K. - "S. .. ' '.tefriir. " VxtU t -i v1"!" ?h MJEjtt'"fi"' "" ST" v -rfr- -. '.t-Y-W fA&Ki touxwi SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST. 20, 1008 NO. an - -sbsj: -; ; i-i:i - ' -- - ? . - -5 - " ..i, V . . . ' ' ' -' -,-irjrtn t. -T,r ytt"I - --;;. , ,-- ., - i - j i i " " ' ' ' ' ' "" ' 1 1 1 4ii.ii t , i .hun m i - 3rV IFTY MILLION COOS BAYBOISB RAILROAD FALLING ROPERTY LOSS FROM WATER WILL 60 FAR INTO MILLIONS HI6H f WORST DISASTER IN STATE SINCE THE YEAR OF 1840 ilril Press F il Wlroi) foWa, S f AUR. 20. Re tt reivca nui- louny lnuicaie tbor60 oi ous have lost their Ii'attie floods which arc raging (Hiitafc The oroperty loss will il blgh 'no tlio mllllonB, this kiTlng bcea v' Hod by no sucl !ir from high water Blnco tho Hoods of 1840. Tho Wntcrco : It out of it's bed at Camden lie heaviest loss of llfo la re- Jtlere, whoro 10 porsona wore when a bridge from which thoy woro watching tho waters, col lapsed. Tho Congarco rlvor horo has dono much duhmgo and tho wator still Is rlBlng. Reporta rocolvod from tho Lynch .rlvor district, through Capta tion aay tho nufforlng nnd loss In that soctlon Is heavy, nnd tovoral deaths nro roportod. Tho heavy rahiB hnvo boon falling for three days and tho damgo dono to tele graph and tolophono wires hns mado communication with tho Btirround Ing districts slow nnd In many casou fllCAGOME PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE - BREWER DIES IN PORTLAND PROMINENT ELK OE THIS CITV Charloa Scholl, the woll known browmnster at tho Salem browerv. 'dlod nt tho Good Samaritan hospital In Portland at 12 o'clock last evou Ing from Injuries sustained by n fall from tho bnck veranda of tho Col IIiib Springs hotoi, nt which plnco ho had boon for n short tlmo apend Ing hla annual outing. Ho was brought to Portland nftor falling from tho hotel veranda and break ing his leg, and was unconscious at tho tlmo of hlo death. Charley Scholl leaves rf wlfq and Httlo dnrjglitor to mourn his death, bosldos a host of, frlohds who will bo grlovcd to hear of his sad taking off. Ho was a man of storllng char actor, n kind fathor and husband, and n truo frioijd In tho tlmo of need. Ho had boon omployod at tho Salora browory threo years, making Ills homo horo and was a member of tho Elks lodge. ' ' ' WELCOME BRYAN AT OLD HOME GIVEN IMPROMPTU : OVATION NEW FALL MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAILY DIES' SUITS, LADIES' COATS, SILK PETTICOATS, FURS, SILK FiT8, DHISS GOODS, FIXE SILKS, LEATHER GOODS, V.M- "AS, VEILINGS, KID GLOVES, UrPEIt rLAXELKTTES, OUTING R.ftEK OUU PRICES TO UK THE LOWEST. FLANNELS, nLANKETS, FLANNELS, ETC. VK yards of Cellcooa, Qhal- .," wwna. now on sale nt ' ViC Anil Kr. nn. i - " t'i juru. VM Tarda of Dark nnd Light 7"" uullnB Flannels. A good 1wMtrat4Ucayard LkU1 n Huck Towels all lc, 12J$o 1P. oc. 8 l.rL. . , la' tl.Sft it .. wif. , '"" fercaio r no oa ie for 8c. TM Hon m ' w,u, a pair 5Ct 111! .. l"1 Aer &.i(. . lr haadiamo . ' UIde prjce8. BakV i L tttln . . . miT;:r o kertt ,re"y suit . get beat and lft-H 81250 If JTin . . . 1 lnl ,n th0 fflrji'iii NEW . FAll Now on exkHiltlon. If you want Swell Hats at Small Prlce3 come to the CHICAGO STOHE. LEM, OREGON Impossible. Tho full Oxtont of the dnmngo dono by tho floods Is not known. Itctiort of noods. Washington, Aug. 20. Tho fol lowing official roport of tho floods In South Carolina was Issued today by tho Southorn Railway from the gonoral ofllcors hore: "Rnlna hnvo been very hoavy ovor our linos botweon Columbia and Greonvlllo, S. C, and between Co lumbia, Spartanburg, S. C, nnd Aahovlllo, N. C. "Tho Broad rlvor at Alster, S. C , Is out of 'it's banks and Is higher than at any othor tlmo In flvo years. Tho fill west of Sholton, S. C, on tho Spartanburg lino. Is being wash ed out badly, and t horo Is a cavo-ln at Herbert'? aiding between Alston and Spnrtnnburg. Tho. trestlo is re ported to bo n bad ahopo over Biff creek Just east of Wllllamston, S. C. A 30-foot slide, a smaller slide aud a washout are reported from Mel rose, N. C, and Tryson, N. C. The tracks for 400 feet' has been washort out between Pelser, S. C, and Plord mont, S. C." Tho resports recolved by tho com pany still are complete on account of bad wire conditions. Durham; N,- C, -Aug. 26. The people of Hlllsboro have been driv en from their homes by tho flood nnd, abandoning tho lower section of the city are seeking refuge in high places, . Reports from tho surrounding country 6ay that the damage U heavy. Bridges are submerged and roads are Impassable. urops nave ueen aesiroyea ana farmers in sections are entirely aur rousded by water, .making it Impos sible for the people (o move out. The property Iom will amount to many thousands of dollars, The Neuso river has gone four feet over the highest water mark previously recorded. United Prws l.cnnci! Wire.) Snlqjn, III., Aug. 20. With, th bnnd playing "Home, Swoot Home" nnd several thousand of his old frlondB nnd neighbors nt tho'dopot to groat him, William J. Drynn Btop pod off the train at hla blrthplnc today. Tho candidate was OBcorted nbqtit town followed by an lmpromp tu parade and onthUBlnsm was un bounded. , Bryan wns ontortnlnod nt tho homo of his relatives horo nnd nt rfoon wns tho guest of tho Demo cratic club at a luncheon nt 1ioad- qiiaftora. Thoodoro A. Bell oftCaJL-. fomla was 'ono of" tlio 'cbmmbnorfH' pnrty and was ono of tho guesta nf, tho luncheon which nssumod .thu character of n wolcomo to Brian's old homo. v Tho Domocratlc hcadquartoni wore crowded with old tlmors who know Bryan ns a boy and enmo to chat with him about old times. "I know you when you woro short pants nnd wont -barefooted," ox rlnlmcd n grizzled old farmor, prcs- Ing forwnrd in tho crowd to grnspj the candidate's hand, Bryan smiled nnd shook tho old fellow's hand and drow him to ono sldo whoro thoy talked for sovoral minutes ovor old times. Thousands of pcoplo woro present, to got n gllmpso of tho candidate and henr him talk. Ills addrosa at tho luncheon was informal. Ho explained tho policy of the Democratic party and dwolt on his boyhood days, Most of hla address was dovotod to his issue, "Shall the people rulo?" Bell followed Bryan with n brlof address. Tho Callfornlan Bcorod tho Republican party for having "sold out to tho interest" nnd declared no rellof could bo oxpected from tho party In power, Ho declarod his be lief that Bryan can carry tho Pacific coant In the fall if tho Democrats will stand together. His speech was well received, o PROJECT A BIG ONE FOR STATE LINE WILL TAP MICH COUNTRV . A $50,000,000 railway from Coos Bny to DoIbo city Is tho astounding iiowa dashed in a apodal dispatch, to Tho' Copltnl Journal. Tho now cor poration Ib to bo known ns tho Coos Uny and Ualfto City Railroad com pany, tho filing foes for tho nrtlclen of Incorporation of which) In Ihroo Btntcs, amount to $13,000. Tho Incorporators nnd bnckora of this tromomlblis undertaking ns shown by the" nrtlcloa of Incorpora tion, nro L. D. Klnnoy, J. F. I'olly nnd C. A. Sohlbrodo. Whllo roportB on thin big under taking arc i aa yet moagor, It Is plain o bo soon that this will bo ono of Ujo host atfBOts Oregon has apcurod In'recont years, and 1b nnotlior ovl denco of tho faith nnd confldonco In which tho stnto- is hold by linanclow. Jii.' D. Klnnoy, J. P. Polly and O. A. Sohlbrodo fllo nrticloB of Incor poration, Coos Bny and Bolso Rnll rond. Capitalization fifty millions. Filling foes In threo states, amount to tlilrtoon thousand dollnru. THIRTY ENTOMBED IN MINE MAY BE BURNED TO DEATH PORTUGESE REBELS PLOTTING (United I'rcw Lcnueri Wlro.) MoAUIslor, Oklo., Aug. 20. Thir ty minora nro roportod to bo on tombed na tho roault of an explosion this nftornoon In a coal initio nt Hulloyvlllo, Oklahoma. . Tho mlno Ib ono flro nnd It l foarod tho ontombod men will be burned to donfli before holp can reach thorn. Reports from Ilfyfloyvlllo this aft ornoon Bay that retailors nro work ing doapertitoly to reach tho raon who woro cut off tho oxploslon. It, Ib not known howtilck the wall ot' debris, closing the entrance is, but as theferrorka-,o' flrev there Is Httlo hope of saving any of the1 SO entombed. Tho burning- mltumlnous coal hasa producod a heavy suffocating gaB and tho dlsator Is bolloycd to be the worHt ovor known in this Bectlon. Tho offlcIalH aro using every effort to koop tho wives and chl'lroii of" the biiriod mon away from the Bcone, TOLSTOI IS NEAR DEA1H Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 26. The heaviest rains in many ycaro bare prevailed here for tho last 48 houra in central and western North Caro lina. Much damage has been done and It Is feared that lives bare been lost In the outlying districts. (Ualtftd I ret Unttd Wire.) St, Petersburg, Aug. 26. A mes sage reoeived here today from Yos naya saprs that Count Leo Tolstoi, the famous philosopher and author Is critically 111 at his home -thoro, from a complication of troubles and may die. Several weeks ago, Tolstoi wax stricken with a levere attack of rhoumatlam following a cold plunge Into the river while la an overheat ed condition from a long walk. He was confined to his bed for some time and complications set in Today's message says that ho Is very lew. " ' New Xfrtark. . John D. Wilcox, Portland; John M. Loder. Oregon City; Vawter Crawford, Heppaer; P. ? 0 I fayette. (United Tress r.ned Wire.) Lisbon, via Tho Frontier, Aug. 20 Believing a widespread revolu tionary plot Is brewing in Portugal tho government is roBortlng to secret ropreaslro moastircs in eoino ro spocta ovon mora vigorous than those preceding tho assassination of King Carlos and hla son, tho Crown Prince LuIb. Tho gonoral ordorit Is stiod to thjsr effect from tho royal palace bocome known today through an ofllcer stationed on tho frontier at Montalvao. According to tho Bory of this of llcor young King Manuel is not por mitted (o utlr from tho palaco ex cept In tho midst of a cordon of picked guards, Except for a few roglmonta -of trlod loyally Httlo de pendence itf placed In tho troops and tho palaoe garrison Is belug con stantly reduced by tho suspicions of the king's advisers, who fear to keen soldiers In tho capital upon wkom they cannot lopend The -l)t of trated men In thu beconilag rapidly depleted. ' Tho rolalsters also fear to arouse public outcry by making wholesale arrests of suspected robots. Should the prUonors become stuffed with these, an- outbreak would be Inevit able. Troops on the frontier aro o Indifferent to the cause of tho gov ernment ibat they aro permitting wholosala smuggling of arms Into the country. Tflft Goom FMtlHg, Hot Springs, Vn., Aug. 20. rAr rnngomonta for tho depnrlAiro of the Taft party woro completed today and tho start for tho wook's flBhing trip will bo mado at 8:30 o'clock Frldny morning. NewBpapor ro portoru who Hnvo boon with tho can- dldatQ horo will accompany tho par ty in a spoclnl car tho cost of which la to bo bonno In common, Tho first top to bo mado will bo at Oauloy, whoro tho car will bo Bldo-tracked for threo hours. A three-minute stop will bo made at QnlilpoB, Ohio. At Athons, Oklo, Tnft will mako a non-poll Heal ad dress to tho Civil war veterans, Toledo will be reached nt 10 o'clock Saturday night and to avoid Sunday traveling tho party wUl em bark at once for Middle Bush Island, whoro tho week' outing will be spout at tho Middle Bass club. It la expected that a iiumbor of loaders will como to tho bay during tho wook to hold conferences with Taft but most of tho tlmo will bo spent In flailing and rocroatlon In preparation for tho hard work of the campaign which will start as soon as bo roaches Cincinnati, where ho will make his headquarters. He prob ably will start for Cincinnati, Sept. 7. KHlffbtM' Templar Gather. Pueblo," Colo.. Aug. 20. A bril liant welcome was extended today to the hottts of Colorado' Knights Templar who have foregatherod hero for the annual stato conclave. The celebration will continue for two days. A parade of all the lodges' tWr4 etehiirtt within a NEWS FItOM HKKK, TIIMKE AND KVKItYWHHttF: Whllo conducting'' a "hollBesV mooting In Chicago and exhorting slnnora to como forward to tho inournors' beach, John Hutcheraoc was confronted by a young girl named Cora Thompson, wko laid a child at his feet oa the monrneru' bench and accused him of being the fathor. He admits the accusation, Adolph W, Orooley, retired gen eral U, S. A., states Japan Is too busy with debt an labor problems at bometo seek war, Slaco the recent riots and killing at Spongioid, III., threteniR let ters have been received by employ era warning them to discharge all negroes. Bhb, Ariz., has been vMted by this morning marked opening of festivities. the formal iwmth. The ely much 4m, yMtfrrtlay did