fy -f?-r U' DAKLY CAPltAL JOURNAL, SALKM, ORBttON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 34, 1008. , -- - v M aUttewmsawwiiW" SPENCER HARDWARE COMPANY i is B" '?''.!' i mi BEATING STOVES Stoves for the Parlor . ' - Stoves for the living oom ' .,. ,.. Stoves for ihe Bed Room Stoves for the Cfffices and Stores s Stoves for Schoolhouses, Etc. Do not delay too long in supplying your needs for the winter. Call and see our complete line of stoves. . . . . . . .... . .. .. u . AiNiglit Beaters with top and botton draft stove Boards-Wood and Paper Perfection Oil Heaters Especially good for bath rooms and places whero no flues are construct ed. Made In two sizes. $iHe ?- ' ' "K kaBHH With steel and cast iron linings With door on side or end. With coils for heating water See our fireplace stoves This is a cut of the "Money Back1 boiler, made of extry heavy 4 XXXX m proof tin with 3-8 rod and extra heavy &? Shelf and heavy hardware, car j ..j i. u j a uji. . lined. Crystal, aluminum and art peniers aiinllliuerb buppiieb. iiign copper bottom. Those arc made in extra Inlay designs. Prices from 50c up. Standard paints. t, JapaIaC in all large sizes. We have a full line of boil. Sized CaiiS and Colors, including lers in tin, galvanized iron and copper Fireplace sets, spark guards, etc. gold and aluminum. ' Priced from 85c up. Spencer hard war com PANY iMH urF2arczsi TIALM0N8 CASH RESTING. No definite action lm yot boon tnkon In tho Tlmmons murder cuso townrd locating tho mysterious "Hob," notwithstanding thnt n sub- poonn wrb supposed to hnvo boon 1b-' fliiod for a ono Hobort Hornhualfle. In cRflo n Hiibpoona la sorvod upon Hornbucklo, nothing can bo gnlnod in locating tho real "Dob," nit a sub poena Inwiod nnd served in a case of this uaturo,' docH not forco dno to testify or In any way produco any information unless ho desires to db no, Tlmmons 1b Improving rapidly now and should be in fair condition to bo removed to Iho 'county Jail wlthlH another wook. Mr, and Mrs, A. L. nrown ' ara liomo from a two-weeks' vfslt at Newport, TAFT CLOSES INDIANA CAMPAIGN nichmond, Ind., Qct. 21. Facing rotiBlni; crowds in all tho cltlca whero tho Republican apodal stopped William H. Tnft, closes his Indiana campaign today. Tho Uopubllcun candldnto began his dny of speech-making at Grcon flold at 7 o'clpck whoro ho llluatratcd to n largo crowd of fnrmors and la borers tho prosporlty 'oxporloncod by tho farmers during Republican ad "ministration and their financial con dition under pemocratic rule. Tatt was greeted uproariously whgn ho arrlVqd'.an'd choorod when t9 spe cial pulled out., , P. W. Gilbert, of AfumBvllle was looking agtor business matters hore yesterday. All Days-Six Days in (he Week Are Special Days With Us New and Second-Hand Ooods such ns cook stoves and ranges for conl or wood and heat ing BtQVOS, FURNITURE Couches, Hods, Rockers, Dining and. Kltchou Chnlra, CarpoU, Rugs, Matting, Pillows, otc. Always In Iho market for second hand goods. 0. L- M'PEEK. 170 South Commercial SUcct, wmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmm Good Things to Eat Jonulno Home Mndo Cookies bakod at homo whero things are neat and cleun, made from tho vory beat materials. Satisfaction Guar anteed, A trial order solloltod, Cookies, Bars and Wafers Fruit Cookies .,5c dozen Prune Cookies, cocoanut top , 5c dozen Cocoanut Dura 5e dozou Lomon Cookies 5c dozen Ginger (ftHaps. .. .',.,,..,. 5c dozen s 0r Brfad, Ilctter Yet, Butter-Nut,' Royal Table Queen. NKW MINCK MEAT AND Al'PLK HUTTKH, - 1 r fttAt mill' ' "' II Jb' y :h ' ' ' i- Ml I ! 1 1 I mi I I V K I WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT FURNITURE? - i VCAN YOU.TULTi VI.'UtHKI) OAKItOM &OLID OAIf? AUK YOU SVllli YOU 0ANI)I8TING XJISH ' STAINED' HIKCII FROM MAlfoOANY,? IK) YOU KNOW GREEN AVOOD THAT WILL JwiSlI VlfOM "WKLL-SKAHdNKI) WOOD THAT WON'T WARP? t 'AS A MATXBlfc OF FACT, YOU HUY FURNITURE ON IAITII. YOU TRUST IN THE HOUSfi THAT SELLS IT TO YOU. IT IS HECAUSE YOU CN TRUST AHBOLUELY IN WHAT WE SAY AS REGARDS NOT ONLY OUR OFFERINGS, RUT AS REGARDS OUR TERMS AND PRICES AS WELL THAT YOU WILL FIND IT W YOUR ADVANTAGS AND COMFORT TO AVAIL YOUR VSELF OF THE EXOEITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISCRIMINATING RUYERS WHICH WE . ARE OFFERING JUST NOW. u. I .mW I T Lm 3Eft3bt , cJS. JXi vs. REAVTIFUL RUGS; AN ASSORT- t MEM' IX WHICH GOOD TASTE, ARTISTIC COLORINGS, RICH EF. FECTS AND PRACTICAL ECON OMY ARE SKILLFULLY MAIN TAINUU, IF YOU WANT A SIM PLE, DURARLE RUG, YOU MAY COUNT ON GETTING IT HERE. IF YOU WANT FJNW ADMINISTERS, RODY RRUSSEI, OR WI ITON VELVETS, YOU CAN COUNT ON FINDING PERFECT PRICES AND RARE DESIGNS HERE IN ARUN-DANCE. v. " tl'II!1! m -i - II , I, mm .? $ L OUR NEW LINE FOR THIS SEASON-HAS JUST ARRIVED AND YOU WILL SAY ON REHOLDING SAME THAT IT IS THE REST SE LECTION THAT HAS EVER REEN PRESENTED TO THE PEOPLE OF SALEM AND VICINITY. THIS SEASON'S STYLES LEAN DECID EDLY TOWARD STRIKING DE SIGNS AND NEW COLOR EF FECTS. KEEP YOUR WAIjLS IN STYLE, COME IN, AND LET US SHOW YOU WHAT THE STYLE IS AND HOW LITTLE IT COSTS YOU. rt W. A. IRVINE M K. M? fkon 66 203 CoflmWdal Street l It A t' . JM'frri1 i - 1 .tX kA ji&hfcidfc.&Jfe