Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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    - V i-"A " "-W
, ....
s; p. co.
tirir i
Am -''sisisiTsisiW B
Men's New Fall Suits
At a Saving of 25 Per Cent
Thoro's n Bnvlng of 25 por cent If you purchnso tho new fall suit
here. Our prices arc guaranteed to bo Juafthat much lower than equa'
stylo and quality cost you nt tho exclusive store. We ask you to look
around town and convince yourself of this statement. The new fall
stock is now at its bcBt. New fall suits, overcoats, raincoats, etc., for
buslnoB and dros3 wear. Tho best materials and patterns are here
now ready for your choosing.
$350 to $1 000
jEotirt Street Annex
Cefyrlfht 199! by Hut ScJmffner it Mux
Copyright I90I by Hitt SduAner U Mint
A bigger W. D, your than ovor
Faalilon ay thoy'ro right;
wearers know thoy'ro right and
vb believe Ittfo firmly that wo havo
Increased ourtock of Hcduco nnd
Nu form Gorta.
W. B.
Cornets will bo tho preforr.c3 Tif
20 ji y American women thU
year, n t you on of th m" VI-'
our Corset l)r partition!.
Throo-ply vonoor, all nbro, flbro r.nd rawhldo bound, slntloss om
boiuiod crystal and duck covorlnn Jnpannod sheet Iron binding, brass
nnd bronze trlmmlngj. Wo havn thorn from tho small doll trunk to
tho lndloa skirt trunk In longths, stenmur trunks, plain box nnd fully
trimmed, with lenthor straps, comfort bureau trunks nnd traveling bngi
of all description, Ovor 1G0 Jifforont stylos to choojo from. Tho
largest ns3ortmont ovor shown In tho city. Suit cnao, loathor matting?,
straw and bamboo, In many dlfforont slzos. HKCON1) FLOOR.
New Furs
The largest nnd best assort
ment, tho blggoit and hot value
for tho money in Salem.
First Floor
Have you Boon the detachable
combination handlo Bilk timbrel
Ins? Extra fall apodal to introduce.
$3.98 and $4.98
l i I HWH'I I I hH--H- For IUvnIi Km
i.City News
I of tho Kir t Prosbytorlan church w
Countr buttiv 0. tuft Mi ng Hue 'n hold Its regular mooting In the
(the grorc.j l!u nha.li' .111. J. M. 1 church parlor Frlclnj afternoon
f nwronco.
Wr.ttlur FoJMwt
luiv tontXhU l rldrty liuivailt.g
vUmuIIuchn, JJi Ht'Mvri! under.
Tho Vkio Mlllliu'ry
IIrvo tho hoIo agency for tho fa
Dions "Keith" hnU. Those hatu hnv
novor been shown In Salem. f-1 1
At Dr. HtVlifi's drug Hloro, n young
mnn who doslroi to loam tho drug
business. ,Mr wages, Apply til
ohco. , 1 D-10-31
l'HiHltmAKalUNt Hnllroiwl
lrn VVSuo, cli k of Lincoln county,
hna' wrltttui to tho rntlrond coiuhiIh
tslor. pioU(vlith uiiRliiHt tho propouud
plan of tV CorvalllH 11 Knatein H.
II, Co. (0 ,Ulto off tho morning nnd
evening trnltiH bolwoo Albnny and
Nowporti 'jad to niliHtlUtto a noon
tuiln. Wnda nryH that tho puoplo of
Toledo AVa lp in rrma tutd will tight
tho chuufcu' o n tlnlilt. Two mou
nter pntillott, It la claimed, will ho
Ktmt to th.ojlli'i..d wo m m I im Ion stnt
lung tiiOM-tV&jr' uf tho oitlxetu of
(hat twfll'iu'for not wIbIiIiik to com
ply nitV lt now ordor of ihlitgji.
Wlt r.tio-i thr,t. iiHdor Uto now
RchcduU it will tuUo tho ijttoiilo of
Kowport ttfo iay to com to To
ledo, 14 tulle dUtnut, uud trajinnct
tltolr butluoM. And, hu saya It will
trtto thro ilay-4 to como to Sulwn.
NothtHK (11 Tiiki
Tho plnco of meat W all know
that. So w)y not get tho bent, and
you will got tho bout If you order
from Shmslott llro. IMtoub 331
t44M UllHtlllliniimH SmoUo mill IU lloppy -
i I tti I kaii Ima ttr'tttit ltiillitat ntt.1
UIIWIIKU UUIMU till tit)1 1 It Bill
n TnMuuoo or Ln Gprouu clBar.
Now Ik tin Tlmo ,
To get Hint milt presged nut!
cleanod before fair. Olvn Johnson it
Btogo a trial. No.M door to Journnl
lUiton Hall Urguii
Work on lihitou Hall, tho now lib
oral arts building nt Wlllnmctto U11U
voiHlty began yodtontay.
I)iipn DlMlll
TliomaH Trlco, an old re.'ldont of
HuUun, 54 yoar of ago, while en-
gaged In picking hops nt tho Chimtor
Murphy ranch In West Salem, at U
o'clook last ovoulng, suddsnly drop
pint dead frnm.hMrt dlsonst. Dr. V
N. Hmlth win at nuoo Biimmonod, but
tho man was dimd lioforo tho phyul
olnu urrlvud. Trlco has .boon n roil
dont of BnUm for nearly 30 years.
Ho leave n wife, daughter, Knimt,
and two sons, Monto, aged 23, and
Otto, aged 17.
l-'nll Opi'iilng
Of tho laUwt and most up-todnto
llnu of oacIubIvo tailored IihU over
shown in th city. Tho Indlos of
Snlo iiihiuI vicinity iuo ourdlally in-
J vltoil. Friday and Saturday, Ssptom-
het: Utiud 1'J. Tli Wigua Mlllln
cry, 270 KqrtU jQompiorelal ntraot.
IbitaliTu OyMo
Fnnoy soleotsd, 30 to tho can. OOo
pr can. at Kurrlngton's.
2 o'clock,
A full nttondanco Is dc-
Mlviloimry Rooloty
Tho Woman' Missionary
Just HecclvMl
A slhpmont of cednr posts. Will
quoto spoolal prlcos for a fow days.
Tho C. K. S. S. Co. 9-10-It
A Special for Htato Fair
Tho Southern Pacific Company
have made arrangements to run a
speolnl train to this city on tho 17th,
which will bo Portland Day. Tho ac
commodntlon train will bo made up
of 30 coaches, leaving Portland nt
0 o'clock In tho morning, nnd lonvlug
this city on tho return trip r.t 1
o'clock In the ovonlng.
Another Itlg Thief
Tho police nro looking for somo
Individual who apparently has a ma
nia for lifting articles of more or
loss valuo from cnrrlugoa loft sttum
log 011 tho streetB, and today a car
riage blanket nnd sovernl other ar
ticles woro stolen from n fnrmor'a
rig which was Btundlng on Ferry
street. Oltlcor Welch has u vague
description of tho culprit, and hu
whereabouts Is being diligently
sought after by that oltlcor.
Dvlcgntrn NiiiimiI
(lovomor Chamberlain this morn
ing appointed GO delegntoa to tho
TrauB-MlsslBslppI Congross. to be
hold In San Frniiolsco Ootober fl-iO.
Two of tho dalegato. K. Hofur and
Ooorgo F. Koilgars, nro from Salein,
IClrrtora l-"il Ambiance
T,ho Rnubllcnn arid Prohibition
presidential oleaors this morning
lled tholr uccoptaucos In the offlco of
Society tho secretary of state.
I: P. II. D'ARCY, Owner K. L BERNARD, Leesee and Manager ;:
The home of IliglKlnss Awusemenis. Animated pictures,
Talking ahd Singing Pictures. The sensation of nil Europe
Illustrated Songs
:Price of Admission One Dime
iiinhimiiutmnmimiiiiMiMiiiiimiHiH -H-H-t-H
IlorM'iiinii Injuicl
John Merrill, a young horso deal
or, living on Twenty-fifth street, wim
run over by n wild hone this morn
ing, nnd which, In boiiio way, 8trick
him on tho chin, can ing him to bltu
his tongue so badly that nlno stlches
woro sowed In thnt tneinhor by Dr. O.
II. MIIoj. Mr. Merrill has a lot or
wild horses from Haatarn Oregon,
nnd wns putting 0110 of them through
n course of training nt tho time of
the accident.
Sued on Xoto
O. A. McMlllon hni brought suit In
tho circuit court against S. M. Long,
of AMinny, to recovor $73.50. nllged
to bo duo on n promissory not. Th
A. II. Avrlll Machinery Cotnpnuy, of
this o'iy. has brought milt In the olr
oult court against A ml row Quail nnd
Matilda Quail to rocovdr S00, fil
logcd to lie duo on a promissory not.
Hoard Authorizes I 'ay incuts
Tho board of trustsaa of th State
Instltuto for the Ftehlo Mtndd hold
a meeting lut ovonlng, and author
ized the paymont and part payments
on soveral oSnlnn. Tho clerk of tho
board wns authorized to advertise for
bids for a bake ovtn, a rnug nnd
laundry tunchlnory.
Cnniiery for Stnyton
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. WiddU, of
Stayton. wore tn tho city today, nnd
have been Invtstlgntlng th cannery
plants hero, at Indupondonce and
Monmouth. Tho Intention Is to
tnbllsh a caunary for fruit at Stay
ton, to as to bo ready for bu-R?s
next spring. There is considerable
enthusiasm over the project rmon.
tho fruit growora and buslntfcui me
at that live city on the Sanitiun.
At an onthti8lnBtlc meeting of tho
Doard of Trade last evening it wan
decided, among other things, that
Salem Bhould present a silver loving
cup to A. C. Gilbert, tho world fa
mous athlete, who was formerly a
Salem boy, upon his return to Ore
gon; that the city should have cheap
er gas, and thn th? aires should
closo at 11 o'clock In tho motnlng on
Salem Day, which' will bo one of the
big dnys of tho fa!r.
C. M. Illahop, H. II. Onager and
C. L. McNary were appointed ob a
commlttco to present the cup to
Gilbert. An oiTort will also bo made
'o have tho threo Oregon athletes at
tho Btato fair next wcok. It h prob
able thnt the necessary funds will
hnvo to be raised by subscription, an
thero arc no funds aval.lablo for this
purpose In tho treasury,
Tho board recommended to tho city
council thnt an ordinance, requiring
tho gas company to furnish gns at u
cheaper rate, bo passed.
It was unanimously recommended
that nil the stores In the city should
cloro on Salem Day, Wednesday, Sep
tember 10, nt 11 o'clock. Several
reports of oHlcors wcro read, showing
the extent of the promotion work In
the various departments thnt lo bo
lng done by tho Donrd of Trade. Sec
rotary Hofor reported 20,000 p!cco3
of lltcraturo had been sent out dur
ing July nnd August, nnd thnt during
that tlmo now settlors had Invested
somothlng like $12.', 000 In tho- vi
cinity of tho Cnpltal City.
Tho doal with tho Portland Hall
way, Light & Power Company has
been cloied, nnd tho "Julco" for tho
electric atroainors will ho turned on
next wcok. Chnlrmnn Meyers, of th?
spoclul commltteo appointed to lrn"
aftor thlB matter, roportod that
contract had bnon entered Into. Tho
prko fixed h n very reasonable one,
nnd tho company promUes good ser
vice. Tho light will bo rendy by next
Wednosdny, and possibly Tuesday.
HOLD lt01UKll ' Jt ft
A man giving hlsujtmt 8 Fna
Mlllor stoUtwp blankets from th'
team ofaJ. H. t,8mhll0(l t,ojlo-. and
dUpostfd ofhoni aTsacond-hand
store. He made aopnr rn'd. but
was intercepted by Policeman Woloh.
who landed lilm In thoclty Jail.
inrrrnoxs von cauk
tfTW. Haggard, of Topeka. Kan
"at!. arrival In SaUm this momlng.
and at qnew mad aQplleatlou to biv
hla wlfo's vaunt. Mrs. Hmma Drain
removed from tho state Insane asy
lum, where ehe was committed tor.
year ago from Raker City. It Is saM
that ,Mrs. nraln Is harmltm, and that
sho was commit Leil to th asylum be
cause there was no one to take the
proper care of her. It seems that
Haggard has just learned of hid rela
tive' coudltlon,
In one hop wagons passing through
Albany for some hop yard was a cag
all preceatlag an odd appearance,
looklag afalr itk tr kids la it,
Tho Southern Pacific CompiMl
sell round trip' tickets for .:
one-third faro from September n
xn, inclusive, iaua.
Limit, continueas pa-sags la t
direction. Final return mtt ,
tombor 20. WM M'MURJUt
w-iw n b ,
r. 1
O n
O And Movements of Salem O
O People, O
J. L. Lautermnu Is tn Albnny vis
iting for n short time.
J. L. Goodwin hnn returnod from n
butluoee vUlt In Hiigbuo.
M. C. Clark, of Hlllsboro, Is In the
city transacting biiBluoss.
John H. Scott loft today for Ya
qulua to rutnnln a few days.
O. D. Hurdlok loft for Albnny yoa
terday to tranart buelims.
A. I". Moor and family returned
today from n month's c-itlug nt New
port. G. H. Colllgvn rcturntd to Albnnv
today. nftr a short buslnois stay
Hugh Treolarid Is In Albany look
ing after biiBliifftf natters for n fow
Paul Aufrano loft ywterday ovob
lng tor Alaska, where ho will bo om
W. S. Hamilton nnd wife, of Rose
burg, woro visiting In tho olty to
day. S. K. Notson, of Heppner, Oregon,
U In tho city transacting business for
11 fow days.
Frank Durbln, the hop man, wont
to Albany today to look aftor bust
net matters.
J. H. Col Una, of C'atjkanlo, was)
' looking aftor business Intarests here
.' Jay Holmo3, a Portland niuslclan,
arrived this morning to work at the
coming stato fair.
Misa Dena Mangold, of SUvorton,
arrived today to vlilt for a short
Lima with frlonds.
Mis Laura Wllloby, of Port'and, is
visiting with Miss Lena Mllai in thU
olty for a few days. ' '
Mrs. Fred Wheeler, of, Portland
arrived today to visit with frlande
throughout fair week.
A. L. JHgR'ns and family returned
tula morning from Newport, where
tlv spent a p!eaant outing.
Mr. and F. A. Gunlson, of Port
land, arrived today to visit the dif
ferent hop fields In this vicinity.
Gorge Atherton, of Portland,
caw up last eTenlng to look over the
racing ponies at the fair ground.
Mrs. Will n. King has returned
from Baker City, after visiting wit
friends there for a number of days,
Tae MIh Oset-gk aad RUa Any
have returned from Newport, h
iney Bjioni iwo weeks by the 1
A r n. . . ..
. I-. ui uuu mm lamiiy, of flrw
Pass, arrived today, nnd will cjJ
the fair grounds during the hUr.j
Mr. and Mrs. F D. Ulkna
turned t'us morning from C
whoro they spent a pleasant 05
Tom Ilollbrook returned to
!inmi tH Wnlln rl 1-...
..... ,u i.uim iioiiu jeaieray,i
transacting business hero for 1 1
F. Pt Tnlklngton wont to Cottl
Grove this morning to visit bl
and transact buslncsi for t
George W. Mnrchall left yt,l
day for Albany, to look after ti
nosa for tho Weyerhauscr TIs
J. G. Burroughs nnd family
turned to tholr home In Portlanl
morning after n two weeks' tlilti
with rolatlvea.
Mlns Allco Hubbnrd has re'd
to hor homo In this city after xi
lng with her brothers Frank
Paul, In Billings, Mont
unvo vnntis, the popular :
clothing merchant of this cl
turnijfl ait ovonlng 'rom a tj
biiblncRs vlclt In Portland,
Porcy Hall, of Vancouver, an
this morning from Portland, and I
rpmnln during tho fair tUj
frlonds and nKondlng tho state l
Ex-councllmnn h"'' Drtafafl
;l't, Frod Han", lcff fc Phlltl
ihla, wh?ra ho w II 'ak1 a w
course In medicine and afterwa
year's cturso !n Gcmany
C. J. Conrad, a prominent bnslJ
man of Toledo, Ore., Is looVlnp
his IntorostB hero r!or a fOw dayt-l
will roturn to Toledo tomorrow I
bring his family hero to attend
big fair.
Lodl, Cnl., Sept 10 Prepsrttj
nre bolng made today by tho dlr
of tho rocently orga'J'zd WlreGI
Awonlntlon to take un wi'b m
yrnl nuthorltle wha tVr tM
bo unfair dlwrlmlnnton by '
fomla Wlno AssorIa m
It Is clalmod by the growers 1
by provontlng outside blddlsj
wlno n'soclatlon has reauc
nrlco of wlno grnpes to 1
while prlceB hnv t "tofore nt
frora$12to16pfron Iff
oveldonco cin b- f rf an '
will bo mndo to Ind c ihewbtf
elation, under the Cartws'"
truat lnw.
TH03 K-F01
vH, lHd t Uuh'i Hank Stk
MT.Tlr.U TTrtlnn FffC
FmnH Mi-rt-dlth. tl ""
Oftlco with Win BrnACa
"9 CommerInlV"
.IWi i
. ......... rnrr'e !
.. ..... M 11 i I v
no inuK.. cuw- ;
nations. js9n Xti
an worn guu""" ...!
oc xr,lnn street Ph0"
" -"" M
WStxl Italian prune VJ'
. tlty. picked in fira .cow un
able for canning " j i
Vx Salt A houe. btn jjki
to.s; weu --',. g.,.,1,
of Btnall truu, -- ji-jtl
. . "' 1 nUno. a
.. . iii trc:
k ."a W
BOHJfl lnw .v.-" j