DAILT CirifAL JOURNAL. SAM, ORMGOX, SATUIWAY, OOTOHKlt 8, 1908. i . ut - !TTr -L J i i I iW ' fr (0 M I21j X51 ?w Ghirard efii's Cocoa a food driiik- fbr yoing and old that pleases die palatestrengthens the body builds up the ' nerves quietens the mindr It instills qualities- in young and bid Which' JY6du'd p&l&t contentmenf and perfect health arid allows one to give the While G?hirardelli's Cocoa is a standard com bination of the cocoa beam It is made with painstaking care- and1 after 50 yea'rsr 6i manufacture stands. ,to-day a perfect gfeduct. 30 cups of a delicious drink 25c OAMEHS ir.VIUtOU IIATJUCI) Will AValt Until mi Opportunity Ar. rive for Ituvi'iiu, Tho Arnb who 1ms niiRored n ennu ground, and tho Infuriated henat nit er Htnmplng oh them and tonrlnp ithoin naUndor with lt tooth kocb ou Ita way, and tho drlvor In thoronHcr quite anfo, an It nooma to bo an nx'on' with th6 enmol that no mnn ahnll bo will throw , his cJothi'B upon tho put In or Ml of pfo twlco for ono or fOIlHO. Tho camol la otupld ravo whon nn i;ry and thou uwim to become almost preternatural In carrying out Ho vongoful doslgriB. Pnlgrnvo relate tho following Btory of a- camol's re vonRo, which gcrvuB to llTustrnto thlH !$3.00 MM iter Sayes a Big Dollar $3.00 BARGAIN DAY SATURDAY, OCT. 31 All subscribers to the Daily Capital Journal except carrier lists who pay up all arrears to Nov. 1 st, 1 908, can secure the Daily Journal one year in advance for $3.00 : : : : : The Annual Bargain Day I Saves the people hundreds of dol i lars. Start at once to take advan r tage of our BARGAIN DAY : : : : : Refnit by mail or call at the Journal Office on or before Saturday even ing, October 31st to secure this jj reduction ::::::::::::::: DO NOT ASK FOR THIS RATE AFTER OCTOBER 31 I E. HOFER, Publisher, 5 Salem, Oregon peint: ' "A lftd' of 14 had conducted a largo camel laden with wood from one ,vll lago to another at a half hour's d's tnnco. As tho animal loitered or turned out or tho wny Us conductor struck it repeatedly and Jiardor than It seomed to havo thought ho had a ripht to de: but. not finding the oc casion favorable for taklrig lnimc dlate quits, If 'bode Its tlmo.'That time wns not long In coming, "A few daj'B later tho samo lad had to reconduct tho beast, but un laden, to His awrt village. Wh6ri hoy were nbout halfway oh tho road and at Bomo distance' from any habitation tho camel suddenly stopped,- looked dellbiratoly round 111 every dlrec tlon to nBSuro Itself that nb one wnt In sight and, finding tho road clear of naasorby. made a stop forward, seized tho unlucky boy's head In Its monstrous mouth and, lifting him up In tho air, flung him down again on the earth with the tipper part of his skull completely torn off. "Having tlniB satlafled Its rovong3 tho brute qulblly ro3umed Its price to ward tho vlllago, aB though nothing wcro the matter, till sorho men! wo' hail observed tho wholo; though un fortunately at too groat a dlstanco to bo able to afford timely holp, camo up ana Kinea ii." uoiiuun !. graph. "OREGON Bli.DEI TO I aTiATiJo " Tnrti AKB you nuiwu wiiax xuu uan to PoruiAT. STATE? mXK 6rE00 NEEDS PEOPLE Settlors, Honest farmer, morchants, clorka, pooplo with brains, strong hand. ij1 hoart capital or no capital. a IUC S&Jtheftr Pacific Co, Lines In Oregon Is Bonding tonB of Orogon literature to tho East for i! some wonn onraixs Humih Corii From Hie 61il Ilattlo cry of tho Vikings! Ilah, tho final Byllablo of most college yollB, Id, of course, Bhort for hurrah. Tho word' hurrah Itsolf comes from tho old battlocry of tho ancient Vlkinga nnmoly, Tur AIo, which racnha God aid. Thoro Is on other form, huzza, which comes from hosanna. Thlo was tho old cry of tho vrusadora. Tho word 'os comes directly through tho Norman-French oycz, which means nonr. In Its old form It Is still used by bondlos an.l certain municipal ofllclnls In IvIo functions In England and a'so by tho royal heralds In proclaiming tho suc cession of Bovorolgps to tho throne. No Is purely Normnn-Fronch and comes from tho Latin non Itn, moan ing not bo. Tho real Anglo-Saxon was nay, Just ns tho Anglo-Saxon nf flrmatlvo wns yea. Tho word mister S Will von n,v ,.! 3&vnJ2- . .-7.. " ....... .7.... . .. ' --"" "0'R.eBfl iMJ i. or Duiwing urogon Dy sonains us tno names and Mifttotjiuj fr'idnJ who ard llkoly to bo iatoreatod in thin atBit ,j tVt glad to boar tho oxponso of sending thom complete about OttKUON and Its opportunities. COLONISTS TICKETS will bo on salo during SEPTEMBER i OCTODER from tho East to all points In Orenon tu ..l . a row pnnclpa'l chles aro ' "ffarei'? FrOm Dohvor $30.00 From Louisville .,. " Omaha 30.00 " Cincinnati ,'!!."!" J 39.00 " Cleveland ., Kansas City St. Louis 35.50 " Now York Chicago 38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID." -1 If you want to brlug a frigid ;Jr n&ilHc to Orcso drndt th xno ticket will i&1 u proper amount with any of our agonts. furnished by telegraph. Local agent, Salem. WM. McMUftRAV, dcWval Pvwcpgcr Agent, PWWW Orfpi RAILROAD TIME TABItS s COItVALtlfl & EASTERN It. IV TIStK TABLE. A1JJANY AND YAQUINA TRAINS. No. 2 No. 1 Dally STATIONS Dally Ex. Sun. Ex. Sun. a. m. Ir ar. p. m. 7:35 Albany 7:15 8:35 Corvallls 6:35 8:53 Philomath 0:02 9:22 Wrons 5:32 0:50 Biodgott 5:07 m:io Summit 4:50 10:32 Naahvillo 4:22.1 11:30 Chitwood 3:23 1 12i03 Elk Cltv 3:03' 12:30 Toledo 2:31 1:16 nr.. . Yaqulna ..1y. 2:00 Altwiny-Corrnllls-PIilIomath. No. 10 (dally) Loavoa Albany 7:50 p. m. Loaves Corvallls 8;30 p. m. No. 8 (dally)- 1 directly from tho Latin mnglstor, I Loavos Albany 12:35 p. m moaning innator. Mrs. Ib from tho.Loavos CorvaJlls. i:j& p. nj. word mlitroi. and formerly, n laU Arg6 gJif,1)- 13 p. m. in tli el-jhteenlh century, al' in- Loavoa Albany 8:30 a. ni. marrlo-l womon were g'ven tho tltlo Iiavos Corvallls. ..... .10:10 a. mi.! of mlstraas na. for oxnmnlo. Mis- Arrives 1 Philomath. .. ..10:30 a. m. tr. Mb VMn. ... To.nL0.fr..M?r.S.'ra7feC.m.: Jones." Eoqnlro Is derived from th Leaves Corvnllls 8:35 a. m. j old Normnn-Fronch oTiiyor, which Arrives Philomath 8:53 a.m. meanB ahlold benror. Evory knlgbl T No- ly?" ?")l Suni)7T , .. .. 1 , ,, i.ii 1 !. LeavoB Philomath 6:02 ft. . of tho ahlro hml hla ahlold boarer. Arrvca CorvnuiB 0:35 n. m. and tho honor of carrying tho Bhlold Arrlvos Albany 7:15 a. in. Waa supposed to confer gontlllty up- No. 5 (dally) on tho follower. Tho word gentle- Leaves Corvallls 0:30 a. m. man cintll tho middle of tho seven- ArJ0Vt87 Sjig)- " "' toonth contury moant, as tho prei- .oavoa Fbllomatu 10:15 a. m ont Fronch word Kontllhomme, a Arrlvos Corvallli .... 11:15 a, m. nobleman, nothlnpr Iosb, and no man ( Arrlvoa Albany 11:58 a. m. was a gontloman who was not entltlod ' Lo,;8 Phomntb 2;00 p. m. to "boar arms." Now York World Arrlvos Corvallls 6:00 p. "j- Arrives Albany 6:40 p. ra fylrite House Resljui For a ttfgiW " 25c Dinner at .?l; They can't bo bt . flcliilclirisi S k Profirlctors. , MEALS 15c; Call and try them. Mtt'i lit Board per week 93.75, iho If rilshed rooms very rfuosiMf,' ATTltK Salem Restaurant aaO COURT STREET. I H I II I I fr-H-4-l-H-H"l--4--t"-f Ii Graber Bros, ii " any antI Detroit. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Oregon Kb'ctrlc Time Table. TImo of arrival and douarturo of J cars at Salem is as follows, Portland anu uuormcuinio pomia; Arrive Leave Local 8:40 a. m. 6:00 u. m. Express 10:50 a. m. 9:05 a. m. Local 1:35. p.m. 11:05 a.m. Express 4:20 p. m. 1:45 p. m. Local 5:45 p. m. 3:28 p. m. Express 8:20 n. m, 6:00 p. in. Will bIvo prompt attention to all orders, guarantee our work to glvri satisfaction and to bo up to tho sanitary stand ard. A'E WILT. I1R PLKAtfKD to' give estimates 6n ooNtiVaOjts Call at our shop on Llbertv street, back of Darr'a Jowvlry Storo. Phono 550. Illllllinillll IIHIIHH4 No chango Jn sorties Lotweon Al- HICKORY BARK Cough Remedy iiioivnn rvt ast tftrnxtusm Coughs, Colds CROUP HI) rflWfrh-fffligF?rH IWhoopinf Couh Bronchlut SORE THROAT imoATiiuNcs IWlOttHHIIMltTtft w .Iff MlfM.OtGOM.Ut.A. mi iiiiw innrnrnr riu. !& (n TImo Oartl No. 6-1, Southern Pacific do., Effective Sunday, Aug. 10, 1008. Toward Portland, rnsscngcr. No. 16. 5:13 a, m.Orogon Ex-nrosa. ..;No, IS 8:4.0 a. m. Cottage Grove poBsonger. ii No. 12. 2:45 p. m. Roseburg pas- songer. '"! No. 140:13 p. m., Portland ex. press. Toward Portland, Fmlght. No. 222.-5:0 p. m. Portland feat freight. 1 1 No. 226. 10:40-11:28 a. m. way freight. Toward San Francisco, Passenger. No. 11.-11:03 a, m. Uosobrg passenger. No. 17.-6:45 p. ra. Cottago Grove passenger. No. 169:56 p. ra. California ox- rtreea. No. 133:31 a. m. San Francla- co oxpnufi, Toward' San Francisco, Freight. No. 221. 2:43 a. ra. Portland fait freight. No. 225. 11:28 a. m. way freight. OCT. to. Steamers Pomona and Oregon leave for Portland dally except Sun day at 6 a. m. M. P, BALDWIN, Ageur. UflmiHltlMH-WfrWH I HOTEL OREGON ; jr Corner Seventh nml Surf Portland's New and Hotel. Rates Slperto up. European pten. Fwte WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOUKO. i ProMktors fHHH4WWWWTn'J Hnie Wing Sang Ifl WemnkoupailKioi""'YJ nd whlto underwwr, "" oVWU! All ' -., ml luUtt' f'BUt goods; all kinds of ittto Jk goods; hose, tulti, VJ$k blankets, netkwoar, mattl J amhrfiiaeri " waro, trunks, etc. H20 S. Commercial St. !f Gold Dost FH M..bvTHK8VDXPrf ku compakVi s;. n ... UmlH ! imi ior r ' "' Ask your grocer r - and shorts 1W " P.B. WALLAH Jjj rji J f I ' U, PtjW'2 :ik V M?MW? J3JY0Sfi 223 s. temakMi st. MV X1 , ONt. i HAHt CCI M . -. ! Z hth Q V APS 'vtOlli IATIJ A " " UlHt1 2jaaauH nt-n-. mm nilr?Bf1frdfe-'-a"--