:WPPr v , t fHrtfasf n. xs " if 12 , i i 1 i i I ' ' -, , - - .L .. - I ,V & 5. r " fr r, I tC i Today we hVe hV.ed it few of the many hundred bargains to be found in the many different Saif IfHaV 1 NrtPnal department of ,thfc itore; Originating and maintaining lowest prices has made this the fa kJCHLUI VIM J p JfJjMAn& voirate slioppwig'center of the Willamette Valley. ,. ' M H Coats Tor Btroot and ovory-day wear In this Boauon'B nowdfet weaves nnd colorings of fabrics. All re duced ONE-THIRD' and ONE HALF during our October Bpo clal snlQJ. Take Advantage Ladies' Tailored Suits This fall stylos. Tho assort ment Is largo and varied. Bomo aro tnlmmod handsomely with braid "and others aro plafn, tailored. Our specials aro rec ognlzed as money savers. 150.00 Suits- Mfn QC $38.50 Now $45.00 Suits-Now $67.00 Suits-Now nnd many others with prico reductions. $45.00 oqiiat Shoe Special . Dotf't fall to tako advantage of this -t'Clean Up."- It's a mon ey savor. Advance fall siylo. wd cannot re-drder All aro cut to 01ean-Up.$rlce3r In this largo showing arcvalL sizes and widths of snappy 'up-to-date lasts, for men, women and chil dren, i NEW ( "Solito" RubbW, Just ro ceived. Each 'pair in a water proof purse, ' Now Idea. Largest assortment of alio a sundries In tho Willamette .Val ley. Try thpiiow shoo polish. "Two irt OnoiWror all klhds or leather. Ladies' and Children's Underwear in broken lines and sizes HALF PRICE Economy Savings In . Dress Goods 2ddo yards of Plain nnd Mixed Suitings in a veryf largo assortment of stylet and color ings, for Women, and Children's appnrel of all kinds. Boat values Up to $1 .50 a yard Now on sate at the yard 50c YOU need in order to bo a well-dresced man, moro than one suit of,. Clothes and moro than one Over coat. Too many men, buy ono rfult, anl wear it constantly until It's gone; It's tho snmo way with ovorcoats; it's a. in (stake, both from tho point of look? and of economy. We'll bIiow you our Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes; Suits and Ovorcoats; will see that you havo tho right clothes and enough of thorn, if you'll let uu Suits of all kinds, fancy woaves, black, bluo; Overcoats, Raincoats, Top "Coats; all sorts of good clothco. This store is the home of HART,SCHAffNER & MARX Clothes . . , ( mMmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMkm ' Copyright I90 by Htt Schtttncr & Miff .Boys' Fancy Jerseys and Sweaters at Reduced Prices TODAY AND TOMORROW Our Modern Men's Section otters as a special In ducomont to men and young men tho Colobratod Arrow" Brand Collars at 10c each Jlim 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I t a ICity News 1 1 1 I 8 father I llllllllllllllllllt Wfttfltcr Forecast Fair tonight; Sandfly Increasing cloudiness followed liy rain, Ravo Your Apples- Wo buy nil kinds of apples, suit able for cldor anil vinegar. Sacks furnlBlicd. Gideon Stolz Company, cornor So, Stimmur and Mill streets Phono Main 20. 10-23-int. Dance- Three reasons for buying Glovoland'a Baking Powder: Ruporlor Quality (Puro Cream oi Tartar). Noatost Paclcago (Scrdw top can). . ioat PrIco(3 lbs, l; 5 lbs. fl.GC). IK'iMl to Ileelgn Tho governor received a lottor from Jniiids II. Hood, a member of 'the- board of hortlciiUuru, yesterday vying ho wlsliotl to roalgn from tho l)oard. Mr. rteod 1b at prosont lo- catod at Mllwnukoo. Or.; and ha boon anaotlve munthor of tho board for somo time. t. . ?i$ii4i DlllK'O Tonight Audlturkun Hlnk, McF.lroy's or chostra. Woloomo everybody. Mrs. Perry Ourrlor wont to Port land thl morning to visit hor eon, Jay, for a fow days. Never Worry about a cough thoro's no nood ol worry If you will treat It at It'a first appoaranco with Dullard's llorohound Syrup. It will stop tho cough at onco nnd put your lungs and throat back Into porfectly healthy condition. Sold by all dcnlors. o D. M. Stoier wn in Kugeno yes terday on business. Kodol is a combination of tho nat itral digestive juices and It dlgoatb all classes or food and ovory kind of food, so you aoo It will do tho v.-orlc that tho stomach Itiolf docs. Sold by all druggls.a. -. 1 o 11. C. Davis and O. W, Butter worth, of Portland, aro In tho clt7 attending to business matters. You thko Kodol Just for a little while whon you havo Blight attack of Indigestion, and you talto It juH a llttlo longor In order to get relief from Bovoro attacks of indigestion or Nervous Dyspepsia. Try Kodol to day. Sold, by all druggists. . o John Aker, of Woodbjirn, wnu in tho .city today transacting bURlnoaa and talking politics. hailhoad commission Two communications was received' by tho railroad copimlssienors yosior-J day, ono complaining of .tho scanty provisions mado.for the Ceyd Orchard' station oh tho west aldV rqnd' and tho othor rorrucatlng th6' eommleslbm to romody tlto rates on minimum) weights of earn. ',,. Tho rcs'donbt of.Cpyo Orchard are tepresontcd Ray Brenner, who In forms tho commission of tho South ern I'ncl lie's neglect to fiirnlsh rca- sonablo ,qimrtori' for p'aBBeugors ami' might which arrive and depart from thst plaCo every duy. Drtymer atuto the company hnir.&ooii no'tlllcd ns ttr tlio qondltlouH qt tho facilities at that place, but no attention Iiab nckm paid' tho rcqiiostB. The commission has advised Mr. O'llrlen of tho clrcum stances nnd lnvotfgatl6nwlll b commenced at onus-. ' , I-rom tho Qthor lottor rocolvcd by tho commfsston ,from Allen & BUoy, It uppoarti.tliaf tile Southern Paclllr company haa been- charging a mini- mum woight of 2U70 iibuud cars that won CHARGOAL KILLS BAD BREATH Wlwtlinr irmmi Dcciiy. In eke Stout. well or Teeth, nntl WUK top SIwhuhIi (H'iHkfvcV;. tho result will probably not. ha Itnown uiUIL after tho ballots are counted, as was the case four yoara ago. Tho vote In Now England fallod' to hIiow that Conncttlcut and Khodo Island can He' called! doubtful. The poll in Oklahoma Indicates that tho precincts formerly Repub lican' nro tunrnig- toward tho Domo crntltt candidate: Willow Cllirrvoal Hiwj. Jnr Uc. CItarcoal luta boon ttnod -for ab Hivrifng foul odors an if neutralizing tmx'ous gasos ror ccuturlbB. Ditpont, tho powdor mnnirfitctnr- Linv karnod thtrt wllhnr shootj two to tlroJe yoars off ago mitdb tins- be-jt .ullarcoal. It Is moro porous. Fbtftf breath, whothor from stom ach ot teeth, pyrosis (or gaytrie puih)r diarrhoea nnd constipation simply, cannot oxirt under the anion of rlhrrcoal. Cliaa'oal oxidizer all gascB, or In othor words, ohnirges foul smelling i odbrs Into oxygon. tiorob'y dolnrir iiwny with nil foutaess and' renrder iiig oven such gnseu bonolcfal' to th- HVHtuiir. bv t:lvlnir ft moro-' oxnton. Tho lunga purify tlte blood' with, o.v- Dying pntfeutB A cougit euro that can be given to chlldron without olmnao of harm is Komp's Balsam, tho beat cough cure It docs not contain potaonu or barm fill dregs. Drurglsts sU It. iSHiW!!,,,. rp.. . 7vJCL1' o laoorcrg w '. ey repulsed thrft,7 n a final rait. &U4t Tho Moroa are r . lost 20 killed . !ll, wounded. Thov ,Mm , aj M I? r o' the , tho p an nt tnn ..... ln4 trn.it. """uu"(l"'M, -- 4 Women with gB04( good complexion, t"? Modlclne makes "t ' iur J Cttti STARR pi "IGH CUSS Gook GEO. C WILU MONEY TO L . . TH08.K.I uver Laa & DufViBisk.! Norwich UnkmFke IiisaraiKe! I'Tank Meredith, RtMu J Offlco with Wm. Browa kA ao 4uiuuiur;iai itjwt, 4 1 1 1 III l-l I n ia . I IIIM NEW TODA1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tlllMH A BnniU HouRt' For Hie it uouage Bircct. 4 Salesmen Wanted Why wlM small salary? YooinaMrtl to $1,000 monthly & tbr buii-'auiau. he will ItUtffll bo ono by null In eight vttt i assist you to secure a potSm a rolfable firm. Hundrtdioh gradtintcj placed In gooi tlons. Wrlto (or call) lor catalogue, "A Knight tl Grip," and list d( potltloa i open. Address Dtpl 111, itloual Salesman Traloli; elation, Chicago, Kum New York, Mfnwapolli, Francisco. WrltCvteamt II M' jtM Friday morning betM I N. Llbortr Btrcct i 0i Nursery office, a smillrM ' with Inltfnls L. D, D. os Finder leave nt JonrnaS c?. 1MIKI ifd not hold ic "fiill uhlpmint of shrnnTos. nnd tlfc rortoopondbnts -"-- fc v It w fall th commitrlon ,to look Into Bxgon from tho nlr the itnattor and' gthe fatqH In lino "fliavo M.xygn admlhlsforbd to- their Portland visit hlu brother, Arthur, for a short tlmo. Ijimo Back. This allmont Is usually causod by rheumatism of tho miisclea of tho smnll of tho back, and !b quickly cured by applying Chamberlain's I,dn- 1)111 Says . Imont two or throo times a day ana That Andorson haa from ono to mnfisaglug tho parts at each appllca- ..TU ?.!..."., I-, m bet on Uon. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug iiyu iiim. ........- --- storo. Bryan. . AH canora qiiu .." dated, don't forgot tho place. Wo have the inopoy. boys, come on, put up or shMt up. Yoijra rortpDctfully, Bill Anduraon. 10-'Jl-2t. )atco Tonight AudltorlMm Ulnk. MoKlroy's or. choatra. Wolcomo everybody. Tlu "WHInmOtto Valloy Meat Co. Tho tow meat markot on Court Btreot la ono to bo proud of. Give them a trial Phono' 854, Rail or 8UlHe Call tp Btousloft moat market and thoy will (III your order Just na BRtlBractorllyias If you wero at tho markot yduraolf. Phono 321. )anco Tonight AjiiUtorKun Wnk. McRlroy'a or chestra. Wolcomo ovorybody. "Othern Pay ltent" Wo cqlloct roat, that's tho majon, wo sell tho obeapest. X). S. Lam port, the loading' harness man. 2.19 Commercial street. Y u J J; . with -tho, .trainrcpnttnontnl freight tin rain systonv, .. Jmfa otmmsslbu have written' AlVeVnou request ing a moro oxact explanation of the caso In order that they may present enine to tho raflruad olllclala without question, ) Do not lot nttyone toll you that nioit tiumo loft this morning for something else Is-dts as Reed os De Dick "mo 10" " '.,"" nnd tolWItt'a Kidney nnilBladdor PUIS be rtland to transact btislnQBs an I to lftugo tll0ro Jlim.t thing just aj $100.00 Itewanl. would gladly bo paid for a euro by many pooplo who aro crippled with rheumatism, yot if thoy only know If Ihnv rnn lit Aiired hv a fOW botttt n n.tin..Hii Cnnn. T.lnlninnt. ntlil the I prlco la only. 2Bc, 50c and $1.00 po mooting, Portland. bottlo. Sold oy an noaiors. ;ood. Sold by all jlnugglsts. o- Today's Specials Best Creamery Butfer 75c Per Rc Thts But'er 1U (UMItAXTKHDto bo tho Best oa the narW .MOXKY ItKFl'NDED. E. O. MOLL'S Country Metiti: Toln. Spare Illlit and Sanage pure Cou Lard'. -v Local Dat Nov. 6. Registration closes ft city primary. , Monday Docombpr C. Tteglstra tlon cloaoa for city election. December 7. City election. .. December t-5. Fruitgrowers' ltee Decomhor 10th for tho baaar of tho ladles of tho St. Paul's Episcopal church. Aprona and fancy, article 9t every descriptions handkerchlQfa, readies and plum pudding on Bale. rn, O'lU'lon Wk eerved ck avcellent coffoo at taa eocUJ ': "KP ty,e cvet qn yoHr Folger'e Oolde Gie tU cWwri 4lgt. The Haver U are it la tke eo we yoa Wy it." Mrs. D. II. Kinney went to Port land this morning nnd will romaln ovor Sunday with frlonds and rela tives, O' Lano'a Family Medicine Is a tonic axatlve. It does not dopresa pr weaken, but Imparts a fooling ot ttoyancy and, strength that Is do llghtthl. At all druggists 25c. J. a. Coopor returned today from a short business visit in Albany. i . o Thoro is nothing olso "Just a good" as Komp's Balsam, the beat cougit euro, nnd tho othor kinds coat Juat as much as this famous romody. o- A. L. West waa in Albany yester day looking nftor business mattors. . , O' Would MortgaRO the From. A farmer on Rurual Route 2. Eat plre Ga , W. A. Floyd by name, say. "Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo cured tl two worst sores I over saw, ono oa ru baud lmd oae of my leu. It is wort wore taaa Its weight ta gold. I wqw1, at M wHawrt K if I m to en tk farm ti get It," Oaly 15c at J. C. Perry'e rn HUkt. DoWltt's Llttlo Early Riaors. the famous little llW pills. Sold by all druRRlsts. .. II II 1 1 111 1 11 1 1 1 II II I MIDWAY t PROGRAM FOR SUNDAY tfyBtenr artificially ind live for days unrterijjrthlfl 'trcamont., ' Htimrt'a cnarconr i.osongea arw ,'tiadc from willow llfij and sweol nonoy? Thus they aro palntr.bIo, strotrg- and natural. No medicine s used whatever, but the peculiar Stuart process rIvos them n- decided ohnrm nnd oinctomn' which endonrs them to nl consumers Onc may tuo thoin as ono Hke's. Eatfng ono every Qnco In awhile In sures "h'-tr' breath whllo the com mon method Is to eat two or three after meals and at bed tlnw. They work Vory faBt nmt their use is a nnwt excellent habit to form. In a Mtort time you will loam that tholr fnllueuce has Improved bowel action wonderfully; simply by giving to tho bowel a wasto product to carry off that has no gaseous formation to kill and destroy Its nerres and metrt. branos. Every druggist carries Stuarft Charcoal Lorenges, price 25 cents, or send us you name and address and wo will send yon a trial pack age by mall free. Address P. A. Stuart Co., 200 Stuart Btdg.. Mar shall, Mich, FRUITS PcorhM. Huckleberries, Cranborrio-!, Baimnns. Comlce W Fancy King Appro; Concord, Tokay, Iuaboir anil Nnlaga era? VFGFTABLES Celery Cetttiw. Cauliflower. Tomatooa, Cabbage, Pftrsafpi, wis, Tunilps, Ueaxa, Pumpkins and Bquaaaes. CHEESE imported' Swiss,. Ltmberer, Cream Brlcfe and Full Cre moolt. f MOIR GROCERY CO. S3, . Angelo. Tyrant of Perdua. Wrestling Bears. Illustrated Song ; ; ::"Dowfi' 'Where the:: :fSwae River FlowSi" :: tiiMimmniiniii RESULTS (CnUnjadtrmaRol) pluralities in many communities in the "solid south'." Tho biggest returns came from the straw vote came from Ohio, but it represents only tho olttes and Cleveland and Toledo are not includ ed. The vote Indicates that tho claims ot some Democrats that Kansas Is a doribtful state are without founda. tlon. The voto In Maryland was takeu ia all sections ot (he state and rep rwat all latereets. It Indicates that tae -rote wilt not b ftQ close that A Ut Another hit for lovefll ril I 0f good amusement THE STAR HOME Of HIGH CLASS fUN Have a big new bill that is bound to please the publle- The Motor Boat Races at Monacoi Most mt15 tho greatest boat races ever witnessed. and Instructive. "the Magic wcr-comic "MAKING ARABIAN POTTERY" thf iiAr.ir MiuRnR"-Con II1L. ITinflV. .. v.$ CfKifC V. L. WILLIAMS.-No One Knows .-!! OVillVJD ..Ypu Caanot Stop Your Heart from GIj! You Love M DON'T . ... nr to b 1. - M for. th - J" " ' Uom s;lf - 1 ,th,F 8Mr every eay. Matiaee fro