Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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Lmt Millinery Styles for fall, 1908-09.
llothe contact of a live wire
lit Iron front of tho Chicago
: f o'clock yesterday morning,
I We out la tho northeast win.
ItUdry goods house, and a
i conflagration was acerted
T tie pretence of mind of ono
plumes, who broke the win-
! dragged the burning con-
m tie street.
ft-Mota wero at work rotnov-
1 T'-ni from tho old polos on
ttl itreet A dead wire waB
itoaiteel hook projecting
U aetai buttress In front of
r statejikxt
I tilling room
tttri 80
ten 70
wmberihlp 2721
Xew Hooks.
- - 110
Swkr of Loans.
Fjeita library ....7095
l1Wt kT preserving: those
1 fc nkh nature has
Ta amilln? mk.
,tl old man will
I tomes ....
,ITtiea la mth ana
b Nothing
do that
1 !
Tr eyes.
The Old White Corner
...i -ffnrtntr nf Fall Underwear nt this senson of
the year might seem btrnngo to you nt first, but a fcot
nd thought brings do mind that In only a few dnyi
Old Jack Frost will be sneaking around trying to get a
lan at you. A big purchaso of Union Sultb direct from
!, mill onables us to offer real $1.00 values or 75c.
Had wo bought tlieso In less than original cases wc
COUld not BOM lUCm lur 1U33 muu fi.uu u nuii.,
display In our Court Street Window
Heavy and Medium Weight
nion Suits 75c
Real $1.00 Values
New Outing Gowns
50c to $3.50
Our completo stock of Ladles',
Ml36es' and Children's Outing Gowur
Is now ready.
Tho lino comprises everything In
desirable garments. Plain White,
Dime, Pink and Fancy Patterns.
fcrtibowmr of Pattern Hatfl. Tho ladles of Salem ana vicinity arc
tho storo. In somo mnnncr this wiro
became crossed with a Hvo wire and
a heavy current was Immediately
carried over tho front of 'tho build
ing. Tho woodon sashes of tho win
dowa caught fire in an instant, nnd
In nnothor moment tho dry goodB In
tho window Ignited nnd burned llko
Ono of tho linemen who wbb
standing In front of 4ho building
broko tho plate glaBs, nnd in n few
moments had emptied tho display
window of its contents. Tho dam
ago will probably amount to several
hundred dollars.
Joseph Davis, a carpenter employ
ed by B. F. Ramp on his farm north
of thla city, la being bold by Shoriff
Minto on the chnrgo of burglarizing
tho residence of Mrs. Thomas Kay
on tho night of July 4.
Tho nrrost of Davis was led up to
by tho Identification of somo cloth
ing vorn by a young man who walk
ed In the offlco of tho Salem woolen
mills a few days ago. Tho clothing
was recognized as "that bolonging. to
Clarence Bishop, who was roomlnrj
at Mrs. Kay's resldenco, and which
was stolen from BlBhop's wardrobe
on tho night of the robbery. When
questioned about the clothing tho
man Bald that ho had bought it from
Davis, .who was working on tho Ramp
place. Sheriff Minto went at onco to
Ramp's farm and took Davis Into
In Davis' apartments were found
several other article of clothing
which nro know to have been stolen
on the night of July 4, Davis de
clares that he is Innocent of tho bur
glar)', and says that he bought tho
clothing from a tramp for f 6.
Dayls will bo arraigned Tuesday.
rT- o
IHIUboro, the prosperous and
growing capital of Washington
county, Is celebrating lt3 second rail
coanectloa -with Portland, the last
being an electric line.
The Oregon state fair opens Sep
tember 14, and continues through
the week. Tho showing-of aU kinds
of products, as well as the livestock
and industrial display and a great
race program without pool selling,
insures one of the best fairs Oregon
has ever .Mid.
Mr. 3. ., MMill8, sow. IkwMS
years ml a aad tomfttttMily red
ing at' Cortootoa, Ohio, write:
New Goods
Just Received
We nre now ready to show tho
following gcod?, which rr!c"
during the week:
Head's Dress Goods'.
Butterflold's Dross Goods.
Butterfteld's Linings: .
Ask to see Silked Venetian.
Valonclea Laces,
Ladles' Sweater.
Ladles' Suits and Coatsj"'
Furs and Knit Shawls.
Infants' Capes, Toques, etc.
Ladles' Underwear.
Comforts and Blankets,
Hosiery, Handkerchiefs.
Men's Clothing, Hats.
Shoes of all kinds, Neckwear,
Caps, Trunks and Suit Caseo.
And many other lines
We told you about tho $2.25
lines a few days ngo. Now we
have a very now nnd up-to-dnto
lino of
$1.25 WAISTS
Which comprises nil tho late pat
terns In Mndrns and Heavy Fall
Genuine Hcatherbloom Pet
ticoats, in all colors '
cordially Invited to call nnd study
Stockton's Store
bollevlng It to bo the best country
in tho United States, I take plcasuro
in sending pooplo there who art
looking for n homo; Rheumatism
has n linn grip on mo, and I am ttn
ablo to labor, but I can talk of Ore
gon nnd ?prcnd Oregon literature
'and will bo- glad to recolvo samo
from all parts of -the stato. I have
been ablo to nond mnny peoplo to
Oregon, nnd they hnvo written that
thoy woro glad thoy made tho
change." OrogonlaiiB should romom
bor that thoro aro thousands moro
4o como on tho colon'st rates of Sep
tember and October.
Tho hurry up and build movement
throughout tho United States, bo
causo building material nnd labor
aro nbout 30 per cont cheaper than
thoy word n year ago, is tho causo of
somo spectacular hnpponings in
Portland. Down In tho business cen
ter thoy aro digging basement by
oloctrlc light, working thrco shifts of
eight hours ench.
fContlniuod from Page 1.)
tin! candidate, will accompany him
through tho ceremonies of tho day.
Both candidates woro tho guests of
honor at tho Iroquolso Club, with tho
state committee. Immediately after
ward tho visitors procoeded to tho
balcony of tho hotel, from whore they
reviewed tho gront Labor Day parade
In which nearly nil tho labor organi
zations in tho city participated.
Tho exercises of tho day were bo
gun after the parado had disbanded,
and Bryan, who had been cheered
and given a big ovation by the march
ers as they passed the hotel, faced ft
tremendous throng when he began
his address. He spoko as follews:
"Mr. Chairman, Ladle3 and Gentle
men: Lavr Dy a ,egal ho"day
and It wa$ made so because the legiJ
lators thought tho wage-earners wor
thy to have a d.ay specially set apart
for the celebration and them that
concern those who toll. I appreciate
the complimont paldme in. the cere
monies of this day, In Inviting me to
participate In the ceremonies of this
day, and it was gladly accepted, be
cause Chicago Is the second city in
tho Union, and, as a labor center, It
Is scarcely second to any city In the
"If It we-e proper to speak from a
text, I would select a passage from
Proverbs, for I know of no better
one than that furnished by the words
of Solomon, when he said as a man
"Tblnketh in his heart, so Is he."
This Is Bibleoctrlne; it Js common
sense, and It Is human experience.
We think la our hearts, as well as in
our heads "out of the heart are the
isUasX life." It Js ajo6r,'hed
ibf cssot fta4 pm reason
for doing what thsy ar dtolag today
I bt m, mtk -wit Uk iwxs
tlon, because I want to Impress lt up
on the minds of .those who listen to
me, and upon those who read what I
say to you. The labor question is
more a moral thnn an intellectual
"Tolstoi, the great Russian philos
opher, In defining tho doctrlno of
'bread labor, gives as one of tho roa
sons in support or it, that personal
contact with manual labor not u
recollection of former toll, but con
tinued acquaintance with It is nec
essary to keep one In sympathy with
tho-e who work with tholr hands
Ho contends nnd is it not true?
that lack of Bympthy, one with an
other, Is at the root of most of tho
problems of society and govern
"Tho world la growing toward
brotherhood, and our nation is lend
ing the way. Thore Is more altruism
In this country than nnywhero olso In
tho world, and moro today than over
lino been before. There Is more rec
ognition of tho kinship tha texlsh
between us; more thought about tho
questions which concern a common" i
humanity than nt any preceding time
The lnbor organization is a part of
this great movement of tho masses
toward closer fellowship. It Iiub
worked wonders in tho past, and Its,
work Is only commenced.
"T,he lnbor organization hdlps
those outside its members, becnuso
tho Increased wages and improved
conditions nro shared by non-union
men, ns well as by union mon.
"Somo nssumo that labor Is lawless
and that, to settle tho labor question
permanently, wo need only enforce
tho law rigorously. I yield to none
in insistence upon obedionco to the
law. Law is necessary in human so
ciety, and Its enforcement Is csson
tlal to peaco and order, but wo musl
remedy abuses by law, If wo would
Inuuro respect for and obedionco to
"Tho important lesson to bo
learned by tho citizen in a govorn
ment liko ours Is that tho ballot Is
both shield and Bword It protects
him from Injury and onforcco his
"A long step toward tho elevation
o( labor to tta proper position in tho
nation's deliberations is to bo found
In tho establishment of a depart
ment o( labor, with a cabinet odlcer
at itsi head, Tho wage-earner do
Borves thla recognition, and tho exec
utive Js entitled to tho assistance
which! .such an official could render
hlnv' I rogard tho inauguration of
this reform as tho opening of a now
era In which thoso who toll will have
a volco In tho deliberations of the
President's council chamber.
"Tho labor organization has been
socinlly handicapped by tho fact that
It hna'been and I nm not suro that
It has! not been done unwittingly
yoked up with tho Industrial combi
nations known as trusts. Tho labor
ing man Is Justified in his demands
that a distinction shall bo drawn be
twooa labor organizations nnd tho In
dustrial monopoly.
Injunction Question.
"Tho Republican convention did
not deal candidly with tho laboring
mnn on tho subject of the writ of In
junction. Secretary Taft ondoavored
to amend his platform In this respect
nnd to mnke somo promlsos, which
nro not supported by his plntform,
but his promises offer nothing sub
stantial In tho wny of reform, nnd
are not binding on tho Republican
Bonators and members. Tho Repub
lican congress has alrcndy made a
record on labor questions, nnd tho
Republican party cannot escapo from
that record.
"Tho Democratic party on this sub
ject copies tho language which the
labor organizations Bubmlttod to tho
Republican and Democratic conven
tions. Mr. Taft, in his notification
speech, objects to tho language. Ho
chnrgos that the antl-lnjunctlon plnnk
was 'loosely drawn,' nnd framed for
'tho especial purpose of rendering it
susceptlblo to ono Interpretation by
ono, "set of mon, and a diamotrlcally
opposite interpretation by another.'
As Mr. Taft has had long experience
on the bench, and Is therefore sklllel
In the interpretation of language, I
ask him to give us, if he can, two op
posite Interpretations 61 tho language
That plank demands that 'all parties
to all Judicial proceedings shall bo
treated with rigid Impartiality.' Sura
ly be cannot find two Interpretations
to the phrase 'rigid Impartiality.'"
Bryan then discussed at length the
questions involving tho courts and
Jury system, saying:
"Mr. Taft is not an unbiased judge
where tho Jury system is under con
sideration. He Is not only known a
the father of government by Injunc
tion, but he Is prejudiced against tho
Jury system. Every man is uncon
sciously influenced by his environ
ment, and Mr. Taft's long service on
the teach has led him to underrate
the tmportaiiee of th jury systew. J
hU a4drM t the stu4U ot Yalv
eatittef 'A J4 e the Bmh,' he
show a dutdsd ls4 toward sa
Lcr of Ik authority or iar
and pralM the procedure m
It's Quality
That Counts
We novcr buy nn artlclo unlcsi wo aro convinced that It will prove
Eatiofnctory to our customers.
marked nt prices that "regular Btoroa" can't match Is tho secret of
Is popular with Salem Ladles becnuso wo Bhow NEW GOODS BV
GOOD VALUES in HOSIERY nnd UNDERWEAR ha3 hlwnys been
n special featuro of our store. You'll find our FALL UNDER
WEAR mado In full dimensions and- proporly finished in ovory de
Is sclcctod with opccinl reference to fast color and good lasting
qunlltlcc, 'and ovory pair represents tho best posslblo valAto that can
be Bold nt tho price
If you wnnt SHOES that 'combine, correct stylo,comfortnblo fit and
good service, wo'ro ready to supply you nt prices figured on the
Bpot cash basis.
to our lino. You'll bo pleased with tho styles wo show, and the
prices will certainly surprlso you, becauoo wo'ro satlsflod with small
proflta, on Furs no woll as on otlior lines,
tho fedornl courts nt tho oxponBO of
tho Wcstorn court ft, ovon though he
admits that 'tho Jury system popular
Izos tho court and gives tho pooplo to
understand that thoy havo not only
an Interest, but also u part in tho ad
ministration of Justice.' Ho has fal
len into tho error of assuming that
any Improvement in tho method of
court proceoduro Is an attack upon
Iho authority of tho court."
In conclusion, Bryan snld:
"Ono of tho groat problems of to
day la to secure an equitable distri
bution ot tho procoods of toll. Tho
matorlul wealth of this country is
Inrgoly a Joint product; In fact Its
few people work alone, and on tho
fatm a cortaln amount of co-(j')o ra
tion is necessary. Whore men work
togother, tho nrmy organization npJ
piles to somo degreo; that Is, some
direct, others aro directed. Tho dif
ficulty has been to decldo the results
fairly between tho captains of Indus
try and tho privates in tho ranks. As
tho dividing Is dono largely by the
captains, it is not unnatural that they
should magnify their part nnd appro
priate too largo a sharo; neither is It
unnatural that thero Bhould bo com
plaint on the part of toilers when
their recompense Is insufficient.
"The labor quostjon, therefore, as
it presents itself at this tirno, Is
chiefly a question of distribution, and
tho legislation asked for is legisla
tion which will securo to each that to
which his sorvlces entitle him."
"As legislation Is secured through
tho ballot every one should uso the
ballot to obtain tho legislation neces
sary. The Democratic platform pro
sents the Ideal toward which the
Democratic party Is striving, naraoly.
justice In the distribution of rewards.
Tho Democratic party proclaims that
each individual should receive from
society a reward for his toll common-
eurato with his contribution to the
welfare of society, and, unless some
other party can do the work better,
iha. Democratic, party wqbM like to
hate the suppor t K all, wh4her they
belong to the wagsrnlng eU or
positions la which 4hy drct tha ef
. '
forts of others, If nn olllcor In tho
Industrial army woro suro that his
chlldrop. und his children's children
would inhorit his position, ho might
fool, possibly, indlfforout as to those
under his command, Uut tho children
of thoHo who today work for wuga'i
may employ tho children of thoso who
In this gcnnrntlon nro employers.
This uncertainty as to future genera
tions, as woll as tho hoiiw) of Justlca
Bhould lend us to mnko the govorn
ment as nearly perfect as posslblo, for
a good government is tho best logucy
that n party can leave to his child.
Rlcho.1 may vtake tfie wljigs of the
morning and fly away, but govern
ment Is permanent, and wo cannot
servo posterity hotter than by con
tributing to tho perfection of tho gov
ernment, that each child born Into
tho world may fconthat it has hore an
opportunity for tup most completo
development, and ahunco to secure,
through sorvlco, thoMargcst possible
happiness nnd honor. '
o .
into Its com no again, it crashed. Into
another automobile.
Tho force of the impact threw tha
Knox machine Into the ditch, and
hurled tho occupants through tho
air. Tho party was picked up ap
parently moro dead than alive and
rushed to a hotel In another machine.
Medical examination revealed tho
fact that Senator and Mrs. Knox went
not serlpusly Injured,
Philander O. Knox, Jr., fared bad
ly, however, and was unconscious for
sevoral minutes after tho accident.
He is badly bruised, and It 1 thought
that he suffered Internal Jnjurlos,
The machine In which the Knox
party was riding is a wreck, making
It impossible to determine whether a
mechanical defect or tho chauffeur's
carelessness Is responsible, for tho ac-
i- O
ltf JM0