Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 24, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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WHY PAY $4.50 TO $6.00
a cord lot iout foot wood when yog can get slab wood of stove length,
"M i '""I II I I I I.,,, Bl , I HI! I MI I.I.W. I . . .
jtfst right foj? heateas or cook stoves, fog $2.00 or $2.25 a. load, according
to distance handled. GET OUR PRICES ON YOUR LUMBER BILL.
salem has mndo another unprocc
inted record for growth the- past
v. Many now nousos nnvo been
jotraclcd and hundreds aro bolng
rcidr (o Ilvo in tins rail, still
bII'm are turned nwny from tho
ind still others nro dwelling In
cu until they enn find suitable
ti. The Capital Journal lias re-
iTtd many suggestions how to ovor-
ae tho scarcity of dwellings, wo
ironlcle todny plans of a number
jxnons to erect now dwellings,
I wine very prouy rour-imt ouna-
ki are be'ng plannod.
More Coming to Salem.
Liberty peoplo will open a flno new
school house to tho children of that
clUtrlct next Monday. It 'hns cost
nbout $5000 and a full grado high
school will bo .taught, Tho old
school hoiiBO hns been converted In
a very neat grango and chiurch meet
ing house.
has written Tho Capital Journal a T,, Bureaucracy of India. India cannot govom Itsolf reason-
which TetiJtS: vonrof dla". bly wol, at first, excellently well
as hlB opinion Is worth somethiug: comploto n bureaucracy as that of ""or If only glvon a chance J. T.
"I received copy of your Saturday Ruosln. Indeed, It Is no oxnggern- Sunderland In The Atlnntlc.
rXn!vnnf b? t0 nay that yV l,on to 8n' thttt bureaucracy It U s-
ZTJJJJL J ns autocratic, aa arbitrary In It, Ttan.Bnowh I- Too M.4,-
hi q. rj-.. "TV :""...' " ",' mnMm,in. nn rnnnMnnv i . bi..i mBiniain neaiin, a mature man
""" uuuunj, no 1 lllipjJUIlUU IU IIUU " "I " vuwniin . .to oii.iw, .
The old South Salem brick storo Is
nn historical landmnrit in thie ntv
and Mr. Dnuo has Rtnrtnd in tn iiv.i
odlcatlons aro that tho tldo of 'I i now face, or at least Improve Its
e icekers that has set In for
kttm Oregon will not stop this
tier Tho coming of enstorn and
Kd!e western peoplo still go on un
I'jd. Each day thoro aro now
to on tho streets and Board of
tit It dally rocolvlng Inquiries,
l!i In person and through tho
lili, concerning farms and houses.
h relievo tho houso stringency
i Mpor called upon Salem peoplo
ltd and wo havo on far rocelved
id (or tho construction of about
nppenrnnco to thnt eotit that Is re
quiroci ror his flno business. Tho
old store hns fed many a family, and
haB nlwnvs been conducted In n live
and lot live innnnor by tho gcnolal
Mm. W. G. Westncott has bought
tho old Phoebe Strong rcldcnco lator
owned by Mrs. KInnoy nnd will turn
(t nrmiml rnmnilnl t nn.i t...n.t .
ww desldences throughout thonont cottnges on Commercial Btrcot.
W. P. Bnbcock Is remodolllng tho old
'ortmastcr Farrar hn found It J Woodworth resldoncc and haB moved
ft 10 can ror mojo mailing u io mKo room ror a moaorn cot
to relievo tho congested condl- tngo. R. B. Houston Is eroctlne n.
In tho street mailing boxes and flno residence next to J. P. Rotrors.
(ti to Install at least six new that will cost about $3000. E Hofor
in tne business section of tho nns put up a Pasadena bungalow on
These will be used for mailing his half block on nlnns furnhhed bv
SM, papers and largo letters. the Los Angeles Bungalow company.
completion of tho mnny blocks this flno residence part of tho city
1 streets Is now In sight for Is considered ono of tho most nttrae-
' are only tho two blocks on tho tlvo pnrts of Salem for residences.
Hae of Commercial Btrcot bo-
State nnd Trndo stroots to bo MR. COLE HAS COME
pd and with tho aid of n ccuplo RACK TO RALEM
Ers or Oregon sunshine will seo S. S. Colo hns roMirncd from six
tone. , monthB stay nt Blodeott. Ronton
w plans nro undor wny for the county, whore h hnd n tnok rnnrh
of at least two now brick. which ho has traded for proporty tho
Miaa oeioro moy nro cornpieuu ;oincr bicio or tne pcnitontlary. Ho
i fe to say that nil tho rooms has 20 acres with good houno and
bnrn, nnd plonty of fruit tho Emory
place Just onnoslto R. R. Rynn, and
thinks ho will stay nt Snlom. Ho
likes Snlom vory much and will mako
somo good Improvements nt his now
home cast of town.
nt ttrnmnn nnmla fttet ntimicrti tnnA tn
?mUL.,J?,,l?'T5Itrthe hotc1' ANI) KKA1I ns far removed from sympathy with ropalr tho waBto and Biipply energy
? ow i vA'it r .., ,. lno PcPl ns determined .to keep nil nnd body hoat. Tho habitual con.
THE SSSuMB. "JtloSSdS r ,nnU0Wn h,T' rM 8aSPo0r?1esOpSrfi,0dest,.,;nt.!o nperSnfo
today at n luncheon of reprosentu- consult tho popular wishes or to cnJi0 of"tomach troubles rhouK-
... ,...., u..u ou.uu ui iuviu duiu ui ..o.. in inu iuiiu ui iuu muBk uu- ubui ana aisoraers or mo K'.aneyB. n
you oyldontly woro referring to tho lightened portion of tho nation, oven troubled with Indigestion, revUe
fact that I had sont out bo many w, 0 expressed throunh tho niiit yur d,et. Jet .reason and not appe-
glaBses of water, that no .ran wns w", "r0830" "irougn uio groat j,( control vnd tnko fo jogof
Y5l. S?,?lmFim "KTTEltS tlon congrofls, ns Is tho Russian Tablets nnd you will soon bo all right
f , . V1HI .HEN'" why thoy ,lk0 bureaucracy. It Is notorious that ns&ln. For aalo at Dr. Ston'o drug
Soil? & tneranlco'n'fe JlollTf "10 " best government In India -
somo child, rending: "I Uko to llvo loul,y 1S not Ht carneu on iy tno
In Snlom becauso I havo novor soon British, but that of sovoral of tho nn-
Wnn'ni1 lVlfllVllfFV t,V0 8tfttC8' n0tnb,y DWOdB 'ttHd MyS-
know thnt I AM VER1 MUCH IN , T .. . . . . .
LOVE WITH SALEM. I como down' "?' .In J080' Btat03' P'lV
nvnnf fniini, i. i.n.i-..n Barodn. tho nnnnln nrn mnrn fron.
and llftVO noon n irnnil ilonl nt vniir moro nronnnrntia mnrn nnntnmln1 I " "' Clark, WllO llVOS On ROUtO 2,
city. Tho Ilghtlmr up of your strootn nnd nrn nmirincr mnm nMl.PM. i.nn Polk county. Is maklnK a Kroat sua
is JhSwnSTHHmmicVoppiS ,n any othor Pftrt of Ind,tt- Not tho C09a of grow,,,B co,ory on tho Uod
i?,Bi"V'.1 IO".iliJ.'jilIl V1' l ,v' ..nll.. . 1..1. ., ... . Hill Innd. whom It linn wnhAH Hnmn
i-Jjii, u. 'inii SllllJI'.lM in tno oven- m "i mwau omiua in - - " pnn nWA- nn nno ami nn nna nwM
Ing as compared with tho vory few tholmportnnt matter of popular odu- nd Is really Rod Hill boaver dam fon ' " n on "J. "J,0"'
who used to bo out boforo you start- cation. Mysore Is snondlntt on odu- bottom Innd. He soils this celery to "' CRrnos ,ar8 Hl0CK " MlY'
ed illumlnatlnc " -". aijoru is sponumg on ouu . Anatnr. 1ha ti a i counters and Bhow case are loadni
iiiuuiiiiuiinb. cntlon moro than three times jib much l" best aoalors In the city, and It ... . ,. , .. . .
Another Now House. ' u ', '"roe uraes as mucn '.' . 'with dnugs, medicines, notions, toilet
t t ,., . .. . . . per cap ta as o British Ind a while ,B cortnlnly very tine the stalks be- ., , , ... . ,
L. L. Woods, tho piano Minor who L "'"" uo ' " muia, wnue J articles, wines and liquors of ail
rnoonfK. mnvn a,m , . "BrOUB Iins 10800 HOf OdUCatlOD freO '" u .wt .u,,B ,.u lll0 ,mur ".(.,.. 1 TOttH,s,na1 --. Th-
in,i I. hvin n !,.- 1...1H n nnd compulsory. Both of thoso no Q"V
tho lot on North Winter street bo- tfttC8: bt especially Baroda, which
Dr. Stone's
Drug Store
The only caBh drug store la Ore
twoon Union nnd Division D a hRB thus P,accd horB1f ,n 1,no wllh tll . OoW Weather AdTlce.
iwocu union nna Division, d. b. ,. . ,, nfinna , , . to all Is to boware of coughs and
Smith Is doing tho enrpontor work. V'" , 'nK nft'ons of KP0 ! colds on the chest; as neglected they
AnoUier lroproui SiUemlte Amorlca by making provision for tho. readily load to ponumonla, consump-
John W Veatch formorlv Jroiiin. cdMcal,on ' all hor children, may tlon or othor pulmoriary troubles,
jonn w. veatcn, rormoriy xJrcula- b ' JUBt a Boon the h appeRrfl
tlon manager of Tho Capital Journal. d wJ.jT ' !JSL ?"'" troat It with Ballard'a Horehound
Ib manngor of tho Evening Capital J, Wh,ch Profv;dca education, ovon Byrup tn0 ,tandard cure of America.
Nowa of Bolso Idaho . i'""'" kiu, or omy ono uoy use as directed perfectly harmiesi
ii iuii uuu uiiu Kin in if 4. 'i uurn huu iiruToiuiro tor uu urt-
Tho truth Is, not ono slnglo fact CflBTefl, of " Lunn88'
can ho Mfn.i ji,nt -. i ., Pr,ce 2Gc, 60c and $1.00 per bo.-
can bo cltod that goes to show that tie. Bold by all dealers.
I U taken
Board of Trado Is Just com-
Ut the extenslvo Imnrovomontn
h building which will glvo moro
ror displaying tho mnny ox-
Fs of Oreeon'fl nrodntIvo
tmaster Snillre Pnrrnr lins Rn1d
(tM homo on Commnrntnl ntroet
w placing n no wrcsldenco on
It street Tho neonlo of that
are now a unit for paving.
jwrt of tho city ha? mado moro
Strides this vnnr ttinn Rnloin
p. lust beyond tho end of tho
aaiem cnrllne. Following
Me up there In tho way of now
;. ana somo of thorn are
?est and most up-to-dnto In
?0"l , t a.ooo
M'les T jonn
?,1,i?,.IV ....ii!!!.' 2,'600
EWcGllfhrl t Ann
plrmer .. '!'"'" o'nnn
-....... , w
'';; $17,600
the streetcar Bervico oxtonds
,wwara Liberty, thoro Is no
cuy advance aa rapidly
'81 IiUmluM rv m-H
ijt!t.5raber company is put-
f k WO llBOn tviKOilAm. In T I.,
k; on tho block south of the
B. i.nce Also a $2500
Klghteenth and Chemeketa
'kftnV.u tarreU ,B building a
001 nn fnn.to.iL . .
Kr B.,.7r. ' iccul" sua ar
!iiB. ck' a suard at the pen,
streV, 7 oU8e ou Elgn'
wng sold the first house.
Pert v "T VVM tmiaueu iur
f aWi x? rt aBW nouse on
ad North Water street.
0B;oaD ,s "Hiding an
oa Seventeenth and Ne-
DlBtrlct Attorney McNnrv snys If
Taft 1b elected thoro w'll bo no
troub'o nt nil to get the capital re
quired to build tho lino from Salem
to Stnyton which UiIb community hns
so long striven for. Ho thinks it
will bo a sure thing nnd It seems
qulto sure that Tuft will go In, and
so wo may be nlmo't certain that tho
Salem and Stnyton rond will bo built
It would bo tho grentest thing for
thlB city thnt hns over como down
tho transportation pike. In tho moan
tlmo the Salem, Dnllns nnd Fnl!
City continues to throw dirt betwoen
here and Dallns, the county sent of
Polk county. Thnt rond If being
buHr nnvhow nnd Is part of tho link
ncrosB the Wlllnmetto valley tha
will bo constructed In the next few
years. Work on tho Snlom, Eugene
& Eastern will start right nway, as
(he steol la on the ground, and cross
Ings rondy to be put In.
oalld ng a home on Twen
iX5.Mron. Mrs. l. pLm,
5 1;!6..110"16 on Court and
Umi T ?trctor Rock-
LJH IWreaieMta.
T,t0 be ed up for
KIm1,',!? ? down new
" ,ew Park school.
Estimates for a portion of tho pav
ing work proposed for next year have
been arranged and reported as fol
lows SfBte streets $5921.51
Cottage rtreet 5801.80
Church street 5479.20
Liberty street 5783.44
This makes a total of $29,985.95
fir a comparatively smn'l portion of
ho work. Bltullthlr is the pavement
specified In the city engineer's report.
Two very pretty seven-room cot
tages are being erected on Ferry
street, between Cottage and Church,
for Prince Burns. Mr Burns and
family will occupy one of them and
his son-in-law, Rois Cooper will be
tho tenant of the-other. The hou-es
are exactly alike In every detail, and
are fitted with all modern conven
iences. Tbcy will probably be com
pleted In the next 30 days. Con
tractor A, J. Andereon is Jji charge
of the work.
John Hartog Writes.
Jofen H. Hartoc. the $5000 sal
aried booster for the University City, 0f jfe,
A short tlmn afro tho Cleveland,
Ohio, public schools chnllongod tho
schools of tho country to a 'spoiling
match. " Tho challongo wno accept
ed by Pittsburg, Pa., Erie. Pn and
Now Orleans, La. Out of 500 words,
tho Clovolandom missed but 38.
Pittsburg was socond with 47 words
mhsed. Now Orlonns wa third with
CC, and Erie fourth with 85, Ono
hundreds words woro glvon to bo
written from dictation, nnd then n
certain number to bo orally spoiled
by 15 chllrt'on chcon from tho
schools In each c'.ty Tho blggost
auditorium In tho city wns crowdod
with 6000 present to hoar tho chil
dren spell. Two Klrla covorod thom-
boIvos wth especial glory Mario
Braton, a llttlo nogro girl of Clovo
lund, nnd Mno Thursby, of Pittsburg.
Thoy wont (through tho long list of
difficult words without n mistake
As soon ns the results woro an
nounced, Prcsldont Hnsorot callol
14-year-old Mnrlo Bratton to tho
front of tho ntneo, nnd, nmld tho
cheers of tho nud'onco, prosontod to
hor n gold bndgo, signifying that sho
la tho champion snellor of tho host
tenm of tho United States.
Commenting upon this incident tho
Cleveland Loader says:
"Isn't every spelling contest a pro
tost aimed at tho needIos and bur
densomo eccentricities ot tho English
Inngungu? ' Does It not toach tho wis
dom of spelling roform? Ought ho
most important business language of
the civilized world to bo so compli
cated by irregularities that it cannot
be used without constant danger of
mUtages in the vory rudiments of its
If a neero girl, 14 veara of age,
can learn to spell, a white man has
no cnll to bemoan the "burdensome
eccentricities" of our Innguage. The
negro girl who won the medal said!
"I studied spelMnK nil I could, but
believe I have loarned to snen rrom
reading the newspapers. There aro
very few words In evervday use that
do not appear continually In the pa
pers." Here are the namoa of a few of
the phlldrn in the Hevelnnd team:
Maude Tesmer, Hilda Mokowltr,
Sylvia SIchB, Iropq Lnnglols. Etta
En-to'n. Roa ior, Lo Oo'drelch.
Ida Fantnna. Colette Lltet Leah
Brfburd and Frda Mnrrkowltz.
Tho ram Indicate that these chll
dron ere born of foreigners nrob
pbiv tov re th next generation of.
foreign parents. Yet they have learn-1
(il n 8'M oorrectlv. Whv. tlmn. ,
tf'Oii''' tb""A ' such prvlnr ned (
of "simnllfled" snoHln? Riirely
there I but small baM for this state
ment In the Cleveland Leader
"This country and O'oat Britain,
with te Hr'tUh colonies, carry a
heavy burdeu of difUcult and confus
ing spelling, through their schoolu
Into business and all other activities
kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr.
Btono Is a regular gVaduate la med
telne, and hasTriHa many years of ex
perience In the practice. Coasulta
Meno are free, Prescriptions are
free, and only regular prices toe
medicine. Dr. Stone) can be found
at his drug- store, Salem, Or., from
6 In tho morning until 8 at night.
For water service apply at office.
Bill navnbln monthly In advaaee.
Every one may know the
Delight of Using a Perfect Range!
A VERY woman wou'd Uko to havo a perfect rango om
that would turn out beautifully browned louvos ot
bread, cako nnd pics, bnkod Just as nnich on ono sldo ns another.
But somo do without this
they enn't afford It.
ploasuro becauso thoy think
It's not true economy Xo koop on using that old rango or
cook stovo nor to buy that common stool rango bocauso It
cost a few dollar less than a Monarch
Buy a MONARCH Malleable Range
and It Will Pay Back It's Own Cost
By the uao of unbreakable Mailable Iron la placo of tho brittle out Jroa fean4'jH
the onMBary tyiw ef "Steel Range," Uo MONARCir f built with every seam rac.
ttoftlly ak" Uglt. Tlie leakage of air tltat cause ecceefelre fae waste In Uihs dose
away with eo tluit tlio MONARCH will acquire bHt little more tluia Iwlf tlie fuel
Heeded by a rango of the cewroon . sort. With fuel bills CHt Jh two it'a cwwy to see
how tlw MONARCH "Pay for Itnelf."
LET US show you how the Monarch
is built rlvlted like a steam boil
er, LET U8 show you how the Malleable
Iron In Monarch Ranges will with
stand intense heat that would bum
up the grey Iron In common
It docM better work too always.
LET US explain tho Duplex Draft.
LET U8 demonstrate all of these
things and tho hundred and ono
other Monarch featurou that go to
make wp rango perfection.
THEN YOU will reallre how t is that
the Monarch would do your work
with lftj fuel, leM tlsse, law labor
Uan are aew repaired.