Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 08, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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    'Tfir, (
"HI pyi
" ' 'an.
'afe , "HAii;YCAtrrAPfiJOUKyALr, 8.lmokoox..tursi)ay, September a, iww.
" ,
,itv? .- vf ifyri 'ya
f i ""
Bennett Million passed awny
,T' fmilX Homstca.1 on Oajr
:..! afternoon at 2
": ,.- Million had been
..V Jlldl
,6,TfcMHifor two years past, and
- In her as u ani. -
..ih'o llfn whlnh
i. inn utjiiiv. ...w . ...w..
ft'f . hnn four score of
J and hid Its full measure of
Liad sorrows.
uri Million, whose maiden name
. AfoHdi Beam, had lived on 4ho
The arrival
of vongerance is In-
A- Traveling; Alan's Experience.
"I must toll you my. experience on
an east bound O. IJ. & N. R. R.
train from PendletorTto La Grande,
Or., writes Sara A. Gnrbor, a well
known traveling man. 'I was in the
smoking dopartmonl with some
other trevllng men when one of thorn
went out into the coach and came
back and said, "There is a woman
sick unto death in the car. I at onco
got up and went out, found hor very
ill with cramp colic; her bunds and
arms wore drawn up" so you could
toot straighten them, and while- a
deathlike look on her faco. Two or
three ladles were working with her
and giving her whiskey. I wont to
my suit caso and got my bottlo Of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Romedy (I never travel
without it), ran to the water tank,
put a double dose of thr mediclno in
the gla38, poured some water into it
and' stirred it with a poncll; then 1
had quito a time to got tho ladles to
let mo glvo it -to her, but I succeeded
I could at onco boo the effect and )
V !... .ho died In Ashland fo
Sr SO years. Dorn in Wayne coun
riuni, May 26, 182G, she re
t?.to a little girl with ho.
lat, to Ohio, and afterwards to
rteoHln. where in LaFayette coun
!,rch24, 1841, she was married
,;Bennett Million, who died in No
Iber, 1905, In tho 74th year or
Utiie. levering the marrlago -union
(hi bad existed for moro than 64
irt Mr. Million, a piunuui ui worked with her, rubbing hor hands,
fftomiln as well ns of Orogon, was. and in 20 minutes I gave hor another
7nn of Uio Dlack Hawk war In doso By this tlmo wo woro almost
Helena oi w " lnt La Gran, whore I waB to loavo
Ue northwest and soncd wmi uitr- thelfraIn l gnve tho bottlo to th&
(faction therein. Ho first came to hu'band to be used in caso anothei
uose glioma do hcuucu, out ny inu
tlmo the train ran into La Grande
sho was all right, and I received the
thanks of every passenger In the
car." For salo by Dr. Stone's drug
, - o
He Pacific coast In 1849 with the
Wli of sold seekers to Cnllfornla
turning to Wisconsin he disposal
of lis farm and with his wife and
it children set out again for tho
Rist with ox teams and landed in
Oregon in 1854. They located n
location land claim of 320 ncroa,
rtkh l now lurgely included with
li the city of Ashland and upon
illch the family havo ever since ro
ilti. Portlpni of the placo woro
B!J but a tract of 143 acres has ro
silMd In the possession of tho fam
U and baa boon continuously culti
n'.ed by two of the sons for many
ptrs. Tidings.
How to Got Strong.
P J Daly, of 1217 W. Congress
V Chlfgo. tells or a way to do
wb ifcng" Ho says: "My mother,
tii) Hi old nnd was very icouio, is
(wiring o much bonoflt from Elec--BIen,
Mint I foil It's my duty
ti ttll those who need n tonic and
lengthening modlclno about it. In
bj motber'a caso n marKca gam in
(tthbts resulted, Insomnia has boon
weenie, and sho is steadily grow
ls; stronger" Electric Bittors
twkly remedy Btomncli, liver nna
Wy complaints. Sotd undor
ninntee at J, C. Perry's drug
wre, 50c
Some women spond money on
mt things as worthless as whiskey.
Hopplty Hop.
Are you just barely getting
vcand by the aid of crutches or u
tut! Unless you havo lost a limb
trim a deformity if your troublo
lithtaxatlsm lumbago, sprain, stiff
iti, or anything of like naturo uso
uiurd'i Snow Liniment and in no
te you can throw away your
tttches and bo as well as anyone
Mm 25c. 50c nnd $1.00. Sold by
i3 dealers.
(La Grande Observer.)
: One hundred and thirty colonics
from Hie middle west .destined for
points In Washington and Oregon,
.passed through tho city this morning
on No. 1. This is the second group
of colonists to reach Oregon through
the Huntington gateway as No. 3
last evening was run in two sections
to give ample accommodations to
the tourist. As predicted beforo the
colonht rates went Into effect, tho
Influx of easterners to this state tho
coming two ' months will bo Blmply
enormous. The first two trains to
each-Oregon on which colonists could
arrive from Omaha, carried a re
markable large number of people, as
evinced by tho figure stated on to
day's train. Tho morning paBsengor
wai two hours late, because of the
extra traftlc. If this pace is main-,
talncd during the time of the low
rntes, tho population of Oregon and
Washington will be materially in
creased, oven though only a portion
of those taking ndvantngo of the low.
rnte8, remain In the region of tho
sotting sun.
Three lines, Three 'Insertions, 25c.
For Sale Good second hand wagon
call on B., Journal. ,,
A llnrgnln 640 acres of level land
for $G por aero; 1G0 acro3 at ?10
per acre. J. C. Robertson, 1267
Mnrlon St., Salem, Or 9-5-3t.
Fr Sale or Trade Horso, buggy,
harness and a hack. Inquire 120G
Conter St. 9-53t
Being half honit Is like bolng
i.'eVac. Cleanllnesa and honesty
t had In hand.
Thoro Is no assurance for you in
tho futniro.
, , o .
Deafness Cannot Ho Cu'ml
by local applications, as thoy cannot
reach tho diseased portion of the
ear. Th to is only one' way to euro
deafness, nnd th.lt- Is by- constitutional
romedlcB. DeafncBs Is enmed by an
Inflamed condition of tho mucmis
lining or tho Eustachian Tube. When
this tube Is Inflamed you havo n
rumbling -sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when it Is entirely closed.
Deafness Is tho result, nnd unless the
Inflammation enn bo tnkon out and
this tube restored to its normnl con
dition, hearing will bo destroyed for
over; nlno cases out of ton nro causod
by Catarrh, which Is nothing but nn
inflamed condition of tho mucous
.Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dollnrs
for any caso of Dcafnoss (caused by
catarrh) that cannot bo cured by
Hall's Catnrrh Cure. Sond for clr
culnru free. F. J. CHENEY & CO ,
Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 76c.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. . o
Your true placo
through failure
. o-
ts often found
A PavliiB Investment.
Mr. John White, of 38 Highland
Ave, Houlton, Mnlne, says: "Have
boon troubled with a cough overj
wlntod nnd spring. Last winter
trlod many ndvcrtlnod remedies, but
tho cough continued until, I bought
a COc bottlo of Dr. King's Now Dls
covory; beforo thnt wns half gone,
tho cough was all gono. This winter
tho snmo happy result has followed,
a fow doses onco moro banished tho
annual cough. I am now cenvince:
that Dr. King's Now Discovery 1
the best ot all cough nnd lung
remedies." Sold under gunrantoo a'.
J. C. Perry's drug store. COc and
$1.00. Trial bottlo free.
(Eugene Guard.)
The first hop sulcs of the season
have been made In Eugene this weok.
S. H. Friendly nnd Will Sonvoy sold
a lot of Early Fugles to Jas. Hayes,
representing E. Clemens Horst com
pany, at 7 cents por pound, nnd
Glenn Anderson has sold his grow
ing crop, not yet picked, to him at S
cents per pound. Tho market starts
out about llko It did laBt year, but
careful observers Bay thero are some
prospects for a bottorm'ont.
It Is going to bo harder to ontor
tnln company In future. Whoro will
tho host storo hlstnlrshlps?
180-Aero Farm for Sale.
150 acres under cultivation, balance
in flno oak timber and pasture,
creek running through placo, fair
ly good house, flno barn and out
buildings, 10 acres of orchard. This
farm is ono ot tho best In tho val
ley, best of boII; snap, $55 per
ncro; adjoining land hold at $75
to $100 per acre.
Six acres, $1000, very best of land.
Closo to city. Bargain, $1000.
Vacant Lot on Inftllnient Plan.
Choice vacant lots, $10 down, bal
ance to suit. Price $50 and up.
Modern House Closo In.
$4300 will buy a strictly' modern 9
room residence, ono of tho best In
tho city. Let us show you the
finest houso in tho city.
Strictly modern G-room Iioubo,. right
up-to-date, closo In, no bottor In
town for price. '
Fivo-room, hard finished, houso, IVi
lots, snap.
341 Stnto Streot, Bayno Building,
Rooms 7 and 8.
For Sale Sevealots.jr houw
seven rooms; fruit trees, barn and
Improvements., Enquire Mrs. N.
L. MMrlsoy; 356 S. 17th 'at," .
t' - - " 9-2-lVk? -
The Patrons of J. C. Schulz- Will
find him at his new ofuco at 134
N. Liberty streot next to now
DArcy,bulldlng. 8-25-tf
Wcngcr & Clicrrlngton Pianos and
Organs solu on easy terms; tele
phono 1187; 247 Commercial
Street, Salem, Orogon. tf
Salem Cash Market Tho finest cut
of meats at tho lowest prices. My
, phono 370, 247 S. Commercial St.
. P. W. Royoltr, Prop, . 7-21-tf, ,i(
k M " lJ III "
Help Furnished Frco of Charge By
Latham Land Company, 476
State Btreot, phone No. 149. Far
tlos wanting help please call at
office or phone us. Also have cows
for sale.
Concrete Work Get my prices oa
sidewalks, curbs, septte tanks aad
cement work ot any kind. All
work guaranteed first-class. M
Ward. 2378. Maple At.. Highland.
Phone 1569. July24-tf
Vogct Lumber and Fuel Co. Lum
ber .shingles, building material
wood and coal. Low prices and
prompt dollvorlns. One block oast
of 8. P. passongf? depot. Phon
198. 7-2-tf
2arpettters Union Ne. 10i Loeal
TjaloaNo. 1065 of Carpenters au I
- J4r'rs ot America meet era?
Saturday evening at 8:00 p. ra. to
Hearst hall, 420 State St. A. W.
Dennis, Reo. See."
Forestors of America Court 8her
wood Foresters, No. 19. Meet
Saturday night In Holmaa hall,
State street Waldo Millar, Oi R.!i
J. C. Perry, financial secretary.
Central Lodgo No. 18, K. ot P.
Cattle, Hall In Holman slock, cor
ner State and Liberty streK
Tuesday ot eaqh week at 7: SO sv
m, Osear Jokntos, C. C,; II. K.
Anderson, K, of R. and I,
Modem .Woednea of AihwIc Ore
gon Cedar Caap No, ES46. iltH
every Thursday evening at r;8
o'clock In Holmaa ball. W. jit
Hill, V.. C; JT. A. Turner, elsrk
They Take tho Klnlcs Out.
"I havo used Dr. King's Now Llfo
Pllla for many yenrB, with Increas
ing sntlsrnctlon. Thoy tnko the
kinks out of ptomnch, llvor and
howolB. without fuss or friction,"
Bays N. H. Brown, of Plttsflold, Vt.
Gunrnntccd Bntlsfnctory nt J. C.
Perry's drug
8tirrendor your Individuality and
you becomo n drone.
.. o
Cok1 for Hllloumiess.
I took i-xo of. . Chauiborlnln's
mth aud Liver Tablots last
MM ani I fel 50 pr cent bettor
- 1 lave for weoks. says J. J. Don't bo afraid to glvo Chamber-
cn of Allegan, Midi. "Thoy Iain's Cough Remedy to your ohll-
raB v a flno nrtlclo foe till-1 dron. It contains no opium or other
tl . For sa, b' Dr. Stono's harmful drug. It always cures. For
" Store Ramnles tron nnln l.v Tip Rlnnn'n rtr? Rfnrn
--W-, IM...U .j . M.w.aw.. ...ho w. v.
ILnd Yoi Havo Alvrnya Bought, tvud M'lilch has boou
" W0 for Kcr CO years, has borno tho slt'iuUnro of
SY aud 1ms bconmndtvnndur his per-
(tjLjf'7L .'y:, sonal flnpervislou sijro its lufancy.
... '' Allow no ono to deep ivo youiu this.
y t.ounterfc.ts, Imitations nnd Jiis-aw-t'otul ' aro hut
"Wrhuents that trlflo with and ondau,?or tlio health of
""ts nnd Children-Experience agai"t lixperhnenU
P1? h harmless substiCut for Castor Oil, Paro
ZH?, DfF nud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
"ST lcithcr Opium, Morphine or vther Narcotlo
J?. Its ngo Is its tjuarantco. It destroys Worms
CU?y8 l'overlslmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
aTpif rcl,CVes Tcothing1 Troubles, cures CoiiHtipation
Ronu i ne,t lt assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Tu ChnT'1 Tjwels, giving licalthy and natural lcep.
vwittron Panacca-The Mothers Frlcud.
th Sifitature of
A woman's Idea of porfectly awful
thing la to hnvo some ono cnll when
?ho Is washing hor hair.'
your llfo.ngalnst 25 cents Is just' ox
actly what you aro doing If you neg
lect a cough or cold on tho chost in
stend of treating Jt with Hallard's
Horohound Symip. A 25 cont bottle
of this splendid romedy will cure nn
brdnnry cough, henl tho lungs nnd
net ns a tonic for your ontlro system.
Sold by all dealers.
Wo enro not who Blinll do thli
thing, so lt be done!
llOHt Treatment for a lJurii.
If for no othor renson, Chnmher
lnln's Salvo Bhou'd bo kopt In.overy
hoiuohol.l on account of Its great
valuo In tho trontmont of burns. It
nllnys tho pain almost Instantly, aud
unlosB the Injury Is n sovoro oue,
honls tho parts without loavlng n
scar. This aalvo Is also unenualod
for chapped hands, soro nlpplos nnd
dlsonses of tho skin. Price, 25 cants.
For snlo by Dr. Stono's Drug 8tor).
Tho mother of prosldcnts Is be
ginning' to sit up nnd tako notlco
A Hurglnr in Town
his nnmo U "bad co-ugh." Ho doosn't
caro for gold or silver but ho will
stonl your health away, If ho ap
pears In your houso nrrost him at
onco with Dallnrd's Horohound Syr
up, it may moan consumption n yun
don't. A euro for all coughs, cold
and" choVt troubles. Prlco 26c, 50c
and $1.00 por bottle. Sold by al'
Your past mistakes should not un
a Bourco of worry.
A Ilunit Child,
dreada tho flno. The dread Is wholo
somo, but not the burn; that can be
healed and Instantly relieved by ap
plying Ballard's Snow Liniment. Be
prepared for accidents by kooplng a
bottlo always in the house. Best for
sprains, bruises, cuts, scalds, rheu
matism, neuralgia, bunions any
and all aches and pains. Price 25c,
60c and $1.00. Bojd by an aeaiuru
i a
Aro ymi looking for a homo? 10
ncroa, flno 'argo houso and barn,
flue orchard, small fruits etc., good
water, extra lovol, well locntod.
Closo In, ono of tho very host
homos near Salem. Only $4000,
for n few days.
10 acros Yi mllos from Salem on
good road, good C-room house,
bnrn, etc., G acres In fruit. Will
soil now for $2500.
Wo have lotB from $80 to $1500 and
they nro going fnst. Don't wnlt If
you want ono. Wo havo fruit
tracts, dairy ranchos, wheat
farms, farms and Iioubos to ront,
and hounoB to sell In any pnrt of
Salem. If you went n homo or i.
farm, boo us wo can suit you. Also
havo $5000 to loan for a term of
yonrs on real ostato. Wo havo a
fresh milk cow to soil.
Room 0, ovor United Stnto National
Bank, Snlom, Oregon.
nHtte A Wcnderoth Fine wines
liquors and cigars. We handla
the celebrated Kollog gand Castlt
whiskies. Cool and refreshing beei
constantly oi draught. South
Commercial stroot. 9-3-lyr
IJnlarged--Our moat mnrkot on
K'v. t Stnto streot, has been doublod
In slzo and wo aro bottor prepared
han ovor to servo cAistomors.
Prompt sorvlco and tho boat of
moats our motto. Call or phono
109. R. 13. Edwnrdi Moat Co.
Woodmen of Wdrlrt Meet every Frl
day night at 7:30, In Holman kali.
B. ti'upton, 0. C.i P. L. Frailer,
Clerk. .
Liacola Amattlty CaW.aiek, HM
deal and pension lRsdrnce II'1
90,0,08 plMKi-di evsry clalra jHf
Good agents wasted. J. H. (G.J
Montgomery, snprema organlisr,
Box482 Balem, Oregon. R. ft
Ryan, secretary, Gs fetite str'
For Sale Flrst-cIaBa carpit pupor oil
this olllco, 25c for a big roll.
- - --
A cholco -10-ncro trnct; good or-
ohnrd, 250 English walnuts, 1200
Lognnborrlos, flno spring wntor
running to homo and bnrn; good
big barn, fair houso; 10 ncros can
be Irrlgatod from spring. LnyB
flno. See mo if you wnnt a dandy
100 ncroB, largo houso nnd barn;
GO acres In cultivation, bnlnnco
pasturo nnd timber; flno spring
water to houso and barn; excel
lent place; stock goes with this.
Seo It and get n flno homo.
20 ncren, 3 mllos out; good improve
monts; houso, bnrn, orchard, etc.;
flno level black land; $1000.
My own homo, 20 acres, with tine
Improvements; good houso, barns,
windmill, tank, milk hoiiHo and
buildings, "etc.; Joe-dandy
chard, etc.; $7000.
6, 10, 20 and 40 aoroa woll
nroved near town. Housos
ront and snlo on Installment.
Storo room to rent, 10x40 or 32x60.
money to loan on real estator
notary work; employment ng-ncv.
Make your wants known and I
think I can flt you out.
It R. RYAN, '
Cor. Commercial and Center Street.
Tlio Home Seekers Information llu
reau will placo you In direct com
munication with ownors ot farms
and city property. Chnmbor Com
merce, Portland. 222 N. Commer
cial street, Salem Or. 7-21-tf
It U worth more than any othe1
read yet tho prlco Is no higher
Tor aalti at your grocers'.
Tliomnn & Cooloy, Props.
rown. -Manufacturer el
saab, doors, mouldings. AU klnda
of house finish, and hard woo
work. Front street, between Stat
and Court. Make ail complaint
at the office.
Theo. M. Barr 'Plumbing, hot wat
and stoam heating and ttnalna
lflj Commoroiul stroot. Pkoa4
Main 192. 9-1-ly
M. J. Petiel Plumbing, steam ano
gnt fitting Successor to Knox
Murphy, 22G Commercial atretl
'Prone Main 17.
Wanted A good gontlo work tonm,
botweou 1100 and 1100 pounds.
Call at Walter Low's bam, W. J.
Ball, 104 S. Cottngo.
8-3 1-1 wk
Wanted to buy A blacksmith shop
with or without tools, In good lo
cation In city. Will buy tho
proporty nt n reasonable price.
Address Fred Dupras, 235 Bara
ga avonuo, Mnrquetto, Midi.
Wanted. a Chrlitlan young mnn
wants work nt bookkooplng or
clerking. Hnvo hud exporlohae.
W. 11, McMlllIu, Fair arounda.
Wntel six wnltrcssos at Wlllnui"
orto Hotol fair fnlr wook.
Those who use their positions for
selfish purposes Is never worthy' of a
high calling. . ,. .
A set ot triplets that Is in noli to
bo desired love( purity and truth
n ;
A- Sunvenoiigli Knocker.
J. C. Goodwin, of Reld3vlUe. N
C, says; "Bucklon's Arnica 8alve Is
a sure-onough knocker for ulwrs. .
oad one came on my log last sum
mer, but that wonderful salve
knooked It out in a few rounds. Not
even a scar remained." Guaranteed
for piles, eorej, burns, etc. 25c at
T O. Perry's drug store.
l,8ima YouHaye Always Bouglit
-- u For Over 80 Yoar.
Wo have some first mortgagb loans
of $500 nnd tip, bearing 7 per ent
(Interest secured by real estate mort
gages and protooted by .lnuranco
with abstract or tuie tor saic.
We aro excluslvo agents for' tho
Horticultural Fire Reliof, a home
company, and can save you money
on your farm or city Insurance or on
your business risks.
' . Real Etftute.
We havo town lots, hopsas, small
tracts and farnis for.palo.at prlcos
that will Interest yon. If there la any-
Per Infasts and (Jkilirf au
Ik M Ym Haw Ahvift IweM th,qg ,B tlmtUne you neel:
bjct. u,o . 1 0y7euc4
For Hulo Cluvip Klght-liuiwl piano
imiBlc for alght rondlng olnssos or
quiirtot plnylng. Call Tuesday at
317 North Front Btreot. 0-7-3t
10 ncros, 4 miles from Salem;
good 0-room houso, good barn;
4 ncrcs bearing fruit. Price
135 ncros on Howell PraUlo, Vj
mile from R, R. stntlon, 7-room
house, good barn. Prlco $75.
Good G-room houso, closo In, lot
82'j.x98Vj. ciionp nt $1600
City lots for salo choap, Small
amount down, bnlnnco In
monthly Installments, no Intor
Wanted To work In a rosfnurant at
fair grounds, a cook, two dish
washers and two wulUirs. Anply
at 945 Chomokota street. Phono
1224. 9-7-3t
Wnnted All arotind farm In Wlllani
etto valley for term of years, ev
erything furnished, 100 to 150
acres of farming land, pasture land
no limit, good reforenoe, glvo full
particulars. A. W. Hamilton, Sa
eom, Oregon, Box 100, R. F. D. No.
&ole Aget for em, OregoH. (
VmitHl At onco, at the Cottago Ho
to), threo exporloncod dining room
girls. -7-8t
WaiiU-d Two,.,koo4 painters, at
onco. Phone .700 or call at 505
North High street. II. W. Smith. .
i mmmmmmm
S' w y
Ciuiiinlnft Bros.' Traasfer C'mMiBy
AU kinds of transfwr work 4on
Furniture and pianos boxed readj
for shipment. Prompt aerfice l
our motto. Stand and ofilce
363 South Commercial tre-
Phone 210 rtealiionc Pkone 9 UK
LlTery fjoSTvSSrSQlA P'
: office fj;a,blie, at 254 Ferry srei
betw(fehT dommerclal and Fruit
streets. TsiepUone 1$8. 8o o(
b nnoi llverief in tne city
be foi nd here Wwtacott Johsj
itpn, props, lt-1-Iyr,
White House Restaurant
For ii Regular
25c Dinner at 20c
They ean't be bent
McOilchrist & Son
Call aud try them. Meals 15c.
Board per weok '$2.75, alto fur
Snlahed rooms very reasonable,
Sateni Restaurant
;M-M I I H i 1 1 1 1 i H I 1 1 1'M-M-f
Corner KeveHth and Stack Ht. '-'
PoflldN4l'$ New ad fltafef :'
HiW. Rates $1 Kriay
ui. lww& Jree Bu. ::
PrHf ietars