4 TJSWUfr fWMt " (The Daitomb MMM:'lJilJJ"Jlfllfllll.QfBfflPlflJinllQllnQl Pt-gs .vtii' .t ''r I f auraal VOL.!!. SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, OCrOllKH 12, 11)08. NO. SK50. ALEM WORKMEN HAVE NARROW ESCAPE iRY THAW GO ES BACK TO ASYLUM FOR CRIMINAL INSANE I0SEBURG BOOSTER CONGRESS IELD OCTOBER 23 AND 24 RoKtanr. Oct. 12. Programs nro lit for a big two tiny booster con- ireii and Good Honds convention to It Ctlu new rriuuy uuu kHiLuiui);, idobcr 23-24 Following sponkors l-unnounced: Senator Jonathan Boumo. Gcrernor Chntnberlaln. Jodge Lowell, of Pendleton. Jtdje Wobstor, of Portland. Dr Smith, of Portland. Jidge Scott, of Salem. Col. E. Hofcr, of Snlem. Hob J W. Dennett, of Mnrohuold, liereral others. Boo t for Rosebtirgl Due havo nnnlly neon permanent ly (or lio big meeting of tho r,n and Idaho Development con- HI (Continued on Page 5.) NOR S MAL CHOOL BOARD MEEFS TO MAKE BUDGET Tho Bonrtl of Regents of tho Stnto Norninl schools mot nt 10 n. in. to consider reports from tho presidents ns to tho needs of tho schools for tho next two years. Besides the Stnto Donrd of Educa tion, J ml go Stephen Jewell, of Ornnts Pnss, County Suporlntondont 13. E. Bragg, of La Grando; II. T. JIuIor, of Tho Dnlles; W. 13. Ayoiyof Portlnnd; C. E. Spenco of Clncknt l'orthtnd and E. Hofer, of SnlCtn nro in nttendnnco. W. 0. Edwards of Drain Wns bo foro tho bonrd to. get permission to ubo labrtitory supplies belonging to tho state, which wns grnlntcd. Diatn has n high school with principal In Miss Esmcr Mlxter, for many years a bucccs ful toachor In Nobnuku nntt M Innpgo t n . . ... . ivlo n VPWW. 7rmutnuMW)n huCm five mtmmm am n iii oMt?saritts7BSLXLMJLMNatL & kmm ., ifVh & ft vj& r , IJti'f 7't-3"---1 - i ! i.abWiw. a. Now Is the Time FOIt MD1KS COATS, SUITS, MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, OSIFItV, UNDERWEAR, HLANKETS, FLANNELS, MEN'S OOODS, CU)VI3, DRESS SKIRTS, CHILDREN'S COATS, SHOES nntl nil 11 of Heavy Goods suitable for Winter wear, WE ARE HERE WITH THK GOODS. Tlio crentPHt viiIhm I'vr-r slinun In Salem. Fine Silks and Dress Goods ftoamls of yards of tho lat- Stiltlnrs and Walstlngs now w e at small prices. yd. 25c, 35c, 49c, b5c and up Wrapper Flannelettes wuna of yards of tho daln- Prettie t patterns now 81 -3c. 10r 121 -2c and up "tow the greatest values in 2l B , ... lUlintVInn j. ISA-., b kuoqb; i it.nr. UNDERWEAR, COM J'KRTC l8 ITDERW toils. , -MBTS. PLANKELS. EAR, CHIL- .VS r usi RWEAR' OUTINo " ana MEN'S 11XQ. AUSTRALIA OPPOSES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ENGUND AND JAPAN (United Pious Leiued Wire.) Molbonrno, Austrnlln, Oct. 12. If tho untlro political presiniro of Austrnlln is sulllclont, tho treaty binding Englnnd nnd Jnpati will not survlvo. Pollttcnl Austrnlln Is " do torminctl to break the nlllanca ns tho first stop to crcato n whito mail's Pacific ocenn. Desiring not to cmbnrrnss England tho Australian olllclnls nro not giving nny ofllclnl volco to tho Bontlmont, but it Is tho belief of enroful ob servers hero thnt tho trenty ennnot la't more than a fow years. Tho fcollngs manifested during tho visit of tho Amorlcan (loot hero nnd n series of Inspired articles iImv ing tho pnst week In tho press throughout tho commonwenth hnvo n-ouMd tlio subject nnow In dly loinntlc circles. In nn intorvlow todny, n mnn who Is rocognltod ns ono of tho moulder? or Australia's do-tiny, n man In n Mjrli ol"clnl position who profors to have his nnme unmontloned, gnvo tl'" following pxplnnntlon of tho sit sit uateon: "Tho dofonslvd nnd offonslvo nl 1'nnco between Englnnd nnd Jnpnn off"?ts lit ronl'ty only Mnnolmrli p"H Jti'H" tird It dlroptod ontlroly ngnlnst Russlu. Englnnd Is commit ted to ns'ist Jnpnn ngnlnst tho In vasion of Mnncluirln nnd Jnpnn Itns ngroed to nld Ilrltnln In ropolllng nn nvnslon of India. Tho only poss.lblo invndor of olthor country, Is Rus sia. . , "Tho nlllnnco has boon rocolvod with nn outburst of popular disap proval In Australia whoro tho poonlo aro moro nntl-Aslntlc thnn tho Pn cl'lp coast. Wo havo drastic Asiatic oxclfuslon laws and n tariff prnctlcnl 'y cutting off Jnpnn nnd China from rnmpotlng with our home Industries. t ' is where tho clash will orlgl- nato. . , 'Soon Korea nnd Manchuria, ,Mc' bnvo boon exploited for tho benefit of the Jnpnneso manufac turers wlH hove been oxhnustod, nnd Jnpan will seek n mnrkot In Anstra- l'a. "Wo will deny commercial on tranco to Jnpan nnd oho will nppenl to England for coorclvo as3istance. WILL NOT BE GIVEN INQUEST SLAYER Of WHIIE LOSES OUT LABORER'S PIGK HITS DYNAMITE IN REAR OE ZINN'S CANDY STORE "W .M.Jl A J THURSDAY AFTERNOON-WAS BURIED WEDNESDAY-BUILDINGS ENDANGERED (UDltrd I'rcai r.timed Wlro.1 Whlto Plains, N. Y Oct. 12. Harry K. Thaw, slnyor of Stand ford White, was romandod (o tho nBylum for thu criminal Insano ut Mnttownn todny, tho proceedings for nn Inquost ns to his stnto of mind, being dis missed. Tho order for tho recommittal of Thaw to tho Mnttownn nBylum wns mndo by Jr.i:tlco Mills before whom tho motion was mndo to lmvo Thaw removed to n prlvato asylum and be fore whom It wnB contended by Thaw's counsol that ho Is not now insane. 'Tho return to Mnatowan Is n blow to tho Plttshurgor, who ropoatedolv hnir snld thnt he preferred to bo lu tho Tombs prison In Now York to 'jVnnflnomejul nt Mnttownn... . H. chnge6 tho ntteudnnts nt Mnttownn with mistreating him nnd nllogod thnt ho was subjected to unusual re strictions. As soon ns tho ordor remanding Thaw was made, argument was bo gun on tho question of producing Thnw- In tho fedoral court nt Pitts burg, u connection with his bank ruptcy proceedings, In nccordnnco with tho ordor of tho Ponnsylvnnln J"tlK0- nblo thnt some of tho Aiistrlnn of flolnls would havo boon murdered if they hnd fnllon Into tho hnnds of tho mob which wns boyond control. Two Austrian wnrshlps hnvo boon ordorod to tho scono nnd now nro onrouto, Phrl, Franco, Oct. 12. According to n dispatch published in tho Temps this uftornoon, tho nttltrudo of Oor mnny In regard to tho troubloH In tiro Nonr Enst Is thnt thoro lins boon no violation of tho Ilorllu treaty. Tho dlspntch snyn thnt Gormnny holds that tho nnnexntlou of Uoslnn nnd Herzogovlnn by Austria nnd tho deolnrntlon of Independence by Rulgnrln is not n violation of tho trenty. If the Temps dispatch ts correot, it means that Germany will support tho claim of Austria, which in effect la tho samo as thnt set forth as the attitude of Germany. Dolgrado, Sorvla, Oct. 12. Tlio AaI ". ... . . ... a .. UVIKIUUVi OUlUUi UUi "Engiana win not, uaro to nu n..i. q.pv. KnHnnnl naBmi,i,iv tni!nV ..... -r- .. - ...Itt HAtflllntn - iT.r.H ,, j - -..,- coercion ami jnpnn w. fun1"' ''J voted in fnvor of making nn oxtrn tbroiiRh a boycott or a tariff ngnlnst i or1nftry mI1tnry np,)ro,,rntlon of iirriBii ruuiib u wuD "... .w , i3.ooo.000 to moot the immeuiato ln .! .ruPf4,ror. u . . n 1pnnnil of mobilizing tho army and "Tho English statosmon oxpsct a I .,, fho rnn,i0P. j rliptiiro before the expiration of the A rogoluton wafl Bdoptod contaln nrosent treaty, and wo th'nk a break ng tho fo,owJng 8Knftcant oxpros- Six workmon narrowly escaped death last Thursday afternoon from a stick of dynnmlto which apparent ly hnd beon "plnnted" In tho ynrd behind Zlnn's candy storo on Statct street, nnd which, If exploded, would probably hnvo wrecked tho now Moyor's building, f It wns n miracle thnt tho dendly stick did, not oxplodo, nsn Inboror's pick Btruck It n glancing blow. Tho pollco nro much puzzled over tho proBonco of tho cxplotlvo In tho ynrd from which grnvol wns being tnkon by tho Warren Construction com pany for Ufio on tho street. It Is posstblo tho dyunmlto wns loft thoro by Bomoono wanting rovongo on tho workmen; by a party or parties de siring to wreck soma of the ndjftctent buildings, or by robbers, ns there is no accounting for n stick of fresh dynamite burled during tho preced ing night in nn uuusod back yard. Thnt tho dynamite wnj burod during Wednesday night Is tho opinion of WIIHo Zlnn, owner of the confee tlunory storo. Tho stick of oxploilvo In iVt Inches In length nnd inch In diameter. Tho workman who discovered the dynamite, and struck It a blow with his pick Is well ncqunlntod with ex plosives, having handled thorn fro qitontly In the mines, Zlnn hnB the stick of powerful dynnmlto, aud 1b ns far from a solu tion rogArding Its prcsonce In the rear of Ma storo ns tho police. Is inevltnble within n few yonrB.' WAR -HD 2 CUM Vlennn. Oct. 12. It Is reeortod here todny that Count Rorgflch, the Austrian minister to Servla, has been assassinated. The city is In a fover of excite ment nnd warlike demonstrations aro slen: "After hoarJng the government's explanation, parliament expects to oxort tho most vigorous activity to nrotect thd threatened IntoroiU Of tho nation." Desplo tho active preparations for war, there is a (ftliofer fooling among tho peoplo today. This foel Ing, it Is said, Is due to tfftf realiza tion that Sorvln Is not propdfed to If you want to get the best val ues In this part of tho world in Ladies Suits and Coat- now !s your time; they are going like wildfire. It's the small prices that does It, WOMEN'S SUITS. $7.50, $10.50, $12.50 and up. WOMEN'S COATS, 1.03, $8.8, $0.00 and up. ilRL'S COATS. Sf.05, $2.05, $3.50, ?1.50 and up. CHILDREN'S COATS, $1.50. $2.50, $3.50 and up. Imlnc mnde. ("nmmiinlcntlan with Rolgrado has iionn pn ntr nnd It la imiiossiblo to I mako wnr successfully ngnlnst Auf. vorlfv the report. Tho foreign of-1 trla. Another explanation Is that flco discredits tho rumor but has no tho people now are convinced that authoritative Information. 'ho government Is preparing for war Constantinople. Oct. 12. A re- ana aro saiisnea. wnn mo aoveiop. nort today, credited to Ambassador ment of events. Sgjfee that. Saves Yoji Money QregOIl ' John O. A. Lelshman, says tnai America disapproves the notion of Austria In annexing Herzegovina nnd Roslna and the declaration of Independence by Bulgaria. Ambassador Lel-hman visited the Turkish foreign ofllce today and It s reported that he assured tho por'e bat t"o has the moral support of America It IsMnderstood, however, that ho nolnted out the impossibility of the UVted States participating n the trouble In any way, as the n;f tlon has on direct connection In the treaty. , , Budanest. Op. 12. Tho Austrian consulate at Antlvari. a port In Montenegro on tho Adriatic sea. was at'acked by an Infuriated mob today Th rovaj court of arm? wns torn from tho door ana ournea in iuj street, while the crowd danced about yelling like maniacs. The building was then sacked ana the attaches were reecued Juit In time to save their live. It ie prob- Sorvla todny demnnds tho seces sion of SandJak from Austria and a money compensation for the annexa tion by Austria of Boslan and Her zegovina. ' O ' SAY MAXIMS ELLIOTT TO MARRY MAC.MILLAN (United 'tm I-'en-cd Wire.) Rono, Nov. Oct. 12. Mining men from Goldfleld nro ropcntlng n story todny to tho effect thnt Mnxinu Elliott, former leading womnu ntid wife of Nnt Goodwin, Is to marry Harry MucMillnn, the milling man who wns until rccontly engaged to mnrry Edna Goodrich, thu lending womnu of tho Goodwin company. Closo frloiuh of tho nctor claim that tho rcmnrkablo alleged double romuiico Is truo and point to tho fnct thnt Goodwin left Novndu Inst week Immediately nfter obtulillng u dlvorco from Mnxlno Elliott. Tho nctor Is clnlmcd to hnvo ongngod n stateroom on n Hteamor bound for Europo nnd Is snld to bo on bin way to London, whnro MKs Goodrich Is stnylng nt tho 8nvoy. Goodwin hur ried from Nevada Immodlntely nfter tho dlvorco wns socured. A strlko of rich oro on his mine nonr Gold field would not dotnln him. MncMlllnn'a friends Buy that ho mot Miss Mnxlno Elliott on his re cent trip enst when ho nnd Ednn Goodrich ngroed to disagree, o -i YOtTII SHOOTS AT A HURGiait Snii Frniiclspo, Cnl., Oct. 12. Tho pollco nro sonrculng todny for n burglar who was drlvon nway from tho homo of s: Sohaofer by the courngoaiis notion of Robert Solniol- er, tho lK-yeur'Oid . yostoruny j, Young Hcnnoroi flrod two snots it tho Intruder aud frlghtunod him uway before anything wns stolon. Tho youth wns nsloop when the burglar onterud thu houso. Ills paronts woro awny nt the theater nnd when he heard tho footsteps he went down stairs to see what the mutter was. In his mother's room h(t saw a robber going through tho bureau, while his two little slsttirs slept within tjvo feet of tho mnni der. Tho boy Wdilt lulu Win fnMiO-' loom, and securing rt revolver, lie returned md II rod two shots at tho robber. Tho man escaped hurriedly through a window before tho pollco arrived. Young Schaufor has had several encounters with robbers be fore. He wns bonlnn and robbed olght months ago and was In bod for some time as tho result of his Injuries. RECORD MOUNTAIN CMMIHNG 1IY SWISH a Jul ted Pre tinned Wire.) Pnsadonn, Cnl., Oct. 12. Eugene Estoppoy, tho notod Swiss runaer, Is roiling todny after his arduous climb of thu Mount Wilson trail yosterduy In which tho tlmo record to tho toji and return whs broken. Estoppcy started nt l o'clock In the morning nnd nt six o'clock had made throe, trips to tho summit nnd bHck. So far as Is known, tho font has never boforo been equalled In tho Sierra Mndro mountains. Tho total distance, covered Is 43 mlloj nnd tho elovatlon ouo mile. SUPREME COURT AT WORK AFTER VACATION (Uul'.nl I'rrti Lrnied Wlre.j Wiiahlngton, Oct. 12. Tho consti tutionality of tho nntl-robnto law, through nn nppenl of Hnrrimnn rail roada from tho decUlops of tho In terstate commorco commission, will bo among tho Important mnttoru com ing boforo tho Supremo Court which met todny (or tho first session of tho Octobor tornt, Tho court adjourned nfter a brief aosslon to pay tho cus tomary call on the Proaldont, tho JuHtlcos hnvlng been on a vwcutlon since Juno, i o WIRISLESS TALKS ACROSS PACIFIC (United Prc Lodleil Wife.) J Bnn FrnlleUod,- Crtl., Oct. 124 "Governor Freer sOllds Alohn' (o tho peoplo of the Paelflo coast through tho United Press by wireless of tho Hawaiian wlreloss company " Tho abovo whb tho first official mengo flnshod across the Pacific ocenn In the early hours of yoster duy from tho nows station of thor Hawaiian wlrolesa company at Ku hukh Point, nonr Honolulu, Island of Onliu. to Russian Hill, Han Fran clico, a dlstnncu or 3100 miles. '' -- A ,,,), "f DENIAL OF ELKINS AIIRUZ.I ENOAGEMENT Wheeling, W. Va Oct. 12. Mrs. Stephen I). Elklns, mother of Kath MILLIONAIRE MUST FACE ADDITIONAL CHARGES orino Elklns, who Is reported to bo molted rre Leaned wire. the fiancee of the Duko D'AbruzzI, Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 12. August ' reiterates toduy hor denial of tho Hartjo and his attornoyB are prepar-1 engagement rumor. Sho declaroii Ing todny to opnoio the additional that her daughter Is not engaged to charges filed against tho millionaire tho duko or to any other man. manufacturer by his wife Mary I "My daughter has never been en Scott Hartje, who is suing him for gaged, " continued Mrs. Elklns, "and divorce. The case has been set fort when sho K the public will be given Nov. 31. the facts. All of' this talk Is silly Additional charges of Mrs. Hartjo nonsense" include an allegation that HartJe The statement of Mrs. Elklns Is sent agents to Europe for the pur further augmented by the denial of pose of making false testimony 'her daughter. against her. She also charges that her husband paid Trobmm Madlae, a negro coachman, a Ur&e turn of money to leave America and remain la hiding In Ireland, Friends of the family add that the reported displeasure" of tbe Dowager Qjieea, arising over t suit brought against Blaine Elkiaa did not on the leeuaoce ef Ue denial. AMERICANS TOO U'lSE FOR ENGLISHMEN'' (United Vfitt tinted Wire.) London. Oct. 12 Vrw-pnnr re porters will hereafter bu excluded from British war vessels during manouvors of any kind, by order i-f he ndmlrnltv, hocaiitw of tho ntim bor of Americans mploycd on Lon don tmporH. The decision follows tho recent complaints In n&rllamont ot tho completeness of Jnformat'on pro cured by Amorlcan newspapers, con cerning naval movements, doing nnd plans. o BUSINESS MEN RECEIVED IN JAPAN C4iv pu.v himi.j naijuni Yokohninn. Jnpnn,, OcL 12. Tho Pacific coast bslnos men represent 'ng the ohnmbera of commorco on ha coast, are seeing tho sights to day us gunt of tho nllled chambers if commercq of Japan. The Ameri cans havo been fntbuslnstlrnlly wol eij an(j nro tho center of attraction. o An annex to tho Academy of Our 'My of Pernetual Hojp, at Albany,, wh'ch Is soon to be Imllt, will make (hat etmetur one of tk finest of the kind in the etatet,