Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Imt Millinery Styles for fall, 10U8-UU.
lb i chance tbnt In tho very
Ifctirt Salem will havo a regu-
i to dte, uniformed, police
ivi thit ere long tho present
! ijgregatlon consisting of
il, the ddgicatchor, and tho
livo policemen, will bo as n
m relle, a hary dream of the
: wm, to bo placed in this
Ittpry with unnaved stroeta,
m hone cars, and railroad
m the remote uburbs.
ttSUI trumpet blaU of tho
t revolution In tho city's
'fepirtment wag sounded at
h3 meeting last light by
'Tea Kir, who addressed the
Ifchn long and c'oquontly on
ln augmented', uniform
11 '"t He told how morn
tbt houses In his Immediate
wood bad been burglarized
m two months, and explain-
represent guardians of tho
fthoagb excellent In oual-
faccouut of their numor-
wtance, totally unable to
! the recent apalllng imml-
etltae Into our growing
W increase In mimtmra
' ! 4rocated conspicuous
(Ww born vben autumn
WT i
in 'September's
oa her hrrw i.n..i
ika, """"
3 WwmbUI stones, the
w -, ii was
km." v - ,
. " Ten rnm...j
!trarared-uDon thu
JPr n Important
m n collection ot
oowwd heads
a.r of Elisabeth
jJJf. which was
li-TTT.'i- Scotland .
t vl
uj "h to the
br flower.
The Old White Corner
. .mt offering of Fall Underwear' at this season o
the year might Beam strange to you nt first, but a tet
0nd thought brings do mind that in only a few dnyi
Old Jack Frost will bo Biieaklng around trying to get a
lap nt you. A big purchase of Union Sultb direct from
the mill enables us to offer real $1.00 values for 73c
Hnd wo bought these in less Uian original cases we
could not sell them for less than $1.00 a suit. Sec
display in our Court Street Window ' '
Heavy and Medium Weight
nion Suits 75c
Real $1.00 Values
New Oufing ' Gowns
50c to $3.50
comploto stock of Ladles
Misses' and Children's Outing Gownr
1b now ready.
.Tho line, comprises everything in
deslrablo garments. Plain White,
Dime, Pink and Fancy Patterns.
IffltiioKngof Pattern Hats. Tho ladles of Salem nnd vlclnfty are
and distinctive uniforms for tho
forco. "It will lend dignity to the
appenranco of tho city," said tho
Benntor. "Down In Eugene whore
tho people are making progress, you
can tell a policeman from ft civilian.
Pcoplo know whom to go to when
they want Information that a police
man Is supposed to glvo. Moreover
tho ruffian has more respect for thr
officer In uniform thnn for the coun
try marshnl or constable who has to
unbutton his cont to show his stni,
and who Is questioned nnd Insulted
when ho asks a crowd of loafors to
move on."
After the meeting rorao
Of" tho
councllmen held a heartto heart talk,
ond most of them were of tho opin
ion that Senntor Koy was right
Two or threo went even further than
the senator. One of them pictured
the cops attired In their natty unl
forms walking their regular beat
on Stato and Commercial street, and
another had n haluclnatlon of thr
night squad, mounted on handsome
steeds, patrolling tho residence dis
tricts under the glare of an auR
monted street lighting Bystem. Still
another proposed that, as soon as
Commercial street wne paved the
present police force, consisting of
the aforementioned marshal, dog
catcher and the two aids, paratio
through the business district in order
to glvo tho Innocent public a glimpse
of Its unprotected plight
Contrary tp expectatlonsxihe mat
tor of the North Mill ditch was not
bought up at the council meeting.
For- ,the most part a dignified stir
ence was maintained by tho city fa
ther oh the proposition. There is
troubjbrowlng, however, for when
the council adjourned It adjourned
to meet tonight. Councilman Stolz
urged the veterans io assemble at
7:30, but tho majority. .loudly pro
tested ob the ground' that It was un
reasonable and unjust to require h
councilman to hurry through his
dinner, and Stolz was -forced to make
a new motion and to get the time of
arrival la the council chamber half
an hour ealier. Oae of the council
men conftdentlally volunteered the
information that the North Mill ditch
would have been put ant of, business
last night but for the fact that It
was Labor day and-, that therefor?
such action would be Illegal..
The application from Frank Col
lins for a liquor license wax grafted.
The j report of the eUy engine In
rear Wtfce eV asrade-'on N. Hten
rtwa md?kiHl(2''eJtrt- I
New Goods
Just Received
We are now ready to show the
following goods, which arrived
durhg the week:
Read's Dress Goods.
Butterflold'8 Drcas Goods.
Butterflcld's Linings.
Ask to see Silked Venetian.
Valencies Laces.
Ladles Sweaters.
Ladles' Suits and Couts.
Furs and Knit Shawh.
Infants' Capes, Toques, etc.
Ladies' Underwear.
Comforts .and Blankets.
Hosloiy, Handkerchiefs.'
Men's Clothing1. Hats.
ShoeVof all kinds, Neckwear,
Caps, Trunk3 and Suit Cased.
And many other lines
Wo told you about tho $2.25
linos a few days ago. Now we
have a very now -and up-to-date
lino of -..
$1.25 Waists
Which comprises -all tho late pat
terns In Madras and Heavy Fall
Genuine fleatherbloom Pet
ticoats, in all colors
- - . .
cordially invited to call anil btudy
Stockton's Store
torney was Instructed to draw up nn
ordinance and to publish tho fact that
tho city Intends to establish a now
Tho report of tho street commit
toe on tho work comploted by tho
Warren Construction company on
Commercial street was adopted, and
tho city recorder was Instructed to
draw nn order on tho city treasury
for tho payment of SO por cent or
the bill.
The street committee was Instruct
ed to proceed with tho construction
gf the foot path on thq, Commercial
street bridge over N. Mill creek.
Tho report of tho Warren Con
struction company for work on Stnto
streot between Commercial and
Churdhi, Btreet, nmountlng to $19,-
000, was referred to the street com
mittee. Tho city nttornoy wns Instructed
to proparo dcrcriptlon of tho propor
ty nutating on tho west sldo ot
Broadway street, with a vlow of
having a wooden sidewalk construct
ed on that street.
A petition from tho proporty own
ers on Liberty street between Court
nnd State streets to havo that por
tion of Liberty street paved was re
ferred to tho streot committee.
The application of P. P. Talking
ton to transfer his liquor license to
Patterson & Hamilton, and 'also the
application of Patterson & Hamilton
for a liquor license was referred to
tho commltteo on licenses,
Tho petition from several proporty
owners on Dolview street to establish
a grado cm that' street was referred
Lto the commute on streets.
The bid of tho Capital Improve
ment company for tho Improvement
of N. Cottage Btreet wa oponcd hnd
referred o the committee on street.
Tho contract for the construction
of a sewer In block 38 was awarded
to Bernard! & Dunsford. Tho bid
called (for $745, '
The council adjourned to meet at
8 o'clock tonight.
(yetted rr U&4 Wire.)
New york, Sept. $. Search is be
Ing made today for the oodles or
four men wbo; lost their lives last
night. while working overtime as tho
result of a Are, supposed to be in
cendiary, which destroyed a seven-
storv factory bul ding on water
Incident to the fire were rescues of
nearly a score of workers who were
removed from the fifth floor by mean
of ladders after the flames cut off
their escape, and the collapse of the
sixth floor, carrying with It and
slightly Injuring two flreraen.
The flaanclal loss Is f 109,060.
A refutation of being stingy in-
Jnrec a saai more than his stlagt
M fYM hllS.
(. (United l'rcs Leased Wire.)
St, Louis, Mo., Sept. S. Despond
ency" over ill-health Is the only ex
planation given today for tho sulcldv'
of Mrs. Thomas B. Warren, slster-ln-law
,of Edward J. Nally, vice-president-and
general mannger of the
Postal Tolegroph Company, who shot
herself In the bathroom of her home
lato last night. Mrs. Wnrren. n
strlkjngly handsome woman, had
been despondent for somo time, ow
ing to nervouB prostration. She ex
pired a few minutes after firing the
fatal shot.
.. .
Redding, Cal., Sopt. S. Rosldcnts
of Bella VUta are today rejoicing
over' the fact that tholr city was not
destroyed by firo Inst night, and prals
lng tho bravo women and children
who won the battlo with the flames.
A nr which started in the outskirts
of tljo lumber town destroyed threo
dwellings, causing a loss of $3000.
But for tho united efforts of every
womjm and child In ho settlement,
whoijolned with tho men, tho ontlre
town; would have been destroyed.
I " n ,
I Tnft Addresses Soldiers.
SajiduBky, 0., Sept. 8. William
H. Tnft spoke nt the Soldiers' Home
hero 'this morning, confining hs re
marks to non-polltlcnl subjects. Ho
wns Well received, and shook hands
wlth'jtho vctcrnns who crowded about
him with much enthusiasm.
At 11:30 o'clock the candidate ad
dressed it big audlcnco that packed
every' available foot ot apaco In tho
opera" house. The meeting was held
undo tho auspIcoB of tho Taft organ
ization and tho county commltteo.'
Tho crowd cheered Tnft uproariously,
and his speech wns received wlUi
great applause.
A crowd of Forakcr leaders wore
donlcd Invitations to tho opera house
meeting, but thero was no expres
sion of Ill-feeling, nnd tho meeting
was a great success.
o ,
(Medford Tribune.)
la thero a concerted movoment
among buyers to misrepresent casi
orn .fruit crop conditions, and by
making weBtorn growers bollpvo that
a record applo crop Is bplng produced
in eastern stntes securo Oregon ap
ples at a low figure? Such. Is the
boltof of, many local growers, who
confidently look for high, prices to
rulp this winter.
That buyers nro boaring ho mar-
hot In Indicated by tho follower
from a St. Loula papor, giving cstl
jnates, gathored by tho Natlonnl
Applogrowers' congress, showing that
tho east crop Is far below tho aver
ago in qunutlty nnd quality:
Efttliiuttcfl nn Reported.
Estimates ot tho apple crop In tw
United States, mado yesterday by the
American Applegrowora' congress, nt
tho Inst session or Its convention nt
tho Southern hotel, showed n gloomy
outlook for tho fruit th's year. The
best promised by any district wns n
normal crop, and this promlso was
held out only by tho districts which
did not suffer from tho copious
sprliiK rains which washed tho pollen
out of tho blooms and from the kill
ing frost which came about tho ond
of April. Tho estimate of tho sta
tistics committee, presided over by
J. Mack Tenner of Springfield, III.,
was as follews:
Missouri Reports in Missouri
vary from 5 to 35 per cent. Tho
crop In tho Ozarka Is practically
nothing, while In northern Missouri
some orchards are good. For thb
wholo state a fair estimate would be
20 per cent.
Illinois Poor crop all over the
state. A fair estimate is 10 per cent
of a normal crop.
New York Reports vary from 60
to 80 per cent of a full crop. The
fruit Is reported to be good and the
estimate should bo about 75 per
Ohio, 25 per cent; Kansas, 25 per
cent; Pennsylvania, 45 per cent;'
Michigan, 50 per ceitf; Indiana, 30
percent; Kentucky, 20 per-centr
Virginia, 30 per cent; Arkansas, 10
perecent; Iowa, 31 por cent; West
iVirgiaia, 30 per cent; Maine, 50 per
cent T 'Nebraska, 20 per cent; Okla
homa,-20 percent; Colorado, SB perl
cent Massachusetts, 50 per cent;
Maryland, 50 per cent; New Jersey,
50 per cent; Vermont, 50 per cet:
Idaho, 100 per cent; Minnesota, 60
por cent, Utah, 80 per cent Delaware,
70 per cent; Montana, 100 per cent.
New Mexico, 100 per cent; Callfor,
nia, Oregon and Washington, good
crops, 75 per cent to full crops.
If there Is going to be money lost
the bset friend you have in the world
would' rather see you lose It than to
lose It hlsssolt . "
' M J .0 '
- mm ir -w
,,t'ul(d Prrss r.iimiit Wire.)
Snn Francisco, Sept. 8. The Pa
cific const will have a direct expre s
boat lino to Ancon, canal zone, under
plans which are annouiwod today fal
lowing the iM-chnBo or thro eblg
steam Bhlp:, Ventura, Sonoma and
Sierra, by Harrlman from John I.
Sprecklcs. Thejio nhlpB formerly
comprised the' fibot of tho Occnnlr
Hue In the Honolulu' and Australian
service. For n year, however, thoy
havo been lying Idle In Mission Bay,
as Sprecklcs found tho Occnnlc sor-
vlco unprofitable without a subsidy,
which the government refused to
Tho new service, to Panama, It Is
believed, will bo a great advantago to
business Interests of tho conH In bid
ding on supplies. Tho denl for tho
Balo of tho ships was ojosed at a per
Bonal conference hotwoen Sprecklcs
and Hnrriman, nnd it h understood
thnt Hnrriman drovo a hard bargain,
but nevertheless Sprecklcs Is plensoa
to have succcsifully disposed of tho
ships, which wero a dead oxpense.
Shipping circles hero bollovo that
Tho advisory BUb-committco np
pointed by the Brltlshtgovernmcnt to
formulate a report updn tho question
of British ships cOmpulsorlly carry
ing lifeline throwing nppartuB con
ducted Bomo most Important oxporl
montB In 'Liverpool recently, tho re
sults pt which are briefly described.
Tho apparatus submitted com
prised kites, buoys and' different
Btyles of Burnt nnd rockets. Tho
first tests were those of West's drift
btloys which wero followed by tho
much-improvod Rcgurk box klto. It
wns tho opinion of thoso who wit
nessed the experiments thnt tho kite
Is a successful Invention and -Will
bo very scrvlcc'nblo when tho wind !
blowing on n lee uhbre. V
On6 of the most- Interesting of tho
tests was mado frith' 'ft balloon con
structed of gold beater's skin in two
weights. It carried a lino for 1500
Tho principal testB, howovor, were
mado with rockets, cannon and
shouder guns,' which havo bbon car
ried to n high stnto ot perfection.
Much Interest wasr shown In the ro
suts of these tests, both by tho com-
mltco and 'tho'nautlca experts,
Thq cannon throw a llno'a distance
of 310 fathoms, which Indicates tho
standard of efficiency to which U
has been brought. A projectile Is In
serted In the ennuon, nnd tho can
non Is fired by menns of n friction
tubo which propels tho projectllo n
cortaln dlstnnco, and from thnt nolnt
a rocket In discharged which cai
rlea the lino to Mb destination. Tho
irun U nnrtnht" nnd l nlly handled.
Anothor Interesting feature la that
during tho daytlm,o tho smoke Indi
cates tho direction Jn which tho line
Is cnrrled, while at, night tho flro of
tho rocket denotes s the direction
For shoro uao thin gun .can bo placed
on a small hand-harrov, riiul as there
are n elaborate accessories, It can be
readily worked by any person of or
dinary intelligence. TIiIb gun Is
claimed to bo tho moat satisfactory
apparatus for heavy work o, .for ox
amplo, from tho dock ot Inrgor lln
Two shoulder guns .Impressed tho
exports aa tho most satisfactory or
those produced. They uro light,
easily handled, nnd may be fired " Pni '"" r ' ' nortneait
from any position by man or boy. rn I'M ot t,,5 8,at0- Fr 'l un"
The moro powerful of tho two guns l,cr Cflro he reslded-near Wallow
carried a lino 345.' feet and thq other I'oatofllce. Ho camo to this city
342 feot .nbount 15 months ago whera he has
' ' i
. Oregonlan.) .
The Western I-and
Uqrapany, pwners of the Hlnklo pro
Ject, southwest of Echo, J now ar
ranging to borrow JlfOOO and
Is understood the money Is to bo used ,
In Hjp develpmont ftf.Uie Drpjdct.
A trust deed for t, Above named
amount was filed at tho recorder's
offlco this morning by J, W, Mesmer,
president gf the Irrigation company,
The deed is to the Marlon TruJt
company, a bonding company
Tha illng 6 the trust deed means
that the wosUrnliuM & Irrigation
company Is bonning itseir tor mo
amount of H0.fl04 while nonejStambaugh of Cold ?prlng, cao
nt the nfneers of the. comnany bavei'ai' uisni.
been seen, It, hi Interred ths the mon
" - - - - j j- '--f i--t
ey Is to be ud for completing the
ditches for th'HJct,
The InitrussssK Jled here today
covers 5 W& ad m the company
alsj Ws 1n4 la Merrow county It
will b flled.thwe, whe ne&frfer
Headley has(JnWMilvrsofjflliig kt .
this la only one stop In Ha.rrlman'8
plans for tho development of his In
terests In tho Pnclfio trade. It Is rt
sorted that ho Intends to 'make big
developments in tho Pacific Mall Bor
vlce, nnd will moot the advances of
tho JnpnucBO companlos.not being de
terred by tho appearance ot tho now
Nippon turblncra. .
As tho result of remarks mado by
tho railroad king to men with whom
ho hold conferences here, thero Is no
doubt hero today that the fight for n
Pacific ship subsidy will bo renewed
beforo the next congress. Hnrriman
does not bollovo that the recent rul
ing of tho Interstate Commerce Qom
mlsBlon, compelling tho publication
ot proportion of through wucs lo tho
Orient will provont tho contlnunnca,1
of prontnblo trade In tho Pnclilc,
It Is suggested that advantage may
. bo tnkoit of tlib domnrid 6f tho nrmv
transport scrvloo for moro ships, nnd
the Pacific Moll may offer "to enlarge
Its fleet under a subsidy, with tha
undcrst'd'nding that tho ships may bs
I used for army purpose.4 Whenever the
I necessity arises,
(United Press Lncrt Wlr.)
Donvor, Sept, 8. Four men wore
burned to 'death and a dozen person i
wero Borlously Injured today by n flro
which destroyed the Hotol Belmont.
Tho hotel was crowded, having at
least 100 guests. At an early hour It
was discovered that tho building wai
In flames,
Caught unawnresi many of the
guosts wore unable to find their way
from the hotel, and many jumped
from, tho upper1 stories, receiving 4
rlousand, In some canes, perhaps far-
tal Injuries. .,'j ,. ,
Tho four men who werft-burnod tejf
death wore probably tsiffecated by -smoke,
nnd reeeuors wore unable te
reach' them, only their cAarred and
blackened bodies being, recovered.
The firemen succoeded In carrying
a number of ' women and children
down ladders from the upper stories.
When the nlarm was glvon by the
bell boys running through the halh
thero was tho greatest confusion, and
tho fact thnt nil escaped but two is
considered remarkable It was'
thought for n time that nt loft.sT2i;'
had been burned to death,
(Pendleton Tribune)
By tho death of Josso Thompson,
of this city yeBtordny afternoon nt
4:30 o'clock nt hlshnmo on Collog?
street, eastern Orogpn lost ono of hor
pioneers, and who was also a son of
n pioneer who camo west In tho dayx
of tho civil war and until tho time ot
his death, four years ngo, was a rnil
dent of this section.
Tho elder Thompson fought in the
Roguo river Indfan war nnd was ons
of thQt 0ftr,,CBt 8oU,or8 of Un,on cm,n
ty. Later ho raided stock in tho
Wallowa valley aud came to Pendle
ton n few years before' his death four
yours ngo.
-""P" ! ' .
,wnB ,,ffrn ft(1 rft,"ed ,ujnr Elln nnd
since .rosiaea, ,
Death ramo yosterday aftornoot
as a result of a comiillcatlorf 'of dis-
eases. For somb time he had "been
stiffen n'jj from tuborculol and It W'
tntiitgM that It was a sudden attack
of quick consumption
which teok
Him away.
'Tne ueceased is Mirviveu uv a
w,fo fl"l ven children, ond Jlttlq
Bon flv0 dftUghtC,M a I of whoni
afe at home exceptfog the eldest
daughter, Mrs. Nollle aibsoiT . ot
Wallo ViaJla. Ho had two brother.,
John and Millard, The former is
ik'thU city and tho latter is ex
pected to arrive from his home In
Bllensburg In iirno to attend tho
funeral. One sister, Mrs. Mary Boat
man of Ellensburg, Is expected, to
day and tho other sister, Mrs. Eliza
No funeral arrangements were
made last night because of the hu
certaipty regarding the arrival of
relatives from a distance.
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