V, DAILY CAPW Ii JCHinNAL, 8AIJRW, ORBOON, WKPXBBPAY, BMPTKMBKR , 1 I 1 hivi VMhI Men's New Fall Suits At a Saving of 25 Per Cent Thcro's a saving of 25 per cent If you purchnso the new fall suit here. Our prices are guaranteed to bo Just that much lower than cqiia! style and quality coat you at the exclusive store. We nak you to look around town and convince yourself of this statomont. The new fall stock li now at Its host. Now fall suits, overcoats, raincoats, etc., for business and dresi wear. The bC3t materials and patterns are here now ready for your choosing. $352 to $1 02 Court Street Annex H CeprtlfM lygl by Hut Schtflhtf & Mr m1 "iwrwht iqsS bv Uait SilufTntr k Mri Today Only We offer leather purse wltn coin purse, mlror and card hold er, with gun njotal or brims trim mlngs, Thctfe purres nsually sold for ft.50, '.'Today only your choice 93 No telephone oidort iccnlvod. 0n sale at jS;30 sharp. Trunks Throo-ply voncor, all fibre, fibre r.nd rawhldo bound, slatless otn bossed crystal and duck covorlnn Japanned sheet Iron binding, brass and bronzo trimming. Wo have thorn from the small doll trunk to tlio ladles skirt trunk In lengths, steamer trunks, plain box and fully trimmed, with leather straps, comfort bureau trunks and traveling bag of all descriptions. Over 150 different stylos to choo3o from. The largest ns3ortmont ovor shown In the city. Suit ca30, leather ninttlng. straw nnd bamboo, In many dlffoiont sizes. HKCON'l) FLOOR. New Furs Tho largest aud best assort ment, tho blggojt and he3t value for the money in Salem. First Floor Ladies Have you scon tho detachable combination hnndle silk umbrel las? Extra fall special to Intro duce. $3.98 and $4.98 i jCity Mews! I-H 1 do Jo JoIiiinoii M KtOKO I If )(.ii have any pressing or clean lug to be done. Next door to Jo.n , aal. Wrntlier ForcvaM Hl'owrra JnnlMi, wuhiht;' Tlnifn. tlay, aliowcr, Whtyi In Portland VleU Hall's restaurant, 330 Waste tngton stroot, o-o-d Wlirn Vii HmhIjTIiIh Stop and think what It means to n oily, to hnvu'homo Industries. It mount) business for all. Tho homo product sliou)d be bought In prqfor unco to others when tho homo pro duct H Jtit m ir,Qnd. Tho I .a Corona and lion Ton'nro homo production!. Tho Gideon HtoU Co. Is now roady to reoolvo apples. Parties hnvjnir varly apples can suml thorn at once, 9-S-21 For Knit or Trade FJvo ncroa at North Yakima for Balom property, houses or lots, prlcn $1)300, f3A00 down, balauuo on time. All kinds of fruit on placo, 200 bear ing poach trt'ot it Hoyat Ann cherry troos, some Lmubort nnd Ding chor ries, 50 llartlotl pears, soma plumbs and walnuts, grapes, -150 applo trees, olio S-iooui hoiito. wood liber plaster cistern aGx3ftharu 1 1x22. 2i miles from center ttt. olty. Good school and church mMJr. J, C. SohulU,, 131 North I.lhortyW If Yoti An In need of anything l tho grocery lino, phono 31,. J. M. I.awronoc,' Moiy HavtHr lly paying Water bllh on or ueforv September tOlb. 9-7-31 Wv All Mint l-'-it So why not have tho best and, you aro Hiiro to gut t,lu host In thu meat lino If yop order from Stouelnff llros.' sanitary mnrkej. Phone 321. Added New M.i. The Capital Commlttlnu wholo wile liotifje will hoi oaf tor haudlo Hair In Job lot-, hnvlng received tho llrst carload tho past weok. This salt is of a high grade and put up for tnhlu salt, dairy salt and stock salt. "The hiimnuo man h hiimauo with till beauts," Is thu motto of thu company that put up tho lluk blocks to fastou In a horso stall or cow stall, or In the pasture, and will do moru to keep stook nnd horsos In good condition than any amount of condition pow dors. Tho stouk brloka rotall at IB oentii and onu of thorn will last a year for a toam. Thursday Will bo tho last day to pay wator bills and get tho 10 per cant dis count. 0-7-3t (loNpni MUnIoii Mevtlng ISvery n'ght on the street and In tho W C. . V. rondlnis room, eon- duotiNl b W. II. Jiulioii and wife. ltoanlof Trmkt Mit'tlng Tin) fogular monthly moating of tho Salem Hard of Trado takes placo Wodnuiday (ttiworrow) evening at the rooms, when Important buslnofn will ha ooiuldored. All membors arc rtuiuestdd to bo preeeut. A. V. Hofor. soorotnry. 0-S-2t rivpwi-. tor Fright TU Qroguu ISIeotrtr company ha 50 freight cars on routo from Chi rago, also another oloctcic lonmo tlvo. This luformntlou was given out this morning In a letter to the railroad commission, In which It wnn stated that tho company would enter Into an extonslvo fright business h soon as tho equlpmont could bo so curod. Tho SOcars and tho locomo tlvo would bo hero now, tho luttar stated, but for tho fact that tho. com pany hna no sldctrncks on which to accommodnto thorn. 8vo th Discount Send check or pay at ofllco on or boforo Soptembor 10th, to snvo dis count on Soptomber untor bills. - l)-7-3t Die Formal Complaint II. L. McKee and Hobert Anlnuf. who soino tlmo ago ontorod a vigor ous kick with tho railroad commis sion heoauso tho Southern Pacific did not maintain a depot at Anlnuf, yo)torday tiled a formal complaint, staUng their grlovancos and anklus that tho commission set a dato for a hearing In tho mattor. Yming HepiibllraiiH, Attention Ymir attendance nnd onthualnsm aro needed on Wodneidny ovonlng, September 0, at tho police court room In tho city hall, for the purposo of mapping out our pinna for the com ing campaign. Como without fall. Meeting called at S o'clock. U. O. Stringer, president: Carlo Abrams, seorotary. 0-S-2t Hop Suit 1). Wlotlng has tiled a suit hi th? circuit court against tho T. II. Hub bard Hop Company, to recover $407. 22. alleged to bo duo on tho sale or 13. COS pounds of hops. Caroy P t n i 1 1 1 umi tun n h iiimmitiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiiinnmHi I P. II. D'ARCY, Owner K. L. BERNARD, Leesee and Manager I I ' A 'N nnatnf THURSDAY, EVENING VV4IIllg v SEPTEiilBER, 13 AT 7 O'CLOCK "YE LIBERTY" The home of High-class Amusements. Animated pictures, Talking and Singing Pictures. The sensation of all Europe Illustrated Songs i : : Z. Price of Admission One Dime WIHIHHUflH ilinilllilllllHIIIHt J Martin Is tho attorney for tho plain tiff. Full Opening Of tho lntest and most up-to-dnto lino of oxcluslvo tailored hats over ahowu In tho city. Tho ladles of Salem and vicinity aro cordially In vited. Friday and Saturday, Soptem bor 11 nnd 12. Tho Voguo Millin ery, 270 North Commercial street. Ko.ci Improving K. J. Kozor, who wa Injured yos torday by a polo-wagon tongue, whlcn struck him on tho chin, breaking the Jaw and knocking out several teeth, Is getting along fairly woll nt the Salem Hospital, to which placo ho was takon, Mmriagt Ideenso . A marriage llcomo was Iswied this morning to Kphrlnm Dorgll, aged 25, of Sllverton. and Miss ISdlth Man ary, agod IS, of Sitvorton. .Vow Stock Itnto Tho Astoria & Columbia It Ivor Hallroad Company has Instituted a now stock rnto from Portland to A torla, undor which thu cost of ship ping cattle. Is considerably cheapor than Kinder tho old one, which has been tho cause, of soveral complaints. The Voguo Millinery Havu tho sole, agency for tho fa mous "Keith" lints. Those hats huvw ngvor boon shown In Salem. 0-lt Will Holtl Hiiiuli-oil It. It. Ryan has fitted up Grange hall with bods during tho state fair. It will hold 100. Tho ltetl SMt'lal Eugene Dabs aad his Red Speil train will bo at tho freight depot, rt Salem, Monday at 2 n. i. YK I.IUKHTY QI'KXS '-'TIlimsiMV EVKXIXH K. L. Dcrnard announces the open ing of "Ye Liberty" theatre Thuradav evening, the beautiful hew amuse ment pa In co on Liberty street that has bean erected by tho public spirit and ontorprlso of p. H. iVArey, form er mayor of this city. It hat entirely now feature, and the ilaglng an 1 speaking picture machine alone cost over $1000, while the electrical equipment cost $150. Mr. Berna.J will put in not only living and jnor Ing pictures, but living actors an I raudaville specialties that have not boon heretofore presented, and will not be duplicated in tho Capital City. Mr. Barnard Is manager of about ton plants, but says the new Liberty streot theatre Is the best on tho coast, without any exception, and Is a great credit tp the city of Salem. He has leased the hulldlng for five years, and will have dally announcements la Tfc Capital-Journal of hi progrwat. MEYERS BROTHERS PRflTF.VF INTEGRITY IS NOT QUESTIONED Portland yellow Journals have dono a serious Injury to Henry V. nnd Milton L. Mayers, of this city, by Insinuating that they had anything to do with the disappearance of the box of valuable papers that wai lost In shipment between this city and Portland by tho 'Volls-Fargo Express Company. Thorn young men feel, with Justice, that their long and hon ornblo buBln career chould hnvo protected them against such news paper outrages as have been perpo trated against their good namo anf standing as business men. They havo been tho victims of constant publicity of a fhnrnclr thpt doe9 not reflect very highly upon tho nows papors that havo engaged In It, and a Btrong reaction Is sotting in in their favor. While they may havo made mistakes in deailng with a very dtfll cult fnmliy situation, they have novor laid themselves open to tho Insinua tion that they wore not good buslnosr) men nnd honorable citizens, whoso word wa3 good among all men, and whose flnanc'nl responsibility wns of tho highest character. Without Foundation. Any statement that detectives are on their trail, or that they woro about to ho arrostod, as well as the statement in tho Orcgonlnn that thov had retracted their obligations to their father's mnrrlngc, are de nounced by them as without founda tion. They aro absolutely In control of their business, owing every sharo of stock hut two Bhnrcs, and owing no bills that aro not easily to bo mot In tho ordinary courso of business. They feel that thoy are entitled to fnlr treatment In a community In Miss Ollio Wilson rM . , home hero this mornia iJT wnelcn vUlt ,w ... '"1 bur. mm ' A, D. Dennis, nf p.4i. . .. . "nana, (U city transacting bus!no V. 1 nls has entered some mltJ Mrs. Frank L. Benton nnd i. sons and Mlas tw. .... ......a Alien ..(.J vnatnr1n. fi.AM i cin ,.uw, ,uui uaraner, Cj ty. whoro thv Ynva u... ' their Bummer vacation Sam Fo-ter has re'ii-ned fro3 v.u, ua..., ,vure ne has be viurvu iur me past few nionU,, uiu uiuuh nursery Cotapanr Jonathan B. Bourne, local W.UIK mr mo aoumern Pacldt i.uiuu mji. oning irom 8n fi Cal whero he went to have hi.. er burled, who died la PorthaJ wbcks ago. a "Judgo" Geo w. MartJuiJ 'wn ior me weyenau'er TiJ uompany,. of Tacoma, wag iookbi ter tho firm's interests here jt any. rno weyernauaor Cc have in their possession oter lj 000 acres of timber land oa u clflc coast. DR. RUSKIN fContlimod from Page l.) said that Davis wai lntrodn tho man, and that Hustln eu'i that she nnd Davis would both poison ns soon as they knew tlvoly that ho cortalnty woclil Sho oald she would have carrlei hor part of tho plan If the bij boon nrrcnted, as she did not i llvo Blnco Dr. Rustln was dead Rustln's enso Is tllfflcuU of i nation. Ho was n btill'ant phjij but probably foil from grace tbrj tho uso of drugs. His lore with Mrs. Rice caused him dee? grin when ho was In his betten and his failure to provide pro for his wife and chl'dren droTel to arrange to hn" himself dered. o . .Station for Anlnuf Tho Southern Pnclflc Compatj advised tho Railroad ComciJ thnt a small depot will be coaa od at Anlauf Immediate')- fi- plo of this town have been IUJ for sovoral months f-r a depot, t which they havo boon nctlvo busu? - as only after n f" r"' ' J factors, to the crodlt of tho eommn- had boon lllod asking the Ri'l nltv. whloh thov hnvo Imlno.-t tn CO".a'.lsr!ca to - a 'a'e 1?" U upbuild. n?fnro ir-!"5 !" Init note the cno, tht t'ie Southern d-io their father thu sous any thoy authorized the Ltatlon to be bclj askod no other Indemnification than thoy would havo naked of any other business man undor similar circum stances, no moro nnd no lo;s, nnd to bo assured that they would not have to pay tho notoa again. Thoy can not seo why they should be made tho ooutlnuad victims of sensntlonul Journalism whon thoy hnvo not gono Into tho newspapers, and hnvo tried to avoid publicity ns much as pos sible. O o o o o o o o o PKIISOXAL MK.VTION 0 And 0 n Salem O O o o o Movements of VeopJo. o o o o o o o o L. W. Maugey, of Marshfleld, Is a business visitor In this c'ty. C. C. Page, of klugenc, Is in tho city looking alter I:m8'iiis matters. Mi's Allco Dodd is visiting with Albany friends for a few days. William Stalger ha gone to Cor vallla, whore he will do tomo marble work. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Kitchen, of Stayton, woro visiting hero yoator day. Kola Nols, tho hoji merchant, la In I- u gone, looking nfter the hop bir4 nesu. Rlohard Robertson nnd family have returned from Newport, whero they spent a month's outing, Paul Aufrance, of Portland, ar rived yesterday to trausact business for a short time. A. A. England, of Portland, Is In the city transacting business and vis iting old friends. Mrs. D. F. Carnes and children have left for Seattlo. whoro they will make their future home. Cllffo Asher and wife returned to their homo In Portland this morning after a short visit hero. P. Drelkhaupt, engineer tor tha Warren Construction Company, looking after business In Eugerte for a short time. Petor Fletcher, of Woodbnrn. was transacting buslnois hero this morn Ing, returning home on the afternoon overland. Mr. aad Mpa. 0pjgo Frazlc ?c tor aad laet evening from Pgrilantf, where they visited their eon. Wall. f r a few4 days. poMRty Soheol Superintendent R. A. Ford off Prluevllle. Crook ectiaty arrlvad In Salem yesterday to attend Uie courty sthool super'ntendenta convention, which Is to be hold In this city on the 1 0th nd 11th of this inoath. MONEY TO LO TH03. K Ovor lJdd U nu h's Bank.Sai Norwich Union Fire Insurance . 1'iiMil, Mororillh, Ki'Wiit Ai Ofllco with Wm D-od Co 29 Commercial stwt STARR PIANI HIGH CLASS G00I GEO. C. WIL1 NEW TODA1 I'or fial' Hfii-- K ' ' ' ner Center and Fr rt t e ' ... n I 1" l ! 1 o'clock. Josenh Met iTooiiu Two rooms cMorri V ... -.,1 i.. t 1- olnl street. Ms M E BW MM U'aiitlA 11: St .ISM M,M,M ....... in r. t :k aidf .,,.,. ,on lJrli b "J it iiv .--.- ft J aunnviiie. ui. 'iititiulMnnp f r"c novo nmnnv to 1 030 0& ,fJ 1 r 7 nrs i.er cent send it H as I have many .jl such loans, nan .. , r.i.t,n n Annllcatlon. 3. l er. 826 Board of Trade BMl.! lnnd, Oregon lLl i.C So.io.Euarsh P-j:B1 ...... :."..-. rn I" oaoy cnimhv . .,.. nc-y 0'J $30 IWO uiuuv"" - . ca3n oner. -- Journal. .tf1 ,..T,TTT.7i ..nrimilty lo " irjJi "IT- n,f A-.ii.u..! i.nairr v nious Smiths ' Mink sale on accoun ...l.l.. F " ti f ... rTT..n , S3tt address j " j. field. Ore. 7 a t. ev Ixist Three - " ,w red and oae - 'tii yearling tter W lag & Eoff. 5,ea" "" po752ST?S w taajgy. o