-- mrnthon victor, flx V&riX&P jotJKKAA SAiiai, pjunov. Wednesday, September , iwS 3 devlHenrtlat. That's !" , Und of a sprint and It i J1. .Hhnut ho happens to B,5wfll "" to Oct Strong. 5w nf 1247 W. Congrodfl p,.,,.1! n way to be- fe.chIc: He says: "My mother, r . .(Mine: " i.i u itee "', .a was very ieui, 5'djShbenont from Bloc 'i That I fell It's my duty " thX need a tonic and l&Fto mcdlclno about It. In ""rtiaio a markcu gain in otber cmo ,a has teen "VVndshe Is steadily grow- -rtome. imiw i,,Mtrc Bittors fe ffir stomach, .Hvor and B Saints. Sold under KW. ,7j C. Perry's urug -natee at J. v" , 50C r ' mt Mr ewPrt hGrrlng ,Bt n . 'irfodlv flat. It 13 wiiw " . g:.jl story an . Imrrence and volcanic erup- rlre nothing to do with the IP:.. i . nn the beach. nernuo HoppltrHop. . kr the aid Qt crutches or a &V deformity--" trouble fiXatUm, lumbngo, aprnln, stiff WW W.u -- -Y".- .. .n throw away your V.. .j ho as well as anyone gjlSc, 50c and 11.00. Sold by I irtien". I'va that tho Interior of the stom- L ca be photographed, It wlll.be ' for men to ltnagino tnoy can Ifcelrt their rrives with n cloven ilk. i Stircvonotnrh Knocker. t c Goodwin, of Reldsvtlle, N. ..... "nnMflpn'R Arnica Salvo Is in:nough knocker for ulcers. i one came on my leg last sum- is lint tnai wonuenui oiv isded It out It) a few rounds. Not im i scar remained." Guaranteed tectlM. sore. burnB, etc. 2Gc at it Perry's drug store. o Idiron the plnnet Jupiter Is said illusions as 50.000 days on the $sl A two weeks vacation with U pr on Jupiter must bo worth itte. i Good for Jlllioiisness. '"I took two of Chamberlain's! Iciich and Liver Tablets Inst tlfit, nd I foci 50 per cent hotter toi 1 hare for weeks, says J. J. fttttone of Allegan, Mich. "Thoy ciwrtalnlr a fine article for bll- fcntii." For sale by Dr. Stone's Urctitore. Samples frco. o Eierjr father makes tho mistake titllnk ng that after ho tins paid $3 U dqsIc lessons, his little girl Urn enough to play when company BMf. 1) Idol w'll. without doubt, make mrsioraacu ctronir anil will nlmrm itautlr relievo you of all tho symn- of Indigestion. Oct a bottlo of to day It Is sold horo by nil Uu I uch an unreasonable croft- fetht when ho nnds a dime In tho fcwihe feels as If thoro should bo tat 0 cent$ moro coming to him. DtfVltt'l Klrinor gml nln.1.lA Mi ire for weak bark, bnckncho, "WMtlC nnltl ' InflnmmnHnr. nf bladder and all other nnnoy M due to weak kidneys. Thov ""MbTalldrugcfiti. Do a hundred things right and you can Bpoil them all by doing one thing wron,?. o A Traveling Mnn's Experience. "I must tell you my experience on an east bound O. R. & N. R. R. train from Pendleton to La Grande, Or., writes Sam A. Garber, a well known traveling man. 'I was In tho smoking dopartmont with some other trovling men when one of them wont out into tho coach and came back and snld, "Thoro Is a woman sick unto death In tho car. I at once got up and wont out, found her Very ill with cramp colic; hor bunds and arms woro drawn up so you could no straighten them, -and while a deathlike look on her face. Two or three ladles wore working with her and giving her whiskey. I wont to my suit case and got my bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy (I never travel without It), ran to tho water tank,' put a double doso of tho mcdlclno In tho glass, poured soma water Into It and-stirred it with' a pencil; then I had fiulto a time to got tho ladles to lot mo gvo Ittq her, out I succeeded. I could at onco see tho effect and ) worked with lior, rubbing ,hor hands, and In 20 minutes I gave hor anoth6r doso. Dy this timo wo woro almost Into ,1a Grande, whoro I was to loavo tho train. I gavo tho bottlo to the husband to bo usod in enso anothet doso should bo needed, but by tho timo tho train ran Into La Grande sho was all right, and I received the thanks of every passenger In the car." For salo by Dr. Stone's drug store. o A man thinks lots of things he does not know. o Deafness Cannot Do Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of tho enr. Th ro Is only ono way to euro deafnesi, and tills is by constitutional romodles. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tubo Is Inflamed you havo n rumbling sound or Imperfect hear ing, and when It. Is entirely closed. Deafness Is tho result, nnd unless the lnflnmmntton can bo tnkon out and this tubo restored to Its normal con dltloti, hearing will bo destroyed for ovor; nlno cases out of ton aro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an tnflnmed condition of tho mucous surfnoos. Wo will glvo Ono Hiundrod Dollars for any enso of Dcafnoss (cnusod by catarrh") that cannot bo ourod by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for cir culars free. P. J. CH13NBY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family PlUs for con stlpatlon. o John D. Rockofollor's pastor says this is tho best world ho over was Ii.. A fat salary always does make n man fool llko that, wo notlco, .. o A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, of 38 Highland Avo., Houlton, Maine, Bnys: "Have beon troubled with a cough ovory wlnted and spring. Last winter 1 tried many ndvortlscd remodios, but tho cough continued until I bought a 50c bottlo of Dr. King's Now Dis covery; boforo that was half gone, tho cough wnB nil gono. This winter tho same happy result hnB followed, .i fow doses onco moro banished tho annual cough. I nm now convinced that Dr. King's Now DIscovory is tho host ot all cough and lung romodles." Sold under gunrnntee at J. C. Perry's drug etoro. 50c and C1.00. Trial bottlo froo. o .. i If that Michigan man who Is run ning for ofllcu "agnlust his will" fall to get In, there'll be n Job waiting for htm In n dlmo nwiBotini. t to mndYV IItlo Always Bonglit, nr.a -which has hoon uso tor over 30 yonrs, has homo tho elffiiatiiro of sif jf. . and has been made urtlor his per w&yk 25h' sonal supervision sh . its infancy. Aiir ' ti AllowHoonotodccehoyouinthl.t. m wunterfiit, Imitations nntlJust-n,--ood"nro but Ip2S ts thnt Ma wltu antlondnu'jortlio health oif nnd Children-Experience against Kxporhuont. What is CASTOR! A 225 I a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pftro SSSiroPS B'l Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It . ij? neither Opium, Morphias nor other Narcotio ce. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms (kyays FevcrLjhncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind mTplS i VC8 Tcct"lnfr Troubles, cures Constipation gwnuonry, it assimilates the Food, regulates tho Tk cSu ,m 3wels, giving healthy and natural hleep. wim's PannceaTho Mother's Friend. 0e"UlRE CASTORIA ALWAYS Be the Signature of Lillian RuR?elt's numerous cx-husV bands must havo been shocked the other day by her declaration that she Is in love for tho first time In h-r life. MAKES "WOItK EASIER. Snlem People Are Pleased to Learn How It Is Done.. It's pretty hard to attend to du tics With a constantly aching back; With annoying urinary disorder' Doan's Kidney Pills mnkes work easier. They curo backache. They curo ever ykidnoy ill. W. H. Wood, of 250 Cottage street, Salem, Oregon, says: "A good many years ago I got badly kicked by a muto right over tho kldnoys, and at another time while digging a well It caved in on me, also injuring my back, and pince then I havo had moro or less annoyance from my kidneys. Change of weather caused by back to acho and when I worked hard it be camo so lamo that I could hardly straighten up aftor stooping. I pro cured Doan's Kldnoy Pills nt Stono 4rug store, nnd since taking thorn al together I havo continued to work hnrd and been exposed to sevoro weather not nn acho or other symp tom of my former troublo remain1! This clearly proved that Doan'9 KId ney Pills act up to the representa tions niado for them. I also know of 'othor people who havo derived great benefit from tholi uso. I nm glad to lot others know the merits ot Doan's Kidney Pills for bnckacho and kldnoy troublo." For sale by all dcnlors. Prlco 5f conts. Fo3or-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agonts for tho Unltdd Stntcs. Uomomber tho name Doan's and tnke no other. If Prlnco Eltel enn koop down hts weight by wood-sawing nlono tho kaiser might lot tho young man cut tho fatally supply of snurkraut In nw dltlon. They Tako the Kinks Out. "I havo used Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills for many years, with Increas ing satisfaction. They tako the kinks out of stomnch, liver and bowols, without fuss or friction," says N. H. Drown, of rittsflold, Vt. Guaranteed satisfactory at J. C. Perry's drug store. 25c. o Anothor war cloud U hanging over llttlo Morocco. Franco Is en raged. It scomB etiBy for thcic big countries to got mad nt llttlo oned. Gambling your llfo ngalnst 25 cents Is Just ex actly what you aro doing If you neg lect a cough, or cold on tho chest In stead of treating It with Pnllard's Horohound Syrnip. A 25 cent bottlo of this splendid roinody will curo nn ordnnry cough, heal tho lungB nnd act as a tonic for your entlro system. Sold by nil dealers. Chairman Mack claims Victory nt ready. Ho Is to bo congrntulatod up on posaosslon of Information xt early a dnto. Hut why cdiriniio the campaign? o Host Treatment for 'n Ilurn. If for no othor ronson, Chamber lain's Salvo should bo kept In ovory househoM on nccount ot Its great vnluo In tho troatmont of burnB. It allays tho pain almost Instantly, nnd unless tho Injury Is n sovero ono, heals tho parts without leaving a scar. This salvo Is bIho unequaled for chapped hands, soro nlpplos and diseases ot tho skin. Prlco, 25 cunts. For salo by Dr. Stone's Drug Storo. o According to a fashion authority, waists that button In tho back will soon bo out of fashion. After thnt, fowor husbands will bo out of patience. A Iturglnr In Town his nam U "bad cough." He dooin't caro for gold or sllvor but ho will stonl your health away. If ho ap pears in your house arrest him at once with Ballard's Horohound Syr up, it may mean consumption if you don't. A curo for all coughs, cold and chest troubles. Prlco 2Dc, 50c uud $1.00 per bottle. Sold by aP dealers. Ponnantlew Chicago la bound to see -the world less brjght than It was a few brief months ago, but business at tho stock yards wll go on as usual. CLASSIFIED PffliflEM flraJU.pfcflfeo InscrYldns. 25c. && SALE For Sale Good second hnnd wagon call on B., Journal. For Sale Fine Jersey heifer, seven months old. Inquire of Maggie P , Pattorson, second house south of City VIbw cemetery. 9-8-3t WANT AT ONCE. Houses nnd lots, close In, prlco $2500 or less. What have you? Wo have four clients thnt wish to buy such property at onco. 9000 Cash. Will buy a cosy 5-room house, wood shed, drilled well 34 feet deep, good pump and water, 1& lots, snap. $1800, Would Bo Cheap at $2000. Strictly modern 7-room house, lnrgo pantry and hall, 4 bedrooms, each has a closot up-to-dato bath room tollot and wash stand, houso wired throughout for olectrlclty, snap, $1800. 1 200 Acres, $25 Per Acre. Ono ot tho boat dairy ' or stock farms In Oregon, good houso and barn, well foncod, 4 flno spring of good water, plenty 'of good tlmbor. Will tako part pay In Salem prop erty. 180 Acres. "",", Per Aero. Thli h ono of the boot grain, dairy or fruit farms In tho valley BECHTEL & MINTON, 341 Stato Strcot, Bayno Tlulldlng, Rooms 7 and 8. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Aro you looking for a homo? 10 ncroi, flno 'nrgo houso and barn, flno orchard, small fruits otc, good wator, extra lovol, woll locnted. Closo In, ono ot tho vory bost homes nenr Salem. Only $4000, for a fow days. 10 acres 4Vi miles from Snlom on ' good rond, good G-room house, barn, etc., C acres In fruit. Will soil now for $2500. Wo havo lots from $80 to $1500 and they aro going fast. Don't wait If you want ono. Wo havo fruit tracts, dairy ranches, wheat farms, farms and houses to rout, nnd houoos to boU In any part ot Salem. If you wont n homo or i. fnrm, boo us wo can buU you. Also hnvo $5000 to loan for a term ot "yoar.4 on renl estate. Wo havo a fresh milk cow to soil. A. C. SMITH CO. Room 9, over United Stato3 National Bank, Snlom, Oregon. MISCKLLANJUS. Wengcr & ClicrrtHgton Pianos atld Organs sold on easy terms; tele phone 1187; 247 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. tV Salem Cash MarketThe finest cuta ot meats nt the lowest prices. My phono 370, 247 S. Commercial St. P. W. Royoltz, Prop. 7-21-tt Help Famished Frco of Charge By Latham Land Company, 476 State street, phone No. 149. Par ties wanting help please call at office or phono us, Also have cows tor sale. Concrelo Work Get my prices on sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks and content work ot any kind. All work guaranteed Qrst-cla&a. M Ward, 2378 Maple Ave., Highland. Phone 1568. July24-trf togot LmmttfT and Fact Co. Lum ber .shingles, building material, wood and coat. Low prides rh& prompt delivering. One block eati of S. P. pawwngfi- depot Faba t9fl 7-a-tf Btitte Weadereta Ftae wlu. liquors and cigar. We bandit the celebrated Kellog (and CaatU whiskies. Cool and refreahibg bee constantly oi draught. Bouts Commercial street. 9-tf-lyr Enlarged-Our meat market on Ext Stato strcot has boon doubled In size and we are better propared han ovor to aorve austomors. Prompt Borylco and the bost ot meats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwardi Meat Co. ULaArzZji jfas j ar ar or m .t r gmr jr W You flaye Always Bought Ji For 0yer Yearf rrmia , r -i, rwtMMM hh0, mcu torn txrtt r -.: 4l-4 . "'..- Jr-m A Burnt Child. dreads the flno. The dread Is wnoie somo, but not the burn; that can be healed and Instantly relieved by ap plying Ballard's Snow Liniment. B nrenared for accidents by keeping a bottle always la the houso. Best for sprains, bruises, cuts, Bcalds, rheu matism, uouralgla, bunions any and all aches and pains. Price 25c, 50o and $1.00. Sold by all dealers. A day on the planet Jupiter ! said to bo as long as 60,000 das on the tho earth. A two week vacation with full Ray on Jupiter roust be worth wljUo. For Bnle First-class carpit papor ot thla ofilco, 25c for a big roll. BARGAINS. A cholco 40-acro tract; good or chard, 250 English walnuts, 1200 Loganborrlos, flno spring wntor running to houso and barn; good big barn, fair houso; 10 acres can bo Irrlgatod from spring, Lays" flno. See mo If you want a dandy home. 100 ncros, largo houso and barn; GO ncros in cultivation, balance paaturo and tlmbor; flno spring wntor to houso and bnrn; oxcol lont placo; stock goes with this. Soo It and got a flno homo. 20 ncros, 3 miles out; good Improve ments; houso, barn, orchard, etc.; flno lovol black land; $4000. My own homo, 20 ncros, with flno improvement; good houso, barns, windmill, tank, milk houso and buildings, etc.; Joo-dnndy or chnrd, etc.; $7000. 5, 10, 20 and 40 acres wall Im proved near town. Houses for rent and salo on Installment. Store room to ront, 10x40 or 32x60. monoy to loan on roal ostatpr notary work; employment ngnav. Mako your wants known and I think I can fit you out. It R. RVAN, Cor. Commercial nnd Center Street. Tho Home Seekers Information Bu reau will plnco you In direct com munication with ownors of farms and city proporty. Chambor Com morco, Porthnd. 222 N. Commer cial street, Salem Or. 7-21-tf i BUTTERNUT BREAD. It 14 worth moro than any 'othei read yot tho prlco la no hlgbet ?or br'ih at your grocers'. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Tjioninn Vi Cooloy, Props, WANTED Wnutcd At onco, good boy to carry papers, ono with pony proforrod. Apply to Journal. 9-8-tf ttpfeit. Carpenters UalenNe. lta-rjbeal Uatoa, Nor 1065 of Carpsaters aaj Jolf era of AeVleUv taeet even Saturday eyealnjf atsOB p. m. ! Heafst hall, 420 State 'St. A. W. fteanU, Reo. Sec. Foresters of America Court Sher wobd Foresters, No. 19. Meets Saturday night la Holinan hall, Stato street Waldo Milter, O. R.:1 J. O. Perry, financial secretary. Ocatral Lodgo No. 18, K. of P.U Cattle Hall In Hoimaa block, 'cor ner State sad Liberty street Tuesday of each week at T:6 j, m. Oscar Johnson, 0. O.; t&. a. Anderson, K. of R. aad 8. ModeVa WOodaaeB ef Amneicm htp- son Cedar ;Ca Sip No! 5i'6. Mei every,-" Thursday evealag ;At ' o'efoea; la Holwaa HilL W. W. Hill, v: X3.1 F. A. Taraer. elwk. ' f inn Weodmea ef World Meet every Ttl day ulgldtat7.'S0, InHolhua hall. B. Lupton, C. O.; P. L. Frailer, Clerk. Litteola AaasJty Ualea. ek, aesf deat aaa pesiloa la4raaee; $Si" eO,e09-pt4M! evsry elatra 4M Good agint wsateH. " J K;')L Mouaumery. auprerae orgaalssr. 80X432 Sale.' boiVJl Ryaa. ecretafy, 6M;itW strjat SASU AND. KKR PAOTOR1KS Wanted. Pear plckbrs wanted. Wm II. Eagan. Phono Farmor 30 9-S-3t Wantwl--An old lndy for light house. work, to bo through at 1 o'clock Call at Wlllson houce on Center St., 147. Mrs. D. Downn. 0-7-0t Wanted (o buy A blacksmith shop with or without tools, In good lo cation In city. Will buy tho proporty at a ronsonablo prlco. Address Fred Duprns, 235 Bnra gn avouuo, Marquette, Mich. S-lS-tf. Wanted. A Christian young man wautB work nt bookkeeping or clerking. Havo had oxporlonce. W. B, MoMIIIln, Fair Grounds. 9-7-3t Wuutel Six waitresses at Wlllnm otto Hotol fair fair wcok. 0-7-0t For Sale Cheap Elght-hnnd piano music for sight reading classes or quartet playing. Call Tuesday at 317 North Front street. 9-7-3t -o- Don't be afraid to give Chambori. Iain's Cough Remedy to your chll drea. 4lt eesta!ns..8o.0luHi or otfeor sale by Dr.. Stose's drug store. LOANS We have Bomo first mortgage loans o'f $500 nnd up, bearing 7 per cent Interest scoured by real estate mort gages and protected by Insurance with abstract of title for sale. INSURANCE. Wo aro exclusive agents for the Horticultural Flre Relief, a home company, and can Bavo you monoy on your farm or city Insurance or on your business risks. Renl Estate. Wo havo town lota, houses, small i tracts and farms for sale at prices that will Interest you, If there is any thing In that line you need, FERGUSON & FISHER goto Agent for Salew, Of egoa. Wanted To work In a reslaufant at fair grounds, n cook, two dish washorH and two wnltors. Apply nt 945 Ohemoketa streot. Phone 1224. U-7-3t Wanted All around farm In Wlllnm- otto vnlloy for torm of yoarH, ov arythlug furnished, 100 to ICO ncros of farming land, pnsturo land no limit, good ruforoncp, glvo lull particulars. A. W. Hamilton, Sa eom, Orogon, Box' 100, It. F. D. No. 0. 9-7-31 Wanted At onco, at tho Cottage Ho tel, three experienced dining roony glrla. n-T-31 Wanted Two good paintors, at onco. Phono 700 or call at 506 North High street. II. W. Smith. 0-7-3t ffaaa M. orowa. Manufactarer ash, doors, moulding. Alt kiafti of house inlak aad hard woe work. Front street, between itat and Court. Make all eemplalato at the office. 4 i Mi... i Mieo. M. Barr Plumbln, hot water, and steam heating and tlnatag. 164 Commercial atrewt. Phda Main 193. 9-1-lyt nww imiilMiia ii i iiiiii M. J. Pctzcl -Plumbing, steam aart gat fitting. Successor to Knox A. Murphy, 226 Commercial atrest, 'Prone Main 17. REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALK NOTE THESE 10 ncros, 4 miles from Salem; good 0-room houso, good barn; 4 ucres' bearing fruit. Price $'2G00. ' 135 acres on Howell Prnisle, Mi mllo from R. R. station, 7-room houso, good bnrn, Prlco $7$. Good G-room liouwj, closo In, lot S2MiX98tt. Cheap at $1500. City lotB for snlo chQap. Small amount down, balance In monthly installments, no Inter. 08t. OLMSTED LAND CO. U7: STAT13 STREET. MOTi:i,8 AND REflTAURANTS. DRAYMEN. rinnmlin. Bro.' TranHter Otnpsny . All kinds of transfer work don Furniture .and .pianos, boxed read; for hlpmont. Prompt service U our motto. Stand and office at 253 South Commercial atrsfct Phone 210 Itvildenci PJinne 96ft LIVERY AND FEED STABLES 1 1 very awl Pw-d Old fu , office fiiable?, at ?54 Ferry stree between Commercial and Froo treet. Teepboue 188. Some ot b floMt llverjes id tne city sa be fotnd sere. Westacott k Jobs, soa, jrpr . " lfll-lyr. Wliite House Restaurant For a Regular 25c Dinner at 20c They oui't be bent McGiichrist & Son Proprietor. MEALS 15c Call and try them, Meals 15e. Board per woek $2.76, alio fr niahed rooms very reasonable. AT TIID Salem Restaurant 839 COURT STREET. HfHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHI HOTEJ, OREGON ;j Corner Hoveutli aad fMwrk St. '. '. i'oritaiid's New ami Wern :: Hotel. Kates $l Wf dayanil ;; up. lHtm fm. Tree Dus. : : WRrGIIT.WCKWSON HOTEL CO. : : rrtprtettf s 44iiiimiiHmninnt