Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 10, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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The Old White Corner
otiorinl offering of Fall Underwear at this senson of
the year might sworn strango to you nt first, but a 'e.
ond thought brings to mind that ir. cmy a few dayi
Old Jack Frost will bo sneaking around trying to cot a
slnp at you. A big purchase of Union Suljh direct from
the mill onables us to offor real $1.00 values for 75c.
Had we bought these In les3 than original caic9 we
could not sell them for less than $1.00 a Bult. So
display In our Court Street Window
Heavy and Medium Weight
Union Suits 75c
Real $1.00 Values
New Outing Gowns
50c to $3.50
Our complete stock of Ladles',
Misses' and Children's Outing Qownr
Is now ready,
Tho lino comprises everything In
deslrablo garments. Plain White,
BImo, Pink and Fancy Pattorns.
New Goods
Just Received
We'hre now retdy to show the
following goods, which arr'wi'
during tho week:
Rend's Dress Goods
Buuorflcld's Dreis Goods.
Butterflcld's Linings.
Ask to see Sljkcd Venetian
'Valencies Laces. j
Ladles Sweater'.
Ladles' Sulto and Coats.
Fsrs and Knit Shawls.
Infants' Cajies, Toques, etc.
Lndles' Underwear.
Comfort j and Hlanktts.
Hoelery, H&adkerchlols.
Men's ClotMng, Hnts.
, Shoes or all kinds. Neckwear,
Caps, Trunks nnd Suit Cnsco.
And many other lines
Wo told you about the $2.2 G
llnoj a few days ago Now we
have a very new nnd up-to-dnt"
line of
$1.25 WAISTS
Which comprises nil tho late pat
terns In Madras and Heavy Full
Genuine Heath erbloom Pet
ticoats, in all colors
PrttlJent Smith, of tho Roosevelt
Italian Club, called a meeting of
tbdib for Thursday evening at tho
i; hll, and also had a notlco pub
i that the Young Men's Republl-
i Club would meet at the snmo
h, md be merged Into onq or
ation, to be called the Snlem
fmldtat Stringer, of tho Young
Ita'i Ctub, posted notices calling a
ward his organization for Wed-
r veiling, and when It was hold
tn of tho Roosovolt club,
klti bjr Dr W. Carloton Smith nnd
fcl Rice atetmled. Smith made a
1 (or merging tho Young Men's
MUcan Club, and moved that
Ttang Men's Republican Club go
tfeihtence Pres'dent Stringer
Wrf Smith's motion, laying tho
uj men were well organized for
ia work, and were roady to do
JOfXmignod thorn.
Stringer Mnkcs Talk.
1 im opposed to nbandonlnE tho
Inuiiatloa of the Young Mon's Re-
Club " iald President Strlnit
There U no reason why wo can
tooa br the samo name, do tho
llJndof Camnnli'n n-nrV w tin v..
it heretofore, and ho recognized
tat laeeeM nt tim nvt ,
hjtaprlnr, when wo were tho
orcuitatlon to throw life and
-lMm inn hn !. ti.
Uket Regardless of any oth
tta!aUon that may bo formed,
Aall jo on with our campaign
-.Jotu well at If there was a
dozen Taft clul)3 In tho city." Ills
remarks were enthusiastically re
ceived by tho young men present,
Tho W. C. Smith pro,, sltlon wbb
Informally discussed, but was not
acted upon. Following delegate
woro nnmed by President Strlngor as
delegates to tho Portland conference
Soptomber IB: L. C. Stringer, Carl
Abrams, W. C. Smith, A. J. Glllo, L.
T. Roynolds, H. D. Patton nnd El.
Qllllnghnm. It Is understood at the
Roosovelt Republican Club mcctlni;
this ovonlng thore will ho resolutions
adopted merging tho two clubs, and
thoro will ho no moro Youilg Mon's
Club meetings this year.
Tho roport of tho mooting la head
ed by tho Orogonlnn this morning'
"Shut Out Bourne. Forestall Young
In Ills Work ns Taft Club Organizer "
Flnnl notion will bo taken tonight,
when tho Young Mon's Club will bo
ordorod to bo dlsbnnded, nnd not to
hold any moro meetings this year.
Eye Care
E7e I the niou delicate
leatieasuive p,rt pf our
W (he moat neglected.
Pr fcUache. and nervous
t4o come directly from
I' troubles 0f the Eye
M Glasses
' train, and tho
" the better. We
63 rt for defective
fCbntlnued From Page 1.)
published rate, but declares that the
Btipromo court has ruled that the
shipper must adhoro to tho rntoj pub
lished. Tho nnBwor denies that the
caso should bo reopened to establish
tho number of alleged offenses.
Tho answor In part follews:
"Wo may fairly insist that counsel,
In their criticism of tho court's opin
ion, bo hold scrupulous ns to tho ac
curacy of their treatment of both
tho court's ruling and of tho record.
"Wo may require that such criti
cisms be confined to the substantial
ground for tho rehearing. Wo will
take up tho grounds urged In support
of this application in the order In
which counsel hnvo presented them.
It Is urged that the court Bhoujd gjve
consideration again to tho purposes,
which congress had Jn mind in the
passage, of tho act making it criminal
for shippers to accept concessions
from lawfully published transporta
tion rates, all this having been elab
orately presented to this court In a
formor argument.
"There Is nothing of inequality of
rates as between different shippers or
of favoritism to this defendant aver
red or proved. In thU record hut It
Is not for the securing of equality of
rates as to all that counsel has asked
the court to reconsider the purpose
of tho act.
"They say In that portion of the
opinion dealing with the necessity of
some showing being made by the gov
ernment of knowledge on the part
of the accused shippers of the law
ful rate. In order to justify his con
viction, that the conrt has failed to
give duo weight to the purpose which
coBKrea? had la mind la the passage
of the law, ,
"CoMl for the goveratwcMt are
mlstnknn In their contention that tho
trial court'B ruling wbb that tho
'shipper wl'l not bo permitted to
avail himself of tho dofonso of Ignor
ance, where tgnornnco Is tho result
of negligence or wllfull fnlluro to re
sort to sources of information which
are avallilblo.'
"Tho trial couu could not secure
thlB rule, nnd, at tho samo time, ex
clude tho testimony of Holland, tho
I Alton rnto clerk, that ho wna of the
I opinion that six cents por hundred
poundn was tho oil rnto. Tho real
point Is:
"Did tho trlnj court, In Imposing
punishment, tnko Into consideration
tho relation botwooh tho Standard
Oil Company of Now Jor-oy nnd the
Stnndnrd Oil Compnny of Indiana,
nnd did it bnae tta flno upon tho
wenlth of tho Standnrd Oil Company
of New Jersey?
Wenlth Affected Fine.
"That tho enormous flno wns In
flicted on tho defondnnt becnuse of
tho ownership of Its stock by the
Standnrd Oil Company of Now Jer
sey nnd becnuse of tho flnnnelnl
stnndlng of tho Inttor corporation Is
hoyond depute, whon tho ontlro opln
Ion of tho court Is rend.
"Tho notion of the trlnl court, in
fixing a fine which this court holds to
bo an abuso of dlsorotlon, is defend
ed by counsol. Counsel can find no
authority to support that which the
court did, and whloh this court con
demns ns tho fixing of such an on
board of fine.
"This court, having decided tho
caso ponding bofore It, nnd rovorsed
tho decision of tho lowor court, and
remanded tho case for now trlnl, so
linvlng mado up Its mind to deter
mine tho question Involved, It Is sub
mitted thnt tho suggestion of certi
fication In the petition for rohenrlng,
as grounds thereof, Is not a proper
ono to bo either mado or entertained "
(United I'reM I.eaed Wire.)
Newark, N. J., Sept. t"0 -r-The
friends of Franklin Murphy, Jr., son
of the former governor of Now Jer
sey, nnd the millionaire Ylce-presi-
dent of the Murphy Varnish Com
pany, were staggered today when he
announced his engagement tp Miss
Harriet Alexander Long, of Chicago,
Miss Long was formerly a worker
In social settlement york in the Hull
House, In Chicago, and It was there
that she met Murphy. His family
knows nothing ot his. Intended bride,
and It Is reported that he has defied
them to prevent his marriage to tho
girl of his choice.
Murphy went to Chicago after ho
graduated irom Princeton and be
came a common employe In hi? fath
er's varnish works there. Ho became
interested In social settlement work
and met Miss Long.
(United Vrttn LeM4 Wire.)
Philadelphia. Sent. 10. -Charles
K. Lord, president of the Goldfleld &
Tonopah Railroad Company, died
here today. Lord was former vtce-
preJdet of the Baltimore k Ohio
!troad Coavaay. aa4 for may
years nrelBt iaa railway circles.
MEMBER OF CROCKER corps department will make a thor
FAMILY IN PRISON ou8 Investigation of tho uses fcT the
(United Press Lensed Wre.) auto In wnrfare.
Denver, Colo., Sept. 10. Onco tho A school of cookery nnd baking Is
pride of an arlstocratlo family, now to be established also. The first pf
n social outcast, Cora B, Crocker- the regulars are to arrive In camp
Martini, claiming to be of tho Call- Soptomber 23, nnd tho entire force
fornla family of Crockcrs, is hold In will bo In camp by September 29. On
custody here today pending tho In- October G tho mllltln will join them,
voatlgatlon of a forgory chargo nnd over 5000 troops will then he
against her husband, M. O. Martini, roady for tho Joint mnncnivers.
Although a social outcast, Mrs. The governors of California nnd
Martini's soft voice and cultured ex- Arizona aro expected to vl It the
presslon glvo mute evidence of a bet
ter life In tho past. Her sister mar
ried a local king of finance? who was
later found dead In the Denver club
For Mrs. Martini, however, there la
none of tho luxury which falls to tho
lot of klnfolk.
At the nge of 1G the girl wns an
Inmnte of a convent at San Joso. Shu
met and ran away with n wealthy
Englishman. Ho did not marry hei-,
ns he was already hound to n -woman
of high social standing. In Pnrip
a child wns born to the' lucklojs girl.
At It3 birth she ceased, In tho eyes
of the world, to bo a member of tho
family whose name sho bore.
C. D. Watson, a friend of tho baby
girl's father, was nnmed ns gunrdlnn
for the child. Later the young wo
man went Into tho courts to sgcum
hor child. Spending $GO,000 in the
fight she failed, and later kidnaped
tho child.
Martini married her thrco years ago
Ho was kind to her until drink
spoiled hfs nffectlon. Now ho is in
tho clutch03 of tho lnw, n folony
charge against him.
Mrs. Wllllnm H. Crocker, of San
Fr'anclsco, denies nil knowledgo of
tho woman.
(United Prein I.wed Wire.)
San Frnnclsco, Cal., Sept. 10.
Colonel M. P. Muus, head of tho De
partment of California, todny asked
tho war department to send nt least
camp about October 12, whon the sol
diers will Join In a sham battle.
(United Vtnn Lencd Wire)
Portland, Or., Sept. 10.-Louls
Dlnckman, first mate on tho Bteam
shlp Ronnokc, wlio Is under arrest on
tho odd chargo of shooting a ltfo line
ashoro while tho vessel was moored
In tho river nnd scaring tho wHb out
pf n dozon shopmen n mllo away, wit.
try to convince .the municipal nuthor
Itlcs that tho machtno UBod In the
operation- should not bo classed as
flrearra.8. Ho Is accused of violating
tho law governing their uso In the
city HmltB. Tho lG-pound projectile
struck in tho yards of tho O. R. & N.
railroad, narrowly missing thrco men,
nnd caniBlng considerable tin tun go to
tho root of tho pumping station, 100
yardB beyond whoro thoy woro stand
ing. A deviation of a couplo of feet In
its courso might hnvo killed ono or
moro of the workmen, A largo hole
was torn in tho root ot tho pumping
(United l'reis Lenned Wire.)
Snn Rafaol, Cal., Sopt. 10. Barou
John II. Von Schroedor la today deop
ly resentful ngnlnst "King Hum," of
tho carnival In session hero, for tho
rough treatment ho received last
night. Tho barou appeared at tho
carnival without a musk, and, whon
one dlrlglblo balloon to Atascndcro,
Callfornln, whoro the maneuvers of 'ordered urrested for this honlous of
tho California and Arlzonn troops nre J fenso, he resisted. It wns not until
In progress. ho had wlulled his thin cano for 30
It Is tho objoct of tho command- minutes thnt ho was overpowered by
Ing officers to reproduce, as nenrly ns a detachmuut of "Red Dovils," and
poBslblo, tho conditions of nctunl taken into custody,
warfaro In tho encampment this Baron Von. Schroedor declared to
your, and It Is desired that a balloon day that tho affair Is not ended, nrtit
bo sent horo for trial in tho sham that ho will mako things liitorontlni;
battles that aro to bo fought under for his tormentors, ,111s offonso in,
the onks, falling to mask and Bwcar alleglancu
Automobiles aro also to ho tested Is a gravq ono, punishable by a flno
out In tho maneuvers. Tho signal of15 conta and imprisonment.
This iroumu sjiyst tlmt sick
women nlnmhl not fall to try
Lytlln 12. I'lnkluvtu's Vegetable
Compound as .sho did.
Jit's. A Gregory, of 21165 Lnwrenco
St., Heaver, Col., writes to Afrd.
" I was practically an Invalid for six
years, on account of fcmnlo troubles.
I underwent nn operation by tho
dix'toi- h udvlec, but in a few months I
wns worse thnn before. A friend nd
vised Lydln 12. Plnlcham's Vegetable
Compound and It restored mo to perfect
hcnlth, such as I hare, not enjoyed In
many years. Any woman sufforlnjf as
I did with bacfcnchc, bcarlnff'down
pntus, nnd pet Iodic palns,shoUld not full
to uso Lydlu E. Plukhnin's Vegetable
Compound." r
For thirty years Lyclin E. Pink
linm's Veiretahlo Compound. mad
from root? nnd horlw, has boon the
standard remedy for feinalo ills,
and has positively cured thousands ot
women who havo been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcora.
tlon, fibroid tumors, irreguiRrltiofl,
periodic pains, backache, that bear
ing-down feeling, llatulcnoy, indiges
tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it?
Sirs. Piiiklmin Invites all sick
women to wrlto her for advice.
Sho has trulded thousands to
health. Address, JLyuu, Mass.
(United Pre Lesttd Wire.)
Dorkoloy, Cal., Sept, 10. It In an
nounced today that Kugorie V. Debs,
Socialist candtdato for President, win
speak In tho Hearst Greek theatai
Saturday, Instead ot the Alllstoa
Kay Bkntlng rink. Permission to its
tho theater has been granted by Pres
ident Wheeler, of the Ualverslty of
California, on condition that no col
lection be taken. As the seating ca
pacity of tho skating rink Is limited,
the offor will be accepted. Debs will
arrive tomorrow night.
Oregon Sienna Mineral Paint Co.
Wc arc manufacturing forty-two Standard Tintsfe
and colors of Oregon Mineral Paint Ground in (Jil
and Guaranteed Strictly Pure, Durable and Sat
isfactory in every particular. ,
Kaleni, Oregon, Juno J Dili, 1U0H.
Oregon Slvnim Mineral Paint Co, Mi'. 1. II. Woyniii, pmddcnt, Snlem,
Dour Sir:
It Is tho pleasure cf the State Hoard of Agriculture cdllriHls to u
form your comimny thnt after n thorough test of tho paints furnished
tho board fur tho IjkIMIiijw on (J.o fitnto Fair Clroiinds Hint Till."
HAVE PROVEN Hlfllli.Y SATISIWCTORV, and tliat no cr.ia rcomi
luend them to all partloi requiring an A No, 1 article of Orf,on protlut.
tiou, Ashlch (his board fostorw, Respectfully yourw,
I A. WELCH, Secretary.
W. I MATfX)CK, President,
M. 1), WISDOM, VJcr.PrcnluViit,
McMlnnvllIo, Oregon, April a, 100H,
Oregon Sienna Mineral Paint Co Hnleni, Oreuon.
Gentlemen: '
Jh reply to your of recent date, ulll iwy thdt tin? HU'hhh palHt
that tho atnto bought from yoH In (hu er 100H (IK barrels) and ith'oul
the (.nine rfit9Hiit In 1U07, to paint llie OreKon Htato Iiuhho yXun.
bulldlii(rM, has git en outho satlMfNCtloii. IPnru wo put' this pa In J. oo,, .
.our brick -al!s swat so Ixidly no tliought wo wuW try rt'ineiit oh thcni '
. to keep the niolsturo OHt, but our architect from Portland thought beat .
to try sonio of your SIcrhh Mineral PwlHt. Blnre we put your paUt 0n, .
It shut out all of tho moisture nnd u havo perfectly dry nails now
It Is my opinion that thera Im itothlntT bettor tlma your paint for brJcK
walls, and I take plt'MNuro In recjimefi(HHj it to tho public, ,
Youru very truly,
THFCF DAIWTQ a used by the State on
IIIL3L rlnli3 Public Institutions w their
Merit and have stood the severest tests that can be ap
plied. - - - -
This Paint is taken from the MingsJn Lane county, and
, --- iimMai.inii f inltiMiMtfliS iifclMt MM1 1W1 tMI Wgl T iMsMl Si