V " ffl tlniln tfkiit. -a I lonntal l " Bii--tilliijiSBBj'xjQIjBtiW. B&KJJ L'.SIuiflRfilr ir C jffMrWJ5ffl MM fffe" SALEM. OREGON1, WEDNESDAY, SEITEMIIER 0, 4 008 NO. 2!M. INETEEN SAILORS DROWNED N STORM IIAHA DOCTOR MADE A TRIPLE MIRER AND SUICIDE PACT IS FOR ALMOST AN HOUR HUT BEATS ALL RECORDS flkltfJ Ttnt LenacJ Wire. J Tualngton, D. C, Sept. 9. Or- iWrlnht, of Dayton, Ohio, today trod hlnuolf tho king ot tho nlr, nia all previous records for ncro- W by aal'lng about tho parade If.iiJj it Fort Meyer, Va for 57 luitei and 31 seconds. Ti'j beats by 26 minutes tho world Iwrdnado Monday by Do LaOrango w Paris. i IU performance pt tho Wright tiloe to far out-classes rtny flight made In public that It nuts tho Katjtr In a class by himself. (Continued on Page 5.) REFORM LEADERS WINNING ILLINOIS DEMOCRATS CONVENTION IN WASHINGTON PRIMARY (United Press Loaned Wire.) Senttlo, Wash., Sept. 9. In ovory proclnct countod In Senttlo yesterday Honry McDrldo lends for govomor. Tho count Is cxnBporntlngly Blow, and from ninny precincts It Is now in dicated that it will not bo finished be fore night. About GO per cent of tho total registration voted. Coagrovo is getting n majority of tho second-choice votes So far as King county Is concornd, early re turns Indicate tho success of Mc Drldo for governor and Jones for sonator. Ono ot tho features disclosed by CHICAGO STORE L PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE LISTENS TO BRYAN AND OTHERS The Newest of the 'New INHERE IN KALI WKARING APPAREL, LADIES' SUITS, LADIES' fWTS, MILLINERY, FUltS, SILK PETTICOATS, TINE DRESS 0I, FIXK JIHESS SIIjKS, WA1STING SILKS, FALL IIOSIEHV W IWDKIM'I'AR, kid gloves, hirrons, laces, dhess WMMIXG8, SWAN'S DOWN FLANNELS, 1JTC. DO YOUR TRAD M AT TUB STORE THAT MAKES LOW PRICES. (United Press Leased Wire.) Peoria, III., Sept. 9. It is esti mated that 40,000 visitors were hero todny to nttend tho session of tho Democratic state convention and to hoar nddro'sos by Bryan, Johnson and othors. When tho convention wnB called to order Adolaldo Stevenson was Intro duced, nnd, after n big ovntlon, do llvored nn address on tho Ishucb of tho campaign, speaking boldly nnd optimistically of the outlook. Tho early routine buBinosB of tho conven tion was thon carried through nnd William J. Bryan wns introduced. Tho crowd chcorcd for sevornl min utes. Bryan spoko aftor tho adjourn ment In tho court houso squaro, nnd was heard by nn Immonso throng. Tonight Govornor Johnsdn, of Mln ncsotn, nnd John H. Atwood, of Kan sas, will be the mnin spenkors. Tho subject of Brynn's address was "The State nnd the Nation." Ho spoko in part as follews: (Continued on pago two.) SCHOONER WRECKED IN CHANNEL AND ENTIRE GREW 5 LOST Dress Goods " yards of the latast wkw UII 00 a yard. Now nrdl0f,03cand(il)c. fe Flannels JW ra-ds of tho newest 'ream blue and white, 4cayard, now, yard Ue. 1,mw showing one of the FUtockslnSalemof fe aid Ladies' Mtsiery Winter weight. "H cotton, wool and Hites, JtV i .i, c, mc, .auc an1 " that we are head- , ' ' wMm mm ffJsMgli m I mmidsLW sliM Mttlml l 9290 -S?S If you want the boU values in this part of the world In Ladies' Suits come to the CHICAGO STORE, the stttre that does not want to get rich on every pale wo make. It's the vol ume of business, ye are after SWELL NEW SUITS Man tailored and Silk Lined, .59, 10.no, 12.50, $14.80 and up. gpRETHAT SAVES YOU MONEY tho count Is the surprisingly smnll Democratic vote. Many Democrats participated In tho Republican jin mnrlos. Colonel Blothon, Democrat ic editor of tho Times, wns among othors who challenged at tlo pollt. Dcmoc-nts will poll loss thnn 10 per cent, and will bo forced to hold con ventions Jn tho future. Tho first prvdnct In King county complete, Hot Springs, gavo MoBrldo, for governor, 43 first choice votes. No ballots woro cast for Mend. An keny secured 35 nnd Jones 15. o SHAW SPEAKS AT REPUBLICAN CONVENTION 8prlngfleld, III., Sept. 9. Formor Governor Richard Yates and several of his lenders refused to attend tho Republican convention horo todny, which endorsed Albert J. Hopkins for re-election to tho United States son ate, and commended Governor Don eon. Spenker Cannon was temporary chairman of the convention The platform Is a replica 6f tho one adopted laU March, oxcopt that the liquor and personal liberty questions aro not Included. Tho legislators are urged to take their Instructions on tho senatorshlp race from the state vote Jn general, rather than from the vote by districts. Skmth Democrat. Leslie M. Shaw, former secretary of tho treasury, was the principal speaker. He declared that Democra cy has failed every time It has been tried. In relation to the tariff ha spoke at length, scoring the attitude of tho Democrats, and saying: "The Republican party promises the people a protective tariff and commits the working out of the de tails to tho representative? of the people." Speaking of the financial situation Shaw said: "Tho recent panic was simply the result of the cry of 'fire' in a crowded hall, when there was not oven au smoke." Shaw paid a personal tribute to Bryan, but said that he was wroug on every public question. He con eluded the speech with a high tribute to Taft, and a prediction of Mi elec tion by a tremendous plurality (United Press Leased Wire.) London, England, Sept. 9. The schoonor Phyllis Gray was lost todny off Dovonshlro, nnd her crow of 19 men drowned. Tho boat was unablo to weather tho terrific storm which Is swooping tho west const nnd tho British channel, strowlng wreckage on tho shores In all directions. Tho storm Is as severe as that of ton yearB ago, nnd It Is feared that tho loss of life will bo heavy. Re portB of boats being driven aground nro bolng rocelvod from nil partB of tho const. Messages from Franco say that tho damago to craft along tho shores of thntf ountry is equally serious. Many small vossols nro Btlll missing. AMERICAN HERMANS SURPRISE BERLIN JUDGE (United Pre Leaned Wire.) San Francisco, Sept. 9. Judgo Knrl Von Lowlnskl, prosldont of the Imperial Court, nt Berlin, Is todny wondering whnt surprlso ho will next recolvo at tho hands of his country mon. Tho German Judge wns n guost In tho court of Judgo Van Floot yester day, In which nnturallzntlnn exam inations wero being hoard. Several of his countrymon woro questioned In tho muni manner. Tho supromo test to citizenship qualifications was the requirement that tho applicant re nounce his nllcglnnco to tho mothor country, and tnko up arms against that country, If nocessnry, Imperial Judgo Von Lowlnskl was painfully surprised at tho avidity In which his countrymon ngreed to make war on tho Kaiser, If necessary CONFESSES REGARDING HUSRAND'S MURDER (United I'rens Lened Wire.) Lowlston, Idaho, Sopt. 9. Mr, Nancy Radius, under arrest here In connection with the murder of nor husband Saturday night, Is said to have mado a complote confosslon, tha exact nnturo of which has not boon mado public, Tho police Intlmato. however, that her statement will not make R. D. Anderson, who is also undor arrest, any more suro of being released right away. Mrs, Daotous had been In the "sweat box" four hours bsfora she told her story. Bachus waa burned to death In his home. Mrs. Bachus' first account wns that her husband, while carrying a lamp, had stumbled, the burning oil causing tho fire. She failed, how ever, to account for a bullet wound In the body. o CATHOLICS ASSEMBLE IN LONDON CARDINALSREGEIVED BV EDWARD DR. RUM IN AGREED TO BE KILLED SUPPORTER OF GA31HLERH IX8ES .NOMINATION MTnlt.rt llrMl f.rAKMl Wife 1 Ithaca. N. Y.. Sept. O.-Defeated Balgluin. Holland, Germany. Au.tra- for ronolnlnation because he voted (United Press Leased Wlre.i London, Sept. 9. For tho first tlmo In ovor 300 yonrs n pupnl lognto was recolvod by an English monarch today, when Cardinal Vlncont Vnrt nutolll, of Pnlestrlnn, wns recolvod, by King Edwnrd of England In hlotorlc Westmlnstor cathedral, at tho opou Ing of tho nlnoteonth annual ouchrlst congress. Cardinal VannutolII, arrayed In his robes of stnto, made nn imposing figure Tho Immonso hall where British kings havo boon crowned "dofondor of the faith" bIiico tho reign of "Bloody Mary," was crowd ed to suffocation with as distin guished an assembly of clurlcals as litis ovor nBBemblcd on British boU. . Boqnus.o of the feathat thpniitl Cathollc agitation would result Tn street riots, tho ImniciiEO procosslon unit was to havo bpcu the greatest clerical demonstration of modern times, was nbaudoncd at tho sugges tion of tho police, nnd tho congress was opened wltji tho coromoulcB nt Westmlnstor. Tho dusky recesses of tho famous cathedral, llghtod only by tho limning candles on tho n I tars, and dimming oven the brilliant rod robos nnd hats of tho eight cardinals' nnd puVplo robos of tho 100 bishops assembled, provmtud a plcturo iiover to be for gotten. Ovor 00,000 people thronged thn streets about tho eutranco to West minister, and nil tho thoroughfares loading to the three halls whuro the various sessions of tho congress nro to bo hold. It is estimated that no loss thnn 200,000 Roman Catholics from Europo nro visiting London.ntid that almost ns many mnro Americans nro horo. Aftor tho ceromonles of tho open ing of tho congrQs woro over, tho prolntos marchod in llttlo groups to their mooting placos. Tho sight of priests, of both tho Latin nnd Orion tal rites, In tho streota of London drossod In tho enssook nnd hood was most unusual. TImho Present. The following cardinals woro pre sented at todny's opening sessien: Cardinal Gibbons, archbishop of Baltlmoro; Cardinal Logue, arch bishop of Armagh; Cardinal Moran, archbishop of Sydney; Cardinal Le cot, archbishop of Bordeaux; Cardin al Fisher, archbishop of Cologne; Cardinal Merclor, archbishop of Mechlin; Cardinal Ferrari, arch bishop of Milan, and Cardinal Math- ou, from the papal curia of Rome. Each cardinal Is accompanied by his own tulte and Cardinal VannutoN 11 Is accompanied by a retlnuo suit able to his rank as papal legato. Church dignitaries are here from tho United States, Canada, France, IS TESTIMONY OF MRS. RICE against the anti-race track gambling bllls'last winter. State Senator Owen Cassldy announced today that he will an Independon' Hu. Italy. Spain, Alglon, Contral America, Africa, Capo Colony, India. BUrmah, Mexico, Brazil, Austria and New Zealand. Service. , Aftw today the most Important , sorvino of the congress will be tho make the race as candidate. t. -!... 1.111 n.Af-n itCut lift Sat an extra cession. f iwoiwuea us rit .i Omaha, Nob., Sopt. 9, Tho nJt was tlghtonod about Charles Edward Davis today at tho Inquest into tho Btrnngo death of Dr. Frodorlok Rus tln, who, Mrs. Abblo Rice testified formed the most romnrknhlo triple sulcldc-aud-mntrdor pact that hns ov or como Into tho courta of Amorlca Davis, who Is a brothor of Frotl Davis, vlco-prosldont of tho First Na tional bank, admitted that ho had obtained polaon from Dr. Rustln for tho purpoBO of killing himself, and that ho was In the neighborhood of Dr. Rustln's homo on tho night that tho doctor wns shot and killed. Ho donlod positively, howovor, that )iq shot tho doctor, according to the plana outlined by Mrs. Rice, who ex-plained- that Dr. Ruatin waited to be murdered, rather than commit sui cide, so his family would receive tho benefit of $75,000 In life Insurance thnt he carried, 11. Hans, Janitor nt tho Cnthnm Hotol, nt which Davis llvod, was called to the stand thla morning. Ho testified that ho passod Davis' room last Wednesday morning at 5 o'clock and that It had not bcon occupied during tho night. Tho proprietor or tho hotel testified that Davis Inirncl up all of his offectH on Tuesday ot last wcok, nnd apparently arrnngod everything for his death. Uo said thnt Davis had not come In when he locked tho front door of tho hotel nt 1 o'clock Wodneadny night, but said that Dnvla had a key and could havo entered Inter. Davis, himself, took tho stand nnd Bald that ho could not tell what tlmo iio roachod tho hotel, and did not k,now how long ho was In the vicinity of Dr. Rustln's home, "I wont to tho doctor's office and told him that I wanted somothlnr; thnt would make mo sloop quick," he aid. "I had been under his care for a long tlmo. Ho gnvo mo some mor phine nnd chlorldo of gold, nnd I be gan tnklng the morphine right awny. I remember thnt hu put me on a car and after that whon I awoke, all that I know la that I was nbout two block beyond the Rustln place I don't re member much about how I roturned to the hotel. I was angry bocatiso I had not dod. nnd I took tho chlorldo of gold. Thnt ncted as an omotIc, and I think I walked nil the way back to my room." Under this stntomont, nnd with tho testimony of the hotel attend ants the authorities bollove It ran b shown that Dnvls was at RuHtln's homo J u t beforo the shot waa fired thnt resulted In the death of tho doc tor, who, when found by his wife, aid: "A man shot mo." Tho fno that nil three mombera of tho strange triple death agreement are known to have tried BUlcldo be fore tends to lend tho police to be lieve the story told by Mrs. Rice Tho woman today repeated In por ted cttlmno-u tho details of tho plot. Bho told bow Ruitln begged bor to shoot him; how they planned the killing several tlmea, and how ber nerve always failed beoanso Bho loved him so much alio could not kill him nfca raid thnt Rustln, finally hern no disgusted at hor failure, and told tier ho hod a man who would do It Hbe IPnntlni'od OV puj lht.. :