I si MAIL THIS BOOSTER EDITION TO SOME FRHWD AND BRING HIM TO OREGON H Qfoe Doit imninl vol. xvm. SAliKM. OREGON, HATUllDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1&08. NO. SM8. , '& I L. -..,.. 1 Niv. IGANTIC PARADE IN NEW YORK FOR TAFT ' ilRLS INJURED IN PANIC FOLLOWING CRY OF FIRE IN FACTORY I0W THE POLITICAL SITUATION STANDS ALL OVER THE U. S. if NON-PARTISAN SUMMARY OF CON DITIONS IN EVERY STATE (United t'rn Lcaicd Wire.) .VevrYork, Oct 31. Tho following lon-pattlsan outlook for TuoBdny'B IrjildeatlBl election propared by tno baited Press Is tho result of boiling Iowa all tho flgurcB and data avall- bl at the national and congreslon 11 headquarters of tho two pnrtle jfportt of candidate in tho various lutes by special corrospondonts; Lmmarles of figures arranged, by rtisan statisticians and thtf'estl cites of tho United Press staff cor- leipontlcnts with -tho two presldon- llil candidates; Alabama Normnl Domocrntlc ma jority certain. Arkansas Usual Democratic ma Jorlty expected. Clarke (Oomocrat) nominated ut tho primaries for son ator Is certain of election owing to tho strong Democratic Icglsluturo. California Undoubtedly Republi can, m usual. Sonator Porklns (Re publican) has no avowed opponont for election. Thero will bo no elec tion for govnrnor and a Republican legislature seems assured. VON BULOW RETIRED BY EMPEROR GERMAN RADICALS JUBILANT (Continued on igo nine.) United rrrai I.rninl Wire.) Dorlln, Oct. 31. Following tho troublo with tho German parliament ovor tho proposed new taxation schomo, Cancellor Von Bulow re signed todny. Tho announcement of hla resignation has" caused groat ex citement hero. Tho radical mombera of tho Rohchtng nro Jubllnnt. It Ib understood that Emporor William caused the retirement of Chancellor Von Bmlow bocauso of dissatisfaction at Germany's ilntor nntlonal' position. Tho recont tonBe situation In Europo that followed I ..' (Cqatluued-.oiMttfttte- BO- STAMPEDE INFANTS EACTORY SaREO WOMEN JAM STAIRWAYS TRAVELING MANS WIFE A SUJCIDE OFFERS HER 60DY TO COLLEGE SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STORE IF YOU Want Hie BEST BARGAINS in Salem come to the Chicago Store NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS We are now doing the greatest business in the history of our store You cniniot Htnp tho people's favorite Htore. This Is tho peopled choice. Tim toro thoy lime raised from nil liifuut In n few years to lx now doing tho blgRe.it business in Haleni. Watch on- oimnnl torch, wliU'Ji honest dealing ami Imrtl work Jmn accomplished, together with Jcliig ipert In buying, womIiir where to buy and always hnving the best vhIiioh In Salem for our patron. You are nlunyN do """ "n Injiihtlce to your pocketbook if you make vour purchases before you visit our xtoro and get our Women's, Misses' 1 Children's Coats d Suits Now Sell- ng at Sm?..l Prices t are not looking for long profits bus Up-to-Data Garment. What re after -is lots of sales and til Profits. If you want the Rest nos In this part of the world, ,i and do your trading at tho CHICAGO STORE. CHILDREN'S COATS. 91-10, 91.03. $2.50, $3.50 and tup. MISSES' COATS, $2.30, $2.05, 9.1.30 $1.00 and up. LADIES' SUITS, $7.30, $8.30, $0.30, 910.30, 912.00 and up. (United Press Leased Wire.) St. Loulii Mo Oct. 31, Six girls woro Borl6sly -Injured tod Ay in a rush of 200 panic-strickonVwomon operators for the Btalrways and ele vator of tho Isaac Epstein FauCs factory after an alarm of nro had boon Bounded. Two hundred, bperatsrs .. -wer, working on tho sixth and seventh floors of .tho building when tho cry of flro was raised. In the rush to safety that followed, the stairway became Jammed with fighting, bocamo jammed with fighting, struggling JJjleaNyvQu. $n,W. TItobc wTioereVhurteifarifacif in .tho throng and fell under tho foot of tholr torrlflcd companions. Howard Hill, a nogro elevator op orator, retained his presence of mind, and took all tho girls to r,tety. ' .. HUNDRED THOUSAND MARCHERS OF ALL TRADES .OUT FOR TAFT (Ualtei rw UAttd Wire.) Los Angoloa, Cal., Oct. 31. After trying to soil her body to Dr. Geoi W. Krcas, secretary of tho Medical collego of tho university of South ern California, Mrs. Helen author-, land Douglas, the beautiful "young wifo of Jack Douglas, a trawling man for Huffman and Worsor, wholesale grocers of San Francisco, committed aulcldey by shooting her self through the neck with a 32 jcalibro revolver. Her body was found tbday In a room In the hotel Acacia, on West 60th street, and It Is be- llavii Ua VIII oil liomntf nmfttlme In I'the fgiM--v-"- -,. -X-.4 Mrn. Douglas was seperawa irom her husband sovoral mouths ago and had boon living nt tho home of her mothor, Mrs. J, M. Browning, at Pasadonn. A wook ago she caino to HH Women's Gloves We are showing a granJ assortment both In long and short pairs, Kids, Leathers and English Walking Oloves. We show them in all tho new shades and bell them at Rock Bottom Prices. Short Gloves, 23c, 48c, 7Sct mc and up. Leg Xls. ?l-. M-' f 1.WI, 9.4S and up, Short English Leather from fec up. Women's, Misses and Children's Furs We are showing the Oreatest Values in Salem In Ladles'. MUse' and Children's Furs. Wo can show you all white, colored, nnd bfack and Btyles. and makes. Wr are wiling them' ntfll Prices. 7c, 9Hc, 1.4, $, MgaV- SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS Roosovolt exposed tho trlcklnesa of Rockofoller In saying ho was n Republican so as to coud as many votes over to tho othor sldo for Bryan as possible. Oouoral H. G. Corbln Bays fool womou havo caused moro troublo among army olllcers nnd that ijothlng can bo dono with-tho latter bo causo of tho women. Duko I'Abruzzi nnd Cathorlno Elklns will bo mnrrlod nbout tho flrt of tho year.' A million dollar dowry goos with tho bride. Czar N'lcholas has lectured Prince Gcorgo of Sorvln ror his tnct lcsB uttornnces. Hitchcock, In n flnabcanvass. forocasts 325.clcJornl votes for Tnft, or a majority of 82. Tho body of.Frod C Amnion, a Gprmnn, 21 years of ago, was found near Los Angolos with ft buUpt holo in tho bond nnd half eaten by coyote. PAY 9300,000 COOS MINK AND STKAMKft Marshfleld, br., Oct. 3t M N. Knuppenberg and Cold ' l. fiuitfl general managor and pFesldont of tho Spokane syndicate which tias bought the Llbby mlno heroj arrived In tho city today. Tho mlno was bought from tho Oregon Coal & Nav gatlon company, and tho purchaso includes 3C80 acres'of land and the ateamor M. F. Plant, which recently mot with nn accldont It is under stood tho purchaso price wai $500, 000. . 7 For some wooks past an option has been hold on he propprty, and It Is now given out that tho doal Is closed The Snokane syndicate U In corporated as The Spokano-Yaklma & Went Coast Railway company. It is announced by those of tho com pany who aro hero that they aru highly pleased with the coal prop erty, and will push Its development. Announcement Is also. made that tboy will probably put" on another steamor the first of tho year betwoen this city and Sau Francisco. r klndi browns in all FIIWT ELKCTION " ' v RIOT REPORTED Lebanon, Ind., Oct. 31.-r-A pre election riot was -i84 here thf afternoon by the crafte that Republi cans are violating the ay-feo4l agreement. Rerolrers astl kMj SffTv drawa and there wers a warn' br of t tghts bat the polled pre vented the serlQ-ui injury of any oae. . Los Angoloa seeking employment. STie wai uiwigce&a'ul In Uor soarch nnl last Wednesday wont to Dr, Krosa and ofTorod to soil him hor body for ubo in tho modlcal collogj aftor hor death. The doctor re fused to consider tho woman'tf offer and she departed aftor tolling him that she wished hor body to bo used in Scientific work nnd promising that sho would will It to the medical col lego. , Whon tho woman's hodv was found a piece' of paper reveallug hor Ideally and giving the addross of her mother, was discovered togother with a fcoaled noto addressod to Dr. Kroas. Thj note will be sont to pr1, Kress late this afternoon. ItOCKKFEJJiKR, INDIVIDUAIiliV IN' PA VOIl OP TWT IVnWffi. (rM 1at V!t i Cleveland, O., Oct. 31. Relatlvos and lose associates of John D Rockefeller declare today Uiat the aunuoncement of his support of Tuft Is the logical outcome of his state ments early last fal. "It is foolish to suppose that Rock efeller niado tho announcement for the purpose of hurting Toft," said W C Rudd, a brother-in-law of tho oil king today. "Rockefeller made kb announcement arly In tho cam palgn approving Taft's candidacy fqr tho presidency, and ho bM alwaSw bfC a KfHihHeR, His support; l merely tht of a jwrty man an da Cit izen The statement that it was given In return for vrolM of In- (Catt4 ,1'rw Lmm4 Wlrs.) New York, 0t. 31. Newrly oae lwndrod thoHMnd marching mm, ropresentlng every branch of Wm4 nesa bogan inarching today In the great parade of the business wen's Republican 'association in the Anal demonstration for Tatt nnd Sherman in this city. All day the column pamhmI in r vlow nt Fifth avonue and Twenty fourth street bofore James Sehool craft Sherman, tho vlce-predentlkl nomlneo nnd Ellhu 8. Root, secre tary of Btate. Other prominerit Re publican leaders in the state nnd the totiuty.tW.afr-. ofeullnwtawJJMCratandwi... TCrtherirend-bfthe army rode Roar-Admiral J. B, Coughland, U, 8. N, roll rod, who had been chosen as grand marshal With him and his aldoa wore Conlmander W. ll. Franklin and Colonel -Robert M. Thoinp-'on, chiefs of staff. The onl carriage in tho lino were occupied by members o .the league.commltewi of tho business men's Republican as aoclatlon, Tho thousands of organization bognn forming in th6 el do str' ndjacont to tho Battery apd nQwHwst Green, whoro tho start wan mad oarly in tho day, Marshall by- HJ division enmmandors, th MHlU iH tho colAimu gathorod r tho thor oughfnroB for a mllf nK)Htd await ing tholr turn to advance along the flag dockod, humanity packed l,n of Broadway, , At the head of tho columRi fol lowing it ho officer and carriage!, rodo n dotachhment of (fyo Metropol itan police, and aftor tleni game tht) volors. 4f Evory concolvable branch of bus InoR was roprosontod, The flnan clnl nnd cotninorolal branches of the Industrial Ufa of the city, tho small tradesmen and iho great merchants Jtad tholr "JfolegatloBs In line. Prominent In tho column was k, solid marching mass of 300 lawyer, Doctors nnd merchants, tailor nnd brokors, mnrchod in tho(r tllvl slons carrying Ropublican Insignia or wearing distinctive clothing or hats. Hundreds of hands, recruited from tho entire lnto of Now York nnd from the adjoining states of Connec ticut, Mnwnrhusotts, and New Jersey worn In lino. By 2 o'clock It was estimated that 60,000 mon had poised tho rovlow Ing stand and that only a little more than half tho column had passed, Later In the day, wngonloade of torches nnd transpnrenclqs woro tak en to tho point of starting with which to equip tho marcher when darknes comos on. , AHHoytsl tiy THMMiHyltf, Along tho line of march Tammany; banners angered tho men In line. Tammany employo badgered th marchers and clashes between. tb marchers and spectators were frequent. MOTOUMAN GIVKNB HAH ftHOVLDKR TlLOCATK! III gating oK a faitwovng car today feo Glveru'had ils shoulder bru(ed'kand probably dislocated, It seems he slipped and fell, nnd k4 to be cared for by Dr. MUw, Hl InJurlM kfe nt serhMM.