Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 07, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    HTW tmDmMfttimm itwwuM ..m.i -.,.
W. nOFKK, 1M. mh1 Prep.
x taitepwitlwit X)Tippf Doroted lo America Prlaciple nd
tM rreK aad DsTetepemMt of All Prf
rHWlrte.1 KTOjr KrdHg'!t)tfi &Hoir Sl, Ort
(laVMteMr In A4tte.)
Jtaitr, fcr errif, Mr rr.... ........... W. (XI for month
DHr, hf ssatl, ter ye4t........ .00 I'cr inpntb ....
y(tkT, by msll, per rtr-.... .... 1.00 Six month ...
4 s
..-.60c V
far convenience of subscribers branch delivery offlcos aro establish
ed" at tho following places at 35 conta per month, f l.OQJor three-months:
Asylum Store, F. G. Do Voe & Bon, Asylum Avcnuo Junction.
Carllne, Seventeenth stroot, A. W. Lnno, Garden Itoad Store.
Dauo'a Storo, Alex. Daue, BouthCommorclnl street.
Electric Storo, 0. M. Eppley, East Btato street.
Fairgrounds Storo, llarrlson Dee, Fairgrounds Rond.
HoWell'D Corner, Twelfth and Gross strcots.
O. K. Grocery, A. A. Englobart, Twelfth streets ,
Wfceeler'a Store, W. D, Wheeler, Hlghlnnd aVenuc.
Vow rark Store, F. 0. Bowersox, Twelfth and Leslie.
Lane Grocory, Bovontconth alrot
' J. L, Moore Son, corner Capitol and Union sfeeta.'
West Salem JBtoro, West Baiom. ,
Zlnit's OoHf,eetlonery, 478 SUto street. ,
Dr. BteWs, 341 North Commercial strcot. f t
HurtMMa'a Store, North Sixth street.
German Bakery, corner Twelfth and Chcmekcta.
Wfchfc Is Kelffj Jtfado for Hotter
(Kast Oregotilan.)
With an averago of 27,000 tons of
wafer falling' InUho forjn of rain on
ath mile of public road In the Unt
ied Wales annually, It Is scarcely to
be marvelled at thBt the 10 com
mandments of tho rond bulldor can
be mummed up micclnctly In tho word
The saying tins truth for a basis,
as good drainage Is tho primary ro
tiilt for all roads. Even In sand
roads thla holds truo, for thoro "good
drainage" means auch aa will snfoly
remove the storm water without oro
alon or gullying and still retain tho
stir face molsturo,
To secure good dralnago one must
take Into consideration both tho stir
face water and tho underground wa
ter, The aurface water muni be ro-
woved .quickly and completely with
out mibjectlng the road to excessive
aeotfr or erosion. For this reason,
the center of the road should bo
raised and the slope towards tho
aide dKchea should bo from ono-hnlf
to one Inch to well foot distance, or
o that tho water will run frooly to
the aide ditches and not flow down
the road or remain In pttddloa on tho
Tho slilo ditches should ho of am
ple also 4o caro for tho sovorost
storms with a fall of nodosa than six
inches to each 100 feet. Frequent
and amplo eroBs draliiH should bu
ronstructod and ovory opportunity
taken to got tho wntor nwny from
tho road na qulokly an possible.
Any road nlnng which you wo wn
tor utnndlug In tho Rldo ditches or
on which puddles of water Imvo col
locted or which has boon badly gul
lied and eroded by tho rnlus has poor
dralnago and la In uoed or hnnio.
(Mate attention. In Uot earth ronds
nearly iilwnya requlro u llttlo niton
tint) nftcr each rain.
Thu split log drag Is tmiout tally
a tool to maintain good drnlnngo on
our earth roads, and should bo used
aftor each rnln. On a heavy clay or
gumbo noil tho drag when properly
iisM tends to puddlo tho rond sur
face, keep It free from ruts, donta
and hard, thus aecurlng tho best sur
faro drainage possible.
Hut In many place tho under
ground water I near tho surface nnd
roust bo removed before a good road
will bo posslblo. This menus that
anuio form of sub-drainage iuubI bo
HOW oftrH wo hear, What will
Htowm'n raHtlly do how that
Ik' ot of a job ami without
a Wlar ahead?''
KHH tM and bo HtkuirtHl,
lHw4 of oh dollar or more
ta bo hum at a My tbw.
CaMTaI national
roiorted lo( Umially tllo drains, of
clay, or concroto.
Water from .whatovpr sourco must
be gotten rid of effectively for wator
piim'clay'or gumbo Invariably equals
Tnud when mixed In spring nnd sum
mor, Wator becomes Ico In winter
and its wator In freezing expand
onc-elgthth Itn volume, tho road
honves out of Bhnpo and when the
Ico molts tho road dltappcnrs be
neath tho rising tide of mud con
atnntly fed by rnlns, molting miowa
nnd underground springs.
In scopy nnd boggy places the sub
dralnnge In order to bo fully effec
tive ahoiiild lower the wator lovol to
not less than thrco feet bolow tho
rond surfneo. if tiles aro used they
ahould bo carefully laid, truo to
grado. MoBt failures In ttlo drnln
ngo can bo attributed to carolcssncBj
in laying, or too fiat grado. Ttlo loan
than four Inches In dlnmotor should
rarely bo used, nor should n grado
of Iosh than six Inches to tho 100 feet
bo used unless absolutely necessary.
In a very doiiBo noil, It is nlwnyo
advisable to covor tho tjmo to at
last a depth of alx to 12 Inches with
coarse sand or flno gravel. Care
should always bo taken to accuro a
froo outlet for tho drains nnd to
protect tho outlet with a concrete
bulkhead or catch-basin, which can
always bo kopt clean nnd tho outlet
Tho kind of tllo to h- used depondi
on local conditions. Concroto tllo If
properly mndo nro cqunlly ns good
nn olny tllo, Which kind to uso Is
entirely a local question of dollars
nnd cents. If rnucreto tllo can bo
in n do more cheaply than clny tllo
can bo hnd, use concroto; If not, uso
clny tllo.
One great ndvnntngo of tho con
oreto ttlo la that thoy can bo ennllj
mndo by (ho local itaora at or nonr
tho place whero thoy nro to bo
placud, bq that tho freight charges
aro dhpenaod with aa woll ns thu
largo breakage Ioshos duo to hand
ling. 1 Ma cod In tho ground, both nro
durable. If concrete a used, great
cam should bo taken to boo that tt
good grade of Portland romont Is se
lected nnd that tho drains nro prop
erly constructed. The Impreaalon,
which prcvnllt to some extent, that
tllo disintegrates In erroneous.
A bulletin la now In conirso of
preparation by tho United Btntes of
flee of public roads tolling how to
make concrete drnlna. This bulletin
will treat the aubject fully, explain
lug -carefully ovory point that 'may
arise In making drain pipes nnd cul
verts. o
Why Schilling's Best?
Because it is best and
your money is yours if
you think you tlqn't find
it so.
Chicago, Sept. 7. The, supremacy
of the wesi In things political now Is
currently seen to a lees degree In
things financial. The brunt of what
t 'orco there was In Mr. Bryan's Tbpe-
kn speech, urging tho guaranteeing
of bank deposits by Joint tax upon all
banks was felt In Chicago before it
was In Now York, nn Important fact
bowing how tho Ufo center of tho
"ountry ha3 removed westward dur-
ng the last few years. In 189C, the
western hankers wore qulckcd to
realize the strength of tho free silver
propaganda as a propngandn than
were those In tho ens't. They are
now In even closer touch. For this
reason, tome of the prominent Chi
cngo bankers hnvo tho need of pub
licity stating the practical objections
Ko tho guaranteeing of deposits tin
der the plan proposed. Ultimate
panic, It Is held, Is a certain result
of any such plnn, becnuto the stroncj
Wanks will be placed upon a par with
tho 'weak one, tho conservative
bank? upon a par with inipruden'
ones, which would gradually wenkon
tho banking system -nnd failures
would becofno more frequent. By
relieving the Individual bankers of
responsibilities It would throw their.
responsiDiiuies upon otners nnu in
tho ond causb dlnster, These, In
short, nro tho vIowb of bankers whoo
breadth of vlow entitle them to
Commercial nnd manufacturing
Interests of this city have taken
alarm at tho possible results of the
dcposlt-guarantco propngandn. Mnny
of tho-o Interests are depositors on
a Inrgo scale nnd naturally would np
prove nny plnn which rcnlly would
Insuro security for their funds.
E. D. Hulbcrt, vlco president of
tho Merchants Lonn & Trust com
pany, called tho plnn llttlo short of
confiscation nnd absolutely (unrea
sonable "The thing has been tried
boforo," ho said, "and It fallod. For
a short tlmo such a system might
Increase tho amount of deposits In
banks, but eventually It would re
suit In disaster to all. Tho person
nel nnd responsibility of tho Indi
vidual banks would doterlorato un
til thoir miutual guaranty would not
bo worth much." Thin vlow was also
expressed by Gcorgo B. Roberts, re
cently director of tho mint, and now
president of tho Commercial National
bank, who added: "Reckless nnd In
competent poraons, who under the
presont oystem nro olthor excluded! Total for week. . .114,129,881.15
from tho banking business or hold In Cor. week last year. . 13,303,817.49
chock by public distrust, would bo In A recent snlo of Commercial Na
a position to sot tho paco to which tlonnl bank stock at ?300 a Bharo Is
all bankers would hnvo to conform roportcd.
In order to get business." The time
to which Mr. Hulbert referred when
tho plan was tried waB 1829, when,
In tho state of New York, thoro wan
mutual underwriting by banks of
other bank's noto Issues, a. "safety
fund" being 'set aside. This plan
worked well for n number of years,
but tho number of bank which failed
gradually Increased. In 1840 It
was found that tho safety fund" was
not large enough to guarantee notes
and depositors, and for thnt reason
tho lav was nmqnded eo thnt a cer
tain per cent of the accumulated
fund could bo applied to tho claims
of other creditors thnn tho holders
of bnnk notes. Theso npw demands
proved overwhelming and tt wa8
then that the whole scheme enmo to
an end. As Mr. Hulbert Bald, It
was tried and proved n failure.
The Investment market In Chicago
has continued somewhat depressed
by the evonts ,In the cast. Preferred
stock of ATJooth & company, a great
fish concern, slumped heavily dur
ing the week, because of the liquida
tion by a bank which held n largo
block qf the stock, followed by the
pnsstng of tho Sept. 1 dividend on
both common nnd preferred.
Tho Chicago stock exchange rec
ords show," an Increasing Invctment
buying. Mnny people "who havo boon
uncertain of the futuro now are buy
ing either stocks or bonds nnd al
lowing themselves no further' wor
ries. The Chicago exchange bldrf fnlr
to excel New York's In small lot
buying and In traction If8tio
Condition? of western huslnois nre
best shewn by the comparison y.
clearings nnd balances Inst wcol:,
when crop-moving domnnds began In
earnest nnd those of 1907.
Monday $ 32,734,024.53
Tuesday 33,744,194.05
Wednesdny 34,844,927.39
Thursday 35,580,124.35
Friday 35,230,500.06
Saturday 30,010,452.15
Blood Humors
pr salt rheum, or some othM form of erup
tlont'but sometimes the7 exhtln tho system.
Indicated br feelings of weakness, languor,
loss of appetite or general debility, without
canidBg any bfTXkln? out.
Hood's Samaparllla expels them, renovates,
strengthens and tones the whole system.
This Is the tcttlmony of thonisunds annually.
Accept no lubstltute, but insist on having
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tablets
known as Sarsatabs. 1W doses $L
Total for week. .$202, 150,283. 13
Cor. week last year. 214,782,240.91
Monday $ 1,754,927.73
2.324,521. 8P
Trains for Corvnllis.
Follows commencing January 10,
No 4
Leaves Detroit.... v 1:00 p. m.
No. 8 ' V, l
Leaves Albany ,.. j,.7:55 p. m.
Arrives at Corvnllis. .... 8;35 a. m.
No. 10
Loaves Albany 3:55 p. ra.
Arrives at Corvnllis 4:35 p. m.
No. C "
Leaves Albany; J: 45 p. m.
Arrives nt Corvnllis 8:25 p. m.
Trains for Albany,
No. 6
Leaves. Corvnllis 0:30 o. m.
Arlrve3 nt Albany. . . , . .7:10 a. m.
No. 9 i '
Leaves Corvnllis'. 2:15 p. m.
Arrives at Albany 2:55 p.m.
No. 7
Lcav.es Cor7allls 0:00 p. m.
Arrives at Albrny,. ..,'..0:40 p. m.
No. 11 (Sunday only)
Leaves Corvnllis 11:15 ?. m.
Arlves at Albany, 11:58 a. in.
No. 12 (Sunday only)
Leaves Albany 12:35 p. m.
Arrives nt Corvnllis 1:18 p. m.
Portland, Oregon, Juno 17. Com
mencing Juno 22nd and until further
notlcs, tho following train service
will bo In effect on tho lino of tho
C. & E. Jt.R. between Albnny nnd
Ynqulnn, dally except Sunday:
Train No. 10 Train No. 2
Mixed Passongor
Lcavo Albany 7:45 n.m. 12:40 p.m.
Arr. Ynqulna 1:30 p.m. C:30 p.m.
Train No. 15 Train No. 1
Passenger Mixed
Lv. Ynqulnn 2:15 p.m. 7:00 a.m.
Arr. Albany 7:00 p.m. 11:55 n.m.
On Sundays tho service will bo ns
Lv. Albany 7:35 a. m.; arr. Ynqulnn
11:40 a. in.; lv. Ynqulnn 0:00 p. in.;
arr. Albany 11:30 p. m.
For f rthor Information npply to
G-23-Gt Gon. Pas3. Agont
Oregon Electric Tlmo Tabic.
Tlmo of arrival and doparturo of
enrs nt Snlom Is as folIOws, Portland
and intermediate peints:
For, nick rTlco,,ltcUn
our specialty. West side ,
Front St., .on0 and one-ht
block south of boat landlnr
A. J. Rader's CampingGrouS
Hero you will find good ,..
aortic tanks, good location; foHAr'
tloa nnd furnished tents to ttA
Nye Creok. A. J. Rador, pronrUfJ
Newport, Oregon. ' J,rPrlof,
A first clnss up-to-date shop. Do not
ovorlook this place for the best wort
mero is no earner better ikWej ;
wuu a razor o- pair of slssors thu
It. N. WALTER. Pron.
SM,.!?" ht !
luu,"6' iBuv;jf lur uurvaillg Lam
dry. "
I havo selected thn w t,n.i.
of Cigars and Tobacco coaikt.
vut wiih uiu u-aao. uan mb!j
you with what you wish ti
satisfaction. Also carry a cors-
pieio uno or Bort drinks.
E. OASS. Pros.
Front Stroet, opposite The R. j
cepuon, Newport, Oregon.
Arrlvo Lcavo
Local 8:40 a. m. G:00 n. m.
Express 10:50 a. m. 9:05 a. in.
Local 1:25 p. m. 11:05 n. m.
Express 4:20 p. m. 1:45 p. m.
Local 5:45 p. m. 3:28 p. m.
Express 8:20 p. m. 0:00 p. ra.
Newoort. Oreo-on
for iiousenom Furniture of eren
muu nnu uuscripuun go to
Caroots. Mattlne. Stove nnd it,t.
ware. Soil or rent you a camplajor
housekeeping outfit and buy back j
wnon you Jeavo. I'riccs aiwsyi r
South Front Street, only store ottbtj
Whon at Newport go to Fogirtj I
Rowln's Llvory Stables for twmi to
movo your baggago; to giro yotr
best girl a drlvo; to go to 0tt
Rock, Soal Rocks or any point of In
terest In small or largo parties. lit;
and feed nnd a square dMl ill
around; careful drivers who ktoi
tho beach. Qlvo us a trial.
A reprint nnd revision of nutletln
No. 57 of tho stnto dopartment of
agrlculturo of PonnBylvnnln hn boor
Issued by tho dopnrtmont of chomls-
try of tho Pennsylvania State collogo,
II II (lor I lift lllltlinmlllli nt nnnrna nil.
-...,. w. ...... X... ,
Vif rttwMHrri II doa
Moll. it t. m
Nw XoturU's,
C. H. Foster, 8Uters; . U Con
nor, McMlnnvtUe: Q. W. Harris, WU
latalnai J, Dltchburn, T. D. Reed,
Portland; Robt, O, Twetd, Lents.
From Chicago comes tho new4 that
100 Pullman porter aro working for
Uryan, Now tho campaign fund may
grew, ' S
-Q iii.
The expelled haier will now have
plenty of tlmo In which to learn all
thoy caro to about the ant ant Its
a '"-' i
AmmS4 " w.Wisi Jttjgt mM
bert Pond, Ph.D. The whole subjoct
of cnleum cnrbldo and acctyleno
covorod most thoroughly without tho
uso of technlcnl language, nnd tho
book contains complete nnd author
Itntlvo Information, so simply told
that tho public generally will find
tho book not only Instructive but ex
tromoly Interesting.
Tho uso of ncotyleno commercially
Is nn evolution covering ten or twelve
years. Tho rapid Btrldos which thb
now lllumlnnnt hna made, especially
In country homes, u mnklng It n for
midable competitor for fnvor wher
over Illumination Is required.
Tho spectrnl analysis of tho light
Bhow it to bo n practical duplica
tion of aunllght, so that colors have
their tmo value whon tllumlnnted by
this brilliant gas. Recently tho uw
of acotyleno for tho headlights of
automobiles, 'ts adoption by tho gov
ernment for beacon lights, light
houses, forta and Indian schools, has
given Acotyleno now Impobus.
Professor Pond haa shown that
tho dwoller In tho country homo can
seouro this excellent lllumlnant at a
cost which compares, to tho advan
tage of acotyleno, with city gas whoa by tho farmers here during the nast
burned In tho open flame coding a yer,
dollar por thousand cubic feet. j Calcium, carbldo U a rock lko oub
Tho board of englnoors of tho Na- atanco produced by melt.'ng together
tloaal Board of Flro Underwriters llmo and coko In ho. electric furnace
havo, after a year's examination of It la not atTected by any Bubstanco
the subjoct, declared that acotylone. oxcopt water, and when brought to
when Installed with approved appa- .conUct wtb water t gives off rapld
ratus, la aafor than tha lllumlnant !y tho a9 known as acetylene
which It replaces, and tht National) Tho Uubslttn on calcjum carbldo
Hoard of Flro Underwriters has w land acetylene can bo had froo by ap
vUd Us rulea In such a manner as plication, accompanied by six conta
to oacourago its moro rapid Intro- j postage, to th DeparUioat pf Chem
ductlon. Calcium carblda, which has Jlstry, The Pennsylvania state Col
in somo quarter been regarded as . lege, Stato College, Pa,
a aneroua substance, has ben In
vtlgalK and declared without has-
ard by the Fire Underwriters. These
facta will como In the nature of a
Bnt urarle to ay wha hare re
j Ject, Profosjor Pond hns given thor
ough information na to tho snfo uso
of acotyleno nnd tho precautious Ko, IS
which must bo taken with this sub
stance, tho snmo as with any othor ll
lumlnnnt. An Interesting phnso of tho sub
ject Is tho remarkable uso of what Is
known aa tho oxy-acotylono blow
pipe, lly burning ncotyleno In an
atmosphoro of pure oxygen, tho high
est temperature In chomlstry Is
ovolved, prnctlcnlly equalling tho
electric arc. A pencil of flamo two
or thrco Inches long, and no turgor
than tho barrol of n fountain pen,
can bo drawn ncrbis n ploco of ohcot
metal nnd literally melts tho metnl
In two. Tho process can bo reversed
ond sheet metnl, Iron, brass, coppor,
aluminum, nnd In fact any of tho or
dinary metals can be literally melted
togother and curlouBly, tho Joint Id
so perfectly formed that a rlto will
not disclose tho point of fracture
nrldgo girders havo boon cut with
great rapidity, and it Is stated tha
thla simple peuctl of llame promises
a revolution In tho methods of metal
working establishments.
Another curious phase of tho sub
ject Is tho fact that callcum carbine
at certain temperatures has tho pow
er of fixing tho nitrogen of the air
and In this way will produce a for
tlllxor called cyanamlde. which is
found equal to the Chilian nitrates.
Few people reallte that $15,000,000
wprth of Chilian nitrates have been
Imported into this country and used
Tlmo Card No. 0.1, Southern TadAc
Co., Effectlvo Sunday, May 17,
Toward Portland, Passenger.
Ko. 10. 5:13 n. in. Orogon Ex-
8:40 n. m; Cottngo Grove
Ko. 12. 2:45 p. m. ItoBcburg pas
songor. Townrtl Portland, Freight.
Ho, 222.-5:0 p. m. Portland feat
Ko. 220.-10:40-11:28 n. m. way
Toward San Francisco, Pamciigor,
Ko. 11. 11:03 n. m. Roseburg
Ko. 17. 0:45 p. m. Cottngo Grove
Ko. 15.-9:50 p. m. California ox-
Ko. 13 3:31 n. m. San Francts-
"co express.
Toward San lanclsco, Freight.
Ko. 221.-2:43 n. m. Portland ff
Ko. 225.-11:28 a. m. way freight.
O C. 1 Co.
Steamers Pomona aud Orcgona
leave for Portland dally except Sun
day at 6 a, m.
M. V. BALDWIN, Agent.
Tho above cut ropresenU osr
brick lined Torrid Zone Furs.
Guaranteed gas, sraoko and dt:
proof. Economical and flnrsDw.
Estimates rurntsnea on PUL
opvipm riTV HALL
Pnr ufnfn orvlc SDOlr at OS1
BI1U payable monthly In adristjj
! IT Pfvt-. AtktWi
- niA.iii
w n
ws r
New OrfkAWtloaa.
Conawrclal Realty Company;
principal oce, pertlssd: caylui
stock, 3e,08Q; laori)rators, R.
W. MoaUsmw. IL M. CmUv uJ WjL
lu ivik.'rrv
, vtt nuivkinitii.
soi $ n lUHvwtsrs fywwx
'SPILLS, jjf V
Coos" Remeir
H. iovrn '"
Ceughs, CeW$
H ' i iii ir "
U14MKM -" Wtt. ...-'
Cff; .i
name aeetyMm m gerous. Iu
4ltg wWk Uk )mm t Dm tub- Uee K. BMtkaai
. u.uul M T Tiil