f PAILT OtriTMy .TorifXAf,. W EM.'ORKOON, STJHAY, OCTOllKR 10, 108. THE CAPITAL JOURNAIL Fekd Yfiiir it U. HOFKR, K1. and Prop. V I L. - 1 m m.aB lllil Upon Vlch. mi , V'i ri independent Nownpapw Derated le imwfciw 1'rlnelplM nJ the I'roxrt atiit Develepesiest of 'All Oreifaa. taking blood's WpmZ will bofreo from ,IT'' U 0 H ft in 8palr,thVoSlce,,leMn!8h;3,t' Published Krcty KycnlBg Kxcept Sunday, 8le, Ore. . . . .1 . i I,, . i . those ItoSX those dv.Ltin "' 'l noik HUHHCRIPTION RATES. (IiivdrUbljf In Advweo.) SMj, br carrier, porjrer - ....,K5.(X) Tor month 60c Dally, by mall,, ptjr rear,.,. ,..,., 4.00 ter month 85o TVkly, by tnftll, pr year. - 1.00 Six months ,.Wc A t'Yj this for mW ou,.wlv '"' " JHJOOd's Saranif In usual liquid form or f rJi!l "naip8. m FORREST SMITIISOT Visits iv ... ! Bl'JBGIAL "hKUyEltY For convenience of subscribers branch delivery offices aro establish ed at tho following places at 36 cones per month, $1.00 for thrco menths: Asylum Storo, F. a. Do Voe & Bon, Asylum Avonuo Junction, Carllno, Sovontcentii street, A. W. La no, Gartlon Road Store. Dane's Btore, Alex. Dauc, SotithCommcrclal tttcct. Electric Storo, O. M. Eppley, Kant Stnto street.4 Fairgrounds Store, Harrison Dee, Fnirgrouads Itoad. Ilowoll's Cornor, Twelfth and Gross streets. O. K. Orocery, A, A, Englebavt, Twelfth street. . Whcolor'a Storo, Y. D. Whcoler, Highland avonuo. Yow Park Store, F. 0. Boworsox, Twelfth and Lesllo. Lane Grocery, Seventeenth stret J. L. Mooro Son, cornor Capitol and. Union streets. West Salem Storo, West Salem. - , Zlnn'a Confoctlonory, 478 Stale utroot. Dr. Stone's, 241 North Commercial streot. Htffman'H Store, North Sixth stroot. German Dakery, corner Twelfth and 'Chemoketa. A ORKAT IIIU 1IROAI) MAN FOR MAYOR Salem has some big problems to deal with this coming yonr. ' 8ALKM NHKIW TlIH 1HOOKST AND HHOAUKST, MAN rOSSMLH yolt MAYOlt. Salem has tlo problem of.a better water supply on Its Viands. Snlom wants n new pnsiengor nnd freight deport from tho Southern Pa cific comptny, HA7jKM' WANTS RKAUTfKIHI) JJKI'OT GROUNDS AIIOUXI) TIIK rAHSKNGKU DKI'OT. Salem want n mayor who. will help got olectrlc railroads extended. Salem wants n mayor who will make n fight for the fair grounds houlovnrd. Till! MORBUACK OCTOPUS HAS IIKHN AHIiK TO PREVENT STREET PAVING AND AN ELECTRIC 8THEETOAH LINK FOR SEVERAL .YEARS. It Is still In tho saddle digging Iti spurn Into tho ribs of tho com in un ity but will ho unhorsed at tho next meeting of tho city council. The city of Albany had spmo yf tho greatest advantages of any city In tho Wlllamotto valloy. It Is tho crossing point of two rail road Dystonia and Ima A GREAT MANY SMALT, AND FLOURISHING INDUSTRIES. It In Mtrroundod.by a fertile grnlh, dairy nnd fruit growing region nnd lino a wldo-awako prosperous popu lation. Dut tho mognlathumplnnn hnvo i. xKKL j&'MrBjfcBzBffmEsSfe$? vmtfMwittflwSWMUUSJr 'm mmT 22J. kWkfcmBkwL'Sml'K firJB Hr m Jfftmi tBBWtbW' t a MB'Ife' H I ' BsnBnflr vBHililisi&R. lbs. flLiflosMftE29Bl BHSSSSflfetfK 't Bfi MwBWIHBji-BBDBHlMMSI SflflJlfln JSUbSk 4B lc V K j jBBk. ' BKIBJ. vId'B' ji IBm wSI I ldBHwBiSt HIBIw-Ihh k Bk- i . -j ds B& t 9- 5 IVIIBIIBBhRK BBB! - a BBB t ABBBBBBVtt W BBBBk BBBBh I BBBBBBBw '4RBVSK4 .zf&' BBHBBKHBk &" m .BBBv 'y WtLlJi.' ' flQn& tm1 HHHe I 'P" "IuRL " Br Mtf A3l ' Mia BTABBI 'i SKt iBBBBBBBBBlM. W?mU BBBBBBBBBBBBmBBbBBBBBBBBBBbIe &JBIBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBI9BBBBBBBBBBBBBr'V BBMBBBBWBllHHIBBBBBBBliBa TIIK ISLK OF SPICK." TIIKItK AUK MANY, MANY DIG THINGS AIlOUT SALKM NKKI) ixiokinc; AI-YrKIt. , Salem needs n lot of flno porma nont bridges erected that will bo .a crodltt o tho Cnpltal City. NO SMAfiTrMINDKI), NARROW GUAGK, NlOKKri-PINGHING MAY- RFKN AIILK TO IUX)OIC AND SCARK TIIK L1FK QUT OF ONK PROOltKSSrVK KNTKRPRISK AI'T Kit ANOTIIKR. ' ' Dut the mos8bock octopus that httB hold down this beautiful valloy city has Its ticket bought .and Its baggngo checked for oblivion whero OH .la wanted by tho people of tho It belongi, Capital City. ThU city has n grand future It FIRST USK owes tho root of the stnto somothlngl for tho Half million that tho stnto cxponds hero annually, OF TIIK RKGALTi IN ORKGON TIIK MOHSMACK OCrOPUS AT ATillANY This nnlmnl that InhnbltH certain portion of tho Wlllamotto valloy dlos h slow death nt Albany. Hut there are Indications that tho death nnd burial of this megn Inthumpls WILL TAKK PLACK BOON UP THKRK. It wns given a rudo shock whou n lot of tho young Iwislnoutt nion built nil opera house a few yoars ngo. , It wnH done without tho coitHout of tho mogalnthumplnn hosts, who had nn old hall THAT WAS 'GOOD ENOUGH TX)R ALRA.NY." Ilut tho opera Iiouho has paid 8 per cont on tho Investment. Tho next stop wns tho eroctlon of tho KLKS HALL AND SOLID HURL NKHS RLOOK on corner First nnd Lyon Blreota, Tho now brook will hnvo an In como of J340O .from rents nnd $C000 from lodgo dtioa. Popular loan bonds wore floated nt fl per cent with no trnuhlo whatovor nnd WITHOUT TIIK AWFUL SANC TION OF TDK DIG FINANCIKHS. Tho Southern Pncflc had surprlsod Itnolf by oreptlng a flno now passon gor depot, which tho town will soon outgrow. rP 1 O U T U N I T I K S TO "iUSE VSUAIiLY aLT FOR HEADY MQNKY. HAVE YOU ANY? YOU CAN HAVE IF YOU WILL SAVE A LITTLE EACH PAY DAY AND DEPOSIT WITH US WHERK IT WILL EARN MORK, HEOIN HY SAVING SOME, NO MATTER HOW LITTLE. A raso has boon mndo up In Lin coln county which will constitute tho first tiso of tho recall In Oregon. Tho clrcumstnnccs scorn to bo ns follews: Tho county court LET A CONTRACT TO IIUILD A PIKCK OF HIGHWAY to MnmcB Kent of Waldport. i Tho vork wan to coHt $400, wa "" r " " " " "" dono nnd wai accepted on tho pnrt the oxpenso of tho county tnxpayors of tho cwinty ly Commissioner HK SHOULD UK KKCALLKD. Fogarty and paid for. Tho puoplo aro going to make an Tho road uuporvlsor found that oxamplo of nollgont public olllclals tho rond Inntond of bolng olght feet who fall to .porfornt tholr duty or wldo In cortaln dnngerous pluco WAS obHorvo tholr oath of olllco. ONLY SIX AND A HALF TO SKVKN I-'KKT WIDE. One William F. Kcady presonted nflldnvlts from roputablo wltnoBso's to this effect nnd fllod it petition for the recall. Bovornl road Buporvlsors condemn the now rond ns n "half-pitch trail" THAT SHOULD NOT HK ACOKITKD HY THE COUNTY. It Is el a tin od by Commissioner Fognrty's dofondods that ho Is tho victim of n polllcal conspiracy. Tho Newport Mall oharges that GROUP FROM TIIK FAMOUS AMKRICAN I1KAUTV CHORUS IN "A KNIGHT FOR A DAY" AT TIIK GRAND NK.VT THURSDAY. - l1 In this enso Mr. Fogarty boars tho reputation of being nn honost man and PROHAHLY AT TIIK WORST HAS MARK A MISTAKE. If th!s h tho only mlatnlio ho hn? inatlo In hU caroer as a member of tho county cQitrt ho should not condomnod for It. . i uv -0 You tnho Kodnl Jiut for a llitle whll wtitu you Hnv- si xiu nttaeki of.lndlgtlou, and vnu 'ki' It Jirt a HU19 longer m ord.M to. set relief DIPTHER1A RRKAKS OCT will bo placed under quarnntino and AROUND COOS HAY that two' special' honlth otncorB will (United lTmM Leaned Wire.) )C appolntod to nsBlst tho sTioriff In Marshflold. Or., Oct. 10. Sovor- tho ,10ttUh (ioinrtui)iit work. al canon of dlptherla hityo been dl.- coyored on Coos Day, four cases . nlono having boon veportod In Marsh'- ,,,., Never Worry ., . , . "",D, about a cough thoro's no need of Hold. Ono man. brought hero trbm worry If you wljl treat It at It's first Prosper dlod tho dny after he wns appearance with Dnllnrd's Ilarohoiuid taken s'ek. Dr. MlngMH, tho city Syrup. It will Btop tho cough nt s?2. suir "."" "::i! ? K saayflsssss: .....m, .m.v i,. a0JU uy al, (luaiors. thojo cns which hnvo dvolopod . n iJtnve been of an oxtioni'oly 'mallyr nnnt typo. .Some nlnrm U folt In Curry conn, ty.. It I likoly that Gold Ilea eh ... 4,,u.i ..,. ounrKw w from-Mwe.IUieto lit iwllUon or Kcndy wanted tho nomination for ,prvoil inMa. Try Kodol th- nitniin aalnnnr A'I WANTS 1f I1XV EVEN WITH IWIAHTY. It la chnrgod that It Is n oonsplr noy to turn Lincoln county over to Ilrynu, nnd nays pooplo will vote for ROTHCHILDSGKT RI-rillND HARRIMAN (Unltoi) l'ttca I.eiiBeil Wire.) ' Now York, Oct. 10. Tho financial world linrn tmlnv la liitnfnu.nil In U110 KnOCir-OUt IJlOir. thO 'torv bah'ncl tho nnnminonmnnt Tho blow which knocked out Corbotl t,,nt tllt l'nklt!g (Inn of Kuht, Iio.b day. BoM by al" drutglsts. o- II K GIJTH DIG LHGACY RUT KKKI'S ON S1IOVRLING Will amtport, P Oct. lO.John nrynn rnthor'thnn see Fogarty made rQneknbnb Packard. neHiow of the victim of tho recall. Ju" Q- Pnoknrd. the nillllonnlru It woliiil worn to bo nlnlnlv a ottos- who. died in Fa.ntn CniE. Calif . last wouk. lofvlug an fttnto of twenty millions, l sbnvlllH coal tody In the bollora In the Stumnfo Prick Works. h'e h ha- bon otn Ployod nt $1.50 a day 'or n year. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK tlon of facts. Tho contract called for n highway WITH A GOOD SOL ID KIGHT-POOTROADHED." County CointntBslonor Fogarty ac coptod u road that by tho uhowlnc of tho witnesses wns only six and a ll Ws Infarmed tho otljor day that no nnu lanen noir to $10,000 of it's uncle's estate, and calmly wont to work again shoveling coal. Ho deolnred that ho had expected sonto money, but not so much. "I am going to get rlgltt on work ing," he said, "nnd when I get tho. money I shall Invaa It In roal ci tato." Paoknrd wns Informed of his rich nia a revelation to tho prUo flBhtnrs. & Co. will flnntico the $7,120,000 i .inn iiiu ouniint uajs u. .niu ring Ml KtioynKJiH diow was aimed for the Jaw, tho ttfmplo or th jugular voln. Stomach punohia woro thrown in to worry and wnr' tho lighter, but If n scientific mnn had told onuof tho old flgUUjw thut the. vr.aat uluurallo spot wus tho region of the btomuch, ho'd havo laughed at him tor a,u Igrioraratts. Dr. Pierce U brlnglnB howoto tho public a parallel facts that lln( bWinaCVyls the most vulncrablo orjin out of ho rriw ring as v. ell as In It. W proUct li'ir.ht-W. throats, feet anil lunir. but thesJSritoVwo aro utterly IndifTcr- mw io, unui uiseivyMinus tno solar Mexus for the St. Louis and 'Frisco rnll wuy syatom, h tho determination of tho Rothchllds to quit tho Dolmont Intorosts lit tho country nnd to finance - the Ilarrlmnn lines in the future ift tho samo comes tho in formation thnt Kuhn, Loeb nnd com pany will finance tho Rock Island system and th'a li takoh to moati that Ilarrlmnn has' made poaco with hit rlvivl. The- v-affaro between, tho South half to sovon foot wldo In places. Tito county paid for nn eight-foot road bod, nhd got ono THAT WAS NOT I'P TO THE SPKCIFIOA TIONS. "" If Mr. Fogrty did" vhat ho Is no cti8od of 'ho hu certainly made a mUtako, and may bo tho first victim of tho rocnll. IF lHHATICS AND SPITE WORK ENTKR INTO THE MATTER, ns Is le8no " tho foroman of tho hrlcft - "- . w..w wv.H. JV,1ti anu miuchj usuuu .MiKe your ttomnrS ' " ...-..- ..- tmi" ani itronj- hvt'hi li.e'QTy"' I orn Pacific Interoits pnd the Rock yjKiiiii&lJS Island system Is salrf to be at an y !- 'i't.. iii"r:i id vim r innvi t'li oui. j m . Z-GMnan ino companies -ror tno two charged, tho people of Lincoln coun ty may see through U and may not recall him. 4 County governments aro n matter of tittiss administration and THE CCMMISSIONER IS AN HONEST My D MAY HAVE MADE MISTAKE. The Cnpltnl Journal would not like to see tho law abused on the first I rial and hopos that tho matter may be sifted, If Commissioner Fogarty lot tho contractor oK easy to favor him at work, who had paper. read It In a news- you f.tirt .cimIQo vonr inoriiTnMr. it-".. inu "uuiacn Medical Discover!" cures 'weuk ttouiacb," Indigestion, or 8y3ton,s aro 8ld to have formed 1 dysM!la, torpid liver, bad, thin and' Itn-.trnfllc agroement whereby they will .pnro dlowl nd other diseases of U, or- 'not enter each other' territory. The afiei&cKal7i52Sr,-hM. ,Fr,8C0 8y8te" be,on3 to the R0ck ippolflc curstivo effect upon nil mumus '8'ftn(l. surfai-oa m.i henco cures catarn., no The money for tho deal was raised :s5tAsi! ry th, Rrh,,,d who ar sa,fdt,to i well Ui cUtnso tho passugt-s with P.- lmvo aba"doneil tho financing of tho bdgo's Cutarrh Itemed? fluid wbllo uslni Delmont Interests and joined with the-'Dlfcovory-asaronstltutlonul rem-'Kuhn. Loeb nnd company to finance ecy. H Ay th "Go Urn Modlcal DIm-oy, u ,1 ,' ... , .1 erv- cure. catarrhal di. l! Vf , V1 a tne Harrlmnn interest in tha - - - -- - , w, ' COFFEE Why Schillings Best ? Because it' is best and your money is yours if you think you don't find it so, Yenr rw rrtuin Tour mpnty It im Oaml Uk h; fit hB t tntnuch, bowt'ls, bladder and other fU' orgupa will Im plain to votf It vou t,' nad a bogU.t of extracts from tt..i wri tnfe of etnluent medu-aj autUir ..i-h. d duiliir lv Ingredients and ipUln' their curatlo proprtU U Ls maiV rnvrtn mi"W Addre Dr. ItV 1'l.u. DuKa!, N, V. TUii Ux.Uol glv.w mi 1: Ingrvdtcnti entering luto Dr I rr. medlclntu from which It will U seen Aa they contain not a drop yf alcohol, pur trlplo-rofineo glj rerlno Uiug uh.hJ iuw Dr. Pierce's grtvtt tuoianid-pagv tit ,, w-sted Comtunn Stmt) Meillcal Ad - will U u-nt free. patMr-ttnud, f. r o. ent statntw, or cloth bound lor3J iUmui AMtmt Dr. Vtorw m iJtigv. United States Th deal was completed with dramatic swiftness in thirty minutes during which tho Rock Island people changed their bankers. They . baJ an agreement under -way wltja other bankers and went to Kuhn, Loeb and comnanv" and asked fbr terms. Tbo terms vera arranged, with tbe 'con sent 'of Harriman, U is uadarsteod, an4 the Rock Islaad yi4.ekjiigi the'r bankers on a few Minute notice. LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT'' JbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI PVP "1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB m Jr" kT LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVViiiiHV-IHiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pr71' JrfflisHBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiH MkkkmLkm - kw ''fWkkkkkkkkkkkkWBkkkkkkm b ''k -ijsHsiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiHHisiiiSHBtnisiiH iiiiiiiiiiBiiiViiHiiHHiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHbfatM1! HWHHr MMkmJBmL WL tkkkw'iittMUtkwBkmkBSkkwkkkt L-WHRF" :jHW JU&ttmLWLWkUA A JSkWtkWkkkmkwkMnkkWkkWBUkkkkm iiiiiiiiiiiK c&tBklkUkkkkWF m -Jkkw likkkkw7 tUkkm iiiiiiiiiiiB' .'VflliiiH 4Wm- f kmbr Jr'kkkY kkm Mk I . J I' W- .1 kWr ' f . Nr3LilllllllllllllllllllllllHHillllH " lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllKH InjgFLiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiW v l"i. JJjJHkWIkmLWkWkEZJ&U "ssl0. ;.. a is v . ...r? past week, v siting t,i- ., u Kf..'" ,, " "l"18 ns tame p!U9ll smllonnd Boomod glad to rlslt o!i v. ..6u,,i, nero no vas 1 It Is better to cum , m.i. ,, , . . . " " 'HUB COM iuuu 10 who cnancei ri ....: tlon. Tho best e.-, .... .. .' Bnlsnm. Druggists tll i. .? -.i en- ...... " iiiu ouu a uuiiip. It Is said that at Macon v ,., , . . . kihhuu a oaoy and tho ttoti wild." It is likely that it. .,v 01 tno baby led In the riot. -a Lane's Family Medldm savo nil doctor bills, but nn UJ gooa simro of thorn. Onej ling package Iiob kept a wholi! In good health for a year. After nil, thoso canned pro not cutting a very wide its hb tho campaign progresiei. WuUuBTOHLIA, In the loner run It rtnMti't ni. run a blind pig it Is wre to njis iiivi ti niniv What Would You Do If thrco good physiciau should pronounce your ease hopeless. If they should decide Hint you could not live louccr thaa six weeks. And if you should get well, niter .us ing only $12.00 worth of Dr. Miles' Ilcart Cure ari Nervine, what would yo advise a friend in like co dition to do? "1 Havo to thank m 'C,J!J,S continued with, llur" (Jxtor w l Ultra nocior. .""..VISiKiS ones. Httld tljat notUnewl J tor ncr, mm nim iu - ,;.-, homo from the hospitf iovMrm her lime, which would not hrt" weeks ni the rowt u I.J'iS --.-.- in iiiiiuuuk - . - might help h.r. so I t.rrt encn ana Bomo.ncr "-. 'vi ona commenced to pt wo aoon neen nn ni,,v"",r:; j . 1I1B HID I11CUI" " - ".ll.lrrt. St boltlcs In nil Of , (3 taken It occasionally now fj tho need. I ntn I' the,ioinuu" Dr. Miles' Heirt Curt l " your druooW. wl" Bu.' .1 it 5 the first bottu will m """ he will refund your moner. MUes Medical Co.. EWaitW Huie Wing Sang C5 Wo mnko u- an kiuu. -nd 'white underwear. wi' " . ........ nil kin" monas anu "" . , .y. gentlemen's ard M goods; all kinas 01 - -goods; hose, suit, ..PJ."S blankets, neckwear, """", waro, trunks, orauru.uv., otc. . j .r AtmrtlnlMl SI. lll A. IIIHHI" .. .Il.k I Dknna 44 Main 1 ' C. W. YANNKE proprtator ' THR FiSHION sn Cabs and Livery, all B Rubber i .m. MlKA nvnbi'rrMi It Is wortn wum, - M .rMtd yet tne v -. r ---. sKWii AVV .-.ms Sll$.CO"