r-jw, iT-yv-tfc f DAILY CAPIXAI JOURNAL, gALUM, OTtMJON, TUESDAY, NQVEaniKn , 1008 iiiimii imniiiiiMiniiiiMili iMiiiiimiiii niiiiiiHiimiim- iiiiimii Mimiimmi4- hhiiii v 'um'R"H H OUR GREAT f I ' t. 1 , ' M "" eOMSILIHTIIH SALE r Means the saving of many dollars to you if you purchase your fall supply of dry goods, clothing, millinery and shoes from us. As every article in the store-excepting a few contract goods is marked at a liberal reduction Just look at the merchandise and our sale prices will convince you that DO JUST AS WE ADVERTISE WE 4)ry Goods Best tublo oil cloth,, now' ....... J.'c a yard 4 4 ' Sil-3c ff:fo trade blenched miiBliri, jipw 'OJiciryd' 6 l-dc nno p.nue unuiuncupu musiwr, now a " . lt'o (Iroso uooodi, now lie 25c dress gooodB, now .....,...). IBe lUc dress goodsi now" '. '. .t ...'..:... .20i n0cdr"eBB'"goT)(l3, no"w "1 .Mcito 10c 756 drcs3 goodB, nor '....'. tine .? 1 . 0 0 dross goods, now 0 to 75c $1,25, dress goodB, iiQ.v, , . ,lt . .HOc to 85c $1.50 dross goods, now ,91. 15 $1.75 drOBB goods', how ......91.H5 "Wide ninblcitchcd scrim, now c n yard Wldo blenched scrim, now ' c a yard , Lace Curtains . i 50c lnce citrtnlnB, 2 yds long, now. . 12c a pair 75c lnco curtnln3, 2 yds.long, now . .(lOcn pair $1.00 lncd curtnlns, 3 yds long, now . .75c a pair $1.25 lnco curtains, 3 yds long, now ..00c a pair $1.50 lnco curtnlns, 50 in. wide now 1.15 a pair .$1.75 lnc6 curtains, 58 In. wide, how 1.25 a pair Ladies' Petticoats Bed Spreads-All Large Sizes $1.00bed spreads', now 80c $1.25 bed Bpronds, now .'.05c $1.50 bed spreads, now 91.10 $1.75 bed spreads, now ' $1.25 .(Idc c 75c Indies' hlnck entcch pcttlconts, now . . $1.00 lndlce' blnck sateen pcttlconts,. now $1.25 Indies' black sateen pottlconts, now. ,$1.00 $1.50 Indict blnck sntocn pcttlconts, now -. . .$1.15 $2.00 IndlcB' blnck sateen pottlconts, now . .$1.!S8 $5.00 Indies' blnck silk pcttlconts, now. . . .:1.50 Umbrellas 50c uinbrollas, -plain handles, now -Mc 75,c umbrellas, plain hnndloi, now 50c $1.00 umbrellns, plni i hn:id03, now , OKc $1.00 unbrpllos, .'nncy handles, now 7l)c $1.50 uiubrHns, fancy handles, now ....$1.00 $2.50 holldny unib"el!ne, now $1.50 $4.00 t) $3.00 holiday v.nibr.dlns, now ....$2.50 Men's Suits I i $3.50 mon'o suits, now . $10.00 men's suits, how $12.00 men's suits,' now $15.00 men's suits', now "Wo also have edda and ends In mcn'iwrffn nnout nnii price. ..WJi' .Mi tOM im Boys' Suite $1.50 boy's suits, now , ...,$l.w $2.50 boy's gultB, now jj.jj $3.00 boys' Bolts, now (2,n $3.50 boys' suits, now 2J $4.50 boys' Btilta, now f&u $5.00 boys' suits, now jj.j $0.50 boys' suits, now , $ Sale Nov. 2d to 30th Rostein & Greeobaum 240-246 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM Sale Nov. 2d to 1ft mi i in li i m m 1 8 1 1 1 n i n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i i m 1 1 1 1 1 n n i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 11 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m u 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iniiimiiiiHij The poBse is closing In on tho ransom Ed. English, a wonlthy lum berman of SUuglt county, Wiuh. o- n- DoWUt's Kidney and Bladder. Pllla are unoqualod in cases of .weak back, backache, inllamatlon or tho bladder, rheumatic palnB, AntWoptlc and act promptly. Sold by all druggies, Tho apaneso troops are loavlne Korea, It being bollowd tho trotjblu with tho Koreans Is about ovor. i" i 'O ' , A eowgu- euje QmA. can be given te children without chance of-'harm is Kemp's PRleara, (he brat cougto cure' Ut doef net, coaUIn poUona or barm fu) dri)ji. DrugglktB sell It W. A. McQeo, who was ncc'usod by Hearst Saturday night of taking f 1250 from Archlbold whllo Mc floo was publUhor for tho Flttaburg Times, ndmts taking the money, but says It wh not for any nowspa per Inuoncc, -o- DoWlttli Mttlo Early Risers, the famous llttlo llvor pills. Bold by all druKKlsts. - ' Small Leaks in business, as well as ships, ofton canto ditneter. Good bi bIucsb men aro looking for tlioin constuntly. You can atop quo If you have money on hand not drawing In tereat, by depqittnc It with us, whoro It will earn 3 por cnt. All withdrawals paid on do maud. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAflTAl. NATIONAL BANK Tho Mormon prlOBts hav.n In structed their followers to vota the Republican tlckot.' Mind Your IlpsliuttNt ' U you .don't nobody will. It Is Von'r bulnca,tokepo,ut. of all tho trdublo you'cWn aadtyeiuVcan and will kopp out of IJver find bpwel trouble it you take Dr. Klng'i Now Life IMlls. Thoy keep blllousnots, malaria and jaundice out of your system. 25c at il. O, Perry'a drug atere. j ' ' Tho Prohibition purry i'iinun!gn believes tho" party wj'l poll inico the number of votea ovor cast by ibat part)' ftt a prevlqua election. John Vf. Kerns, Democratic cnu dtdato for vIco-preBldont, ia courlnt; Ohio today, Try KodoJ today on our guaranteo. Tako it for a llttlo whllo, aa that 's all ypu will tiecd to ta.ke. -Kpdohd.1 gcats what you cat and makes "the otomach sweet, Spld by all druggists. fYou can cure, dyapepala, ndgev 4lop, sour or weak stomach, or in fact any form of stomach trouble If you w takftJodQl, occasionally Tr,ylt toJay oiV o,r gparhutoe. tyo know, wbat (t will do for you, Sold, by ail druggUta. Tho government la to establish a wireless station ort Cordova Island, off tho Alaskan coast. -- WtitrhtHt Fifteen Years. "For 15 years I havo watched tho workluu of HucklQU'a Arnica Salvo; ,nnd It 1ms never failed to euro any eore, uoii, nicer or ourn 10 wnicn h wna applied. It has saved ua many a doctor bill," snyB A, F. Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug atore, I President Roosovolt yostordoy Ib Btiod his proclamation, Betting asldo Thanksgiving Day as a untloual hoi- . lday. 000000000 g CANDIDATES' CARDS, boooooooo ; Tho undersigned heroby au nouBcea himself ns an independent cjintlldnto for tho ofllco of City Mar shal at the coming election. ! J. L. 8KIPT0N. -T Gret ChiRcao Doctor ; h. M. II U 31 tla anedlclnu which will cure an known dlseaao. lie makes a special ty of, aud guarantees to cure Catarrh Asthma, Lung. Throat, Rheumatism. Dobillty, Stomach. Liver. Kidney Troubles; also any blackened o. swollen soreness, broken llmbj; Smallpox; Epidemic; all kinds ol Bolls, Lost !anhood, Female Yak ncss, Hwrtil- T.ub!eB and Para'yelt Consultation free. Care of Ylck 8 Tong Co,, Chinese drugs arid' herb 153 High 3t upstairs. Salem. Or. Ma() Consumption Statistics provo that n ueKlected cold or cough nulla iht lllllfva In ba tinil n minilltlmi I that consumption gorim And n fertile field for fastening on ono. Stop the cough just as soon as It appears with ,Dallard's Horehound Syrup. Soothes the torn and inflamed tissues and makes you well again, o Py all mean8 make a mere clerk and legislative pap-seeker speaker of tho next house of representatives. iniiiiiiiuimiii 4 ii j Flowers end Bulbs :; CAUL F, RUEF, 371 State St., Gala... 1a Fwll line of Tul ps, Hyn ; plutha, Narcissus nnd all kinds ; ; of spring bulbs. Time to plant ' tbfm Is now. 19-19-imo. IiiiHiiHiiiminniiiii HitiiiiiiHiiiinmiiiii ifiraber Bros. 1 s "PMBING v - AND GAS FlTTINfi1 . , Will give prompt httentlon ; ; to an orders guarantee our .Work to give satisfaction and ', ', to be up to the sanitary stand- ; ; :rd. WE Wlhh BE PLKASih) .. TO OIVE KfiTIMATRS ON CONTRACTS Call at our shop on Liberty street, back of Barr's Jewslry Store. Phone 550. "H I l - - - Cn HOTELS AND RWTAIH.WI j-(rfjjuLuLiijijwViii H llllltllilHIIIIIillHIIII TORRID ZONE FUNARCE -O T- Sick Headache, Thli d'stresalng disease results from a dlBordcretl condition of the stomach, and can be cured by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. .Qet a re$;.Kple at Dr. Stoao'a drug atore add try It. o Pleasant, sure, easy, safe little liver Pills, are De Witt'a Little Srly Rlsew. For sale all 4rNggla4, FOR SALE 23 acres, e timber, only 3 miles from Salea oh good gravel road, good second growth fir and some bis; oak; were' than enough wood to pay for the land. ' lQ-31-atd fVJflHllaBBBBBBBBBl ' BaBMBBBHIIWIaBBBBBBBBM, MHBBBi ! TIIK DE8T KOA8T THE FAMILY BVn HAD Can ba obtained from our prime tender and'Julcy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats are selected from the choicest, and prepared for the table to suit the demands of the fastidious. Our prleea are lower for quality than you can find at aT flAte Is Salem. M. O. CROSS, Fbee Ml, 870 SUte Bt. White Hdi.se For a HtffHi 25c Dinner at 2fc Tbey e't be W McllililrislSi Prjnrkt. MfALS 15d Call and try the. Board per wck fl.tli " ' nlshed rooms W7 t AT TMJ Salem Res! 830 COURT Stt 1111111111 micKorr BARK Cough Remedy nioiiTnt mil r rocduuvMw Coughs, Colds CROUP )V '-t The-abeirr i'cut rereaent oi hrlck 1U4 Torrid; Zone Furaaw, Ofiaraateed gas, smoke, and dual reef. BeoBosaleal aad dsrable. A. L, FRASER- MS1 STATK UTltWWr -Ndmt' tvriaiskM m awitkif IWhoopinf Cu Brn(hlli SORC THROAT ,Mi. Nim f m. iTHHOAT.n-fLfNCS vuru.ctfo.u v. fn. ImMH (m 'i SBfl n Mlmmwilnww.w wlmMlUv ... . M.)M4Ce.. MffTi. Ummw E!ff.ij!tty. kMNn4. &M.I 1 WW WiM Wef id s:W;cc.-5- HOTEL 0I T rnrnprSevfatharfS! Hotel. Rates $1 P 3 Up. Curufcr m WRI6HT.WCKINS0iWfl PrAkrMaYS J 1 m r7rTnrSi2t o inss "'- a Teacher of PU-t-Wfjl O Jer 1, ,n ct Q vanceu - .pw QFlratN-ti8"1 O .. M! q RwMice ",)! I rt n O O la-1 SALEM WA1Zmri0L OTFK iJt . Miur " .--. jt i , ..hty p . BUM pny"" j&t uUfSH