Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    .DAILY CAPITAL JOUltyAli, fiUfaMtfilMQptf, feQfrDAV', flBrTEttJlEIj ,V, Jtfptf. '
Tho annual Oregdn conferenco of
tho Methodist Episcopal church will
Convene Jn Salcra on Sept. 23, niK1
will continue -until tho 2Sth. Thi
moetlngs will ho hold in tho First
Methodist church of lhl city, nnd
during tho session some of tho best
known preachors In tho stntojwlll be
heard. Dr. George H. Heppo l
chalrmnn of the convention, On tho
day before tho reitular ' conferonrn
roods thoro will ho an executive ses
sion of tho board, and tills will bj
followed by n reception In tm ovon-
Ing. At tho reception tho following
Urogram will bo curried eut:
Mn (tic.
Addresses of welcome, In bohnlf
of tio qlty, byfc. .Mayor . Cleorge P.
Jlodgurs; In bohalf of the ministry
-of tho.jlfy; by Iot..H(, 1). Klmbnll,
I?. IJ.( LI. I).; In behalf of tho First
church, by a leading, Jaymnn. Hp-
jk)Bs by Bishop Bdwln If. Hughes,
v. d and ClHronco .True Wilson, D.
D, Inception In tho parlors of thi
The program .for tho conference
Wednesday, 0 a. m. -Oponlng of
Hrrtmce session, Ulshop Hughes
presiding. Sacrament of tho lord's
Supper, conducted by tho hlnhop nnd
the district Kiporlntflndonis, follow
d by organization of tho conferenco
nd luminous session. 2 p. m stn-
tlstlcal session; 3 p. m., missionary
sermon preached by Hov W. II.
Heppo, D, D.j 7:30 p. m., anniversary,
of tho Home Missionary nnd'Church
KxteHsi'on societies, tho Itov. W. T.
Korr, D. D presiding. Tho prin
cipal address on bohalf of tho gen
eral bet(d of homo missions will bo
by Heg T. 0. Illfr, D. D of Phlla
delphli, Thursday, 8:16 a. ni. Address
and devotions, by . tho Rev. a. II.
Freese, D. D.;, conference evangelist;
9 a. m, conference sesilen: 2:40 'n.
fffwf B ) rWWJlssssWM V
PWmh) ' "I -nihil Jxxr -srv, w
The House Furnishing Co.
1 77 Liberty Street
We 'are making a sipclalty of "Park Mills' Volv5t, Brus
sels and Ingrnln Carpet . More than ten years' experience
with "Park Mills" Carpets confirms our belief that we can
not tcrvo yon so weP with any other make.
4g3 ft
You cannot be too careful in selecting
mattresses. A fancy tick often hides
poor mattress material.
You can get the good kind here every
time. -We sell no shoddy mattresses.
Our Sanitary Cabinets nre made to meet tho wnntn of
those who believe In condcnslnc nnd utlllzlnc nil nvnll.
nblo spnec. They nro space savers, tlmo savorfl and In
bor ravers. Besides their other cood nolnts. thov nrn
cheap In prlco.
D. H. JAMES, Proprietor
m anniversary of tho Woman V.
Home Missionary society, address by
Dr. Willis of Ban Francisco, and ex
ercises by a company of Chinese
young; women; 7:30 p. in., anniver
sary of the Preedhien' 'Aid sqfcloty,
represented by tho Itov. W. II. W.
9.9W, . D., pastor Plrst. Methodist
Upbeopal ohurch of Beattlo, and tho
board of education.
Friday, 8:15 r. m. Address nnd
devotions, conducted by Itov. W. T.
Kerr, coiiforenco evangelist 0 a. m.,
conference sennton; 2:30 p. in. anni
versary of Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society, nddrcMos by Mrs. A. N.
Fisher, Mm. Dr. Baylor; 4 p. m ,
children's rally, .conducted by Itov
O. M. Van Martor and others; 7:30
p. m., Inauguration of Hov. Fletcher
lloman, I). D as pnmllont of WIN
lamottc University. Professor Men
donhnll, tho now (loan of tho college
of music, will piny selections on tho
pllieorgau. Tho principal fenturen
of the progrnm will bo tho chnrgo
of tho president by Ulshop llughoj
and tho Inaugural nddrctui by Presi
dent Iloiunu.
Saturday, 8: IB u. m. Address
and dovotlons, conducltnl by Hov. C
M. Van Marter, conferenco ovaugol
1st; & n. in., conference session; 3 p.
m., Preacher' Wive association.
Tho afternoon will bo given MP to
visiting tho state Inntltutlons and
memorial exorcises at tho Jason Ieo
cemetery; 7:30 p m., temperanco
rally, addreso by Hev K. P. Jilm
merman, n. Uo Paget and Hev. Ijen
Jamln Youiik, D. D.
Sunday, 9 a. in. Conference lovo
feast, led by JohopIi Holier; 10:30
a, hi,, sormon, lllihop Kdwln It.
HiikIu's, I). I).; 2:30 p. in,, memorial
?rvlces and ordlnntlun of deavona
audi elders; 0:15 p. m., Knworlh
l'8Uj rally, mldrowo by tho proji
donts of tho districts; 7:30 p. m.,
ftKHlveriwry of tho board of foreign
Mlslons, tho Hov. 0. H. flmytho, D.
I)., ;esVer.
. o- , ...I,,..
Paris, Bopt. 7. Leon Do LaOraiiRO
tho French noronaut, president of tho
Vnlato Club of Frnnco, mndo a now
world'H record today nt Issv. whnn
IiIb aoroplano snllcd for 31 mlmitcs,
boating tho worlds record that ho es
tablished yesterday by sailing 29
minutes nnd 54 i seconds.
Today's flleht wim rnmnknhln tnr
both tho duration And tho llntnnr.nl
Hebrew will win. Nelson Is a Htrons SPAIN WITH PHAXCK
supporter of tho Englishman. i OX MOHOCCO SITUATION
I Paris, Sept. 7. It Is announced at
Los Angeles. Cnl.. Sent. 7 ,Al- tho forolgn olllco that In a noto re-
though Stanley Kctchcl Is a 2 to 1 celved from Madrid, Spain states
favorite In tho betting today, BID ' t,int tho Spanish government agrees
Papko Is confident Hint ho will bo ' to tho terms of the Moroccan cntondo
nblo to wrest tho mlddlowelght tltl? nB outlined In tho French draft.
irura uw cuampion wnen thoy meet
In a! 2C-round battlo at Jim Jeffries'
Vernon nrona this afternoon. Doth
mon nro In tho pink of condition, and
hnd no trouble making 1C8 pounds
weight whon thoy weighed In at
Intorest among tho fight fnns Is at
travolcd. Ho circled tho parade ; fovcr hcnt today, but Pnpko's back-
grpund atilssy 17 times, going over
16 miles In all.
Tho groat aoroplano was undor
perfect control every mlnuto of tho
nJ!,ti..Tn0 lYontor maintained nn
avornco hcltrli or an font tin ..
cended as high ns 30 feet nnd on lowitiko that risk
as 12 foot. Indications
era have been unablo to work tholr
confldonco up to tho point attained
uy wio nguior, ana uomng Is nrnc
This means that tho now Sultan,
Mulnl Hadd, will not bo recognized
until tho agrees to tho tonus of tho
Algcclras treaty, allowing Franco and
Spain to polico hls'domaln.
Tho Joint noto Of tho two will lib
presented to tho powers thnt signed
the Algiers treaty Boon,
Tho only point of difference be
tween Franco and Spain was as ioA
how far tho powora would go In do
mandlng financial pledges from Ha
Hundreds watched tho flight of tho
aoroplano, and Wilbur Wright, tho
American Inventor, wns tho first to
congrntulnto tho Fronchmnn on hW
succesi. "I expect to bent you to tho
hour mark," said Wright In tnlklng
to LaGrango.
tlcally at a BtandBttll. Plenly . 6f fl ' Spain was fcarfMl lest France
Papko money Is postod at 3 to 1. but wtodld saddlo too great a burden on
Kotcholl's admirers nro not willing to tho now Sultan. Tho Fronch govern
ment aisurod Spain that only legiti
mate debts of tho country to Abdul
Ariz would bo demanded of Hnfld,
aro that tho Vernon
arena will bo packed to Its (Utmost en
paclty this aftornoon. Tho arena has
8000 seats, and tickets hnvo boon
sold for nlmost thnt nunibor now.
Jimmy Austin nnd "Young Togo."
T I.. M
.iiiiuin.-B.-, win ngni nn cigni-rouna
Jim Jeffries will referee the main
event nnd Tommy Wnlah will officiate
at the proltmlnnry.
- o
fPulM I'rMn LMird Wlrf.J
San FrnnclHco, Sept. 7. Two tiny
flghtors. by record and iinnulnr ml.
mission, tho best enthorwolghts In' Tho Hoguo Hlvor Horticultural So
tho world, aro ready to focooach oth-ololy' nt ft ,1,eetlg at Medford yes-
er promptly at 3 o'clock this after- tin,fty P'nced thonuolvos on record
noon to decide tho Issuo between UB tronK'y favoring Irrigation.
Mngland nnd Amorlcn. Abe Attoll, T,, POHtoR'co nnd gonornl mor
tho Amorlcnn champion, said this C,,IU,(H80 t"ro nt Wllsonvlllo was
merning: "I nm the surost wlnnor ro,,ob,l Snturdny night and 200 In
that ever entered n ring." j stamps and cutlery woro stolen.
Owen Moran, tho sturdy Uttlo Ilrlt-' 0i'0"KO W. Pnlmor, 72 years old,
Ishor, Is equally as confident. When nml J,r8- Mattlo Peoblor, CI, were
n-ked this morning for an expression i '""Tied yostorday at Albany.
on the fight, ho snld: I South Hlllsboro precinct, nftor a
"I am better thnn ever, and I nm rwont of the recent election, which
Social (fit llOfMiti flomiH't-tt,
I Mllwnnknn. Win.. So nt 7. In n
- .. .- t .. . ,t H-a., .. ... ..
signed editorial In tho Social Demo
cratic Herald, VJctor L. nerger today
attacked Samuol Gompers, president
of tho Amorlcnn Federation of La
bor, ns follews:
"I am not going to answer Samuel
Gompers' Innuondo about cnpltalltlc
support for tho Debs rod special.
"Ah a mombor of tho national ex
ecutive commltteo of tho Socialist
party, I, of courso, am pOBtod about
all of tho details of tho matter from
the beginning to tho end Every do
nation received, nnd evi-ry cont ex contribution box.
ponded Is properly accounted tot, and
Gompers knows that as well as I do,
and ns well as ovoryono of our read
era knows It. And In casting this as
persion Sam Gompors did so against
his hotter knowlddgo In other words
ho lied wilfully.
"He did It In order to help Bryan
nnd tho Democratic party.
"Thoro can be no doubt that Taft,
from a capitalistic standpoint, 1b tho
moro dCDlrnblo, amMhnt Bryan, from
a worklngmnn'8 standpoint, Is tho
moro Insincere nnd hypocritical of tho
"Now, why should a working man
volo tho Democratic tlckot? Should
ho do so becnuso tho Tammany lend
ers and tho Domocrntls hcolcrs of
largo cities very sociably drink whls
koy with Gompers and his lieuten
ant? "Tho nvorago Democratic leader
would drink whlskoy with tho dovll,
and no would Snm. Gompers.
"To voto for tho Democratic party,
ovon ns n protest against tho other
wing of cnpltallsm, la nonsensical and
Ku.stci-11 Hasebnll.
BnBoboll National At Brooklyn,
first gamo, Brooklyn 0, Boston 1.
At Phllndolphln First gamo, Phil
adelphia 0, Now York 5.
At Pittsburg -First gamo, St.
Louis 7, Pittsburg 9.
0 .
It Is hoped that tl;o lono hlgh-
waymnn Who robbed nnvrm ntnirna In
the West didn't enpturo a camnalcn
Local Wholesale Market.
Eggs 26c.
Butter Crcnmory 31 He.
Cows S3 3.50.
Hens lie: voum? lilpif.n. if.
t .. ' - "" "
kuciii wiicai 8oc.
Onto 40c.
Barley S22.G0.
Flnitr Tlnril whnnt R. .ii..
-. ....... ., uw.i, vu, IIC7, 1
Hay Cheat, J10; clover, ft P
iuh;- imoinjr,'iiojjz, -Onlonp
$1.25 pwt.
Hops 1907 crop". 5 6c.
CaBcara Bark 2$63c.
Mohair 18c. '
Retail Market.
Oats J1.45.
Wheat $1.05.
Eggs 22 c.
Butter Country, 30c; creamer,
Flour Valley, $1.25 per tick;
hard wheat, $1.40 1.43.
Bran 00c per sack; $30.00 per
ton; Bhorts, $1.30 per sack.
Hogs Fat, $G,25.
Stock hoes $4.50.
I Steers 3c,
Veal 57c.
Tropical Fruits
Bananas $6.50.
Oranges $4.25.
Lemons $5 6.
Portland Market,
Poultry Hons, 12c; ducki, llf
14c; pigeons, old, $1 per doxen.
Mlllstuff Brnn, $20.
Flour Vnlloy, $1.20 per ucl;
bard wheat, $1.45.
u '
It Is said that President RoosettlU
in Ills flnnl messaKO to consrett, will ;
ask that tho nrcsont standing uaj ,
I of 00,000 bo ralBOd to 100,000
J. M, Hachus, n IwUton, Idaho
farmer, waa found inunlofed and his
V4y half burned, apparently In an
attempt of bis slayer to cover up hU
.. mmm. IyK Ivetmit,
Mr. John White, of 3$ Htguland
A., HoultOH, Maine, saya: "Havo
troubled with a couah everv
wlatl and spring. Lait winter
irMHi many advertised, remedies, but
the coKh continued until I bouxht
a 50o bottle of Dr. Klug'a New Dls
every; Weforo that was halt jtoao,
XM cok was all goo. ThU winter
th mim happy result has follow;
ww o c moro oanuae to
aRHl cfluth. J am now cosvlwced
that Dr, KlHt's fiv . Wwry U
rentedlM,' Sold undtr xuarautM ml
going to win. This Is my fight."
Tho local fans cannot explain th
sudden backing of Mown thnt forced
the nddn from 10 to 6 4 up to 10 to
7H )esterdny. It dropped back to
10 to 7 today. Tho only exnlnnatlnn
of the changes In tho order Is the
flood of Moran money, which took ip
nil tho Attoll money In sight yesterday.
Tho battle Is 33 rounds. Tho
weather Is perfect for the open air
contest, which will bo held In tho
Colma arena. Referee Jnck Welsh
will handle tho two little fighters,
and seo that tho strictest observance
of tho rules Is followed. Ho will de-
mnnd a clean, open right, ho says.
aud ho does not expect any trouble In
enforcing his demand.
Tho backers of both men agree In
tho hope that thero will bo a clean
victory for one or the other, so that
the draw Ian New Year'a day can
be wiped oft tho slate.
Arrangements woro completed this
morning to take moving plcturej of
the Hght. Tho contestants will hava
an interest In the films. If Moran
wins, It Is expected, tho picture wM
bo worth a fortune, at they will be
exhibited not only In America, but In
a British possessions. In any event
thejf are. estimated at a largo suss.
ttllRie NeUon and Jo Gatw. who
will ht Wednesday la the saw
Hnt, will he roMlMt spectator to
day, Gant ht mU a heavy wur
showed a dry majority of 12, has
gone wet by 20.
The Astoria water commission has
colled for bids for n retorvolr to hold
20.000.000 gallons, it Is estimated
tho cost will amount to $103,000.
Fredorlok W. King, aged 73, Ore
gon pioneer und Civil War veteran,
died on the doorstop of his Hllls
boro home yostorday from heart
A Nevada man named Crow Is look
ing over the ground botween Tilla
mook and Ooos Bay with a view to
establishing an uuto lino.
William Peacock, of Albany, has
refused an offer of $15,000 for 19
acres of ground lying Just across the
river froni this city for which he
originally paid $2500. No, land docs
not Increaso In the Willamette val
MarshAeld streets are to bo filled
in with good material for the work
dredging from the bay.
The trap fhhermon at Astoria are
planning to overcome tho objections
to tho recent fUh laws by complying
within tho law that "trans must ba
attached to the shore," meaning must
lie next to tho shore, by letting them
out Into the stream "attached" by
a o
Beeawto Rev, E, H. Brooks. Pastor
ot a fMkMbVe Lo Angels Baptist
chart, drtfd w41 and r4 a. Ine
hors hU cMratk hv aceiued
. 1
1 sTiBWMlrA
Br' m i.fi H'asiHiii
m a r'iPiBff
vH 11 "I W7M
mmWf iMKfL
s t Up
The Clothes attracting the widest
attention at present is the famous
For Men and Youug Men---Prfces
$1 0 to $35
1 :
Mm of her, and Mkl for hi r.
ivo r? rnnui IIQQ,
"Viwr, ana n i eaiMa4 th
& JLT'?
0 AUUj, at thty hat hn tralalat
if .