tEfj&H'fKS'iT' TCfVP' "" "' : 't I JT r - n Tf3 '' T w ii Hail -. r rnL vnn SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY-, QCT01HSU 10, 1008. NO. 810, UNCHANGED . JIl ... nilltttal auraal JMWUUj!HillM BALKANS WAR SITUATION MMISSISSIPPI CONORESS fllfT FOR OREQON IMPROVEMENTS MPORTANT MEASURES ENDORSED I! COMMERCIAL CONORESS ' (CrlKd 'Ten Leased Wire.) Sis Francisco, Oct. 10. Follow ; lithe net result of tho flvd days' llta of tho Nineteenth Annual l-iM-Mlislsslppl , congress that ad ivtti hero todny, aB qxprossod in o!tlom. L-Annunl appropriation of $50,- I'MOO for tfio Lakoi-to-Qulf wator- linKhemo until It Is completed. J Appointment of n commission : (limine and report on Improve latof Mnro Island navy yard, Cnl. 1 1 -An appropriation of $2G9,2f0 the Improvement of San Diego L-bcr v (Contlnuod on Page 5.) NARROW. ; ESCAPE IN AUTO 2 AT fOUNDERS RAY CELEBRATION ' (United Pi ess I.eiucd Wire.) Philadelphia, Pa., Oct, 10. Mlchoner, tho during driver of tho Lozlor car In tho ante races over tho otght-mllo course at Falrmount Park, today cscapod death by a hair's breadth, whon his big nin chine turned 'turtle whllo going at u terrific r'nto of speed. Tho crowd Which, Jias bcotl watch ing tho rnco thought botli Mlchoner nud his mechanic undoubtedly had heou killed, Tho mnchjno wont over in n groat cloud of jrlusL Whon tho crowd rencl)od tho spot and tho dust cleared, Mlcheiior w.ib Boon standing besldo tho car, calmly lighting n f S cvy M Continued on naiso flvo. ,f f W r IB I MAYOR RODGERS DECLINES BIG SIGN REMOVAL CAMPAIGN Mnyor Rodgors is fjrm In refusing to1 allow his namo to ho brought up ngaln for Mayor, but- it is1 under- stood will take tho' place again If It is forced upon hlnu-.HIs roaBons for 'declining aro that it takes so touch of his tlmo hti has noglcctod his prlvato Interests. Tho offlco is ope that any man can koop hlmsolf busy with from morning until night,, and aB It is tho mayor's' disposition to look nftor things shnrply, It )ms made n greater demand on his time than ho can afford to eIvo, nud' the sacrifice of one man for four yeard Is too much to ask of any buslnosH man. Cnuumlgn AKttliiNt Signs. Tho Rtrlngont campaign against' signs I) piiBhod with great vigor by Mayor Rndgcrs. Yesterday by per sonal notification of tho chlof of police tho old Journal offlco Algn ifiGrlTfNG BOB'S" SON i- IS GUILTY M ESCAPE WITH REPRIMAND f - M THREE TRUE BILLS ARE RETURNED THIS MORNING BY GRAND JURY (Halted tree Leeied Wire.) Manila, P. I., .Oct, 10. It Is. stated hero today following tho doparturo of tho Atlantic 'fleot for Japan, thut Lloutontnt Prank T. EvanB, son of Rear-Admiral Bob Evans, has bootl found guilty of tho chargo Of being absent from his station whllo acting as officer o( tho dock, using profane and disgraceful languago to a'su porlor offlcor and Intoxication. -It Is stated hero that tho court martial that has. been trying EvanB found him guilty and recommended that ho bo reprimanded but not dismissed from tho service ' .Tho papom In tho cs'wnro in tho. hand or Hoar-Admiral Sporry and will bo examined on tlio culso to Japun. Tho rosult Imb not boon of ficially annpuncod but tho Informa tion that ljvnns wn found guilty nivwn'TMiavrtZt.-3rr- 'JSS&X'.?-' :f Now Is the Time foil LAWKS' COATS, SUITS, MILLINKHY, RUKSS, GOODS, SILKS, IWUMII, VMMSIlWRAIt, RLANKI71S, FLANNELS, MI2.VS GOODS, WHhS, DHKSS SKIRTS, OHILRHKN'S COATS, SHOES .-.ml nil W of Heavy floodn suitable for Winter wear. WB AUK II 12 IMS Knil T1H2 OOODS. The crentest valiio evCr hIiowii bi Balem. :ine Silks and ress Goods Tlousandj of ynrds of tho lut- JBcltlurg and Waitings now 18 U1 at small prices. ' ' 25c, 35c, 49c, ojc and up rapper iannelettes aeauds of varrt- nf , i d prettieu pntterna now 81-3c. 10r 21 -2c and up WeWthePr0a,-. ....... . - n,"'i vui'jes in 19 n lle fo luwine con.1,. 8IERY" l'XDERWEAB. rmT BLANKETS, FLANNELS l!fERVEAIl. n.m. l"N'DRRWEAn -,..., lVt. ' " i. SUOpo rixo. and MEN'S Aim ' ai ' Ifii' n If IImI M I K 1 Ml I I The Salem Hardware Co. (INCORPORATED) 120 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET. ' Will open its doors for " business on Monday 1 Morning, October 12, and beg to inform the public they will carry a full line of Hardware, Mechan ics' Tools, Cutlery and Silverplated Ware, Stoves and Ranges, Tinware and Enameled Ware, Paints, Oils and Glass. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. A full line of HEATH and MILUGEN'S Paints and Varnishes. ' Threo indictments woro handed down by tho grand Jury this morn ing, as follews: Stato vs. ChnrloB Mooro. Tho do fondant In this Indictment is charged with dofaclng tho w'nlla of a build ing bolonglng to Ambroso Brooks In tho town of SIlveAon, by tearing down n beor fllgn contrary to tho ctatutcs provldod for Btich casqs. An lndictmont was found against Edward Murray charging hm with larcony from a dwelling. Murray was arrested In this city on tho 21st. of last month for tho nbovo charge, ho having entored tho room of a Salem man by the namo, or ponaer and stolon an ovorcout vuluad at $22.l0, A truo b'lil. was also hnndod down by the grand Jury .igalnst James A. Waiker, which , nccusoH him of breaking Into S. Oakl's restaurant horo and Botnllng Bovornl cooking utonnlls,. cigars, a field glass and n watch, Including other porsonnl property bolonglng to tho proprietor of tho eating Iioubo. In tho coso of Hill and Pojlor vs Stato, tho dofoudanti plead guilty to tho chargo of violating tho nlcklo-In-tho-Blot machlno law and paid n flno of $10. v o SERVIA IS IN HANDS OF MOBS MAY COMPEL KING TO ABDICATE . (United rrwii I.eflfpd Wire.) Dolgrado, SorvlR, Oct. 10. Servla mtiBt doclaro war ngaliiBt Austria or bo torn to plocos by Btrlfa within hor boundaries, That Is tho situation horo today and tho government roalllies Its prodicatnont. Tho mobs which have thronged the cities woro rolnforcod tpday by tneh thc.tuands vho havo como In from tho country dltrlctu and all wildly cry for war. Great crowds flockod about tho parliament building today. Thou sands gathered about the royal palaco and all public building. I'lvqrywhoro W o nemana (or OOOOOOOO .Detroit, Oct. 10. -Chicago won tho baseball gamo over Detroit by a scoro of 10 to 0. 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 i war 1'IIKHHYTKIIIAN HVXOl) IN CONVI2.NTI0N (8JI.U pjiui uu.i vma) that stuck out Into tho afreet about comda from an apparontiy rollablo eight Inches had to como down. It has adorned tho front for 20 years but undor tho now order of thing became offensive and tho editor radly took It down and will havo art eloctrlc sign like that of the Stan dard Liquor company erected, which complies with tho new ordinance i . o jODDS FIVBTOTWO FOR, KLKCTIO.V OF TAFT (United fret I.tnird Wire, I If you want to get tho best val ues in this part of tho world la Lades Suits and Coat now is your time; thoy are going IJUe wildfire. It's the small prices that does it. WOMEN'S SUITS. $7.50, $10.B0, 312.50 and up. WOMEN'S COATS, $1.03, $0.9S, $0.00 and up. JlftL'S COATS. 91.95, $2.95, $'A.OQ, $4.50 and up. CHILDREN'S COATS, $1.50. $2.00, $3.50 and up Sterejtat SavdE Yu Monty OregOfl source. -o I1I2AHST SUFI) FOIt $1,0,000 I-X)U AUTO UlItB (Unl'.td I'reat Leased Wire.) ' Memphis, T"enn Oct, 10. G. Howard Denby, claiming to repro sent a syndicate, today Pays ho Is niualtlnt. lolnra nt K in 9. nrilln nil any part of 1,000,000 that he Is valuable papers and flles'from tho San Francisco, Oct. 10. Within five days William R. Hearst must nnawor tho summons that ho has In his possession today, Issued against him in a suit for $10,000 for auto mobile hire. Tho account wa brought before Judge Morgan by Sol J. Levi, who ulleges that he removed willing to bet on Taft for President. A portion of his money waB taken hero and Denby claims to have placed $100,000 already. Denby is from New York and de clares he will visit every large city In Vhe United States to place monej advantageously. Have you yet found yourself lr tie whirl ui the political excltenent? office of the Examiner during the fire of 1906. Two automobiles woro used in the transportation of Ex aminer property and .Levi considers the -amount a fair compensation, The bill was prcsonted to the Ex aminer two years ago and was re pudiated. Hearst was served with the suBimoH after leaving the Cen tral Theater lt night. He refuted to dlscuse the ntMr. Ashland, Or., Oct. D.-Tho Pre- bytorlan Synod of Oregon convono'l at Ashland yostorday for Its aniuipl session which continues through to day und Saturday. Presbyterian churches In all parts of Orogou aro rapresontod by ministers and luy delugutes, ami a number of matters of Importance in addition to routine busluess aro to como boforo tho gath ering, chief among which is a propo sition to simplify tho proceedings and lHBliieit of the synod by centralis' Ing Its working force and making It less unwJeldly by reducing tho num ber of commltteo through whom leg islation la. reported upon and adopt ed. Tho first session was held this aft ernoon in tho main auditorium of the First Presbyterian church of this city and was marked by tho addro of the retiring moderator, Rv. W. 8. Gllbort of Astoria, and routine bus iness matters. Doforo tho clotjo of tonight's session a now moderator will bo choBon tq preside over tho de liberations of tho synod during the remainder of Its session. Ashland l entertaining the visi tors and extending the hospltaltles of Its home to 'them. . n Mr. L. D. Wood of Slietz. Or., and ; hot ehot Into the Ooroocrata. Mies Phoebe Rhodes, of Albany. Tho West galo Republicans held were united In marrl"K0 a the' a rally Thnrdy, night at which C, home of the bride's mother, Thiim-jL. trr, W. 0. WlBiJow,-Sotor T. dav noon, and left on the afternoon B. Kay, Reurewntatlvo H. D. Patton train for their future home at the .a n. Lot Prc tuade ad illwt, 'dreeee. '.'Wo want the blood of Austria,'1 Is the oy. "Aro tho Servians cow nrds, that thoy hosltnto to dofend tho honbr of tholr" nation?" Tho ngltijtorn call tho offlclrtls of tho government trnltofs to tho peo ple nnd donouncn thorn aB cravens. Thoro It much tnlk ngatnBi King; Potor anr bitter criticism of his at titude Tho mob was rnglng through tho atreuts until after midnight and nt dawn tho demonstration vna ro Bumod. Tho pooplo want war, Thoy havo no fenr of tho result. Tho furious hatred of AMstrla In tho nubile mind has drlvon out all pos sibility of nrgumout or roauon hav ing any wolght. Tho situation Is by far tho gravont tho country has faced In years, The heads of tho ' government depart ments hnvo boon called togothor nud King rotor Is with hl advisors. Ab U;o king's hold on tho thro'no is none ton secure, It Is-bolloved be lieved ho will bo forced to doclaro war, us othorwlso ho phobnbly will bo dethroned a tho rcBult of a revolutionary movambnt which al ready Is -fwld to bo under way. , London, Oct. 10. -M. IswolBky, Russian forolgn minister, todny ndd cd a now sonsatlon to tho Hnlkan ini brlgllo by Issuing a itatomout giv ing Jhu llo to Forolgn M'uiator Von Aorenthal,, of AiiHtrla. Islowsky says that Aoronthal lied Svhen ho said that Iswolsky knew nbout Ausfrla's plnn to annex Hor zpgovlnu und Hoslun long boforu It. took place. Tho Itti8lan diplpmnt said that h know nothing whatever of such n settlement on the part of Austria, and ho said ho rosonted bitterly the Inference that ho, lis tho ruprcson tutlve of Russia, was awaro ot the Hottloment In advance Ho In timated that It waB nn effort to put Russia. In a bad light boforo tho other powers. RBPUHLICAN OtUR HOLDS ' A HUCOBHHPUL RALLV With President McNary n th chair tho Salem Taft and Sherman club ' puljed off a successful Iraftly last night nt Hurst hall. Speeches woro mnilo by Judgo-.Morolaud, Judge 'Wwbstnr of Portland, Mayor Rpilgers, H. K. (Hover and Senator J. N., Smith. Mayor Rodgprs pourod rfNdnll'flfN' St- . i J,