daily c&rreAS Journal. halmm. imiwoM. WMrii&. tfffViiftfllffi 8, fim' -. Air M afa 4NM ree Catarrh Gte Bteath, 'K'Hawkiag aad Spitting, Quickly Cared--Fill Oat Coupon Below for Large 1 rial Pack age Mailed Free. U3 t? ,4 tW? bovo Illustration plain? shown vrlmt a few days uso of Gauss Ca tarrh ltcineuy will uo ror any suncrcr Earrh ii not only dangerous, but uses bad brcntU, ulcorntlou, THE MARKETS and dccn' of bones, loss ol king and reasoning power, kllla lion and energy, ofton causes of appetite, IndlgoBtion, dyspop- iw throat and consumption. It attention at onco. Ouro it Gauss Catarrh Cure. It h rarilrnl. nermanont euro, bo- hit rids the system of tho poison hrms that cnuso catarrh. i order to provo to all who aro Wng from this dangoroua and orae dleaso time uausv ua- Cure will actually euro any of catarrh quickly, no matter long standing or how bad, I will a trial nnckago by mall froo of it Send us your nnmo ana ad dress today, and tho treatment will bo sent you by return mall. Try It' It will positively euro so thnt you will bo welcomed Instead of shunned by your frlendi. C. E. OAUSS, Mar shall, Mich. Fill out coupon bolow. TRKE. This coupon Is good for ouo trial packago of CauBS Combined Catarrh Curo, mailed froo In plain packago. Simply All In yotti nnmo and address on dotted lines bolow and mall to C. K. GAUSS, a21 MAIN Street, Marsliall, Mich. . SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 3. Wheat No. l California club, per cental, $1.67 1.70; California white milling, '$1.7$ ft? 1.80; north ern bluestenrj $1.72 1.77; oC grades wheat, ' $1.50 1. GO; Red, $1.G21.67. Uarley Feed barley, $1.35 1.40; commonto fair, $1.25 1.50; brow, ing at San Francisco, nominal ,l $1.I51.55; Chevalier, $1.600 1.C0, according to quality. Kggs Per dozen, Callfornln fresh, including rnses, extras, 52c; firsts, 47c; leconds, 30c; thirds, 23c; enst orn s-di-cted, 27; firsts, 25c; seconds, 22 e; storage California oxtras, 31o; firsts, 2dc; eastern storago, oxtrn, 20 c; firsts, 25c. Butter Per pound, California fro-h, extras, 30c; ilrsf, 27 c; bocv onds, 23c; thirds, 20c; eastern ex tras, 27c; ladles, oxtras, 22c; firsts, 21c; pickled No. 1, 23c; storago, California oxtras, 20 c. Now cheese Per pound, California flats, fancy, 12 c; firsts, i2c; sec onds, 10c; California Young Amer ica fancy, 15c; firsts, 14c; eastern Now York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Oro gon flats, fancy, 13c; do. Young America fancy, 14 c; California storage, fancy, lint-, 12c. Potntoes Per cental, Rlvor whites (snek-) 'ancy, 70 85c; poor, 50 65c; Salinas Durbanks, $1.401.C0; Oregon Durbanks, $1.15 1.30; early rose, 75 85c; Bwoct potatoes to tho trndo sacks, .$1.20; creates, $1.50. Onions Per sack, yollow, 65 70c; brown Australian, 50C5c. Oranges Per box, Valonclns, $2.504.00. Air A MOTHER 'tloyr many"Ainorican womeiii'in blossine to como into tbJSlcUves, and lonbly homes to-day long 'for this to bo nolo to uttor these Vords, but rs OF FUN IN IIP! HIP! H30RAY lip Hip Hooray !" In which Rice Cady th famous comedians -of oait aron'irrliu till' srfnson will len at tho Grand opera houso on nJay night with tho original York production from Wobor's hall "Hip Mlp Hpornyl" Is ilesque of tho collcgo plays and is a great denl of fun -In It. first scene I In tho front of Dee- i College nnd tho celebrated Yalo 1 1 In tho foreground. This Is lined with college boys nnd later !rls como on as members of a i Jokes nre about as keen as any you can find and thoro aro a scoro of good songs. COFFEE Nothing does more for a grocer, one way or the other, than coffee. He must sell poor; (hencedp't sell it to you) it is good t'-'t makes him. Your crorer returnt rour money If too doi'l UU ScbUlUik' Beit; we par blta Chicago, Nov. 3. Duttor, 25c. Eggs, extras, 2Cc; firsts, 23c; seconds, 22c;. Receipts, buttor, 4588; eggs, 3083 Elgin, Ilh., Nov. 3. Duttor, 27. . IOcnl Date tiov. C. ltoKlstrntlnn pIdsoh for I comedy compnny; thoy havo city primary. : . on the fence moro or loss, too, I' Monday.5 D.ocomber C Registra nt would be the use of such "JOT,"0.?:. ",nB rl,0"". flnnllv M-. R'ce DrcembT 'j-5. Fruitgrower' ' nutno- Cvly. como In nnd'meetlnc. Portland 9 " the collngo boys a now . n flit fvi called "Excited Oats "- kano'8 Family Mfldlclno Is a tonic- begins thp ulnt Thn nnnn,r nx axatlvo. Itdoes not boa' mi,-- nnd n,e 8conu weaken, but Imparts a. rw :t -x riv,r wore a blc uoynncy pl'r Una, rnco is rowlne and Hghtful. iliorvi n pn m m rowing clothes. depress or feeling of and strength that Is do- At all druggists 25r. agi i f diod fun-mnkors W e nudlenco Is t of the timo. Tho OASTOIUA. HTLAR AUCTIONEERS, WHO DO 1 HE BUSINESS -. Ki'JLW UTTHK IJKST RESULTS AT YOUR AUCTION SALES "IT"r RKMA1IM-J AUOTIONKU, WHO HAH A RKC(Mtl) J ! Tllh mv who HAS BKT T1IK l'ACK FOR ALL THE RKST. ; im,ni( -s.i.i:s of xi-urly twkxit years at sa- .-.nn XN,) I'MIJI PROPERTY SOLI). WK MAKE A SPE- "I IIVK STUCK AND FARM KALES. f,lXE i:tio. J. F. GOODE & SON SALEM, OR PORTLAND MARKETS Oraln, Flour Focd, Etc. Portland, Or., Nov. 3. Dnrloy, feed, J2Gff 20.50 nor ton; rolled 27,G028'.50; browing, $27.0P. Oat3 No. 1 whlto, $3131.G0 por ton; grny, J3030.GO. Wheat Club, 89c por bush el; 40-fold, 90c; FIfo, 89c; bluostom, 94c; valley, 90c; Red Russian, 8Gc. Mlllstuffs Bran, J2fl.R0 por ton; middlings, $33; Miorts, country J31; city. $30; U. S. mill chop. 522 Hay Timothy, Wlllnmotto vnllev $14 per ton; 'Wlllnmotto valloy, ordi nary, $11; castorn Oregon, $10.50; n 17.50; mixed, $13; clovor, $9; al falfa, $14; alfalfa meal, $19. Vcgctiilrics and Fruit. Fresll fruit Annies.' now, (i0cffi,?2 box; p'eac'bear. 8Gp0 $1.00 por box; "ears. 7rn$1.25 pdr box; grapp, 75 0i $1.25 per, crato; local Concords, 10 15c per basket; cranberries, $10.50 per barroi; huclclebo'rrleg, 9 4T10C Dairy and Country Produce, nuttor City creamery, extra, 34 3 5c por pound; fancy, WAQZHaf storo, 17W20c. ' ' Eggs Oregon select, 37V& ?40c; Eastern, 27(032 c por doz. Poultry lions, 11 12c; old, 1 G (t ( 1 8 c ; goose, old, SdTOo; young, OdflOc. Cheeso Fancy cream twins, 15c por pound; full cronni r'nlots, 15c; full cream youn Auioilca. mo, Venl Exfi. su?n,. oor pound; ordlnnry, 77c; Iipvv, 5. Pork Fancy, "c per pcund largo, LMQc. 31IS(i'Hn"py, Hops- Orqron, 1908. 78Uo per lb., 1907, 34o; 1900, Kfjilc. Woo'- KHutoni orggoii. averags best, P 14c per W., ncordlng to shrlnknae; volUy, IfifjlCc. Mohair Chole, 18c per lb. Hides Dry. hides, No. 1, 13 0 15c por lb.; dryjtip, No. I, 13c lb.; dry calfskins, 10c lb.; saltad hldos, OVj 8c lb.; salted calfsktaa, 12 13c lb ; green, lc less. bocAUso of some orgnnio denint;e- monjb this happiness is dentod them. Every woman intorestod in this BUbjoct should know that prepara tion for healthy maternity to accomplished by tho uso of LYD!AE.RINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs, Magglo Gllmor, of West Union, S. C.,wrltes to Airs. Pinkham : " I was greatly rua-down in health from a wonknoss peculiar to my box, whoa Lydla It Pinkham' s Vegetable Compound vras recommended to me. It not only restored me to perfect health, but to tay delight I am a mother." Blrs. Josephine Hall, of tymlstown, Kya writes: ' I w an a Tery great sufferer froao female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydla E. Plokham's Vege table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am now a proud mother." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's VcKotablo Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the New Train Service BETWEEN ' SALEM AND HILLSBORO VIA OREGON ELECTRIC RY. - Thursday, October 29, 1908 This company will opon for Borvlce Its new line botween Garden Home Junction nnd Hlllsboro. It will bo possible for passengers, traveling between Salem and Hlllsboro, to take advantage of present main lino stations to and from Salem and Garden Home Junction In connection with new Hlllsboro division trains from and to Garden Home Junction and Hlllsboro. A direct connection Is made at Garden Home Junction under the following scredule; , ., - Southbound,. Arriving -Leaving yHlllsVoro HlllBboro Northbound Leaving Salem 9:05 a. m, 1:45. p. in, Arriving Salem ll;30 a. m. S:2Sa. in; 10:50 a. m . 4:10 p. m. lljP a. in, 1:25 p. m l!55p. ni. 4:20 p. m, '5:55 p. m. 8:20 p. m. Tickets sold and baggage checked through from Balem to Hills boro. Further. Information on request to " . GEO F. NHVINi, C. E. ALDIN, Agent Salem, Ore Trafflo Managor. Portlaad, Ore. standard remedy for fomalo ills, and has positively cured thousands of "womon who havo lieon troubled with displacements, inflammatton, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, poriouio pains, oacKacuc, time Dear, intf-down feeling, ilatuleuoy, Indigos tion,dlzzlnes3 or norvoiw prostration. Vliy don't you try it? lIrs. IMnklmm Invites all tldk women to write her for ndvice. She has guided thousniuls to uotiltht AddrcsH, "Lynn, Sinus. -hihShh VSP' V g7 .1 AYA7ZX & 233 S. COMMERCIAL ST. NEW STYLl: AMBROL RECORD After somo dolay by tho Edlaon factory I sow have all the new stylo Edison records In stock. Thoso doublo as long us tho old stylo. now records will run 10c. iLV-rCjAk.rwl J, A. Cooper AUCTIONEER Sales Solicited and Promoted -My-nhere Is the State, fxn) and Stck Sales. Bankrupt Stocks 4c. Satisfaction Guar teed. TEUPK)r34 457STArEST. SALEM, OREGON SAl.KM MAItKKT. fK-nl Wholesale Market. Eggs 35c. Butter Creamery, 34c. Hons 10c: young Qhlckens, Local wheat Hue. Oata 42c. Barley$24.50. Flour Hard wheat. 15; valley, $4.25. ' Hay fhea til; clovor, 19 per ton; timothy. $12013. Onions $1.25 cwt. Hops 1907 crop, 6? 6c, Cascara Bark 2 VS it 3c. ' Mohair 18n. ReUU Market. Oats $1.45. Whfst $1,05. Eggs 40c. Butter Country, '3244c; cream ery, 36c. ' i " Flour Valley, $1.25r per sack: hard wheat, $.1.40 1MB. Bran 95c per sack, $31 per ton; shorts, $1.35 per sack. . Livestock. Stock bogs 4. 50. Steers 3 Vt c, Veal 5 7c.. . Cows $303.60. . Tropical FrvH. Bananas $6.00. Otukhm 14.11. Lemons $5.09. CIGARS and TOBACCOS I have selected the bent braadr of Cigars and Tobacco cotulai cnt with tho trade. Can aupptj you with what you wish with satisfaction. Also carry a com plete line of Boft drinks, X. CASS, Fro. Front Street, opposite The Re ception. Newport, Oregon. II I Also Have the Attachments to chango your old stylo machine, to a new style. GEO. C. WILL nUTTERNUT BREAD, It U worth more thaa any other 'road yet the prloe la no higher 'or sail at your grocers'. CALIFORNIA nAKKRY, Thomas & Cooley, Frops. fnont 44 Main 14' N Jilo 3l. C. W. YANNKE Froii'lHtM of THE FASHION STABLES CabB aDd Llvory, all Rigs Modern Rubbor Tire. MiihIc and Sowing Machine Dealer, South Conimcrclal Btrcot. BMsLtflBBlll & Bef .f V BUI TJIli FINEST ARTIST. Or tbo first ji'ilhuor Is provided fr tu qur splendid collection ot muaiertr liutrtiments. It ombrncos the vlellaj fKiillar, tiTnndnllii, bunjo, flute ir ear nut for tho okport as we'l as the teen ' bxpouvlvu instrumunts for the leara or. But ovi-n our lowest In price arV instrumqnlM of musical merit. W shall bo Kind to lavo you toat then', L. V. HAVAOL 17 CompivrclHl Hlrt'vli Salem, Qr i Huie Wing Sang Co. We make up all kinds of wrapper nd whlto underwear, waists and kl monas and skirts; all kinds ol gentlemen's and ladleH' furnishing goods; all klnda of silks and dres goods; tose, suits, pants, overalls, blankets, neckwear, matting, china ware, trunks, embroidery and laci etc. 836 S. Commercial flt. Balem, Or. i 1 1 1 M I It 1 Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml 1 l-l HI H i 1 1 H 1 1 1 Hf 1 M M l Hfr YE LIBERTY TONIGHT ONLY Gold Dust Flout Ll by THK SYDNKIT VOW EH COMPANY, Sidney, Ore fro. . Mado for family mm, Ask oar grocer for It. Ilrna ami afiorta alvrays on lutHd. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. That very Interesting and most boa.utiful picture ever J exhibited, I Daymon and Pythias!! Don't Miss It Starlng at 9;30 a, m, Tuesday, wo shall announce J election returns, ' S :L A Special leased Wire" Guaranteeing our patrons Prompt and Reliable Sor- - vice, For the benefit of parties that do not wish to await : : election returns we shall give two performances:of com- :: flacky Muntiin Tea Nuflflii !:: c motion pictures, including now pictures tha&lng and :: I A Bur Muilola 91 Suy F9fU. , ''.'' :: Talij, Starting at 6:45' until 9:30, ShA S r-Hfch HotxisreR'S ru Qohta HcftlUt a4 Ktsewd Vlnr, A wynitlc t rOAntljHoa, In1(rlloo. IJa i . ,-i Kklnei TroiiljwM, ltiaptc. Kcieim, Itapue f . . uxkl lii.1 Ili-Mlti Hlurculi BoU, HeUcba . . aTtaTb-i.. AnuiQQinu ifv. i Un tv4 h box. OwwWU Hri. - - """"x'xt'yiwyt r, immmm,!. '1 r - '---!.- rj -- VI aU Uncksci, W Rocky HouaUla ' luuMtat liixr emrAr. ttmmmm.lfm. --tSii-r - -;).- r --k, .n,,, .t' S ,iu K-gw rwi NiX.w mm Inn iiiHI'iiimiiimiiiiiiiihiiiiimiiiiiiiih i