DAILY 0AP1AL JOURNAL SALEM, ORBGON. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1808 J. L. STOCKTON 1 n& WHITE CORNER NEW SUITS and COATS RECEIVED SATURDAY Some of the best things shown this Eeason havo just arrived. The new model Sullg nnd Coats which oharac- , terlze our ready-to-don department at all time. These stylos are exolu j v bIvc, In partlofilnr.the higher grades' Revised Dlrectoirle and Sheath styles . riroYQry popular. The suits range In "prloo ' $15.00 to $65.00 f'JT4ho Cools vnry in price S5.50 to $15.00 New-Skirts In Sheath stylos buttoned all down tho front or side. $8.00 to $50.00 More Neckwear . Another shipment arrlvod Saturday. There ar many new deas In the assortment that will Uo In ter tlrg to see, evon If you don't buy.. Jabots 15c -- Worth 25c En' uK l linen cUara, 20c. All now doslgns TA3Ltr ONE HUNDRED DOZEN NAPKINS SPFC1AI (H r-A $L50. "Warranted al pure linen, fast sel- LINEN vedge, extra largo edgo. si Ladies' Sweaters A now line of popular-priced garments weavos unci colors to please overy tnBto.' in Clothing Our grant sale cut our stook down so-much that wo woro obliged to wire for Immediate shipment of suits. Some arrived Saturday that we can brng on. Seo display In Commercial street window Do You Wear a Phoenix Scarf? If Not, Why Not? MT HOUSE NEWS A decision was handed down by udge Durnett yesterday at noon or tot cases which lib had under ad- Kitment. The matter of Claggott vs. Yannkh Mi tfttled by a a remittitur of a ortlon of tho Judgmont arrived, at lU' terdlct handed In by tho Jury a wrt time ago. I la the caso Involving the estate f of, rl Walker, deceasod, vs. Mafrfo flker, administratrix, MarfoVUi: r'l attorney, Geo. H. Btnghatn, Wade notion to modify tho JuugmopH Mae for tho plaintiff, B. 13. MllWfi me last trial for S3B. but Jiidga nett overruled It. 'Carson ft ran appear as counsel for th& "ntlffu I to the action for money Instigated Chrlstenson against D. Moriran. I- Voget and G Voget, an appealed l. Juago Burnett ruled that on fjment of $3 to tho nlnlntlff. tho dp- Mant would be allowed to file a pad amended answer on or bofore P th of November, tho plain!! '""ersame tho 20th of tho.samd 0B,n Attorney Frank Holmes an- p" fcr the p'aintlff, and Martin & I"TI it ;- i r uie aoienaant. fQ B (Y' ars Wns plvnn (itidrmant an ordr to sej attached prop rorbeni.i ti Emll Schlndler'to , r lament on some promissory "" ' iitei iiuiunua me tor Schlndler JuIge Bur en adlournixi tho nru cnt session until 0 o'clock tomorrow morning on account of tho election. O' CHURCHES FERRY BOAT SINKS OXE SI AX IS MISSIXM Washington, D. C, Nov. 3, Tho Iron Htenmcr Wnuhlnuton ran down TAIT I and sunk tho ferry boat Lackawanna DIRECTIONS TO PREPARE BEST BLOOD TONIC - ! FORCES TIII3 KIDNEYS TO FIL TER IMPURITIES FROM THE . , 1JL001) AND IS EASILY MIXED. You will look a long tlmo boforo you flud a more effective Blood medt clno than the following recipe: Fluid Extract Dandelion ono hnlf ounce, Compound Kargon one ounce, Com pound Syrup Sarsaparllla three ounces. Shako well and use lu tea Bpoonful doses after each meals and at bedtime. It cleans the blood of all impuri ties and nourishes the blood. In Just a few days tho Bkln begins to clear of sores, bolls and pimples. It puts vigor and energy Into run-down, de blllatod mon and women. For ninny years Sarsaparllla alono has been considered a good blood medicine But while It built up nnd mndo now blood, tho Impurities romnlnod within nnd the good accbmplUhcd was only tomporary. Sarsaparllla, however, when used In combination with Com pound ICargon and Extract Dnnde Hon, works wonders This combina tion puts tho kldnoys to work to fil ter nnd bIR out the waste matter, uric acid and other Impurities that muse dlsoase. it mnkos now blooi and relievos rheumatism and lnnn back and bladder trouble. Tho !n;rodionts cost but llttlo nnd are easily mlxod at homo. Every man and wonuln hero should mnko somo up and try It if thoy feol tholr system roqulros n good blood medi cine and tonic. o : l W 9flwW9Wm fHWf o o o o iVt o o o o o o o o () JAPANESE ALSO HAVE O () CAUSE FOIl EXCITEMENT O O In connection with tho nntlon-.O O al election dny, tho Japanoso O O are colobratlng tho birthday of O o tho mikado, nnd tho llttlo brown O O mon horo havo tholr national O O colors flying from long steam- O O era nt tho Jap hoadquartors on O O Forry streot near Liberty. A O O big feast will take place this O O oveuing to which all tho Orion- O O tals will receive a cordial wol- O () como. A hundred or so Jnpn- O O nyflo lantors are suBponded on O O the ropes holding tho flags O O which will bo lighted during O O tho ovonlng. O OOOOOO'OOOOOO OOI XG BACK ON Rov. Pomborton, ot tho Friends j off tho Alexandria wharf today lu a church, Monday night nt a special meeting at W. C. T. U. hall an nounced that ho would support Cffafla... Ho has been In the class with ttbv&ejlctk and Rov. Robinson, who talk string for Prohibition, and vote ttio RfubHCan ticket. Ho saw the lbt Uml jilght and renounced the 'Taft platform, saying Taft was an Infidel, W Bryan was devoted to the church nterests and supported Prohibition.- This was Rftorwrda op poWl by somo spenkors present at tho free-for-all, who showed that Bryan opposed local option In Nebras ka and helped dofeat the constitu tional amendment. dens efogV One unidentified passenger Is miss ing, and Is believed to havo boon drowned. No others vrpro Injurod. O O o EXTERNAL REMERY FOR ECZEMA OOOOOOOOOO SMILES. OOOOOOOOOO OO Wo have got to do somethluK bo- sides .talk nbout that fair grounds boulevard, gentlemen. The "Flaming Arrow" wSw a good show. Everybody is talking nbout wammmmmammmmMMrnHmmmmmmHamiam PILE TORTURE STOPPED 2 Y LIVER 'fUUl.!, . Mwlt...... . " '' I' at I wnnLl ulki rt Hr ted ?J "4 ' ! lb lt.,w.'MM',IU rmUUCkl,.Ll,r t k.L . --il ..... m . - - -- ----- . . IT'4IV., 11..;. "'"" l" ta rt.a "" " t. rm Wr.r. u. Beit Far "fh 5ow Severe Pains CWVCATUiniC 'sS&f2tt !iL"Z h. . SH;?tS'st?c tilt ii v",l,c or h y. ut Wiy Snlves lill Whllo n Simple Liquid ArrompllMipa Thousand of Cxttos- t j When a ' prominent it is now 'thoroughly established nerve is affected, the pain among tho host medical authorities js geVCl'O. It IS Called neil that eczema is purely a skin disease, ' ragja Jfc may )G in eitll due Jo a germ and curable only jV , , L0(l v, Re- through the skin. It is nof a blood " " j?? ""S, , V J1UJ. CUIIlUa UHiV nuuii i.Ja nerve trouble is overcome. By its soothing and strengthening influence upon the nervous system Dr. Miles' Nervine re moves the cause. "It was about two years ugo that X was takwi down with what tho ooo tor claimed waa neumlKta. ana som called It liKhtnlnir rheumaUpn. Sharp pain would go from or.o place to an other. motly In my, head, and they would last two or thre daa boforo I could e relief. During theso pells I would b ao itervou that I hardly knew what I wu rfoln. The pain; vero o evere exnauatlne' that wy hiwband would hav to steady mo when walking acroa tho room. I wouM have fever, and piy heart would salbltate. and In day or two I wou d KiT brtter. Jut a oon a I would xpeao mjut the very Jot,I w" wo t havo a P Ot 3u''5'1)., havo taken JoU of doctor raedlclne, but I mleht Just no well Jgk water. My aunt kent writlivr raoTb Jut try Dr. Mlloa NervlB and I am thank, ful that I wai pereuaded to do p.'0' tho Norvta haa cured o ha drive H out m ft a ppcoK MM 8vMMh Avo.. St foPn. S Dr. MlUa' Nervine li told Wy your tfrvMltt. who IH ffuarantM that tho flritUttle will henefK. If It fIH, ho wW r1un4 your JoyL , . UHm Mtdkal Co., Elkhart, lad dlsoaso at all; in fact, thousands of people suffer with skin disease and are porfectly healthy otherwise, and therefore prove they havo no diseased blood. Smeary salves cannot reach the germ? because they do not penetrate the skin. The only way to reach tho cerms Is by means of a penetrating liquid. ' Such a liquid can be obtained uv simply mixing ordinary oil of winter green with thymol, glycerine and nthor heallne agents. This com pound known a D, D. D. Prescrln ton stops the Itch Instantly and the cures all appear to be permanent. In fact. It took thousands of cur case a(ter case, before the best scien tific authorities were convinced or the absolute merl of thlp remedy. Tie eretpf D D D. Prescription n MMsbWir the Itchlne eczema B-ns ta imn .wfthln one minute after 'ie irt MicatIon W" hpeclally r'e- Offimen'l D. D P. Soap In connection vith hls trcatmeat I TiM qtHat.Jri.Co. J By lyrainld l'llc (Niif, Withel DanV ger, IH-OHrfort or 1Jh. Trial lVuitAge' by 5KkI1 Ptx, There la nq(pliytilcal tortWro equal to that of piles. It leaves a special mark of pal In th6 face ot men and women. t attacks tko nerves, inusclos, bowels, stomach and, In fact, the whole m'a'chiuory of man, cither directly or Indirectly. Pyramid Pile Curo has proven It value, and has "booii tho largest aoll- lng Pile Curo In America and Canada for years. Every druggist carries H, price fiO cOntB. Ho knows Its merits and can tel you of cures In his com- rrinnlty. ' Do you think It would grow to such a mammoth salu without merit? It will do Its duty, an our daily testi monial mall clearly proves. Ono or two applications prove Its peculiar and beneficial vnluo. Don't bo skeptical but do yourself tho JusUco of giving a trial to a curo which bus really cured thousands. If you are timid and do not like to buy of your druggist send ns fifty cents and we will sand you a full alzed box by mall in plain' wrappor. What It has done for others It can do for you, and to provo it send ub your name and address and wo will send you a trial packuge by mall free Address Pyramid Drug Co., 167 Pyra mid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. TOM WILSOX .ILMtEH A POLITICAL FORECAST Tom Wilson, a leader of tho local Democracy says: "Marlon county will give Taft 600 to 800 plurality. In the state It will bo close with odds In favor of Taft. But Bryan will be elected President." OovwHor'n Appointment- Governor Chamberlain yesterday yesterday. appointed Millard O. Lounn. dale to the vacancy cause by the resignation of J. H. Reed. Vomei wltk toad eeaiBfezieM ar ' ii never fcoaaeJy. Ooo4 blood makes r good complexions, Laae's Family Medicine makes good blood. All drufgtets U U-fof 2 eatr. . H.lb-A ty i r w mm V tt m 3sr iwSi?S- t in t SAY! IV VOU WAXOJ.TO SEE OXE OK THE CLEANEST, XEATEST STORES, BEST SELECTED STOCKS AXI) PRICES THAT ARE THE BEST YOU liVEU HAW, COME IN TO OUR STORE AXI) WE WILL PROVE TO YOU WE ARE TELLIXO VOU THE FACTS AS THEY E 1ST. WE CAX AXI) WILL Kilt. XISI yot'H HOMI'J COMPLETE OR IX PART AT PRICES THAT WILL SURELY PLEASE AND ASTOXlSH YOU. REAR IN MIX!) TOO, THAT OUR ABILITY T) KVI'EVl) CRED IT IS J.UKT AS OREAT AS OUR ABILITY. TO tWDEIISELL ,SY OTHER CONCHRX IX OUR LINE. COME. ' INVESTIGATE. - f hr ' afe'ffiriS wMmL &Z&S :JC V m&s& o tZEmtrmmEmftt 1) l' " CH1 I oWii rifF'i j.i.BF ()Ai)um okom -1 F. A. KURTR CASH MARKET r 277 N .Commercial Stroot. WHUfllETTE VALLEY MEAT COMPANY 379 Court Street, ., j OUR MOTTO; Good weight, honest prices and courta ous treatment. , . t. Soup Vhonns and 8oiip Mcata al , -.. . most at your own price, , FANCY COUNTRY KILLED Am. POR, TENDER. 8WKWT A i AN JUICY f PorK,IIjtmi ,t ilae Pork Shoulder Roast,. 10c, JMc Pork Stak, fa,ucy ie Pok Chops lSc, c Fresh Side Pork ....... tH Loin Pork Roast ,,,,iajaa l)o FANCY ORKflON MUTTON Log of Mmtton JSJii iffl Loin Mutton Chops, . ..Jajfi, iso Rib Chops ,,;...,.,.. Id Ji! 4Bb Shoulder Chops ...... IOv J34c Shoulder Roast Mutton,. . . . . .tOc MuMon Stow .,,,.,,.. tie 7o 8c Buy your Menta and Fish of ub. We save you money. Glvo us a call beforo buying olsowhoro. Money savod Is money ear nod. Wo appreciate your patronago, bo It groat or Binall. Buy of un oace and yon will be our customer!!) tho faturo. Wo aro aot hereto- day and go no tomorrow, butAwe aro horo to stay. SPECIAL Faacy R. It. of Reef. . . .Italic Fancy Porterhouse Steak - l!13jc Faacy Slrlpln Struk lie Round Stunk, tender and juicy 10c Shouldor Steak alb fo 8ffc Hamburg Steak, 10c. .lllb for Ho Pot Roast of Beet c, 7r, 8o Rolling Beef He, c, 7c l Fancy country-killed veal. YoU can always got it at trie very lowest prices wnen it is in the markot. Wo keep everything in a neat and sanitary .condition, visuors weicomo ai any xime, uur gooas are guaranteed to be tho very best. . Jf ,..-,- mm ..-lill. . . .w. . ! .1 ., mm , . ..., ,.,. mi i ,fc.,M GIVE US A CALL ESS Qo -tsr Sill n3m i'llSI M 9 POUNDS effltetk SELF RISING PAH- i l v:;'- J CAKE t FLOUR 1 COMUN irmiiiiB FREE One full else jwukage. SeHil uh 10 of oar different . clipped from thi ar ami rocelvo mUT for we tu iAut4 pack. ag trt), DoH't wIm thla &pyortHHlty. ALLEN'S B. B. FLOUR CO. SAN K6T, CAl. f I