tk v,?-' s i DAILY CAMfMi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1008. Salem's Leading Xloak and Suit Store Is ready with greatest showing of Women's, Misses Children's ready-to-wear apparel Ladies' Tailored Suits ,' V. A Buporb dlsplny now reridy for your cliooslng, Tlirco time 'tho as sortmont you will find nnywhoro oloo about town, exclusive modols and ni UHiinl, rhlcli Is a habit, with us, tho most reasonable In prices. This big I Otis 1t. dopartmont Is frill to overflowing with, attractive garmenta of nil kinds. mwr floor. !! Children's and Misses' Reefers and Peter Pan Normal College Clothes The now "Oregon Cont" navy blue end cardinal, With Oregon, buttons. This showing Is by far 'tho largest nnd bo3t wo have ever had In ready to wear gnrmo'ntfl for the young people. FIHHT FLOOR. O O O O And O 0 O O OOOOOOOO PERSONAL MENTION O O - 'i Movements of Salem O People. O OOOOOOOO O Wednesday Special No. 396 For Wednesday only wo offcv a lenthor puree with coin purso, mirror nnd curd holder" with brass or Kn metal for Wednesday only at On salo at 8i30 j No lolophono ordors taken J Z7 5C ti 4 New Umbrellas Ladles colnblnntlon, dotnclinblo handlon,' silk' covers, special to Introduco thtfm. ' $3.98 and $4.98 Shoes Tho advance styles for fall, In Indlos', nien'B and children's shoos nro now on display. Tho leathern aro tho nowc3t lu 'tans, pr.tont, gun motal, etc. A largo assortment of narrow sizes. New Furs By far tho largest showing In Salem. Now and bettor values, than wo havo evor had on display boforo nt lowor price. A fow at speclnl reduced prices. FIRST FLOOR Toilet Articles HALF PRICE fif4 Cotton Baits 3i!)s, Special 63c mm ri4 i nrniT-HRH- City II containing ctnto fair- exhibits. I,ust Ymiuir KrpuhllriuiH, Attention. Mil j- a f rf-1 BfluMon tho 'nrt' onglno whb nt wor:c I llftVm "ol" "'Kin ml(lay "wotting" the " rtnnlr mm ntiil innhltirr rnnm fnp nth J. I ;" "" J"""'("T " " "" 4M-M-M' rtt Weather Fort'enM FmIj hhI cooler, tonight, ullli light . frot. Woihiewtay full hiiiI minner. AVIwm lii Portland '. y '"" Vllt Hnll'a roBtnuriuit, 3U0 Wnshl tngtop street. . e-u-d, LIhuhmii .NcniljvKleclionitiMl Frank Flanngnn, a llnomnu, ohsIhI lug In ohuiigug'ho wlrejof the Port land (lenornl Electric Company, no- rJdontnlly mndo a ronnurtlon winihwi lly paying' wutflr-Jfllli on or bufore era nt tho fair ground, uotwIthHtniirt- lug their local freight work, Itoitiil of Tnulc Meeting- tl Tho rogu'nr tnonthly nitioMng of tho Salem Hard of Trndo takes placo Wednesday t( tomorrow) uvunlng nt tho rooms, when Important buslnoi will bo considered. All mumhors. aro requested bo'nfiwoht.' A. F. Hofer, secretary. , . D-8-21 L Money Knvnl feet, wlillo holding one fit tho 33O0 volt wires, which wn poorly Insulat ed, and for a fow seconds was com pletely down uiul.out. Flanngnn win ip ft polo ul tho intoVscctlon of Com mercial and Forry Htroet, with two other linemen, and was witting upon n croBS'iirm, and in noine wny placed his feet bo us to form u oouucetlon which would havo roHtiltnd disas trously hud It not been that tho Jolt (brow him away from the heavy volt age, wire, thus ruleaslug him. llu hung by his safety belt for a few oo V onds, ainnhlo to rn'jio hjmtulf. jn UT. ... ,1... Itlnoiml 7 I otC'tilli Cr pijyt oirfcitrM)f befutHoptombor 10th. tusuve dis count cm Huntomher water hills. l I Soutuiubar-aOth.t'. 9-7-Bt Returned (o Siy)iln Mr. and Mrs. V. Hollo, who ronldud In Snluin fo riomo yonrfl, loft two yerB ata for Chicago, nnd have mndn tliir Ijoiuh lu Bwvernl places since then. Tlny arrived yesterday to lunltb tholr homo In Snlom ngaln, profojrrlug this city to any thoy lmvo yot jfved lu. Thy have located lu n rootage at N'luetuuuth nnd Court streets The Itooiux Pi-otib'ni A Soorntary llofor and hi helpeN nt the llourdnt iKnule urq vry bmy (lilxf'f duKjiiuiu cutts d tb roomln propolllon (o.iwjbu forthiHtuiiiig state fair. A gieat untu.x rooms havo al ready been llrtduand Boveral hun Ycir nttondc.nrs and unthusluHiu nro needed on Wednesday evening, Soptombor 9, nl tho police court room In tho 'city hall, for tho purpose of mapping out our plan for tho cbm Ing campaign. Como wlthbut fall. .Mooting called nt S o'clock. L. C. Stringer, president; Carlo Abrnms, secretary. 9-8-21 Miisoiin, Atlcntloii Tho M. Mj dogrco will bo con forroiV by Pndfflc Codgu, No. CO, A. F. & A. M., HiIh evonlng, Uy order of W. M, KcinnliiH AitIvo Tonight ' ' Tho remains of Mrs. J. I). Wnlton, who dlod on route to thlH ally from St. Louis, will arrive In this city, nu compau'ed by hr husband, nt (i:IO o'clock this evening. The funeral services will he conducted by Huv. Ifra Maurer at tho Hvaugelloat church, Sovontoonth and Cliemekotn streotB, nt 10 o'clock tomorrow morn ing. Tho decensod leave, besides' hor husband, two sons, a daughter and her molhor. I'lii) FItm MiMtiing . ' Of tho sonson of the Salem niri ngnM o, Olffl full attonduiiae Society will bo held this evening -n o'oiook lit me Trover's biiiuio. ora.,, " .MllUi Oil' S State Hlruot. l (I eti I r ml, ns biutiu' of ImportnKc m HI UU UilllBUUllU renuy iicimi uiujuvMatii eeverai nun illx'd morv (udMod. 'Whan nil nro tu nicampiotn"ilJafaiioMua city 'rWWibNm fttSu Wv U noy ready to oelvmih ulll bo wadfr df th city, showing thu Ptrtl having enrU' mutlw o5n send . iOCatlonjit lh dlSertn? rooms, and them at oic,. . -S-n, I Indexed Hhnft will Mo Ttppt, glvlnj; au the puitvriimrH Tluo will be til to nVcQiunuxlnto Kiiqti seuklnx piurtors ill??ng th,V CbIivtTUo Hoard i nf Trade ronfr will be kept open un- LUL midnight ovr day, with n com- liutuui iiurson uiiiiKintk8uui:ur iiiivb in attendance tojflRcn!flr-nll lumer. Per sons who havo not yot listed their HtfiiMnff Hixih,. ti Hnnltnry inwt injirkt U 0 lilniv tu h) yoiM maul. They bv plengd other thoy can ploiue yu TWurilsy Will bo Iho last day to pay wateH by Is and get Om 10 per cent all count. 9-73t Hnlem 1m Proiul Of tier homo produutions'bul none nro bolter thai! thu Tofchnyoo or Cn r'ciria cigars. Try oua and see. .Foumt-5 ' "" Af;flUttd h havo that old 3U' cleaiUHl uud ueH Johuiou A Stege, next door lo Jimrnnl. 1H (IriH'i'lovr-v Y Oo io J. M. Uiwnueo br uhono 311. Ho will vslvo yiiu tho hel lit the mnrki't t . . . 4 't'1" -I lUIng UIh KikIIv largo muKUl oH-buvner engine in sor vIcl lu Uit local iiUirdrya'rtf bow, owlntt to tho fuel that tho former en Xlue, which wh of a wry light pa wngr type, whs unabU to haudle tho wtra h?V) work which It cu4 tbroutlt m' Of tH lr nhlpwHt iooiuh shoul( do so at once, by leav ing full particular nt the Hoard of Trade ottlqe. llopubllctui Cumuli go tlluv Hi J. N Smith, prudent of tho Itoo'tivelt Hepubllcuu OJub, has called a.iueotlng QUoiibllMIMwfWjBThiira- day ovenlng utTtufcUy halK and that orgtinlmtloA will bo converted into a Tatt club. A gif uernlj utteodancv of the members Is dflml l)r, . i Smltli Ornduate uf th American S-hoot kof 0teathy. Ktrkwvlllb, Mo . undy iho fCMuitor, Or A T Stlil. hat lo cated n Salem. VlfU ttr, 11. 11. Whttv. Ur.,nd Slh; w$rol- matOB In KlrVjUlio. Dr. Smith has been couQucTIur a succi4(iA jr,si" In Mlwouri for tho past ids ye&u un i hat h wide experience In tho treat ment of all elftiuoa of dlwws. Qtc with, Or 8. II Whit- Roow 31 Hreymau bu'ldmy. W'ihmIs Stow ItoblMHl J Hurglnrs Inst night broke Into'thS ttoro of O. Woods, on the Jefferson road, opposite (ho Catholic cemetery Hut lltflo of valuo waa stolen, and tho theft consisted entirely of grov cerlcs, It l bolloved tho robbery, wns committed by boys In tho nelgh-3 borhood. , " . -' ' lliiiik'roii Fuponil The twnorAlv.Mr. Flpronco 1U'""3 fdorson, wlfo'of 'A. J. HondoMon.4 formorly of this city, who tiled In Portland Saturday, was hfeld nt the undertaking parlors of V. T. Rlg don, Hov. Ilarr Q. Loe omdatlng. Ths burial took placo In City View com ctory. Houml Over ' Joo DavU, charged with burglaris ing tho residence of Mrs Thomas Kay on tho night of July 4th. and James A Walker, charged with burglarlslni tho Salem restaurant at 339 Liberty street, on the night of September sy. and with robbing A E. Uartcll of u watch, were arraigned thls'iuorn lug boforo. Police Judge Mooroa ami bound over to tho sheriff to await the?; Mrs. Carlo 11. Anson, of Portland arrived iveatordnv ovanluer nail win I vBlt fr n few days nMUi MUs Holtwi Clarke. Lou Wilis loft today for don- Q. E, Kellogg was In Eugene Sun day visiting. Chester 'Murphy, of Portland, was transacting business' here yesterday. R. Lyons, of Lyons, Or., Is trans acting business here for a few day. Ormond Bean came down from Eugene yesterday to visit his parents here. J. C. Collins, of Independence, Is In I the city looking after business mat ters. - W. Parsons, of Snllnas, Cal., ar- I rived yo3terday to visit here' for a I short time. T. W. Sullivan, of Oregon City, Is in tho city transacting business for n few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meredith have returned from a abort vls't In Port land. Mr. nnd 'Mrs. V F. Davis 'have re turned from a pleasant outing nt Newport. C. McArthur, of Eugene, was look ing after business Intorosts hero yes terday. Willis E. McElroy left for Port land today to transact business for n few daya. Wm. Terry, of Tillamook, arrived today.vnnd will remain ovor for the fair. Fred Merrill camo up from Port land this morning to look after busi ness Interests. C. Johnson nnd family roturned to Portlnnd this morning nftor n visit hero with friends. A. Miller, or Woodburr, wns look Ing nftor business matters hero yes- toiday. Jull'.iB Wolf, tho Sllvorton hop mer i chant, Is bore looking after his busi ness Interest. Gcrtruda Litchfield, of tho nsyluin l staff, Is vlsltlbg with her brother In I Ynqulnn for a fow days. Mls3 Hattlc Simpson has returned lo hor homo In Albany, nftor a few day's v'rlt with friends hero. Mnurlco Wlprut, of Portland, Is hero transacting business nnd vltfltlnt with, his son, Henry. MI-b Vorda Watson went to Port land this morning to visit with friends for n fow days. Hal Jorgohson wont to Albany lnt evening on tho local to transact bust, tie b for a short tlmo, George Goswlck, of Astoria, Is In tho city visiting relntlvos and friends for a fow weeks, Fred McElwaln, of Portland, ar rived hero yoitordny to visit for a few days with George Hondorshot. Miss Louh Skinner, of Portlnnd, nrrlyed today and will visit Miss no thn Edwards until nfter tho fair. MI,Elle Poland roturned to Hrooks thh morning after n brief visit with hor Salem friend i. ' Hort nnd Cllffo Derby, of- Eugene, arrived thin morning to transact business for a fow days. Miss Jean Brighton nnd brother. WIUIb, loft yosterdny for Soattlo to visit relatives for a few weeks. Tho Missus Eva and Carrie Smith havo roturned from Newport, whore thoy spout 'Bovornl woeks by the ocoan. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. -Thompson re- turuod to tholr homo In 'Oregon City yostorday, after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs: A. M. Lowls ofl r' IHATIUMONIAIj COMED1" IN FOUR ACTS ifnlti-t Prm Leased Wire. Chlco, Cal., Sept. 8. The surpris ing fact3 of tho rapid Are matrimon ial entanglements of Dora Wl3e, 19, of Wood, Siskiyou county, who broke an engagement, wm re-engaged, mar ried and left by her new spotise, wllh , out giving any renson, all within tin brief space of 24 hours, became known today. Miss Wise came here a week ngo and announced that she would bo married to Fred KIngsley, a mill su perintendent of Weed, lnjf Saturday. Arrangements wore made for thr wedding, but on Friday the girl mar ried F. J. Sherman, n traveling mnn, whom she had met for tho first time tho night b'ftfore. On the dny of her marriage" the left Sherman, glvirig no reason. The girl's parents took her to 0 land today. Sherman left Chlco Saturday. There Is much specula tion as to the cause of MlssWlsVa romarkablo actions. T KKTCI1KL DESPITE DEFEAT REMAINB A FAVORITE (Halted rrr t.cned Wlrcl Los Angeles, CnL, Sept. 8. Al though Billy Papke Is the hero of the hour among the fight fnns today, StanloyfKctchel has not lost ob much prestlgo as- would naturally bo ex pected after his defeat of yostorday, when ho wns put out In tho twelfth round of n scheduled ,25-rcnind go for the middleweight championship of. tho world. The dofented champlon'3 game showing saved him, nnd, while he received n set-back In his brilliant enreer, his declaration that he Is not "finished" Is genornlly accepted. Papke declares he-beat Kotchel nt his own gamo 'with a lucky punch early In tho fight, and the defeated fighter swears that ho was criminally carcIos8. Tho fans ngreo with him. There Is general satisfaction over tho outcome of tho fight nmong tho heavy bottors bore. Although they mnde vory little noise nbout It, mint of tho plungers woro down heavy ou tho short endor. One bet of $15000 "renl money" wns posted-less thnn nn hour boforo tho fighters entered tho ring. The ilnnnclnl stntoment given out by the Joffrlcs club shown the receipts of the fight to lfnvo boon $18,180, of which JfOi'l went' to Pnpko nnd Mian to Kotchel. AMERICAN .1EAN VAL JEAN .FfMI'S HAIL Kama? Pity, Pont. R. Charles W Anderson, tho Jenn Vnl Jean of Amor lcn who wns pardoned by President Roosevelt, was mlifllng today when his case waa called In the police court on n charge of gambling. . Audorson wiih urrostcd Sunday night In a poker game. On his state ment that ho had 'been engaged inert ly In n friendly game, he was re- loa'od on bond. Today his wife statod that ho had left town. Audorson wns convicted of u fel ony Kevornl years ago, nnd sentenced to tho penitentiary. He managed to eecapo, successfully concealing IiIb Identity, nnd ho reformed nnd became n rospoctod citizen. Ills old com pan'ons tound him out and exposed him. Ills pardon wns granted bv Pro8ldeht Roosevelt, on the ground that his roform had expiated tha crlmo he hnd commlttod. WoihllMllt IlljUI'lHl 13, J. Kozer, n workmnn employed by thd Portland Railway, Light & J?owerCdmpun, -wlillo ongnged In moving an eloctrlc l'ght pole at the corner of Commercial and Forry streets, it"2:30 o'clork this after noon, w'm struck by tho tongue of the curt used tu 'moving 'the polo MISSING LAUNCH IS . (United Pre, j ""s ""Keif- vai., Sept t drifting helplessly about b noiea lnjncn ror 18 hour, , from Bea sickness nnd fright uie oenei tnat they would trnln flin oVinrn tt.. .. whn worn rotinrn.i ,-. .!.. u uiiiiiag on wio launcu "O, K," ate t) tholr homes In this city aad na. nescue launchea were; soarch of the missing "0, u late in the ovcnlrrg-mrsa mat me ooat .had been fM was coming Into port under i power Upon tho arrival of the ti waB "learned that the eg A13 "Os'K.r had broken down ! ternppn. during a saualL . tho boat had drifted ont tl ing the night and yestenUj i Charles Clinch, a michli Pasadena; was' a member of i ty, and he worked upon reJ tho onglne. throughout th ij FIVE-YEA1M)L1 BOY SAVES DROW.MX0 (United rrew Iah4 South Bend, Wash , Sent ' Henry Is a hero at the tgt bbcniiBo if it had not beea quick action In seizing hi Jullnngcd eight years, aPer fallen Into the water, the fdi undoubtedly been dead todii Tho two children, nccompi three companions, were out yo3tordny, when Julia ir! foil ovorboard, All the ot! dron, except tho girl's brotrj unnorved by tho sight leaned forward and seized tho hair when her head curl surface, nnd held tight ji enmo from the shore . o ATTELL AND MORAS SlICl'M) FlfillTTO San Frnnclsco S?pt 5-1 consiiB of opinion In urlze circles hero today li tbit I) never bo n flnil s'cinert 'bo Attell and Cwcn Hoi forjrhl n draw "! Jur d mo in oilh fl?h' The: tordny, following the samel on Now Yon'-"'- dnv wa a i appointment all round So& so-calletl experts claim tW will not try to put Morinosj ns ho can keep the qucit'oni Is the bettor man on a g basis. Both men claim a t'.j dnv. nnd both score M-" Welsh. After nU dl cnu' sain'e answer Is that AtteMir qould settle It In sh ti' llnlsh light, cam n tS"" to win nnlckl' ir be w:"'t long contest urovo, wnore ne win looKtafter in-' nnd 'sustnlnod a' severe' fracture i.f piano buataeu for the Wllle jmut j the Jaw. Koze had hold St tho houso horo. tongue, nnd was .guiding tho car, Mr. and Mrs. Charles -Dlllard havo when some" of tho workmen accldent roturned to Portlnnd, aftor a weok ally let fall a hoavy nolo, whlchfruok vUlt horo nnd a short outing nt New port. Mr. and Mr. J. Q. Wilson auri Mrs. S. Smith havo returned from fow weeka visit with frlonds In Eu geno and Medford. Harry Blanchard- teturnod thlr morning from Sacramento, where, he has boon visiting for tho pait month with his brother, Henry Blanchard. formerly of this city. J.'C. Markol and family returne! to South Bend, Waih.. after an ox tended visit with Mr. Markel'b un the cart causing the tonguo to fly up and catch Kbzor under the chin. D Roberfson wns called, and the wound wns dresSed". it Is probable that the man will recover. DIED MILLS -At the family' homo at 14$7 Liberty street at 5 p iri., Sunday, the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mills, nged 2 ears, 7 months. The father U In Arizona and will arrive home next Thursday, when llu .--... ... l " reius, jir. aim airs. Market, on Nort i ; funeral will take placo r roni street. wcWn 6f thb Krana5 Jftr? v w iH CW Wgleii, f J W Strict a Southern Pacific, inductor, reported to SherIK Mlata this morning that a suit case had been "tolou from him at tho Uepot oa "teptewber I Hi. Qua Lasky. of Clear Lake, Orogen came dowu yesterday to 'transact business for a fow daja. Mr. Lask is one of tho fortunate ones who sue cooded In locating one of tho flae timber claims near Clear Lake. lUxiwl4tkm ' Tho governor of Idaho ha (asuod WILLETT At tho Willamette San Itarlum, Friday night. Harland M Wlllett. aged 30 years. The remains were shipped to Falls City, tho home of the deceased 6n urday afternoon. MONEY TO L TH03. 1 vor Ladd & Bu h'l B"1 ! Norwich UnfonFJft Insoraoce. Krank Sfi-nllllb. P".4W Office with Wm Bro I 19 Commercial '' STARR PW HIGH CLASS GEO. C WH i NEW TODi Wnnted A genitfe Phone 1350 i . .j 1 Vmltt ' l...w Ktflft SrtVHIBI wv---- and farm 'nnda at Uah National ani . ui nM udr fori M RHini--m - , . work, to be through t ' Vhm m am Call at WUlson - -St.. Ul. Mr P '": Miirrlagi" Mmus . ' 'A marriage' licence was Issued this La requWtloa-.upon.XowuoClim.fmowilH-fr-HartrV. Reed.-ajre-8-L uuniMJl0r .Tewfu or FrAToori. of Portland, and MUa Berdo Galvan- who is wanted by the Idaho authorl-lllue. aged 30, of Salem ties on the charge of embexillngl $309 from the Monataln Howe Eles trie Cowitaay, Moore Is now under rrt at Portlaai. Some Qoos Bay mea are like little boya they liko o have a great big rag tied areuatd a little re. For Sale Fib " Vui mouths old lWvc' Patterson, second b City Vle cemetery For Sab 7 ootn hei:j m' e .vr anv. w acres, j " - , .., house, large lot aud: C aores with p -' ,2700 5,;; k134 N. Liberty lYMteJ-At once. 1 PJ papers, one Apply to joui- . ,.t,vn H..KganrPB0r