) 5f t OJASKtalSKac-VHBa-" ..J-Ja., Mtritv.. jrt -, ?f '? irwiwm gjtaaf'dMrAJC jopxifJiil'gJLdttaitabd rinmcnxir, august t, iw Ul 1LW ' ... "111. M ! I I I. . jtrAtrx. , TIIR OANAfc ZONK n WwAlaglon, Aug, 27. Visitor)! ietwnlHg from PaiwtBja wy that thr is a jgod deal ef dissatisfac tion and Jealousy among the hlghe oflleUls of th Canal Zdne over tho apparent favoritism in tho matter of salary and omolumonte, compared with tho duties performed, which, it Is claimed, Is bIiowii to ono of tholr number "merely because ho Is a frlond of Prosidont Iloosovelt." Joaoph Dticklln Illshop, the sec- rotary of tho Canal Commission, Is the ono concerning whom complaint is mado, and it Is declared that tho attontlon of congress nnd parllculnr ly of the appropriations committees will bo called to the matter nt fho coming session. Dlshop draws an annual salary of 110,000 and It Is charged that thero has recently boon built for him a handsome- rosldoncc at a coot of $00,000 which ho oc cupies ront froo. In addition, It Is alleged, ho has carriages and four Jtorsen maintained at tho cost of the government besides ihrco mos s rigors who after doing their day's work at tho office aro called pon to ltetform other duties at Bishop's kouso. In rottirn for nil thifl "fat jwss" it Is declared that Dlshop dooi very little work. Hn In supposed to dlt the "Caifal Ilocord," a wookly publication devoted to tho printing of reports on tho progress of. tho filial work and Incidents of llfo In the "Zono." Iiut It Is stated Mat a clerk pnrforms practically nil the duties of getting out this wookly. and that Dlshop la scarcely ovor nt his ofH co. Tho affair linn almost apjrroachod ho dimensions of n scnndnl on tho Zone, It is said, o . WOULD .UIKH KAMI LIFE ATTIMCTIVn ipi" mi? -3r Wm TIiIb woman Hays Lydla Ti. Pinkliiim'H VogctAlilo CoiiiuiMind saved Jior life. Itcnd her letter. Mrs. T. O. Willndaen, of Manning, Iowa, writen to JMra. Pinklmm: " I can truly say that Lydla K. Pink Jin m'a Vegetable Compound saved my life, nnd 1 cannot express my gratitude to you in woviU, For years I suffered with tho worst forms of female com plaints, continually doctoring' and spending lota of money for medicine without holp. I wrote you for advice followed it ns directed, nnd took Lydla 11 Pinlclmm's Vcirutablo Comnound find It has restored me to perfect health, i iiiiu u noi uccn lor you l should liave been In my grave to-day. I wish every suffering womaa would try It." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydla E. Pink hfttn'H Vcgotablo Compound, mndo from rootH nnd horlw, 1ms boon tho standard remedy for females Ills, and has positively cured thounands of women who have Iwon troubled with displacements, inilamrnntloii. ulonra- tlon, illvoiil tumors, irrufrularitics, aad towns ikefre is a, great, deal ot trout plantisi going on, and tlifough this means the supply Is kept up pretty well," Mr. Turner said that his biggest piece of tuck with the fishing- pole was a ll4-pound trout. He Jald that ho did not take much time for fishing, however, nor did ho look for violators of tho law. The purpose of tho big tolir was n general survoy of tho Bcnstcr part of the state. o ... . LOOKING FOR OIL NEAR IJAKEIl CITY (Baker City Democrat.) Tho Ontario Co-Oporatlvo Oil and Gas. Co., fho first of the week order ed a standard rig to cost In tho neighborhood of $12,000 and ns soon ns tho same arrive active operations for tho exploitation for oil and gas In this near vicinity will bo com menced. Tho company will bore four wells through. tho shale, and thero lo no question but that nntural gas will be found, and It is moro thnn an oven chanco thnt oil will bo encountered, for all reports of this field omnnnt- Ing from experts, aro to the effect that this section, when dovolopod, will bo ono of tho largest oil fields In tho United States. Tho company has not ns yet de cided upon tho slto whore tho first woll will bo bored. , o No mcdlclno hna ovor dono moro towards warding off grip and pnou- monia nnd relieving distressing iwrjodlo pains, baekacho, that bear- nrlp cougo thnn Kemp's Balsam, the hiir.dnwti feollmr. flatulency. Iiiclitrcn Mnn,dIzzhieHH,ornervoiM prostration. Why don't you try it? Mrn. I'lnklinm invites nil Hick women lo wrlto her for advico. 8llO luH L'tlMcd tllOUNIlIKlH to uoulth. AddruMa, Lynn, Muss, best cough cure. Washington, Aug i!7. -That the commission roconlly rrouud b., President Iloojovolt to Inrtitlgato social nnd economic conditions on Iho fnrnm Of tho country will provo to bo tho most Important nnd far- reaching of nny of tho roforiUH un dertaken by direction of, tho Chief Mxtoutlvo, Glfford lMnchot, chlof ferestor of tho govornmont, nnd him self ono of tho commlsHlonors, firmly and enthusiastically believes. "The Prosidont has dono moro for the farmer by this move," said Mr. Pinchot to a Unltod Prcw correspon dent, "than nny othor slnglo act In the history of tho country. Too waay farmers sons aro loavlng tho homestead for tho more nttrnctlvo life of the cities; tho Prosidont thinks thero ought to bo hoiho way Im which to make llfo on tho farm ti attractivethat Is, in some othor way than money roturns thnt there will bo a Burpkis of fnrmors, rather than n nhortnga. He thlnkH the national woll-bolng lies with 4ho farmer--and ho Is right. If social conditions wcro Improved thoro need be no dearth of 'hands' for tho har vest tlmo. "No," continued Mr. Pinchot, "I don't hellovo tho President had nny yartlculnr soctlon of tho country In wind. Tho farmer of tho wot need aoclal enjoyment Just an miioh ns his brothor of tho south, of tho north or of tho east." The farm Improvement Idon Is a brand now ono In mnny ronpocU Thero aro many organisations work ing for a "bark to nnfiiro" exodus; thorc Is a "iMinccroft" orgs Ixitlon w.:(.-!i . f n: .i 'ry.'!- !-II,-: of nj.'y ,!fi hut ti- l.l a of retnlnlng tho farmor by making his onvlronmaui more ploumirnblu Is now. True, Dr. llnrvoy W. Wfley,. chief govornmont ohomlst, ihlloso- jihor, nutocrnt of tho "poison sqund" breakfast tablo, and exponont of tho sunny llfo, boiuo tlmo ngo suggostod n plan whereby tho farmer could got moro Boclnl IntorcourBo, but soino of tho obvious disadvantages moro thnn out-wolghed Its muny ex collont points. In brief his plnn omhodlod tho following peints: On ovory qnnrtor section of Jnnd, whoro tho cornors meet, tho farmers owning Innd In each quarter section should build tholr hoiiBOJ. Thnt would moan four dwelling nnd four fnmlllos within speaking dlstunco of pnch othor. Dr. Wiley thought that llfo wouldn't bo so lonoaomo on tho farm with four families forming Hinnll-alzod vll- lago uvory few miles. o . A couplo of seedy looking fcllowj woro mutunlly condoling, nnd ono wnB hoard td nay: "ThlngB hnvo gone tough with u ftluco fnrmors got too smart to bo the oasy marks thay usod to bo." A Tacoma news item iiKorms us that "County Auditor I. M. Howell rla anxious that committeemen of itho different election precincts file lists of election officers for the primaries wlthoift delay. So far very few lists have been filed." From tho wording of the laJt lino wo expect to hear a howl from the auditor before long We notice nn attorney In Tncoma by the name of Doollttlc. Of courso his nnme Has nothing to do with tho amount of his bill. 0 Madame Able advertises that she will teach dressmaking In ono of tho progressive cities on tho Bound, It there Is anything in a name sho should make an nblo teacher. New York dispatches stnto that Mrs. Holon K. Gould, In her suit for dlvorco from Frnnk J. Gould, names Rose Winter, nn actress, In tho com plaint. Although her name Is Winter and It Is rather lato In tho season for roses, still If the complaint be trim, itoso Is apt to make It blooming hot for somcono before the roses bloom again. r At Youngstown, 0 Mrs. Anna Sa knlofskl charges Mrs. Krnchlnskl with slnndor, tho complaint growing out of n search by tho dofendnnt for her chickens In the neighboring yards. Perhaps Mrs. Sn"kalofskl thinks Mrs. Krnchlnskl pneked-'om-offski. 0 -r k rnM- n-MT I -smiles- lift;-- " Jdk'ZJp A ".l iriiuc-iine When you nood n cough euro you need onu that will euro your cough. Kr:n;'j Balsam, tho host cough euro, will do It. A1I druggists soil It for 25 conts. o Now Notaries. F. A. Sullivan, Ooo. M. Strong, ,Wm. II. Smith, Portland. o Tnko Kodol whonovcr you fool that you need It. Thnt Is tho onlv tlmo you need to tnko Kodol. Just whon you nood it; thon you will not bo troublod with sour stomach, belching, gas on tho stomnch, etc. Sold by nil drugglstr. o WHAT CAN THE POOR ARILS DO? A Pittsburg grocer bonds his llsr of grocory specials with the werd: "How to avo monoy though hungry." That doosnot Intorost ui half so much us "How to get money whon hungry." O ' Vtw Soi-o I'cot. "I hnvo found Bucklan's Arnica Snlvo to bo tho propor thing to usn for soro fcot, ns well as for healing burns, soros, cuts, nnd all manner of nbrnslon8," wrltos Mr. W. Stono, of EnBt Poland, Mnlno., It Ib tho propor thing, too, for plios. Try It! Sold under gunranteo at J. C. Perry's drug storo. 25c. u Tho Hood Itlvor Commorclnl club is urging (no city council to go nhend nnd pavo tho streets. , 4H Hi M I. ' ..XT, ' , , j JlJPWTrMifiiiiiiiiw.ifiMiBiB im i in. n inn i im.,,,,, ,, ,w ,Mm Grows Hair and wo can PROVE IT! Desired Results. TT enlivens and Invigor.le, th heir 1 glands and tissues ohLeiT resultltiB In a contlno $ Increasing growth of the hJri in A Wy.'nim Urooklra mtm. Dandcrlne ..ii, ,he . makes It heallhv nnA I.... .-. . It is ho wetleit Milp inwprth, known. It is a wholesome meJickt for both the hair and scalp. Evea a small bottlo of It will m more genuine life In yer hair than a gallon of ,y other hair tonic ever inW. It shows results from tb very start. No w on sale at t cry dnj j mj toilet store in tho land j 3 tuei 25o, 50c and 9 1. 00 FreeJ,0'!1,?,!?''-"! Cut I Jrll.cntalKi!mpiorfte This aonaatLlifreer.iiiioinn.f: 0ul Knowllon Daniitrin Ca. Ct':n, wmi ineircarru ir Jtldrtii anil lOeln ilhtf r iud;i to pajr poitiRe ' rioposals for rufnlslilng SupplIcK I Tho Applogrowors' union at Hool fir Hip Oregon School for Denf River hnvo doolded to um-n a schoal VI,lt0M I to show tho propor way to pacx Proporals for furnishing Biippllot npplos. to tho Oregon School for Donf Mitto. for o- MOH10 OA.MI'J IX OHKGOX THAN KVKIt Nerve If wouk, worn-out, nervous, cannot slqop; hvo in3igostiou, Lcnd wlio, uournlgln or peri odic pains, it is bocauao yur norvos aro wouk. It k tho hck of norvo forco tlmt mnkoa llio stomaoli, )vt, lungs, oto., work wporfoctlybecomo sick. Dr. Miles' Nor vino euros tfee siok whon it restores ryq strongth, and puts tk iowor bohiiul tho or gttui to do tholr work. ,ww,t thr. yr I tufftrMt from lm vt tl; hurfrl. I oul,t not t 2r " 't coiwert, or walk o talk jieKoul nutrijrtng AUoL-eiher t wis tea Wi rwiduiui Sly doter jij ,, " w nur ,iwu, i aau tuu .i?"'.-"-!1. J dU Ml h iiirrn nam ..-. -" . . . .- - v.w v.v.i. i.v Pwwn w. rrti I rat nl.1 M)r Koo.. Un Mil' N.rUim UT.a ttr xw iU lift lmuKtrutt nw wiuiij, v-.7... dw rvrr uraisrui uusuh .lu... l i... ll&V.IA.tt I..... .. . C .V . '.'"'. ."! frwii tti nret. ttu4 a mi it rYeO link i - ... ... .. .. ik. new ixrson hit iiri 4tua v It nut only i.r, but I -.-.. -. " a.' "";" -i "..''w"' wi irim luiinr it, i H4V lmd nUdlutcJy m icwrn of my qkT trSJj ' Mlta iiDWAiirT t.-nr f SuwmJt M, WiMVMtVriUM. f. NHss1 Nrvln It ld by your fryyeict Mhe Mill euirantt that tht wm tfi Hd your money. MUw Medical Co., Klkhart, ImJ (Pendleton Trlbuno.) That gnnio Is on tho Inoronso throtiKhoiit tho entire limits of east ern Oregon was tho stntotnout of, Gnmo Warden O. V. Turner, who re trunod In his wngon yesterday from n lOOO-mlle tour of the stnto, oast of tho mountains, nnd ub far soutfi ns tho California lino. Tho trip was tnkon for tho pnirposo of milking a Bonurnl Investigation of conditions to report to tho statu gnmo warden. In dUouHJlug tho conditions rola Mvp to tho gunie situation yosterdnj nfternoon Mr. Turuur said: "Tho gnmo supply Is on tho Increase ow. Ing to the bettor laws which hnvo been In forco during tho past few years. . It was a common thing a row years ugo to Mini huntera killing off i no er simply ror tho ildos. Thev disregarded evnsoiitv and ovory other protoctlvo ineasuro. All this Is "topped now nnd as a result the deor nru Increasing. "Pralrlo ohlokons nro about to bo come H thing of the past In this etnto. They cau not long survhe the progrosa of clvlllmtlon. In farm ing, tho country tholr nosts ore Plowed up nnd tho Increase cut ofT. This cau not be avoided. OroMso and phensnt, however, nro on tho Increase. They t.ulld ami llvw In the timber whom thr u plowing and with reasonable nrotec- tion rroin tho gumo, laws, theru U no reason for the deorvaso t all "Quail ro getting ft gemi tart In Crook cuty nnd urn also doing welt In other parts, There Is a nlmrt wnion this fall for Iwntlng them, but they need rlly auothor year to get eturtod well. Trout tir holdlug tholr owu throughout mo.t nil of the .irm. In thttluterUir portions wf tho state AUoro thero U qry jMtle flsklux i . m.jiiy winimuem good Thero U no idantlng u those strsm nn little fUhtug. The Mreanis eem able to support about o mauv and n, supply continue about that point in tho Interior portlou of the nu Tho Inconsistencies of tho loglcnl box tlmt govorns us nro ofton truly Illuminating. A llttla while ngo n woman In Chicago was nrrosted and fined for wearing trousers whllo hIio was earn ing nn honest living ns n hod-carrlor In which fiisoful sorvlco eho found blfurcntod garments most conven ient. On tho othor hand, thoro Is n now ruling In tho general depart ment relating to mall carriers in which It Is hold that whon women aro employed In that capacity thoy must wear trousors. Such arbitrary decisions In both InBtnnces, upon sobor thinking, nro unjust and unreasonable- Women Suffrngo Assn. '?" ' Why Jiuiie lioo Out Well. Everybody In Znnosvlllo, o knows Mrs. Mary Lco.of rural route 8. 8ho wrltes: "My husband. James Leo, firmly belloves ho owos his llfo to tho uso of Dr. King's Now Discov ery. Ills lungs wore so sovorely af fected thnt consumption scorned In evitable, when n friend recommend ed NOW DlSCOVOrV. Wo triod lr nn.l Its uso hna restored him to porfect health." Dr. King's Now Discovery is mo King of throat and lung romodlos. For coughs nnd colds It has no equnl. The llrst dose gives rollor. Try Itl Sold under guaran too at J. C. Perry drug storo. 50c. and SI. 00. Trial bottlo free. Wlint In llest for Indlirestlon? Mr. A. Robinson of Drumquin. On tario, has boon troubled for yonrs with Indigestion, nnd recommends Chnmhorlnln's Stomnch nnd Ltvor Tnblots ns "tho host medicine I ovor used." If troublod with Indiges tion .or constlnntlon clvo thorn n trlnl. Thoy nro cortnln to provo bonoflclal. Thoy aro easy to take nnu pionsnnt in oncct. Prlco, 25 conts. Snmplcs free at Dr. Stono's drut store. o Tho heirs of tho $75,000 cstato ot V. II. Caldwoll of Albany hnvo been cited to nppcar In court September 28 nnd stnto why tho will should not bo declared 'valid. tno torm ondlnx January 31. Thoro nm mnni imii.t. ... 190S, will be rocolved nt tho oinco of .Witt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel Sar tho Superintendent till Saturday ,ut 34st ono odSlnol. Sold by all noon, Soptombor Gth. druggists. All bids must bo slgnod by bidder, Hop picking Is going ahead at state unit price, nnd bo extonded for rapid rnto nt Hni'risburg, Linn coun qunntlty. Whon a particular brand ty. is called for, bids Tor othor mnnu-S 0 .. facturo or brand will bo eutortalnod, Tlic Lnzlest Mnn In the World, but In such ensos sample should bo would not bo contontod to be kept submitted to Insure conslderntlon . ,n tH0 noil8 Rnt' doing nothing br or nil bids In whole or In imrt. don't noKloet tho first twin of m Quality bolng tho snmo, proforonco ' ftc, or pain that you might ttirt A Fnllhful 1-Ylcnd. "I hnvo usod Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and DIarrhooa Romedv slnco it was first Introduced to tho public In 1872, and hnvo novcr found ono Instance whoro a euro was not spoedlly offoctod by Its uso. I hnvo been a commercial travelor for 18 years, nnd never start out on n trip without this, my faithful frlond," snya H. S. Nichols of Oakland, Ind. Tar. Whon n man has usod n romedy lor ao years no Knows Ua valuo nnd Is compotent to speak. For salo by Dr. Stona drug storo. o . Petition. To tho Honorablo County Court of Marlon County, 'Oregen: We, tho undersigned, lognl voters of Horob precinct, In Marlon county. Stnto of Oregon, respoctfully petition your most honornble body to grant a llcenso to Mnrtldn & Snoed, of antes Marlon county, Oregon, to soil and keep for sale spirituous, malt nnd vinous Uquors and oldor known as hard cldor, nnd for tho granting of which your petitioners will v.n- pray: W, M. Thomas, Charley Thomas, S. O. Sorenson, H. Winkles, Conrad Miller, Honry Joost, It. Joost, R. a. Pierce, Grant Smith, J. H. nads. Henry Carmody, James Welch", Petor Nytrom, n. F. Clark. E. O. Hester, H. nortoy, U. F. Shlor, Charles Qon ales, E. 8. Chase, Geo. L. Random. T. J. Wlntors, J. J. Johnson, L. A. will bo given goods of Oregon mnn ufneturc. 3000 lbs sugar, dry granulated cane. COO lbs white navy benns. 80 lbB Golden Onto or Coldon West bcklng powder. r0 doz. cnn Dlaio Ribbon corn. CO bbls. flour, dollvered nt school In throo lots. 2 toiiB brnn, dollvered nt tho 3chool In three lots. 15 doz. canned oysters. 8 doz. Rex chipped beef. 100 gnllons syrup. 1 -bbl. vlnegnr. 15. doz. gallons tomatoes. 800 lbs salt, F. L. In 100-lb sackrt. 0 ensos tollot pnpor. 5 ensos sliver g'oas starch. 1 gross Muson's blacking. . 1 doz. shoo blnc'dng brushes. To bo delivered In quantllle moro or less ns roqulred: 200 lbs Mochn and Javn ooffeo. 200 lbs Oregon full cronm cheeso. 700 lbs Cream rolled onts. For blank fornn with additional detailed lists of minor grocorlos, hardware moats and lard, nnd soiiool room cupplles apply to E. S. Tllllnghnst, supt. ood to SoptG IB Just a "crick." Rub well lth Bnllard'8 Snow Liniment and no mnttor what tho trouble is, It will llsappoar at onco. Sold by all doalora. (Jnnvntl Weather Runuiwry. Tho tompornturo averaged nearly six degrees above the normal. The fore part of the week wna very warm and mnxlmum temperatures of 100 degree were common In many local Itlee. both to the east nnd to thj west of the Cascade mountains. Tho last two days were cooler, especially In the Wlllamett valley, whem th temperatures woro sllKhtly below- IlFfa, Q. L Savage, W C. Hatchard. normal. Showers prevnlled during hh A' He8tor. L T Dlko, J.Kk Mor- uiw miuuio or tne week in )... .. w. -- . ,w NtA- ireme northoastern counties, nd light rain Ml at the end of tho week In tho Willamette valley. Consldor. able olcttdlue occurred during the last threo dajs, which, together with tho little rain that fell, very lareetv olearcil the utmosphero of smoke which had been prevalent for several wovka. The sunshine was below normal, and tho prevailing wiads woro westerly. OAWTOSITA.. . ... . . - ! m U. j? IM V&L TM kf llsjij E,?srtf ?ud j sjSTZZS. Notice, Notice Is hereby given that wer Victor Martin and Jamos Sneed, of tho firm 0f Martin & Snced, will ou tho 3d day ot September. 190S. nn. iy ie me Jionorablo County Court ot Marlon county, State of Oregon, for & llcenso to sell spirituous, malt and vlneoua liquors iu less quanti ties than one gallon. In Horeh nr. clnct, Marlon county, State of Ore gon for the period of twelve month. Posted this 4th day of a...,o 190S. MARTIN & SNEED. Victor Martin and James Sneed. Cashes llogiis Checks. Washington, Aug. 27. Some whoro down in Texas, hot-footing to ward Moxloo, is the bold thlof who on August 10 stole from a treasury dapnrtmont mossonger nine pa chocks for officers of tho Marine Hospital Corps aggregates Jl.7-I2.47. So far he has succeeded In eluding the secret servlco mn on his trail. For n sharp-witted crobk he Is wonderfully careless. For Instance. one of tho stolon checks, for $80, iiicKeu up on tho Southern Pa cine railroad station platfortn at San Antonio tho other day. So far, four of tho missing checks have returned three of them cashed by forged en dorsement. The thief hna .i bee line for the border, leaving a trail of cashed checks behind him. The latest ono to be returned was cashed at Marfa, Toxaj, and was for 1213.33. Agricultural College Corvnllls, Oregon. Offors collegiate courso In Agricul ture, Including Agronomy, Horticul ture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus bandry, etc.; Forestry, Doracjtle Sclonco nnd Art; Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Mining Engineering Commorco; Phnrmacy. Offors olomontary courses In Ag'l culturo, ForosrVy, Domestic Sclenw and Art, Commorco, and Mechanic Arts, including forgo work, cabinet making, steam fitting, plumbing, machlno work,' etc. Stroug faculty, modorn equip ment; froo tiAtlon; opon September 25. Illustrated cataloguo with full in formation on application to the Reg istrar, freo. 7-31-3-vJ SALEM WATER COMPANY OFF1CB OlTy UAH For water service apply l oM BilU payable n-m.hlr In sdTr. BUTTERNUT 1IRKAU. It ld( worth more than any otfc' read yet the prlco is no Wl' or sairt at your grocers'. " CALIFORNIA BAJiKRV, fhuiuuk Ai Cooluy, 1'roiia. n.1 kak Kot,0, ,n he heglnnlns the bad atnak nt i-kVsn.i. .7,. ?? . . - wi'vuam iii hr &rS-.ut " yo a0 tnese llt- iii. i , 80 ""needed It will atVlo 0l. a ,onBer t,me to Put your atomaoh in good condition agVln let a bottle of KoUjI to,1ar. Sold by all druggttj flocky Mountain Voa Hu A Eaiy VLoiida foe V"J f Briep OoUeo HrIik n.l Vvv 1 rx AiTcflof-eContlptl'ulu'' r ?''. ntul Kl.liwy TruutleA l'impl.-.. - J.JSC Wl l)1cWclitf. H'n 1VJ W .'&, b ht Xorm ,m n) J1" tlOU ru Miisj Ciwi'iNt, Vi . "' VJ ONI OR MANY COLORS O- LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK ATIS AS UW AS USTES8 Hl'Stl