a PREPARE, TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BARGAIN DAY OCTOBER,-, AND SAVE AJDDLLAR .; (she Hail OHraol vol. xnn. SALEM. OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1008. NO. W. i afl-iAAIlalJiUulJtaJ ggjjag? WMJbJI iJj.Lt JfcTT' merican Autoist Gets the Cup levcloprrient League Discusses Coos Bay Railroad :SULTS OF STRAW BALLOTS lAfT EASV WINNER i ( United Press Leased Wire.) ! Chicago, Oct. 24. A BUtntnary of It results of tho Btraw bnllatB tnk- ibr Chicago, Cincinnati, Now York 1:1 St, Louis nowBpapors compiled lert today indlcato that Tnft will krrr Ohh by 80,000; Knninii by and that he will oarry Mary- Lcd by n clone margin, bosldoB nl it Xew England states. I The voto shows that Bryan will urt Oklnhoma by 25,000. Tho poll t the southern sotcB lndlcatca that I Democrats havo slightly reduced (Continued on Tago J2.1 NINE ARE MURDERED IBYJOROS WHO SWOOP DOWN ON WORKMEN (United Press Leased WIro.) Manila, Oct. 24. Nino Filipino laborers and their American super intendent wero klllod In a dosporate fight with a band of Moros on tho Shophcrs Saigar Plantation near I! Igun on the Island of Mindanao last wcok, according to news that rpached horo today from tho Island. Tho men woro working on tho plantation at tho timo of tho attack and wero taken off tholr guard by tho Moro warriors, who Bwoopod down upon thorn unnoticed. Contlnued on pago 12.) NATIONS' INTERESTS IDENTICAL STATES MP PRIME MINISTER NEEDS OF STATES SHOWN AT OREGON AND IDAHO DEVELOPMENT CONGRESS (Unltod Press Leased Wire.) (By II. Loo Cloth worthy, staff cor respondent of tho Unltod Press Association on bonrd tho U. S. S. 'Ooorgla.) Toklo, Japan, Oct. 24.. Marquis Katsura, prlmo minister of Japan, todny gavo mo a private audlonco and officially gavo mo for distribu tion to tho pooplo of tho Unltod Stntoa through tho Unltod Prcsu as sociation, tho warmest expression of good will nnd tho most doflnlto and explanatory statement of Japan's policy that haa boon mndo by any Till: fT')HK WITH TIIK IjOWFST PIHCK ron tiik do yoto TIlAIlIXa AT SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. SALEM'S BUSIEST STORE OFFERS THE GREATEST VALUES 'NT'll FOLLOWING NEW IHV li3j LADIES' SUITS, LADIES' COATS, DRESS SKIRTS, SILK lIH 1 tMllTS. 1 "INK MILLINERY. FINE SILKS AND itKKSS (.;jil , KID GLOVES, HUCIIINGS, FANCY M'K l I.FVrilKIl GOODS. LADIES' BELTS AND PIECE GOODS OF ALL KINDS: ALSO I1LAN- KFTS D 1LANNELS. Women's New Suits Priced at Smell Pricos. $7.50, $8.50. $10.50, $12.50 and up ""i iiiwvkfnmmmmmmmmmm-: 5p'-51 7i tPi tfmmm f: Hum BK Ji7Wlft tiHv ,ir 51 1 lilT'AiLk iff mil I VI Irl HK&) III 1 1 lifl il m N T AsflkLLHBJ mm 11 tli isH. Al sV I Jt ' , ' ! V llliim si i I V I ! It 1 Urn lli HH Im I ill . IIKSr 1' nosebUrg, Oct. 24. (Special.) Hon Dexter Rice, president of the Commercial club, delivered tho ad droH of welcome at the Oregon-Idaho Dovolopment coagre. He spoke In a very follolto.ua mancer of the pleaauro which It gavo the people of R'oaeburg to welcome the Oregon and Idaho congreee. He eulogized tho city of roses, the city of pure mountain water, and a climate of purest Italian strain. They had a lino soil to produce crops but too much of It was on their strcoU' whero it wns not Heeded. But thoy had lot contracts for 23 blocks of bltullthlo pavement. , Judge Francis II, Clark, of tho Marshflold Chamber of Commorce, presented tho claims of Coos Bay harbor Inah oloquent ami convinc ing manner. Ho hold tha closest at tention by his mntchloBs presenta tion of a dcop soa harbor on the west coast. Glasgow, Scotland, and Manches ter, England, had each spout ovor $200,000,000 to build n harbor Toklo, Japan, had a harbor that cos, $18,000,000. Boston harbor cost $8,000,000. Such a harbbr In tho closo vicinity of Roseburg 40 mllos In a dlroct lino would connoct with Coos Bay. Ho showed that n million dollars n yonr in rcducod frolght rates would result to tho In terior towns of Wostorn Orogon. Ho pload for a hlghor dovelopmont for Westorn Oregon through bettor har bors, Chairman Hofor nnnouncod fol lowing standing cemmluVcs: On' resolutions -Francis II Clark of Marshflold, F. B. Watte of Role burg, Q. A. Hurley of vale. On rocommondatlons for Good Roads Legislation Atadrew O. Smith of Portland, Morris Webber of Roseburg, M. R. Ryan of. Drain. Afternoon SeB4oH, Francln Cla.'ke completed his ad dress on bohalf of Coos Bay tills at- tornoon. Dr. Androw C. Smith do Itvorod nn eloquent address on tho Inflfuonco of tho automobile In se curing bettor publlo highways. In tho ovontng ProBldont Camp boll of the Stato University ad- drosasod tho congress on "Higher Standards in Publlo Education." He showed tho growing demand for moro offlclont teaehera and the In terest the state had In giving higher tralnlng-to these who taught the young. Promlnont delegates present at tho congross nre: J. D. Zurchor, assistant secretary Roseburg Commercial club; H. liofor, prosldorit Wlllamotto Valloy Dovolopmont loacwe: Francis II. Clark, MarahfloId'Chnmbor of Com morco; G. A. Ilurloy, secretary of Commercial cinb, Vale, Mnlhour countyj Dr. B. B. Plckoll, Medford mombor Stato Board of Hoalth; Dr. H, A. Pearco, Portland, Stato Board of Health; A. C. Hough, Grants Pass Commorclal dumb; Dr. R. C. Yon noy, Stato Bonrd of Health, Port nnld; Androw C. Smith, Portland, president Stato Board of ILmlth; P. L. Campholl, Kugono, prosldont State Unlvornlty; Chns. F. Johnson, Roseburg: F. I). Watte. Uosolnirg, Co'iuiiorrlnl club. . AUTOS IN FAST RAGE FOR CUP MANY ACCIDENTS INTERFERE Women's and Misses' Coats At Special Sale Prices. $1.50, $6.50 $8.50, $10.50 and up Silks and Dress Goods Prlcod awny down We are showing the Latest Novelties Yard 24c, 35c, -19c 65c and up If you want the Beit values in Sa lem in Outing Flan nels, ftlaakeU and Co hi for U cone to Ttw Chicago Store. SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS "Doubtful" Indiana turned out tho monster nudlcnco of the son son at Indianapolis yesterday to listen to Taft. Jamos Hmtton, wife, daughter and nlno-tnonths-old baby, had u narrow escape yostorday at Olondnlo, Ore, from ptomuln'o poisoning brought on by warmlng-ovor moat. ' . f tho Brynn campaign committee doos not pay a.blll for $1,004 to tho Chicago musicians who havo been plrtylng at ralllos, tho Stnt'o Federation may make Itself obnoxious to tho Commonor. All members of the cabinet will tnko the stump for Taft next week An ovation was given tho American floot oftlcors on tholr depart ure from Toklo yostorday. Bryan spoke to good-sized crowdB In Now Jorsoy yostorday. The W. C. T. U. convention ipenod In Donvor yesterday, Tho comptroller of the treasury warned the directors of tho de funct National Bank of America that thoy had too much money loaned out fqr the vnluo of tho securities hold. Sonator Elklns persists In donylng any knowledge of an ongogo mont betweon his daughter and the Duke d'Abruzsl. ono In authority during the visit to the Mikado's country. "Tho intorost of Japan and America in tho Far East are Identi cal. Both countrlo saro soeklng to advanco civilization and improve tho condition of the peoples. "I most heartily endoro the speech of Viscount Knneko yester day, In which ho aa'd that Japan welcomes an Vlmorlcan floct in the Pacific ocean, because' It VIII be a greatt powor for peace and will re lieve' Japan of the arduous and ex pensive burden of maintaining a i fleet great enough to patrol the wAters and assure the contlnuanco of Pacific relations, "Tho preservation of the Jntegrltv or China is the aim of bo'h the Ualte4 States ami Japan," continued the Maruta. "This will he easily Motltfc4 by the eratl of the two coMtrle, without putting any bur4 o Rhr. . K ALIIANV NOTES. Albany, Or., "Oct, 23. (Special.) -r-Mr. A. L. Wett, of Salem, spout Thursday aftornoon In Albany. . Tho Southern Pacific company , and Oregon Agricultural college4 nro going to send out a train that will demonstrate Oregon farming. The demoustrators will be, principally, a i large number of O. A. C. Instructor. The train conflating of seven oachet, will reach Albany Wednosday No vember the seventh and w'H be open I to Inspection from 8:30 till 11:00 j o'c'ock. Sonator Jonathan Bourne and I private eocrotary arrived this noon ! on4 aiA.a ASinifA1 in lUa Rt rflinrlA ' hotel by his brother-in-law, Mr, J R. Wyatt aad a committee of prom inent Albany cUlsens. Jn the after koos he wm showa the etty aad RumerotM high water views. At 8 o'clock he was t4r4 a trig reeop tloa at th' Al dub. ' (Unltod Press Leased Wire.) Motor Parway, Long Inlas4, Oct. 24. After flvo big machlaes bail boon smashed In the terriflo speed contest and Robertson, drlylag a Locomobile had finished first, aad Lytle, In a Isotta car, had crossed secoad, In the great Vanderbllt cup race today, tho crowd surged out on the'1 track and the officials de elaretTtbe race finished, stopping the othor,cars. The finish of Robertsoa, aftor running oft the track aad get ting his machine back In the course, covering approximately 2S0 mllw in "four Vours and 48 seconds, was, one b'C'th'e m'bst' remarkable -in' the 1il tory of auto racing, Lytle, the sec ond to flnldh, made tho distance In four hours, two minutes and 86 2-5 seconds. A drlKzlIng rain made It practically Impossible to break any speed reco-'ds though the time was a surprise WJicn tho eleventh nnd last lap wns renchod tho frantic crowd la tho grandstand saw Robertson la tho Locomobtlo pubH bin way through tho cloud of 'dust at tho old Wostbury turn, apparently a sure winner. Tho choor that nroso was chokod by a gasp of horror as thoy saw tho speeding enr sworvo, nnd lenplng from tho road plow nt'n terrific rato along a ditch nt tho roadside. Back nt tho turn tlio .Ioottn, drlv on by Lytlo, the ftnllan veteran, who was picked for tho winner, whirled Into tho vlow of thoso wjtb Held glnsscs. Robertson was goon tro bo ntlonlpt Ing dospenitely to put, .bin .car hack on tho roadway. Thou tho forward wUeols gained u hold nnd tha profit car picking P sjioed nt every r"0vo lutlon of Its whoo)s began to length'on fho difltanco between t and tho approaching Tsotta, wlillo tho crowd went wild with applause. Across tho finish lint sped tha Locomobile with the Isotta follow ing two minutes lator. Breaking tho rulos the crowd surged onto tho track In tho path of tho othor machines,- Apparently dhregnrdloss of their danger ther lironsod )rwanl to congratulate th winner. Tho drlvors of the loalag machine? had tho alternative of plowlag through tho mass of humaplty or loavlng tho track, Thoy steered to tho sides of tho roadway, Jumped out of theTcars and ran protesting to tho Judges. Tho time for the 258.00 miles was 4 hours 2 minutes 36.25 seconds. The first accldpnt of tho day .hap poned to tho Matheion car with. Chovrolot ,at tho wheel- On the socond lap a c Under of tho ma chine rrneked and Uiq car wan com pound to leuvo the race. It 1 be Uov$l that tho hith practlco spoort mndo by tho car yesterday affoctod tho machinery. In thethird lap. tho Hotchkfs car, drlvpu by Knuatrtak. was force! In Retire owing to a clutch break- lK abortly nf'erward the Acme with Patcfcek at the wheel, broke a ihaft aad the RoiMtHlt drlvea hy JkrnK sasaohed. a clatch aud oth retired Frow jhe fqwrth lay pa thjjray-o, tooatiavod on 'im otvofc), "