Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    . daily cAPixATi-JouiiAiC okGQ waEav&Y?Jffama&tLfi, iQOft
.- L .MMl
In connexion jwlth tho re
irtlngf k) he specimen) 'of
Abraham Adams, tho discoverer of
the famous Alnskan wheat of which
do much, has been Bald, Writes the
following lengthy letter concerning
the new wheat,
"To tho Public: In tho Inst Sun
day Issue 4of tho Bpoke?mnn-Hcvlow
ProfcBBor Elliot of the Washington
Agricultural college appeared with i
'report denouncing my wheat as a
fraud. After studying my wheat nit
summer 1io tins discovered that there
aro eight distinct groups of wheat
and my wheat belongs in,,, the
'eoventh' group, which Is, ho he says,
f(t for nothing 'not oven for stock
feed. As to his classification of
wheat I have nothing to sny. For all
1 know there may bo another addi
tional eight groups, although -(lint Is.
hardly probable, glncc, if there were,
Professor Elllqt would no doubt have
miccooded la 'eclentlllcnlly demon
strating' my wheat to be stilt fur
ther rcmotCvf-rom a Vend wheat than
I he' did. But that is neither hero nor
there. Profcmwr EllOll liiftktaJ some
' ertlons so' flagrantly unjust that
- I wish to-call attention to-thom.
i Ham Picture Is Unfair.
"At tho outset I wish tk call at
tentlon to tho photograph-which Is
published 1
port purportl
the Alaska wheat.' Jn scorns hardly
necosMrVte sfoy lilt th pjiotograph
la extremoly unfair If Is always
possible to go Into any field of grow
ing grain and find 'freak' heads and
also undeveloped bends. In the
photogrnph aro six bends which Pro
fessor Ellotl nssortB aro representa
tive heads. Ono of those six seems
to hnvo boon n hend of red Russian
another sootus to bo an tundovnlopol
secondary shoot and tho rest nro
heads moro or loss 'frcnklsh' In de
velopment. "Professor Ellott states 4lMt ho has
personally visited tho growing floldc
He scorns from reports, to bavo vis
ited a field near Moscow, Idaho, nnd
he is convinced that the Alaska wheat
la a poor ylelder. The following
statement was made 1n writing by
the man who threshed that field of
my wrhfcat, '
Htatement'liy Tltnliei,
" 'I threwhed some of your Alaska
wheat and also some rod Russian
wheat In the adjoining field, Your
wheat yielded about throo bushols to
one of the rod Russian Tho red
Russian was a bettor stand than the
Alaska, Yours truly,
"Profosor Elliott assorts thnt tho
wheat Is of a low milling valuo. This
broad assertion ho qiinllflea a llttlo
lator by saying that 'tho inlllors uro
yet to bo hoard from.'
"All In good time I will hnvo an
official milling test, nnd by It my be
Ilof thnt tho wheat will make flour
will bo fully ustnbllslied. In cane tho
tost proves thnt I nm mistaken I will
food tho wheat to theihogs that la.
provided they will ent it.
"Mow dooB Professor Elliott know
thnt it will not mnko flour boforo
such a test Is mndo? Ho has made
no milting test. I do not oven know
that ho has gono to tho trouble of
making n chemlcnl mini) sis. Tho ce
realist of t,he agricultural dopnrt
ment nt Washington Is nmro disposed
to bo fair lit regard to tho wheat. He
admits, at least, thnt the wheat may
mnko flour nud thnt It should not bo
loudomni'd bemuse It happens to re
semble n known variety, boforo It
has been given a fair tent. It acorn
that Professor Klllot was, to ny the
least, a llttlo promnturo with his
swooping 'report' ucondemnlng my
wheat as worthies,
Hcait HUo No Objection,
"Further on In his report tho pro
fessor explain tbI t wheat 'stools
very sparingly and will no,t, rovdr
ground like tho llttlo club or red,
RuslnU, and noroover that trie
weight of the heajla is so 'great that
U 'causes tho stems to droop heavily.
In fact the voryjto of tho heads Is
Mtot serious objection to tho va
.rtoty, as It can Qt stand erect anl
1h spite of a falrjy stiff, straw is sure
to lodgo b4ly. . 4
i I'liiKui hj ihni wicru is certain.
ly ao liaagor of tlo heads In Pro
fntor Klllott phologrsph of 'spec.'
wen head' lodging any straw ou ao
eouat of s4s and weight, but that
would be merely quibbling. How
ver, I have personally counted as
many u J9 straws In a stool and,
feAYtag raised the wheat now for
hr ytrs, I have never seen It
ledg. Hut, la enter that the public
way not ho forced to rely upon twy
utwiupKorted word, I have tho follow.
); affidavit from the farmers who
raised ray thU year's crop
, ,y mipK "l( f ,. A''"!"!
eulated concerning the Alaska wheat,
Vo, tho undersigned farmers, do
hereby certify that) in tho year of
1D08, wo rnlsed tho said Alaskn
wheat for Abraham Adams of Julln
ctta, nnd the following statements
nro true to tho best of our knowl knewl
edge: " '1. We rnlsed tho said Alr-ikn
wheat on land which had already
grown several crops nnd s'ood badly
In need of summer fallowing.
" 'Tho said Alaska wheat will
flourish in splto of drouth bettor thnn
nny other wheat thnt wo havt ccn.
"'3, We seeded ono(l) bushel
or loss to tho acre, Tho seed wus
given up very, poorly cieanod and at
lcnBt 40 per rent p.' It rucked, In
which condition wo put It In the
" M. Tho plng q'f tho year 19081
wan cold imd wet, materially retard
ing 4 ho gnfwltig fields, tho Alnslu
Wheat among others.
'"G. Tho outworms were bnd, de
stroying largo portions of tho grow
ing grain. Tho Alnska suffered heav
ily . .
" In spite of statements to tho
contrary, the said Alnnkn wheat
Which wo raised' oh "dtir1 fields stood
up wjthout lodging or shelling out
under it windstorm ro severe thnt tho
beards wero blownofl,
" '1. In our Jivlgment.uhdor tho
this year's adverse conditions nnd
on tho poorest of soil, wo rnlsed
twlco.ns much of the Alaska wheat
por ucro ns wo could have raised
had wo put club whent on the snme
" '.tf. Tho Alaska wheat docs not
shatter. n harvesting.
" 'll. While other wheats aro
badly1 affected, the Alnskn wheat Is
frco from smut.
" '10, All utntcmont to the con
trary notwlthtnndlng,.,tho fields of
Alaska, wheat which wo harvested
this year woro not badly mixed with
osyi other .varieties of., wheat.
u'.'.'l T'10 Alaska, .wheat, harvest
ed by us characterized ipy largo and
plump grains.
"M3, Whorcas, It Is sad that
'there la no demand for Alaska whon
among the, farmers of thin commun
ity, wo Intend to scod for oursolvoi
HS'much of tho Alaska wheat as Mr.
Adams will sell us.
" M3. WhereoH, cortalu press ro
porta wold make It appear that the
Alaska wheat stools very sparingly,
wo nfllrm thnt it will stool oqunt to
other varieties of wheat."
"On top of this affidavit, hero Is
what another threshing machine man
has to sny:
' 'I, W. A. Whltten, hnvo finished
threshing 30 acres of tho Alaska
wheat for Abraham Adams and, by
looking over the ground, i nm con
vinced thnt thero wns not to exceod
ono-thlrd of n proper stnnd of wheat,
and I, throshod out 501 sacks of
SnyN .Mill Wiih Ini'u1cltiit.
. "In tho snmo Issue ot tho Spokes-mnn-Rovlw
nppears nn artlclo un
dor tho heading 'Adnms Wished No
Milling Test.' in It Is recited tho
fact that I did not permit tho Vnnpolt
& Holglor flour mill nt I.eland, Idaho
Chicago, Jcpt. 8. 'December wheat
opened at 97; highest, 98; lowest,
97; cloeed, 98.
December corn opened, 78; nigh
est, 79; lowest, 78; closed, 79H
December oats, 49?4; highest,
50 !; lowest, 49 ; closed, 49.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Sept. 8. Receipts, hogs,
10,000; cattle, 5000; sheep, 28,000.
Hogs opened steady; left over yeiter-!
day, 4100., Receipts year ago, 40,-!
000. Mixed, $0.35 7.05; heavy,!
G.75(S;7.10; rough, $G.'350G.CO; j
light, $0.35 016.79. '
Cattle, slow; sheep, weak..
Kansas City, :Mo., Sept. 8. Re--;c'y',
bogs, 10,000; cnttle, 24,000;
sheep, 10,000. ' "'
Omaha, Sept. '8. Receipts, hogs,
jOOO; cattld, 80,00; sheep, 24,000.'
. ' i
, ' f Local Whobfinle Mnrkt-t.
EBgs 25c.
Butter Creamery, 31 c,
l,,Cow1-.$3Q3.50. "
Hens lie; young chickens, lie.
Locnl wheat 8 Gc.
Oats 40c.
Ilnrlcy J22.50.
Flmir Hard wheat, $5; ' valley,
$(1.25, :
Hny-Chout, ?10; clover, ?9 er
ton; tlnfothy, $11 (5-12. ' -
Onions $1.25 cwt.
Jtlps 1907 crop, 5Gc.'
Cnncara "Bark 2 & &2c. '
For Business in our new building
on Court street with a new, complete
and up-to-date line of liousefurnish-
ings, etc.
We are not quite straightened up
yet but we herewith tender . you a
hearty welcome to visit us in our new
quarters whether you" purchase or not
jjjl1! I Biilllisffll's.ra
vwr' !
Mohair 18 c.
Retail Market.
Oats fl.45.
Wheat $1.05.
Eggs 22 o.
nutter Country, 30c; creamery,
Flour Valloy, $1.25 per sock;
nara wnent. ji.iuqpi.id. j .... ..,.
. Bran 90c per sack, $30 per ton;' "' wen,a uuuet pngseuigso to 111,0
shorts, $1.30 p'orsack.
(Contlrwicd from Page 1.)
Hogs tfot, $G.25.
Stock hogs $4.50.
Stcors 3c,
Veal 5 0f7c.
Twplcal Fruits. '
Dannnas $G.60. - "'
Orango----$4.d5. '
Lomons $5(3G.
Portlnnil fnrkcts.
chief executive's hend, snld that he
did not plnco credence In tho report
thnt tho shot was flrcd by a would-bo
nssasiln. ,
"I nm convinced thnt tho bullet
was flrcd by persons engaged In tnr-
; get practice on tho Emlcn Roosevelt
" farm, and do not believe it wna aimed
at tho President," said Major Wads-
f Major Wadsworth Bald that nolther
Thoso who complain thnt tho city
already has debts enough should
boar In mind .thnt, the water .plant
dobt Is not a-,dcbt, but an asset. At
lenH that lo what wo woro told a fow
yours ago when wo woro In tho hys
terical process of acquiring n worn
out plant which today needs two or
threo thouBandvdollnr8 in the way of
repairs p$ Improvements.
But thplpeonlo aro' finding out tho
dlfforonco now. They aro paying
Just as much for water ao they did
under tho old system, nnd at the
eamo tlmo they nro being taxed to
pay Interest on tho plant and to pay
Poultry Hons. 12c: ducks. 12 fit' P no" "" President was much wor-
14c; plgoono, old $1 por dozen. ,r'?d by tho Incident, but that at the for repairs.
Mlllstuff llrnn, $26. 'tno he did not think It ndvlsnblo for Tho city msed to recolvo taxes' on
Flour Valley, $1,20 per sack; President to mnke a personal In- (ho plant; now It docs not rocelvo nny
hard wheat, $1.45; ' pvostlgntlon, nnd advised against hla thing oxifopt froo water for tho city
(dismounting nnd trj-Ing to find the
.man who fired tho Bhot
A diversion which hardly exists In
Crank Not Otillty.
Xftitrtnln T T CAh. A D 4A
, ..iiiivwwi, jt i,, ouiii. o. niiur 1111
America, nut which still holds it-J oxnmlnntlon of tho prisoner. Drs
"lll ,,, 1.111111111, 10 till' tYtllAIIIK
bicycle tour.
.Wright and Burls today declare!
maliiB so, Bicycling. Is a case In
point. My American friends nro ns-
to nmko a milling test of my wheat 1 tounded to hear that more cycles are
England Ih not a country glvon to thoy wer0 convinced that John Cough
sudden crnzos In the mntior of sports : II", nrrasted yesterday nt Sagamore
Thoro nro seasons, of course, In Hill, wns not connected with the sup
which somo giuuo like ping-pong or posed attempt upon tho llfo of Prosl
dlabolo carries everything boforo it dent Roosovelt Snturdny.
for tho moment nnd Is then sudden-1 To n renresentntlvo of tho United
ly dropped. j Press, Coughlln sold today thnt his
But, on tho whole, a sport that has homo Is In Wnltham, Man., whero ho
once becomo popular In England ro. , Jlvos with his fnther, James Cough-
when they cleaned my seed wheat
last fall. There wero two reasons
for my refusal to permit them to
make the test: First, I desired to
put as many acres Into Alaska wheat
as possible and 1 had only 837 bush
eK Second, the Vnnpolt & Sleglor
mill Is noted for tho poor quality of
flour, and I did not think It worth
whllo to let It mnko' ho' test.
"The fact that thla year's yield
would bo light has never been denied
by myself. After having watcher
my fields malUre, I aw surprised lo
And that thoy aro yielding as well as
they ai-Ovt-jThQ above affidavits ex-
pjsln tho reasons for tho. light yield
.Without any nwwatty for turtlmr
details. ,
, .."professor Elliott makea the pre
dlcltlon that 'three years from now
Alaska wheat v?lU bo( only a" mem
ory.' rerhaps but then, tho pro-
feiwojr may bo ntlstactV. Respect
fully, ' AiiKAftAM Adams,
"Jullaetta, Idaho "
-.0 1
" WkraM,
4orhm ar
(Uolte4 l'rrM !. Wltt.l
Winnipeg, Man., Sept.1 8.1-Tho
striking mechanics of tht Canadian
1'Aclftc railroad throughout the West
aro wrlously conilderlaif' adopting
the alleged offer of tae tallway to
tak all striker back to work' at
their eld solt!oRt, U Is said that e
Kotlatldns have been opeaod In coa
netlop with certain quetlos Via
which the men and the coHtar 4a
not agroo. It I saM hero tkat tae
f. W Was am M Ralph XoWrVi jeai of ty strike Is In ttght. ir tetfe
V ?rwu lRtemHlQ to tke ito-
being sold In England, us fashion
able ns they once wore, and tho days
whon cycling In Battorsea Park com
peted with riding In Rotten Row
have long gone by.
But aa tho vohlolo of the masses
tho cyolo still predominates, and tho
wholo country Is a network of cycling
club's", whose members orgnuUe suc
cessive tours of a fortnight or three
weeks throughout tho summer
The EuglUh, again, have always
boen great pedeatralns, and, many
thousauds of them devote their vu
catiou to tramping tho Welsh hllU
or the lake district or Devonshire,
or soma other of tho almost rnnnt.
less regions that In, England offei
one a combination' of faultier road,
beaMtlful scenery and historic asso
ciations. .,
Touring by caravan Is notixrnopu.
lar a pastlmo, but Is still not un
COuttuon, and those who pneo take to
It' declare that It knoeka.aU other
forms of. holiday making on the
head. And beside all this, there
aro tho Jftya of motoring for tho?
who can afford them, while even a
tenth-rate resort boasts Ua golf links
Its teunla courts and its cricket club.
Sydney Broks In Harper's Week-
There's plenty of hum
bur in tea; not one puna
in ton khillinjVs Kcst'
lln. He denied nny Intont to harm
the President, nnd nsserted thnt ho
was no whero near Oyster Bay last
Tho man talks In a rambling fnsh-
Ion, nnd 1b demonted. Ho explnlncd
thnt ho carried a rovolvor for his own
protection, nnd said ho had no Idea
of over using It except In solf-do.
fenBe, Thero U no Indication )hnt
tho revolvor tins been fired recently.
Ho could not clearly explain tho
rambling story he told at Sagamoro
Hill last night about wanting the
President to send troops to Boston to
capture yegg men.
It-Is probable that the man will bo
confined Jn tho Long Island asylum,
unless his relatives arrange for hla,
being rami for otherwise, It .le
Hovcd that he Is harmless.
0 . .
Tn f trwal
Jefforsjqn CltyMoi. Sept. 8. Com
plying with the provisions of the new
primary law, all stato conventions In
Missouri are being held today, arid
this city Is crowded with poIltlclaaS
wno ai nertt as, ueiegaies.
The principal business of the con
vention, outside thnt of the election
of chairman, will bo the adoption or
party platforms, which must be madj
public by 6 o'clock tomorrow even
ing. Today each parly has 215 dele
gates (n attendance, who were so
lee ted at the recent primaries.
Today's political activities mark
the forma,! opealng of this year's
campaign In tals stato. A warm flght
Is predicted between Cowherd and
Hadley, the respective Democratic
and Republican guberaatorlal candN
fdatM. The 8to-Falk tsat, for sen
atorial .aocalaatte, to T decided at
t)Hi'Nreaber elctlo, ku grown ts
1 ?imd4gly VKKr.
slBslppI Itself can bo traced to the!
river's own lawless challenge flaunt-
cd In the fnce of humanity tlmtf ontj
of mind. Tho people of the Mill!-
slpnl valley nro at heart pot to w
ous for. a clQor-.vnJler wnyand'or
sight of ocean-gding steamers n't t'tsl
wharves of St. Louis, Vlckburgi !
Memphis and other .river towojj iim
they aro fof,Blglit of tho rlverhwpj
bled and humiliated and In shackled
R. S. Spear! jfiglo' September At
lantic. ' v i1
; i
qonsul Genornl William H. Mich
ael of Calcutta cites the followln.l
oxnmplo of how ono American mna-l
fncturlug concern Is securing an ex
cellent trade in British India:
Tho town of Barhampur, ln,Midn?
provlnco, has taken the prellmlnuy
stops toward Introducing water!
works for tho supply of pure water
hall nnd fow other city, institutions
Thoro nro also several thousand peo
ple who nro helping io pay Intorost
nnd repairs nnd purchase prlco on n Tho Madras government has sanc-
plnnt from which they do not recolvo tloned an 03tlmato of $103,660 to-
nny benoflts nt nil, since tho water Is ward tho enterprise,
not brought to them. A filter company of the United
They used to toll us In largo let States will put in tho filtration plant.
tors that tho plant wns not only able This snmo enterprising companr.
to pny for Itself out of Its earnlncs. which bn3 constantly on tt
but tho jmrplus could bo used to lookout for business in India
build city hnllB, bridges nnd beautify thoroughly trained mechanic, with
the city until It should rosomblo a" fine business cnpnclty, and a corpi
modern parndlso. I of assistants, and nn abundance of
All theso dreams aro now Jokes stock available on the ground,
Wo nro up against tho real facts, and gradually taking possession of tte
the management of the water plant filtration buBlnesa of the country.
has not boen such ns to mnko any of 1 Dacca, tho old capital of BeniV,
uit-Bo ivuuzuuohh n9 ye(i nna more ana unngaloro, the capital oi wv'b
Is no promise thnt they will bo real-Utate. have decided to Install the
Ized In tho future. But these things .American system. Tho truth l tfct
should not dlscourago us. Wo should .nil American concerns offering goodi
regnrd tho water plant ob an asset, neoded In India In tho right wayf
not n debt. Let us ctlek to that and laying tho foundation for Ions ea
bo as happy as wo can. Cedar Rap-
Ids Republican,
Porbp tnorff is no fact regarding
the attempts to mnko n tamo and
navigable stream of tho Mississippi
moro Interesting thnn tho ono that
tho contractors and boomers demand
that the river Itsolf be controllej, at
a least possible cost or $200,000,000:
Betwkeen Now Orleans and Capo
Girardeau there are hundreds or
tlnued and profitable builne. Ther
aro doing It by personal solicit""0
through American agents who are
capable, deepjjrlntercsted and lajwj
no,d all the time.
itAVir ini;:mTCVT.
(United rrM,tl Wire) :
8oattle, Wash., Sept. S Dr. C ;
Mr;i,wj n.i,iDn nf the Ala',
Banking & Sare Deposit CopJ
and' gonoral manager of the m1
Ponlnsala railroad, Is dead from la 1
Uit-lco riu-nlvM In A trfllh W "
miles of caving banks nnd rolMnK4flrQW road, according to adliPteh
w ot sanas 10 uemaitressed and
Jetted, In order to wcure a perma
nent depth of 14 reet throughout
the channol's cour A canal dug
-down the river lowlands' would re
duce the distance trom over 1000
miles to less than 600 miles. The
cost ot dredging a canal down the
bottoms, putting In the 25-or 30 ne.
essary locks and rights or way, would
amount, all told, to lea than $75,
000,000. The canal would ,at one
stroke, solve tho question or drat.
Ing the St. Frauds and Teasas bot
toms. It would reduced the cost or
maintaining a permanent depth of
14-reet navigable channel from $10,
eoft.000 a year to Um than $1,688,.
000, and It would cut the time re
quired to secure a 14 -foot channel
frosa a uawtal aHacr or years,
to two or three years.
To fa that th, Millffl t;
tsrdswds th tan ot the jg.
tn ihnllnltoA Proaa todtCS ThS u :
M,a u-,u,i voiXirHnv at Iron Cr
r.A tUr. .l..n.i.lMV Kf III WBlCu"',
xrru.r-i-j -. M$r of frl
Were tiding, tipped over Into vi
i, . t- liri.Mohonil WSS 1 ,W !
. .i..,i n,inta iiefore b wsl
bo rescued, and. In spite of
tempts to save bis life, he aw
v rrr: ::.:i
His body win ne buii-i--
Dr. Whitehead was cbier iJ
but lert the service about f;J. I
ing coaaected with the banx'sr ;
. ?. . ku was the a51 i
ago 10 come 10 - - ,B.rf,;
luiioa aaa rurou r . J
or sevfral el the b VylzJ&
,..7jr.r.. :: -! iVt-
niniiW ai (,-
TUUb "
mm J"""
mt.:. .V..Uk