Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 03, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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:Arvr OitrrrAi oimnAti, MAhmiL onw&x. Tuesday, November 3, i&8
Talk with your doctor About Ayer'a non-
atrnhnlto Saraanarllfa. Altr htm If ho tiro.
7iCyiil)S 8cr'bcs 'f for Pa'et delicate children. Ask
him' if ho recommends it when the blood
Cnnu,ti M,t ,,, f,h. .. -... Is thin and Impure, and when the nerves are
ealnalters. He know. Trail him. weak and unsteady. Ask him if italdsnature
Di et he toys. Follow his aiislct. fnbulldlnp.upthegencralhealth.f?,'
I Edna Wallace Hoppor has been ro-
strainoa zrom auposuig or tne $25,
000 auto presented to her by A. 0.
Brown, In case tho latter'? creditors
should deslro to bring suit to recover
on tho machine.
How In Your I'igcstlon.
An Italian workman was murdered Dr. J. Bemplo Cahlll and Robert A"'nS,iillkIi
after a torrlflo strugglo in a tunnel Smithors, both prominent at Rocky remedy for stomnch trouble. She
connected with the Now York city- Mount, Virginia, engaged in a duel says: "Gratitude for tho wonderful
subway. ,at tho station in their city yestorday . efre.ct ?t.?3,ec.t,r,c Bitters in a case of
. . ' . , ..,- lBof ' a. .,. 'acute Indlgestfon, promptB this tesj
l, and a8 a result the last-named will monlal. I am fully convinced that
How to Ouro a Cold. probably die. 'for stomach and liver troubles Elec
Bo as careful as you can you will i L n trie Bitters is tho best remedy on tho
occasionally tako cold, an dwhon yo j ' I market today." This great tonic and
do, got a medeclno of known rollabll-' stal f 0,1,0 City of Toledo, Lucas alterative medicine invigorates tho
ity, one that has an establhhed ropu- County, ss. system, purifies the blood and Ib espc
tation and thatls certain to effect a Frank J. Cheney makes oath that dally helpful In all forms of female
Wick cure. Such a medicine la ,10 senior partner of the Arm of weakness. 50c at J. C. Perry's drug
Chamberlain's Cough Romody. It i p J Cheney & Co., doing business In store,
has gained a world wide reputation itno city of Toledo, county and stato o
by ite romarkkblo euros of this most arorcsnid, and that said firm will pay; pajr election day weather provatl-
comraon ailment, ana can always bo """" Ul w& nunrnwu uuu- . ., but about cloven states
depended upon. It a6ts on nature's LARS for each and every case of Ca-,0" m ft" DUt aDOUt otevon auuos'
plan, rollevcs tho lungs, aids oxnee
toratlpn, oports the secrotlons and
aids nature In restoring tho system to
a, healthy condition. During tho
many years fn which It hn boon In
general uso wo have yet to learn of a
slnglo caso of cold or attack of tho
grip having resulted in pnoumonla
whoa thl3 remedy wns used, which
shows conclusively that It Is a cortnln
proventlvo of that dangorous disease.
tarrh that cannot bo cured by tho
use or Hairs catarrh euro.
Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed
In my prcsonco, this Gth day of Do
comber, A. D,, 1880.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASQN,
Notary Public.
A Hair's Breadth Escape.
Do you know that ov'orytlmo you
have a cough or cold and let It run
on thlnglnk, It will just euro Itsolf
you are Inviting pnoumonta, con
sumption or Bomo other pulmonary
troublo? Don't risk It. Put your
Mrs. Amanda Boslcr, who died at'
the Salem hospital Monday morning
of blood poisoning was 04 years of
ngo and a widow. Seven children sur
vive, of whom five aro daughters:
Mrs. Frank DoPuo of Eentorprlse,
Mrc. Win, Scott of Kenvlllo, Lonna,
Grace and Mellls of Salem. Tho sons
are Jesse and Harley, also residents '
of Salem. Mrs. Bosler left three
brothers, H. J., Z. T., and Abnor '
Smith, all of Salem.
Deceased has led an active and use
ful life and her untimely death will
bo mourned by n largo clrclo of
Funera' services wore held at 2 p.
m. today fit ClopgVs funeral parlors,
Rev. D. Errqlt officiating. Interment
was had in City View comotory.
Chamborlaln'fl CoukIi Remedv con-.Byatom. Send for testimonials free
talnn no opium or of her nnrcotlc ahd F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, Or.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In- lungs back In porfoct health and
tcrnally, and aots dlroctty on tho stop that cough with Ballard's Horo
blood and mucous surfaces of tho hound Syrup.
Prlco 25c, 50c and $ 1.00 por bot-
may be givon as confidently to a babv
as to an adult. For Bale at Dr. Stono'e
drug store.
A Idrunken cowboy at EI Paso,
Sold by nil druggists, 7Gc,
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. - " n -mi ii-'
One man wns killed and 32 famll-
tlo. Sold by all dealers.
Japanese statesmen nro working
hnrd for a cementing of tho Ameri
can and Japaneso interests In an alliance
Texas, yostordny ropod a Mexlcun ' ,CB woro ,oft homeless by a flro which
m i .... . . . rtnntrnvnt kn Oohn ifn A ai'IHa ItinN.
irom a insi moving train, nul ntr him """' v" w,u "'"', """"""' m- , .,, ,,,..,.
to -tho ground and Instantly killing ' tor and noarby H0US08 ,n Newark, N. of i(ho fo'ot or nnk,0 mny prduc0 n
him. Tho cowboy Is now In hiding lu r' ycslor(lny' lYPry serious sprain. A sprain Is
A committee of Snlom ladles who
aro arranging an open houso and re
ception for tho Y, M. C. A. rooms,
thnt have been rebuilt and rofurnlsh-
cd consists of Mrs. A. H. Dodd, Mrs.
A. N. Mooros, Mrs. W. II. ByYd, Mrs.
P. H Raymond, Mrs. J. C. Morolnnd,
Mrs. F. W. Benson, Airs. Robt. Eakln,
Mrs. R. S. Bonn. These ladles will
bo assisted by a number of tho yottne
brides of tho city. It is expected tc
mnko it a great occnslon'for renewing
Interct In tho Y. M. C. A. work of
this c'.ty.
Who Kind Yot Jffavo Always OBouriifc. ami .t.i.. .
in uso for over 30 years, 1ms borno theXL .
yf ami lm !, i . .. "'Pwtore at .
ud has beonwnaouS?18
AU Counterfeits, Iiultntlons andJmtl1M.l!!?0'
Experiments that trifle with. andcnuanffcrthot. v!.1
Infants and Cblldron-Experionco agftinst JW4 i
tho mountains.
Seven Years of Proof.
What Would Yon Do?
In case of n burn or scnld whnt
would you do to relievo tho pnln7
more painful than n break. In all
sprains, cuts, burns and scalds Bnl
lard's Snow Liniment Is tho best
thlngto uso. Rollover tho pnln in-
:!AWt -nT- ot Proof Sch iKles" are lable to" occu ' In ,tra&.sreAcCeannPaK.d,lyPOr'
that Dr. King's Now Discovery Is tho 'any family and everyone should ho 'rf''lnn r?ornnd Si on FnrRnln
best medfclno to rake for coughs and .prepared or thorn. Chamborlaln'fl uJnJJ'0 attA $1'00, For Ba,
colds and for ovory dlnensod condition-'Snlvo applied on n Boft cloth rill re- D nU aoalor8
of throat, chest ro lungs," says W. V. . Ilovo tho pain almost Instantly, ami' , - rr: 7" ' 4
Henry, of Panama, Mo. Tho world 'unless tholnV.try K a very Bovero ono, F, L. Todd, a Janitor for St. Pnt-
11 aS had 38 VOam Of nrnnf tlm np wIM ..t., .l, ..n n l.nn ...IH.r...f .Ma nlmxnl. In rnti Mnnt tin.
rom,lfn!?IollJ",tho.bo',l J.0.BV,n.K .n Bcai!' For Wl, by Dr i boon arrested for stealing tho money
astuna, bay fovor, bronchitis, hom-l o
orrhngo of tho Iungtt, nnd tho early Dllko ,1'Abriizrl will bo undo nd
sUgos of. consumption. Its .timolv1 ,"' , '!, ""' '
ii8fl-TIwnys provontT tho dovolopmont ,n,ral ,n tho "" nvy on Novom-
t i a p rVv'aTir wu-.S;r BUraAranior ' ' . '"T ol l" ,aro promptir relieved by Chnmbor-
ti nn TMn7i!V.fog ip Oo nn(1 nnoon, who Ii oppopfg his nmrrlngo hnfu's Liniment. This liniment re-
i.uu. xrini uouto free. with Catherine Elklns, duces litffnmrnatlon nnd soreness bo
doposlted In tho church't; poor box.
How to Trent n Snnilii.
Sprains, swolllngs nnd lameness
Ada Boamor, an nctrois, dod from A Broken IJ4ick.
morphlno' poisoning .In nn Onklnnd, J Tnt pnln In your bnck caused by
Cl. hospital yontordav ' I lumbago, stiff muscles or k strata fa
an onsy thing to got rid of, Bal-
In tl ' Qtinuf T .ti I iiiti f rtiiitnd 1mi mn.
uso DhU Itt'i Cnrbollzod Witch tlsm. iMmbniro. Horn and stlfT nmsplH.
JiaXCt anlVO II in ll.lnllnir rnnllnn HtrillllH. BliniltlR. rilf. hlll'llR rirulHos.
and cloansrng. It Is esnoclallvHood iHrft,ds and all nchos and pnlnw. You. fwth
for piles. BoulZSl! " 1 '" hou"' S"f I T"
thnt a Bprafu may bo cured In nbout
ono-thlrd the time required by the
MSiuf! troiitmont. '25 nnd 50 contis
sizes for Bare1 at Dr. Stono's drug
Cold'? nnd Croup in Children.
"My Hlt'o girl h subject to colrfrf,"
Bays Mrs. Win. II. Sorlg, rVo. 41 Fifth
streot, Wheeling, W. Va. "Last win
ter sho had a severe spell and a ter
rible cough, but I cured hor with
Choniborlnln'fl Cough Romody with
out tho nld of a doctor, nnd my little
boy has boon provontcd many times
from having the croup by tho' timely
use of this syrirp. This remedy Is
for snie nt Dr. Stono'a drug stoTo.
Count Zeppolin yesterday too fir his
daughter nnd Duchess Vera of Wur
t oni ho rg on nn ncropfnno (light with
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Synrp
moves tho bowels gently. Contnlita
no polntcs. It is pleasant to tako-,
nmf cltfldren especially lllhi tho tnsto,.
so nearly like maple sugar; Sold by
nfl" dnrggfsts.
Cnatorla Is a liarmless subatltnto bv Castor Oil 1
poric, Irops and SootUlng Syrnps. It is PlcaJLtr!
conuilns neither Opium, Morphia nor other lfarJil i"s
substance Us ago Is lta guarantee. It dcatrova -wZZ f
ntnf nlln wk TfAVnmalittADci T . rvt nv1
.. .-.vt. AU..uuoa, iuw AJinrruoca and Vki
Colic. It relieves Toething: Troubles, cures ConstlBAtw
Mini Flfitiilitnov. If; nRRltnltnfoM l,, w..i . . .P"
Stomach mui BottcIs, giving: healthy and natural W !,
Tho Chili! rmiH Panacea Tho Motlir tvi...i '
Boifcj tho Signature of
.The Kind Yon Haye Always Boulf
In Use For Over 30 Year
tm cihxavh ooMpmtr, rr HuauriraiiT, Hrwrtnwem.
Ins Kind You Rjto Always Bop
fluin th fl Rino '0a "avfl AlMrs BougM
i cnMnrf 3 ,
SLM Salem Hardware Co,
Urco Lines, Three Insertions. 25c.
jrvi. '.iS:
VAcre Tracts In 12 mll03 of Port
land., Flno fruit lund nnd closq to
how oloctrlc lino nnd county rond.
$700, $50 cash and $10 por mouth
l Homosookors lufprmat'on Duroau.
232 N. Commercial St., Salem. Or.
Fer Male A Orst-class Vi horso
power Mitchell gasoline engine,
tflth auto spnrkor, both In good
eeuditlon. Also 3 horse power
water motor. Enquire at Journal
offlco Immediately, If you wish n
bargain. lQ.20tf ,
Far Baliv-Sovon-room houso, nil
mo lorn conveniences, ono-hnlf
block lond. For furthor particu
lars call on mo morning nt my
roaldenco, ond of car lino, south,
iklrs. Ooo. II, Jonos Phono 1181.
Vut Sale l)y owner, good houso,
bam, shod, cow, horao, light
wngon nnd buggy; ton lota nil
foncod nnd oultlvntod; fruit trees:
cornor Twenty-second and Hyde.
Tumor Uoiid. 10-22-3w
For Kale Ton Bhnrot of Hickory
Burk pretorrod stock. Address
Drawer 618, Snlom, Oregon.
...-. .... ) '
Berrien I have ono ot tho boat and
largest varieties of any grown on
tho coast and can furnish you
good atock nnd truo to namo. 8end
IftroataloK. Ooo. L. Allon, Leba
aefi, Or. 0-2.5-lWQL.
rmlrtt For rh-Hroko to wqrk o
ride, Enquire Koler's. fflod shed,
near ateol br.I(ga. l-5-3t"l
El'lfclAI nAUOAlXRv
Oeod dairy ranM lienr Stab qrek ,n
Tillamook rftunty, ISO acres, with
19 good cows, 20 acres oloarpd,
fair 6-room hQso, barn for 12
eows, 2 liorsoa, 2JI tons bay. Tbls
lor salo or Uanefer tor; Salem
property. "Will take 50p cash,
and $l lay tUJ jmW out, only
fSBOO. .
A kwiutirul dairy farm, 40 acres, 5
1 wllei from town, flno Bprlng water,
good barn, fair 4-fobm house, 250
SMKlish walauts, 1200 loganber
Tk, 3 acres bearing orchard, well
tId, 400 wortk of tiling on place,
A Jo dandy, $6090.
Honwa and lots for wle, and rent.
Kw.onHblo prices It you want aay
thUK k 1? line. Want notary
work, or bwt of lwiuranco; wat
h or want work of any kind.
Register you wants with
Ono 0-room house, 3 lots, good base-
mont, wnsh stand, bath, toilet;
good now windmill! all kinds ot
fruit; closo In. $2500.
Good 7-room houso, flno wood houso,
Htnblo, good w,pll, forco pump, 3
lota. $2000.
Good G-room houso, good stable, ft
ncres of Innd. $2700.
0room houso on 18th street, cor
nor lot. $950.
Good 4 room house, batb, tollot,
pantry, lot 75x175. Proco, $1300'
aood plnco with 12 lots, Biuall houso,
well foiccd, nil kinds ot fruit,
ope hprso, ono good cow, .2 ono
horso wagons, 200 chickens. Al.
for $1750.
3 cheap houses In Yew Park; house
of nil prlcos from $1000 to $40QU.
81 ncros, good houso nnd ba,rn, good
well, plenty of all kinds of fruit.
JO cows, G hogs, 2 dozon chlokons,
good wngon, buggy nnd 2 horses.
plow, harrow and some othor fur
nltM-o. $80 per nro.
80 ncres 3 mllos of, Salem, 10 ncre
' In cultivation, balnnco In pnsturo
nnd tlmbor; $C5 por ncro.
3 10-ncro tracts from $1600 ts
30 ncres, house, barn, orchard.
21 acres of good and, good house,,
barn, 9 acres orchard, 3 horsos, 2
cows, wagon, buggy harnoas.
plow, In fact, all tho furniture on
the placo, $6000. - .4.
30 ncres all In tlmbor and pasture
And some of tho best of tho river
bottom lapd.
j. c, smiLZ,
100 Stnto Rt. ' Salem, Or.
15 acres, good 7-room plnstcrcd
nnd pnpored hoqso, bam, outbull 1
Ings, frulf, otc. good' home, Insldo
corporation;, onljr fcaWO',
acres, good house, bnriu,. fruits, oto ,
In good location on good' road, for
a fow dnys, $1TC4.
Good, f-room plhBtoredMiouBO-, barn. 2
ncres, nil In fruit, Just out of Su
lem. Tliln fit gooiT lhnd"r gootl borne
Only $1300-.
'Alio sotiio of tho bst lots pn Stato
19 ncres, ono mllb of goo town nnd
school, on good' road', good" 7-room
houso, imrn, Qutbun'dlbs?rall kinds
of fruits, otc., gomV xrxt&r, good
houso, only $2400.
Ifousos to ront etc.
If you aro looRlng fov farms, or
houses, seo
' a. c. scmrrr co.
Room 9, ovor TJfcltod Stntea Nation
Bank, Snlem, Orognn.
LoH Out For tho Forostors' damce
November 1L Holraan's hall.
CHmmlns nros.' Transfer CowpHy
All klnd of transfer work don
Furn'ture and piano boxed ready
for shipment. Prorapt service U
our motto. Stand apd offlco at
253 South Commercial street
Phone 210. RoBldenco Phons
WcHgcr CherriHgtoH Pianos and
organs sold on easy tortus; tolo
phono 1187; 347 Commercial
Street, Salem, Oregon. tr
Livery una Fml Snll Old Foot
oWce SUbl, at XS4 Ferry street.
btwe Commercial aud Front
strttta. Telepkonu 1S8. 8oa of
tk aat UverlM lu ta olty aaa
b fow4 lir. WitUcott Ik Jos-
Why pay rout when w cun soil you
a llttlo houso and two lots. 18
fruit trooH. different -nrtotles of
borcles, good woll. for $:i25 cash.
Yon will hnvu to huny.
? 111)0 Modern Klv-Hoom lltiue.
Now mndorn, 6-room houso. bath,
tollot. soptfc sower, wired for
electricity. Only $1100.
.Modern Snoao Pniperty fir J? 1000.
Ono of th host built homes In tho
city of Salem; strictly modern and
un-to-duto, 9-rooin, doublo doors,
reception hull, bath, two toilets,
Hcreon-ln back iwch, with laun
dry tubs, largo living rooms, largo
opon fireplace, fine olectrlc fixtures,
largo dining room, 5 largo bod
rooms with closets, bnsoment with
furnace, largo cornor lot, contest
curb, shado trees, lawn and flow
ers; cortalnly n big bargain for
If you are going to buy a farm, buy
n good ono. Don't buy until you
bmq tho 80-acre farm on beautiful
Hpwell prairie, very best of soil
nnd location. Prlco only $S5 per
ncro. Every foot pf good land
Many other farms; any number of
norus to suit.
5-cro tract, improved, for rent
chonp. If you foavo any property
to soil or exchange seo
.til Stato St. Dayno UuIUUng
Ccntonr Work Concrete walks, sep
tlb tanks) conrant floors and ntn
dlttlonth Estimates furnlshod and
nil work guaranteed. J. P. Vrtck,
328- Marlon etreot. Phono G03.
-ii i . i ir i M ii
Help) Furnished' Fr? f Charge By
Latham Land' Company. 478 State
strootv phonir No. 149. Partlos
wanting helv). please call at office
or phono u. Atso have cows- for
Concrete Worfc Get my pr'cw on
sldbwulk cuciSs, Bpetlc tanV nnd
com3ht worlr of nny klndi All
, work gunt an teed first clnsf. M.
Ward, 237 ainple Ave., Highland
Pltone 509. 'Jtriy24-tf
CaiiJmtn'r Can do nil klutfa of
roush and ih Ide work, Amythtng
frnm repairs tocontractlnB; A. G.
Brown, t3.:W North 17th itreot.
gei l.umiier ind met Cm.- -Lumber,
shingles, building mncerlal
wrod and coal. Low xirlren anc
prompt d3-lverlfij One blfvk east
of S. P pa"Rngr'' dfloot Phon
1) ?.tf
rfrk A Wettderotb Fine winsa,
ltqnora and cigar. We handAa
the celebrated Kelleg gan Caslla
whlskiea. Cool and tetreonieg bT
constantly ot draught. South
Ronmnrclnl strAW, 9-S-lyr
Cajtiterff. Union- Ha. 1003 Lal
Union Noj.l005 of. Carpenters qhrq
Joiners of Amorfca. meet evor aat-
tanlky ovoralng a 7:5 p. m. In
Hearst nail, 4O0 State Street
A. W. Donnls, Ilec. Sop.
Forttscem ot Americn Cenrt Slrr
wood, Forestors, No. 19. Mots
Saturday night p llolman hall,
SCato Btrootj GtMtj F. Patterson. C
1C; J. C." P6rry, fllmjisrfal secrotryk
Contrul Lodgo No. 18, K. of l.
Castle hall In Holman block, eor
ir Stnto nnb TJberty straots.
Tbosdny of' enell wtk at 7:3' p.
rt. Oscar Johnson. C. C; EC B.
Anderson, K. at R. and S.
Modern roodntan of America Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. IJBetfi
evory Thurdhy evening at 8
o'clock In llolman ball. W. W.
Hill, V C.; 11 A. Turner, clerk,
WuoUinemof World Meet every Fri
day night al 7:30. In Holman hall.
E. Lttflton, C, C; I , Pmeler,
Lincoln Annuity Union Sink, neat
dont nnd pension Insurance; $2,
000,000 pledged; every cloJIra paid
Good agents wanted, . J, H. CI
Moatgouiery. supreme organlzor.
Box 432: Salem, Oregon. R. R
Ryt.& secretary. 546 State strwrt.
I,ot A largo Scotch cotlto, whlto
forelegs, with whlto breast, small
whlto stripe over nose tp neck.
Lan seen In Salem Sunday. Sult
ablo reward It finder will call up
Main 121, Independence, Oregon.
Bookkeeping And penmanship clas
now being formed. Address Y, M
O, A. high school. 11-2-St.
Thco. M. Itarr Plumbing, hot watar
and steam heating and tinning;
164 Commercial street. Phone
G. F, MASON BOX 00. "" "'' 9-l-ljr
347 Millar St, South Sales, nans- M. J. Fetwl -Plumbing. steu and
faeturer of all kinds ot boxw. cratw ?8 Succeor to Knor
and fruit 4ryw aecoris. Pnon ijurpfcy. zzi i commnrclal trMt
g, n I Paea Mala 17.
$.1S90 Large two-story,, elg&t-toom
house, modern, all new. Inside
$4500 Very handsome, new( nine
room house, on Court streot, lot
75x165, modern, heated with
furnace. A Bargain.
$3,000 A new modern' bungalow,
just completed, finely equipped
with modern conveniences. On
Court street. A Snan.
$1550 Each Two newly built cot
tages in Yew Park, modern.
Nothplng cheaper In Salem.
$1250 New houso nnd barn, very
large, seven rooms, well built.
North Salem.
$1450 Now house, six rooms, bath
and toilet, septic sower, well built,
on Asylum avenue.
Lots from $180 to $1000, Soe In
side lots at $350.
Modern house, 7 room, electric
lights, bath, toilet, pantry, half
block, beautiful grounds, fruit.
W,o have a large list of city proper
ties tor sale. Houses and lots
$600 and up. Vacant lots $50 and
up. Call on
311 Stato Street. Bayne !$
100 acroj, flvo mllw tw
good ton-raom how, &rt tt
i xov, airuw '
splondld place. ?&,
i ncro. ,
5". acres, gol Bix-roa v
houso, 350 bcariBgprw""-.
Krt hpnrlrj ftDDlO trtfiO'f
trees In bearing. Thbp!''
!,. In :A hPn At till.
VJUBO III M v-.-r .
' Now C-room house, clowU
I throo lota, good barn. 1
! City lota for sale &" "
amounts down, -monthly
InstaHmenti, o U
. . .. hv tbW '
WniHl o w- u - ,
pounced "-' 4g
wrfto mwt. .
vision svrwv.
I will UuyyowUM R,
mine or Kn8r,.e uj l
both of us. ", (jjHrt
mathvs regardla mukI
Lands on the froiy t
part of Oregon ""Liil
from personal exp" i
1267 Marlon treel. J ,
PCmL nver SteusloK 't-'
uuivv .
4?l- FntWP. W
Heaqwf"-r7 ji
Poultry N'eIniir ftfl
Malthofd i
Tiooin. Scrf ., --
jasUblo Wl. J
,in HiBiaiV