Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 27, 1908, Page 8, Image 8

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' ffEtStx v
Iyii f I
yffl 'I a
Special Orders
Wo ltvc Just received a Mr lot of sample rnln
coata from 'tho lwt Now York maker. Silk and
Satin IlHbbcrlml and light Covert In all colors.
Special order will be taken until Monday. '
' -
prices from
$13.50 to $50.00
Our entire lino of fancy nnd
plala Llucorio Shirt "Wnlsta,
trimmed with embroidery, loco
nnd lnsortlon. In this big
showing all sires nro represent
ed, lteduccd Ono-Thlrd in
Bilk Gloves. The- Celebrated
"Knysor" Qovo mndo with
double tipped fingers, 12 nnd
1C button lengths, black,
white and colors, Usually Bold
for 2.00 now 05c.
"Mum" 19c
for n regular 2Cc valuo.
Your money back If Mum
falls to relieve.
Mum Is your frlond.
Gilt Edge 15c
Shoo Polish soils nt 2Gc
our prlco ICo. Wo'ro right for
Shoo Sundries.
Shoo Sundrlos.
A now lino of tho famous
Covert "Kaikai" Suits
Btrlctly Union mndo and tho work
lugumn'B frlond.
Men's Suits $9.50
Thcso nro bona fido reduc
tions and nil now styles. It
pays to Investigate.
Men's Shoes $1.10
to closo.
or yot.
Canvas Bhoea and
Lots of good wonth-
Ing steed Immediately behind. Th9
first takes a boy on his shoulders,
and tho kid turns a gomesault, land
ing on tho shoulders of his man on
the second animal. This Is also a
new stunt.
Tho circus was Just aB good as tha
parade. In tho menagerie wore ex
hibited rare spelmens from tho ani
mal world, some of which have oel
dom, If over, been seen hero before.
The circus proper wa3 fast and furi
ous from Btartto finish. Tho climax
and the piece de resistance was
"Autos That Paso In tho Air." This
feature was Just as represented on
tho gaudy show bills, and It Is well"
worth any person's time to see It.
The show will be given tonight re
gardless of rain as the tents nro
waterproof, bo do not lot the clouds
keep you away.
O And
Movements of Bnlem
JUne Portland men have Wm
at the La Orande land office to
20 days for the opening of uf
grants. "
Mary Shandy has been arreM u I
nrPfrrm niv nt M, t-. . cncalr
husband, J. B. Shandy, Wno
her of marrylrtg three time with
rnif .llvnfnna Ua0t
City News:
Rain tonight nnd Friday.
Atapt Children
The eofcnty court yoslorday morn
lag teM4 a'n order' allowing Mr,
and Mm, Howard P. Croutwoll of
tkl city to adopt thulr nleco, Grace
nN Jiylvla Cromwell, ngod threo
ytr' and five jnontln, respectively
The father of (ho children Is dead.
Ladle Work h Specialty
MImi Ksthor Ijiko, a nklllod nnd
experienced mnnlouro, has arrived In
Balem and taken n position at Oil
eon's barber shop on Statu str.ot.
Mho will remain permanently nnd
will make a spoclulty of ladles' work.
May Coadi'HiH Bridge
Tho county rommUHlouors havo
returned from Mehama, whoro thuy
ivostlgntod the condition or tho
ridge which croHo tho Buntlam
Ivor nt that point. They report
tat tho brldgo Is very badly rotted,
ad that n now otto will have to bo
Hilt. As (hero Is at prevent no
money In tho county treasury for
this purpotw the bridge will probably
fee condemned. The Stayton bridge
It also badly lit need of repairs.
No waiting, 11 chairs, also a lady
manlcuro. e-o-d-tf,
Wwf Men Iitcorp0rNle
T A. Llvesly, John J. Hoborts and
IIt P. McClure. hop men of this city.
nave Incorporated under tho firm
namo of T. A Llvesly & company,
Incorporated, The articles ot In
corporation woro Ma title morning.
Wke Im VovttatHt
VIeH 1UU' reilaurant, 350 Wash
Vttte Mreet, inwi
Tint 'spent too much for adver
JeiiHE1' long elitc ceased to bo a
.Ht store. H you boglu to won
ewlee on advertising you will noon
)miy to oconomlio on verythlns
If Ytntr Klt
timit pretng and your hat ncode
telH( Just ijond them tooliiwpn
A jMoko proMug . parjpre ,nd thy
will An the work. Noxt to Jouraal
ocjj. '
YUH Hall (Httturt,s .
The bldrtor Kfttotx hall, tho new
lbrt art tiuUdlug to bo erected
w WHUwttte Vnlvemlty campus.
r Jt latt evontiiK The urluelrLtl
contract went to 1 1 8tooH aud K
'"vi, nv luminvi isr uiiv-
(ng tho heating appartus was glvon
to Btolnor & Ilorgor. Doth firms are
local concerns, nnd nro woll known
In this city. According to tho ac
cepted bids tho building will cost
Dorran Funeral
ThO funoral ot Mrs, 10 II .a
Dorcas, who died Tuesday morning
was hold from tho Chrlslan church
at 2 o'clock yeatorday aftornoon.
Tho burial took place In City View
.Marriage Iilcenw
A marrlagu llconpo wns IsHticd
yoslordny afternoon to V. T. Wheel
er, aged 20, and MIsh Vurna J. Juok
son, ngud 18, both of thin olty.
Ill id Prlzv
Tho llarr Jojvolry atoro and tho
Thomp'on Jewelry storo havo on oh
ofTered a hnudsomo silver etip for
tho best exhibition of Oregon bred
birds at tho state fair.
Alwnyri Iltdlnble
J. M, Lawrence, the South Com
mercial etreot grocer, ran always by1 lJl0 WftJ. nonKt
' Circus dny Iiod nrrlvod, nnd not
'wlthBtandlng tharnln with which tho
day wns ushered In, n goodly multl
tudu of people from tho country wan
presonj, to witness tho much-ndver-tlscd
and much-tnlked-of parade.
It Ib Bftfo to say that tho big street
pugent disappointed no ono. Kvory
thlng calculated to feast tho oye was
thorc; wild animals, beautiful
horsos, cnmols, almost aB many olo
phnnta uh woro advortlsod, gulldod
wagons, brass bands, foarlosB riders,
mnlo nnd fomalo, and the omnlpros
ont and vociferous stoam cnllopo.
Tho panido might havo been n
mile long If tho stroot had been In
condition to allow tho procession to
string out properly. As It was It
waa long enough, and was good all
(United Press Leased Wire)
Dos Moines, la., Aug. 27. Tho
ahsonco of tho conventional fig loaf
from tho figures ot Miss Ellznboth
Shoots, a Des Moines artist, has stir
rod up a war of artists rn tho Flno
Arts building of tho utnto fair hero.
T. C. Logoo of Whntchefir Is tho An
thony Comstock of tho state fair and
ho has carefully plncod entry tickets
on all the nudo figures on tho uriif.
and vases pnlntcd by Miss Sheets.
When MUb Shoots boheld the tick
otc taking tho plncc of tho absent
tig leaves, sho l.irst into tenrs nnd
domnnded that they he tnkon off.
Tho beauty of tho fomalo nudo figure
should not bo spoiled, she said, by
cardboard leaves.
Logoo wttB obdurato and Refused
to consldor tho proposition. Then
Miss Shoots declared that sho would
withdraw her painting from tho ex
hibition. This was also refused but
now Miss Shcots Is hoping thnt tho
Judges will romovo tho artificial
clothing from tho paintings before
thoy ronder any decision.
rolled upon to furnish tho best In ov
cry line. Phono 311.
Arkeniuiit nt La drain!
Buperlntondont Aokermnn loft thU
afternoon for La Grande whoro ho
will nttoud nn oxeoutlvo meeting at
tho eastern division of tho Stnte
Tonchora' association.
It IkmU Mattei
What kind of weather Stgualoff
llroe.' sanitary market Is tho beat
place to buy your meat. Phono 321.
Tho Woman Who Um
Wild Hose Hour Is tho best house
keeper. Why? lleeauso her baking
la always good.
(llutttd Prw ! Wlrv
Now York, Aug. 37 Worried by
constant conferences with lawyera
aim conniseti py sensational news
paper ropurU Cuptaln Peter C
Ilalns, slayer ot William K. Aunts,
today ndiulttedbrtV undecided as to
what coumo he wMl pursuo, DUtrlct
Attorney Darwin, of Queoivi county,
aid tolay that "ho had arrauged to
loid coutewnce with DUtrlct Attbr'-
uey Jerome -thU alrjtQQa and V1H
receive advice from the famous pros
Promoters nav petitioned tho Al
bany city couucll for a franchUo for
a railroad to HrownTHle,
Tho pagont was hondod by tho In
vlnclblo Dee Olbaon, mounted on a
chargor almost, If not qulto oqual to
any of tho Bteeds belonging to the
Ilnrnum & Dalloy aggregation. Tha
chief gnllantly led tho proco&slon
ubount tho city, keeping It oloar of
tho chuok-holoB nnd tho barricades
erected by tho Warren Construction
Bovernl of tho wagons woro unique
In their doslgn nnd appointments,
( especially thoso representing histor
ical and allegorical subjoot. The
fact that the servants attending the
queen of Egypt kept oft tho rain by
means of very modern umbrellas,
and that the "Nights of tho Qolden
Ago" woro amply protected from tho
Oregon mist by up-to-date rubbor
cpats, mattered not a whit. Tho
floats woro good to look at and their
equals havo not been seen here.
Among the gymnastic feats there
Is one which has never boon rivaled
locally, so far as can be remembered.
This U whore a girl makes a triple
somersault from four high to
shoulder. While It Is dramatic to
the uninitiated, It require a profes
sional acrobat to realise what a cork
lug good feat this Is. A triple somer
sault has been conlsdered an im.
possibility, yet It wae accomplished
twice thU afternoon.
Borne capital balancing acts were
given, one on. the second stage be
ing particularly good. Still another.
In tho same display, hut on (he first
otiifje: waa where a boyJdrblsed like
a "boljl-hop in a green uniform, wai
throwV around tho stage promiscu
ously and always lauded on his
hands. A bareback act with threo
Italians Is also a distinct feature
lu this an athleto stands en one
horse and his compan'on on a lop-
Tho rnllroad commission last oven
Ing niod Its report on tho Southom
Pnclfle wreck which occurred nonr
Eugcno on August 23. Tho report
states that uelthor tho trainmen.
track, or equipment wore.rospohslblo
In any wny for tho accldont.
It Ib no.t known how the bull,
which caused tho wrobk, got through
tho fonco and onto tho track. "Wo
fool," saya tho roport, "that tho ac
cldont ompha8Uoa tho necosslty for
enrcful and froqmnit Inspection of
fences whoro thoy exist."
Tho commission also recommonds
that tho public ofllcors In tho vnrl
oniB towns assist the tralnmcnt In
koeplng trespassers from stealing
rides. Ono-hnlf tho fatalities, tho
roport states, occur to men and boys
riding on blind platforms.
Sherman Hayes and wife of Dallas
took lu the big circus this afternoon.
' Mrs. Lenta Westacolt Is In Port
land visiting friends for a few days.
MIs Lolo Cook U visiting Silver
ton frlend3 and relatives for a few
II. N. Ookorllne of Albany 3
transacting in this city 'ror a rew
J. K. Van Winkle of Eugene wan
a business visitor In this city yes
terday. Stoven Martin nnd family of St.
Paul came up today to witness tho
Lonl Plckard has returned from
a month's visit with his brother in
New York.
J. Dunnelle nnd wlfo of SUvorton
woro In tho city yesterday visiting
with friends.
Mrs. Grant Holt and children aro
back from Newport, whore they spent
a delightful outing.
Thomas Young and family have
returned from Newport where they
Bpcnt a wook's outing.
A. C. Nelson and Al Wnshaw aro
In Albany transacting business nnd
visiting friends.
Fred Cary Iiob returned from Port
land whoro ho spout a few weeks
visiting friends.
Mrs. Frnnk Soavcr has returned
from Cascadla whoro she spent a
month's outing.
Dan nichlo nnd Hrirry Durggraf
of Portland nro in tho city looking
after business intorosts.
Al Colburg of Brooks wnfl tranj
notlng business nnd slinking linndn
with frionds horo today.
Porcy Simpson of Portland nr
rlvod today to visit rolativos and
frionds for n fow wooks.
Samuel Keller and family return
ed today from Cnscadia whoro thoy
spent a pleasant outing.
George Perry of Portlnnd Is In tho
city nttondlng to business matters
and visiting with frionds.
T. 8. Durch, n Itlckreall farmor,
wnB In tho city today with his family
witnessing tho big tent Bhow.
Tom Smith and E. Etzol ot Stny
ton en mo down this morning to tako
In tho Darnum & Ilalloy shows.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. D. Wltchorly have
rotumod from a threo wcoks' vacn- ror SulcA 7-room homo and tn
tlon at Newport and Seal Rocks. i ,ot8i 10c8 17th m N D QIUon
Miss Grace Wators.rolurned to Eu- 8-27-lw
gono this morning nftor n brief visit -
with friends nnd rolativos hero. i For Sale Several houses In Sk,
Parker,. nt tho Salem hosnitai rev
torday nftornobn, a baby boy'-iv
mother nnd child are doing nicely
denco of L. D. Itadclift, in mgb"
land addition to Salem, Oregon
Wednesday, August 2G, 1908,
8 o'clock p. m., Miss Vixen' j
Jackson, aged 10, to W. T. Wheel,
or, aged 26, Itov. Harvey Ratcllt
of Indiana, of the Frionds church,
Tho bridegroom In this happy
nuptial is tho Bon of Mr. and Mn.
W. D. Wheeler, who formorly coo.
ducted tho HIghlnnd mercantile
Btoro, and tho brido Is the daughter
of ,Mr. a'nd Mrs. John G, Jackson, re
cent arrivals from Michigan. Only
tho Immediate rolativos and a feir
frionds of tho contracting parllei
woro present nt the ceremony. 3ir
Whoolcr, tho bridegroom Is n plumb
er by trndo, and tho happy couple
will go to Corvnllls for n fow weeh
whore Mr. WHooIer Is engaged to do
n Job of plumbing,
Over Ladd & Buch's Bank, Salem, Or
Norwich Union Fire
Insurance Society
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent.
Ofilco with Wm. Brown & Co., No.
20 Commercial street.
Miss Bertha Card rotAirned to her
homo In Orogon City Inst ovenlnir.
after n short vlBlt with frionds horo.
Ernest Lyons returned to his homo ,
In Sonttlo yoBtordny nftor a visit In j
this city with rolativos and frlond.
Plorce Rlgga of Crowly, Polk conn-
and farm 'andB at a bargain Cap
ital National Bank. C-l-eod-
For Rent Now 7-room houso, pump
on porch, 1G1C N. Commercial St.
Call nt Hill's Peel Room. Phoae
154. 8-2 7-1
ty, Is In the city trnnBnctlng buslnow Found Lndy's purso contalolas
nnd shaking hands with old friends.
Ray nnd Cllffo Smith havo return
ed from Portlnnd whero thoy trnna
ncted buslnoss and visited frionds
for n fow days.
Arnold Coffoo of Oregon City nr
rlvod todny to vlolt h's slstor, Mr3. Salesmen ARCntM $ I $ 150.09
small amount of money wa pick
ed up on tho stroot Inst evening It
J.D. Dnrby. Party can have sans
by Identifying nnd paying for ii
Journal office. S-27-St
Llborty strout,
(United Vrt Tt4t Win.)
Detroit, Mloh., Aug. 27 Tho of
tlolals of the MoGrogor Mission so
olety .dlseiiKsed tho strangest appli
cant for charity that over wandered
through their door today. It is no
less porson than Prince Hondrlx
Hull Puawharoo, crown prince pf
Abylsslnla, who will Bomo day sit
ou tho throne ot that country, an
successor to Emperor Menellk, hist
first counsln.
Prlnco Hondrlx was sent to tho
mission by a butcher to whom ho
applied for aid. Ho tells a strange
story of wanderings.
"My wlfo died whllo I was In New
York, and I sent home IS5, all I
had," ho said, "and now I am com
pelled to seek work.
"When I got to Chicago, all my
clothos wore stolen and I havo noth
ing but these on my back."
The black prince is an accomplish
ed linguist. Ho has travolled over
n,carly all tho world. Ho says that
ha is seeing what ho cau because ho
wllllvj. force to.t&k.ihetkrMe4"'
some- day and then will hvt to stay
Bun ta Ik 4 tig Hw Irtig 8&gt!
r O yUt-iC
W. Thomas, on N,
for n fow weeks.
Mrs. L. F. Patrick has returned to
her home In Portland arter spending
a wook visiting frlendi hoio and In'
Independence, '
Lute Williams of Portland Is hero '
Visiting with old frlenda. Mr. Will-1
Inns Is a formor Snlom lad and has
many frionds horo.
Jonathan Dourno, ticket ngent foi
tho local Southern Pnolfle atation,
left this morning for Portland to bo
with his mothor who Is 111.
Captain A. Hardy nud wife of
Nashville. Tenn., nro visiting nt tho
homo of Mrs. Ella FIshburn on M I
Wnltor Davis, a Southorn Pacific
engine driver and a former resident'
of tho Capital City, spent the day I
horo visiting friends.
Mls3 Grace Hopf returned to her
l)omo In Portlnnd this morning after
viBltlng with her mother, Mrs. G. !
Murray, for n few days.
Fathor Placidus from tho Mt. An-.
gol college la hero visiting for a short
time with friends. Ho brought 16.
altar boys down to witness the cir
cus. Dug Jesaup, formerly a prominent '
nop man in tnia city, but for thn
por weok and over can bo made
soiling Now Campaign Noreltw
from now until election. Sella ,w
stores, county fairs, plcnica ael
prlvato families. Complete line ol
samples, charges prepalr tor 50f
Ordor today. Chicago Novelty Co
60 Wabash Avo Chicago
7-27 lro-cod
For Kjile I havo furniture that 1H
Invoice $600. This will Inclnd
. everything In my five r om nosie
Thero U hot nnd cold wafer 8
range, bath, nnd eleir.t M?v'
Houso Is complete 'n evtn deta'
Threo blocks from bu-lness d
trlct. This furniture has onU
been In uso five months Wbat I
want to do Is to sell everjthiog"
It lies in my home. I nuwn bul
JM'fH. u will take monev to ba.(
this, but $350 cash or part c3
terms will glvo my home compl
to the buyer. This figure will w
Btand good until Sunday, Aug.
-187 N. High St., comer Marlon bt
Piinnn TUnln 7RR 8-27-tt
-ww wvt
(CoatUed From Pag;e L
past year in California, arrived this TurTof the campalgn'lnair
morning to visit and transact busl- Fort was elected. .
ness for a few days. . j Governor Fort's pronount
Miss F. Harrltt Hill of Spokane Is further denounces the action of
In the city visiting. She will leave May's Laidlng grand Jury which t
for California In a few days to Join days ago refused to ladlct At!B
her husband who U employed' aa City saloon men for alleged vioj
salesman for the Oakland Land Co. tfpns of tho law. He declares tw
: - , th,6 grand Jury nqw In saion. U
1 llkoly to find Indictments, ""
tfcreatteatod action In" calling an iiX
' session pf the legislature U lDL.
to show the grand Jury n lmv
tanc ot the work beiore
iw xssa&ts &jh! CfcUtre.
m Km m nm mm Mtu ttU" "- :rj :.zv .; ha..-
Beart- W7 scrs T- vlt8 frora wo men who pur rtf
a ttetXgjrZs lUuor last uaday la Atlantic w
saloona owaed by grand Juror.