Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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The White Corner
fe Phoenix Muffler
A knit Neckcarf In wool and
LrrtrUcd yarns. Mado up tdn,
Tery color and combination ot
Indispensable for cold dnyB.
Elastic Belts Special
Wide clastic belts In brown;
Kick and blue, nice buckles that
Lkc the belt look like GOc val-
Speclnl 25c.
Lace Curtains special
I Ecru nnd whlto Nottingham
Laco Curtain's. Elegnnt patterns,
extra size.
Another special line of Arabian
Shirt Waists
A lino of exceedingly good val
ues in colored WalBts of the new
Fall pnttorns.
Another strong lino at '$1.25
which Includes many different
cloths nnd styles.
St. Pauls.
htmckcta nnd Church streets,
Darr G. Lee, rector. Twontloth
iiijr alter Trinity. Usual sor-
nt 7 30 n m, U n, m, nnd
i p.m. sunuay bcuooi iv n. in
public welcome nt all services.
Flint Methodist Episcopal.
Thp question ns to how lorug yon
nro going to contlnuo n sufforcr from
Indigestion nnd Stomach trouble Is
k W. H. Solleck will preach nt morol' a nUtor of how soon you be
ta i. m. on "Is tho Old Book . H King uiBpopsin.
God"; at 7:30 p. m., tho top'c
K-rmon will bo "Talcing thw
lit,, a Battle Story." BIblo Bchool
If your Btomnoh, is Incklng In dl
gestlvo powor, why not help tho
stomach to do Its work, not with
p. Epworth Leaguo at 0:15 "Inwtlc drugr, buLn. ro-cn.forcomont
Muplc led by choruB choir ot
elect and plpo organ. Strangers
h welcomed.
United Evangelical.
Cottago Btreot botweon Contor
of digestive agents, such as'ar'c nat-
urnlly nt work In the stomach.
Pdoplo ,wlth'"weak stomachs shdul.1
ent Dlspopaln nftor meals, and there
will bo no more Indigestion, no fool
ing liko a lump of lead la tho Btom
M.rloa streets. Sunday school I ,nf ,,k0 ,n ,ump ot Lcnd ,a, Btra'
la. m. Preaching at 11 a. rn.acno heartburn, Sour risings, Gas
H0 p. m. Thomos, "Tho Pow-
f Sin" and "Hell." Spoclnl moot-
will contlnuo during tho wook
erenlng cxcoptlng Saturday, at
p. m. Tho public Is invited.
Deck, pastor.
W. O. T U
M Charles Scott will spoak nt
C. T. U. hall Sunday aftor-
t 4 o'clock, Evorybody wol-
Ctral Congregational,
seteonth and Ferry strcots. Itov.
Folsom, Home Missionary su-
Itwdent for Oregon, will bo pres-
ITthe morning service at 11 a.
Erenlng service to bo announced.
I school nnd Endeavor as us-
Flrst Presbyterian.
Iirch street, near Chomoketa
Rev Ucnty T Babcock. nas-
; Morn ng nnd evening services.
. m and 730 n. m. Thomos.
"iieiy, "Our Business In the
' nd ' Not Saved." 8undny
t 12 m Prayer mooting at
t" Cl MM.llfnnlr nxn'.tn.. m.,n
Friday nt 7 30 n. m. Tho
orchestra w:'t play nt tho
W evening srrvlco as uBiial.
cordially Invited tn nil of
A IlCaltllv Vm..ll
Of WhnlA f.mll.. I.'' . M
i.:!?'" 'nce wo benan malne
1 2JL t V1 P,U8-threo year
-' U. A H.lrtlat nt n..i
1' OullfOrrt Xfnl'na rpk,.-
n&l the 8y'8tom ''n a 8n-
F mat OOPS ynil cnnA K of
rf7 drug Btore.
on Btomnch or belching' of undigested
food', Headaches, Dizziness or Vomit
ting, nnd, besides, what you cat will
not formont nnd poison .your breath
with nauseous odors. All those symp
toms resulting from a sour stomach
nnd dyspopsla are generally relieved,
flvo minutes after eating ono Trlan
gulo of 'Dlspopsln.
Go to your druggist and got n 50
cont caso of Pnpo's Dlspopsln now,
nnd you will always go to tho tablo
with a hearty oppotlte and whnt you
cat will tasto good, because your
stomach and Intestines will bo clean
and fresh, and you will knfw thoro
aro not going to bo nny more bad
nights nnd mliernblo days for you.
Thoy freshen you nnd nlako you feol
liko life Is worth living.
New Corporations.
Hood RIvor Manufacturing Engi
neering Company; principal ofllco,
Hood River, Oregon; capita! stock,
$5000; Incorporators, J.. J. Luckoy,
L. D. Boyed and R. N. Ypung.
Paolflc Const Handlo and Manu
fncturlng Company; principal ofllce,
Dallas, Oregon; capital stock. $5000;
incorporators, Edward Gerlinger.
Mornay Athoy and W. D. Myers,
C. W. & Grace Steen Co., principal
ofllco, Milton City, Oregon; capital
stock, $25,000; Incorporators, O. W.
Steen, Grant Steen nnd Grace Steen.
Win, H. & Grant Steen Company;
principal office, Milton City, Oregon;
capital stock; $25,000; incorporators,
Wnr. H. Steen, Grant Steen and C.
W. Steen.
e Liberty
nonie of Refined Fntertainment
kt SSmS.? t0 exhibit motion pictures that villi not offend the
M a ii An entertainment perfectly fcaftf for ch'ldren to
tlBr Z ' lulti.
" Picture, that iu. on nir.
WsJSlSrdtJr Tlday. Friday and Saturday. Special
nesday Souvenir Matinee Saturday.
liS iPC
We Believe Our t
Carpet Department Has
Always Given Good Satisfaction
But with its complete rearrangement, we
feel certain that it will give even better
service. Mr. Gustavson, who has charge
of this branch, is prepared by long experi
ence to assist carpet and drapery buyers
iii making harmonious and suitable selec
tions, and will make every effort to please
Do You
Expect to
Do any Rocking
This Winter?
If you do you .will want a rocker, as
cradles are out of date. We are in alpo
sitioo to take care .of your rocker wants
in a way that will please both body and
pflfse,'' .
y 'TiTfsyBLfffiiJiSWf lE9fcH' H
Big Line of Ladies'
A good rango of stylos and prices in both S1NGL1S AND
DOUDLlMlIUiASTED COAT SWEATERS that are bo much In de
mand. Aa usual, our prlcos nro Ipwor than at "regular Btoroa.
Thoro Is a docldcd scarcity of desirable new patterns In
Novelty Silks
In tho wholesale market. Our advance orders have now been
filled complete nnd wo nro showing a splendid line of all the
New fancy Weaves
in Waisting Silks
In pnttorn lengths in n groat varloty ot colors. No two alike.
Our NOVEITV DRESS GOODS aro attracting the attention ot
Salom'a best droaicra becnuso thdy aro the latest creations of the
world's host doslgnors.
Ajarsrst&& ioaasfr uw&se
We Undersell "Regular Stores"
(Continued from Page 1.1
was hotly contested by Hdupt la
the Ghadwlck car, . Robertson in u
Locomobllo, and Lytlo driving the
Isotta, The Chadwlck forged ahead
at tho soventh lap but worked badly
and at tho next turn Rob'ertson'
comobllo again took first place.
On the last turn Robertson was in
tho load but ran oft the track. H
was ablo to regain his position and
won by two minute with Lytlo In
tho Isotta car flaUfclng sseoad.
We Also
Sanitary Steel Couches
Which will fill a long-felt want. Useful
as a couch, and handy as a bed.
After the first two cant had fin
ished, .the crowd, surged ex tat trade
in the path of the other rhachlsej.
The drivers were compelled to stop
to avoid Injuring scores of persons.
Tho raco designated as the "motor
parkway" was declared off.
The time made by Robertson for
the distance, 2S8.08 allw, wu 4'
hours 43 seconds. LytleJ 4 hours t
minutes 30 2-5 seconds.
r . a I
Kennedy's Laxative Cough iyrtip
drives the cold out of the system
through Its laxative principle by as
suring a froo and gentle action of
.he bowels. Sold by all druggists,.
The House Furnishing Co.
D. H. JAMES, Proprietor
Just Around the Corner"177. liberty Street
A man giving his name as John
son was arrested last n'ght by
Chief of Police Gibson and Night
Officer Pholand for being Intoxicat
ed. The offlcej-B found the man ly
ing on the University campus about
9 o'clock and brought him to the
city Jail. Some timo during tho
nlglit Johnson tgot on a rampage
and the' result was this morning all
the window lights, electric bulbs
and one bed was smashed to pieces.
Two other occupants of
stated this morning that Johnson
days as the result
of his naughty
3RTi mTiITi rnniiiiiiiriniiliiiimt
Shoes of Quality
Ours is not a linp to contain some good
features, it, is a line that possesses all
the oqi1 features that the word
"QUALITY" stands for. If you havO
not fried them yet, try them now.
Hanna Shoes for
Men and Women
asked for a smoke, and, as no ono(
paid any attention to him, he picked
up one of the light bedsteads and
broke It to pieces by slamming it on
the floor, after, whleh.be used the
pieces to demolish the window glaa.
and lights. Judg Moore gave him
perimssion to remain in jail for 20
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Procldence, It. I., Oct, 24. Bu'
gene W, C afln, tho Prohibition can
didate for president has directed his
Chauffeur today to drive ua,der tne
maxim ot "lo speed, fnpre baste,"
Cbatin and a party qf Massachusetts
prohibitionists were (gaomlnously
"pinched" here yesterday in the
nn r V a A rm rt 1a t tea n tlial land AV
the jaii,:"" "ur" ; r. , c .
wiiiiam j urjau iu ino cjuicucb w
tne Providence oiRclals. ,
A. (cDefjUl returned from a bus
Cncw visit" In Eugene thla morning
r L,
tVv PHsv RB IsW &
ys lB Pwsw HB IsW & I
444 f J) I 442
State St phone
"Leaders in Up-to
Date Footery'f
1 6k 4