'hukttuti&i4iJ t Uik)-t cvrM4 Sck HeadEicKe THE MAKREra " 4A. HIKJ You probably thinlc it's cjukpA h.v 5P" something ybuve eaten. Of course it is i '.itt - -I I f . 1 1 uui 11 yum 5iumacn, nvcr and bowels uric O. K: Mi could eat anything that others &J eaand never have an uncomfortable moment. r rbu can 'cure 'tne headache and the lndiges- tii thct caused it by putting your liver in shape. itzy liver at'thb bottom ot nine-tenths of hu- ph iib. Put thfc Kfer right and constipation, lliousriessl-dy6pfc3T5skin troubles all ailiiients bf the stoftach, bowels and kidneys are bbtuVd to' b'd cured. Prove, irMaka an tablet tonight and you'll feel better in the morninp. PUm- tMr? vni: (m ivn ;n.-n.HM - nor sicken, always and absolutely effective. Gtit & 2!c Box of g(?JMgSi Mill.? 0 11 r M THE A: H.1eTO fcblClNE CO. ' 7Vf!'rT?T9WWBB3ttlHi to Job; Capital Drug Co., Z. T. Rlgfcs, Salem. Oregon. fa u MlP vV( V! J -- - - '-" ' 8A1 FRANCISCO MARKKT8. San Franclico, Oct. 24. -Wheat, No. 1 California club', bar cental I1.67H 01.70! California white milling, $1.75 1,80; northern, bluostem, U.72(81.77i; off grade whent, $1.50 1.(10; Red. Sl.J2Vj& 1.671s. parley, foed barley, $1.35 1.40; common to fair, $1.25(5)1.30; brow ing at 8an Francisco, nominal at, $1.4501,55; Chevalier, $1,500 1.G0, according to quality. Eggs Per dozen, California fresh, Including cases, extras, 52c, Aral?, 47c; sccondo, 27c;. thirds, 236 Eastern selected, 2Cc; flr.ts, 25c; Becftnds. 22U,cl utnrhtfo. HnllforntA extra, 31p; firsts, ,2 8c; Eastern stor-1 ago, extras, sec; urqts, 24c. Butter Per pound, California ex tras, 3lc; firsts, 28c; seconds, 23c; thirds, 20c; Eastern oitrns, 27c; ladles, extras, 22cj firsts, 21c: picnieu, no, l, zftc; storage, Cali fornia extras, 2GMic Now chceso Per pound, Callfpr nla flats fancy, 12 c; firsts lie; sficonda 9V4c; California, 13c; East ern New York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Orogon flats fancy, 13c; do. Young America fancy, 14 c; California! Btorago fancy flats, 12c. Potatoes Per cental. River whites (sacks) fancy, 70 080c; poor, 500 65; Salinas Burbanko, $1,250 1.55; Oregon Burbanks,' $1,26 0 1.35; Early Hebo, 75 085c; Bweot potatoes to the trade, sacks, $1.35 crates) $).50. Onions Per sack, Yollow, 700 75c; .Brown Australian. 65070c..... ,...,,. ( . j .j. urangoa i'or pox, vaiencms, $203.50. The Public Endorsement of Our Mining Properties if You Have Not Read It Then Do So The- report of the committee appointed by the Satem Board ot Trade is printed In, your dally papers. It I I will post you on what the committee found at the mines. Now we have their endorsement we are in noattlnn . to utge you to SIGN UP AT ONCB )FOt ALL TUB STOCK YOU CAN IrANDLE. id IT &bV, DON'T WAIT. We will try and call on yo;u,,but don't wait; como to our pfflce and we "will put ycju n a posjtlon to mako some money. By this time' vrlth all the proof? wo hav6( hirb'shcd, bo one can question our minea bolag all we hare clklraed for them. N"otc. remember we. are talking for the Goic fjreek joining & MUilag Company's property. Our stock Is solflng at ID c.eht. e have i7 claims In oUr gro(up, ye have a, Wi milt, electric light plantj e!ectrlfc drill In our equipment and we have A AlINlKd NGINpKU WITH "Oft WtTIf A ItEPUTATION OP DOIlO THINGS In cjge.. We have spont 2O,Q0O mor on ,our property than all the other wlaes on the creek combined. W6 have the ore opened np td 4hpw, for It T,here.var. ve great ledges across ouf properties. We have 1300 feet bi work lione.sbb wing the ore. The smeller people ask us to supply CTOMIAJjF Till? ORB REQUIRED FOR THEIR SMELTER, As much as all the others aro requircu x 0 days from unit tin trnm U; boosting Marlon county's rcs6urccs, and want you to help us Succeed. ATtlX & BO'AMAft, Kisca! Agents GOLD CREEK MINING & MILLING CO, OTTO hANSW, esidcni o xurnisn. wnyr iccbubo u was more, uur engineer ioiu iae smouer people, tnat, UiJiB tho tlmo the" road was completed ho would furnish the fuii ijJO t'tns pef day yiey Yequlredj A rintd An If Maw tlhn't It 1hrtV an ttirMtirti rtiik Wiln Vam 'Jhn nillti in IninJ in n oi- m trt f jIi r- 'A f h W I.STALEYvStcrctarv a.,tA wottl m i ii mini i intiiiiii ii) ; i tii ; I i iii ' UNARCE r rhglng the Mnttor Home. tfato be feared tnat tno uamor floftor who so gravely warns tho Iwr itAtes of tho aangor ot tnc u p'aguo Is somotning oi an mist. Ho seca m tno guu anu ai le toiil cities of tho United csatllro menaco in tho presence U About tho wharves, said rats, j Mi opinion, bolng most probably , sworn to have Its lifo? Can a singlo niouso nest in tho pantry but that tho houBowlfo screams forthwith for tho master with his shotgun? la tftere a sullor 'long our shores bo Btupeflod with Bailor's rum that ho will not, hcavo a chuk of coal at the wharf rats gnawing at his shoes? Such Is not tho enso In far Macao, nor where Calcutta sits In nor qucon- tm from ships that havo toMcb-, ly prldo abovo tho ebbing tldo. Thore it Asiatic norts nnd having con- tho rnt, like tho scorpion and tho jtd about their porsons tho dread . lotus flower, Is taken a3 an affliction onlc Rorm Thus tho danger of ,of tho goda, and woo to nlm so im- Wm docs not como across tho pious ns to raiBo nis nana ngaiusi mo l" ard tho plans' from Cnllfornla anointed of tho doltles. m, whore Dr, Bluo nnd hts corps ' CondlHons In Amorlca dllter rrom . ., a ...1 ...Li. .tiftan (h .Ii. HilATlf Tlint. It. nn need to llston to senro talcs based on tholr almllarltlos. Young Amorlca nnd his torripr will scotch tho nox ious rnt. II Is grandmother nnd lior mop will keop tho oavos and collars clean. Thoro is no danger of tho nation facing tho plnguo of Asia ex cept at a sympathetic distance.. Washington Poit, o iislatnnts havo clmsod tho lean hungry rat from Baker's beach o toe lorcai iasmcss uuama uuu nond Dut It Is a monacoBuro to It in bngs of rlco from Cnnton, bandies of silk from Knlo-Chail, bitannd boxes from Bombay con aM to Nw Orleans, Ba'tlmoro or Won. -'i Thh Is most lamentable, If truo. Swe ! but one consolation vouch t& the doomed nation. Saya tho an -d lector" i "We have tho satisfaction of be Ml' s that It can novor atta'n bucIi fvfMir In this country as In India, iYtn fl.000,000 persons hnvo died ( It, not that thoro Is anything In ordinate that prooludos It, or that merltans aro ImmMno, but our !:od of Hfo, moro snn'tnry houses a a r eater froodom from vermin III hi't ,,i nT?roB " Why Colds Aro Dniigerons. Becairo you hovo contracted ordi nary eoldB and rocovered from thorn I without trontmont of any kind, do not mr a momoiu imngiuo iniu coius aro not dnngorous. Evoryono knows that pnnumonln nnd chronic catarrh have tholr origin In a common cold. Comureptlo i l.i not parsed V n enj-j, but tho cold prepnros tho Bystom for the rocoption and dovolopmout of the iserms that would n6t othorwlBO havo found lodgmont. It Is tho snmo with ' '-- ' - m "i"iM5 ntnMhcr'-' Aa-' t' r-' th rub. Bettor mo-lp-? hcjiIp; fver, men les and whooping icriu, c'an 1ioiims nmt olonn olot'iM ifce'rh emM of bubonic. It ferri:'t oniv In thos dUtrlets of KWa and Inlln w!Ich nro thlckU JWlata wlrli Bonlo and thinly "WWtlonM w'th bath tubs nnd Bnil !r commUsionir. iforo tho rodents & the little germs of tho plnguo 111 togothor In undisputed hnr y. like the owl. tho ratt'esnnko 5d the pralrl dot; on our own west 's plains. But does any ono Beo m of this bnppy family oxlstlng wan Ameri-a? Like tho Dutch. fe hart a re.utnt'on for tho use of Pan- vmter, m,t onJy jn our klt. n. but 'n our manners and mor ' also Does nny ono behold n rat abolln thrniiRh his closet In theso 1 ni nnt "in for the bootjack. c(y i?ht are much more likely to bo i rated 'b"U Ihe riiiici na a cola. Yw vlrt sef fraui th! bnt moro roal danger Uir lo a cold than In nnv otbtjr of T'i "oramon a"monts. Tho onsloat and nnlckotaf way to euro a cold la to taVo Cliamborlnln's Cough Romedy. The ninny rouinrkablo cures effected by this preparation havo made It a tnpU' article of trado ovor a largo nart of the world. Foi salo at Dr. Stono'a drug 8toro. CASTOR I A Pot Infants and Children. Till Kind You Have Always BusfiM Boars tlo t Lumber & Fuel Co. Lumber, Shingles, Doors and Windows, Paint?, Oils, Builders' Hardware, Wood and Coal. Offices Fourteenth and Oak Streets Phone 1 98 Two Houses Finished and Ready to Sell i One seven-room, Corner Eighteenth and Chemek- streets; aH modern. One fivS.r'ootTi, one Wock south of Yew Park -kfrooJ. Complete pWmSinf , city water and bath. POhTLAtf D MAlilCETS Groin, Flour Fowl, Etc. Portland, Or., Oct. 24. Barley, food, $26 27 per ton; rolled 27.G0 028.50; browing $26.60. Oats No. 1 whlto, ?313 31.56 por ton; gray, $30030.50. Wheat Club, 80c por bUBh ol; forty-fold, 00c; Tiurqoy rod, 02c; Fife, ftfln; bliuutom 03(TD04c! Val ley, 00c; Bed Russian, 86c. Mlllstuffs Bran, $26.50 por ton; middlings, $33; shorts, country $31; city. $30; U. S. mill chop, $22 Hay Timothy, Willnmotto vnlloy $14 per ton; Wlllamctto valloy, ordi nary, $11; oastorn Orogon, $10.50; 017.50; mixed, $13; clovor, $9; al falfa, $14; uUalfa mcnl, $10. Vegetables anil Fruit. Frosh fruit Apples, now, 75 $1.50 por box; peaches, 40(0C0o per box; pears, 75o1.2C por box; plums 50 $1.00 por box; grapes, 85 $1.25 por crato; huckloberrleB, 9 10c, $1.25 per crato; Concords 37 0 40c per basket; ground chorrlos, 75c por box; rranborrleo, $10 por bar- roi; pruqp?, xapzviic por pounu. Dairy and Country Produce. Butter City creamery, extra, 35 030c por pound; fancy, 32 035c; Btore, 17 0 20c. Egg Oregon Bolcct. 37 038c; Eastern, 27032c por doz. Poultry Hens, 1 2 0 1 3c; spring 12i13c: duckB, old, 12012 c; young, 1416c; gcoso, old, 809c; young, 910c; turkeys, old, 10017c. largo, OVjC Cheese Fancy cream twins, 15c per pound; full cronm triplets, 15c; full cronm young Amorlcn, 10c. Veal Extra, 8 09c por pound; ordinary, 77c; heavy, 5. Pork -Fancy, 7c per pound; lnrgo, 5 Vi 0 Cc. MlHcellnncy. Ilopa Orogon, 1908, 708c por lb., 1907. 3 04c; 1006, llbl. Vo ' EaBtorn Orogon, nverag? be-t, "0014c per lb., according to hrlnkrgo; vnlloy, 16010c. Mohair Choice, 18c por lb. 1 1 Ides Dry hides, No. 1, 13 015c per lb.; dry kip, No. 1, 13c lb.; dry oalfsklnB, 10c lb.; saltod hldoa, 0 0 8c tb.; Baited calfskins, 1213c lb ; green, tc less. BALF.M MAItKRT. Toral WIiolowlo Market. Egg 33c. Buttor Creamery 36c. HenB 10c; young chickens, lie Local whont 80c. Oats 42c. Barloy $24.50. Flour Hard whent. $5; valloy, $4.25. Hay Cheat, $11; clover, $9 per ton; timothy, $12 013. Onions $1.36 cwt. Hops 1907 crop, 5fT6c. Cancara Bark 2 03c. Mchair Ufa Itetull Mnrkct. Oats $1.46. Wheat $1.05. EggtJ 36c Buttor Country, 30c; creamery, 40c ' Flour Valloy. $1.25 per sack; hnd wheat, $1.4001,45. Bran 95c per sack, $31 per ton; shorts, $1.36 per sack. Livestock. Stock hogs, 4.5Q. Smnrs 3o. Venl B07c Cows $!t3.ri0. Tropical Fruit. Banaiias$C.50. Oranges $4.00, Leuions $6.00. saaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaBiim!' . HssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiVV tsaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaBiiiiHBiiiiiiiH k saaaaaflHflaraaasiitfl llinilMni, I jBBBiMIIirlIIinii9DBBfisBHv r "EfteKiWWWR -& FOW VTCLt. DRCVSCD ntN, r " ivy, xi .y .. i r jtf yjrw"- i Sir A S ' I I '" I !..,.!,' " 'vWvAM4fyfvW M ji. '., , i i f , PRICE RANGE ? "M' -tA iw qp i , ' Si uJJ k ) ot'it triftl fttt nsnn )rt Jn-ift nlrf IU BHajasVHHHHHHHaVaHBWMHHM The a$ove cut represents o brick lined Torr d tfonc Kurnnco, Quaranteed gas, smoko nnd dutt roof. Economical and durablo, A. L. FRASER 258 STATE STREET. Estimates furnished on heating MW . I THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtnlnod from pur prlinr tondor and Juicy beof, mutton o' pork. All our monts uro soloctod from tho choicest, and propared fo, tho tablo to Biilt tho domands of the fastldlou8. Our prices urp lower for quality than you can find at any place Id Balom. IC. (j. CROSS, j I'lionp 201. 870 Stato .St. Great CIiIhomj Doctor Ii. M. II U M Han roedlcluu whlr.b will cure any known dltoase. Ho makes a special ty of, aud guarantees to euro Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Uhoumatlim nobility, Btomnch, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also any blackonod' or Bwdilou surenoss, broken limbs; Smallpox; Epldomlc; H kinds of Bolls, Lost Manhood, Fomale Weak nosa, Hernts Troubles add Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Vlck So forig Co., ChluoM drugs and herbs. 163 High St., upHtalrs, Balem. Or. 0.-00000000000 O MISS BEATRICE SIIEITON O O 0 O Teacher of Piano, Organ and o O Ensomble Clasaos, until Octo- t O ber 1, In Chicago taking ad- O FO vanced Bbudlos. ' O O O First National Rank Rlilg Ktudlo O O o O Resilience Studio j 3 IB Marion 0 O Street.. Phone J 200. O OOOOOOOOOOOO ,j. ,.. , I. i l,1 .J4liU.fa 't- For Chapped Skin. Chapped skin whether on th' hands or face may be cured in one utght by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It Is also unequaled for sore nipples, burns and scalds. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. ri .flt. KB "X K V -ETm. m BBU . . lke KW Ym km ittm ?& Women's and MM's Shoes, Rubber Boots, iigh Top Hunting Shoes for Boys and Men. S ! JACOB V0GT, BMM L- Repairing Neatly Done iLiSiix H THE DANCE U?HO OK TIfK EDIBOV PHONOGRAPH U Irroslntlblo Its solctlons nre rlnar, distinct, tunoful aal In porfoct tlmo. It qrfor th most fascinating waltzoB and aplrltod two-atopa of tho world's groat cuinposors as well ns tho popular dnnse niu ilc of tho hour. It 1b a mil Itary Imnd or a cymphony or chestra at will, affording a do llghtful and wldoly varlod pro grammo without oxpcnw or attention. L. F. H.VVAGK,. . SI7 Commercial Street, i t ' f Wo are shirtwaist trial. We Launder Ladies' Shft Wests' amT White Skirts Just Right. Wo guarantee to. All of our shirtwaists are care fully washed with a ppoclal neutral soap, starched Jmt where Ihoy Bhould bo starched and Ironed by experts who havo mado riilrtWajst Ironing a special study, . nlbaslng tho most careful drossors in tho city with our work and aro sWb' wo can ploase you, May we have a SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY Tel. 26 136-160 0, Liberty J Pftolit 44 Main 14? N H s C. V. YANNKE P-np .rtOf nf THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Llvory all Rigs MoIm Rubber Tire 1 1 1 ft i I rt Ml 1 sW FdWH FEIWUE MAUfiflUalJUUU PILLS. IIV1I iMWH TB I All. ! pwl " $ UwrTCOMtBICtC..pT4,Unyityf. i k Sakm by Dt.S.C.&tz 1,02'xy Mcunui IV : ,-) A Liij U4Wu f ii. f f ' TJtut Otlu llJa Ai MtmLXwi f th. flef tVl-'t.l,rtWK. U a I - in -u f ' . ' " Ml' ,i .i h l i.ai..u tn...W. ijo . - H iUih-Ii ml Uuckr. v ll J('nWy M Htl Trt IB Irtl 'ft fomi M .Bin lux Urn nu ltlln 0) lloixicu ivi' C'iui-ir, tlatlUni. WMi. OQI.DCN NUOagTR FDR SALI.QtV PQPlf G. F, MASON DOX CO, 247 Miller St., South Salem, manu factitrer of all. kinds of boxes, crater and fruit dryer accessories. Phnn 193. - . j r tf Satem Fence Works HemhiUMrters for Woven Wire Fenclug. Pomitry Netting, Pickets, Qate, Mulihold Uooflug, P. & D, Htmiy Roptlng, Screen Dooi-s and Ad JustablH Wis dow Screens. CHAS. I). MULLIGAN SucreHtor WAirini MORLEY, 2.1H Cnr .Mt KnJew. Or. m I Ii. '! m i i w i I'M mil.il I, CIGARS and TOBACCOS I bdvo eolccted th bertt brhrt nt niinri pud Tnliupcn p.nrnlHL ent with tho trade. Can supply you with what you wish with cattsfactlou. AI?o carry a com plete lino of soft drinks, K. OA, Pre, yrofit Itreet, opposite Thf teitloa, Newport, Ora. I w . of th bov -l 'f .!('..