v - . i a rK.,, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAUBf. OftHOOHV FRIDAY, SHFTltfBER 11, IMS. nuffORHlA PROMOTION BULLENIN ......I.-, harvest, in run season w";;- Vrtonth. has borne out In Jl b tSSei In these bullc- on?.i X nast few months, and canned fruit Wine and tqble grapes aro especially a good cropland wine then predict an extraordinary pro duction. Danki In nil parts of the state re ports Increase In business with a steady upward tendency. Figures obtained by tho State Board of Equalization show a gain of mors than $112,000,000 in the state's assessment over that of 1907 and a gain of nearly $400,000,000 ovor that of 1906. Demand for labor throughout the state in tho agricultural districts continues, both men nnd women be ing ablo to find steady employment. Reports to the committee from Us oastern bureau In Now York .how In creasing demnnd for California in formation,. and nlHo Indicate a heavy colonist movement toward the state during tho provalenco of the fall rate during September nnd October. Tho following summary shows IW I-. hn nast few montns, anu Ub, during the pa Calfornia rtMnn Comrnltteo (roll all parts W.tS $? that with the e,tb?.nn of prunes, and possibly ,,c?11 fhore rill be splendid crops la U,L' three thousand cars of Wlhiu were shipped from tho l" ,7nna firm alone nas con- mu iowuwihb summary snows ,ate, a o England twelve I California conditions from July 29 ti0! hundred tons of to August 28, Inclusive: (Jon - Bank Clearing? CUT $153,354,101.52 Su Francio 40,626,000.00 Im Angeles. 6,739,663.29 0klnd ' 3,914,556.35 Sicramento 3,404,394.12 f50 ";:::::: 1,973,013.30 WHO 2.225. Ra2.R!t it ::;:::::::::: 2;382,o9i.oo JWCAiu" . t..n riitstnma Receipts . r mac Iseo Dulldlng Permits Slnco tho Flro 112,335,867.00 ?n tnrieo Real E&tato Sales: 590: Value 1.750,000 JEXn Riven on all parts of California. Address: Tho California Promotion Committee, San Francisco Theory Is llko tho minor's pros pect hole sometimes thoro Is .noth ing In It, at other times It .pans out richly. COFFEE The best name for coffee is one that tells where the money's to come from, if you don't like it , v,rro:e"et'i ro,,t IBOn' " roa Wt UU Schllllnc'i Rt; we pr hlnr -O '. Dulldlng Permits $2,215,945.00 938,128.00 443,369.30 70,170.00 182,483.00 '0B.V9V.66 34,525.00 528,429.48 A Piiylng Investment, ur John White, of 38 Highland r,..".i. Mninn snvat "Have !S .troubled Mw.th a cough ever, 'M auu I""-' .----..v.- ,..i wM many aavorusuu ruiu"v-o, UMi EiMh continued until I bought lite bottlo of Dr. King's Now Dls eiery; before that was half gono, ttewngh vasall gono. This winter fteacio happy result has followed, iter dows onco more banished tho iaal cough I am now convinced tilt Dr. King's New Dlscovory U n. best ot all cough nnd lung iwedlM." Sold under guarnntco at C Perry's drug store. 50c an! jjkO Trial bottlo free. The doctor bualnoas Is Improved lj unclean cellars, unventllatod 1KB, back yard cesspools nnd Im im water llopplty Hop. Ire you Just barely gottlng nuil by tho aid of crutches or u a:? Unless you havo lost a limb tut n deformity If your troublo htheumatlini, lumbago, Bprnln, stiff jtlati, or anything or llko nnturo uso Jtlilrd'i Snow Llnlmont and In no Cm you can throw away your cttches and bo ns well as anyone PrlM fS R0p nnd Si. On. Sold 1)V Ii'i3 dealers. IB n.j 11.. .,.. ......1. iiuaucr 11 uv iiuio nuuiun v !ee) better If thoy wren't guessed about so much 7 o DtWItt'g Kidney nnd Blnddor hUrut for wc.ilcback, .backache ntunatlc nalm. Inflammation of I, lie bladder and nil othor nnnoyv tltt duft fn ii'nnlr lHiliitu's. TIihv t?i lold by all druggists. Tbe tbadele a pasture In hot 'i'hp is a torture chnmbor to tho tail connnpd In thorn. A Burglar In Town lHuoe I "bad cough." Ho dooin't ' for go' or silver but ho will hI jour health away. If ho np Wn In your house arrest him nt Mlth na'Iard'a Horohound Syr . It may wean consumption If you t A euro for nil coughs, cold cawi troubles Price 25c 50c jy M 00 per bottle. Sold by nl Mien, A Sure-enough Knocker. J. C. Goodwin, of Reld3vlllo, N C, says: "BUcklqn's Arnlcn Salvo Is a sure-enough knocker for ulcers. bad ono enmo- on my leg last aum mor, but that wonderful salve knockod It out In a few rounds. Not oven a scar romalnod." Ounrantced for piles, soro3, burns, etc. 25c nt J. C. Perry's drug store. Ono can think pains nnd nehes In to one'3 body; nnd, contrawlso, ono can think thorn out. They Tnko tho Kinks Out. "I have used Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills for ninny years, with Increas ing satisfaction. Thoy tako tho kinks out of itoninch, liver and bowolB, without fuss or friction," snys N. H. Drown, of Plttiflold, Vt aunranteod satisfactory at J. C. Perry's drug store. 25c. n Mon bonst that thoy "belong" to n political party nnd nt the uttmo time think they nro froomcu! Hinv to Get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congrcm St., Chicago, tolls of a way to be come streng: Ho Bnys: "My mother, who Us old nnd wns very fcoblo, Is dorlvlng bo much benefit from Eloe tric nittorB, that I foil It's my duty to tell thoso who need n tonic nnd strengthening modlc'.no nbout It. In my mother's enso a marked gnin lu flesh hns resulted, Insomnia has bcon ovorcomo, and sho Is Btcadlly grow ing ntrongor." Electric Bitters quickly remedy Btomnch, liver and kidney complaints. Sold under gunrnnteo at J. C. Perry's drug store. COc. It is only big mon nnd big grain field? that flguro coiiBpIclously In tho papers; tho llttlo ones got no pub licity. 0 Gambling your llfo ngnlnst 25 conts Is Just ox nctly what you nro doing If you neg lect a cough or cold on tho ohost In stead of treating It with llallard's Horehound Syrup. A 25 cent bottlo of th's splendid romedy will cuio an ordnnr'y cough, hoal tho lungs and act ns n tonic for your entlro Bystom. Sold by all dealers. KKKKttBt9KBtrty3UtKflUKBUKKBBBSKHBBKBUKtttSt&f&x&KB9$ifi9Q&iB&&l16KK& s0iund Ycr Havo Alwxiys Bougliti nndlilcb lias been xuo for over 30 years, 1ms orno tho signuturo of $ and lias boon inado under his per- tfutjy-TS'J!'A, eonal gnpen-isiou slnco Ma Infancy, an n Allowjio ono to deceive you In this. AU Counterfeits, Indtatlons and" JiifnH-oMl"nro hut 2r,Iuet tJat trifle with andeudanjor tho health of iWauts nud CliUdrou Exporlcuco ngaliwt Experiment. What is CASTOR IA ?JJfk la u harmless suhstltnto for Castor Oil, Pare J2 )iiH and Suothhig Syrups. It is Pleasant. It JJJJws neither Opium, Horphhua nor other Narcotic Tce, Its ajjo Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms " Ways Pevprlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind asJpi rt;,,cves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ilatiUenc. 1-. nuGimiintna !. twi1 iriiintH tho J&S?liu Bowels, giving healthy and natural ulcep. uUdren's Panuccii Tho Mother's Friend. OIMU.KE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bsu the Signature of r .jMT . r- mmmyv .prLm-- mar W You Haye Always Bought n Use For Over 30 Yeart. "Umu..- ' - tt mwHi, niHT, MIMln "Fix dilapidated gatC3 nnd fences," uayB an exchange. Don't let them get dilapidated, and they will not havo to ba fixed. -i- A Traveling Sinn's Experience. "I mus. tell you my experience on an cast bound O. Ft. & N. It. R. train from Pendleton to La Grande, Or., writes Sam A. Garber, a woll known traveling man. 'I wbb In tho smoking department with some othor trcvllng mon whon ono of them wont out Into tho coach and came back and Bald, "Thero Is a woman sick unto death In tho car. I at once got up and wont out, found her vory 111 with cramp colic; her hands and arms were drawn up so you could not straighten them, and 'whllo a dcathltko look on her faco. Two or three ladles woro working with her and giving her whiskey. I wont to my suit case and got my bottlo ot Chnmborlaln's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy (I novor travo.1 without It), ran to tho water tank, put a, double doso of tin mcdlolno In tho glass, poured some wntor Into it and stirred It with a pencil; then ) had quite a tlmo to got tho ladles to let mo glvo It to her, but I succeeded. I could at onco soo tho effect and 1 worked with her, rubbing her hnndo, nnd in 20 minutes I gnvo her another doso. By this tlmo wo woro almost Into La Grande, whoro I was to Jcavo tho train. I gavo tho bottlo to ths husband to bo used In case nnothoi doso should bo needed, but by the tlmo tho train ran Into La Grnndo sho wbb all right, and I received tho thanks of ovory passenger In tho car." For salo by Dr. Stono's drug Btoro. o Changing tho brlno of moat and tho ruling party of a nntlon often nlds In tho preoorvntton of both. nnnftipsa Ciiiuint. lln Cured by locnl applications, n8 thoy cannot rench tho diseased portion of tho enr. Th ro Is only ono way to euro doarncs', ami tnib is iy consiiiuuoiiai romodles. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho muco-UB lining of tho Eustachian Tube Whon this tubo n Inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or Imporfoct hear ing, and whon It la ontlroly cloBed. Denfnosi Is tho rosult, nnd unlcsB tho lnflmnmntlon can bo tnkon out and this tubo restored to Its normal con dition, henrlng wfll ho destroyed for ovor; nlno ensea out of ton nro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamod condition of the mucous surfneos. Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso of Denfnoss (cnusod by catarrh) that cannot bo curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars freo. P. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7Gc. Take Hall's Fnmlly Pl'.ls for con stipation. , 0 , What tho horso, cow, stoor, hog or shtfop "hnB dono for th farmer" do ponds upon what the farmer doB for the animal. A Itiirnt Child, dreads tho flno. Tho drond Is wholo somo, hut not tho burn; that can be honied and Instantly rollovod by ap plying Ballard's Snow Llnlmont. Be prepared for accldonts by keeping a hottlo always in tho houso. Boat for sprains, bruises, cuts, scalds, rhou mntlsm, neuralgia, bunions any and all aches and pains. Prlco 25c, 50c nnd $1.00. Sold by all dealers. -.. . - i ' "Too much low grade stuff In thi cattlo.mnrkots." Cause: Too much low grado Btuff In brooders' yards, for years past. , . o Don't bo afraid to glvo Chamber lain's Cough Remody to your chil dren. It contains no opium or othor harmful drug. It always euros. For salo by Dr. Stono's drug store. Whon farmers can raise a big crop of vhopt na oaslly as "oxport estimator" can, over-production or, It will result. , DoWltt's Cerbollzod Witch Hazel Salvo Is tho boat thing to use. for' piles, Sold by all druggists. "My neighbors nover ask to bor row anything I want to get rid of; quack grass or potato bugs, for in stance," hest Treatment for n Ihirn. If for no other reason, Chamber lain's Salve should be kept In every houieholJ on account of Its great value In the treatment of burns. It allays tho pain almost Instantly, and unless the Injury Is a severe ono, heals the parts without leaving a scar. This calve U also unequaled for chapped hands, sore nipples and, diseases of tho skin. Prlco. 25 wnts. For sale by Dr. Stone's Drug Store o- -' There aro ph-cos In which men "behind the bars" have the advantT age of the mon outside In drinking saloons. o Good for Blllousnes. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets last night, and r feej 50 per cent hettar than I havo for weeks. "' Firestone of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a ne srlfcle for M r Ioiihi-" For wl hr, r. Stowi t CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Three Lines, Three Insertions, 25c. FOR SALE i'Or Sale HnitRnhnlil fiirntturn ni --"-"v- ..-..,.-, .va ner Center and Front streets. Call between 0 and 12, or 2 and 5' o'clock. Joseph Meyers. 9-9-tf For Sale A 3-year-old horso and a buggy. 9-9-3t For Sale. English perambulator baby carriage; good as new; cost 35 two months ago; make mo cash offer. Address "R. J" caro Journal. " 9-9-3t For Snicaood second hand wagon call on B Journal. For Sale Flno Jersey heifer, adven months old. Inquire of Magglo P Patterson, isecond houso south of City View comotory. 9-8-3t Splendid Opportunity To Bccuro es tablished businoss, Only flrzt class restaurant on Coos Bay. Fa mous Smith's cafo, Marshflold for salo on account of dt5solutlon of partnership. For full particulars addresa J. LoRoy Smith, Marsh field, 'Ore.-- ... . . 9-9-3t . ' i. For Sale First-class carpet paper ai this offlco, 25c for a big roll. For Sale A house, barn and thrco lots; woll and city water; all kinds of small fruit, 3C5 South 18th street. 9-10-3t For Sale A good piano, a bargain, Take car to 24th street, third htfiuo from corner on Asylum nv enuo. 9-10-3t WANT AT OXCE. Houses and lots, closo In, prlco $2500 or less. What havo you? Wo havo four clients that wish to buy bucIi proporty at onco. $(IOO Cnnli. Will buy a cosy 5-room houso, wood shed, drilled woll 34 feet deep, good pump nnd wntor, ltd lots, snap. 91 HOI), Would lie Cheap nt 9200O. Strictly modern 7-room houso, Inrgo pnntry and hall, 4 bedrooms, each ha? a closot up-to-dato bnth room tollot and wnBh stand, hou&o wired throughout for electricity, Btiup, $1800. 200 Acres, 925 Per Acre. Ono of tho beat dairy or stock farms In Oregon, good houso and bnrn, well fenced, 4 flno spring of good wntor, plenty ot good timber. Will tako pnrt pay In Salem prop-orty. J HO Acres, 953 Ptr Acre. This Is ono of tho boat grain, dairy or fruit farms In tho valloy DKCHTEL A MINTO.V, 311 Stato Strcot, Bayno Building, Rooms 7 and 8. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Aro you looking for n homo? 10 ncroi, flno 'nrgo houso and barn, flno orchard, small fruits olc, good wator, oxtra lyol, woll locatod. Cloio In, ono ot tho very boat homos noar Snlom. Only $4000, for a few days. 10 acros 4 mllca from Salem on good road, good C-room Iioubo, ham, etc., C acros In fruit. Will soil now for $2500. Wo havo lots from $S0 to $1500 an I thoy aro going fnst. Don't wait If you want ono. Wo havo fruit traets, dairy ranches, wheat farms, farms and houses to rent, and houes to noil In any part of Salem. If you wont A homo or i. farm, soq us wo can suit you. Also have $5000 to loan for a term or yoar on real ostate. Wo havo a froeh milk cow to sell. A. C. SMITH & CO. Room 9, over United Statoi National Bank, Salem, Oregon. BARGAINS. A choice 40-aoro tract; good or chard, 250 English walnuts, 1200 Loganberries, fine spring water running to house and barn; good big barn, fair house; 10 acres can bo irrigated from spring. Lays fine. Beo me if you want a dandy homo. 100 acres, large houso and barn; CO acres In cultivation, balanco pasture and tlmbor; flno spring water to house and barn; excel lent place; stock goe with thlt. Bee It and get a fine homo. 20 acres, 3 miles out; good Improve ments; house, barn, orchard, etc.; flno level black landi $4000. My own home, 20 acres,, with flno Improvements; good house, barnu, windmill, tank, milk house and buildings, etc; Joe-dandy or chard, etc.; $7000. 5, 10, 20 and 40 acros woll Im proved near town. Housos for rent and sale on Installment. Store room to rent, 10x40 or 32x50. money' to loan on; roal estate notary work; employment ag.nev. Make your wants known and I think I can fit you out. JR K. WYAN. Or, CoiiMHwyfaq awl Center Street. LOANS . , - ; We have some first mortgage loans of $500 and up, bearing 7 per cent Interest secured by real estate mort gages and protected by' Insurance with abstract ot title for sale. INSURApJGE. We are cxclustvo agents tor tho Horticultural Flro RoUof, ,a homo company, and can save you moucy on your farm or city Insuranco or on your business risks. Real Estate. . Wo havo town lots, houses, small tracts and farms tor salo at prices that will Interest you, If thoro Ismsy thlng In that lino you need. FERGUSON & FISHER Sole Agents for Salem, Oregonr. MISCELLANEOUS Cement Work Concrete walks, Bep tlo tanks, comont floors and foun dations. Estimates furnished and all work guaranteed. J. P. Vetch, 328 Marlon Btreot. t Phono 008. . , . . '9-io-tr Rooms Two rooms colored gontlo mon proforred, 1320 N. Commer cial street. Mrs. M. E. Broak,, 9-l0-3t LoHt Threo 2-year-old holforB, two red and ono red roan, also one yearling Bteor. Phono 1283. Down ing & Eoff, Salem, Oro. 0-9-3t Wetiger & Clierrlngton Pianos and Organs solu on easy terms; tele phono 1187; 247 Commercial Stroot, Salem, Orogon. tt Salem Cnsh Mnrkct Tho flnest cut of moats at tho lowest prices. My phono 370, 247 S. Commercial St. P. W. Royolt?, Prop. 7-21-tf Help Furnished Five of Charge By Latham Land Company, 47a Stato stroot, phono No. 149. Par tlos wanting help please call at ofllco or phono us. Also have cows for salo. Concrvto Work Get my prlcos on sidewalks, curbs, septto tanks and cement work ot any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, 2378 Maple Ave, Highland. Phone 1509. July24-lf Vogei, LuinlHT and Fuel Co. -Lum ber .shingles, building material wood and coal. Low prices and prompt deliveries. Ono block eat' of S. P. pansenKt" depot. Phon 108 7-2-tf nuttn Wenderotli Fine wine liquors and cigars Wo hand! the celebrated Kollog gand Card whiskies. Coo) and refreshing bee constantly oi draught. I Bout) Commercial street. 9-3-lyr Enlarged -Our mont mnrkot on Ev t Stnto street hns boon doublod In the unj wo nro bottor proparod 'han over to serve oustomors. Prompt sorvlco and the boit of moats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwnrdi Moat Co. Tho Home Rocker Information Bu reau will place you In direct com munication with owners of farms and city proporty. Chnmbor Com merce, Portl '.nJ. 222 N. Commer cial street, Salem Or, 7-21-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD. It U worth more than any otb read yot tho prlco is no blghai 'or sal at your grocors'. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Thomn & Cooloy, I'ropi, XVANTICIj Wanted At once, good boy to carry papers, ono with pony proforred. Apply to Journal. 9-8-tf esm: M 2rpcateni CnkmH9. 10W-'-Leal Uk1ob.No. 18S5 ot Carpe&ters a4 Joirers of Aawlo et tw7 Saturday evenlsg at 8:00 p. m. Is Hearat hall, 420 State SU A. W. Dennis, Ree tee Foresters of America Court Bhsr wood Foresters, No 19. Heeti Saburday bight In Holmaa hall, State street Waldo Miller, O. R. J. O. Perry, financial secretary. Central Lodge No. 18, K. ef P. . Castle Hall la Holtaaa block, eer ner State aad Liberty street Tuesday of each week at 7:110 s m. Oscar Johssoa. C. O.; 8. 8L Anderses, K, of R. aad B. Modem Weodmen ef Aimrletv Ore goa Cedar Caaap Ne. 6J4. XmIc every Thursdsiy eTftalag at S o'clock la Heleaaa hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.; F. A. Taraer, elerk. Woodmen of WerW Meet every Fri day night at 7:36, ia Holmaa hall. B. Lupton, C. C; P. L. Frailer, Clerk. I.taeeta AaaKJtjr Uatas flek, deat aad, aeaaloa. Nauraaee; $1, 968,008 pldff-d; yery elas hJC Good agtata fraated. J. H. O. Moagomery, supreme orgaakwr. Box482 Salem, Oregon. R. 9 Ryaa. eecretary, 58 State ttr' rank M. Urowa. Manufacturer ash, doora, mouldings. All ktada ot house finish aad hard wood work. Front street, between State and Court. Make all complaint at th! often Mieo. M. Barr Plumblig, hot wat and steam hujtlng aad tlnnlaa. 10 4 Commercial street. Phoa Main 19. 8-1-lyr M. J. PetacI PlumMng, steam auA gni fitting. Buccpwor to Knox A I Murphy, 226 Commercial strwt 'Prone Main 17. DRAYMEN. pob. TrHHHfcr All kinds of transfer work doae Furniture and pianos boxed, ready for shipment. Prompt servloe ts our motto, Stand and office at 253 South Commercial street Phone 210. Reildanci Phone SH REAL H8TATK FOR BALD NOTE I THESE 10 ncrcs, 4 miles from Snlom; good G-room houso, good barn; 4 ncrca bearing fruit. Prlco $2500. 135 acros on Howoll Prnlslo, Vj mile from R, II, station, 7-room homBO, good barn. Prlco $70. Good G'?room Iioiibo, closo In, lot 82 14x98 16. Cheap at $1500 City lots for mile cheap. Small amount down, bulnncu In monthly Installments, no Inter OJt. OLMSTED LAND CO. J73 STATE STREET, House For Sale Wmitrd Italian pmpos lu any quati tlty. picked In firm condltlou, suit able for canning. Mutual Conning Company. 9-10-31 Wanted to Imy A blacksmith shop with or without tools, In good lo cation In city. Will buy tho proporty at a reasonable prlco Address Fred Dupras, 235 Bara ga avenue, Marquette, Mich, 8-15-tf. Wanted A flrat-class saleslady ns assistant In a cloak and suit do partmont. Address box 248 Mc Mlnnville, Ore 9-9-3t Wanted Money to loan. If you have money to loan on real estate at C, 7 or 8 per cent, send It to me, as. I havo many applications .for suoh loanv. Bank roferencos fur nlsliQd on application. S. II. Grub or, 820 Board of Trade Bldg.. Port land, Oregon. 9-9-lm ALL NEW ALL MODERN ALL COMPLETE Flvo rooms, $1250, Our reason able prlcos bring quick results. Fir', como, first soryed. Vogct Lumbr Co. South Fourteenth and Oak, . IV MAlONHOX"(XT 247 Miller St., South Salem, manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, crates and fruit dryer accessories. Phone 308. tf l'!.VWllnA-?fi.r?-.ir)-.'AIl'lH iJvrryVJaiiJP1udJ,i 6j1cevn4abler t 254 Feny stree' ij(ween Commercial and Froa it rod.. Telephone 188. Some o ik. nmmt HvorlA In tn flfV r he fot-'ad 'here', Westacett & John. ! son,, jrepi, 10l-lyr, Huie Wing Sang Co. mmseBBssssamss: .? Wo make up ail kinds of wrupertf and whlto underwear, waists and kl monas and skirts, all kinds of Kt'utlemon'i and ladles' furnhhlng gftodsj air klndo of vtljfs and dres goods; hose, suits, pa its, overallu, blauketi, neckwear, matting, china w.re, trunk, embroidery and, law, etc. SsWM! 3 C4WIMtt-WXMW wi pWfll tT