M. . )i Jfci DAILY CAPITAL JOUIINAL, SALEM. ORKGOV. WHnPAY, OCTOllKn 8, 1008. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 14. UOFKIt, Kd. B1 Prop. a Independent Newspaper De-TOtcd to American Principle! nnd thu Pronrcw nnd I)0Tclo)cment of All Oregon. I'liitllMied Hvery livening Kxcept Sunday, Snlcra, Oro. i ift ....... .... . . ... i i ' SUHSOUIPTION HATES. (Invtirliblr tu Advance) Daily, by currier, per jrcrA. .'.M.00 Per month Mo Dally, by mall, per year. '. 4.U0 Per month 130 Weekly, by mall, per vor 1.00 Six month -..We !vWv45ta- ii Wj?32jfi (ONhOSS 1LABEC ZT? f' rr SI'KCIAL DEMVKltV For couvonlonco of Htibscribora branch dollvory ofllcos tiro establish ed nt tin; following places at 3C cones per month, $1.00 for thrco menths: Asylum Storo, F. a. Do Voo & Sin, Asylum Avenuo Junction. Cnrtlno, 8ovontoonth Btrcot, A. V. Lane, Gardon Reed Storo. Dauo's Storo, Alex. Dauo, SouthCommorclal street. Electric Storo, C. M. Epploy, East Stato Btrcot. FalrgroundB Storo, Harrison Dee, Fairgrounds Road. Howoll's Cornor, Twelfth and Cross atrcotu. O. K. Grocery, A. A. Englobart, Twolfth Btreot. Whcelor's Storo, W. D. Wheeler, Highland avonuo. Vow Park SJLoro, F. O. BoworaDX, Twolfth and LobIIo. Lnno Grocory, Seventeenth Btrct J. L. Mooro & Son, cornor Capitol and Union stroots. , ' West Salem Storo, West Salorri. Zlnn'a Confoctlonory, 478 Stnto utroot. Dr. Btono's, 241 North Commorrdal Btreot. Huffman's Storo, North Sixth Btreot. Gorman Dnkory, cornor Twolfth and Chemokota. THE TEXT-ROOK EVIL. The greatest foo of the public schools 1b the manipulation of text books. It nffoctH tin; pupils, distresses the teachers AND IMPOVERISHES PA ItENTH. A child of 12 going to school with 20 pounds of textbooks Is remark nblo. A child of 12 having to have four dollars worth of textbooks Is n hum bug. HOW SHALL THIS EVER HE IlEMKDIED? Beyond a chan'go in arithmetics, was thero any need of a chango In textbooks? Cnn any tonclior glvo a clear, lucid and ein-nmhlglouH reason WHY ANY OTHER TEXTBOOK SHOULD HAVE 1IEEN fWANOED? The tcachoru and children of one gonoratlon had barely bocomo famil iar with tho bookH (the tools of ed ucation) thjy had when thoro woro "ALTERCATION IN ALBANY I WOMAN'S LEADS TO SHOOTING (Special Correspondence.) Albany, Oct. 3. A very unpleasant nffalr occurred Thursdrty evening be tween J. II. O'Brien, editor of the Albany Dally Herald, and Fred San dors, nn omproyo of tho Albany Iron Vcrk Inn dispute Sanders struck O'Brien, knocking him down. O'Brien then left Sanders standing on tho Btroet. In a few moments ho re turned, walked up to Sanders, pull ing a rovolver nnd firing. Tho bullet Jtnt missed Mr. Sander'! fnre, which was severely burned by the powder. Next morning the case was brought up before Deputy District Attornoy Galo Hill, and, upon O'Brien's prom ising to leave tho Btatc for good was dismissed. As a result of tho affair, Sanders hnB n very sore face, nnd C. G. Burkhart's real estate building hns a lnrgo bullet hole as a reminder of , tho occurrence. O'Brton turned tho ' paper over to Y. G. Free'man, the fonnor editor, Pheasant Shooting. Tho Chinese ohoasant3 are not as plentiful as tiny were a couple of days ngo, a big hole having been mado In tho number yesterday. Theatres Sold. "Dreamland" and "Wondorlnnd," ' Albany's two up-to-date mov'ng pic ture shows, have been sold to J. A. .Stewart, of Portland. George F. NovlnB, of tho Oregon Electric, was a. business visit hero yesterday. L. e. w. ADD CHURCHES Unitarian Church. The Rpv. .1. A. Crugon, field agent Pacific Department of Unitarian churches, will preach Sunday morn ing at Unity church, cornor of Cot tage nnd Chemekctn streets. 10-3-lt THE CALIFORNIA POMOTION COMMITTEE RULLETIV Recognition of tho great possibil ities which Ho in California for In- est taken in them that many bnnk3 mado Btrenuous efforts to get them., Mining in California Is rocolvlne attention, and many new mines nro being opened. In several cputlcs old mines which have been cioso.d, somo The Kidneys When thoy nro weak, torpid, or stagnant, tho wholo system sufTorg. Don't neglect thorn nt this time, but heed tho warning of tho aching back, tho bloated face, tho sallow complexion, tho urinary disorder, and begin treatment nt onco with Hood's Sarsaparilla which contains tho best and safest curative, Btibntanccs. In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs, lOOdoaesSU SILVERTON SCHOOLS Sllvorton schools opened Monday with nn ourollmont of 344 pupils 270 in tho publlo schools and Cfi In tho high school. TIi'b Is said to bo tho larcest ourollmont ever nlnced swooping nhhngos. ion rocord nt tho opening days of It would Hcom as If thorn could ho huIioo! In Hint city, ami more instruc textliook nn tho Important brunches ' tors nro omploycd than ovor bofori-. THAT AIM! ALMOST CLASSIC. ' At no previous tlmo havo tho school For Insttinco, has thoro boon any sinrtod under more favorablo condl ronl Improvement in rending, arlth- ttont nnd tho coming yenr bidB fnl: motlc nnd grammar? i to break nil previous records In tho Did the youth of fifty years ngo ! history of educational pursuits In not LEARN THE COMMON BRANCH Sllvorton. ES liKTTKIt THAN TODAY? Tho tenchors fn tholr respective Tho navigator or tho mirvoyor of , dopnrtmonti and iwunbors of pupils llfty yonrs ngo know,bl.i mnthomatics contained In each dopartmont nro bh bottor, know moro geography, nnd follews: Pint gmdo, Miss Mnrl COULD CHART BETTER THAN , OJortaon, HO pupils; second, Miss THE SEAMAN OF TODAY. Bertlm Allon. 12; third, Miss Bossle Tlio nnmo Is truo of carpontry, of Sorvlro, 41: fourth, Miss Nolllo PnU leather nnd motnl workors and tox- 33; fifth, Mi's Ethel Smith, 24; sixth tlio fabrics. JMIss Walda M. Brandt, 32; sovonth THERM WAS MORE DOINO and olichtli. Miss Gertrudo M. Quick. THINGS AND LESS OF TEXT- r,7. and the high crhno). Prof. W. L. HOOKS. liny, principal and Professors L. P. Tho man who will tnko Ills boy Miller and Tlios. Conory, nsslstant nnd g'rls to town AND TICACir principals, GG. THEM TO STUDY THE MARKETS Tho seventh and ol&ht grndos have thoy will learn ogrlculturo that is boon transferred from tho public practical and resultful. Bchool building to tho high fqhool Tho innrlceta nro tlio bont toxlbnoks building and the tenchor will bo na ln ngrlculturo tliat can bo put In nHHtod by Instructors from tho high boy's hands. 'school. Tho toxthoolc may tell him about Tho board of directors has put THE SCIENCE OF AGRICULTURE, ' forth every effort to rollovo tho horo HUT THE REAL DOING WILL toforo crowded condition of school ATONE TEACH RIM FARMING, .rooms nnd has rondorod It possible Tho multiplicity of textbooks is f0r tho pupils to nocompllBh groator tho manifestation of lanlnetts. nrJilovoinont- In tho work than ha THEY TAKE CHILDREN AWAY OVor hnforo boon their good fortune. FROM RE L EDUCATION INSTEAD m the public school tho tonchoia OF ENLIGHTENING THEM. omployod nro contpetort. most of The nctlvo child whose m'nd oek thorn iinvlng had nnrmnl school train expression Is DOING THINGS, MAK- jng nnd broad oxporlonce In toarh 1NO THINGS, CREXTIVG THINGS, g. Tho high school faculty Is pro!.. IS DWARFED 1IY TEXTBOOKS ni,v atmorlor to tho avoraco In vostors was glvon during thd month for 25 y0ftr3 havo boon reported un of September, beginning with th0idcr modorn methods, with Reed re bidding on San Francisco's municipal bonds, and tho eagerness displayed by outside capitalists for all sorts of municipal tind lndnistrlnl bonds throughout th state. San FrancU co'b bonds were bid for fifteen times ovor, nnd Immediately after tholr purchaso by tho brokers, thoy found enlc in tho east at a good profit to tho orlginnl purchasers, Reports received by tho California Promotion committoo ;from other parts of California show 'that simi lar desire for good securities tj evi denced, Tho issue of, Lob Angeles good road bonds wni in Immediate demand, and so great was the Intor- Bank Clearings Los Angoloi ,, . . Oakland Sacramento Pan Dlogo Fresno . . . Stookton . . Snn .lose . Building Permits suits. Heavy oro strikes aro re ported from .Trinity, Siskiyou, El Dorado and Nevada counties and many Nevada miners nro prospect ing In tho mountain couuclos of Cali fornia. t Largo numbers of small farmers aro coming to the state, and there Is good domand for imall tracts. Ef forts nro being made to bring nbout large colonization of farmers from Kent, England," into the hop districts of tho ftnto. Tho following summary piveB Cal ifornia conditions, front AugtiBt 20 to September 28, Inclusive: $148,049,C72.3ri 38,Cril,Sr4.70 0,107,478.58 3,804,438.24 3,257,780.07 2,401,785.55 2,44 0,024.01 2,030,453.71 $3,7911,543.00 805,524.00 405,142.30 228,550.00 'io.VoV.oo MORE TlfAN HELPED. o- Corn above 80 cunts a biiHhol In chargo of Oregon schools. Prof. V. L. Ray completed h's proparntorv work at Wnguonburg nondomy, Clilcago as this ihohs of "food" , WngnosJirg, Pa., and Is n graduiito linliie ehnniio.ll 1h iinilnr.tirniliiotlnn nf the Unlvorslty of Oregon. Ho 1m " 'I " I I....I lA.t.l... u.in.fn n ! or ovorcon8iimptlon tho ciuibo? -o- litul tonohlng oxportenco In Ponnsyl vnnln, Washington and Oregon and nn ontlrelv comnntnnt to oocit'iy tliH prlurliiHlxhlp of Sllverton "ehooln with uubouiidod aut'ceaa uud unlver sal vatltfartlou. Prof. Miller I a grttdiiHtev of rimtral Orun nornml aad the University of Oregon, Ho CASTOR I A i'or Infants and Chihlrcn. Tho Kind Ywi liavn AIwpvs Qoiiffhl ' ' tM,a ri yr (,i IIIU IMiiu UU IIU fliFHt JUUbll jIMHP,eno ,M orison tnl WanblliRtOH Tj,..,...- -i? . I l'rof. Cnnnwrv -omnIetd bU pr " " ' aj r f x. .1 i. . .- .. i.. .,. t , , r j m.,"- ' , pprmiry wnr in i'ie niijn icmodi ' i" ' s-'.:44 ?U r wP P O R T V N 1 T I H S TO WRISH USUALLY QALL FOR UltARY 3IONHY. IIAVII YOU AN'YV YOU (W.V HAVE IF YOU WILL SAVE A LITTLE EACH PAY DAY AND DEPOSIT WITH US WHERE IT WILT. EARN MORE. BEGIN BY SAVING SOME, NO MATTER HOW LITTLE, tlMrMtfl.'V -LZU of Michigan nnd ln graduate of th j Uulveralty of Mich I trail. II hat hal ! ivral year teaching xiMrtoNrw In M rtilran tram whloh !( he ar rived lnt wik U'idr tht supar vlnlon of our praiut faculty, work In the chpn' room tHU year It wo t oi tain to profraac with Impatuoun aucruaa. o i ... i. Pan FrnnolKco Custom Rocolpti $ 4I7,PS9.11 Sou KrancHco Building Pormlta Since the Fire 110,135,410.00 San Frnnclnco Ronl Estato Salos; 540; Va.luo 2.450,000.00 In formation glvon on all parts of, Addrtrw: Tho Cal'fornla I'romo Callfornlii. tlon Committee, San Francl -co. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL NATIONAL ni'MOCR.Vnr CIIA1HM IN OWS TAFP LITIIR TURF Tom Hall, chairman nf the Coos Democratic county central commit- to, appoar to m In groat dmaud m m campaign director. Tho nthor dnv I ho received at his olllco la Coos Bny la half birhul of Bryan and Bern but ! tons nnd n few gross of pamphlet I booming the Democrats, fur distribu tion, and tho following day ho n Ico'ved a llko consignment of Ropub illcnu lltoraturo and buttons. Mr I Hall was slightly non-plussod as ho thought that someone wns trying to mnko him n middle of tho rond or nu ntMlte-fcnco politician but finally ho dovlned R was a mistake. Ho vno( f.r n dnv or bo boforo dee'd ln.F n f"" whether or not ho would rcaiv nta prohibition or sociamt nronair"''" for d'strlbutlon. Tho lntt mt being forthcoming h gen oroiv t-nod ovor tho Reiyibllcnn conolr-Muont to Jnv Tower tor ills. trlbutlMi Some of tho war.l polltl clans l'ilatod that f ho had bn ono hi . ho would hav hnrlud tho Keuih"oan lltoraturo iul imU tons until Hftnr tho olectlou but Tom isn't bu'lt on word nol'tle Hues and psv tho only way la to glvo every body a show. ALBANY COMMITTEE TO WELCOME BOURNE Alhauy, Oct. 3. The oxocutlvo committoo of the Commercial club met WodnoBdny night in regular weekly bo-hIou. W. A. Bnrrott, chalrmnn of the committee appoint ed to aeon funds for tho now fruit ennnory reported that nearly 5 1,00 of tho nmountto he raised, had boon so cured. Tho committee usually ap pointed was again named to make nrrnngomonts for th program for Mio now depot. Anothor commlttoe comd ting of thp same tn.n appointed on tho depot commlttoe. was nniuod to d'uft ome moro reaoltitlotm nnont thu improvement of the Willamette river. Tn wnlnmnn Rituntiir Tlnurnn on his arrival bore the following por. ! nous woro appointed as a commit-. tee: E. W. Langdon, J. N. Dunonn.J i'. ai. rruncu, ur. v. ii. i'nvi. u. iu. Siuidors. Dr. .1. L. Hill, George Say lor. S. G. Simon. F. M. Redfield. J. II. Rlmpunn. C. II. Stownrt, J. 8. Van I Winkle, B. I. Da ant. Dr. J. P. Wnl-, lace, D. O. Wood worth, J. K. WaatU-1 prford, J. W. CiiBlok and P. A Young. Delegutee to the Traua-Mlrd&slppll commercial congreat, wnicn con venos In San Francltco. October 0-12, wore appointed oonahtlUR of Y. Q.' Froeman, Potor Paulus ami Thomas Cumm'nge. .. i .1 . i i i - - OREGON IMOVRKR RIUS IN SILVER'l'ON Jauit 11. Miller, e pioneer of tljhi eouuty, ined at tne home ' m. brother, C. A. Miller of flllvertnn. , 'ednedsv aH m hurld In th Stlvarton cemet'Tv Thursrlav aftr- noon. ; Mr. Miller wen born in Harden county, Kentuck, a"'1 etted In Or-i egln In IMS. DtirlnR the iat S3 year he baa made mIh home with hie Itrolhxr Mr Miller un W I vMr 1 months and 8 days nd nt 'he time! of hU death. He lenv- n famllv of; cn'Mren four of wrroru nre living In; HtfeMat partH of Orean. and onej son la auppo ed to be living lu Aln-' ka. Rev H. K SaM.'bury f)nd"eed he funera' aervloea. M.RANY (Vl"MiW WHO IV COURT HOUSE T'HVKR Albany. Or., Oct. S. Chrh b OaloUee, of AubuvMIm. aad IficMrh R Allphln, of Lebanon, were inarrled Tburadajr afternoou 10ft fet aboe the oarth lu the tower ef the Linn county court hourfe by Jatlre L. I.. Swan. After Korurlng his Boon e Oglosboo tolophouod to Swan to como tn tho court house and while nwnlt Ing hl arrival, tho bridal party ascoudod Into tho towor to view tho city. Thoy were there when Swan, came, nnd Countv Clerk Miller, an old friend of Oglesbuo. suggetod that ho proceed Into tho tower nnd marry thorn thoro. This wns douo and It was the first wedding over performed nt tho top of tho court houso towor. cavnlry. Ho. was nmiatored out in 1SC5. In 1S9S ho joined J. V. Geary Post, G. A. U.. of Eugene, aince which time ho has ajwaya been active. In tho work and in attendance at nil ro uu'ons, loi'vlug part of tho dme at enmmnndor. Mr. linker alao ably represented Luuo county In the low er lion o of tho legislature and took an active part In all public matters. o PIONEER SHIPUUILUKH OF MARSHIMEDR DEAD MershMi'Id. Or., Oct. 3. The wide ly known ahlpbullder, Emll Hcucken dorff, of Prosper, died Wednesday auddonly of dlpthorla at tho Mercy hospital. He was well known hi a CoqulUe vnlley p'onoer and hnd n large ahlpyard at Proaper. He l Mirvlved by a widow, who U 111 lu a San Franclaco hospital. Several stopions aro connooted with him lu hi i extensive buslnaas. n O JX. J3 V O 3SL X ul. . BACKACHE iflajauaaMBjBBBasjBjtfa MtPibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbX The bad is tho mainspring of woman's or anism. It quickly calls attention tt trouble by aching. It tclLs, with i her symptoms, such as nnrvnu.min.qa headnche. Daius in tho loins, weiprh in tlio lower part oi tho body, t it a woman's feminine organism no 'ds immediato attention. In sudi ca s tho one suro roincdy which speei ily l-omovcs tho cause, and restore tlio feminine organisnj to a health, normal condition is LYDiAS.PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 0 Columbia Avo., Rockland, Me., says : " I was troubled for along tlmo with dreadful backaches and a, pain in my aldo, and wns mlsorablo in every way. I doctored until I was discouraged and thought I would never get well. I read what Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had done for others and deckled to try it; after taking three bottles I cnn truly say that I never folt so well in my life. Sflleril i( Stin B . AndReturnaHC1SC0 nnJT f Sa,e Oct j Limit 20 day This very. Verv i rate has br n ul?J feet on accouY'o V;-Tran-MI Ms.,,,1 jnerclnl Con,, A J open to tho pb)lcUtTl; Southern (XAnnn In rv . r ... wivgon.i Co, The 29-dnt' Iiihi. ..... frlvn !.- ...'""" '!! In the sights ,n PrnncAco and '', s!on" down to Loi .. foJnla"nd SUthern C'al': ror' pa-tlctiar, tl ng oar reservations an? tickets call on WiM. McMurry. G.P. A.. Portbij Mrs. Augastus Lyon,-of East Earl, Pa., writes to Mrs. Pinkham: "I hnd very severe bacltaclioo, and pressing-down pains. 1 could not aleon, and had no appetite. Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound cured mo ana maao me reel into a new woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN, i For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetablo Compound, mado from roots and herbs, has boon tho i standard remedy for fomalo ills.l and has positively eurcd thousands of wdtuen who hnve bcMi troubled with (lNplacomcnUi, InUainnmMnn, uleem- j tion, Jlbroid tumors, invgiUaritics, i jyviodio pains, iiucU'teiie, that near-iiig-dnwn feeling, Hal uleiioy, indijyos. tion,dizzinps,or nervous prostiiition RAILROAD TIME TABLES UUHVALL1S A EASTEnx IL n AANiT AND YAQUINA IRUj, Dally STATIONS & a. m. lv .. V. Albany ?..f; """ v;orvani8 n 8:53 Philomath .' i 9:22 wrens ...... :Go Diodgott ,...:; :;! v.w ouiiimii 10:32 Nashville 11:39 Chltwood . ... 12:03 Elk City ..... 12:30 Toledo til uju nr.. . xaquina ,.Iv, J( Albniiy-Connllls-Phllomiiik ' No. 10 (dally) Loaves Albany 7-50 p Loaves Corvallls 8 30 i No. 8 (dally) Loaves Albany 12 3S p,. r. u'juvus uorvains. , ..... 1 35 p , Arrives Philomath 1 53 p rl Mr. .loll.O ' 1 ! V I4.IJI V A ,,. a .. .JUJIVU3 Aiuany 3 30 t LcavOB Corvallls 10 10 1, i Arrlvoa Philomath 10.30 1. No. 2 (dally excopt Sun.) Loavos Albany 7 35 ti ioavos uorvniiis s 35 1, t Arrivas rniiomaui ssja. n No. 1 (dally excopt Uun.) Lonvos Philomath 6:01c.: Arrives uorvnniE ,,(!. If westls wore nllovd to they ahoald now bo buriieil. O- ' ' rlpQi' lSvorythlng la relative lu thltt world he Is- not a benefactor who "umka two bladea of prac terow whern but one itrew before" Tn a 00m (laid1 COIXLNKL HAKKU OF KUCJKXK DHOPS DKAI) KiiBono, Or., Oct. 3. Colonel Charlos H. Hakor. one of the best known Civil war veternna in western OrRou. died sud ln'v at his home Thursday on Wmi Klghth streot, from nil nttnoV it iinnnlitvu M. linker wu born In PouiMvWania In! 1S44. He ertered the arnix In 1861.' with ComnnY I, VlUh Pemisx lvanhi eward Will bo paiil to any person wlw can tind one atom of tyjium, ohlpral, morpliino, pivtdno, el hur, chloroform, heraWnlpltn and beta ou naino, eimaubis inilion, or clilttral 'liydmtB or any of their derivatives, in any of Dr. Miles' .Remedies. This anplios to goods in original packages, unop ened, and not tampered with. Certain nnsvrnpn loiis persons aro making falso statements about theso remedies. "I have ben troublwl with a ter rible haJaelie tr tlie List ten yeara: the doctors could do me no good. I tnvr Or. Miles' Antl-rl:i Plls adver-U-m1 In the Sunday maKazine. 10 I thought I would try a sample. I did o. und they lulpeit me wonderfully. I hnd hnadnrhe ao badly I could hard, ly xen to wo-k. o 1 vent to 'he drua iloro ii'l got a Ih). In a ixiuple ol hour I wan nil right. It -n tho tlrst raodielne to do me nuy g-xi " A A. 1! I.IO. D)ilidxMiU. la. B3C3 Vconm Stivet. SrCCHSSPTL DA1HV FAlt.MKIt WHO WILL IIAVK AUCTION J. H. Rhoton who wont onto tho Oeo. Crnhlrco ranch three iiiIIhh i Arrlvoa Albany 7 15 a. c northenat of Marlon In 1000. hnu No. 5 (dally) rented this fine dairy farm to Qoo. , Lonvos Corvallls 6 30 a a WeathorlH who took poisosalon to-, Arrlvoa Albany 7 10 1, day, nnd -lina an auction gala of nor-i No. 7 (dally) aonnt nronortv Tuoadnv Oct. C. IIo'Loiivoa l'hlloiuatu 10 15 r rJ In a man who hni omnlovod niodoru ' Arrlvos Co'rvalll ... 1115 a. c methods of dairying nnd whon lu I Arrives Albany 11 BS t bought or brcrl horses or cattlo htis-l No. i L'i'nwn nnlv thn boat IitobiIr nnd uhixI Lnavun Philomath 3 t0 0, C, tlin httat lilnnd Mint ninnov r'fmlil lniv I AriMvos Corvnllls .. ..C CO p t The roault b that he hns nind inoii-1 Arrlvoa Albany C 40 p. ay nnd hna bulH up tho fnrm by I No chnngo lu btvIco trtwa i proner crop stiltnblA for 'ucc8Brul bany and Detroit, dairying. lie Iirh reinodmled the hiiiiau and barn Nnd nut In tnnchiu ory to bvo Irbor and Incroaao tho proftta. At tlie R'ictlon alo thfr will b Jrtoy cowa, rond nnd draft bora,- Chaer White aw'n nnd Bheep. nnd farming machinery nnd Imploinont-'. People who go to thlk Halo will fine aome good stock of fered, oapeclally In the dnlrylng line. D-25&30-1W Tlmo Co., in n- ti ti 1 Eii fnltaei G 11 - R H'Z f M., Portland i j Gold Dtfst Flotii ! Jl.ttle by T1U3 SVD.NHY POW- KK COMPANY, Sidney, .Ore j?o. , Mado for family iim i ' 1 ' Abk your grocer for II. Hrnn and shorts nlunys on liund. i P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Oii-il No. HI. Southern Yi UfTcctlvo Sundajr, Aug. JOOH. Toward Portland, rnssrajfr No. 1C 6:13 a. 10 preae. No. 188:40 a. pasHsnger. No. 1 2.-2: 4 5 p sonBor. No. 149:13 p prosS. Townrtl Portland, Ft'IrW; No. 222.-5:0 p. m. -Portland 1 freight. No. 220.-10:40-11 28 1 r.nti, 11 , ix-ibi". . lUstr'. 'IVKI-III',1 KBII MTIIiri'l". No. 11.-11:03 a m-R' pnMngr. No. 17. C:4R P m passenger. Ko. 150:56 p. m a. n. -VI Or. Mllst' Antl-Paln PIIU aro told by your rtt,js rt. ."io v!ll nuarnt.'4 that the firtt pikal wll benefit. If It falls. h will rrturn our money. 96 do?4. H cents. Never sold fn bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Phone 44 Mnln 147 N. Hlh B- C. W. YANNKE Proprlotor of THE FASHION STABLES Calm and Llvrv li UUs Moden .Rubbor Tiro. n.. C 'J rg'l'ornli fi-j pre-. No. 131:31 a )' s.-a F-- co oxpre a. , .m Townrtl Sn Fran- ! iJ NO. 821.-8:43 c in t" J freight. f.t No. aan. ll:-'s .i n -'" "oroKOii'lBwtrlr Tm T Time of arriva ' 1 ' ' , wra at S' m f' , " and Won.-,iia'f .vrrlv S-40 a ' lt)-5'i a m 125 11 tn 4 20 p n. 4r. : m Loan I 13xprea Looal Kxproas Local Pv t 00 . " 3 S" z K nn y fl mcKorr nauK Cough Remedy SOHBS maun Coughs. Colds CROUP I Wtptn( Cuh llftrnr SORC THRQAT 4 EMmM V THROATdtUNGS MMttVMMlH luKioatttHMMifiita, lUtrM PRTC.O, uva. tTMX, liriffthJht rtt O C T. Co. Steamors Poinoua a.td Or'! leave for Portland dal'y except day at 6 a m- ..., v Atnt M. P. iw"'" '"? Great Cldnoe Pod . "' U ..r. ta (lab medlcmu which ' ' iv knovn disease. He roKe ty of. aud guarantees tocu" 1 Asthma. Lung. Throat n n.i.iiii.i kjr.miMi'ii. " ' av uemiiiy. o"i." . ...j i Treuble3: also any "" ..m, swollen surenes. brot Smallpox; Epidemic; " Wll. Bolls, Lost Manhood. tl'pM uesa. Herm Trwib'es ana Consultatloo free. Care rong w. u"" - e-i.- or xaa iiiK , -