"7 TP- AIMr CATtTAL JQURKAL. SALEM, OMKKM, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1906. Rostein & Greenbaum's Specials OVERCOATS -OH Till' SMALL B01 OR THE BIG MAN. WE HAVE THEM TO ! FIT A TWO-YEAR-OLD. mucks NODDY STYLES, ALU WOOL, LITTLE rhlldren's Wool Mittens 10 Boys' or Girls' Wool Gloves. . .25; Ladles' Wool Mittons 15 Ladles' Wool Gloves 25 MEN'S MACKINTOSHES BOYS' SUITS. MEN'S SUITS LOWEST TRICES Hmbrellns for children, good ntrong- ones -. 48 rmhrellas for Ladles, flno ones, at $1.50 also Sl.flO fnirwear for Indies and children, winter weight 25ci rndwrwear, extra inrgo si3 irom 38 P SHOES bather. Wo cnrry tho Hamilton & Brown brands mndo of nil Tho best wearing shoos on tho markot. Reasonablo prices. (OSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240 and 246 Commercial Street. be Elite" Hotel and Cafe E. WALLERT. Successor to E. Eckorlln. HO and 118 Commercial Street Keali 6 A. M. to Midnight. Excol- Itst Merchants' Lunch, 25c. Sun- hr Family Dinners and Bnnquots n htt'."1)'. E. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Stote 44 Commercial St. Free Delivery XSMh THE KLKCTHIO MOTOR BEATS 'EM ALL. whon motlvo power In nndor con sldorntloii beats thoin In convon lonco, economy.- safoty and nil 'round satisfaction. As n mnttor of business wisdom you should consult ub whon you need powor It mnkos no dlf fo ron co how muoh or llttlo. "Every thing olectrlcal" nnd tho boat waroa and work at .tho lowest fair prlco nro the motlv powor of our busi ness, Et!mntos on a hint from you thnt you're In tho markot. HYDE DUOS. ELECTRIC CO., Phono 1312 bolls. J ni N. Liberty Street. THE LENOX Fe: Hand's now and most raodornly furulihed hotel, Third and" Mnln atreota, fronting on tho beautiful City con Up Te.. ban j. Elm-jean Plan, ft to $2.B0 Per Bay Aini frail Plun, $a.60 to 4 Per Buy O. H. SPJCfCHK, i"nzft and adjacent to bualnos Free bus to and from trains, date grill. Exce"nt cuisine lions In orery room. Prlrat MHMMiBB!MMWl3wwf??fgwMwMPg', repfi ,l -Jr6 Peoplo .JT bJrBM Dfr V and ffMMral efK ouuodl In , P01 Nctiwrt vr i aferd openings for tao nex y. Jhrar mm. Sh4 for catalogue w-1. STALEY. PRINCIPAL Salem. Oregon "PnOM PILLAR TO POST" you may go looking for a concern who can turn out better or more ar tistic mill work than we can, but you will be certal no! failure. Wo are at home In every detail of the business, and our designs and fin ished work are regarded as models by competent architects and build ers. All kinds of turned woodwork done to specification at very reason able prices. A. M. HASS1N, PhoM Vain 144. THE USE OP COAL CUTTING RLICHINERY Though coal-cutting machinery was Introduced Into tho Unltpd King dom ns long ngo as 50 years, Its use showed slight development till tho pre-ent century, nnd even now the number of machines In operation Is relatively small. At tho beginning of this century about 150 British col.arles used cutting machines, the total number being nbout 40: now about 400 coUlorlos are using 1800 machines. ' Over half are operated bv compressed air, the ron'br eloc trfclty. In 1900 barely 1 ppr cent of the total Brltl-h conl output was cut by machine's; now .tho propor tion Is 5 per cent. These numbers nnd proportions can be best nppfeclated by compari son -vlth tho United States, fchoro, In 190C, according to offlclal figures, over 10,000 machines wore In uso, cutting 35.1 per cent of the total product. Tho mean nnnuar output per mnchlno wa 11,038 tons; whllo In Great Britain tho average Is placed at 8C30 tons. Tho excess in tho United States Is supposed horo to result from tho use of different machines nnd systems of cutting. The moro general mso and moro rap d development of machines "In tho united States It atrlbutod on Brit ish authority, to the different ar--ancement of seams In tho mines and tho lilirhos cost of manual labof. Tho Mow development In Great'Brltnln la laid to tho prejudice of .workmen against machines, tho chenpnoss of manual labor, and certain natural feautros of mlnos. Tho Inferiority of tho primitive machlnos also crcnt "d a barrier of conservatism among mine owners which Is now hard to break down. Consular Report. Why OoJb Aro Dangerous. Bochubq you havo contracted ordi nary jojdo and recovered from thoin without treatment of any kind, do not for a moment Imagine that colds ire not dangerous. Everyone knows nnt ponumonta and chronic catarrh have ther origin In a common cold, -mwumptlon Ib not caused by n cold, nt the cold prepares the system for -n reception' and development of tho norms thnt would not otherwise havo found lodgment. It Is tho same with all Infectious diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet fovor, measles -and whooplnir cemght aro much mdro likely to be contrnted when tho child has a cold. rou will aco from this that moro real danger lurks In a cold than In any othor of tho common ailments'. Thp easiest nnd qulckotst way to euro a cold Is to tako Chamhorlaln's Cougb Itomedy. Tho ninny romarkablo cures offoctod by tills preparation hnvo mndo It a staple article of trado over a largo part of tho world. For sale nt Dr. Stono's drug store. O ' HOW GEHMNY BUILDS HER NAVY VMio npnrourlnMons for tho Uni ted Stntes navy have boon moro or lo"8 buffeted nbout In committee nnd "n tho floon of the nennto and house of roprosontatlvos, wo havo had hi recent vonra a vorv r-onsplclous ex ample of tho bpnoflclnl recruits ac cruing from n continuous nnd regulnr nnvnl shipbuilding policy, such as that nt present under way In Oer mnn nnmlro. Boclnnlng with 1898, hip GormnuR hnvo boon nctlng on n definite urogram worked out ouf for evornl vonrs In ndvnnco. It has boon known far nhoad of tho tlmo- "f bPirlnnlng construction Just how ninnv vopppIs of the various classes woro to bo Inld down onch year, nl thniich 'ntor net hnvo much ln creapod the number nnd sizes The nt of 1898 contomplnted the ncqulM tlon of n navy Including 20 battle fdi'm. 8 conct dofonders, f2 Inrgo nnd 29 small crulsors. hosldes C de stroyers to bo lnld down nnnunl'v Thin total Inclmlod a numbor of ship already l existence, nnd work wnR nrosocutod on tho othors nt the rate of tw or Miroo lnrgp shins each vut. Tn J900 n aunolomentnry no Increased tho bnttloshlps to 38, tho 'nr" prul0'i8 to 14 and tho small Pv,Lnr to 38. In 1900 the lnrgo PHiiHor wer incrnnd o 20. and the dost rover o h "pM down eneh venr wre rained frnnv Ix to 12 In 1907 Mi" nctlvo Hf f all vessels wft" declnrpd docren'"' to 20 years after which now construction would fill plneo o each vos so retired. without such cqnstruotlnn bolng In cluded In tho rogulnr list for addi tions to tho navy. Frank Lesllo'B. i .. Deafness Cannot Bo Cnrc by local applications, ns they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. Thoro la only ono way to cure deafness, and that Is by consttutlon Al remedies, Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition o' the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. Whou this tube is Inflamed you havo a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, nd when It Is entirely closed, Deaf ness is tho result, and unless the In (lamination can be taken out and this tubo restored to Hj normal con- dltlon, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine causes out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an inumed condition of the, mu com surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollar for any case of Dfnew5 (csused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for olr ruUrs free. F. ?. CHENEY ft CO., Tolftdo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. OA0TOXIZA. Georgia's Stats Chemist Praises Cottolene J. H. McCnndlcss, State Chemist of Georgia, bo fore a recent catherlngr of Cotton Seed men, cave emphatic praiso to the high quality of Cottolene. Ho said: "The sale of this product and the proclamation that It Is made ot cot ton seed oil have done more to bring- cotton seed oil truthfully and favorably before the public than anything els fa recent history." Mr. McCnndlcss then pointed out how a pure, refined, vegetable-oil basis, such as ill in Cottolene is the only assurance a woman has of a clean, digestible, cooking product. It seems a positive wonder in the light of all that has lately been said and written, and of what is known of lard, where it comes from, of what it may be made, and how little chance there is to get pure lard, that anyone will continue its use, when pure sweet aad healthful Cottolene can be so easily obtained. au- your COTTOLENE Is Guaranteed XLE0?1, thereby i ii ii i ii in thorieed to reftind V money in case you aro not pleased, after having glvea Cottolene &laic test. Never Sold in Bulk i?f'M.toPckc,? n Paiu TVV! i i . tight top to keep it clean, fresh and whole Bomo, and prevent it from catching ilust and absorbing .disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. Cook Book Fried For a ?c stamp, to pay postage, we will mall wvw w rwww you Qur ucw ,rpuR YoOD CooK BOOK" edited and compiled by Mrs. Mary J, Lincoln, the famous Food Expert, and containing nearly 300 valuable recipes. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago "Nature's Gift from the Sunny South" 4 L-J. Tho Needa of ByinbolH. I honrt by moans of plcturos, by wlie.t J troubles. wo can symuois, concreio signs, tnnt , goi mong "Human naturo Is not worso todny Minoliow touch tho Instincts and ap- timn i nvn,. i.n. i,n r w... son,l to tho Imaginations of men. than it over has boon. Man to mnn. ' Tn ,,. .,,, ,,., . ..... ,... ... ..V W...-M. MU . .....UH, tho men of today can bear compari son with tho men of tho pnst. What, thon Is wrong with us? For ono thing, and I wish to lny stroso upon tho fact. I think wo nro going through a most trying ordeal. Wo havo lost our symbols In polltcs, for instance. Wo nro losing thorn In ovory depart ment of lite. "In politics wo hnvo lost tho sym bols of tho grcntnoss of tho state, Now, tho Idea of tho commonweal la n trnnscondentnlly grcnt Idea; tho ldoa of tho commonweal U hard to grasp ns to vhnt It really means, It Is very difficult for tho nvorngo man to got hold of n great ldoa merely by tho approhoiiRlon ot the mind Tho grcnt IdenB of tho world havo boon brought close to tho human nnd tho king In his majesty, with his pomp nnd stnto, with tho nobles that surrounded thd throno, wad mich a aymbol bucIi a sign, that appealed to tho imagination and cirrlod homo to tho nvorngo man tho Idea that thoro la ftomuthlng grcnt In tho stnto; that n divinity doth hodgo nbout n king In virtue ot his standing for tho stnto. "Tho king with his purplo robes nnd his crown, wns tho sign. Wo hnvo lost our sign nnd wo nro losing, too, tho thing signified; wo nro do ing without tho sign nnd wo havo not tho strength of nil ml to selzo those great IdouB without the sign to holp ub. So the- Jtrtto It regarded ns u moro convenience; rovorenco for the commonweal Is pnBBlng nwny nnd this, I think, 1b tho root of our The world is trying to without signs, without symbols In religion and politics, and tho avorr.go of mankind Rro not equal to tho task of dispensing with them, and somohow we shall havo to And n wny ot appealing anow to tho Imag ination. Wo miiBt not delude our solves with tho Idea thnt vo can awnkon public interest nnd make tho public heart glow by appealing tn nion's pockots, by trying to show that It Is moro prolltablo to havo good govommont than bnd gbvornmont. It Is moro profltnblo, tho pushing business man thinks, to lot corrup tion go on so long ns ho enn mako monoy nnd you enn not provo to hlni thnt It Is otherwise. Ycdi can not nrouso n grunt poiltlen. m.ivcmnt by appealing to tho pooket. If you de Biro n gront movomont, n movement thnt flhnll ponotrnto to tho doptliH. you must npponl to tho Imagination." Dr, Felix Adlor In nn nddross be- foro the National MiiuU"pul I.emuie. i OH $3.00 Saves a Big Dollar $3.00 I 8ALr3T"WATER COMPANY OrWCE CITY nALL For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advase. mM BARGAIN DAY SATURDAY, OCT. 31 All subscribers to the Daily Capital Journal except carrier lists who pay up all arrears to Nov. 1 st, 1 908, can secure the Daily Journal one year in advance for $3,00 : : : : : The Annual Bargain Day Saves the people hundreds of do! tars. Start at once to takes advan tage of our BARGAIN DAY ;:::": Efcmit by mail or call at the Journal Office on or before Saturday even ing, October 31st to secure this reduction ::::::::::::::: DO NOT ASK FOR THIS RATE AFTER OCTOBER 31 -rr E. HOFER, Publisher, Salem, Oregon teAvsr 4f?2fcr aae $. OHHMMCUL ST, . J7P'JM SI-