Tt - i I lonrnol (T,r D n , I n tOky n k-' p ! f i mmv Mmmmkmmimmmmm -- - ' ' " T T yprjrriii. SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1008, NO. SMO. IK ROBERT ROUGHT SAFELY HOME WHOLE COUNTRY UNITES IN OBSERVANCE OF LABOR DAY pons GUEST OF CHICAGO IKES LABOR DAY ORATION . KNOX IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT (United Irtn Lenicd Wire.) Chicago. 111., Sopt. 7. William J. Jtjm Ii the Labor Day guest of Chl aro and tho whole celebration of tie diy centers nboul him. When hinired frohi Lincoln ho was mot it the railroad Btatlon and escorted tithe Auditorium Annex by a Bpoclnl enmlttee of 50, appointed to havo iutt of tho candldnto during tho Meats o( tho holiday. National Chairman Norman E. 1fsk was on hand to greet Bryan BlJohnW. Kern, tho vico-prosldon- (Contlnued on Page 5.) SENATOR. WIFE AND SON INJURED (United Press Leased Wire.) Geneva, Switzerland, Sopt. 7. Hurled from nn automobllo when the machine collided with another Sonn tor Philander C. Knox, of Pittsburg, nnd his wlfo woro slightly injured, nnd his son, Philander C. Knox, Jr., wns Borlously hurt hero Into yesto-dny. FOUND ON ROAD TO SILVERTON OLD LADY WALKED EIGHT MILES Tho Knox party wns traveling nt n high rate of Bpoed when tho chauf four lo3t control of his mnchlno. Bo foro tho enr could ho brought back After n search of 24 hours, during which ovory road loading out of Sa lom wao tfovorod for a dlstnuco of about 10 miles, Mrs. Eunice Roberts, 70 years of ago, n resident of this city, who disappeared Saturday from tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. W. I. Stnley, was found lying" In n Btraw pllo nenr tho homo of Ed. Murphy, on the Sllverton road, eight miles cast (Continued on Page 5.) CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE iW FALL MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY UDIEV SUITS, LAMES' COAIS, SILK PETTICOATS; FURS, SILK WAISTS, DRESS ROODS, FINE SILKS, WILIS, VKIL1NGS, KID GLOVES, MTPER FLANNELETTES, OUTING LEATHER GOODS, UM- FLANNELS, .HLANKETS, i FLANNELS, ETC. WE RAXTKEOLlt PlliqKS TO RE THE LOWEST. WOO yards of'Callco's. ChalUe I14 Lan. now on sale nt to. 4H tnd Sc por jard. MM rsrds of Dark and Light tlng Flannels A t.n HtyatiHMyard. . '"Hi and Hack Towels all l-3c. 10c, 12 Wr isp. W U0 HeVJ' Perca " bow oa sale for 9Sc. ' (!..- .. " Hop GioTe a nni. ., --"-I " H Vw Salts now " niio on sale. Me carmente fckHlng Prices. 11 V. " lk .... . ft and a .u -.. , , Sin .in , . ta. ( .OU . jJ W8aIn iu th " Uo STORV New Fall Millinery Now oa exhibition. If you wast Swell Hts at 8all Price. ee ts tk CMiqAOO aTOHK. of Snlom, at 4 o'clock yesterday uf tornoon. Mr. Walker,, who lives pn tho adjoining farm, telephoned nt onco to tho children of Mrs. Roberts, who went lor her In nn nutomobllo. Mrs. Roberta is now nt tho homo of bor chlldron, nnd is rapidly recovorlng from her long Journey on foot. t . i Tho Si'iirch; When tho nows of Mrs. Robortu' dlsnpponrnnco was rocolved .nt-tho shoriff'u oiUco, n systomntlc search wn nt onco begun. Eighteen men, frlonds of Mrs. Roberts' family, di vided thomsolvos into ton squads and started out upon tho various road3 loading from tho city. Sheriff Mlnto led ono party, and Doputy Esch nnd his n'.slotnnt romnined In tho olllco and rocolvod tho tolophono commu nications from tho scvornl sonrchlng pnrtlos." L. K. Hertzel, with tho prison blood hounds, rondorod vnlu ablo asslstanco. About C o'clock lust ovonlng Dopu ty Esch recoived word from ono of Mr. Roberts chlldron thnt tho old orly lady had been found, and tho searching parties woro cnlled In as soon as they could ho locnted by phone. W. I. Stnley, MIs3 Roberts nnd Ed. Thlolson loft in tho Thlolson automobllo for tho Murphy farm. Shortly afterwards Dr. Morso started In his auto with Henry Moyera and Harry Albort. Mrs. Roberts was found by the first auto party, who started back with her to tho city. An accldonr occurred to tho Thlelson machine- about two miles this side of tho Murphy farm, and Mrs. Roberta was convoyed from thoro to Salem In tho auto boronging to Dr. Morso. Nothing r known of tho roason for Mr. Roberts' disappearance, as no Information was given out by tho family. Tho following statement was given out by Mrs. Staley this morn1 Ing; "Tho family of Mrs. Roberts was much relieved at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon when they received a tele phono message from Mr. Walker on the Sllverton road, eight miles east of Salem, hat their mother was there, and they immediately wont for her. Sho Is now at tne nome ui children, recovering from the fatigue of her long walk." FRISCO HAS MOST MEN INLINE SIXTY THOUSAND ' PARADE (United Press Lenicd Wire.) 8nn Francisco, Sopt. 7. With tho big pnrndo in which 40,000 workmen amilated with tho Building TrndoB Council in tho organizations ninilntcd with tho San Francisco Labor Coun cil took pnrt, Labor Day wns cele brated hero. Sixty organizations woro represent cd In tho pnrndo of tho building trades In this city. Many unique nnd attract! vo fenturcs pleased thCi crowds which gathered to witness tho pnrndo a loving cup nnd other nttrnetlvo tro phies having stimulated competition ou tho pnrt of tho unions. Later many of tho marchers wont to Oak land to Join tho celebration thoro, whllo others wont to tho prlzo light. This ovonlng exorcises will bo hold nnd labor spocclios dolivored. TRIED TO TAKE HIS OWN LIFE THOUGH HEAD OF ANTI-SUICIDES ' U Now York, Sept., 7 . More., than 10,000 men mnrched in tho Lnhor Duy parodo today, nnd It wns de clared to ho tho Inrgost tho city has over seen. Tho various divislona rep resented ovory conceivable branch of nrganlzod labor. Tliero woro mnnv floats nnd tho roproKontnttVes ap peared in (uniforms nnd cnrrlod ban ners. Crowds llnod tho stroots nil along tho lino of march, nnd tho cnthus'lnsm displayed wns considered particularly significant. Thousands of worklui? people enmo from tho Enst S(dq nnd Joined Iu tho big demonstration. In nil thoro woro 4C divisions In tho pnrndo.- Thoro woro many bands.! and as tho lino of mnrch imssod through somo of tho tonomont dis tricts, hundrcdn of chlldron Joined In lino, dnncing through tho streets, Tncomn. Wash.. Sept. 7. Rain be gan falling nt 10 o'clock today, ntnl spoiled what would havo boon ono of tho beat Labor Day oelobratlons over held In Tacoma. An olaborato program of sports had been prepared for the occasion, but most of tho events wore cnllod off. (United Press Leased Wire.) Des Moiuo3, In., Sopt. 7. Driven by sheer forco of mental suggostloa to nttompt to end his own life, Urlg ndler Scott Glrnrd, bond of tho Stato Antl-Sulcldo Bureau of tho Volun tcors of Amoricn, lies In n precarious condition in tho hospital hero today. Ho swallowed t0 strychnine pellets ho hnd taken from a man ,ho had dls Biiaded from committing sutcido Sat urday. Aftor ho had swallowed tho poison Glrnrd wroto his sensations R8,-tho hnnds of dentil clutohod nt his heart, Flvo Bhcots of manuscript woro fin ished In description of his emotions, nnd he ondod with blotting tho Inst shoot nfter ho hnd wrltten: "I fcol my wlfo'B arms about mo. My head whirls. Her lovely fnco U turning to thnt of nn old ling. Tho tooth grow long. Tho, flesh Hhrlvols FEAR FOR LIVES OF SIXTEEN BELIEVED TO HAVE DROWNED Snp Pedro, Cnl., Sept, 7. 9lxtm persons are boliovod to havo been drowned from tho gasotiuo fihlng launch "O. K,," which hns been miss ing slnco yostordny. Efforts nro being mndo to conunu nlcato by wireless with Cntallna IslnmlB, hut no nows of tho missing craft hnd boon recoived at 12:30 this afternoon, Tho passengers ou tho launch when It loft horo yostordny morning woro Captain John, Obhlcr. Mrs. D. II. Watkor. Frank Oaten, Mri. Frank G.ntos ' Lester Gates. . MrB. Hnrpor, 4 ' ... Mr, Ilarpor. . Mr. Allen, Two young women, names un known, nnd six men, unmos unknown. When tho party boarded tho death, I choke. I rlso to Inhnlo tho gns from tho opon Jot. Devil, crowd ing,." o AMERICAN PRELATES CENSURED Seattle, Wash., Sept. 7.- Labor Day was celebrated at tho White City, Madison Park. Although tho weather was chilling nnd threatened rain this morning, scores of families made their way to tho amusement place to spend the day. This af tor noon's prpgram of sports was hold and tho mortgage against the labor teniplo was burned. Attorney-General John D. Atkin son, Mayor Miller and other proml nent citizen? composed tho list of af ternoon speakers. FISHING PARTY ENDS DISASTROUSLY (United Pre Leased Wire.) Galveston. Ter., Sopt 7. John L. Mooro and John Goggan are dead to day and three other prominent Gal veston men are In a precarious con dition after a fierce battle with a gale oft! Red Fish reef Saturday night A Ashing party, Including 20 of the most prominent men of Galveston, wa caught by the storw. The two rowid wen nd the,r three ce-nHrtei were wap4 try- DRUNKEN IIUTCIIKK MURDETW WIFE Palo Alto, CaL, Sept. 7. John Rodgerlguez, a butcher employed here, killed his wlfo at tholr homo near here this morning by shooting her In the back, following a quarre', In which the had upbraided hor hus band for drinking. Roderlguez was arrested later. The man came home drunk last night, and proceeded to abuse bU wife. He finally struck her, and she ran out of the house to escape his blows. . The Washington lumber market Is isueh improved, a ad large orders are Howisa; tato the HoUi district. London, Sopt. 7. A sonsntlon was created todny In tho bqbhIou of tho congregation of tho propaganda which Is preliminary to tho couvenlng of tho Euohnrlstlc congress tomor row, by tho ohurgo mndo by Cardinal Mnrtlnolll that tho mothods used to havo Dr. E, J. Ilanna, of Rochester, N. Y., appointed coadjutator bishop of San Francisco woro undignified in tho oxtromo. Cnrdinnl MartlnollI assallud Dr. Ilanna nnd Archbishop Rlordnn, of San Francisco, in discussing tho ap pointment and rltod allcgod In stances of 'jnduo prossuro having been brought by Archbishop Rlordnn to sccuro tho appointment of Dr. Hanna. Tho discussion was at tlmoa aorl- monlous, and tho congregation final ly decided to instruct tho apostolic dologato at Washington to sond tho names of new candidates in opposi tion to Dr, Hanna. Tho resolution which was passed had Its Inception In tho charge that Dr. JIanna's views aro too modbrnfstlc. It Is understood thnt Cardinal MartlnollI voiced tho views of tho pope today whon ho at tacked Hanna. Catholics hero toko tho action of tho congregation today to mean that Dr. Hanna will nevor bo appointed. front tho Bkull. I boo 'every bono. 1 1 launch yostordny It was -with the ln know tho fnco It is tho plcturo of tontlon of returning to San Pedro last night, aftqr spQudJltg n day fall ing In tho vicinity of Cntallna Island A fow hours nfter tho depnrturo of tho "O. K." a sovoro Hquall blow, nnd it is fonrcd tho llttlo ornft, which was but 30 foot long, was unnblo to wonthor tho storm, and tho fact that tiouo of tho friends or relatives of tho missing paHttungors havo hoard from thorn mnkos It highly Improb able that thoy nro enfo ut tho Catn linn Island hotel. Most of tho mom bora of the party woro rosldentB of I )s Angoles. . Foarlng for tho safety of frlonds on tho missing luunoh, Carl E, Me- Stay, president of tho McStny Supply Compiuly, hurried horo from Ralrdv town today and organized' two rescue pnrtlos. Shortly uftor noon tho luunchos "Lou Kelly" and "Penrl" woro sont out to hunt for tho O, K." Along tho water front horo little iropo for the Bafety of tho craft Is ex pressed. x t o , TERRIBLE BLAZE. IN MINNESOTA "RLACK HAND" KING ESCAPES IN MINK Chicago, Sopt. 7. JosophSclurba, known as the "King of the Black Hand," charged with having boon u partnpr In tho conspiracy to dynamite the home of Antonio Ltmla, today es caped a posse of deputies and Chicago detectives when hard pressed, by de scending luto' a mine near Marion. The Bhaft was thoroughly searched, but without avail, and tfce search'was finally ahBvdeaed, no trace of tho 3l ing anarcfc'ft havln he foygd. (Untied Press Leased Wire,) Duluth, Minn., Sept. 7,-Aftor do stroylng tho town of Chlsholm, on the Mesaba Range, and burning over thousands of acres, In St. Louis, Carleton and Itasca countlos, In Min nesota, and the northern portion of Douglas county, Wisconsin, the many foret rVrwhlch havo been raging in theso districts were checked today, and If the wind does not opting up again, it Is not likely that further damKgo will bo great. Tho strong wind, which had driven tho flames boforo it In many tim bered and agricultural districts, sub sided this morning and many thou sands of homeless people were given a chance to take stock of tholr be longings nnd to propare to replace tho many burned farm bouos and sattloments, and the onco flourishing town of Chlaholm, 65 sallcs north of Duluth. Chlsholm prosents a scone of ruin "(Citlae4"es p Wcht). ' to eeM la a swlt bmt. v