V PREPARE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BARGAmpAT OCTOBER 3 J, AND SAVE A DOLLAR fr V f k Hail I 1 (wraal roi. xnn. SALEM. OltBGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 810, 1008. NO. SW7. W sW. Lw bH ft i jfVi'Br!l -A A Attack - 1 1 lliWliBBiiffliBBiB 1 1 OVERNO RLAIN TO BE INDICTED CHAMBE DSSES CLOSING IN ON DESPERATE WASHINGTON KIDNAPER t TAKING SALARY BEYOND CONSTITUTION Iff OF PLOT TO DEFEAT SELECTION OF BATOR BY DIRECT VOTE OF PEOPLE riot Jas. P. Patrick, or dob Hoes, Iowa, wTio Is horo vIbUIuq itlrci, Is authority for n Btnto- . .Lll. Mrtimnln n Vt1r.fr . 1 rt ir.i wniui iuviuD muu kw u- It the popular vll' in Oregon in matter of electing a nonator by i direct roto of tho pcoplo. RUing ' t train ontorlng Portland ho trhead a cotiplo of Portland poll- act talking about tho mnttor, nnd lag a Granger, ho did not roallzo ilgn'flcanco of tho matter until ..ting I' to fr.onds In Snlom. It no more or less than a plan, Silked by tho Portland mon, to ke effeot that Govornor Chamber- itd li to bo Indicted for taking Bal ls vlo'ntlon o' tho constitution fit U'ore tho leglnlnt'iro moots. Ottiin coiiBtlutton fixed tho snl- nry of tho govornor and othor state ofllclals nt a ridiculous flguro, nnd somo yoarn ago after sovernl state campaigns tho logUlaturo passed n fiat salary lnw giving tho governor $5000 a year and othor Rtato ofllclals less amounts, but raising thorn nil. Tho constitution has novor beon( nmonded to correspond, and tho' technical point will bo mndo to em bnrrns tho govornor nnd provont, if possible, his ratification by tho leg Islaturo as tho next U. S. senator from Oregon, it Is not bollovod that this plan will succeed but that it will bo undertaken no.ono enn doubt. AUSTRALIA IS SEEKING SETTLERS MAKES REMARKABLE OFFERS A. C. Brown of North Salem Ib said to bo n candldato for city mnr-itlml. ( Unitod Press Leased Wiro.) Dy II. Loo Clotworthy, staff, corre spondent of tho United Prcse, with tho American battleship (loot.) Albany, We3t Australia, Sopt. 18. (By mall to San Francisco.) Tho tremendous financial sacrifices tho pooplo of Australia aro willing to mnko to porpyctuntoa "whlto Aus tralia" is strikingly sltown, In a col onizing plan Just Inaugurated by the Victorian govornmont, undor which American or English ngrlculturlsta nre offered an advanco of tho pasBngn money out to tho commonwealth nnJ CURTIS IS BLAMED BYMORSE GOUNTER CHARGES ARE MADE SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STORF IF YOU' Want I he BEST BARGAINS in Salem come to the Chicago Store JUnlted rrcn I.cfcJ Wire.) Now, York Oct. 30. Chnrlos W. Morea ' on tho witness stand today mndo a dotorminod effort to laco tho nlpulntlons of tho funds of tho Na tional Hank of North Amorlc'a upon his codofendant Alfrod. Curtis for mer president of tho bunk. Morso repudiated tho testimony of Curtis regarding a loan of $10,000 which it was alleged ho nrrnnged with Curtis. Morso dechvrod that 2000 bhnres of lco stock should have beaii'&cftd s,ftCcurJjy,.for. tho loan. Tho former lco king also contra dicted Wesley M. Olor olilclnl bond of tho alleged lco trust who tostlllod thnt ho Invostetl In tho Morso ontor rlso only aftor strong solicitation. Ho took Oler to task, and explained olub orntely his side of their dealings. GHANLER MAY BEAT HUGHES BUT TAFT WILL WIN IN NEW YORK (United Pross Loasod.lr.) ""Chicago, Oct. 30. Warning to" bo prearod for an oloctlon day surprise-, was given uy wnuor woiimnn in uio Hccord-IIornld today. "Surfaco Indications nownro that Taft will win Now York and, with Now York, tho proBldoncy. 'By tho samo Indications It nppenrsV thnt Chanlor will dofent Hughoa. for g'oy ornor of Now York" says Welmnn. "Undor tho surfaco nro factors which cannot bo measured. In vlow or tiieso I fool t)mt It-'lM my dq'y to warn tho renders of tho osslbllltlos of nn ejection dnv surprise nblo thai Bryan will carry .o' Ydrk. It Is moro probable thnt both Taft nnd llughou will win that stnto, tho lnttor by a umallor mnjorlty. "Tho conditions nre not unlike thoseof is SO, -when tho RoimbllcniiH won New York for thn presidency by CLOSE ON HEELS OF FUGITIVE CAPTURE EXPECTED ANV MOMENT (OalM I'm LeMttTWkt.) Bolllngham, Wn., Oct,, JO.Fol lowlng c flcrco pistol tattle' In which Deputy Bhorlff Hraat, ef Syl vana, Wn., wns shot In fye hip, after encountering tho kldnapptir of Ed ward Englloh, tho wealthy Skagit county lumberman who Was kidnap ped Morfdoy night Brj.Wonnt Ver- NOTJ18NG SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS We are now doing the greatest business in the history of our store v ii ii t M( p tho peoples favorlto Moiv. TIiIh Is the iwople'H clioliv, Tl'o htoiv tliov have raised """ I f in Mi i fw yr, rs lo Ik how rtoliiR tlio blurgest liiiHliifns In HiiI'mh. Watch uv on wind J1 J vs" i i nt. (iiTMiir nnd mul work Inm iimnupllRlieil, togeilier vltii le'n; iurlH In buying, Vr t i, ,I ,)f y ,vj rin..,j.jj ulna; tli let vnliu'K In Salem for our "iitnMi". You iv mIwii.vh ! "JiMlit U iiir pnrktboolc If you make vour purchases before you vlult our tOiri mid get our Women's, Misses' Children's Coats d Suits Now Sell- ig at Small Prices v nro not looking for long profits '.jse Up-to-Dato Onrmonti. What rc after Is lota of sales and I Profits. If you want the Best Cs in this part of tho world, ' i and do your trading at tho CHICAGO STORE. CHILDREN'S COATS, 91. BO, 91.03, 92.50, 93.no and w, MISSES' COATS, 92.50, 92.05, 9-50 $4.50 and up. LADIES' SUITS, 97.50, 98.50, 90.50, 910.50, 912.00 and up. SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS Dan Crawford, who ton yonrs igo was worth comldornbly ovor $100,000 and was n loader In Nvdn society, Is now undor arro In Rono on tho chnrgo of vngrauoy Gov. Guild of MniwnoluiBtttU la slously 111 with gaBtrltli. Ropublloan oatlmntos place Toft's plurality from 10,000 up to tho million, nnd nn Inoroased Ropublloan roprowintatlon in oongroB. Tho Quoen of Itnly Is still holding .out against the mnrrlugo. of the, Duko I'Abruzzl nnd Cathorlno Elkln. Th Oregon Lumber company Is t" b- prossouUd on 13 counts for vlolntlng tho Pedornl safety appliance laws. Frosldent Kllot of Harvard, In a speooh boforo tho No Llconio loaguo nt Boston, stated that he has all his llfo boon a modornto drinker, Tho report of ono of tho experts employed In examining the books of tho defunct Chicago and Mllwwukoo Electric railway shows thnt $10,000,000 of tho $ic,000,000constltutlng tho company's funds wero olthor (Hvorted or squandered. Bryan admits that his election hangs upon the voto of Now York state. Women's Gloves LLLLV vt "flBc Tft We are showing a grand assortment both In long and tfhort pairs, Kid.', Leathers and English Walking Glovo3. We show them In all the new shades and sell them at Rock Bottom Prices. Short Gloves. 25c, 10c. 75c, &c and up. Long Kids. 91.5r 91J50, 9KW1, m,H and up. Skort English Leather from tNto up. Women's, Misses and Children's Furs We are showing the Greatest Value- In Salem n Ladles'. MlsseV and Children's Furs. W- "an show you all kind white, colored, browns and tfack and la all styles and makes. We aro selling them at Small Prices, 75c, Me, 81.19, JW, 98.S0 and up. rx GOMPEItS TO MAKK FI.VA& APPEAL TO TJYKn Washington, D. C Oct. 30. Samuel E. Gompera, president or tho American Federation of Labor, Issued a final appeal to laboring men to voto for tho Democratic tick et In a special edition of tho "Fed orationlst" issuod to day. Tho paper has beon sent to the Central Labor unlonB all over the United Statoa for distribution. In a tele gram addressed to the Central bod ies today, Gompers says: "Ever laboring man and liberty loving citizen Is urged to redouble his activity and alertness and stand true to the great cause of human freedom' Involved in this campaign." Napoleon. Ohio, October 30. In his speech hore today, Bryan at tacked the Republican party's atti tude on tarlf freform, alleging that It was In league, with the trusts. He said that ho had read the dispatch from Vew York In which Rockefeller had been quoted as advocating the election of Taft and doclarod that the corporations had agreed to sup port the Republican party In return for promises of Immunity from pros ecution In tho event that Taft is elected. A Boleallst sodal at Ora this evMlft. 13,000 but lost in tho contest for governor by$ 19,000." JOHN I. 8AYS TAFT IS BEST FOR COUNTRY Now York, Oct. 30. Friends of Taft and Bryan aro discussing today the statement made by John D. Rockefeller In which ho declares tor tho Republican presidential nominee In what ho terms a "campaign of personalities." Rockofellor declares that the party lined ou various Is sues aro not clearly defined by oot ti er candldato and that the question In his mind resolves Itself Into a decision by tho voters as to who Is the better man. In dimming tho matter, the Oil King said: "It seomB to me at this time, when the question is put directly to any citizen, which candldato he shall support for the presidency by hlo voto ,he should bo manly enough to answer It directly. I expect to cast my voto for William H. Taft. If for no other reason, I support Mr Taft becajuse on comparing him personally with Mr. Bryan, his chief opponent. I find the balance at flness directly on his side. The'olectlorj of Mr T"ft 'vlll. I be'lev. make for 'o'v at"1 order and stability of busi ness. He Is not a man I Jde to adventure with rash experiments or to Impede a retains to prosperity by non and hold for $6,000 ransom, a sheriff's posio of 20 men Is UaUy clositur In on tho object of 'their search In tho woods In tho vicinity of Sylvana. Excitement prevails iu,ovory city undw humlvt lying In tho .path of tho posao. r'dkiiitiWfcwJ. ,are gnthorlntr In tho Wrontn awaiting the nr'rivoJ of tho ropnty ribevlffa with tho Intast news of tho ohiiso, It Is known thnt tho kldnnnpor Imi heav ily nrmed. Knowing that ho Is des pornto, tho pnsao will kill on sight If the n'li(htoHt roslutnnco is shown. Tho kidnapper was In Sylvana n lute n ft o'clock Inst night. An hour lator Dnputlos Stophomion, Mason, Diinhnm nnd Rrunstnd wore untitled of his pro once. Tho man had dla appeared by this tlnio. Tho deputies trailed him to within a nhort dis tance of tho town, whoro thy com manded him to throw up his hands. Inroad of obeying, ho flrod on hli jKirMiors, who returned tho tiro. Brnntnd fell with n bullet wound In his hip. It Ib not known whether ho was shot by the purtnicd or no oldontally by ono of his pwnv com panions. Tho kldnnppor Immediate ly dashed into 4ho woods again, whtlo tho throo deputies gnvo all of their attention to the wounded man advocating measures subsrvl t Industrial progress. "Tho quontlo nof candidates soemi to mo peculiarly n personal ono In tula campaign becausa the loading ouitors on both sides linvo not suc ceeded In drawing prty lliioi)ftR based on platforms, with any clear ness. 1 do, ltowevor, support tho getioral Republican policies on the tariff and tho ctirronCy. bavo al ways beon a Republican. "I feel tho moro Impelled to an swer this question because It cannot bo said that tho prosqnt administra tion has In any way whatever fav ored the special Interest to which my llfo hna beon devoted. llltYAN KEEPH POT BOILING IK IDAHO Cleveland, O., Oct, 30, William J. Bryan today mado a flying cam paign tour through northern Ohio In hla Inst effort to control tho state for the Democrats. Ho stopped heri tor flye minutes this morning a nit several hundrod railroad men were present to shake hands with the Democratic candidate, HIX TO OXK IN FAVOR OF TAIT'S I'M'OTION" New York. Out. 30. "Much tallc nnd llttlo monoy" npparontly suma country today as to bets on the election. The odds hero today are 6 to I that Taft will bo olected with ubbut $30,000 wagered at that rate. Lit tle money has been placed or th stato fight. Hugkefl succeed Ckaaler a tk favurlU au4 It U now 10 to or Hug. '