I t.f Vl' "Jfc'' $"'' Jr jkSMgm r --', ,ii ---ir. - - s thi ."., v ;,?3" r f A X s ' V-iW!, ' . eBczi r$X roL.tvni. gALSM. onkNi m'ESRAY, SEPTEMBER 8, ll)0. 10. 221. lanraai m iJa MB MLS4 HEMPTi 4111 I W l 1&A. I JbVA. JkV WL'MLb TO HLfe Mb mi s IDENT fl 1 I . ' Aj $ ' : ISTE8 m AIRBRAKE o fir -&. JLD-BE ASSASSIN 'HID IN BRUSH Colted Pi hi l.nneil WIm.i ' Ojjter Bay, L. I.,' Sept. S. It bc- jme known todny that au attempt U i$.as!;na'c rresiuoni koosovcii njHiad! Saturdaywhlle ho wns Nttiig on tho Cove rond, near Sha dow Hir Teassailn, hidden In tho bushed it the roadside, flrod nt tho Proj t with a rcvolvor, tho bullet iMitllng over noosovolt's head. The frtildent, perfectly calm, pulled up UUqnonnd wished to dismount and tnrch the bushes, The friend who rM riding with him dUHuaded him w wi roue on. The attempt on tho President's llH kiffle known through tho nrrost by mti service men guarding Roosovolt rt John Coughlln, armed nnd aeonn ktlr Inwne, hs ho sought nn Inter ne with tho Prc3ldont yestordny. Ts attempt explains why Chlor Wkle of the secret nollco wn8 callod iwriedly from Washington to Sngi.- wrs Hill, arriving tliore Sunday. Etcit clrcunistnnco goes to provo lit the effort to shoot Roosovolt wna i rate and carefully planned. TU bullet was fired from bohlml n He which bordered tho rond. it JMd a few Incites ubovo tho Prosl ti head, and ho and n frlonn, 'Jowai riding with him. heard tho wtle of the leaden mls3llo clearly ,KH bad been a volley of shot the ;-mt'on might be given that a a!i and law-defylng sportsman "idftoe the ihootlng in advance of woptnlnx of tho gumo son.son. , 't U no ntlBStlnil l.n!i-an . ballet from a pistol or rifle, utrd miAiiii? na wi ..n.. ... l L7. " ' tHl"iB ineuro of tho waeBt Cottghlln.-wlth a loaded rtr, wai nrrpsted by Detective.) "JMi Adam , after n brief strug- " to see the President. The er described, httnwlfas a dete '' from Boiton 2.b"beeacPnrruei! over tho 'I .. V'men ,n nion.M ho Bald ' tr dlicovered what yegg men I hm come hero to demand President give w lojdeo' -feti. ,hem ! w 80 to Bos- 4 capture the guilty men." Xn.71 blUrt4 Hl "B,vo i'nUgqand see' the t at once. Ho will doW ;;poi!ce.tQmoblIearrIvedaJ W ib? s' was Pushed and tSN11 taken before Jus- aei. he eounty JaU ..."""MandartiM,!,.,!,. n.u 'nau. iuB jiKe mo ; takX U8ed t0 car. The v!TIjr Pons. Lnnokll- buiin vns i i, . lr Bay Saturday ELC , Trains mmocrats LY iBS W00.00 IN SECURITIES RORTHE All Ik m. mmt T0 INVOKE ;HeMPfF. LONGWORTh '' A fully erulpped train of olectr'c cars with nlr brakcB, will ' run .W tweon this city and tho statjifntr groundfl durlutr tho stitto .fair. That Is tho latest ImprovomeiUnadeTCy Manngor Page, of tho Porfciarti.IUll- way, Light & Power CommyTj4ff handling tho big crowds nttmlaM .i An., .i - it. .i- X1-)! uii jii) uiiiiii iiiu hum 1'-S The entire forco has boon taken off Commorclnl atreot, whoro they are no. longer needed, and put. to laying a passing track at tho fair grounds, so that this train can opernto In addi tion to,;tttirthoVoRulfir local'-darJi'thhf will run In aoctlom of two each way every 15 minutes. Tho alr-brako train will consist of tho Bnmo kind of cars that opornto between Portland and tho Oaks, nnd carry 225 seated pasuongcrs nnd 350 stnndlng. Thin will glvo tho Salem Btreot railway n very nvtich Increased cnpaclty for handling tho stnto fair crowdfi, nnd shows ontorprlso on the part of Mr. Page nnd his' company, who nro doing nil thoy can to meet tho Increased domruuls of traffic in thlH city. Slj-SS ,rr.n Th' "cret serV 4S,XjBS their utmost to -4irat" dur,nB thii last tfiSfr.Wadiworth. th Ms M.. r". vr rrwnc ' ataf- aa OOODWIX EXPLAINS TWO HITS OP GOSSIP (Vnlrwl Prenn T.rniot Wlr . San Francisco, Sept. 8. In splto of porslstont rumors to tho contrary, Nat 0. Goodwin todny donled that ho was Instrumental or Irjjnny wny con nected with the Venklng off of tho ougagoment of Harry . MacMlllan, a Qoldflold mining man. and Edna Goodrich, for three yjars Goodwin's leading lady. Ho nleo donled that dlvorco tjrocQPdlncj, JWjV0 boon Insti tuted against h'm by hU wlfo, Max Ino Elliott, "Miss Good-',',, contract with mo expired :omo imMs ruq," eald Good wln( ''if b1i Hioo" to engage her self to MarMIMnn hnt was her own affair. I think myself thaj.tho story qf my wlfo and M3i Goodrich bolpg entangled in. my d""istlr- affairs was suggested by McMillan himself for potty notorlf'f,,.. .'I.do not kow whqr.9 Mhs Good rich is now,- pn.lshe i not to become my leading,, iSodTf nl8 spason. I did not follow nor to'Ejiropo. as has been reported, Ixit went to Paris on a min ing deal, haying ruskedjavay B ahead of anothor man." As to whether or nqt he had seen Miss Goodrich whllPy, In. Europo. Goodwin's only reply. vn "I do not know where she 4" '' . FIXI) MISSING HKLATIVK . ATVK AnjrtQEitous ftnltr rrV, MMed, WJrr. Chicago", III;,- Sept. 8. Relatlvei of Otto'Mayr, mourned as dead for 35 years, today received news that he ! not t only alive, bat prosperous. Tn 873, Mayr, then IS years of age. took a herd o'cattle Into Mexico. His associates were killed In an Indian uprising, and It. jwu bellied that he met the same (M as ate companions. It was K uattl Fa44-iek Mayr. a H&tkMf, YiJtr4 CWfIft Hat It wa ! ttwt fayr wh aHr, Aa dty. USE; Oil m UL ri'nltcil l'rivB i.eniol Vlr.) r i COUPLEROUTEDOUT aiN "NIGHTIES" 1 enco of Domocrntlc lendora. horo to-l day It was decided that tho)omo-I viuuu uniiuiuu cummiu.'u win invoKO the. corrupt prnctlctV'act to. provont' thef JaVish uso of inbhoy byttio Ro-; publican national committee va doubt . - A . .. . - ' , A" . . ini oinicR. Tina more wm. aeior I (Dnl-.fd Prow Lennpil Wire.) Chicago, Sopt. 8. At tho confornj Cincinnati, Ohio, Sopt 8. Attired rained upon' after a leiiijrifj? dUcus-rosTd fton. It Is' claimed by.tlio leadoral V that tho Republicans ajjb arranging to raise a utg campaisrnjiaa ymen thoy will tiBOinalnryIirtiw Uouktful states;. ' . '"Ah af rangoTn'onf tweon Drynn nnd Samuol Gompprs president of tho Amorlcnn Federation of Labor, by which Gompers will re main on tho stump throughout tho enmpnign. It Is now understood that Gompers will mako nn open nppeal to tho labor vote -of tho country to support tho Domocrntlc ticket. Ui der tho plan adopted today labor loaders aro to Join In tho stumping of tho country. Gompers also has a plan under way by which ho expects to havo literature favoring tho Dem ocratic causo, distributed In nil labor c I re! 08. Tho loaders wore groatly ploased at tho roports received at tho confer ence from tho various stato chah mon. All of thoso reports. woro flat tering and optimistic. nryan spent much tlmo tnlkln? ovor the campaign plane with the leaders nnd tho final sottlemont was reached In regard to many matters thnt hav oboen ponding. Hoods of tho various buroaus un der tho nntlonal committee mndo re port's, nnd, nccordlng to the stato montB mado .public, nil wero satisfac tory. John "W. Kenrn, tho vlce-prealdon-tlnl candldato, was. prominent In tho conferencq,, nnd showed thnt ho la taking an oxcoodingly active part In tho campaign, Bryan will spenk tomorrow nt Pe orin, iii., on mo niiujnwir " Stnte nnd tho Nation." ,In her night robo, Alice Roosovolt Longworth wna routod from hor homo early today, with hor husband, Congressman Nicholas Longworth, also wearing his nocturnal garb, bya fir which destroyed tho Longworth atabloB and thrcatoncd to burn the Clulm to Unite. It was determined, follQwIp tha conforouce of leaders today, to begin at once the work of forming a league of all the Bryan and Korn' clubs throughout tho United. States. The movement also. Include, the forma tion of many- clubs In all tho fctates apd the affiliation of these. with tho national league. " ' enco. hon tho Longwdrtha woro awnk- oncd tho llnmcs woro shooting high In tho nlr from tho stables, and the saioko hnd Btirroundod'tho houao nnd 'al.. n .. . Ttforod tho halls, so that thoy wasTToriTClOT"n6- raiolighrthoy wpj-e In tho.mldst of tho conflagration, Not wnltlng ta don their clothes, thoy solzed whntovo. they could for protection nnd rushed Into tho Btreot. For halt an hour It Rcemod thnt tho house certainly win doomed, and tho President's daughter, though she waB In great danger of catching cold, wiih afraid to return to the house. Sho watched tho flro nnd' Lons worth tried to aid tho firemen In-pro tecting tho roBldonco. Tho barn !s far back from tho streot, nnd thorn wns only ono avatlablo water plug, 1000 foot from tho sceno. which mndo it hnrd for tho flromon to fight tho blnzo. Aside from her dlscomlUuro nnd tho unplontantnoss of bolng . rojitod out of bed In such fashion, Mrs. Longworth scorned to enjoy tho ox- cltemont, and gavo orders to tho dire men. This was ono occasion, how ever, when hor orders woro utterly Ignored. The flromon, who realUod that she was tho dnughtor of tho Presldont of tho United Stntos, told, )iftr to stand back out of tho way. "Rotter get Into some house, lndy, you're liable to get wot and got your denth of cold," snld ono flromnn. But Alice would not budge. Sho remained on tho scono until tho flro was safely confined to tho stables, when sho wont to her npartmenj. Tho properly loss by tho burning of tho stable Is eatimnted at (25,000. o LEFT AS AN OUTCAST WAItFIKLI) RETURNS A HERO TREMJRf MSAPrttfRS EN ROUTE OR FROM EXPRESS OEEICE 'Thd Election Ih IIUhoIs. Springfield,. 111.. Sept. 8. State conventions of all political parties throughout Illinois will be held to morrow, undpr the provisions of the new primary law. .' At the conventions tomorrow, the different parties will adopt platforms name pre-Identlalelec'tora and choose candidates for university trustees. National, delegates and electors are exemfit from the oration of the pri mary. law. .University trustees aro (United IVh Lenied Wire.) San Francisco, Sept. 8. LIko a fairy story of'a poor boy who goo out Into the world to make a fortune and covnea back a hero Ib tho return ing of David Warflold to San Francis co. An usher In the old Bush streot theatre, without much chance In the world, David, a plain sort of boy, badehis friends hero goodbye. Few know or cared when he left. Last night San FrancUco opened her arms to him as, one of her greatest sons, and gave him Btich an ovation ad no actor ever received before In this city It waa his first visit to his home since be left a poor lad. His wealth now Is said to bo estimated with seven figures, and his fame has also outside Its provisions, for h,e spread throughout the civilized rea-oa that If such was not the cale wpuwa would be denied the privilege of votlag for trustees, which they now enjoy ler tbtf statutes. Was. J, Bryaa will attend ta Dem ocratic oventJMi to b aalct Ma ? rla, satPiriU dHrr a addraaa. world. Tho boy whq used to direct San Fraacltclasw Ui their aeak, last Ight, a tlM "MmIc MateiVaaAe tkw wwh Hk eklldrwi a ad Vltaer uatll tha aUffe fed rafa4 U rata and lower tl curtala ay aar. After uonrly threo weoks of abso ktto sllcnco on tho part of everyone concerned, tho sonsntlonal Informa tion lins loaked out that Joseph Moy ors, of this city, hna boon robotl of securities roprosoutlng moro tlinu (50,000, besides Bovoral hundrod dol lars' worth of Jowolry and other nr tlclos. Tho strong box containing tho proporty wib stolon from tho of fice of tho "Voll8-Fnrgo Compnny, In tho union dopot nt Portland on Au gust 21st or 22d. ThiiB far no cluo whatovor. to tho, myatory has np poarcd. On,yje-Uay,-I)ylttg-th,clw.rfot Insanity agnluat him, brought, by. Ids sons, Mlltbn and Ilonrjy In Pqrtland, Jrojoph Meyers tologrnphod to J. H. Albort, of tho Capital National Rank, of this city, whoru the oldor Meyers did bin hnuklUK, to sond tho box con taining the BPCurltloH to MeyorB nd drosB nt tho Portlnnd Hotel. Tho box wn Immediately sont throuKh tho WollH-Fnrgo Expro Company Jf ronchod tho nlllco of tho uxprass compuny lit Portland, but wns novor delivered, to Moyora. Tho Btippojtl, tlan Is that botwoon tho hour wlitin It arrlvod nnd tho tlmo thnt It was lo bo dellverod, tho box was stolon from the oxproia olllco. , TrentH .rtt'r iih 11 Joke. Joseph Moyors, who Is nt prosont nt tho Salem Hotel, when bcoii this morning, soomod not In tho loasUcon- Loomed about tho Iohh of tho sccnrl- tlcn. "I am out nothing by tho loss of tho papers," said Moyors. "Thoy won't bo of any mso to tho man who took thorn. I wouldn't Jmvo cared If tho box had contained ton tlmoa 11a many securities." If tho oldor Mov, era huB uuy theories of his own In re gard to tho robbery ho Is keeping them to himself: ' Ho laughed ami Joked about tho matter thin morning, Ho 'gives the ImpreBHlon, however, that he kuotvs' moro tlinn ho cares to say. "Thoro was aomo Jewelry In the box," mild Moyora, "but whoover took a . .... . 11 .. II IS WUJCUIIIU W II. f It w'uh learned from reliable au thority this morning thrrt tho box which was btolen contained tH,O0Q iu securities. One of thu notos was for $32,000, payable In ton years to Joseph Meyers, from his sons, Milton and Henry. Thoro were also two oth er notes owed W'thcsona to their father. Ono of Ihoie was for $8QQ0 and tho othor for $0000. These woro promissory notes, and payable on demand. Tho Jewels In the box wro valued at about $700. KpA 4'irot. TJfo method of tho robhory and tho motive for It nro shrouded In mystery. An active Investigation has been going on for three weeks with out the knowledge'oY tho public, and, therefore, under the moat favorably conditions, and still no solution Is In sight. Everybody concerned agrees that tho only ooraons who kneW that the box was aerjt from Salem wore J. H. Albort, Joseph Meyer and tho VoU Fargo Exprpse Company. Theso three first found that tho box had been stolen on, the day after It had been received. Joseph Meyers said this worala -taaV 'tkV kftw .A Was urlr4 "Vadttt t1 ' ' .. . w'l put t FOREST FIRf SPREADING TOWN OF HIBBIN6 THREATENED (United Prris r.rnnol Wire.) Duluth, Minn., Sopt. 8. Roports received this afternoon from Hlbbing sny thnt high winds nro prodlctod for tonight, nnd thnt tho north wind la now blowing nt tho into of in mllos nn hour. Smoke nnd nnhoa nro bolng carried n hundred miles from tho great for est Arcs,' nnd tho people of nibbing nro tn terror. Tho sky Is ovorcadt with tho Hinoko, and distress hoohis to bo sweeping down upon the town. lllbblng Is n town of several-thou- sand population, and It Is feared Mutt .ILwlll bawfpdjaaiU.Jf,the wlnd.'.lH--.J cronsea tonight, hb lit threatens to do, thpro will bo llttlo hope fo the towtiT The people already are mov ing out of their houses, and prepar ing to Bcok places of safety. FORICST FIRE WIPES OUT ANOTHER TOWN (United 1'rfM Lenited Wire.) LhiluUi, Minn., Sopt. 8, Forest fires, wit loh dostroyod Snowball, a auburb of nibbing, nro monnclng' that city todny, and If tho broezo which fanned tho flamen Into activity nftor thoy hnd boon practically Hubdiiod. liici-oiuoH, tho flro will dovaslata n largo Bfletlon Of territory. Tho lire has nwept ovor a radius of 25 miles, practically wiping Snow ball from tho map. Tho Inlinbltnnts escaped, hut nro homeless, nnd in many cauea lost everything thoy pos- BOIBCd. Tho rofugeoB aro praying for rnln but there are no Indications that na ture will aid In quenching the flro Tho work of rebuilding Chlnhnlm, which was wiped, out by tho flro, bo w today. first that Meyers' sous know about tho matter wna fright doya after tho robbery, when they woro upprlsod of tho loss by J. II.'Albort, who stated that Joseph Moyora, tho Wells-FniKo Company and himself were tho only person 1 who know nnythlna about tho matter. At thnt time Albert de innndcd,on bohulf of Jokoph Moyers, tho payment by tho sons of tho two promissory notes. The sons sail thnt tho money was ready at any time whon they could bo Indemnified against tho liability of tho payment of the notes moro' titan onco. Stnco that tlmo the notos havo been paid. An Indemnity bond waa furnished by J. 11. Albert as aurlty." o . DIES FROM KTAII WITH OANHLKHTICK (IJnltrd ITm !.mmI Wlrt.1 Redding, Cnl Sopt. 8.--Deputies aro searching today for J. A. Jtold, who cauaed tho death of J. U. Wil son, by stabbing him with a minor candlestick. The wound was Inflicted last Wednesday In tho Gladstone mine, In a fight over tho disappear nuco of a shovel. Wilson waa appar ently not seriously Jiurt, but Sunday night ho aulfared a relaiue, which re sulted In his death. 1 1 . j,o- ' If 'you should bo kidnaped how much do you suppso your best frlent would glvo to fM you Jjack? p., . n ., No man can be all HI neighbor tkteks ka ougkt to ko tinlesa he U aakawid1 vt ktsmawi"' i-w - v 1 our,i