblo record as commissioner for tho land offlco In Washington is being urged upon Taft as a candldato for tho portfolio of commerce -md labor, whllo George A. Knight of California Is "mentioned for another billot ir. tho advisory council of tho president elect It Is Intlmnted that .John Hnys Hammond, the mining txpfni Is not avorso to Joining tho cabinet as head of tho dopartmont of commerce and labor.' It la said by Hammond's friends that ho has somo deflnlto idoa regarding improvements In the department for, the benpfit of tho business Interests of tho country. Moreover they assort, Hammond hns beon a strong campaigner In tho .repent election nnd is entitled to re ward. SUni'OENA ISSUED FOR MRS. RELLE GUNNES.-4 (IJnltejl Press Leased Wlro.) Laporto, Ind., Nov 12. Deemlni? that Mrs. Belle Gunness. the mva- terioua widow of tho Laporto murder farm Is still alive, attorney Worden on behalf of Ray Lamphere, tho wld t w"s torvnnt, has caused cubpoemu ' W k lirf llinll Ail ftm ! Ths namo of Mrs Cunness stands' 5q be snmmoned by Lamphere to provo bis Innocence of the charrio jot muraering sirs, yunneaa aud; threiTcrreSi en April 2C, 1908. ' . Subpoenal for Mr Gunne3 havo been placed In tho liands of deputy sheriffs.