Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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i jhjvku-rf t'mBimBBuK2BBBBBI&SBBEBmwi&r
OBd SBssfrrfa BiMirdQ A cm!p,c of wiw" .-
ly, Pcnnsylvanrans, who have
made and used HICKORY BARK CO'UGH REMEDY for seventy! years, andearetf
C 4 - O , . a mily of eleven children. For r j"
MirC r Ure Sale by ., dealers everywhere klSfS LWZ
benutlfui and attractive. Snow white
and of a flno Size and a gentle dis
position, all kinds of things might
havo happened to Peter. 3oon after
the nd. appeared tho lady Was called
up over tho phono and Bomo one
started to toll about a cat when
tho person broke down laughing and
hung rap the phone. The othor evon
Inn Peter walked Into thd houso as
big as llfo and was as sleek and fat
ns If ho had been living at a hotol;
Thore was great ropolcing and the
tear i that had been shed by his little
mistress wero turned In rojolclng.
The wrltor hns forgotten what ho
started to say but It looks very much
as If somo lovor of cats had enter
tained Peter nt her houso and he
liked It so well that ho did not wlslv
to come honfo. Noxt will be a travel
ing library of cats.
We nlway3 llkoto see any man bet
ter himself, and yet we do not know
whether H. D. Gibson, a son of our
friend, J. It. Gibson of Liberty, has
bettored hlinself or not. Ho hns just
sold his farm on Prospect hill ol
169, acres to Ed. Hartley, formerly
of this city. His Innd cornor3 on
tho Tllmon Ford farm, and is one of
tho BigJitllest plnccs In the county
""ospect Hill commands a view of
flvo counties on a clear day Polk,
Yamhill, Linn, Marlon and Honton.
When It is very clear you can Beo ton
snow mountains nnd even look Into
Washington county and Clnckamas
county. Mr.' Gibson farmed up on
thnt hill, so long, ho got kind of tired
of It nnd wnnted to get onto somo
bottom land. Ho has some flno dairy
rows and will now try to hold 40
acres of land sultnblo for dairying,
He If a good careful farmer and Wo
wish him luck In hie charge, but wo
believe ho has lot go of somo valu
ab'e land, nnd If tho electric lino Is
extended out that way It will bo
ronin Btlll more vnlunblo. Wo look
for all that country to bo cut up Into
fruit trnct8 porno day nnd dotted
with suburban residences. Such
changes nro going to bo mado in
thpo day of nil-wool and a yard
wide prosperity.
Tho United States linn appointed
a commission to liiffltl o Into tho re
lation nnd condition of tho farmer
and IiIb hired man. TIiIb commission
is Composed of otnn of the big col
lege presidents and Is no doubt In'J
i r
tended to be an useful and 'honest
'(undertaking. A lost list of questions
I Is sent us to givo information about
I how tho farmers and tholr hired help
arof getting nlong out this way,
whether they treat theni right, how
mnny hours they work thorn, what
they feed them, whothe,r thoy glvd
them books to rend and a chauco to
tnko a bath, and tho dnlly papers, etc.
Wo returned tho blank with some
protty plain cussing In 'queen's Eng-
ilsh, na wo do not regard It any of
tho government's business to iuvestl
gato such affairs. These endless
commissions nnd investigations make
us tired. Thoy all havo a graft con
nected with them hllalutln bb thoy
appear. Old Tiiomns jonorson nnd
a level head and when ho generally
advocated that tho government mind
Its own business and lot tho cltlzons
nlono as much as possible ho was
lbout right. That commission ought
to resign and go to work for a living
at some honest business. Tho farm
er nnd his hired man aro getting
along tolornbln well, nnd do not need
any high Balarled commissioners to
protect them against each othor.
"The Working Girl's Song," writ
ten by MIR3 Hattlo Monroe and dedi
cated to tho Women's Trndo Union
league, touches a chord in tho heart
of nil who Bymphatlzc with laborr
Slsters of the whirling wheol
Aro wo all day;
Builders of a house of stool
On Time's hlghwny;
Giving bravely, hour by hour,
All wo havo of youth nnd powor..
Oh, lords of the houso wo rear
Hear us,, hear!
Green nro tho floldo ln.Mny-tlmo,.
Grants us our lovo-tlmo, play
time. Short Is the day and dear.
Fingers fly nnd engines boom
Tho livelong day.
Through far Holds when roses ibloont
The coft winds piny.
VaBt the work Ib sound nnd truo
Do tho towor wo build for yoni!
Oh, lords of the houso wo rear,
Hear us, hear!
Green nro tho fluids In Mny-tlme,
Grants us our lovo-tlme, plny
ttmo. Short Is tho day and donr.
De&t f.
' Bi ., "WWMllSM
Ours the futiirT
The whole world's m
." i ui-uris me cotalBg i
For life's Inv nu..,
As YOU mnlrn no .i..
So the men uubotn thtUw.
Oh, lords of tho hoa Ja
Grants us our lore-Uw J
Short Is the iky iM I
' A FrMfe CMtkiin
it pretcrred-tBdMefeaj
Kobcrtint. i i&ai ityjj
prcftntioo, dtlioWr ha
Mm Mikei th ikln uMi,M
br ortr-drrscMi Mwtidt
enhnred poret. iHtnm tU ,
ducei tafiuMRttioa mi tpttk
stent of ilda plmli kti m
.i hi. " .t . . . .
uia capiiMnet waKO HOMM
(kin and wpplf ki lutUMid
Atijwr Dntfiafirtfmmm
It Id worth more thu it; i
iiroad yet the prlw Ii m
ror siM at vour groew'.
Tbonwn & Cook;, PH I
H4-HHtHiHH I 1 I I 14-HI 1 I I 1 I HI H-H-H
m umiii timiini iiiiiiiiiium
No AScohoU Nor Alkaloids
Old Nick ought to know whon ,i
niiui p!ayt tldt devil.
hoard of n dovil luimed Arllftslb
and Flvko,
So ho duatod his l)ont8'rwlth hi tail
as a whlak. t'
C. II. Bkn hIiowb ub a rocolpt given colostlaj rost than wo havo over boon I Andsnt through tho piny. ,Thtm ex-
by his fnthur. II. II. Wkln, a farmor nblo to make. oursQlf think thnt wo
among tho pioneers, for hla Incomo woro,
tax JIG.IB paid to It. C. Crawford.
Tho reco'pt Is funny in ono way na
It shows tho monoy paid to Craw
ford Ixit tho rocolpt la mado out and
Plgned by Goo. A. Kdes. It Ib datod
Feb. 1. 1860. nnd in thoso days thoro
woro no printed forms. It l moro
thim likoly that f armors would kick
now to 'havo to pay au Incomo tnx.
nut thoy havo other things to kick
for that nro Just na hnndy and so
thoy aro not doprlvoJ of tho pleas
ure. Mr Ekln baa an old account
Hook of his father's that goes back
Ao 1838, and a desk that was mals
by LowIb Wostacott. Onco In nwhllo
his chlldron got hold of ho papers
and ncatter them around, and It 1b
''jUBt Buch llttlo treasuroi a8 tho'abovo
i'recelpt that tell tho history of th
Tho stago lu playing up tho Dovll
na a monoy-mnker moro than ovor
Ah a last ruBort. tho peraontilcntion
of evil has always drawn tho atten
tion of the vorld. That charactor
i.hus no plnco lu this department, al
though fabled to havo onco mado tig
loaves a fashion. Harris Grey Flako
(12 West llth St., N. Y.) prints thin
tolU nn 'Tllrt Tll'n nnulld"?
. not yot erecting sUtuea to the de-
Of Pluy and Attractions wo'vo had ludod vtctltns of tho cofhn-nsll habit,
not a fow, I
With hero and there Playathnt woro
llomilies, too,
When the Stage plays the Pulpit I
Ioavo it to you;
What lanieHniPJ U8i tho r0
ombrRncliniTndrfroirda. Hdr
'la nn old frlond wq ha for many
'years been In tho saloon- bualROfJJ'
knd a klnder-hoflrted roanou xwauld
hunt n long way to And. Woll, know
ing that wo havo no very fcroat foji
noss for drink of any kind; hstgaes
,nd buys n keg of sweet elder ind'
'sends It to us. Anothor dear trnd,
who has taken holy ordem, sondf ua
h flno box of grapes express pre
paid, and wr'toa a very kind lofyor
In German which twehes our heart:
"Hero is n man who; Ik gonorally con
Jemmnod bv church pooplo, nnd an
other who bolOBKft tq an ancient and
holy order of pflesthooil-t-and lQto
ire our friends and Ih the bottom
f our heart we belero botR are bet
ter illipo-H! wen than we ajr. an4
If there la a losing place Ih tWtt vaat
forerer where the klaa-Rrted will
Vave hereafter w knew tar will
Wotb, be surer of their title to that
claimed with a shout.
"My kliigdonWs" l'ostHlnco my secret'
Ib out."
And I think you'll ngroo as a fiuifc
"on tho loveC
"Evory mnn his own Satan is duntlfc
doath to thwcfcvir."
If Hughoa la llpkcd for governor
of Now York ho can blnmo It to
clgnrottos. A moraf reformer wtth
tho clgarotto habit Is not Improsslvu
as a great uatloustl figure. W9 re
Thoro Is real old Uncle Sam earn
ing on a land lotttji$tn t Pallas,"
8, D. A great -many thouaiind en
volonea containing tlllnt in im n.i
For the ako of fair play glvo the mauy blank8( 8ro thrown oh a plat-
Doyll hla duo form ftnd R u,e ,ij,iJfo,de, g',rf ,8
And I think you'll agreo as a fact wt 4o ,ck antf hand out
. "on tho level" i prUe8 A Ioltery( aB- aIotBlata
'It waa up. to the Stago to woll, prf drawlng( prQhib'ted by law and
just play tho devil. Uriclaam tlw.kw tucker. BUt t
h i seems thoy drow lots In tho nible
A Play was produced with a dovll bo tlmea lt ,8 vrohMy (be only abso.
,ftwo ..... , ,ute,y rtt," wav to do somo things.
That rumoVa woro out of rebellion In nesldoj, there la a great deal of dlf-
e,l; forence between a lottery to mako
Tho Imps hold a meotlug nnd voted m'0wy atjd an nlotn,eut io Bottlo dlf.
. pole-molo ferencea.
Qld Nick "A Back Number," "Down?
nud-outer" as well, J ,. , . . .
,,,.,,, , - ;i What la homo with a mqthor i
ion tty.Tvor"K'?0 " a ',C,U and n bfttchof k,en8 co I"
All this waa enough to drive Nick" jj,e TJZT 1 !""
n tho .Jfivii i.tUttt T,lftt homo ,a not complete,
T ' ? especially If it has u lot of children
nt, v.. i . . . ... ' it. Thla leads ua to say a word
Old N.ck came to town, and hla won -. ., j . .
derment grew v .aout taU ,n Snernl nnd ono cat In
ueruunt grew. particular. A lady plnced an advor-
Inatead of ono DeWl ho found thoro ,.... ,.. ' ' . " Vl
, T tl'ement In thla paper for a flno anow
He smiled In the Garden "Vloux Jou, "",.;'""; , M,,"u",ljr
I receive - and -dramatic name of Peter Pan. It
i4i. jJjiV i i.i .. Ua..i.i.ih i 88,B Vsiw waaiered away and the.
Kve" ' I1'"1 lrl ,a thQ fam,,r waa 6ure ke
A4 I thlak you'll airee aa a fact hf lH fct hy T UUBter aad
i t level" faeyiiW X . h was so tame.
The Capital Flouting Mills
se electric power. They have
just ceased to use theit steam
plants. Better see as about
yot powe needs.
Portland Railway
Light -Powc
Vl! I i
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