,m rTrTSf rtiwrff'1if yt - HMJHM1 - 3 " "" "7 . h. ,. 4 .s f0 ,.v A . A SALEM. OREGON, THUIlkbAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1908. dk 0 niln jg 1 llo unuil " , i - i . ,, , liB - ii ii i - i i i- - i i ii J - I- . , I, i - - i - i -.--- ,,,, ,,, i i i - - - 1 I II 1 &HL NO. . LASQOW UNEMPLOYED IN FIERCE RIOTS ghooC SUPERINTWNTS in annual convention SBnfl fflMl URATES 'AN EXCUSE IIS STANDARD OIL COUNSEL iMtti I'rui Lesied Wire. I I (bun. III., Sept. 10. Tho gov- ut'i contention that Ignornnco tipillihcd rato is not a valid cx- ilu t thinner to violate it, is tfted by the Standard Oil Com- tIiUi answer to tho petition to ipmtfment for n rehearing In ittrtty-nlne million -dollar fins ; ied todiy by tho Rocketeer I la the federal court ) np- ftt iniwer denies that the bu- iconrt hB ruled that'tt waa the r of the shipper to ascertain tho BATTLE ALL NIGHT WITH MOB THOUSANDS CLASH WITH POLICE (United reus I.ensed Wire.) Qlaigow, Sopt. 10. Following n night of rioting nnd fighting botwoon a mob of 7000 unemployed nnd mounted nnd foot police, this city to day presents tho opectnclo of a town In tho throoa of a siege. Hundreds of .citizens nro guarding their property with llrcurmu, fearing a recurrrenco of tho outbreak, and torror-otlckon women and children hnvo been compelled to stay Indoon all day. SCores.of housos woro damagod, wlndowsro broken nnd tllo Btrocts , Continued on Page G.) t " 7fammued onPaKP U CniA6ST0RE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE MEETING IS FIRST ONE TO BE HELD IfREASURY SESSION IS BEGUN INFORMALLY The Newest of the New IBFJltflN FU.L WKAR1NG APPAREL, LADIES' SUITS, LADIES' MS, MILUNKIIV, FURS, SILK PETTICOATS, PINE DRESS FINK DRESS SILKS, WAISTING SILKS, FALL HOSIERY: VXl)KUVK.H, KID GLOVES, RIRRONS, LACES, DRESS. (MINGS, SWAN'S DOWN FLANNELS, ETC. DO YOUR TRAD- WAT THE STORK THAT MAKES LOW PRICES. V 'THCCT P k CC IIILI I UVOL DISMISSED FITZGERALD FRfED BY ROW , Dress floods ' jsrdi of the latest nhnitjJlPftayard. Now tuii?, 5c and flue, Wag Flannels nM of the newest :ai ?:, blue and w'hlto, 1 1Jt4C a yard, now, yard M-3t novthowlngoneof tho x ki -n Salanj 0f to mi Ladies' Iteiery " Winter "w-lh-. la cotton, wool and "ftttw are head- F1 kbtf, of Do- . aml Com 9290 -! if you want th best values lu this part of tho world Ju Ladies1 Suits come to tho CHICAGO STORE, the store that does not want to get rich on every sale we make. It's tho vol ume of business we are after. SWELL NEW SUITS Man tailored and Silk Lined, $9-.", $ia.no, svjtAQ, $m.o and up. ?0WTHAT SAVES YOU MONEY Tho first nnuunl convention of tho county school superlntondonth opened In tho ofllce of Superintendent of Public Instruction Ackormnn at 10 o'clock this morning. Nearly nil tho county superintendents In thctstnto woro pro?ont, nnd th'o convention started off In a buslncss-llko fashion Tho sosslon today was Informal In Its nuturo, assuming tho character of a round-tablo talk. Sovornl of tho subjecte which were sent out to tho suporlntcndontB a short tlmo ago woro taken rup and dlacusscd at length. Tho county superintendents wilt snond as much tlmo as thoy can Bparq In lookluK over tho Capital City. Thli ovonlnR they will nttond a theatre lnf a body. The following county Hupor- Intntiflnnta nriT' itrna'nnlv nt ihn' txnX ventlen: Unkor, J. P. Smith. Denton, II. L. Mack. Clacknmns. T. J. Gray. Clatsop, Emma C. Warren. Columbia, J. II. Collins Coo W H. nunch. Crook, R. P. Pord. Douglna, Thurman Chnnoy. Ilnrnoy, L. M. Unmllton. Hood River, Edward E. Cond. Jackson, J. Porcy Wolls. Josephine, Lincoln Snvngo Klamath, J. a. Swan. Lane. W. R. Dlllard. Lincoln, R. P. Goln. Linn, W. L. Jackson. Marlon, W. M. Smith. Morrow. S. E. Notson. Multnomah, R. P. Robinson. Polk, H. C. Seymour. Sherman, W. C. Bryant. Tillamook, W. S. Bnoll. Umatilla, Prank K. Wells. Union. E. E. RrasR. Wallowa, J. C. Conley. Wasco, Justus T. Neff. Washington. M. C. Case. Yamhill, II. II. Belt. . w -qqRla SUICIDE OR ACCIDENT? KILLER RY 1S.VflI.VR i United I're I.tnted Wlre.l Vancouver, Wash., Sopt. 10. Whnther A. Nolon, who was decapi tated by a locomotive, committed sui cide or was accidentally killed Is n question which tho coroner Will en deavor to settle today. Nelson, who waa a luborer, was scon by the en gineer while a fhprt dlstnnco ahead, walking along the track of the North ern Pacific. Ho did not turn around when tho warning whhtlo was blown, but his actions indicated that ho heard It. Ilia head was complotoly cut off by the wheels of tho locomotive. (Unl'.ed l'rci I.enicd Wire.) Chicago, Sopt. 10. Following the Issuing of ordora from tho trdasurv doimrttucnt thnt government officials woro to rofnso-to aid tho stnto In tho proieoutlon of George W. Fltzgornld, former assistant toller nt tho" sub treasury, accused of tho theft of $173,000, tho catiHo was dismissed In court today. The treasury departmont hold that thojstuto had fullod to sccuro enough ovldonco to warrant tho trial of Flti gotld, and thought It would bo wlsor to pillow him freedom than to try him and fall, thus making; tho re covery of tho missing bank notes more umicuit. fa M. was thought today that tho 'thaw's attornoyH and dotcctlvos would iMfertt, on Fltzgornld bolng huld, and thnt -thoro would bo aTlnah'of au thority, but, when tho government pruned to aid tho stnto, tho ense fell thrmigh. DotoctlvoB for tho sub-trcaBuror, Uoldonwreck, who woro compolled to mako good tho loss, woro responsible for the arrest of Fltzgornld. They olalm to hnvo ovldonco that ho tried to nrrnngo for tho passing of aoino of tho missing $1000 bills that made up the $173000 stolon from tho sub treasury over n year ago. Tho enso was dlsmissod by Judgo Ghotfnln after Sub-Troasurer Boldon wreck hnd rofuscd to produce tho records of his ofllco riB evldonco. Tho court declared that tho hear ing of ovldonco now would projudlco tho Investigation, and thnt tho gov ernment's interests woro paramount to tho state's. "Tho stato has no right to push tho Investigation nt this tlmo, when tho government dostrod It stopped," ho said. DREVFUS ' IN FIGHT IN C01IRT FRENCH MARTYR IS INSULTED (United 1'rcM t.cnsci) Wire,) Paris, Franco, Sopt. 10. Tho ad journed session this afternoon of tho trlnl of Louis Oregorl, an tho 'charge of Bhootlng Major Alfrod Droyfui, doveloped a big sonsatlon, reviving tho old Issues of The Droytua cam). Major DroyfuB tostlflod that Gro-, gorl shot to kill, and thnt ho only saved hlmsolf by throwing up his nrin. This was in contradiction .of tho Btntomont mndo by Grogori, thnt ho purposely shot to wound Dreyfus In tho arm, Maltro Monnrd, counsel tor Gro gori, declurod Insinuatingly: "What was truo at tho tlmo of tin flrat DroyfuB trial la truo now." Dreyfnia . sprnng to his ,fqet,- e,x clnlmlng: "You UoJ I wus proclaimed Inno- qont by tho court."-. TAET '10 RECEIVE FORAKER EVENT CAUSE OF SPECULATION (United Urcts Leptrd Wire.; Cincinnati, 0 Sopt. 10. Great Intorest wns takon hero today In tWf announcement that Sonntor Form er will" visit tho Tuft headquarters this afternoon. Following so cloaoly upon tlM hooln of tho "Toledo Incident" 'ttt visit of Fornkor to Taft Is liollevM.V , bo of utmOBt linporlnuco In tkijiW- muni niumuuii in niig siau, No dotnllH of tho Hrrangeu tho mooting woro given nouueomont canto as Forakor was vlgor'ous that tho Toledo meeting Indicated that ho had "burled' the hatchet." i la well khdWn that Foraker wai deeply offondod atliot bolnjf Invited to tho YoungBtown meeting, when tho campaign waa oponcd officially,. . . . it z-x o'imLm a sufMnM. )C IKhlH denial . 1 -mi t ,ii Mourr ift rifr- . - & :tmm iit .i.... i i. it. i ..it. n noro ini nuorirvvn la iihmmiii - x ijiiuw. .uttutiiu ui i it fvrvicn HJB BI11V iiisiiir !" ' An exciting UNION SECRETARY MUST PAY MEN TIME LOST OTTAWA PLANS RONATION TOWARD FAIR EXHIBIT Vancouver, B. C, Sept. 10. Th lion. William Templeinan, cabinet minister, met the Vlotorla board or trade today, to ascertain the views of tho board regarding a government ai (United Pre" Leaned Wire.) Paris, Sept. 10. In ono of t"he most romarkablo docWons ever hand ed down In a Fronoh court, the sec retary of tho EloctClcal Workers' Union has b(en sentenced lo pay damngo to two members of tho union becniiso, Uey wero thrown out of work on ,he night of August C, when Paris was dark. t Tho court held that there had been an abuse of tho right' to strike. Tho atrlko hod been called as tho rojjill of a sort of military alarm, he Bald, and mut bo recognized as mnllcloiu intention, slnco it overthrew tho city's economic life and deprived those who wanted to work of the right to work Thoro ia no appeal from the de cision of the court. n BADLY BEATEN 1Y TUUfJS San FranclscA.Cal.. Sept. 10. Thomas K. &ulllvan, a laborer, s in J a. critical condition hero toJay. as the tnouoararoBBruuB.- -- encounter with two .roprlatlon for the A Yuk thu"g8' n?ar mh and Harrison .treet, Pacinc PsU,0"nacvt"voro, last night. Sullivan offered no r raerobera were atrongly in favor i..m . .,. hv thft n,h. ...t...nfai wmnt heme made. $jr. . t.v. ... , , .... Templeman said bla view coincided with those of the board. He fell etroagly In favor of a gract, and as sured the meeting that, If nothing was dow by the Ottawa iOverHment, mbitaatlal aawuat woil ) lire waymen, but ono of them struck blm, because be had but IS cents and de fended himself. In tbo melee he was badly cut about the back, arms aad ftMosttD, 11 wounds bela la- . M. scollop followed, nnu troublo wna avortod only by tho np- pearancc of tho gendarmes, who cleared the room of nil spectators, ond restored order by main force. Tho orowd, hooting nnd Jeorlng, re mained outBldo tho doors In n state or high oxcltomont. Paris, Sopt. 10. Louis Grogori, tho Paris Journalist, who shot Ma jor Alfred Dreyfus on Juno 4, during tho coromouloy nt tho Pantheon, In connection with tho placing of tho body or Emllo Zola In tho hall or rnmo, was placed on trlnl today In the court of nsslzos, but tho principal witness failed to appear, and hl qwu Btntomont was all that wns heard by the court. Dreyfus was present, nnd wns tho oentor of grout Interest on tho part or tho crowd that thronged tho court room. Gregori wns calm and showod no slgnn of emotion. In his statement to the court Gro gori said thnt ho wont to the Pan theon for tho purpose of canning n domonttratlou. Ho declared, how ovor, thnt ho hnd no intontiou of arousing nn attack upon Droyfus, whom ho said ho did not hate. "It was against Drcyf uslem nnd tho policies which tho wholo cannonlxn tlon ceremonies stood thnt I fired the shot," said Gregori. "I did uot de sire to kill Major Droyfui, or oven want to Injtiro blm. I aimed nt his arm. knowing thnt It would be im possible to injure him serlouily In t thowlsoacfcB. Tho mooting Is Ken- oral! tnkon to mean th&t Jwrco kai boou, established, but th outcome may provo the niiauinptlon false Nvmm Dlri't't Election, Rono, Nov., Sept. lO.-r-Todny, for tho first tlmo In tho history of tho stato, tho voters of Novada faco tho proposition of electing United States tonatpiB by direct voto. By an agree ment renched ypatoi'doy botwoen tho Domocrntlc and Republican stnto con trnl committees, tho legislative can didates of both purtlou bind thorn boIvob to nbldo by (ho decision ot tho voter In tho Bountorlnl light. Tho stgunturoH of I'otor J. SonimorH, Dom oorntlc Htnto clinlrninn, and Harry J. Humphries, Republican stnto chulr man, were nlllxed to the ngroomont, making It binding on both pnrtlos. CATHOLICS MAY bat way." Tho court, adjourned when Gro gori, complotod hisstatement. Un!e (ho other wltnessos can bo prorallod upon to appear, the case prpbably I will bo dropped. Tho shooting took placo in tho prusenco or many or th$ hlghoit oinclals of Franco, lnoludlng President Falllores, who wns.only a few feet away. It Is expected there will be much difficulty in inducing any or tho officials to appear. HjK-rliil Fair Rate Seorotary Jlofer. of tho Solcm p.oard of Trade. Is Just In receipt of word from tho Southern Pacific Com pany to, tho eject that U will run an excursion train to the state tn'f next Thursday. Portland Day. coh slating pf SO cars, the traluB will leave Portlana at 9 a. m. aad" Jeava Salem returaiag at 8 p. m. Tho rimiM trH Hf will W tlr '?!' ABANDON PARADE 1 Unlte.1 Pre I.mieil WJnO London, Sopt. 10. -Fearing a demonstration by tho nntl-CatholIcs, the cardinal attending tho Eucha rlstlo co ng re i here toduy nro con sidering tho nbnndonmont or tho pa rado, which was to hnvo boon n fea ture of llio doromonles on Sunday tho Inst day of tho mooting. ' Bo far the radical Protestant hnv failed to- carry out any of their ihrtmts of crmtiug disorder, and the mattor of giving up tho Sunduy pa rade has not boon decided yot. Tho cardluala nnd other dignitaries of tho church of Rome are bolng ,mndu most welcome by the official and tnprnuera or tho nobility. Thj oponlng or' tho congress yesterday wns successful, and It Is hoped thnt tho threats of dlnjurbniieo will not bo carried out. Utmost precautions have been takon by tho police to pre vent any anticlerical demonstration w O"" CARTER SPECULATED WITH OTHER'S MONEY Seattle, Wash., Sept 10. Latimer D. Carter, under arreat hero on a charge of embezzling funds from Ilia ostote or George L. Douglas, or which ho waa trustee, ' In Louisville, Ky declared that, (ho sum he appropri ated was ?SO0O, Instead of $00,000, ai at first reported Carter attrib utes his downfall to wheat. Ho say ho speculated In that cereal, ami that when ho was caught hurt on th market bis moaer w wiped out S '