...-r-. -5?- .-? V I... '. ' ' T, ' -,- tr y - ' auroal SALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1008 NO. Ulil J - URSTD CLE T Ell ITISH SHIP SINKS NEAR CHINA WITH PIFTYONE ABOARD lYTWO CREW ESCAPE II SUNK 6Y TYPHOON I'tM Pw Leimed Wire.) nsclJCO, Ailb'. 28. Flft cbm of a crow of 53 wont li tie British steamer Dun- to the vessel was caught in oS the coast of Chinn, tr a cablegram received at l-chnts Exchango this mom- IDuciira was on it's way loliMkl for Saigon, Indo- Qto on tho Kan Shin Urometer began to fall oa paeo five.) RAILROAD TO BEGIN GRADING NORTH H16H STREET . AT ONCE . Tho track of tho Oregon Electric company on N. High strcot, which nt present is Bonio four or flvo hlghet than tho lovol of tho Btreot, is to bo brought down to grado immediately, according to Superintendent C. A. Coolldgo of tho Oregon Electric com pany. Coolidgo nrrlvod In this city oarly thlK morning with n staff of ongi noor, nnd will proceed at onco to carry out tho ngreomont entered in to at tho last mooting of tho council botwoon tho mayor, city attornoy PLOT TO KILL SWISS JUDGES THREAT OE RUSSIAN SOCIETY (Continued from Page 5.) WCAGCbSlM PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE - IEW PALL MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY ' SUITS, LAWKS' COATS, SILK PETTICOATS, FUHS, SILK N.DKESS GOODS, FIXE SILKS, LEATHER GOODS, UM- VK1L1XGS, KlU GLOVES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS. WjAXKLETTKS, OUTING FLANNELS, ETC. 1EK OUH PIIICKS TO HE THE LOWEST. WE (United I'rfM Leimed Wire.) Zurich, Aug. 28. It beennio known today that a well laid plot Is under way for tho murder of every one of tho Swiss Huprome court judgca whd surrendered the Russian revolutionist Wasslllcff to tho czar. Tho agency thnt Is seeking rovongo for this net is tho Muscovite revolu tionary committee Tho judges aro at present closoly guarded and their liomos aro con stantly surrounded by secret sorvico agents. Nono of thorn stirn out of doors without bolng attended by ono or more guards. "Thaftho'commlttco will Texocuto it's plan is not doubted. Anonymous letters have boon sont p tho Judge? from tlmo to timo nnd intonso popu lar anger has boon aroused by tho boldness of tho roactionlsta In carry ing their clandestine wnrfnro outsldo their own country. Wnssllloff, who bad sought rofugo from tho Russian police In Switzer land, protested when a demand for his return was mado by tho czar. A mass of ovidenco wns presented to show thnt tho fugitive blmsolf hnd aBsasslnnted ono Russian ofllclal and bad instigated four other murders, Tho Swiss supromo court decided that ho was a common criminal nnd turned him over to tho Russian po lice o PREPARING FOR WAR OF WORLD 'trdi of Ctlleood, Chal- r m. now on sale at fjf -4 3c pW yard. 1 TTd of Dark nn.i t ih. rJ'B Flanneli. A good vmica yard 1 Bd Hnrt T. i- .. c, me, !Uc J W40 Heavy Percale " uie ror D8c. 'H,s,QloTe,,apalr,8c. v fc.if. ' i luVL "?w oa ' Selling PrjC8 " at a tweuv si. SLK best "H 12J50 and ,SfM" " 'yZoSt' 'MM rlt ill iRlln NEW FALL Now on exhibition. If you want Swell Hats at Small Prices come to the CHICAGO STORE. SEM, OREGON - (United Pro I.ennod Wire.) London, Aug. 28. According to an ostlmnto announced today by the British admiralty, Jl.431,070,980 has beon oxpended in tho last tbreo years upon tho development of tlw 'navies of England, America, Franco. Russia, Germany, Italy and Japan. England Btands at tho head of tho list, baving expended $476,056,435 and America is second with 341, 310,740. Tho tremendous oxpendl Uiros are commented upon horo as significant of the constnnt dovolop mont of preparations by tho nations fora great world struggle. Several commentaries point to tho fact that the English and American aro at the head of the advancement of naval re sources an indicative of a mutunl feeling that the two countries must faco the world together at somo fu tttro time. All tho comments, how- ever, are of purely speculative char acter. LOVB FOR PET COSTS MAN'S LIFE (Unltfd Pr UmkI Wire.) .wan Francisco, Aug. 28 -With his 'neck broken from a fall through th hay aboot of a loft, the body of John Haw, a stable man waB found early today in tho barn where ho was em ployed. Perched contentedly upon his huddled corpso and purring soft ly when tho body was found, was a little kitten for whose comfort It ii supposed Mass paid with hlB life. The man slept in the loft of tho stable and the cat bad been bis con stant pet and companion. It is thought ho awoke during the night and hearing the kitten crying, rose to seek it, and In doing so plunged through the open bay shoot to the Moor beneath. TOWN IS INUNDATED BY FLOOD TWO ENTIRE FAMI LIES PERISH por- (Unlted Vtvtn Leaned Wire.) El Pnso, Aug. 28. Elovon sons nro k mwn to bo dead, mnn othora nro tupposcd to huvo porlBh od and tho own of Folsom, N. M., js Inundated today an tho result of a cloudburst In tho mountains early today. Tho killed nre: II. B. Wcngor. Mrs. R.'B. Wonger. .Miss Daisy Wonger. MIbb Lucy Crolghton. T. W. Wheeler. ' Mrs. T. W. Wheeler. - Thrco Wheeler children. Mrs. Rooko. T.- W.N ''Wheeler's siater-in-law whoso namo could not bo loarncd. Meager advices rocolvod hero to day say that tho ontlro city was awopt by tho floods causod by the cloudburst. Many houses woro complotoly awopt nwny. and nearly ovory houso in tho town wns dnmngod to somo Ex tent. That tho loss of life will grcntoly oxcoed 11 is bolloved ' horo as many poraons lived In. tho canyons nbovo tho city through which tho flood awopt. Tho advices say searching parties havo boon formod and that It Is expected many more bodies will bo found before night. Georgia Floods (United InM l;enned Wire.) Atlnntn, Ga., Aug. 28. Tho floodB throughout tho south caBt aro esti mated this afternoon to have brought about tho following results: Bodies rocovored slxteon. Totnl list dead Impossible to as certain. Totnl known damage estimated $750,000. Damago to city proporly $250, 000. Damago to street railways $25, 000. Damago to telophono companlos $20,000. o WOULD WEAR DIHKOTOIRE AT NATIVE SON HALL MAY MAKE SHAH GIVE IP THRONE IF PARLIAMENT NOT CALLED 1$ (United Treis Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Aug. 28. Socloty here Is in a state of fluttering ex pectancy today awaiting thff outcomo ofa quiet little war that is being waged between the members of tho various parlors of the Native Son order and 12 prominent society wom en of San Francisco, over tho pro priety of wearing dlrectolro gowns at the coming state ball of the Na tive Sons at Monterey. Tho Stanford parlor last night started the opposition to tho inno vation by voting not to permit tho gown at the ball and it Is expected that other parlors will follow. The women met some days ago and agreed to wear dlrectolres at the an nual admlialon day ball of the Na tive Sons at Monterey Sept. 9. The gowns have been purchased and it Is supposed that tho women may re fuse to let tho men dictate tho mode of tbeir dresi and appear at the ball In them anyhow. At any rate, ev eryone Is waiting to see what will be done (United Preis Leaned Wire.) Teheran, Aug. 28. Shah All Mlr za today Is facing tho nlteruntlveg of convoking tho pnrllamont, in accord ance with blu promise, or ylolding tho crown. The contltutlonnllBiR aro outspoken In their threats against tho Shah and sny that bis .de lay In' calling tho parliament can be Interpreted only to mean that ho In tonds to betray tho people. Tho situation Is tonao nnd to add to tho strognth of tho position of tho constltnitlonnllsta, roporta wore ro colvod today confirming tho capture of tho city of Kerman, with a popu lutlou ot. 50,000 by tho revolution. Ists, The dispatches toll of tho crush ing dofeat of tho shah's army in a battlo in which 1000 woro killed and wounded, Knzln Kahn, lender of tho consti tutionalists, Issued ii formal an nouncement thnt tho Indopondont government will Ignoro tho author ity of tho all th until tho pnrllamont Is called together. It Ib generally bollovod that the shah is In danger of bolng dethroned If ho persists in his prosunt attitude, ENGINEERS MAY JOIN STRIKERS (United ITfM Leaned Wire.) Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 28. No doflnlto movement bus developed fo tho sottlomont of tho strike of tho machlnluts of tho Canadian Pacific railroad though there aro continual rumors of n compromise. Tho strik ers huvo not received their utrlko bQnollts ub promptly ns they had ex pected but it Is said Uioy will all bt paid In full by Sopt. 16. Whllo many strlko breakers arc bolng brought In, tho rolling Btock of tho company Is In bad blmpo and tho engineers aro becoming resile!-. They aro threatening to rofuso lo tako out tho trains unless tho loco motives nnd trains In general are put In hotter condition. They say that tho !ncompoton. worktnon have mado it actually dangerous to take somo of tho cnglnoa out on tho road, as they 'do not wish to endanger their own Hvcb and the lives of others. USE MAIL TO MAKE TREATY Washington. Aug. 28. It was an nounced at the state department to day that the exchange of tho arbi tration treaty between tho United States and Japan is being accom plished directly by mall on account of the abienco of Baron Takahlru, the Japanuso amabastador from Wat-hlhgton. Takahlra la away on his vacation and as tho matter Is deouied urgent, the department de termined not to wait his return. EVELYN THAW IN HOSPITAL REPORTED ILL AND IN POVERTY (United 1'rcm Lenned Wire.) Now York, Aug. 28. It Is re ported bore today that Mrs. Evolyn Nosbit Thnw Is In u sanitarium n nervous wreck, hor exponsos bolnrr paid by friends. Mrs. Thaw la said to bo registered at tho hospital inn dor tho namo of Mrs. Fitzgerald, Now that tho bankrupt proceed ings of hor husband havo cut hor off from funds, Mrs. Thaw Is said to bo in poverty as sho Bpont her money rb fast ns she got It. Hor friends provallod on hor to go to a sanitarium for her doctor had told her that she must take a rst or she would be an. Invalid !Ar-- "SG0TTY" 0RDERERED TO LEAVE (United I'reM Lenficd Wire.) San Francisco, Aug. 28. "Death Vulloy Scotty" tho ronownod Bqunn duror of desert gold nnd suppoHod owner of rich nilnes in tho Arizona wastes had his' wings shortened In this city todny by Chief of Pollco Blggy, who advlaod hlmto got out of San Francisco and stay out, Altogothor Scotty bad an exceed ingly unpleasant half hour In tho chief's nfllco after spondlng tho night In tho city prison, recovering from n protneted sproo, A. P. Olannlnl, vlco president of tho bank of Italy, tho InitltMtlon which Scott rocontly brought charges of allowed thoftH of ore from a trunk ho hnd placed In a safety deposit vault, faced him todny and, before Chief Blggy, made 'him con few thnt his rhnrgoB woro fnlso and woro tbo romilt of a drunken statu of mind. With tenra In his oyoj Scotty bogged forgiveness and bis accustomed air forsook him. To ndd to hlo discom fort u re, thoSulby Smelter workB re ported that Scotty had takon tkimo of his valuablo oro to the smoltor for reduction and had beon turned away. "Tiioho chargos you havo made ugalnst tho bank of Italy aro a plain hold-up," declared Chief Blggy, "You thought you could make tho bank glvo you money to keep oilot. I want you to got out of town and stay out. San Francisco has had onough of you and your cheap ad vertising schemes." Scotty will probably leave toalght. GOT MONEY AND STOCK ON PROMISE TO'MAIUIV (United lrr Uawl Wire.) Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 28. Do tectlves today are searching San Frauoiico and Sacramento for Fritz Goebol, who is accused of stealing deeds to valuablo mining property and Jewelry valued at $500 front Mrs. Eddlo M. yillaume, widow yt an Orogpn man. Mrs. Vlllawno al leges that ho obtained possession of tbo stocks ami Jowelry by promising to marry her