m JfHlSWPFWIfl'V: DAILY CAPITAL JQUnNAL, BAIdO OREGON. MDMMy, SBRTaJMBBft -7, HH9; 3 MJjfER. THOMAS BY WAITE IS DEAD In He o'clock j 0( the late Thomas Thomas Baker Wnlto was born .... ,. nf the oldest and B8ton. M- " Jl' 27, 1843. r ... nf thl citv ,cumo WQn ,n 1853 and Marled In !,, known residents of tnrt cuy, Hq ch-idron, sirs, James Putnam, Mrs. Henry Schumaker and Mr. Ennls Walte, all of whom reside In this city. Mr. Walto owned ono of tho first hard ware stores In Salem, and for many years was engaged In that business. Tho cause of tho pioneer's death was heart trouble, and tho end came after an Illness of Boveral months. . . . - nf o .n M& at his n"c "v - wow aernoon' was held from Hrldence at 458 Mill street at ...iv vcstcrday. Loa was preached by Rev. J. R Zlr and the services were under jSofPacncLodgeNo50. ip 4 A M Tho burial took placo ilena cemetery In Polk county. Best Treatment, for a Hum. If for no other. reason, Chamber- -...-- rjtnnot Bo Cured ..vfrf!iMirnmi. aa they cannot ITIW V?V 'l.j nn,Hntt nf thfi loln'o Qn1v nlin.it.t V. 1.nn 1 .. ' .L IhJ fllRPHKeil UWIMW" w- -- .m.m n w.wu ouuuiu uo flunk 111 UVU1Y W' j-xt g only one way. to cure , household on- account of lis great SiWfc aid this Is by constitutional, valuo In tho treatment of burns. It Mttl Deafness Is caused by anf allays tho pain almost Instantly, and toiniM condition oi -" """yw ia injury is a savero ono, far' oi me BiUBivuii w .. Jf tuba Inflamed you have, a 3uift iound or Imperfect hear- C? Bf when It Is ontiroiy ciosca. SiIBns I the result, and unless the P7.T.tMn rn bo taken out and &-?& to it. MBMjl con- r bIm cases out of ton aro causod ffaSrrh, which Is nothing but an jued condition of tho mucpus "wewill glvo One Hundred Dollars Itf'iny case of Deafness (caused by SnM tot cannot be cured by il Catarru uuru. ouu u -ffi free, F. J, CHENEY & CO , loWo, 0. Sold by druggists. 75c. Tike Kail's Family PUls for con- i jetton. o John V. Gates thinks that con- pmi Isn't anything o get on If rw! Joe Cnnnon Is In ennrge. i) Hw to Get Strong. P J Daly, of 1217 W. Congress ft Chicago, tells of a way to bo ose strong Ho says: "My mother, rto lis old nnd was very feoblo. 13 Mtlac to much benoflt from Elce tfe Bitters, that I fell It's my duty it tell those- who neect a ionic nnu lengthening mcdlclno about It. In cj mother's enso a marked gnln In loi has resulted, Insomnln has boon mrtonie, and sho Is atcndlly grow aj stronger" Electric Bitters tly remedy stomach, liver nnd Udsty complaints. Sold under turmteo at J. C. Perry's urug I Wff. 50c o Tbl$ year tho "glad hand" Is the : outstretched to receive cam- H'jn contributions. n A Paying Investment, Mr. John While, of 3S Highland It., Houlton, Maine, snys: "Have wu troubled with a cough every thted and spring. Last winter T wi many advertised romedlos, but 4 wash continued until I bought He bottle of Dr King's Now Dls OTtry; beforo that was half gone, cough was all gone. This winter "t tamo happy result has follewed: frw doses onco moro banlshod tho anl cough. I am now convinced w Or King's New Dlicovor Is ttelett or all rough and lung Ndlea," Sold under gunrantoe nl f Perry a drug More. 50c nn J l" Trial bottle free. Nusiclauotts failed to null off n Ltrubing bee. Imitative but sh-9 tn-h't get ahead of Illinois. hoalB tho parts without leaving a spar. ThlB sa.Iyo Is also unoqualed for champed hands, Bore nipples and diseases of the skin. Price, 25 cmta. Foe said by Dr. Stono's Drug Store. o .I, The debate on "Shall tho people rulo?" will warm tin nftor somebody has been induced to'tako tho nega tive sido'of the question a . Gambling your lifo ngalnst 25 conts Is Just ex actly what you aro doing If you neg lect a cough or cold on the chest in stead of treating It with Bnlldrd's Horohound Sytnip. A 25 cont bottle of this splondld remedy will euro nn ordnnry cough, hcnl tho lungs and act na n tonic for your ontlro system. Sold by all denlors. Anyhow, canned spcocho will not add to tho Inborn of the men who nro trying to enforce tho puro food law. DoWItt's Kidney nnd Blnddor Pills nro for weak back, bnckncho, rheumatic pnlns, Inflammation of tho bladder nnd nil other nnnoy nnccs duo to weak kidneys. Thev uro ,sold by all drugalsts. c The royal Morocco shoo seems to bo on tho other foot. o Kodol will, In n very abort tlmo, onnblo tho stomach to do tho work It should do, nnd tho work It should do Is to digest nil tho food you oat. It makes tho Btomnch sweet nnd it is pleasant to tnko. It Is sold hero by all druggists. o , Ab soon ns tho oyster returns n good many peoplo will loso that grouchy fooling they havo boon troubled with nil summer.' CLASSIFIED BEPAITIENT. Three Lines, Three Insertions, 25c. FOR SALE I'or Sale A 7-room houso and two lots. 10G8 17th St. N. D. Gibson 8-27-lw For Snlc Good second hand wagon call on P., Journal. DoWItt's Carbolized Witch Hazol Salvo is tho host thing to ubo for piles. Sold by all druggists, o Tho Chlcngo Rocord-Hornld does not,bollevo tho shenth gown buttons up the bnclc. . Kennedy's Lnxntlvo Cough Syrup does not constlpnto like most of tho old fashioned, cough curot, but on tho othor hand it gently moves tho bowels r.ud at tho snmo tlmo heme Irritation and allays Inflammation of tho throat. Sold by nil drugglste. TANGLK OVJ5R: KA8TJRRN, OREGON LAND GRANTS (La Grando Observer) Among the things that arp worry ing the weary members of tho . line up at tho land office, anxlou'ly waft ing for September 15, when thel long visit will como to an end, U the queHIon of squatter rights. Slnco the section of land on which these score of so Intend to file, was thrown open to settlement and or dered open for entry c-n tho 15th Inst., many squnttors have be3tlrred themselves into Wallowa county, log cabins are fairly springing up on all desirable locations. The question arises, "Will such Bquat tors 'have preference rights over the members of -the lino here In La Grande?" The geueral opinion Is that they havo not, and that tho line hore In La Grando will bo glvon tho preference In view of the fact that these ruon will bo the first to make entry. Of course, tho bona fldo squatter who has lived on hla claim in tho section at stake, will be giv en hi 90 days' filing preference right, but there is some . question that this will hold triuo on squatters who havo settled slnco tho proclama tion wai Issued, throwing this section open to Bcttloment. , A great majority of tho men In tho line havo avoided bona fldo squnt torn and It la not thought there will bo any conflicts In that way, "as they wore Bhrowd enough to keep ofC squatted land. But since they havo boon over tho lnnd nnd havo como hero to form tho filing line, many cabins have sprung up In tho henrt of tho woods and, of course, will conflict with tho claims to bo mndo hero. But thoy nro hopeful that tho gov ernment officials will rule thnt tho now squatters aro more tranBgro3 BorB. -They claim that no othor vor slon can consistently bo placed on tholr acts. They havo gone In there slnco tho proclamation was Issued, apparently, nnd can, thorofore, not havo any legltlmnte rights over other:. If thoy have, tho wholo mat ters enn bo slftod down to a quos. Hon of partiality. Tho term Is un known to tho government, honco tho conclusion that tho squattor who wont on tho land slnco tho date of opening for settlement will bo dis placed by tho men who havo adopted tho channolB of prococduro prescrib ed by tho department of tho Interior, o Kodol will, without doubt, mnke your Btomnch strong nnd will nlmost Instantly rollovo you of all tho symp toms of Indigestion. Got a bottlo of It to dny. It Is sold hero by all druggists. o It will Burprlso a good many peo plo If Sprlngflold, 111., Is officially jorsnc FlrBt-clnss enrpit pnpor o Ve4flle--rgey e lots", Ketwe -wH)r seven rooms; fruit trees, barn and improvements. Enquire Mrs. N. L. Munsey, 356 S. 17th st. 9-2-lwk For Sale Thirty head of bunch grass horses from ono to six yearn and ranging in weight from 1000 to 1300 lbs. Marlols, S. 25th St. 9-3-3t SPECIAL BARGAINS $650 new 4-room house, 2 lots on carllno, drove woll, now pump This is a rare bargain, .tho lots are worth tho prlco ask for. $1000. Modern 5-room houso, Yow Park, beautifully located. Terms. $1800. Beautiful 8-room house, hard finish od, hall, pantry, bath, toilet, front and sldo porch, lots of fruit, lawn, flowers, berries in fact everything to make a cheerful homo. $4800. For a fow days wo offer for sale a strictly and highly improved resi dence closo to state or court house. Tracts and Farms. Beautiful C-acro tract for only $1000 on terms, Nlcoly located and very best of soil. $35 Per Acre. 213 acres all cleared, 140 under cul tivation of vory flno land adjoining lnnd hold at $40 to $50 per aero UEOI1TKL & MLINTON ail State St., Ilnyiio Hldg.. Room 7-H REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Aro you looking for a homo? 10 acres, flno 'nrgo houso' and barn, flno orchard, small fruits etc., good water, extra lovol, woll locatod. CIopo In, ono of tho vory best homos near Salem. Only $4000, for n few days. 10 acres 4 miles from Snlem on good road, good C-rooin house, barn, etc., 0 acres In fruit. Will soil now for $2500. Wo havo lots from $80 to $1500 and they nro going fast. Don't wnlt if you want ono. Wo havo fruit tracts, dairy ranches, wheat ! farms, farms and Iioubob to ront, and houses to Bell In any part of Salem. If you wont a homo or i. farm, hoo us wo can Bult you. Also hnve $5000 to lonu for a turm of years on renl estate. Wo havo a fcoflh milk cow to sell. A. O. SMITH & CO. Room 9, ovor United State3 'National Bank, Salem, Oregoin Apprentices WniUed At "Tho Vogue Millinery," 270 N. Commercial St. Apply at once. 0-l-2t. For Sales Fresh cow and holfor calf. James Flnigan, Mornlngside. 9-3-3t. A Bargain 040 acres of lovol land for $6 por acre; 160 acros at $10 per acre. J. C. Robortsou, 1267 Marlon St., Salem, Or. 9-5-3t. For Salo or Trade Horse, buggy, harness and a hack. Inqulro 1296' Center St. 9-5-3t MiaoLLANOOS Por Rent Rooms for light house keeping. Call at 2031 State St. 9r3-3t. frlte Patrons of J. O, Schnbv Will find him At his new office at 134' N. Liberty street next to new D'Aroy building;. 8-25-f Wcngor & ClicniBgton Pianos and Organs solu On easy terms; tele phono 1187; 247 Commercial, Street, Salem, Oregon. tt lonmm. tfWiVW" WWW HflW'W OTVWWWW w m m -ww T 3arpetttera UaleNe'. lMH LMJ UhIob No. lOtE oS Carpenters d Jolrers eft America Meet ever? Saturday evening at 800 p. m. I Hearst half, 420 State 8U A. W. Desalt, Rec. See. MwWWMwMMwWHMwWMwMWWWWwWW-WWWMWWWHHMMWWMkMMHWM Foresters of America Court Sher wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets Saturday night in Holaaaa, hall, State street Waldo Miller, O. R-. J. C. Perry, financial secretary. Central Lodge No. 18, K. ef P. Castle Hall in Holma laloek, ear ner State and Liberty street Tuesday of each, week at 7:9,9 a m. Osear Jehsaoa, O. O.; H, K Andersen, K. ef R. and. 8. " "' ; Modem Weodwett ef Aerkrjr goa Cedar Caaap Nq. S46, Mtee every TkuradAT evealasr al . o'clock, la Helaan hall. W. Yfc Hill, V. O.; P. JL Turaer, elerjsu Woodmea of Weri Meet every yd day night at 7:30, in IlolraaV hill. B. Lupton, C. C; P. L. Fr'aifer, Werlc. deat awa peutoa1 laWuraaee; f 1 M,99 plsd every a)alM llMgoaery, sapresae ergamlMrf ex4ia Saleai, Oregos. R. m.1 Ryan, eeeretary, 68 State tfarMi Salem Cash Market Tho finest cutd of meats at tho lowest prices. My phone 370, 247 S, Commercial St. P. W. Royoltz, Prop. 7-21-tt Holp Furnished Frco of Charge By Latham Land Compauy, 47a State Btreet, phone No. 149. Par ties wanting help please call at ofllco or phono us. Also have cows for salo. Concrete Work Get my prices on stdowalkB, curbs, soptlo tanks and content work of any kind. All work guaranteed flrst-class. M Ward, 2378 Maplo Avo., Highland Phono 1509. July24-U Vogrt Lutnhrr and Fuel Co.- Lum ber .shingles, building matorlni wood and coal. Low prlcon nnd prompt deltvorlna. One block east of 8. P. pnBcngi" depot. Phonr 198, 7-2-tf SA8H AND 1H6R t ACTORlMlV ' found guilty of anything moro than disorderly conduct. A Hurplnr In Town his namo Is "bad cough." Ho doesn't enro for gold or Bllver but ho will steal your health away. If ho ap pears In your houso nrrost him at onco with Ballard 'b Horohound Syr up, It mny moan consumption If you don't. A euro for all coughs, colds nnd chest troublos. Price 25c. 50c nnd $1.00 por bottlo. Sold by al dealers. o- Tho Richmond Tlmos-DIspatoh bays Kansas Is "the henvon of th hog." ' Does It moon tho fellow who geta all tho ofllcoj? IJeEind Yoi Havo Always Bought, and TYlilcli has boon m for over 30 years, has borno tho sljjnaturo of sy - nud has been made imder his pcr- yh&JrT&fc,, sonal gaporvlslon ahico Its Infancy. -J 'iKiMr. AiioijQ oa todccolvoyouin this. JJtouaterfclts, Imitations Riid"Ji8t-a.s-lrood',aro but J2VWcfc tlsat trlflo iU nndendanfrtho health of w and CUlldrenExporleuco ngalnst licpcrhuont. What is CASTORIA J is n hnrntlcss snbstltnto for Castor OH, Paro-JJJJJV-rs nn(l Soothing S5Tupa It la ricajsant. It JJJJJJJ Wither Opium, Merpblae nor other NarcoUo jJS 1s o?o Is its gHarante. It destroys Worms Crtlr tf? peveri.shnes. It euros Diarrhoea, aiid Wind iJuLfe,,0Vo Tcetulur Troubles, cures Coni.tiiatlou mLl t,ncy' lfc ul,uUti th J?od, regulates tho TJiiu Uowols, giving Jwalthy u& natunil tleep. '-Mr:u Panacea The Mothoar's Friend. In tho Nvork of making tho homaj of tho farmers brighter tho Standard Oil Company could do Its share by reducing tho prlco of oil. 0tURE CASTQRIA a-y Be tht f lrnatmr of l&d You Have Always Bought i use For Ovr 30 Yer- ' TkasaBaWaWWakksSBM Tliuy Tnko tho Kinks Out. "I havo used Dr. King's New Llfo Pills for many years, with incroas ine satisfaction. They tako the kinks out of stomach, llvor and bowels, without fuss or friction," says N. H. Brown, of PHUflold, VL Guaranteed satisfactory at J. C Perry's drug storo. 25c. -o- Kansas Is now howling about the gnB business. 'It Is a wonder the gas holds out for her to howl. o , Don't bo afraid to give Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to your chll dron. It contains no opium or othor, harmful drug. It always cures. For sale by Dr, Stono'sdrug store. However, a snako in tho pillow Is better than one in the boot. o ' Good for JlllkHMwes. "I took two of Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets last night, and I feel 50 per cent better than I havo for weeks, fays J. J. Firestone of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a flno ari!cU for toll; lousnesa.' "For sale by Dr, Stone s drug store. Raraples free. o- . Not exactly a "brainstorm" In the Hains case; just emotional, nervous prostration, CASTORIA Pec IafesU a4 CkiWrt. Tit M )m Hilt Ah)fs htf ?.! fMisSt tills ofllco, 25c for a big roll. . BARGAINS. A cholco 40-ncro tract; good or chard, 250 Kngllsh walnuts, 1200 Loganborrloa, flno spring wntor running to house nnd bnrn; good big barn, fair houso; 10 noros can bo Irrigated from spring. Lays flno. Soo mo If you want a dandy home. 100 acros, largo houso and barn; GO aorcs in cultivation, balance pasturo nnd' timber; flno sprlrig wntor to houso and barn; excol lont placo; stock goos with thh. Soo it nnd get a flno home. 20 acres, 3 mlloa out; good Improve montR; houso, bnrn, orchard, etc.; flno levol black land; $4000. My own homo, 20 acres, with fine improvements; good house, barns, windmill, tank, milk Iiouro nnd buildings, etc.; Joo-dnndy or chard, etc.; $7000. 5, 10, 20 and 40 ncros woll Im proved nonr town. Housos for rent and salo on Installment. Store room to ront, 16x40 or 32x50. money to loan on real estate,' notary work; employment ng-ncy. Mako your wants known and I think I can fit you out, 11 R. RYAX, Cor. Commercial and Center Streets. IN8UIIAXCK TALK. Wo aro representing the Horticul tural Flro Rollof of Salem, Oregon, and wo can write you a threo-yeat policy on Ixuslness or business prop erty and savo about 40 per cent of threo annuals standard rate. This insurance Is done at actual coat and the reason the socjety can write business at theso rates is that they save in threo year 30 per cont Qn agents' fees alone, and thoro are nq stockholders to receive dividend nnd no high salaried officers to spend 1 money. And more than all, the officers and directors ore your neighbors. If you have insurance expiring. ploiisec&M at our offlco and let U-' tell you more about the plan. FKHGUftOX FISJIKK goto Aat fr Bates, Onyo, llutto Wcnderoth Fine wine liquors and clgarj. Wo handlt the celebrated Kellog gand Castl whiskies. Cool and' refreshing bee constantly oi draught. South Commercial street. fl-8-lyr Kulurgod--Our moat markot on I2. t State Btreet ltns boon doubled In slzo and wo are bettor prepared hnn ovor to sorvt oustomors. Prompt sorvlco and tho host of meats our motto. Cnll or phone 199. B. B. Edwnrdt Meat Co. The Home Seekers Information Bu reau will placo you In direct com munication with owners of farms and olty proporty. Chnmbor Com merce, PortluU. 222 N. Commer cial stroet, Salem Or. 7-21-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD. It U worth moro than any othe rend yet the prlco is no higher ror sal at your grocers'. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Thonmn tt Coolcy, Props, WA.NTKII Wiuitei!--ituntlon "oV window clean. er and Janitor, work day or night Arthur Armstrong, Gou. Dol, 0.3-3t Wanted A good gontlo work toara, betwoen 1100 and 1400 pounds. Call at Walter Low's barn, W. J. Ball, 194 S. Cottago, 8-31-lwk Wanted to buy A blackaralth shop with or without toots, in good lo cation in city. Will buy tho proporty nt a reasonable prlco. Addross Frod Dupras, 235 Bara ga avonuo, Marquotto, Mich. 8-13-tf. DRAYMKN. CHmls lro.' Trasurer GetapaBjr All kinds of tranifer work don furniture and pianos boxed read) for aalpajest. Prompt service It our motto. Stand and oMce v 258 South Cowwerelsl atrstt Phone tl Ridefict Phone 918 LIVERY AND FKKD BTABLUfl 0vrHTTe3nbisod office rtablee, at 254 Ferry street between Comraerclal and Fro a street. Telephone 188. Some ei th Onest liveries id tno city e. bo found here, Wcatacott & Joho soq, props. 104-lyr. PLUMWKIW rp.in VUvo, X. liarr Pluiuizj, hot, wai and steam hqjtlsjj, d! tlnnjnt 161 Cosawerrul kiv- I'bon- Male 1I. 9-l')i M. J. rvl -Huaitftteg, seas al as ml. Seor U Ksmux Xvuyky, lit Coaasnaraial Hwv li JrowH.- Manuraeturer sash, doors, mouldings. AH kinds of houae Salah and hard weed work. Front street, between Slav and Court Make all eenipUUttf at the office. HKAL ESTATE FOR BALM NOTE T THESE 10 acres, 4 mlloa from Salem; good 0-room Iioubo, good barn; 4 ncrcB bearing fruit. Price $2500. 135 ncroa on Howoll PraUlo, H mllo from It, R. station, 7-room hoMso, good barn. Price $76. Good G-room house, close In, lot 82 16x98 tt. Cheap at $1500. City lofs for sale choap. Smalt amount down, balance in monthly IttBtnllments, no inter out. OLMSTED LAND CO. inn 8TATK STREET. HOTELS AND IIKHTAURANTS. White House Restaurant For h Regular 25c Dinner at 2flc Thoy can't bo beat McOilclirist & Son Proprietors, MEALS 15c Call and try thorn, Moala ICe, Board por woek $2,75, also fur nlshod rooms vory reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant fWO COURT BTREET. iiiimmiHiiiiHiiiH- jj HOTEL OREGON ;; .. ; sms. .. ! ! Corner Meveatlt and BUuk St. ! '. a P&rtldsd's New and Afetierii : ' ; Hotel. Kates $ I per day ami : : up. European plM, rree Bs. ; : : : WRIGHT-DJCKWSON HOTEL CO. : : : : Proprletof s ''iHimiiniiiiiinniiu ' '"",' , i Salem Fence Works H cmfci wart vr tor Wore" HKf FeNclRK' Pwiltry Netting, Pickets, Oslwr Malthold Rooflng, P. A D, Kfiady Hot Aug, Screoa Doors aud Adt jataWlo Wh-duw Sereeaa. CHAS. P. MULUtJAN H'AJyTKK MOKUIV. fOiNtft St, Uia OHi,