Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1908, Image 6

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    (rDAILr.OAPTTAIi 3oURNAhfa8ALBM, OftUOX., . TtlVtttiVXX, BKirMJMHKR 10, 0.
- ' - ' " "
"" - aJI.. BaHw.
- "- . 3
Washington, Sopt. JO. The first
returns to tlio National Conservation
commission show that Uncle Sam Is
making; fine hopdway with his Inven
tory of natural resources. It Is per
haps a bigger Job than he at first
suspected but Indications nro that he
Is going to get through It In good
time. Very likely It has cut short
the vacation plana of some of his
best helpers, but there linn been no
eomplalat. Ills corps of Invoatlga
tors, statisticians, experts and scierr
tliLs have buckled down closely to
the work all summer.
Inquiries have been going on)
from this and (hat gorornment office
by the thousand. They have gno to
rectal agents in the field, to the gov
ernment atatlons her and there, to
bureaus of 'statistics all over the
country, to county clerks, to town
ship assessor, to manufacturers, to
lumber dealers, to railroad and
steamboat companies, and to farm
ers. The chiefs of the government
bureaus have been wanting to know
about landsfarm lands, tlmbor
laridrt, mineral lands', about crops
and crop production; about swamp
and overflow lands; about Irrigation!
about navigation how far the use
of our Inland waterways has do
creased and tlio reason for tlio de
crease; tho cost of water trafflo as
cpmpared with railroad rates; thu
use of water power nnd Its possibili
ties; about all phnson of tho forests
and of tlmbor nnd lumber; nbouf
how much of minerals wo havo loft
nnd the probable duration of tho
mlncrnl supply, and about livestock
an ' gamo and fish.
r-. on'y tlio most hurrl'd kin
of general 'imtfip of tho "Sehodu.
of Inquiries" fir thri Nntlonnl On l.
sorvntlon commlsiloit. Just whnt 't
really Is can bo soeh only by study
lug n copy of this most unusual doeu
i inont, tho "Ochcdulo,' on which
Uncle Bam Is basing tho flrt Inven
tory ho over nttnniptnd to mnko or
hi nnturu) wealth, It can bo ob
tained by writing a lot,1or to Thomnn
1', tilihp, nonrotary of tho National
Conservation commission, Forest
Hervlco, Washington, D. C1 Tho Cos
sonntlon coininhston also got out
''Nulletln cf .rngyoii." which show
Just how rapidly tho conservation
movement, utdrtod nt tho Whit
House conference of govornors, Is
going forward. Thoio also may bn
obtained f cm tho ueorptnry.
Sine tho governors and tho groat
nntlonul organizations hnvo shown
so great an interest In tho coiiHorva
tlon of ronourcos tho movomont linn
sprond nil ovnr the- United Stntui
Now stnto con rvtlun oninmlsslonii
tiro reporttnl to tho Nntlonnl Cot-1
sorvntlon commission at tlio rate of
throe of fmlr a wttek and largo nn
tlonnl organisations nro rapidly com
ing forward with conservation com
mlltoos of thslr own, Tho ooijsorva.
tlon moveiueut bay be koIi) now to ho
firmly established. All tho govern
ment bureaus are rapidly pushing
work on tho Inventory of resource
in ardor that n preliminary report
may ho made to the Nntlonnl Con
servation rontm'rlon nt It mooting
In Washington. Tiineilny, December
J. Ono week lntor, Tuesday, Decom.
her 8, tho governor of tho stntos
and territories, or helr roprosenla
tlvos. will meet In Wahlntun wlti
tho communion. Already, nlthough
tholnvltntlou has not yet boon Issued,
tho govornors of sow 12 or in stntai
nnd territories hnvo nnnouneod their
Inteutloit to bo present nt the moot
ing. Among theso are Governor
Frcnr of Hawaii and Governor Hog
gatt of Alaska.
That tho consorvatlon movoraout
la absolutely nonpartisan Is shown
In tho vigorous declarations In tho
platforms of both leading political
imrio in favor of conservation of
natural resources. Mr. Rryan, who
apoko at tho governors' conference,
ha declared himself, strongly In fa
vor of conservation, nnd Mr. Taft.
In hU spooch or acceptance, wont oh
record na nu advocate of tho move
ment, it a question on which th
Amorlcan Federation of Labor and
tho National Association of Mnn,u
fneturora agrfcjf? Justices of tho su
ttmm c,owrt of the I'n'ltfd 8tttw
Jiuvo written President Itaovelt eos
pre'ng unaunllfled approval of lle
movomont-to no thonaUan'e nut.
ural wealth, and CanTwol Qlhbnpn.
just before laovln t be prtWr.t z
th- i .' IhIiIIm iu IUm. jtflvtf out
a oHg vtrni ! tmthVHluty, u'
vol il Ih making ptovfttlMi fbr f.
lur Ktrtlt b taking rare .f
iu t ww ft ik cdury.
""he work of ooNHtiltag lb r-tt
as t materia I resulting (row ife
tw le sent out by tho lflfrc"
jtoprnuient bureaus V undiMbu
y h" ono of groat riponlbllit and
"teS requiring efcprt jhwwleago and'
peculiar ability, For this task Pres
ident Rdosovclt has selected Henry
Gannett, of Wnihlngton, D. C, as
ahttant director of the Cuban consul,
Mr. Gannett, who i one of tho best
known men In tho government work
at Washington, Is just now finishing
tho compilation of the census of
Cuba. At tho conclusion1 of that,
by direction of the President, he will
devote all of his time to tho com
pilation of tho material which, when
completed, will mako up the first In
ventory of natural resources over at
tempted In tho Unltd States.
ConftcrvatioH Jjcaguc.
Chicago, Sept. 10. A national
convention to consider tho subject
of tho country's natniraf resources and
the beBt means of preserving them,
may bo called in Chicago shortly aft
er the election, If plans of tho nowly
organized movomont In this direction
materially, Tho matter has been
taken up by the Conservative Leaguo
of Amorlca of which Waltor L. Flsh
or of this city, Is president, and Presi
dent Itoosovolt, William H. Taft nnd,
WIHInm J, Brynn are officers,
Tho lenguo consists of individuals
nnd roproxontatlvoB associations
throughout tho country, Including thw
National Rivers and Harbors con-
gross, tho National Manufacturers'
association, tho National Irrigation
congress, tho Nntlonnl Lumber Mann-
fncturora' association, tho Amorlcnn
Federation of Labor, tho Amorlcan
Civic Fodorntlon nnd tho National
Hoard of Trade. Prosldont Roose
velt l kconly Intorosted In tho biiu
cesH of the movomont, nnd had n
h "tliject at Oyner IJiy n slior
Mm ago.
As a pHnilt, tho loagr.ie Is taking
ndlvo stops to stir up Interest In tho
rosourcoi of the country, mnny of
which nro being neglected or wasted
or bo'p a,-lflee(l -to the Interests "it
a I'lind ill of niKti.
" Our aim now will bo to llitorest
jfotorn In tho movement," said Mr.
Flshor, "so that -wlibn thoy como to
oust their bnllots In Novombor thoy
will hoo thnt cBngros-mon nnd rop
ro'ontatlves nro returned who nr
Intorosted in tho groat work of con
lorvatlon. Hut cnnHorvntlon Is not tho
only aim of tho league. It plnns, as
woll, to take Htops looking to the do
velopnmiU of roaourcos, espcclnllv
tlmbor, to Horvo for futuro use.
Through the rnnforomu of governors
called by tho Pnmldtut the xecutlvo
forpos of tho nation hnvo been
nrouod to n oonsldorntlon of th
couvorHntlou problom. Now thronign
tho Interesting of thoo va'rloiiB or
ganizations eommaroo
u holng ronehod."
r '
adopt the co-operation plan as a way
out of their difficulties. The repdrt
which has been Issued contains a
statement of tho net earnings of the
two street railway companies for thu
periods ending June 30 and July 31
These figures were: For tho Chi
cago Railways company, five months I
9010,083; for the Chicago City Rail-1
way, six months, $400,484 making
a total of $1,010,507. ,
Tho city's share of this sum, as
stipulated In tho recent ordinances
of tho companies is 55 per cent, '
which nmotintn to n. to till In rnnli nt i
$608, G12 for the half year. At this .
rate tho city may count on an annual ,
income of at least a million and n '
quarter dollars and probably more
in futuro years, as the city grows
and bulsneis conditions improve.
Other Interesting figures were con
taincd In tho statement. President
Mitten, of tho City railway reported
frital accidents during tho year aa
ono to ovory $4,172,727 passenger;
carried. Tho figure last year was
ono to ever' $2,595,910 passenger
Tho present valuation of the rond
la given as $32,000,000.
Doth companies report' progress In
tho gigantic task of rehabilitating
the streetcar lines, which a year ago
wore little better than a masi of
Junk nnd antiquated cars, an a re
sult of the skinning of tho lines nnd
tho subsequent financial tangle pro
duced by thu famous manipulations
of Charles T. Yerkes, tho promotor.
1-1 , 1 1 -T
SEPT. 14-lt
Salem. Ore.
and Special Rates
SEPT. 1441.
Salem, Ore.
Monday, 14th
Saturdajr, I9tb FKEl?
Greatest Exhibit at any Coast Fatr.
New buildings all completed.
Walks and grounds tho fllnost.
Freo camping for thousands.
Agricultural college to hold meetings.
nccca six days; commence Monday.
Free evoniag ontortalnmonts.
McElroy'n Band and Orchestra.
Prominent, men will speak.
Fancy stock shown dally.
und Industry
CJiUagu. Sapt. 10 An Incomo of
over $1,000,000 a year It what tho
olty of Chicago will dorlve as Ha
shnro lu th unliiuo pnrtusrshlp be
tween It uud tho local- streetcar coin-
pnulos which was hit upon na tho bant
okitlon of tho trnotlon tanglo. Tli9
first complete ngurii of the city's
pmiU under this arrnugeniout luive
Just been mud publle ami shuw th
nuccoHS of tho axporlmant. As n re
sult othor munlolpnlltlot with trno
tlon probloms an their bnnda )nay
Chicago, Sopt. 10. Traditions of
gonorntlons of American oyster ent
ers wcro shatterod this year when
tho health commissions of Chicago,
Dr. W. A. Evans, declared that tho
old saw regarding tho oatlng of tho
blvnlvu In "months with an 'r' In
thin" wns 'insclontlllc nnd that
S'tifMnlcr ovf'ors wre nt to bo a
ilHiiroir pi ! ) : of U" hottoit
wtnoier uont!.
In a formal stntomont ho dashed
tho hopss of thousands of epicures
who had boon holding tholr oyBtoi
apputlto In chock until this month.
Tho blow to tradition wns oven
worse. Not ovon -tewing or r-ving
Complete Program for Six DaysTwo Great Shows-Day
ana iMgiu-oomecmng uoang. every nour
One Hundred Thousand Oregon People Attend the Fair
. and are D.etter. tor it.
Low Rates
Salem, Oregon
Sept. 14-19
Low Rates
odiem, ureeon
Sept. 14-19
Chicago, Sept. 10. Mrs. Mnldwln
or nonlinn'ntr. nnnnVdlnir ta this latest i Dmuumond, recently Mrs. Marshall
v. .v...,-.a. --)p -. -- - -. ---CJ --- -.,- - .
dictum of bcIoiico, will rondcr nn
oyster porfoctly hnrmleis If It Is
onco bont on destruction. Hero nro
tho oxact words of tho health com-
mtsslonor, whloh brought a roprlovo
of 30 days for tho popular sea fpodt
"Tlioro Is Just aa much reason
why oyators, should ho tabooed Jn
warm Boptombor ns In August In
fact, a llttlo bit more. Tlioro Is some
evldonco that raw oysters carry In
fection In tholr bodies, espoclnlly ty
phoid. In mnny of tho plncos whore
Flold Jr., mother of tho hoys who are
tho principal holm of Marshall
Field's $150,000,000 fortune, wns not
a rich woman ns wealth Is accounted
In those days.
Marshall Field Jr., left hor about
$500,000, and his father's will pro
vided that sho should have tho In
come from $1,000,000, less what
ever sum she received from hor litis
Chicago, Sept. 10. Terrible stor
ies of conditions iu Russia were
brought back by Detective Sergeant
Mnko Mills of this city, who h?- .'; t
roturned from a trip to that courry
Chicago, Sopt. 10. A novelty
postago stamps which may beccci
common elsowhore, has Just beta I
etltutcd by bo mo of the big builc!
aiisos In Chicago. This Is theiUtci
lug of Arm monog-nms on the BUni
...cu ar Wl a iubiuvu who . as vraui-,to ,v;70 a. ,iQatinca on and up
... uiuiiii m- uiv muruvr ui jour tectlon ngttlnn thofts by cmplojfi
neusaiu women. ti.i.. i .i. .i.. ... ..
f ,,,",. , , ... ... . . .. ... i i,"B ,a l,,u llal iiiarKing on poiu
mu rommions :n iuis:ia never Btain8 othor tlmn cancel!at!oa tbfl
yoi nave neon mioquntoiy pictured by ,in8 ovor beon nUovicli. Some Ian
a . a. ....A.. II I.I lflll ..r . I.
ill. j nriiur. biiui .iiiis. an lorrinin -- .-i..i n ... .. .La
. . . . I,, vuuuiiuiviiii Hriim Hiu'cnitHi w w
......, u. iHVuniV iu .-.u hkhih io nro moy inni pornnps no wruor can govornmont, and a short time ago
. vDtut .,..... .. .t .. uokiiuu iuuin. . visiivii vuiiin. iviov, ordor wns 80nt out by pojtni
Imnil rm 1.1 Hint ltn.1 Cm T.lnlil O - I m.tl. ....I MI...I. mt.. ...it i "
'""" BU,l l""v ""' "" '" r' (lllll (lllll .UIII3K. 1IIO rOVOlUUOniSXS nnnoml 1nvn noKinlHInoliMiTiffl'
. ...... ...ujw., 'V v."B r-
oyslors nro raised ,thoy aro caroful Hvod a few months longor n codicil In thoso plncos aro for tho most part chasers of stamps to place ttfl
Often Tlio Kidneys Are
Weakened by (hor-Wmli.
Uuhcallhy KiJncvs Make Impure blood,
It tiHcd to be toiuiilcri-U tlwt onlv
immry uihI bluvhler tnvb! h vwt to lc
JKjSL but now modern
JyVi (J M'iauc4 jnovon thai
?iw uonrlv nil dUwuci
.f littt t1ilr twtt.tniiliiu
tu - the tliorlr tvt
Vhoso mut-t iuijhhUuu
The VMucy filter
aitdpuriiv theblooil
that l tholr work.
Theroforc, when our kiduvysnro weaV
v out of order, ou qmii ui.durtuud bow
luicUlv your enure lwdy U iTeetetl and
How very orUH muu t fail to do iu
.rwCriMW U
J "lj" &
to koop wiwnRO nwny from tho beds,
but In many others this precaution
Is not taken. Soptomber U the 'ty
phoid month, which U amply signifi
cant. So nvueh for tho raw oyator.
' "The tampornturo In cooklug will
kill gtrma and will kill most, but
not all, poison. If there nro put
refactive products In
will not ho klllou. It ! safer to
watt until cool wonthr Is os
ed boforo tnokllng oysters
not Mt tho ilntt Saptember IS. This
Is not A ense of calendar, but of tem
pvrtnuro." Tho dystor builiiMa lu Chicago ;s
larger than Is gsnarnlly supposed and
runs Into tho thousands of dotwns n
month. Spoolal oara are run from
I'hllailtdphla and Ualtlmora every
day and big shipments of th grn
gulf oyster are disposed of In the
winter by the larg hotels and "after
thoator" rostnurnnu.
o ...
virnvi'iing .unus iipencnre.
.-. I. I.. .....n.. ...Ml .......1.1 !..... ..I !..... I... .1. , nt ... .
. .... ......u... ... um ...., K., .,u,a iiimir uie age oi -u, unu nearly mnrks on lll0 thousands of MU
riiia iininriiiiir.iii.iiiii' rn iiMinm ii n n an rw n v iia i.i&ka. u . . i . r
""""' "' ,"' " "";" " 7" " U4 """' ,,w uwl " 'kw. colored paper which they u'9
becoming strongly a ttaohed. he In- went from Ml.nu to Odessa nnd.(In, Thl Is n blow to the aundrtl
como from several millions Instead of fcund cond'tlon. there the same. If of oraonfl who80 fnd l8 ph8tfiri
V . nverugo who 8p0mI tho!r egrir( ilm 1
ui . yuiiwry uriMjn.rs vxecuiou ovor fronka'. Bnd varieties"
each day In some of theu cities, nnd reKiar Btftn,p 81l08 and searcM
u is uniy un rnru ocensiout inni in
outer world hears of them. In Odossu
I saw 15 men and boys most of the
Some conjeoturot are being In
dulged ns to the amount Mrs. Drum
mnud will ho likely to snvo out of
ovstors. some'tne income on n minion, wiiioh at o
It l su for to 1'0" cent would equal the salary of
itnblleh-j the Prosldunt of tho United State, boys were, very youngrhjprded Into
I would i According to W. G. Ilaalo. who drew the prison nud ?hot. Thev wore
tho rnm8 Flold will, hor rooul coudemned at a drum-head oonrt
marrlnge to Drummond will in no martini, and tSelr bodle ware drag-
wny nfroot nor lognoios. That eho re
mnrriod caused un surprise, as shi
: wns from childhood a boauty, with
IslrAiiir ilnmoailn tnulAs nrml lluhln In
lttr anseatry. which wm German
Anuirlonn. her father having boeu
loulri C. Huak, a browar uud mult
sjter. The two Flold boys. Marshal:
FMil III, nud Honry Flekl. nre now
lu England being educated, but 't
understood thai they will return to
for hidden wntor-marks with thetH
of n inngnlfrlng glass When teal
tlmo ago somo of the- 2-cent
stamps npponred with a hit oi a ii4
which could be detected over Vm
flguro by examination with $m
"variety' tm
night tfr:
rendlnc irlnna overv
. .. .. . .. . " ""n o"""'i " -'
geu to uio pouce neiu an4 buried n Uotor Bpon. fInv ,,.,
i Hours uu.r taeir nirew. more to get ono for his n'b -n Noir.uw
nro moutnuus or roMaiits lu evorv of tbe b, flrm3 l)gnK , B0Mr1
pari oi iu empire. Tlidy nre no ,UJtrklag8 have aIre,uh begin to x
iHHtjur vuiiijj-ri oy mw uuas'au gov- M(v ip.(ra from rfl ctor auis
ornmont, but are. In he omploymiw ,.,. sllMimnnB hut tl. H-kahMd'
of the various provi0c Thoy are ,hf, nr(loat onule.t . a fHMf
i... puuciiin ci ttuej a ami receive ,f ho lnieads to mak. a complete 1
$7 a month for their work, whloh H , , Vh. mo,K.a ., nrdinstvJ
from (tight In tho morning to olght poftn,a'tter Koners' r "nr "1
o olook In tho evening, with no hour .,,.,,,. ,ia norforfltioa t "fl
"I lima, toll you my oxportoneo on " coutry lor ueir nnai eaucatmn
nn oast hound O. R. & N R. R. ins It was the wish of tho late Mar
for toet or food. Every Cossack
simply be perforation'
If wit ate idok er " fwl 1-vUv ' :tUi
tki'vf lw grt VUlney rt."... TSr,
KUiun'aitwmtiB-ltiKK, Uv isl o
!Ui Vo.it kl'nv3 r wvli tin w; Imlji
)U tho x Uu urMMiw tv hv-tw X r)i
ll V4tl I Kli rtU.SXMl.
If ouattf tct; u vui
i in
4R by ii. -tt (bK-umnj,' onr r -
Hio mild tuid tu, tur. itcqjy vilK i
Or. Ktlmer's SipKoot, the t
Yiduay twytoK, w mhi rU l
4aiula tliebilut torluwowle- i' cur
f the HHHit, di4tt. . "f cew , . .i'
'Mt it wcU b itti
iU oruts lu ui tycit
tl M40-dtlUr
'wUlv Ym tj
'il fww al a MHWt ipllmjf m
w to fend iu if o u u . "
v k.ddi?cv trtvdH. "Motion M i
yVU rlungtolli Kdmcr & Co.. lt.n
;-ajlotj, Jf. v lm't wk ag v wiKe
bnt ttinubvr S name, -Swawp Uoo
' iws.M-Roou ftljd th ad
arleviaiifnataton. N, v..ot.trr botu
train tron Pendleton to La Grnnde,
Or , writes Sam A. Oarber,, e woll
known traveling mnn. 'I wits In tho
smoking department with iome
other trovllng men when ono of thorn
wont out lntothe coach nnd eam.&
back and saldt "Thero Is a woman
sick unto death lu tlio car I at once
got up and wont out, found hor very
111 with cramp celic: her htnda and
arms wore drawn up so you couW
not straighten them, and whtlo a
deathlike look on hor faco. Two or
throo ladles wore working with her
and giving her whiskey. I went to
my suit case and got my bottlo of
Qhamhorlnlu'a Collo. Cholgra and
Diarrhoea Remedy (I paver travul
without in, ran to the water tauk,
put a double dose ot th medicine In
tho glas. oourod some water Into It
njul Ptlmul H with a penoll; then I
shall Flold that thoy should eater ait
American university.
- o
DenfnMs Cannot Ho Cuml
by local applications. a they canaot
reach the diseased portion of k
ear. Th -re Is only one way to cure
ii) luinntnro nof liiVi'f'DS I
onrrles n rifle, a revolvei. a sabor, a ba ono tn,rty.8.rond of an lw1
wnip ad a piont'ful supply of am. n, thQ whol tlas,n w thlo s P
munition.' They are a class or oaste -hnlf nn.,lnnh ,mi.rf MostAf 1
of themselves, aud have nothing In wCi2h nirladv haw r-r taw1
oommon with the peasants. One f w,fl nffl ra ,,v1, u m d.S-l
thing you fcatlco when you Uud n A tmw nrms lnI,i-!, aal otlM
Ru8la and which kepS itself upon hnv horaldlc crost3
jour minn nu tne tuno is tlio pres-
I by n cities and towns are overrun wlthour stomach' otrorg and vMl1
mwh? theim, and ,n the r,ry they are ' instantly relieve you of alltw 1
v.-. - thicker than tramna In our ennntrv ' toms of Indigestion Get a bv j
or tue iBnmut
."- .. .2 -..."'- -T '
natl qnito a time to get the ladles to . surfaces.
lot me give It to I er. but I sueaaild
i come: at onee see tne ertoct
worked with her, rubbing
deafnos. and thU Is by constltutlona' ence of the millions of beggars. The
rememej. jioainess is cauo-i
tnunmea oonmunn of ? m
lining of tho Eustachian Tube.
una tune is inunmea you nave a
rumbling fouud or imporfect hear
ing, and when It Is entirely elo-"d
Dafnos Is the remit, and unless th
Inflammation can he taken out and
this tubo restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be dtioyid for fer
ever: nlno cases out of ten ar caused
hy Catarrh, which Is nothtag bnt m
innaiueii conuitton or tbe
Kodol w'll. wither f?2
thlQkor than tramps in our country
Ibst Trvatinent for n num.
If for no othor reason, Chambr-'
Iain's Salvo shon'd be kept In every
hou'oholl on accouat of its great
wluo In the treatment of bums Itj
allay tho uaJn almost Instantlv. and'
It to day.
It Is sold here W m
and In 20 ntlnutoa I gno'
doso. Rv this tlmo wo wort nliuotii
Into La Grande, where I was to leave
tho, train. 1 jjavo the bottle to ih
hutbaud to he used la rase aaothet
doso should bo needed, but by the
time tfeo train ran into La Gmadei
unless the Injury Is a se,? one
heals the parts without leavlnr a
We, will give One lUndre1 Dollar T'. "", r.,?c, " ":"
effoctaad ) for any case of Deafness hssHhi T. L?"'7- ""- '" r n,'l'a CJ
ghorhads,lcatarrh that eannot bo n.l by le bv Dr &fW? n
'"bw anohr Hnll's natarrh Cure. Sead fr clr we hy Dr. Stn Drug S'or-.
cuiar, iroe. P. J, CJHEtf BY nfe CO , . .. ,
Toledo, O. Ia 'be orttrs w-rl notblnit U
Sold by drugghus, ". --j ,-k! prizeilght nn'e
Take T:aii FamUy IM'te far can- on r- Hth of the oontvaBti .
w Mm
.L .. 1. ul..l.t 3 ..... I .
ii w mi risi". ann roiq i, ThB so4ljlit-lbr CA4kiaje fr
. J ry ivjwagr In iMl-mo-i n- i- .n ..... .T.. -.
enr." Far sale hv Tr StonA't An - - . w u i
storo, , lst keiH blm frm jpaktag poUa! Stoaiacb d
' ' ' firm- rmn I SneOohCli. nlcbt Sllil r foal Se tur un
- - ' -.,. --r- - -. . m w
o s iM . a ul
'! for 1)llouiRes4.
took two of Chamber UV i a
Liver Tablets j
thun r bav for weeks, -ays J J
. DaYitt. Uttla Earlv Tiir r r,tva,ua". AiieBan. Mien "iney
small pills, easy to take, gentlo and faLIsJ' tJ
nv tnM . Iii .i.,,..i.i. tousness, tor
-"- y a Bia4v
are certainly a fine article for bll-
sale by Dr. Stone's
drug store, Sample free.
.. nTOSl
- o:.b CSMAHI -
r .T.-.tCT TACiLlTl-
j - ,, nF
rnt . 1 V 2r uw -'
ii ran g-ap wo
ftirrt ls6rf Aiti ' II Vf'm