f ii fc !, :t tk. Hw4& ' ?caiLir.6A;hrAii iovnxAij; AJtti6nBpo?C, sATimDAY,- ooronEn, 84tViw8. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL U. UOPKR, Kd. and Prop. a Independt!fil1iewpaer DuruUMl to American l'riiiclpe anfl' the I'fnitreri) Mid Detelopemont of All Oregon. Published' Rvory Kmilug Kxeept Sunday, 8lcm,0n.'i '. "') ' C '-v tt i1'1 '" ' ;; " - "'i HUIlWOniiTION HATBS. C' (Invariably In Adrsrice.) Dallr. br CArrlett P6frfir,. .....,... W.00 Dallv. br raaltTpor 9cktC' i '4.00 I'or month .T....35C Weekly, by mall, per Vcar. - ..1.00 31 j mouth ..60o i .it rf M0tHb...,,"6c 4ffr ? OUR NATIONAL TICKET v ' j , ' For President ' WILLIAM H. TAFT, 1 of Ohio For Vlco President .JAMES S, BHBJIMAN, of New York. CLEVELAND DEMOCRAT 8UPPOHTEU FOlt TAUT Chicago,, III., Oct. 10. Frank H. Jones, sccrotnry of tho American Trtmt & Savings bank of Chicago, who Bcrved tinder President Clove land for four yoara no first nisistnnt postmaster general, and! who has 1een identified with the Democratic pnrty for 30 ycarsnas declared himself as a warm silpp'ortor fa'f Mr. Taft. In n algnd Interview glv'on to tlio Itepub Ijcan national cpmmltteo Mr. Jones Rlvea hs rflasdhs for renouncing Mr,' 'Bryan and iiejDemocratle party. Th'e interview is a ioiiewb: "I Hhnll vote for Mr, Taft becauso I bollovo bin election will Insure proBpejIty.td thq farmor, tiib mociinn ' lc, tile biifllrioss man nnd tb the 'coun try generally;; , ' ,t "Ho)Ib hi wise, Bnfo, conservative and courageous thlnlcor on economic quos'tionn affecting tho pooplo and tho -rmbllo welfare. ' "Ho lini) had largo and responsible experience In public affairs nnd linn discharged lilt ninny important pub lic duties well, faithfully nnd patriot ically with ropcatod proofs of his groat administrative ability. "Ho Is a strong, forcofoil, straight forward man, direct and frank lit apoooh and act and without aubtor fugo or, evasion. Ho Is a man of tho people, full of sympathy for his fol lowmen, tinting oppression 'nnd un fair dealings and do voted to tho boat development of this country on Just and fair lines tha.t ahnll Insuro overy ono his Just aid fair proportion of thlg country's pron'porlty, "Tho country needs Mr Tuft to carry on tho Roosovolt policies on calm, thoughtful, consorvntlvo but positive linos Influenced only by what ho bollovcs to bo. for tho host and pormanont good of the pooplo and tho, mnlntounnco of this government upon a righteous, mprlght nnd digni fied piano. "I havo groat reaped for Mr. Bry nn'a personal charactor and patriot Ism nnd ns n public speaker ho has few, If any equals, but I regard him ns an unsound and dungeroua think- -or on economic questions. Unqound bocnuso hit public utterances for tho lnt 12 yenrs or moro provu It. Dan gorous bocnuso ho lins tho courago of his convictions, and hns a wondor ful spoil-binding oratorical power In advocating nnd advancing his, views, lwtt no position ho has taken on eco nomic questions for tho last 12 yoara (unless it bo tho tariff and on thl ho hns wobbled some) hns stood the toot of tlnio, thought nnd Investiga tion and ono by ono thoy havo boon .repudiated by tho pooplo of this country na unsound nnd dnngorous to their best Interests, "Tho Domocrntlo party was a sound money party, but under tho domina tion of Mr. Bryan It was forced Into tho unsound position of advocatlnr, 1ho treo nnd unlimited colnago of wllvor at 10 to 1, the adoption ol 0UR money will make more if deposited with us. Wet. pay all with drawals on demand SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK I! which m a policy of this couritry meant tho collapso of business it would havo 'ta'kon years to recover from and if wo are tojudge b yhecent letters of Mr. Bryan this cheap mon ey virus is still in his system. "Mr. Brynn favorod and so far as I know Btlll in his heart favori gov ernment ownership of railroads, a rank, paternal doctrine totally an tagonistic to tho .teachings and be liefs of the old Democracy, unsound and dangerous on economic nnd ad ministrative lines In a government such as ours and totally inconsistent. with our form of govornmont. "Mr. Brynn favors the guarantee ing of bank deposits and hns com muted' .the Democratic party in Its' platform' and Iri his public speeches' tq this unsound and dangerous doc trlno. It must bo ndmittcd ihat on dilnnnmln . .,, ut 1tVi k cifftnlltirW 11. ,i,.u.u , iuutiiui.ci ii.v..vi.a "V, farmer, tho mechanic, business and tho country generally, olther Mr. Bry nn s dangorously ninsound or ho Is willing to mislead tho pooplo nnd thronton thoir prosperity by advocat ing measures ho knows to bo un sound, moroly becauso for tho mo ment his vlcWa acorn popular.' "I do not want to seo tho prosper ity of this country threatened by un sound experimental policies such Mr. Bryan's enrcor proves ho la too prono to Indulgo In. "Business confidence must bo maintained, tho factories kept busy nnd lnbor cnlployed nnd the fnrnu'r must not bo disturbed in tho pros perity ho Is liow enjoying, "Tho calm, forcoftll, Intelligent nnd conservative attitiido of Mr. Taft In nil of tho Important questions af fecting tho pilbllc good nssuroj us of continued progress "To rink Mr. Bryan Is dnngorous to our business prosperity. "FItANIC II. JONES.,, J COFFEE Why doesn't your gro cer moneyback . every thing? Can't get the goods or the money. Your a roccrieturni your roonay If yon don't Uk Sciillllnif'i Ilctt: we pay him aPonillmir fri-l) ItQAlf cation of the next Then came four r-u.uuiidir iu ii&en coatg of crmlo color then four of thc In selection, proiwrtlon and combination flnoat powdercd pumice. Afterword of ingredients, : -mrt oaf 0f n0 black paint, o -In tho process by which their remedial ic(mt of mlxcd cotor and varnish, three values arc extracted and preserved, In effectiveness, usefulness nnd economy, fcurlng the widest range of diseases, Doing tho most good for the money, HavlttR tlie most medicinal merit, And tho greatest record of curesr- Hood's Sarsaparilla In nsual llqal4 form or Jir choccilated Ublet8.1aiownas8ar8atab8. 100 doses $L Amorlcad "stow" in tiitoM Btreoi, which is now rising from tho nuins of tho demolished premises, have re placed tho usual notice with an invi tation to all and sundry to come ih and havo a look nt operations, A safo platform, out of the range of the derricks which swlrign tons of bricks and stone about, has been prepared for the public, and upon It thousands havo watched tho prog ress of tho work of erecting a big building on tho new system of stcc! frame nnd white stone. London OIs patch. coat' of rubbing varn-sn, encn pou if hod off with pumlco powder, and Inst of all a coat of tho very finest vnrniih procurable, twenty-flvo coats in nil. "And the twenty-flvo coated paint ing of this carriage, Bir, is not n W moro thorough thnn tho, upholstery, the joining of any other detail."' Now Orleans Tlmos-Democrnt. $1500,000 TO $55,000 WAGERED AGAINST I1IIYAN Lloyd's Exchange, Iik Imln, Has Accepted "Commercial Hodges" nt Katies Corresponding to Bets at Odds of Nino to One: Englishmen Confident Tlmt Taft Will Be Elec ted JPresIdcnt by n loirgc Majority. 'iN .i"; What Women NP.J Somethintp put the blood in good order wh,iu .! weak; something to clear the complexion When ln2ISS,,lNey ! somethiiig to strengthen the digestion when food iSSSS? w S-' tp tone the nervous system when it is depleted llffl 3t 9 3W A natural and sufficient remedy for the weaknp j . its so common nmone women. A course of these niiT.-S" joccaiam ments r-nnrrHcrnri riiniiiiuinu riionni nnHukui- . . strengtlien the functions of thc several organs. " 2 No Adiiilttnnco Except on 11uhIiich. take an American to break down tho old fnshlonod principle.! which nro Ingrained In EnglUh life that they aro looked upon ns lm mutnble. Ono of theso Is tho lde that when a largo building Is holms the North Qo'rinaa Lloyd, tho Ounard, Slightly Colder With Snow. When you 8Co that kind of a wenthei forecast you kiloW th'nU rlioumatlsu. leather is nt hand. Get 'ready for It now by getting a bottle of Bal ilaWs'Snow fjinlmcrit. Fluent thing made - Jor rheumntlsnii chllblnlnb, frost blto, sbro nnd stiff Joints ant muscles, nil aches and pains. 25c, 50c- and $1.00 a bottlo Sold by a' dealers. ' ' . ii L-1 ' OCEAN GREYHOUNDS ' TO THE SCRAP IIEA1 Ao long ns two years -ago tho dl rector geno'ral of Hamburg Ainor- icnn lino, ncrr unuin, arnttea n plan for a union of tho fivo largest North Atlantic shipping companies for tho purpose or modernizing thel. flcots of fast learners. Tho older fast steamors of nil thoso linen nt tract passongors chiefly by their .cheaper rnteB. Thereby , the com panics suffer doubly. In the flrnt placo they were obliged to lowor the rates on account of tho Hupernbun dnnce of such BhlpB bo much rfd that tliero is no uinrglu of profit loft Secondly, . thoy. could not find pns songora oncigll for tholr modern ocean hounds bocnuso tho low rates of pn8"ago on tho older ships nro n trying induc6mcnt to spend n fov days moro on tho sea voyage. Uri dor theso clrdumslnnces, all big atcamshlp companies nro interested In dofng away with tho superfluous accommodation now available. It Is now proposed that for ovory pasBon gor In tho first cnbin 1 nnd for ovory pnssengor in the Hccpnd cnbin C shil lings nro to bo paid into n pool, nnd that with tho money thus accumulat ing tho older transatlantic stonmors nro to bo bought one after the other and Immediately broken up. In course- of tlmo only rcnlly modern nnd fine, steamers would romnln and havo a fair chnnco of cnrrylng a roa sonnblo number of passengers, Cnro Is also to bo taken that on ovory dny of tho week at least ono Inrgo steam or Bhould lonvo Now York and some Europcnn port for n voyngo across tho Atlnntlc. It Is calcnilnted that under tho now program, after two years tho fivo leading compnnio" (that Is, tho Hamburg-American lino, New York, Oct. 24. Lloyd's Ex change, London, which will glvo in surance ngainBt nnythlng from tho disaster of a rainy day to tho oxtrn expense of twins, has accepted from Amorlcnn business men risk! ngalnst tho election of William Jennings Bry nn'nmountlng to $500,000 In return for promtuma amounting to about $55,000. While-the. writing of thc insnirnnco Is technically a IjubIiicsb transaction it amounts virtunlly in this case to n wagor by tho famous London exchnngo ngainst Brynn nt odds of, n(na to ono. In taking such n risk, or ninklng such a hot, Lloyd's has not acted In .a w'ldly hazardous manner. It hae based Its transactions upon u molt careful Investigation of tho senti ment nmong American voters and has received reports from confidential ngonts nnd astuto .politicians con corning tho situntioR In every state In tho Union. With those fncts as t basis It has worked out a roto of In surnnco upon the loss liable to be occasioned American business men by tho fioloctlon of Brynn as Presi dent nnd upon hla chnucos of elec tion. Tho chances of Bryan's suc cess, howovor, scorns so small tb Llody's agents that tho rato hns been extremely low. I i'or DacKacneiass iuae, low Bpirit6r diwv enn. . . and nil debilitated conditions, Beecham's Pills are ' " " The Right Remedy In boxes wIHi fall fltrcctlCMia. in a ... - trcctloBi. IQciwaai IiiHurlng Tnfts Life. In addition Lloyd'; has boon writ ing Insurance policies on Taft's life. In view of tho two slight accidents to tho railroad train on which Tnft Is making his. tour of the southern states In tho campaign, various btiBl ness men, confidonl that Taft will bo elected President, unless death by slkness of accident prevents, havo taken precaution against loss liable LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND , , T., - , , Kmmimamm ' -r ; 1 1 S& IwSl 0$ 35oyN5T ; I rcSJ!,a : tt SELF v 1 FVTOl if i F RiSIKG ' & lk SiS FLOUR S-W) 9M !j COMPOUND FjUKlJ-i-OiiO full slzo packngc. Send us 10 of our dlffertntu,- cllpped from, this iMtpcr and receive order for one fall riiMja,, iigo rrce. j;oirt hiwb tins opportunity. ALLEN'S B. B. FLOUR CO, SAN JOSE, CAL. . :l d lu Bitch nn event by Insuring tho Bo- tho expectation of InherltitiJUi publican cnfidlduto's life. Tho mon 'doiiikIr. Thn iv.. i i in-law. Together they wenttoliJ and by paying a premium tit pi broker received lnuB tht borrower would- not mokittletitl trix. In other wordi, Uodj'il tho risk of the man botbtrisc tl woman nnd agreed, In tetui la who havo bought Insurnnco cither I ..,-.,. . . . ,. , ,, . t, , , m ., lUBOd to lond tho montrnw nga nat Bryan's elect on or Taft's ,. , ..' !U death aro not gamblers, but 'keen -"I "TJ .. L? i. ..i ii... t i ..i.m., i "" "" ""o m wiiw u j hub1'" ui iiiw iinuiu u nn aiiiui'u in tho rnt of anticipating contingencies. Tho majority of busIuo3B mon fcol confidant thnt IT Taft Is olocted biiBl noBB will receive a great Btlmulus bocauoo of tho confidence that goner ally is roposcd In tho Republican nd- ministration, and In tho nctlonB of a , to make good loth. ....... wi um.BU a. lv...1,u..i.......ibrokor n cnfl0 lhaMB.,sIlf 7 "" ' .... "' ""his agreement with h'l BDtWi ninnrinti tlim linvn mmln InvAatmnnra ' .v...w.., vw, ...., v.w ................ Jj in uouus nnu siockb which, niicr itu election, will Jump In prlco. If Bry nn U elected prices of thoso stocks will fall r.nd thoy would loso money. Manufacturers, for oxamplo, bollovo thnt if Tnft Is oloctod thoy will ro colvo big ordors. Thoy nro going ahead with tholr mills In full opera tion, turning out goods on such on expectation. If Brynn Is oloctod 'tho prices will drop becnuse thero will j bo no demand and they stand to lodo j a largo amount of money. orocted in London tho (unsightly acuf folding must bear tho legend "No Admittance' Except on DuslnosV t.) warn off tho curious. Tho builders of tho now closs.it If You Ate Sick It is beenuso souie of tho organs oi! tho body aro not doing thoir work well. Thero is a lack ol thnt nervous energy that gives them motion. Con sequently you aro weak, worn-out, nervous, irrit able, cannot sloop; hav headache, indite tion, etc. becauso there ia not suffi cient nerve force to keep tho organs active and al low them to perform their natural functions. Dr. Mile' Nervine restore health because it restores tliis nervous energy, "X )my tA atelc for a year. an4 414 sot knew wtat wu tb matter wltk m. 1 trt4 nwuy rewedlM h4 9t t))m rve4 o( any vwMm. I hrd t IX-. MUm' Kvrvia. I pr ewed a bottle, a4 Wfec I had tka KaVt f It 1 was 141, X would Iuti m Rwrvoua prrtfatUa tf I bad Rt baI t Via m a Al a I n tdm T dl Li T aaBa WMtfi JM iitOIwjtkly t iv t mt lady fMaad. aad (hay kttva all ttumxed aa tor d4as . tor M3UL ROSH OTTO. SM g. M m.. ' OrtttMlHM, OWa. Sn i p ! vwTMw L Hp M drMMH.W .' .Nn4M U. aold av " i iWwfl vUAfr fivvv w K 1W m. if (t tow, M M0UdCrndrt,IJ Whlto Star and Amorlcnn lines) cohld count on saving 2.500,000 In ex pomes, whllo tho postal service across tho Atlrintlc would likewlso gain In punctuality and faBtnnss, At tho next conference of the lnrgo shipping companies this proposal will be dis cussed. But tho snmo plan may also bo applied with advantage to tho freight stoamor.. Vo gather that not lea thnn 1,376,142 ton- of tlioso now afloat look back on tho vonernblo ago of 30 yoora or mora and hardly sat isfy the roqulromonts of modern traf fic. But on account of cheap freight charges these slow vohlcles find Just ua much employment as tho faiter modern vossols. Tha. consequence '(a that a large percentage of the latter Ib doomed tod'nness. Thus it hKs como to tho present calamity when 705,306 toils of freight steamers bl- Mnnglnprto -English owners and AQ91- 127 tons belonging to other national ities nro laid tup in various harbor By breaking up- the older frelgtit steamors tho generality of shipown ers would gradually Improve the shipping market. Continental Cor respondence, -n It Had TwOHty-fice Coats. Tho forty to sixty horsepower chassis waB 15000: tha limousine car riage Nvork was $5000 moro. "It hi too much for the carrlgo,M said the millionaire. 'No, no," said the ngent. "Con sider, etr, the painting of the car riage alone. Do you know how aaanr coats thero are? Twenty-five! "It took eight weeks to paint this carriage. First It was painted with whitening, an oily stuff that ftlle up Ik grU of the wood. Then there toltewed ten cot of rough material. eh eot belns drlHl"rWwd down with pumice, stone befor the appli W LYDIA E. PINKHAM No ether meclieino for "Woman's Ills in tho. world has received suoh wide-spread and unqualified en dorsement as has Lydia E. Pink hiuh's Vcgbtablo Compound, mado frum native roots and herbs. No other medicine has such a record of success for woman's dis eases, or such hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. Pinkham'a, Vegetable Compound. For moro than 30 years it has been tho standard remedy for feminine. Ills, Inflammation, Ulceration, vand consequent Spinal "Weakness. It has relieved moro jases of Ik'pk acho and I)cal Weaknesses than any other one remedy. It dissolves and oxpels tumoi-s hi an earlyTE&ge of development Irregularities and periodieljWin, Weakness of the Stomach,JIiHiieB tion, Bloating1, Nervous Prpijitfittfm, Headache. General Debility; quietly yield to it: also dei-anjpBU brgane, oausinsr pain, dragging 'wimticaw and backache. Under all circujn stances ib acts in harmony with the female system. , It reHvovee that AwaTiir leeliBg, extreme lassitude, kdont carl "ana Mvant. to -be -left -alone" ' feeling, excitabllitjirritability,ner'onea8, dizziness, faintness. slcepleicnefit flatuleuoy,melancholyortho"bluea.'' Theee are indications of Feminkie disorders, which thie medicine ,0Yer eomea aa well aa slight derangmat of the Kidneys of either sex. Women who are sick ami want to t well should refuse to accept any substitute for Xydia E. Piukluun'a Vep.t&ble,CQmxxuiwL HiihIiicsh Speculation on Taft's Election. Thoso mon, In briof, nro speculat ing upon Taft's election. Thoy hnvo nUo taken a "commercial hodgo" up on that wager by going to Llody's nnd getting a policy against, tho laas that would result with tho cholco o'f Bryan ns Prosldent. Thoy figure oiut, for lustanco, that In case of a Bomb. cratlo victory tholr loss by deprecia tion and business depression would" bo $100,000, and they get a policy for that much, The cost for such 4nsurnnco Is $10,000, but in tho ovont that Bryan Is electod they-would get only tho difference between the nmount of the policy and tho pre mium, of $90,000, making Uio odd? thoroforo 9 to 1. Tho policy Is Call ed the "P. P. I.," moaning that "pol Icy Is proof of Into'rest," In othor words, tho Insured does not havo tb prove loss, if Bryan Js elected, be causo tho fact the the policy is written Is taken ns proo.f" that tho Insured has. jost money tiy tho hap pening of the unexpected. Where Ballfb F1. David Parker, of Frt,M votoran of the civil vir, iIm mt foot at Gettysburg, mts: nq Electric Bitters bare dote u mnrn thnn ffiOO to me. lWtl monov doctorlne for a M ml stomnch troublo, to little Wfj thon tried Electric Bitten, w" curod mo. I now take t&w i tonic, nnd thoy keep me itrciM woll." 50c at J. o. rerrjiaff aa tbt fit ref ore. when y or out of ornw, j v jj, .4a IJoyd's IttsnrfdR Tgnteo Aglns Molesting Ms MojhoMn-Law. Lloyd's-ls ready o take any risk Had has flgdred outj rates for almost any contingency Imaginable. For Instance, If a 'business man haa wade pre-paratiOBg for affair he rellxea that his expense will be for naught If it ralB on the scheduled -daya. He goes to Lloyd's and gta UsHraaeo against rainy days. He y a cer tain premium aad Is gaaraateed a certain amount If Vala fall? apoa the days mentioned. The aajouat of tho policy covers the expeaw of prepa ration. ' ' Lleyd'a has Wwuwd amaa aaflast bothering "his iK;-l8-lw. The story Is teW of a yeaag nwa, who kwa a saeadtarlK ad wk had a ' i TT a I mother-la-kiw et gjjat weaiw j vfM. woat toKer aerior mi, aa4 fUy bWmW te Urn; "I wll r . . .. .,. a ..!. In will. I ieve yon , l '",rA "IS I S,i,w trouble. $.& oi rmi f"'JT.IJ.Utftour'v,v.rt', c uratntvixn .! m- - provided yoa do mot The will was executed The oi- I.A' V .,.. vT . . law went "broke" ami nMi woaituk remember tw He wentto a pawa broker wK ". Cr. ww " m,-r rinWItt'B Hnrbollied Wilrti Qnlvo lo Ihn lies! talve forpr&i suro you got DeWitt'i. MM druggists. Notaries AppolatnL Qcorgo II. Hill, 0, A. Job J B. Buell Oglcsby om, w 0. D. Latourctte, Oregon Otf For Chronic ! :.' nnn.ll. In Vin armTlalHU takon with chronic JWjj. Pa. "I have alaco W "TJm dies but without w &XfiM lief, until Mr. A. . place, persauded w WJ7 b11 Iain's Colic. Cboleri fiM Remedy, one bottle efJJM II UL M..VV drug store. Often The HMkii Weaken ll mw wwiSSSl jLwsassa screBCC.fflJ MCSflT -. taH! i ? w "... ..-ntire quietly you '"Vtio u... n-rrv ore dloareickot taking tlie KrcatJ S1JLrawrB1S' TA.'Lr rtrpani " .aJee: ISvm 1U CU" ""-,-..' c P-- !rdisJSr i Ike cxtr"rj iM edr, gbek(o of the oit Zili convince ww O - .itl? UU r- t t i i HOi. ---; an its ieni'vi, "redraw KfesSHfcjM Dr. JCilmer s - toat 15 TturMoitdistlK" battle. W10rf!i Iwwton,' ,, nt&t, will and waat4 to borrow money fcBtagua .A